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Bakhtawar Malik

SAP: 25265

BS Psychology(IC)

Subject: Islamic Studies


Effects of Believing in Akhirah on Human Life

The Glorious Quran says:

Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your
full recompense. Only he who is saved from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have
attained the object (of life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception?

Akhirah is the belief in life after death. Muslims believe that this life is only a test that helps us
prepare for the life in the hereafter. Muslims also believe that those who do well according to
the Quran will go to heaven – described in the Quran as a garden with rivers and flowers.
However, those who do badly will enter Jahannam (hell), where they will be punished severely.
Death is thought to be the gateway into the next world.

It is stated in the Quran: “praise is to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer Of the worlds, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful, and Master of the Day of Judgment”

Muslims also believe that Allah will judge us before we move onto the final and eternal life.
Their book of deeds in which all their actions has been recorded will be opened and presented
to them.

Allah has given Humans the right to look after the world. We will be accountable on the Day of
Judgment, as to how we took care of it.

Islamic concept of hereafter:
Before explaining the bases on which the Qur'an has evidenced the Day of Judgment, we must
first consciously realize whether the present setup of the world and our lives require a
Judgment Day or not. Without first consciously realizing the need for the Judgment Day within
ourselves, we can never fully appreciate the great blessing and relief entailed in the belief that
a universal Judgment Day will, in fact, be established one day. To fully understand this point,
take the example of clean and clear water - one of the great blessings of God that we enjoy in
our daily lives. We can fully appreciate this great blessing of God, because we have, at one time
or another practically experienced or observed thirst and have quenched it with water. Had we
never experienced thirst, we would never have realized the great blessing entailed in water and
its quality of quenching our thirst.

According to the Qur'an, the life of this world is a testing ground for man. As a requirement of
the test, this life is only a temporary phase in man's existence. The scope of this test is primarily
moral. During this test, man has been bestowed with the knowledge of 'good' and 'evil', which
subsequently has been further strengthened by God, through His prophets and messengers.
During this test, man is required to do 'right', even if it entails material and emotional costs, and
to refrain from doing 'wrong', even if this restraint deprives him of immediate gains. This test
shall soon be terminated. At the end of this test, man will have to face its results. The 'good'
and the 'bad' that remain mixed and indistinguishable during the life of this world shall on that
day be separated from each other. Both shall meet separate ends. Those, who, during the life of
this world, ignored the call of their conscience and that of the prophets and messengers of God,
shall have to face the dire consequences of their deeds; while those, who stood by the truth
with patience and perseverance, shall have all their needs and requirements completely
fulfilled and shall remain in the eternal bliss of God's Paradise, forever.

How does this belief affect Muslims?

There can be no concept of human values or concept of good and bad without the concept of
hereafter life without fear of God leads to sin and disobedience, while believing that we have
sinned so much that God will not possibly forgive us only leads to despair. In light of this, Islam
teaches that: only the misguided despair of the Mercy of their Lord. Additionally, the Holy
Qur'an, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, contains a great deal of teachings
about the life hereafter and the Day of Judgment. Due to this, Muslims believe that all human
beings will ultimately be judged by God for their beliefs and actions in their earthly lives. In
judging human beings, Almighty God will be both Merciful and Just, and people will only be
judged for what they were capable of. Belief in hereafter is the part of real Iman and it is free of
social and moral evils. When one believes in the hereafter then he follow the right path and

takes care of the all hakookulabad and perform his duties according to the teachings of Islam.
He know well that he should answer to the God of his deeds so he improve his acts and lead his
life according to the duties prescribed by Allah and his propjet (pbuh). When one believes in the
Day of Judgment than he don’t care of the small happiness of this world as these happiness are
imperfect and it is mixed with pain so there will be a world where happiness is in great measure
and this is hereafter so one can avoid bad activities in order to get this real happiness.
It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Deeds are dependent only upon intentions. Every
person shall only get that, which he actually intended. Thus, whoever actually migrates towards
God and His Prophet6, his migration shall be toward God and His Prophet ; while, whoever
migrates toward a worldly gain, which he wants to earn or a woman, whom he wants to marry,
his migration shall be toward what he actually intended it for "'

Muslims have to think that there is a screen on their forehead, where Allah can see everything.
During life it is possible to ask for forgiveness for your wrong actions, however, after death that
is not possible.

The belief that ‘Allah is closer than your jugular vein’ creates a sense of God-consciousness
(taqwa). It changes the way a Muslims thinks, for Muslims, any good deed that they do to
please Allah is known as ibadaah – which is encouraged in Islam. Everyone goes through good
and bad in life, it is how we react in these situations that will determine whether we go to
paradise or hell.

So Muslims aim to:

 follow the five pillars

 Learn the Quran
 Follow Shari’ah and avoid things that are haraam (forbidden)
 show kindness to others
 engage in ibadaah
 be honest and fair
 do every action for the pleasure of Allah

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