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Transversal 1

Assignment 1

Angela Gómez

Carmen Inés Bermúdez

Docentes nacionales

March-April 2016

My Holiday
Dear students to work on your assignment When writing
follow these steps  Use verb to BE in present.
 Use contractions.
 Use I,We,They,he she.
 Read about My Holiday Blog by Laura.  Use capital letters.
 Use vocabulary about
 Look at the photos and think about the places. professions, places and
 Check the vocabulary given.  Document Word or Power Point
 Letter Arial 12
 Check each part of the mind.  5 lines.

 Search an find photos of your holiday Al escribir

 Usa el verbo to BE en presente
 Write about your holiday  Usa contracciones (Ejem. I’m,
You’re, They’re)
Queridos Estudiantes para trabajar la primera  Usa los pronombres: I,We,
tarea sigan estos pasos They, He,She
 Usa mayúsculas iniciales donde
 Lee My Holiday Blog by Laura sea apropiado
 Usa el vocabulario sobre
 Observa las fotos y piensa acerca de los profesiones, lugares y adjetivos
lugares.  Haz tu trabajo en documento
Word o Power Point (sin las
 Verifica el vocabulario instrucciones, solo la tarea)
 Usa letra Arial 12
 Chequea cada parte del mapa mental.  Descripción en 5 líneas
 Debidamente identificado
 Busca y adjunta una foto de tus vacaciones
 Describe tus vacaciones

Assignment 1
Fecha de Entrega desde Marzo 23 hasta Abril 24

My Holiday
Read My Holiday Blog by Laura

Assignment 1
Fecha de Entrega desde Marzo 23 hasta Abril 24

My Holiday

Assignment 1
Fecha de Entrega desde Marzo 23 hasta Abril 24

My Holiday
Professions: Doctor, Engineer, Student, Photographer, writer, explorer, scientist,
Countries: Colombia, USA, Ecuador, Peru, etc.
Cities: Bogotá, Cartagena, etc.
Places: Beach, mountain, sea, river, farm, island, park, swimming pool.
Adjectives: Beautiful, cold, hot, crowed, empty, peaceful, relaxing
People: Friends, family

• Family
• Friends

• Colombia
• Abroad

• December
• July

Assignment 1
Fecha de Entrega desde Marzo 23 hasta Abril 24
Rubric to assess
Assignment 1

Once you have finished writing your assignment 1, check if

you used the following elements:
Una vez terminada la tarea verifica si usaste los elementos indicados a

1. I used verb to BE in present

2. I used contractions
3. I used I,We,They,he she
4. I used capital letters where necessary
5. I used vocabulary about professions, places and
6. I included a photo about showing my holiday.
7. I made a Word or Power Point document
8. I wrote using letter Arial 12
9. I wrote 5 lines.

Assignment 1
Fecha de Entrega desde Marzo 23 hasta Abril 24

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