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American Mineralogist, Volume 67, pages M3452, 1982

Review of the behavior of plagioclase under metamorphic conditions

Julrex R. Gor-osurru
Departmentof the GeophysicalSciences
The Universityof Chicago
Chicago,Illinois 60637


The behavior of plagioclasefeldspars under metamorphic conditions is reviewed. The

literature on plagioclasecomposition as related to reactions involving zoisite (epidote) and
other calcic phases,the peristerite gap, and the coexistenceofintermediate plagioclasesof
various compositions is presented. The various ideas on the relative effects of structural
statesand of the role of chemicalreactionson subsolidusrelationsare considered.Two
views, not mutually exclusive, relative to plagioclasecompositions,are apparent: a
"homogeneous"view, emphasizingcontrol by crystal-structuralfactors,and a "heteroge-
neous" view, dominatedby sequentialmineralogicalreactions.

Mineralogy and petrology are supplementaryand dence, attempted to explicitly define the nature of
complimentary disciplines. Much of our under- the relationship. Ramberg proposed an equilibrium
standingof the petrology and ultimately the geology between epidote and "anorthite-molecule" in the
of any portion of the earth is dependent on our plagioclase:
knowledge of the properties and characteristics of
2CaAl2Si2O8+ llzHzO = Ca2Al3Orz(OH)
minerals and of mineral interactions. The petrolo-
gist examines the minerals to help unravel the anorthite "epidote"
history of a rock; the mineralogistgains insight on + l/2Al2sio5 + 1/2sio2
mineral behavior from accumulatedinformation on kyanite quartz
the rocks. Somemineralswith limited composition-
al and structural variation have little to reveal. He then wrote a reaction in which calcic plagioclase
plus water breaks down to a more albitic plagioclase
Others, such as the feldspars,may contain a great
plus epidote,kyanite, and quartz and constructeda
deal of information, but can be complex and stub-
born in revealingtheir secrets.A voluminouslitera- theoretical curve for the equilibrium in which, with
ture on plagioclasehas not yet clearly characterized decreasingtemperature, an increasingly sodic pla-
gioclase is stable with epidote. Ramberg was fully
the phaserelations.The equilibriumpicture is over-
lain by confusion compoundedof and dominated by cognizantofthe role ofpressureand drew schemat-
kinetic factors. Furthermore,heterogeneous ic diagramsof both isobaric and isothermal surfaces
alogical reactions can be affected by the varying for the reaction. He considered this reaction rela-
energeticsof differentstructuralstates.This review tion to be a continuous one all the way from the
greenschistto the granulitefacies.
briefly covers and is restricted to the highlightsof
papers on plagioclasefeldspars in metamorphic Ramberg(1949)extended his ideas on the plagio-
rocks, and is followed by a report on an experimen- clase-epidote equilibrium to potassium-rich rocks
tal investigation that bears on plagioclase stability with orthoclaseand muscovite. A secondcontinu-
at_elevatedtemperaturesand water pressures. ous reactionoccurs:
Petrologistshave long been aware of an increase 4CaAlzSizO8+ KAlSi3Os + H2O
in anorthite content in some metamorphic rocks anorthite orthoclase
accompanying an increase in metamorphic grade
(Becke, 1913).Although earlier workers had con- + 2SiO2
? KAhSigOro(OH)z+ 2Ca2Al3SirOrz(OH)
muscovite epidote quartz
sidered a relationship between plagioclaseand epi-
dote or other Ca-rich minerals(seeChristie, 1959), Figure I is a reproduction of his (2-dimensional)
Ramberg (1943), largely on the basis of field evi- diagram.The dashedcurve, representingthe equi-
00 il3

curve, and the data clearly indicated a gradual
increasein the anorthitecontent of the plagioclases
SL D with increasinggrade of metamorphism.He noted
of :+ significantdeviations,however, and indicatedthat
z PLAGIOCLASE there are problems, as recognizedby Ramberg,in
its use as an index of intensityof metamorphism.In
1t ar%\ addition, Lyons noted, ". . . a great paucity of
F metamorphic plagioclase in the range of Anrr
= -^\ Ramberg's (1943, 1949, 1952) deduced curves
= 1t l l
EPIDOTE lt were continuous in nature, implying an equilibrium
that variescontinuouslywith temperature(or meta-
4 U
morphicgrade).A numberof field studiesin region-
(Kyonite, tl
- E9 ally metamorphosedterraneshad given some indi-
M u s c o v)i t e Y o ' r9
cation of a rapid conversionof albite to oligoclase
or sodic andesineover a short distance, but it is
1l likely that the first clear-cutevidencefor a discon-
t tinuous increase in plagioclasecomposition with
increasinggradewas describedfrom greywackesof
0 20 40 60 80 t00
C o ,A l N o ,A l the Missi series, Manitoba (Ambrose, 1936; see
Silicotes Silicotes Brown, 1962).Ambrose commented on abundant
Fig. l. ReproductionofRamberg's (1949)subsolidusdiagram epidote, and assumed that original intermediate
of the plagioclaseP epidote equilibrium, deduced in part from plagioclaseof volcanic rocks has reacted, ".
field observations. according to the familiar equation: plagioclase +
water * iron : albite + epidote * alumina *
librium of plagioclaseand epidotein the presenceof silica." He noted that water-clear albite persists
muscoviteand potash feldspar is drawn somewhat with little changethrough the biotite zone, but with
abovethe K-free equilibrium becausemuscovitein the appearanceof garnet, the anorthite content of
associationwith K-feldspar and quartz has some- the plagioclaserises abruptly from An64 to An2s-32
what lower Al-activity than kyanite. Ramberg and that epidote is greatly diminished in amount
pointed out that increasedH2O pressuredisplaces above the garnet isograd, concomitant with the
the equilibrium toward epidote, as does increasing appearanceof oligoclase.
the Fe3+/Alratio becauseof the ability of epidoteto Sincethe earlier years of the 20th century, when
incorporateFe3* in its structure. Rambergconsid- the nature of the isomorphousreplacementof Na
ered the reactions of Figure I to span a temperature and Si for Ca and Al in the plagioclasefeldspars
interval of approximately500"C, and facies,repre- became known, petrologistshad long considered
sentingtemperature,are ploted on the vertical axis. the plagioclasesto be an ideal solid solution series.
He felt that the epidote-plagioclaseequilibrium in The dogmaof one rock, one plagioclase(excluding
most quartzo-feldspathic rocks cannot registerP-Z zoning, or other non-equilibriumphenomena)pre-
conditions higher than those that would develop vailed. Chao and Taylor (1940) were the first to
Ansg-ao plus epidote,due to the low CalNa ratio in observe superstructurereflections in X-ray diffrac-
these rocks. Ramberg (1952)further extendedthe tion patterns of intermediateplagioclases,indicat-
plagioclase-epidote relations to a more complex ing structural complexities.Chao and Taylor con-
systemcontainingCaCO3and indicated that rocks sidered this as evidence against a complete solid
with the sameplagioclasecompositionsmay have solution series, although a strong hint had earlier
formed at different temperatures,dependingon the appearedwhen Taylor et al. (1934)found the c-axis
partial pressureof water. of anorthite to be twice that of albite. Kohler
Lyons (1955) plotted plagioclasecompositions (1942a,b) and Larsson (1941) were the first to
againstmetamorphicgradein the Hanover quadran- explicitly describeoptical diferences betweenpla-
gle (New Hampshire-Vermont)as a check against gioclasesofplutonic and volcanicrocks, and thus to
Ramberg's(1943)diagram. He observedthat in a differentiate high-temperature from low-tempera-
general way the separation of the plagioclase-epi- ture plagioclases.Cole et al. (1951) showed that
dote and plagioclase fields followed Ramberg's low-temperatureplagioclasefrom An3qto AnT2had

complex superstructures.Laves (1951, 1954) re- free energy raises and flattens the plagioclase-
ported that there are plagioclasesin the composi- epidote equilibrium curve in the An35-An5sr&ng€,
tional range of approximately An5-Ar17, &rlorg reducing the temperature interval in which calcic
them peristerites,that show two phasesin "single- andesineis stable.
crystal" X-ray photographs.Laves estimated the Brown (1962)presentedan excellentreview and
compositionsof the exsolvedphasesto be approxi- clarification of the subject of peristerite unmixing in
mately Ane and An3s. Gay and Smith (1955)con- the plagioclasesand related metamorphic and facies
firmed this observation,and refined the estimation series.His summaryof the field observationsindi-
of composition of the two phases as An3*2 and cated that the rate of increasein the composition of
Anzt=z.Thisregion of compositionwas termed the the most basicplagioclasewith increasingmetamor-
"peristeritegap". Additional crystallographicwork phic grade is continuous or nearly so in rocks of the
and refinement was done by Ribbe (1960, 1962), andalusite-sillimanite type and perhaps in the low-
Brown (1960),and Fleet and Ribbe (1965). pressureintermediatetype. A jump occursbetween
Christie(1959)pointed out the significanceof the about An7 and about An26in the kyanite-sillimanite
peristeritegap in low-temperatureplagioclases,and type and the high-pressureintermediatetype, and in
that as a consequenceRamberg'ssmoothunbroken the jadeite-glaucophane type only albite seems to
curve needed modification. He also assumedan exist. He mentionedthat the relation betweengar-
immiscibility gap in the intermediateregion delin- net and the discontinuityin plagioclasecomposition
eatedby Cole et al. (1951)in the low-temperature is not clear; there is an implication that reactions
plagioclases.On the basis of the discontinuitypro- involving garnet and other Ca-rich phases may or
ducedby the peristeritephenomenon,Christie stat- may not be important in this connection.Sen (1963)
ed that the plagioclaseepidote thermometer was pointed out that not all plagioclases unmix, thus
useless. breaksin compositionare not always present, and
At this sametime de Waard (1959)publishedon at any rate are of no avail in delineating metamor-
basicand pelitic schistsof the Usu massifin Timor phic facies. Demarcationmust be made on empiri-
and noted changesin the An content of the plagio- cal grounds based on petrographic observations,
clasesover relatively short distances,reflecting a and checkedagainstother independentevidenceof
successionof narrow zones of metamorphism.He faciestransitions,such as reactionsinvolved in the
found the frequency of occurrence of plagioclase metamorphicprocess.
betweenAn5 and An2sto be remarkablylow, partic- Kretz (1963) restated Ramberg's (1943, 1949,
ularly in the basic schists.He was almost certainly 1952)emphasison the fact that by the nature of
unaware of the evidence of a peristerite gap, and their compositions plagioclase-epidotereactions
suggestedthat the abrupt change is coupled to the must involve one or more additional phases,and
formation of garnet in pelites and hornblende in that knowledge of the reactions is essential to an
basic rocks. The papers by Christie (1959)and de understandingof plagioclasethermometry. Through
Waard (1959)set off a small flurry of activity in the the use of some simplifying assumptions,Kretz
early 1960'son the nicetiesof the plagioclasecom- derived equations to interrelate the composition of
positional problem from two points of view: (a) plagioclase,temperature,pressure,chemicalpoten-
faciesboundaries,and (b) crystal-chemicalaspects. tial of HzO and the composition of the other solid
From this point until the presentthere have been solutionsthat take place in six univariant universal
numerousfield observations,a number of interpre- reactions,three of which were consideredby Ram-
tive papers, rather few experimentalstudies, and berg:
many crystallographicinvestigations,all related to
the plagioclases,and directly or indirectly, to their epidote * muscovite + quartz
P anorthite * potashfeldspar + H2O (l)
behavior in metamorphic and low-temperature en-
vironments.Someof the earlier interpretivepapers epidote + kyanite + quartz
<= anorthite + H2O (2)
are by Rutland (1961,1962),Christie (1962),Noble
(1962),Sen (1963)and Kretz (1963).Noble (1962) epidote + CO2
summarizedthe previous field and theoretical work a anorthite * calcite + H2O (3)
relative to the peristeritegap and presenteda fur- epidote * chlorite + quartz
ther refinement of the Ramberg-Christie diagrams. ? actinolite * anorthite + H2O (4)
He also consideredthe effect of intermediatemeta- epidote actinolite + quartz
stable plagioclases,suggestingthat the increased e anorthite + calcic pyroxene + H2O (5)

epidote + quartz commonly exhibited by both plagioclaseand epi-

dote solid solutions in geologic systems can be
€ anorthite * grossularite+ Hro (6) attributed to minor isothermal/isobaricchangesin
the compositionof coexistingaqueoussolutions.
He then modified the equilibria by imposing feld- It is apparent that there have been two different
spar ordering, or non-ideal behavior in the reac- views on mechanismscontrolling plagioclasecom-
tions, and thus for the first time attempted to treat positions,particularly in metamorphicrocks. One
two of the factors that are involved in the behavior might be called an internal, or homogeneousmecha-
of plagioclaseunder metamorphicconditions. nism, controlled by structural discontinuities,or-
Rambaldi (1973)found a general increase in the der{isorder, or other crystallographic features in
anorthite content of plagioclaseand a decreasein the feldspar.The other is the result of external, or
the Al content of epidotewith increasingmetamor- heterogeneous factors, suchas progressiveor retro-
phic grade in metasedimentsand metavolcanics gressivesequencesof mineral reactionsinducedby
near Bancroft, Ontario. Plagioclasecrystals are changingP-? conditions,producingdiscontinuities
commonly zoned, becomingricher in anorthite to- in plagioclasesas a consequenceof "abrupt"
ward the rims, and epidote crystals may also be changesin mineral assemblages.Either is feasible
zoned,enrichedin iron toward the rims. The plagio- and both might be operative: discussion of the
clases associatedwith epidote are mostly oligo- homogeneousview began with Chao and Taylor
clasesand andesines,with a maximum of Ana6.The (1940),and evidencefor compositionaldiscontinui-
plagioclasein rocks without epidote is generally ties in natural plagioclasespresumably produced by
albitic. Misch (1968)also observedthat plagioclase structuralcontrol is given, for example,by Doman
more calcic than An37-asis rare in the epidote- et al. (1965),and DeVore (1956).The concept of
bearing subfaciesof the amphibolite facies Skagit heterogeneous control is implicit in the writings of
Gneiss of Washington State. Rambaldi attributes Ramberg(1943,1949,1952) and espousedby others
the increasing An content to the breakdown of sincethat time.
epidote,and consideredfifteen possiblemineralogi- Up until this point there had been no recognition
cal reactionsthat may be involved in the various of the existence of two optically distinguishable
compositional changes. More complex reactions plagioclasephasesin any rock other than presumed
than those discussedby Kretz (1963) are recog- disequilibriumassociations(see for example, Sen,
nized, and generally involve sphene and Fe-Ti 1963).Evans (1964),in a combinedmicroprobeand
oxides.Hoy (1976)also observed"positive zoning" universalstagestudy (microscopyby F. J. Turner),
of metamorphicplagioclases(increaseof An con- was the first to report clear-cut duality in plagio-
tent toward the rim) associatedwith prograde meta- clasecompositionfrom schistsof the almandineand
morphism, and "negative zoning" with retrograde oligoclasezones in New Zealand. The albites are
reactionsin the Riondel area of British Columbia. very pure, the bulk of the grains below Anr.o.
These phenomenaare associatedwith the model Epidoteis presentin all of the rocks. The coexisting
reaction clinozoisite * tremolite + quartz ? diop- oligoclaserangesfrom An1s.3to An25.6,averaging
side + plagioclase + H2O. The distribution of Anzr-zq.s,andthe two plagioclasesoccur sideby side
isogradsand the variation in plagioclasecomposi- as distinct grains. There is some tendency for
tion in the above assemblageis modeledusing T- oligoclase to occur as thin irregular strips along
X66, diagramscalculatedat 5 kbar pressure,indi- albite grain boundaries.
cating that An content increaseswith increasingT Observationsof two plagioclaserocks became
andXss,; Hoy indicatedthat in the assemblageepi- relatively common after Evans' (1964)note, per-
dote - actinolite - qo rtz - diopside- plagioclase, hapsbecausethe ice was broken, but also because
plagioclasecompositions ) An6e are reached at of the availability of the electron microprobe. Tsuji
temperaturesabove 600'C and at X66, values of (1966)studied the Higo metamorphicsin Kyusyu,
0.5-0.6. Ghent and DeVries (1972)had also consid- Japan,where two plagioclases,one with albite and
ered the role of X6s, in plagioclasecompositions. the other with oligoclaseor andesinecomposition,
Bird and Helgeson(1981),in an extensivereview occur sideby sidein the samethin section.Interme-
and treatment of the system NazO-KzO-CaO- diate compositions do not occur. Although the
FeO-Fe2O3-AlzO3zO-HCl-2 at temperatures to 5 compositional gap seems to decreasewith rising
kbar and 600' C, concludethat the complex zoning temperature and minimum and maximurn An con-

tents converge to Anla in the central part of the verse zoning, even three-fold zoning, in epidote-
highesttemperature(garnet)zone, Tsuji cautioned bearing, amphibole-freerocks of the eastern Alps.
againstthe use of a presumedperisterite gap as the The plagioclasecores are commonly 0-6VoAn, with
sole explanation,pointing out the possibility of a 14-19%An in the rims. CompositionsbetweenAn5
reaction at the boundary between the epidote am- and An15 are rare, presumably representing the
phibolite and the amphibolite facies where albite, peristerite gap. Plagioclasesmore calcic than An35
chlorite, and actinolite react to form a componentof are also rare. Only calcite-free or low-calcite rocks
amphibole that enriches the plagioclasein Ca. were studied,as the An-contentof the plagioclaseis
Crawford (1966) studied two suites of regionally significantly increased in rocks with greater than
metamorphosedsemi-peliticschistsfrom Vermont 20Vo carbonate. They noted that the presence of
and New Zealand in order to investigate the para- margarite may also influence the Ca-content of the
genesisof low-temperatureplagioclase.On the ba- plagioclase,as indicated by Ackermand and Mor-
sis of coexisting albite and oligoclase,and taking teani (1973).In epidote-containingrocks, they call
into consideration reactions to produce different upon the peristerite gap plus an ill-defined two-
associatedCa-rich phases, Crawford outlined a stage metamorphic process with increasing tem-
peristerite solvus with a vertical albite limb and a peraturesto accountfor the feldsparcompositions.
slopingoligoclaselimb, at pressureson the order of Frey and Orville (1974)studied a margarite-bear-
5-7 kbar. The solvus maximum occurs at about ing black shalefrom the central Swiss Alps with the
450-500"C (corresponding to the almandine-stau- following unusual features:
rolite isogradsin the Vermont area) and spansthe 1) The first plagioclase to appear in the lower-
plagioclasecompositionsAnl to An2aatlower tem- gradegreenschistfaciesis not albite,but oligo-
peratures. clase-andesine(-An:o).
Cooper(1972)followed progressivemineralogical 2) The An-content commonly remains constant
changes in metabasic rocks of a Barrovian-type with increasingmetamorphicgrade.
series,from greenschistto amphibolitefaciesin the 3) Some rocks at the transition from the green-
southern Alps of New Zealand. This area is the schist to the amphibolite facies show unusual-
sameas that studied by Evans (1964)and Crawford ly high An-contents (up to Anzo). Graphical
(1966).As did Crawford, Cooper used coexisting analysis of the system CaO-Na2O-AlzOr-
compositionsof albite and oligoclasethrough the SiO2-H2O-COz(with SiO2, H2O, and CO2 in
garnet zone to outline the form of the peristerite excess)with the phasespyrophillite, parago-
solvus.At the oligoclaseisogradethe compositions nite, margarite, zoisite, calcite, and plagio-
are An6-1 and An23-25.In Vermont the calcium clase satisfactorily explains the variable com-
mineral participating in the development of oligo- positional nature of the plagioclase and addi-
clase is a carbonate, in New Zealand, epidote. tionally points to the importance of certain
Cooper noted that oligoclase first appears as thin specific reactions under varying conditions of
discontinuousrims around an albite nucleus at the P-T-X in controlling the composition of the
garnet-oligoclase-hornblendeisograd, and although feldspar.
oligoclaseis soon in evidenceas individual grains, The importance of the Fe content of epidote and
zoned grain relationships persist throughout the the oxidation potential on the composition of the
garnet zone. With increasing metamorphic grade associatedplagioclasewas discussedby Hormann
through the garnet zone oligoclase increases in and Raith (1973),who investigatedthe Fe3+content
amount, becoming more sodic in composition, of epidotes in a metamorphic series from Tyrol,
while albite decreases,becomingmore calcic. Coo- Austria. Fe3* in epidote as well as the oxidation
per stated that true amphibolite facies status is ratio (Fe3+ x 100/Fe3++ Fe2*1 decreasesfrom
attained by the final disappearanceof albite at the greenschist to almandine-amphibolite facies. Re-
secondoligoclaseisograd, either by the complete dox reactionswere suggestedthat account for ob-
replacementof albite coresby oligoclase,or (proba- served mineral assemblagesand that may explain
bly simultaneously)by the rise of sodic plagioclase the increaseof An-contentof coexistingplagioclase
above An1s, presumably due to closure of the with increasing metamorphic grade. The impor-
peristeritesolvus. tanceof oxidation and of the value of P66,/Pq,s was
Morteani and Raase(1974)found abrupt changes also consideredby Rambaldi (1973).
in plagioclasecompositions,seen especiallyas re- E. Wenk (1962)observedthat the An content of

plagioclaseassociatedwith calcite is almost uni- Anr:=o with labradoriteAn67*5(as in Wenk et al.,

form in a given region and tends to be high, al- 1975) and of labradorite An62-76with bytownite/
though it varies from area to area dependenton the anorthite Ans8-sz.In one sample three plagioclases
grade of metamorphism.Wenk and Keller (1969) are intergrown.
examined 700 amphibolites from the central Alps, Phillips et al. (1977)found intergrowths of An61
and distinguishedzonesof albite amphibolites,oli- and An6e.5in plagioclasefrom a plagioclase-quartz-
goclaseamphibolites, andesineamphibolites, and biotite gneissfrom Broken Hill, New South Wales.
labradorite amphibolites, apparently as discontinu- This intergrowth spans the range between B/ggild
ous sequences of plagioclase composition. Al- (An+zand An5s) and Huttenlocher (An67and Anes)
though heterogeneouscontrol was not specifically intergrowths, in a region generally considered "ho-
discussed,the observations(with calcite presentin mogeneous".Grove (1977)studied plagioclasesin
particular) and the zonal relationship implied a volcanic, shallow plutonic, deep-seatedplutonic,
mechanismcontrolled by mineralogicalreactions. and metamorphicenvironments,and calculatedap-
This view became strongly modified in later papers proximate cooling rates. All plagioclaseswere in
by H.-R. Wenk and coworkers when transmission the range An65*Aq5. In the most rapidly cooled
electronmicroscopyand single-crystalX-ray work plagioclasesthere was no evidenceof exsolution.
wereusedin associationwith the earlier microscop- With progressivelyslower cooling the composition
ic and field petrographictechniques.Wenk et al. rangeof two-phaseintergrowthsincreases.In all of
(1975)described intergrowths of andesine (Any) the plagioclasesthere is evidenceof local disequi-
and labradorite (Anoo) with textures indicating si- librium, and there may be secondgenerationlamel-
multaneous equilibrium growth. Although mineral lae with variation of composition on a submicro-
associations(chiefly zoisite and/or scapolite) in scopic scale. Grove feels that "Huttenlocher
direct contact with the plagioclasesare considered, plagioclases" are useful as indicators of cooling
emphasisis placed on structure. Wenk et al. clearly history.
stated that the microscopic intergrowths represent Garrison (1978) found eight discrete domains
end membersof the intermediateplagioclasemisci- within the compositional range of the B/ggild and
bility gap. They noted DeVore's (1956)thesis that Huttenlocher intervals in metamorphosed igne-
An33 and An66 €r€ crystallographically"stable" ous plagioclases in metabasalts from the Llano
compositions and Wenk et al. felt that in an inter- Uplift, central Texas. It is estimatedthat the (shal-
growth both phases have similar crystal structure low) amphibolite-grade metamorphism took place
but with a reverse Ca-Na and Al-Si arrangement, near3.5 kbar and 650' C (-1200 m.y. ago),and the
symmetricalto An56.Transmissionelectron micro- compositions of the eight domains are Anrr,
scope observationsdisplay anti-phaseboundaries An42-44,An555s, An6s, An65, An7s, Anss, and
(APB's) that record structuraltransformations,and Anaa-sr.He suggestedthat (1) both B/ggild and
are indicative of pre-existing but now unstable Huttenlocher intergrowths could be present in the
single-phasestructures. Wenk et al. noted,that the same zoned grain, (2) the immiscibility region may
superstructureproduced by ordering is maintained be extremely complex, allowing more than the four
regardlessof chemical composition, and that the metastableend-membercompositionsto exist, or
boundary between labradorite and andesine is (3) a disequilibriumsituation exists within the un-
therefore a kind of chemical APB superposedin the mixing intervals due to unfavorable metamorphic
intermediate plagioclase superstructure with peri- conditions.Garrisonfeelsthe secondto be the most
odic APB's on a smallerscalewhich extendthrough probable.
both structures. They also pointed out that the One of the tenets of petrology is that equilibrium
orientation of the feldspars makes this intergrowth is closelyapproachedin metamorphicrocks. Obser-
difficult to see in ordinary thin sections and that it vations suggestiveof disequilibrium,as above, are
might go undetectedin many rocks. occasionally reported. Hunahashi et al. (1968)
Even more complex relationswere describedby found a "surprisingly wide" difference in the An-
Wenk and Wenk (1977)from a single outcrop from contentof coexistingplagioclasesin someplutonic
Val Carecchioin the central Alps. In addition to and metamorphicrocks in Japan, even in one thin
stepwise change in An-content from An13_25in section.They later indicatedthat the compositions
leucocraticgneissto Anes*3in marble bands,they 4n22,4n27, An33, An43, An5g, An55, An62, An67, and
described microscopic intergrowths of andesine AnTscrystallizemore readily than others, and they

correlatedthesecompositionswith presumedstruc- atic partitioning of Na and Ca between plagioclase

turally-favored regions of composition, although and the M4 site of coexisting hornblende with Na
the conceptof local or "mosaic" equilibriumon the enrichedin the feldspar. The two-feldsparassem-
scale of a single thin section was also espoused' blagesare associatedwith low-Na hornblende,Na
Byerly and Vogel (1973) studied grain-boundary : 0.0710.04in the M4 site. At anotherlocality the
effectsaccompanyingchangesin the composition of associationalbite and oligoclaseis manifestedby an
plagioclasein the progressively metamorphosed absenceof tie-lines from hornblende to plagioclase
CrossLake gneissin southernOntario. The lower- in the rangeAn2-An1a;the estimatedtemperatureis
gradeplagioclasesof the granodiorite are chemical- 490"C.
ly inhomogeneouswith zoned rims containingdis- Wenk (1979a)further estimated the influence of
tinct compositionallevels of An0-3,Arl7, and An25. metamorphic grade on the nature of the intermedi-
As the grade increases,the plagioclasebecomes ate plagioclase superstructure (An3rAn7s), chiefly
more homogeneous,with Ans-3 rims dominating. by 0k/ precessionX-ray photography,determining
Braun and Miiller (1975)found very large composi- the wavelengthof the superstructurein metamor-
tional variations over distances of 10-20 p.m in phic plagioclasesfrom the central Alps. Wenk ob-
lower-grade metamorphosed "basaltoid" and served wavelength variation with temperature
"granitoid" rocks. They stated that only at tem- (metamorphicgrade) of a periodic APB structure in
peraturesgreater than 600'C (upper amphibolite the plagioclases,and considersthis to be the result
facies) is homogenization of the plagioclase (and of a continuousordering process.The wavelength
garnets) initiated, so that at lower temperatures changesfrom 20 to 70A over the temperaturerange
thermometry dependentupon An-contents in the 500-800' C, and Wenk suggestedthat this may be a
plagioclases or Mn/Fe relationsin the garnetsis not useful indicator of metamorphic grade. Wenk
possible. (lg7gb) also reported on the assemblagealbite
Nord et al. (1978)alsoreportedon compositional- (Ano)-anorthite (Anqs), plus actinolite and parga-
ly-zoned plagioclase microporphyroblasts in phyl- site, and clinozoisite.This ultimate plagioclaseas-
lites from southwesternMassachusetts.Rocks from semblageis in low-grade poikiloblastic amphibolite
the lowest metamorphic grade yield unzoned albite. schists from an ophiolite series near the Tertiary
At slightly higher grade albite cores and thin outer Bergell granite of the central Alps. Using TEM,
rims havean interveningnarrow zoneof An13-n.At Wenk's conclusionfrom the APB evidenceis that
higher grades, plagioclaseis complexly zoned in albite and anorthite are formed from decomposition
one of two ways: either the composition drops of intermediate plagioclasein the amphibolite with
stepwisefrom an oligoclase to an albite rim, or the pargasitic hornblende coexisting with actinolite,
composition of the core gradually increasesout- and that the anorthite is not a relic. Wenk is unable
ward from Anle to Anz+, then abruptly drops to an to explain the assemblage,but feels that anorthite
albite rim. All of these phenomenaare in rocks at must be stable under some metamorphic con-
gradesbelow the appearanceof chloritoid and gar- ditions.l
net. Above the garnet isograd the zoning is simple, Finally, and to return to the heterogeneous view,
with a core of An13and a gradualoutward increase Lindh (1978)attempteda thermodynamic treatment
to a maximumof An25.It is estimatedthat the rocks of the complex system involving plagioclaseand
were metamorphosedat no more than 350"C, and a pointed out the complexitiesof plagioclase-zoisite
few kilometers overburden, well below the peak of thermometry, stressing the need to know what
the peristerite solvus as estimated by Crawford decomposition products are in equilibrium with
(1966)and others.Metastablecrystallizationis indi- anorthite. As did many previous writers, he as-
cated, although there are no data to distinguish sumed a strong stabilizing influence of Na in the
whether a single or double stage of metamorphism
was involved. rDexter Perkins III (personal communication) has observed
Spear (1977, 1980)observedtwo-plagioclaseas- associationsof albite and An65 in amphibolites from Quebec,
semblagesin hornblende-plagioclasecalc-silicates also in the presence of homblende and a sodic or pargasitic
hornblende. The calcic plagioclase is in blebs at or near the
and amphibolites (Mt. Cube Quadrangle, New contact of the original hornblende and the sodic (and Fe-rich)
Hampshire and Vermont) that provide evidencefor hornblendederived from it' The presumption is that the albite is
a miscibility gap in the range An3e*3-Ans8*3at an the stable feldspar, and the calcic plagioclase was formed in
estimatedtemperatureof 530"C. There is a system- associationwith the secondary sodic amphibole.

plagioclasestructure, and suggestedthat the step- phic-geothermalprocesses.American Journal of Science,281.

wise increasein anorthitecontentreportedby many 576-614.
is in part causedby a changingmineral paragenesis Braun, E. and Miiller, G. (1975) Zur chemischen Variabilitiit
and not necessarilyonly by discontinuitiesin the regionalmetamorphgebildeterPlagioklase,Epidote und Gran-
ate. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 52, 193-211.
plagioclasecrystal structure.
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In addition to being structurally complex, the nificance of peristerite unmixing in the acid plagioclases.
plagioclasefeldsparsin any processinvolving struc- Zeitschrift ftir Kristallographie, I I 3, 330-344.
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sive reorganization that requires breaking the very metamorphic facies series. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 42
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multiple levels or even a continuum of metastable 202.
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Society(London) Proceedings,seriesA, 175,76,87.
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somewhatbehind. Omitted from this review are all solvus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 13, 269-
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Fleet, S. G. and Ribbe, P. H. (1965)An electron-microscope
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