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Teaching and Learning Activity Solutions

Module: Android App Development (HASD200-1)

Week number (Date): 2 (13 August 2020)
Unit covered: Unit 3

Question 1
The digital world has greatly improved for the past decade. Outline why an android phone is a necessary
accessory in our daily lives.

Solution Instant Communication

The advent of smartphone technology modernized communications. It has paved the way to SMS, text
messaging, call, video chat, and apps that allow people to instantly communicate to everyone across
the globe.
Web Surfing
The smartphones also make it convenient for people to surf the web.
Smartphones are also viewed as a source of entertainment – games, music, movies, and books.
Smartphones also aid education, especially in children. With easy access to information and helpful
content, children can have a more interactive learning through watching education videos and playing
education applications.
Productivity Apps
Smartphones can do almost everything with the help of apps.
Most smartphones now are equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS). This technology allows
people to locate certain addresses and area all around the world.

Android Studio and Java Study Guide– Unit 3 - page 58-67

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Question 2
Match each Android Studio menu bar in the table below to its appropriate description.

FILE This item on the menu bar allows for new projects to be created, to close
existing projects, open existing projects, print code and exit Android Studio.

EDIT This item on the menu bar allows for code to be copied, pasted, indented
and tracking done of forward and backwards actions of history kept in
memory during the duration the project, is open and is worked on by the

VIEW This item on the menu bar allows for quick navigation on the layout of
Android Studio IDE.

NAVIGATE This item on the menu bar allows for navigating with an open code editor to
explore the hierarchy and also place bookmarks for later reference.

CODE This item on the menu bar allows for code in the code editor to be moved
around, comments to be added and allows code to be re-arranged.

ANALYZE This item on the menu bar allows class libraries to be reviewed, memory to
be checked for any issues and code which does not have any use in the
open project to be checked.

REFACTOR This item on the menu bar allows for making small changes to the app
without affecting the operation of the app as a whole, such as renaming of
a method to a different class.

BUILD This item on the menu bar allows for the app to be packaged for
RUN This item on the menu bar allows for debugging the app as a whole into a
functional app where testing can be done. The programmer can step into
the code and analyse the code while the app would be running on an
emulated device.

TOOLS This item on the menu bar allows tools to be used inside the Android Studio
IDE to interact with the project.

Android Studio and Java Study Guide– Unit 3 - page 80-87

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