亀.Vocabulary: A. Listen and repeat. Which of the following do you do every day?

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A. Listen and repeat. Which of the following do you do every day?

do the washing-uP Study

B. Write the days ofthe week in order. W「ite l“7.

丁hen listen and check your aれSWerS.

Wednesday 」 Friday J Mondayリ

have breakfast /
lunch / dinner Saturday J Thursday 」

Sunday 」冊esday 、 」

mop the
A. Look at the pictures in the magazine article. What do you think

the youれg WOman’s daily routine is like?しisten. read and find out.

Anna Bish6p is not iike cther universfty students. She

starts her day earty in the moming. She名ets uP at 7:30, but

She d∞Snt gO to the universfty She gpes to Mrs Gri凧ds

house and they haie breakfast togethe嶋Mrs G繭n is 78

ysars old and needs heIp around the house, but most of a看l
“ she needs company Anna doe§ VOlunteer work and heips

Out elderty peopie.

- ``1 cook, do a bit ofhousework, but Mrs G珊n and I aIso

Chat or go to the park. We go there every day and I help

. herwalk” she says.

B. Read again and writeT for巾ue or Ffor False.

During the Week, Ama doesnt see her価ends. WAen she
1. Anna goes to血e university ea血y in the moming.
finishes work, She gpes to the universfty She goes home
2. Anna has breakfast with Mrs Gri舘n.
at about 8pm and then She studies. She has a buey day but
3. Anna helps Mrs Gri縦n to cook.
She d∞Snt mind. ``Mrs Gh珊n is間Q a grandmother to me.
4. Anna goes to the park with Mrs Gri飾n every day.
l can see my価ends at the Weekend:’
5. Anna goes out with friends on weekdays.
PRES剛丁SIMPしE 0ffirmative"NegativかPREPOSIT10NS OF TIME

しOOk at the words in red in the examples

Read the examples. Look at the wo「ds in blue・
and complete the b葛anks below with
How do we fo「m the third person singular?
p「epositions of time.

・ I get up at seven o址)Ck ・ Hany gets up late on Saturdays. Monday /田esdays, etC.

. Julia woks until eleven o℃lock W℃蛍d叩S

eVery mOmmg.
Friday evenings, etC.
・ Ybu work from nine to five. 祉nig血
・ We don’t do血e washing一`p ・ Amanda doesn’t do the
nine odock / halfpast血ree
in the evenmg' washing-uP at the weekend. the vedend
. They don’t have breakfast . Jack doesn’t have breakfast on night / midnight

during the week‘ Saturday mornmgs.

血e moming / aftemoon / evening
Grammar Reference p..129

Complete the blanks with the P「eseれt Simple A. Complete the chart below to indicate which
oftheve「bs in brackets and the boxes with  ̄ activities you do. Then talk in pairs as in the
1丁・し1←t〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇看 i○○、i・

example and note down you「 partner’s‘answers・

PrePOSitions of time.

don't play on
(not play) football [コthe You Your紐iend

weekend. I play (pldy) tennis.

2. Henry finishes (finish)
work □ haveabigbreakfast
3 o,dock [二コthe aftemoon. dohousework

3・ My parents
don't cook on c○○k

Sunday evenings. They

go gotobedlate

to a restaurant.

studies from
(studの[二コfive to

SeVen eVery day. I get叩cortyon鵬ekdoys, but / don嘗get岬cody

doesn't do Ot ule weckend MIOt aboutyou?

教 il

5. Sheila (not do) housework

Igetup eo砂..


B. Report you「 pa「tner’s answers to the class.

」  」
A. Listen.and repeat. What’s the diffe「ence

between a, band c?

a.cooks b.goes c.uses

...ge鰹up eo項..
B. Now listen and tickthe sound you hea「・

c○oksIsl goesl乙l usesIIZ/

needs 7.WR看丁巳
meets Write a few sentences usiれg the informatioれfmm

activfty 6, comparing your dafty routines..



deans q - 。e申弛。WWee掬S・
〇 ・…彊甲rし雄と批W嬢e夙
2a Home life
A. Complete with the days ofthe week. Then put them iれOrder by w「iting l-7 in the boxes.

s a t u R d a t 6
t u e S d a y 2
s U n d a y
f i d a y
R 5
t h U r s d a y 4

w e d n E s d a y 3

M o n d a y

B. Complete with the Present Simple ofthe verbs in brackets.

1. Belinda
(ride) a motorbike to work.

2. My husband doesn't have (not have) breakfast in the moming. He gets up (get up) late.

3. Ⅵね have (have) lunch at twelve o’dock.

4.I don't cook go

(not cook) on Friday evenings. I (go) out for dimer.

5. Betty’s sister drives (drive) her to co11ege on weekdays.

6. The film starts (start) at 8 o’cIock and

finishes (finish) at half past ten.
doesn't play (not play) football. He doesn't like (not like) sports.

8. Bill and his brother

(do) the washing-uP in the evening.

C. Complete the blanks with the co「rect form ofthe verbs in the box and the boxes with prepositions



do not help cook s叫dy get up go not work have “


gest up

on Weekdays my brother, Alex, (1)

in the moming, (2)

has breakfast and

goes to work. He works from 9 to

don't work

at 11 o℃lock every day.

欝 at and have lunch ‘

Monday, Wednesday and Friday aftemoons I go to university


in the evenings I (6) study on

weekend I (7)
do housework, but Alex

doesn't help
sam vacuums and mops the house on saturdays

martha doesn't do housework during the week

主I don’t work on Mondays・

betsy doesn't work on mondays

E.What do you do every day? Make notes in the box and then write sentences.
work and do homework

work and do homework

work and do homework

work and do homework

work and do homework

do homework and spend time with family

go out with friends

2b First day on the job

A. Complete the sentences with the wo「ds in the box・

nurse hotel editor chef hospital graphic

. 1.Mybrother is a doctor・ He works in 4. Amanda is a(n)

hospital This is her o純ce.
St Catherine’s

chef editor of the

2. Robert is a(n) He works 5. Carl is the

in an Italian restaurant. neWSPaP er.

3. Mary is a(n)
nurse . She likes 6・ Angela is a receptionist・ She works in

helping people.

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