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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | November 18, 2020

Area hospitals brace for increase in COVID cases

NMMC chief medical officer: ‘We’ll deal with all this better happened since the pre-mask
mandate days of late July and
if people start masking and social distancing’ early August.
Jamie Martin, chief medi-
cal officer at Baptist Memorial
BY SLIM SMITH across the state,” said Jim Jack- as of today, we have six or sev- Hospital-Golden Triangle, said son, CEO at OCH Regional en. It could be that we are just the hospital has seen a surge in
Medical Center. “But for some starting to see the result of the cases over the past two weeks.
The surge in COVID-19 cas-
reason, we didn’t see that in- increase in cases.” “We were down to single dig-
es that is sweeping the state
may finally be arriving in the crease in hospitalizations that Jackson said Tuesday Jackson Martin its for most of September and
Golden Triangle, administra- other areas were seeing.” marked the first day the hospi- sippi now has a total of 135,803 October,” he said. “But here in
tors from hospitals in Colum- That changed almost as tal has seen six or more cases in cases and 3,581 deaths. the last two weeks, we’ve been
bus, Starkville and West Point Jackson was speaking. a single day since Aug. 17. The seven-day average of seeing the numbers in the 10 to
acknowledge. “We were averaging three The Mississippi State De- new cases stood at 1,094.71 — 20 range. The same thing is go-
“We’ve been following the to four positive patients a day,” partment of Health on Monday the fifth day in a row the num- ing on in other places.”
uptick in cases in the area and Jackson said Tuesday. “Now, reported 905 new cases. Missis- ber broke 1,000. That hasn’t See HOSPITALS, 8A


to serve life
for 30-year-
old Starkville
Investigators linked
DNA from crime scene
to that of defendants’
relatives on genealogy

Julia Kathryn
Holt said she want-
ed to see Michael
Devaughn’s face
when she spoke to
him from the stand
of the courtroom in
Lowndes County
Courthouse during
his sentencing hearing Tuesday.
Devaughn, 53, of Rienzi, had just
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff pleaded guilty to capital murder,
Mallory Williams, of Styron’s Lawn Service in Columbus, plants jasmine at the Lowndes County Soccer Complex Thursday more than 30 years after the deaths
evening. She has worked for Styron’s for four months, she said. of Starkville residents Betty Jones,
65, and Holt’s grandmother Kath-
ryn Crigler, 81. The two women had
been at Crigler’s home the night of
Sept. 3, 1990, when an intruder en-
tered the home, murdered Jones

Aldermen Little, Walker not running for reelection and sexually assaulted Crigler, who
died two months later.
It wasn’t until October 2018 that
Both said they hope their successors bring new ideas to the board Ben Carver of
Ward 1 said
investigators arrested Devaughn
after matching DNA from family
BY TESS VRBIN “I think we’ve done a lot of for somebody else to come in he has always members of his to DNA taken from good things, and you’ve been and see what they want to do looked up to Crigler’s rape kit. Holt said she’d
part of that in immeasurable for the citizens of Ward 4 and Little, and kept a picture of Devaughn on her
Two Starkville aldermen ways,” Spruill said. the entire city,” Walker said. Henry Vaughn phone ever since the arrest.
said at Tuesday’s meeting Jason Walker of Ward 4 Little said he does not of Ward 7 said “That was my best friend,” Holt
they will not run for reelection had already told the board think of himself as a politi- he too does said of Crigler. “... I hope you feel
in April 2021. Little
he too would not be seeking cian but as someone “who not think of remorse. I hope you’ve thought
David Little of Ward 3 a third term, but the discus- simply wants the best for himself as a about that for 30 years.”
told the board in a prepared sion of Little’s decision made Starkville” and “wanted to politician but An Oktibbeha County grand
announcement that “after Walker’s decision public. get off the sidelines.” underst ands jury indicted Devaughn for one
several months of prayerful He told The Dispatch this His daughter, Elizabeth the need to be count of capital murder and sex-
consideration and thoughts” morning that “two terms Lake Little, died last year at of service to ual battery in 2019. (The plea and
he would not be running for a are sufficient” and he wants the age of 18 when a plane the city. sentencing hearing was held in
third term. to focus on his full-time job she was piloting crashed in Ward 5 Al- Lowndes County because court is
“I believe for the city to as an associate professor of Oxford, and Little said he derman Hamp Walker currently in session there.) Prose-
grow and prosper, new indi- landscape architecture at is still grateful for the city’s Beatty, the cutors dropped the sexual battery
viduals and ideas are always Mississippi State University. “outpouring of love and sup- board’s newest member af- charge as a condition of Devaughn
needed,” Little said. “I’ve accomplished a num- port” for his family. ter a special election in May pleading guilty.
Mayor Lynn Spruill was the ber of things that I was pas- The rest of the board ex- 2019, said it had been an hon- Sixteenth District Circuit Judge
first to thank Little for serving sionate about and trying to pressed their appreciation for or to work with both Little Lee Coleman sentenced Devaughn
two terms on the board. get done, but I think it’s good Little’s tenure on the board. See ALDERMEN, 8A See MURDER, 3A


1 When Narendra Modi visited Israel in 2017, he Now through Nov. 21 MEETINGS
became the first prime minister from what country to Nov. 24: OCH
■ United We Feed food drive: Unit-
do so? Regional Medi-
2 What usually nighttime job gave author and man- ed Way of North Central Mississippi
agement consultant Helen Rothberg her best training, requests donations of non-perishable cal Center board
according to her 2017 book, “The Perfect Mix”? food items. Find drop-off locations in of trustees
3 What natural resource, used for making glass, roads multiple counties at unitedwayncms.
and in construction, saw a shortage in 2017? meeting, 4 p.m.
E;;a Cantfield com/unitd-we-feed-1.
4 Real grenadine, the red syrup that gives a Shirley Dec. 1:
Fourth grade, Heritage
Temple its color, comes from what fruit?
Starkville Board

66 Low 39 Thursday
5 What institution saw its Rose Main Reading Room
High and Bill Blass Public Catalog Room designated as inte- of Aldermen
rior landmarks of its city in 2017? ■ Downtown Drawdown: Junior
Sunny Auxiliary of Starkville hosts a draw- meeting, 5:30
Full forecast on Answers, 8B p.m., City Hall
down-style fundraiser, 5:30-8:30 at
page 3A.
South Lafayette Street. Winner gets Dec. 7: Oktibbe-
$5,000. Tickets $100, available now.
INSIDE Numerous prizes; food trucks on
ha County Board
of Supervisors
Classifieds 7,8B Food 5B site, outdoor event. Do not have to Jade Pratt, 4, lives in meeting, 9 a.m.,
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A be present to win. For tickets, Mary Columbus. Her favorite colors
Crossword 6B Opinions 6A Dowell, 601-433-1599 or maryar- are pink and purple. She is the Chancery Court-
Dear Abby 4B daughter of Danielle Pratt. house


2A WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump fires agency head who

vouched for 2020 vote security
Since his loss, Trump has been firing officials seen shakeup that put Trump loyalists in
senior Pentagon positions.
as insufficiently loyal and denouncing the conduct A former Microsoft executive,
Krebs ran the agency, known as
of an election that led to an embarrassing defeat CISA, from its creation in the wake
of Russian interference with the
BY BEN FOX Trump’s own Department of Home- 2016 election through the Novem-
The Associated Press land Security, where his agency ber election. He won bipartisan
was based, to issue a stream of praise as CISA coordinated feder-
WASHINGTON — President statements and tweets over the past al state and local efforts to defend
Donald Trump fired the nation’s top
week attesting to the proper con- electoral systems from foreign or
election security official, a widely
duct of the election and denouncing domestic interference.
respected member of his adminis-
the falsehoods spread by the presi- Hours before being dismissed,
tration who had dared to refute the
dent and his supporters — without Krebs tweeted out a report citing
president’s unsubstantiated claims
of electoral fraud and vouch for the mentioning Trump by name. 59 election security experts say-
integrity of the vote. Krebs stood by those assertions ing there is no credible evidence of
While abrupt, the dismissal after his ouster. computer fraud in the 2020 election
Tuesday of Christopher Krebs, the “Honored to serve. We did it outcome.
director of the Cybersecurity and right,” he said in a brief statement Trump responded on Twitter
Infrastructure Security Agency, on Twitter. “Defend Today, Secure later in the day. He repeated unsub-
was not a surprise. Since his loss, Tomorrow.” stantiated claims about the vote and
Trump has been ridding his admin- He closed with the phrase “Pro- wrote “effective immediately, Chris
istration of officials seen as insuffi- tect 2020,” which had been his Krebs has been terminated as Di-
ciently loyal and has been denounc- agency’s slogan ahead of the elec- rector of the Cybersecurity and In-
ing the conduct of an election that tion. frastructure Security Agency.”
led to an embarrassing defeat to The firing of Krebs, a Trump Officials with CISA and its par-
Democrat Joe Biden. appointee, came the week after ent agency, the Department of
That made Krebs a prime tar- the dismissal of Defense Secre- Homeland Security, had no imme-
get. He had used the imprimatur of tary Mark Esper, part of a broader diate comment.

Biden’s DIY transition proceeds without Trump assistance

Biden’s representatives plan to pharmaceutical compa-
nies this week to deter-
edged Tuesday that he
has “not been receiving
meet directly with pharmaceutical mine how best to distrib-
ute at least two promising
briefings that would or-
dinarily come by now”
companies this week to determine vaccines to hundreds of as he opened his virtual
millions of Americans, meeting with the nation-
how best to distribute vaccines the biggest logistical chal- al security experts. The
lenge to face a new presi- 12 participants, who ap-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on Tuesday as a member dent in generations. peared on video screens,
of the Senate Intelligence The moves reflect how included former Deputy
WILMINGTON, Del. Committee, though still Biden is adjusting to a his- CIA Director David Co-
— President Donald has relatively limited in- hen, retired Gen. Stanley
torically tense transition.
Trump’s refusal to coop- formation about the spe- McChrystal and Avril
With no sign that Trump
erate with his successor cific threats Biden will Haines, a deputy nation-
is prepared to facilitate
is forcing President-elect inherit. al security adviser in the
soon a peaceful transfer
Joe Biden to seek unusual And as the worst pan- Obama administration,
of power, Biden and his
workarounds to prepare demic in a century bears team are instead working among others.
for the exploding public down on the U.S. with through a series of back- Biden said he was pre-
health threat and evolv- renewed ferocity, the up options to do the best paring to inherit “a divid-
ing national security chal-
current administration they can to prepare for the ed country and a world in
lenges he will inherit in
is blocking Biden from challenges he will face as disarray.”
just nine weeks.
collaborating with its soon as he takes office in “That’s why I need you
Blocked from the offi-
response team. Biden’s January. all,” he said.
cial intelligence briefing
representatives instead Declining to criticize
traditionally afforded
to incoming presidents, plan to meet directly with Trump, Biden acknowl-
Biden gathered virtually
on Tuesday with a collec-
tion of intelligence, de-
fense and diplomatic ex-
perts. None of the experts
are currently affiliated
with the U.S. government,
raising questions about
whether Biden is being
provided the most up-to-
date information about
dangers facing the nation.
Vice President-elect
Kamala Harris received
a more formal briefing

Georgia elections
chief battles fellow
The Associated Press

gia’s secretary of state is
a man on an island, and
the political flood is rising
fast as President Donald
Trump and his allies vent
their outrage at the fellow
Republican and make un-
supported claims that mis-
management and fraud
tainted the state’s presi-
dential election.
Trump spent the
weekend attacking Brad
Raffensperger on social
media, at one point call-
ing him “a so-called Re-
publican (RINO),” an ac-
ronym for “Republican in
name only.” Raffensperger
punched back, disputing
Trump’s claims that he
made it easier for Demo-
crats to cheat using mail-
in ballots.
The secretary also
called U.S. Rep Doug
Collins, who is running
Trump’s Georgia recount
effort, a “liar,” and says
South Carolina Republi-
can Sen. Lindsey Graham
called him in an apparent
effort to pressure him to
improperly discard bal-
lots. Graham dismissed
the allegation as “ridicu-
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 3A

Number of students with virus doubled within week, data show

More than 14K students in Mississippi have according to the state. That’s
compared with about 9,000 stu-
ed, and whether it was a result of
being in the classroom.
bers of teachers and students
who test positive for coronavi-
been placed in quarantine within the last week dents during the previous week.
Children generally don’t ap-
“There are teachers who
have died, and linking it specif-
rus or are in quarantine, as well
as the number of outbreaks in a
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM outbreaks, which means more pear to get sick or experience ically to an outbreak is hard to school. The data released by the
The Associated Press/Report for America than three cases were reported symptoms as often as adults do,” Dobbs said. “But is it possi- Mississippi State Department
within a confined setting over when they’re infected with coro- ble, and has it likely occurred? of Health for this past week was
JACKSON — Newly con- the course of two weeks. navirus. However, since the Yes.” based on data reported by 880 of
firmed cases of the coronavirus “You see that things are re- start of the pandemic, at least Most recently, a teacher’s the 1,200 schools in the state.
among students in Mississippi ally starting to heat up,” State three children have died of com- aide at Hernando Elementary The health department is
have nearly doubled in a week’s Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers plications from the virus, Byers School in DeSoto County, which now tracking how many schools
time, according to data released said Tuesday during a virtual said. is reporting the most corona- have opted to temporarily tran-
by the department of health. briefing with reporters. Byers Several teachers have died virus cases in the entire state, sition to virtual learning be-
The number of students who was addressing coronavirus from Covid-19 since students re- died from coronavirus compli- cause of outbreaks. More than
tested positive for coronavirus developments in Mississippi’s turned to school, although Mis- cations, DeSoto County Schools 65 schools have gone virtual
increased from 579 from Nov. school system. sissippi’s State Health Officer confirmed to WREG-TV on within the last week because of
2 through Nov. 6 to more than More than 14,000 students in Dr. Thomas Dobbs said it can Monday. outbreaks or an increased num-
1,000 from Nov. 9 to Nov. 13. Mississippi have been placed in be difficult to pinpoint exactly Schools are required to re- ber of teachers and students in
Last week, schools reported 70 quarantine within the last week, where a person became infect- port on a weekly basis the num- quarantine, Byers said.

First woman confirmed as federal judge for southern Mississippi

Kristi Haskins Johnson will serve in trolled Senate voted 53-43
Tuesday for her confirma-
Leslie H. Southwick of the
5th U.S. Circuit Court of
the first woman to repre-
sent Mississippi in either
“brought our appellate
advocacy to new heights.”
the southern half of the state, with tion. Johnson will serve in
the southern half of the
Appeals. Johnson also has
been an adjunct professor
chamber of Congress. “I
am confident that she will
“This is a significant
day for Mississippi as
courthouses in Jackson, Hattiesburg, state, with courthouses
in Jackson, Hattiesburg,
at Mississippi College.
Mississippi’s two Re-
serve Mississippi and our
nation with distinction as
Kristi makes history
for the second time this
Natchez and Gulfport Natchez and Gulfport. publican U.S. senators, she upholds the Constitu-
year,” Fitch, who is the
Johnson earned an un- Roger Wicker and Cindy tion and the rule of law.”
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the southern half of Mis- dergraduate degree from Hyde-Smith, issued state- Wicker said Johnson first woman to serve as
sissippi. Earlier this year, the University of Missis- ments Tuesday praising “has a unique record of Mississippi attorney gen-
JACKSON — The U.S. Mississippi Attorney Gen- sippi and a law degree Johnson. accomplishment as a eral, said in a statement.
Senate on Tuesday con- eral Lynn Fitch named from Mississippi College, “She is well-prepared public servant, a private
firmed the first woman Johnson as the state solic- where she was executive and well-equipped to take attorney, a scholar and a
to become a federal judge itor general. editor of the Mississip- her seat on the federal professor.”
for the Southern District President Donald pi College Law Review. bench, and I’m proud she Fitch said Johnson, as
of Mississippi. Trump announced John- She was a law clerk for is making history to be the solicitor general, made
Kristi Haskins Johnson son’s nomination to the U.S. District Judge Shar- first woman judge to serve “tremendous contribu-
of Brandon is a former as- federal bench March 30, ion Aycock in northern in the Southern District,” tions” to the state attor-
sistant U.S. attorney for and the Republican-con- Mississippi and for Judge said Hyde-Smith, who is ney general’s office and

Continued from Page 1A
to life in prison without spond to calls from The should be able to see
the possibility of parole. Dispatch by press time. this.”
Holt said she was glad he Colom said he also left Dispatch reporter Tess
pleaded, since he could the case with mixed feel- Vrbin contributed to this
have faced the death pen- ings. The brutality of the report.
alty if a jury had convict- crime makes it difficult
ed him at trial, and she’s to feel “happy” about it
against the death penalty. no matter the outcome,
“I forgive you and I he said, but he is glad the
pray that you find peace victims’ family members
in your heart,” she said. — including Crigler’s
sister, who was with Cri-
DNA and genetic gler when she reported
the attack to police — got
genealogy to hear Devaughn’s sen-
District Attorney Scott tencing.
Colom told The Dispatch Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff “She was able 30 years
the facts Michael Devaughn and his attorney Mark Williamson of later to be there when
of the case Starkville face 16th District Circuit Judge Lee Coleman
the person that did it fi-
were “terri- at Devaughn’s sentencing hearing in Lowndes County
Courthouse Tuesday. Devaughn pleaded guilty to capi- nally was caught, accept-
ble.” ed responsibility, and
tal murder in a 30-year-old Starkville case and was sen-
During she has the comfort of
tenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
the hear- By pleading, Devaughn admitted to murdering Betty knowing he’ll spend the
ing, he told Jones, 65, and sexually assaulting Kathryn Crigler, 81, rest of his life in prison,
Coleman in Crigler’s Starkville home on Sept. 3, 1990. which is what she want-
p r o s e c u - Colom ed and what she said she
tors had pects’ family members Taylor’s mother, Anne thought her sister would
evidence to show that who had been arrested McWhorter, is Jones’ want,” he said.
Devaughn entered Cri- in other states or who younger sister. “I’m proud of law en-
gler’s home and slashed had willingly submitted “She was just a won- forcement,” he added.
Jones’ throat before going their DNA to genealogy derful person,” Taylor “They never gave up. Bill
into Crigler’s room “with websites such as Ances- said of Jones. “And we’ve Lott — without him, we
his hands covered in Virginia-based always remembered her never get to this point.
blood.” He assaulted her, Parabon NanoLabs even- for being a fun-loving, Everybody knows that. I
breaking her pelvis, be- tually matched DNA from caring compassionate was happy that we did our
fore taking her purse and the rape kit to relatives of lady, and are very thank- part. We got it across the
leaving the house. Colom Devaughn whose DNA ful for (law enforcement), finish line, my staff and
said Crigler “crawled her had been uploaded to especially Bill Lott for I. We really did prioritize
way to the kitchen” to call GEDMatch, a free online seeing this through to it for the family. … They
911. database where individ- the end and getting our
“She did not know at uals can upload DNA to family closure.”
that time that her friend discover relatives or find Holt told The Dis-
had been killed,” Colom other genealogical infor- patch that when she was
said. mation. growing up, she used to
Investigators said the “Genetic genealogy is spend her summers in
case could not have been what actually solved this Starkville with Crigler,
solved without advance- case,” Lott said. “Not CO- who was a talented singer
ments in DNA evidence DIS, not your traditional and piano player.
since the 1990s. Colom database.” “My granny was one
said it was even unusual Lott said he followed of the strongest women
for hospitals to perform the case of the infamous I have ever known,” she
rape kits at the time, so Golden State Killer, Jo- said. “I was so close to
he was glad OCH did af- seph DeAngelo, who her. She was my closest
ter the assault on Crigler. in June pleaded guilty grandparent.
DNA samples from in California to sever- “I’ve known Betty
the kit were not sent to a al rapes and murders all my life,” she added.
laboratory until 2005, Co- stretching back to the “Even though she was so
lom said. But at that time, 1970s. Investigators in much younger, she was
the DNA did not match that case matched DNA one of my granny’s very,
any samples on the Com- evidence from one of the very best friends.”
bined DNA Index System crime scenes to relatives Jones and Crigler’s
(CODIS), a national da- of DeAngelo on GED- case became the subject
tabase of DNA samples Match. of the Knock Knock pod-
from those convicted of Lott said he wanted to cast, started by Jones’
felonies, meaning the make sure the courts up- step-grandsons Simon
suspect had never been held that case before us- and Jason Jones, who live
convicted of a felony be- ing the same techniques in Nashville.
fore. to solve Jones’ murder. The story has been in
Starkville Police De- “When I saw that the his family since he was SOLUNAR TABLE
partment Lt. Bill Lott, Golden Case Killer’s case 10, so having a resolution
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
who has was held up because of is “a very odd feeling,” Ja- Major 3:48a 4:47a

been work- the GEDMatch, which son Jones said.

ing on the was no expectation of pri- “You never want to see Minor 8:55p 9:54p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

case on his vacy … I said, ‘It’s time someone go to prison for

of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

own time for for us to do it,’ to Para- the rest of their life, so
14 ½ years,
said he later
sent further
bon,” Lott said.

‘Getting closure’
it’s a mixed feeling,” he
said. “Whatever happens
to Michael Devaughn
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
samples of Lott Jones’ niece, Jennifer doesn’t bring Betty Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
DNA off to McWhorton Taylor, said back.” Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
different labs, hoping after 30 years, she was Devaughn’s attor- The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
they could match the relieved for her family to ney, Mark Williamson Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
DNA to DNA of the sus- have a sense of closure. of Starkville, did not re-
4A WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

FDA allows first rapid virus test Amazon opens online pharmacy,
shaking up another industry
that gives results at home BY JOSEPH PISANI AND TOM MURPHY
AP Writers

Test will require a authorization to the single-use

test kit from Lucira Health, a Cali-
options to allow people to test
themselves at home, reducing
NEW YORK — Now at insulin
and inhalers.
prescription, likely fornia manufacturer.
The company’s test allows us-
turnaround times and the poten-
tial spread of the virus to others,
The retail colossus opened an online pharma-
cy Tuesday that allows customers to order medi-
limiting its initial use ers to swab themselves to collect including health care workers. cation or prescription refills, and have them deliv-
ered to their front door in a couple of days.
a nasal sample. The sample is Rapid test results are critical to
BY MAT THEW PERRONE then swirled in a vial of laboratory quickly quarantining those who The potential impact of Amazon’s arrival in the
AP Health Writer pharmaceutical space rippled through that sector
solution that plugs into a portable are infected and tracing their con-
device. Results are displayed as tacts. But for months, U.S. testing immediately. The stocks of CVS Health Corp.,
WASHINGTON — U.S. regu- Walgreens and Rite Aid all tumbled Tuesday.
lators on Tuesday allowed emer- lights labeled positive or negative. has been plagued by slow results
To date, the FDA has autho- due to bottlenecks as testing lab- The big chains rely on their pharmacies for
gency use of the first rapid coro- a steady flow of shoppers who may also grab a
navirus test that can be performed rized nearly 300 tests for corona- oratories. There are other rapid
virus. The vast majority require a tests but most require a small, spe- snack or shampoo or groceries on the way out.
entirely at home and delivers re- All have upped online services and touted their
sults in 30 minutes. nasal swab performed by a health cial machine operated by a health
professional and must be pro- professional to develop results abilities to deliver prescriptions and other goods
The announcement by the Food as the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed more con-
and Drug Administration rep- cessed at laboratories using high- “Now, more Americans who
tech equipment. A handful of tests may have COVID-19 will be able sumers to stay home. But has mas-
resents an important step in U.S. tered these things, and its online store is infinite-
efforts to expand testing options allow people to collect their own to take immediate action, based
sample at home — a nasal swab or on their results, to protect them- ly larger, with millions of loyal shoppers already
for COVID-19 beyond health care
buying books, TVs and just about anything else.
facilities and testing sites. Howev- saliva — that’s then shipped to a selves and those around them,”
“The news represents a disruption to the sys-
er, the test will require a prescrip- lab, which usually means waiting Dr. Jeff Shuren, director of the
tem and competitive threat that will likely shift
tion, likely limiting its initial use. days for results. FDA’s devices center, said in a
scripts away from the retail channel,” analysts at
The FDA granted emergency Health experts have called for statement.
Citi Research said in a note.

Marianne Shaw Schmitt

AREA OBITUARIES Marianne Shaw Schmitt
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Grubb Springs Commu- father, she is survived Schrock all of Aber- died in Phoenixville, PA on
OBITUARY POLICY nity to the late James by her husband, John deen, Michael Schrock November 12, 2020, after a brief
Obituaries with basic informa-
Clarence and Mettie Spruill; and siblings, of Amory, Nora Fonte- illness. She was 87 years young.
tion including visitation and Born in Louisville, MS, she
service times, are provided
Lou Roberts Smith. Joe Schrock, Rudy not of Hamilton, Norma
He was a graduate of was raised in Memphis, TN
free of charge. Extended Schrock, Harold Schrock of New Hope
obituaries with a photograph, Greenwood Springs and Aberdeen, MS, and played
Schrock, Billy Schrock, and Marie Dabbs of baritone in the Aberdeen High
detailed biographical informa- High School. He was
Elmer Schrock, Chris Starkville. School marching band. She
tion and other details families formerly employed with
may wish to include, are avail- Texas Easter, as a truck graduated from the Mississippi
able for a fee. Obituaries must
driver for Lion Oil and University for Women (the “W”) with a Bachelor’s
be submitted through funeral Degree in Speech and Journalism. Out of college,
homes unless the deceased’s
as owner and operator
of Smith’s Body Shop. she served as a cub reporter for The Columbus
body has been donated to
science. If the deceased’s He was a member of Dispatch, and earned her own column “PSHAW!”
body was donated to science, Hamilton United Meth- from 1955-1956.
the family must provide official odist Church. She moved north to Baltimore, MD to serve
proof of death. Please submit In addition to his as Technical Editor for Westinghouse Ordnance,
all obituaries on the form pro- parents, he was preced- meeting the new tech writer, her soon-to-be-
vided by The Commercial Dis- husband Phillip T. Schmitt. Together, they
patch. Free notices must be
ed in death by his wife,
Martha Lucille Judaon produced manuals for the Mark 45 Torpedo. After
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day Smith; and son Ricky what they both agreed was a stormy courtship,
prior for publication Tuesday Smith. the two were married in 1960 in Aberdeen, MS.
through Friday; no later than 4 He is survived by his They started their family life in Drexel
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday children, Jerry Smith Hill, PA, and in the times that Phillip worked
edition; and no later than 7:30 and Martha Perkins; abroad for the US Space Program, Marianne
a.m. for the Monday edition.
seven grandchildren; somehow raised five children across the states
Incomplete notices must be re- of Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Mississippi,
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. and 14 grandchildren.
for the Monday through Friday Pallbearers will be circling back to Malvern, PA as home base for
editions. Paid notices must be Ben Smith, Isaac Smith, the remainder of her life.
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Kendall Gosa, Alan At- While the kids were elementary age, Marianne
the next day Monday through kins, Tyler Craven and served as Head Librarian for the Kathryn D.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Drew Randolph. Markley Elementary School, further solidifying
p.m. for Sunday and Monday her love of books. She was a Brownie/Girl Scout
publication. For more informa- Leader, a Cub Scout Leader, the President of the
tion, call 662-328-2471. Suzanne Spruill PTO, and an enthusiastic Band Booster for Great
zanne Spruill, 52, died Valley High School’s marching band in Malvern,
Ronnie Engelmann Sr. Nov. 15, 2020, at North PA. She worked for B.G. Balmer & Company
STARKVILLE — Mississippi Medical insurance agency before taking up the notepad
Ronnie Paul Engel- Center of Amory. again as reporter and editor for The Suburban
mann Sr., 65, died Nov. Services are at Advertiser in Exton, PA. She was promoted to
15, 2020. 11 a.m. today, in the Managing Editor at the well-respected weekly
Graveside services Tisdale-Lann Memorial paper, The Suburban & Wayne Times, in

Reta Burchfield
will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Chapel, with David Lee Wayne, PA.
in Coxburg Cemetery officiating. Burial will After a long career at The Suburban, she was
of Lexington. Visitation follow in Oaklawn Me- part of the ‘dream team’ that launched a new
will be from 9-11:30 Reta Atkins Burchfield, age newspaper on Philadelphia’s legendary Main
morial Gardens. Visita-
a.m. Friday, at Fellow- 74, of Columbus, MS, passed Line. Its inception brought accolades to the
tion was from 5-7 p.m.
ship Baptist Church of away November 15, 2020, at her region. Under Marianne’s editorial leadership,
Tuesday, at the funeral
Starkville. Welch Fu- residence. the weekly Main Line Life was voted “Best
home. Tisdale-Lann
neral Home is in charge Funeral services will be Community Paper in the Nation” in 2001, and for
Memorial Funeral
of arrangements. Friday, November 20, 2020, at many years to come.
Home of Aberdeen is
Mr. Engelmann was 1:00 PM at Memorial Gunter Marianne retired from the newspaper industry
in charge of arrange-
born March 19, 1955, Peel Chapel 903 College St. begrudgingly, stating that her press pass would
to the late Marvin and location, with Rev. Danny Avery be sorely missed (no more free performances?)
Mrs. Spruill was
Grace. He attended officiating. The interment will She was well-known at local theatres, especially
born June 14, 1968,
Fellowship Baptist immediately follow at Memorial Gardens of The People’s Light & Theatre Company in
in Alabama, to Eli
Church. Columbus. Visitation will be from 11:00 AM until Malvern, PA. One of her great joys was having
Schrock and the late
In addition to his par- the time of the service. met the actress Tallulah Bankhead in person on
Emma Lee Schrock.
ents, he was preceded Mrs. Burchfield was born August 16, 1946, in a New England theatre-hopping joyride in her
She was formerly em-
in death by his siblings, Millport, AL, to the late James Floyd and Alma college days.
ployed as a homemaker.
Ray and Jimmy; and Juanita Wood Atkins, Sr. She was a graduate of S. Marianne’s wit, wisdom and spunky demeanor
In addition to her
two grandchildren. D. Lee High School and was a member of Canaan generated many lasting friendships. She enjoyed
mother, she was pre-
He is survived by his Baptist Church. Mrs. Burchfield worked for over crosswords (in pen!), writing, reading, gardening,
ceded in death by her
wife, Relda; children, 20 years for United Technologies and also retired shopping with her children and grandchildren
siblings, Alvin Schrock
Paul, Dale, Todd, Ste- as a truck team driver with her late husband, (using the “Grandma Gold Card”), road trips,
and Sam Lawmire.
phen, Tiffany, Timothy, George E. Burchfield, Sr. little league championships, tea houses, Celtic
In addition to her
Gregory, Samantha, In addition to her parents and husband, she festivals, sports, antiques & auctions, live
Jamie; and 19 grand- was preceded in death by her daughter, Tracy music, and a ‘wee dram’ when paired with witty
children. Lynn Johnson. conversation.
Pallbearers will be Survivors include her sons, George She is survived by her five children, Stephanie
Jeff Engelmann, Brent Burchfield, Jr. and his wife Denise of Columbus, (Philip) Marabella of Sinking Spring, PA,
Butler, Scott Grice, MS, and Jay Burchfield and his wife Heather of Gretchen (Thomas) Burton of Lantana, TX, Karl
John Lee, Jimmy Bon- Columbus, MS; brother, James Atkins, Jr. and Schmitt of Reading, PA, Jeanne (Edward) Alleva
ner and Bill Lott. his wife Verline of Danville, AL; sisters, Linda of Phoenixville, PA and Buck (Dawn) Schmitt
Knight and her husband John of Caledonia, MS of Coatesville, PA; 10 grandchildren, one great-
and Judy Woolbright and her husband Breman grandchild; and many nieces and nephews.
James Smith of Columbus, MS; grandchildren, Hunter She is predeceased by her parents; her
ABERDEEN — Buchanan, Ridge Blackburn, Scott Johnson, husband, Phillip T. Schmitt; her sister, Frances
James Loren Smith, Conner Burchfield, Jordan Johnson, Lexie Shaw Loeblich; and her two brothers, Herbert
91, died Nov. 16, 2020, Castleman, Madi Grace Burchfield and Mallory Dudley “Buck” Shaw and William Shaw, both
at Monroe Regional Reta Burchfield Kate Burchfield; and great-grandchildren, WW II veterans.
Hospital. Visitation: Haygen Johnson, Peyton Martin, Keli’i Arrangements will be made by Mauger
Funeral Services Friday, Nov. 20 • 11 AM - 1 PM
College St. Location Blackburn, William Blackburn, Titus Buchanan, Givnish Funeral Home in Malvern, PA (www.
are at 3 p.m. today, at Services: Max Buchanan and Landon Castleman. Interment will be private at
Tisdale-Lann Memorial Friday, Nov. 20 • 1 PM
Pallbearers will be Ridge Blackburn, Conner Indiantown Gap National Cemetery in Annville,
College St. Locaiton
Funeral Home, with Burial Burchfield, Scott Johnson, Alan Castleman, PA..
Roger McGrew offici- Memorial Gardens Jimmy Atkins, Shea Woolbright and Sean If desired, memorial contributions may be
ating. Burial will follow College St. Location
Woolbright. made to the The Military Order of the Purple
in Oddfellows Rest Memorials may be made to Columbus Lowndes Heart ( or the SPCA
Cemetery. Visitation is Gladys Fancher Humane Society, P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS,
Incomplete (
from 2-2:45 p.m. prior 2nd Ave. N. Location 39703.
to services at the funer-
Paid Obituary - Mauger Givnish Funeral Home
al home. Tisdale-Lann
Memorial Funeral
Home of Aberdeen is
in charge of arrange- Sign the online guest book at
Mr. Smith was born College Street • Columbus, MS
April 27, 1929, in the
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 5A

Toilet paper limits, empty

shelves are back as virus surges
‘A more informed consumer combined with a more the workforce at manufacturing
plants where the products are made
informed manufacturer and a more informed retailer are calling out sick, mainly be-
cause they’ve been in contact with
should provide all of us with a greater sense of ease others who were tested positive to
COVID-19, Freeman said.
and ensure we can meet this growing demand’ Kelly Anderson of Colorado
Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the Consumer Brands Association Springs, Colorado, said she needs
more supplies now that in-person
BY JOSEPH PISANI Association, formerly the Grocery school in her area was canceled
AND ANNE D’INNOCENZIO Manufacturers Association, said he earlier this month and her two
AP Retail Writers
doesn’t expect things to be as bad children are at home more. She’s
this go-around since lockdowns are noticed others are stocking up, too:
NEW YORK — Looking for toi- Safeway and Walmart were nearly
being handled on a regional basis
let paper? Good luck. wiped out of bottled water and dis-
and everyone is better prepared.
A surge of new coronavirus cases infectant wipes during a recent vis-
“A more informed consumer
in the U.S. is sending people back it, both of which had been easy to
to stores to stockpile again, leaving combined with a more informed
find since the summer.
shelves bare and forcing retailers to manufacturer and a more informed
It’s also been harder to find a
put limits on purchases. retailer should provide all of us with
time slot to get her groceries deliv-
Walmart said Tuesday it’s having a greater sense of ease and ensure
ered. Anderson says she’s had to
trouble keeping up with demand for we can meet this growing demand,”
wait as many as two days instead of
cleaning supplies in some stores. Freeman said. same-day delivery. But that’s still
Supermarket chains Kroger and The biggest supply issue seems not as bad as earlier this year
Publix are limiting how much toilet to be paper products: 21 percent of “March seems like a million
paper and paper towels shoppers shelves that stock paper towels and years ago, but I do remember freak-
can buy after demand spiked re- toilet paper are empty, the highest ing out,” she said. “I couldn’t get
cently. And Amazon is sold out of level in at least a month, according groceries delivered for a week.”
most disinfectant wipes and paper to market research company IRI. Walmart said while supplies are
towels. Cleaning supplies have remained stressed in some areas, it thinks
A similar scene played out back level at 16 percent. Before the pan- it will be able to handle any stock-
in March, when the pandemic first demic, 5 percent to 7 percent of piling now than earlier this year.
hit and people hunkered down in consumer goods were typically out Amazon said its working with man-
their homes. of stock, IRI said. ufacturers to get items such as dis-
But Geoff Freeman, president Contributing to the problem is infecting wipes, paper towels and
and CEO of the Consumer Brands the fact that roughly 10 percent of hand sanitizer in stock.

Hunting licenses soar as virus-weary Americans head outdoors

Trend appears to be nationwide, Ledge, Michigan, who
headed into the field
Significantly, the number
getting licenses for the
although many states won’t have final Sunday with 12-year-old
daughter Annabelle as
first time in at least five
years — if ever — has
numbers until the end of the year the state’s firearm deer
hunting season opened.
jumped 80 percent, to
nearly 84,500.
BY JOHN FLESHER Weary of being cooped up Lifestyle changes forced Fishing license sales
AND ANNA LIZ NICHOLS at home — and of mask- by the pandemic, espe- also have soared. Louisi-
The Associated Press cially online schooling for ana’s total in April, short-
ing and social distancing
when they go elsewhere his four children, “gave ly after the governor is-
TRAVERSE CITY, me that boost to make it sued a stay-at-home order,
— they’re taking refuge
Mich. — Hunting was a happen.” nearly doubled that of the
big part of Zane Goucher’s in outdoor sports that of-
fer safety and solitude. “They were getting a same month in 2019. In
youth, when he pursued lot more screen time than Idaho, new hunters and
whitetail deer and ruffed The trend has abruptly
reversed a steady decline normal, so this was a way anglers are up nearly 30
grouse in the Maine to get them outside,” he percent over last year.
woods with his father. He in hunting’s popularity
said. For his part, “it’s a The trend appears to
eventually drifted away that once appeared per-
reawakening, kinda gets be nationwide, although
from the sport but has manent and provided a me back to my roots.” many states won’t have fi-
returned after a 22-year potential new source of More than 545,000 nal numbers until the end
absence, inspired by the food for families and food hunters in Michigan had of the year, said Nick Bug-
coronavirus outbreak. banks pressed by the pan- bought licenses through gia of the Congressional
Many Americans ap- demic. Nov. 11, nearly 10 percent Sportsmen’s Foundation,
pear to be doing likewise, “I’d been meaning to more than at the same which supports outdoor
as sales of hunting and get back into it and just point in 2019, according sports caucuses in Con-
fishing licenses are spik- never did,” said Goucher, to the state Department gress and state legisla-
ing in much of the U.S. now a resident of Grand of Natural Resources. tures.

Sorry, Grinch. Coronavirus won’t stop NORAD from tracking Santa

BY LOLITA C. BALDOR every child will be able to past, fielding more than ton Schlachter. “But we’re
The Associated Press get through to a volunteer 130,000 phone calls, begin- trying to keep it safe for
at NORAD’s call center to ning at 6 a.m. Eastern time everyone involved.”
WASHINGTON — check on Santa’s where- on Christmas Eve. So, some callers may
Children of the world can abouts, as they have in This year, due to safety be able to once again get
rest easy. The global pan- years before. restrictions forced by the through to a member of the
demic won’t stop them Normally, 150-160 vol- COVID-19 pandemic, the military or other volunteer
from tracking Santa Claus’ unteers crowd into a con- number of volunteers has when they dial the NORAD
progress as he delivers ference room at Peterson been drastically cut to what Tracks Santa toll-free num-
gifts around the globe on Air Force Base in Colorado NORAD expects will be ber, 1-877-Hi-NORAD. But
Christmas Eve. Springs, taking two-hour fewer than 10 people per others will get a recorded
The North American shifts to answer the phones shift. update on Santa’s current
Aerospace Defense Com- as eager children call to see “We understand this is location.
mand has announced that if Santa and his sleigh have a time-honored tradition, Schlachter said NORAD
NORAD will track Santa reached their rooftops. All and we know undoubtedly will largely be limiting vol-
on Dec. 24, just as it has together, 1,500 people over there is going to be some unteers to people who al-
done for 65 years. But there 20 hours have participat- disappointment,” said ready work there and their
will be some changes: Not ed in the call center in the NORAD spokesman Pres- immediate families.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

The Governor’s $3-million re-education camp plan
ov. Tate The size of those I’ll move on to another little tion programs. They were a Trail of tears?
Reeves used economies isn’t gem found in the Governor’s big hit in Cambodia, where “Oklahoma, New Mexico
Monday’s an apples-and-or- budget plan. the Khmer Rouge made it a and Arizona have a rugged
Coronavirus brief- anges fallacy. The plan also calls for $3 priority. They even had fun- beauty all their own!”
ing to unveil his It’s more like an million to establish a Patriotic filled “camps” where misguid- The Civil Rights movement?
legislative budget apples-and-orang- Education Program to combat ed citizens were set straight “A communist-backed effort
plan for 2021. utans argument. what he calls “indoctrination about what it means to be a to change our way of life!”
I don’t blame Nonsensical. in the far-left socialist teach- good, patriotic Cambodian. The goal of patriotic educa-
him. Given his Reeves calls it a ings that emphasize America’s North Korea and Russia, to tion, Reeves said, is to tell both
handling of the bold move to attract shortcomings over the excep- name a couple of other places, the good and the bad by min-
pandemic, I’d want new business and tional achievements of this have also put a lot of emphasis imizing the bad and inflating
to give folks some- industry to the country.” on “patriotic education.” the good.
thing else to talk Slim Smith state because com- Reeves went on to say The idea of spending $3 It sounds like a guilty con-
about, too. panies are always revisionist history is an at- million for patriotic educa- science to me.
There’s much to looking to relocate tempt to tear down American tion does pique my curiosity, If we have reached the point
talk about in Reeves’ budget to places where their employ- institutions and is poisoning a though. I wonder what such where we feel compelled to
plan, I’ll admit, starting with ees can have access to bad generation: a program would teach? Or, teach patriotism, we are admit-
his idea of cutting state reve- schools, crumbling infrastruc- “Capitalism, democracy, of greater interest, what it ting that we weren’t always so
nue by a third by eliminating ture and pitiful quality of life. and other uniquely American wouldn’t teach. great a country, after all, and,
the state income tax. That’s So, yeah, that’s pretty “bold.” values have been the victims Slavery? heck, we’ve still got some work
nothing short of insane unless If Reeves’ plan goes of a targeted campaign from “On the plus side, Black to do.
you are of the opinion that through, we might as well foreign and domestic influ- Americans would still be over It’s like feeling the need to
we’re spending way too much begin to market our state as ence — aiming to destroy the in Africa in their grass huts teach kids to love their ma-
money on education, infra- “The Somalia of the South” pillars of our society.” being all free and stuff for the mas.
structure, public safety, public and watch all those Fortune Somewhere in hell, Joseph past 400 years or so. It worked I would just as soon go
health, foster care, wildlife and 500 companies come rushing McCarthy is blushing. out great in the end. Why ahead and give that $3 million
parks, etc., etc. in. But let’s talk about what we complain?” to Brett Favre and call it a day.
And, please, don’t come I’ve probably already given know about Patriotic Educa- The Civil War? Slim Smith is a columnist
at me with the “but Florida this dimwitted appeal to the tion. “An attempt by the north- and feature writer for The
and Texas don’t have state greed of the ignorant more History certainly shows us ern states tried to wreck the Dispatch. His email address is
income tax!” argument. attention than it deserves, so the value of Patriotic Educa- Southern economy.”


Lame duck actions to benefit
the privileged
It has always been my belief that
the underlying intent of conserva-
tism is the preservation and concen-
tration of wealth and privilege. This
results in opposition to any activity
by government that tends to spread
the wealth. Social Security has been
in conservative gun sights since its
inception. Minimum wage, union
rights, unemployment insurance,
and Medicare are under incessant
attack. Government regulation of
business and industry in the interest
of the public wealth are anathema
(I have noticed that when issues
of wealth and power come up, the
Republicans are like the irresistible
force, but when matters dear to their
popular base come up, like abortion
or gay marriage, nothing really
As a lame duck president, Donald
Trump has militarized the conserva-
tive goals. First, he declared North
America’s largest wildlife refuge
open for business. Loggers and
oil drillers have been solicited to
present bids for rights in the Alas-
kan National Forest, and right away,
before the new president can stop it.
The National Parks and Forests are
there for us, the common folks. So
who needs them.
Second, he nominated Judy
Shelton to the Federal Reserve
Board. Ms. Shelton wants to return
us to the gold standard. The gold
standard would dramatically reduce
the supply of money. This reduction
would not affect the very rich at all,
but it would be a disaster for every-
body else. Banks would not have
money to lend ordinary folks — for
Truth gets the final word
mortgages, as one example; small “The coronavirus is the work kept intruding on her This isn’t a partisan tendency, but
business loans, for another. William common cold, folks.” thoughts. a human one. It has, though, been
Jennings Bryant put the issue well: — Rush Limbaugh “I can’t help but think encouraged, made a bedrock of the
“…we will answer their demand for of the COVID patients the business model, by conservative polit-
a gold standard by saying to them: “One day, it’s like a mira- last few days,” she tweet- ical and media figures. They lie, they
You shall not press down upon the cle — it will disappear.” ed. “The ones that stick lie about the lies, then they lie about
brow of labor this crown of thorns, — Donald Trump out are those who still lying about lies, spinning elaborate
you shall not crucify mankind upon a don’t believe the virus is webs of claptrap and hogwash, of ut-
cross of gold.” “The risk to the average real. The ones who scream ter, self-refuting nonsense, that people
She wants to end the Federal person does remain quite at you for a magic medi- nonetheless believe, because at some
Deposit Insurance Corporation. Only low” cine and that Joe Biden is fundamental level, they need to.
people with less than a quarter-mil- — Laura Ingraham going to ruin the USA. All On a good day, that’s frustrating.
lion dollars on deposit are affected Leonard Pitts while gasping for breath. On a day when the COVID-19 death

by that. She has spoken out against he American death ...They tell you there must toll spirals into the clouds and an ER
the mandate of the Federal Reserve, toll from the novel be another reason they nurse feels overwhelmed, it is infuri-
set by Congress, to pursue maxi- coronavirus will soon pass are sick. They call you names and ask ating. It makes you wonder how some
mum employment and price stability. 250,000. That’s a quarter of a million why you have to wear all that ‘stuff’ people can live with themselves. Is it
Basically, she opposes anything people lying with a Buick parked on because they don’t have COVID be- really worth a life to advance a polit-
that helps ordinary people, and their chests, swimming in their own cause it’s not real.” ical agenda? When people trust you
supports everything that supports sweat, feeble as an August breeze, She says patients insist they must for truth on matters critical to their
wealth and privilege. head pounding like a bass drum in the have pneumonia. Even lung cancer. survival, how can you look them in
Former Federal Reserve officials devil’s rock band, dying. Anything but the disease they’ve been the eye and tell them lies?
and a number of famous economists, And for some, denying it to the convinced does not exist. Coronavirus deaths in South
including all the recent Nobel Prize end. As Jodi Doering, an ER nurse “This can’t be happening,” they Dakota have jumped sharply since
winners, have signed a letter implor- in Woonsocket, South Dakota, puts insist, even as it’s happening. “It’s not the beginning of the month. The state
ing the Senate not to consent to this. it, “Their last dying words are, ‘This real.” reports one of the highest per capita
Mitt Romney and Susan Collins were can’t be happening. It’s not real.’” That level of denial is disheart- infection rates in the U.S. It is not
the only Republicans who opposed “And when they should be spend- ening and appalling, yet it would incidental that Donald Trump won 62
this appointment, but because the ing time FaceTiming their families,” surprise no one familiar with the four percent of the vote there.
GOP was down two other Sena- she adds, “they’re filled with anger decades of scholarship documenting a Meantime, sick people struggle to
tors, this was enough to defeat the and hatred. I just can’t believe that glaring flaw in human reason. Mean- reconcile their suffering with the lies
confirmation; once the quarantined those are going to be their last ing, our tendency to reject informa- they’ve been told. “This can’t be hap-
Senators return, another vote will thoughts and words.” tion that does not conform to what we pening,” they say. “It’s not real.” Then
occur. Doering was explaining to CNN’s want to believe. If you hold a premise they curse, and die. And yet again,
She would be a disaster for all of Alisyn Camerota how she came to to be true and the facts prove other- truth gets the final word.
us who have less that $250,000 in the pen the tweet that made a small-town wise you’d think, logically, that this As it always does.
bank, which is almost all of us. Let nurse internet famous. It was Satur- would cause you to modify or discard Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004
your Senators know. day. She had the night off and was the premise. But people are actually Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a
Bill Gillmore planning to spend it on her couch more likely to modify or discard the columnist for the Miami Herald. Email
Columbus with her dog and some ice cream. But facts. him at
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 7A

Explainer: What’s with the

confusion over face masks?
As of Tuesday, 36 states led by Japanese researchers that
found masks block about 60 percent
one wears them.
Similarly, the World Health Orga-
have some type of face of the amount of virus that comes
out of an infected person. When an
nization early on had recommended
against mask-wearing for the gen-
mask mandate uninfected person wearing a mask eral public, saying they might lead
is near an infected person who isn’t to a false sense of security and that
BY ANDREW SELSKY wearing one, the amount of virus people who didn’t know how to use
The Associated Press the uninfected person inhaled fell them properly could infect them-
by up to 50 percent. selves.
A lot of the effort to slow the But when BOTH people are The World Health Organization
spread of the coronavirus comes wearing masks, that produced the changed its advice in June, and now
down to a seemingly simple con- best result. The decline in virus par- says people should wear them when
cept: Wearing a mask. ticles reaching the second person they can’t be socially distant.
But the issue has proven a
was close to 70 percent.
thorny one. Health authorities have
changed their guidance on who
So, if everyone wears a mask How are U.S. states handling
when social distancing is not fea-
should wear masks and when to
sible, the infection rate will be cut,
the situation?
wear them. This has led to some It’s a mix. As of Tuesday, 36 states
experts say.
confusion and even suspicion. have some type of mask mandate.
It’s not a perfect solution.
But since the coronavirus first Republican governors in Iowa,
Hand-washing, keeping a distance
appeared, authorities have gained North Dakota and Utah — all states
and being in well-ventilated areas is
a better understanding of how it that are being hit hard — have re-
spreads and how masks can help cently reversed course and required
stop that spread. at least limited mask use. Others
Here’s a look at how what we How is this different from what have extended or expanded earlier
know about masks has changed, they’ve said before? orders.
and how government officials are U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds cast
increasingly getting behind the idea Adams tweeted on Feb. 29: “Seri- some doubt Tuesday on the science
of mandating the use of masks. ously people — STOP BUYING behind masks even as she imposed
MASKS! They are NOT effective a limited mask rule, noting that
What do the experts say? in preventing general public from neighboring states with mask man-
The U.S. Centers for Disease catching #Coronavirus” dates have seen rising numbers of
Control and Prevention has long ad- But today, Adams has a different cases, although not as severely as
vised people to wear masks because message pinned to the top of his Iowa.
they help prevent people who are Twitter account. “If you look, you can find whatev-
infected — whether they know it or “When we can’t stay six feet away er you want to support wherever you
not — from spreading the coronavi- from others, please, I’m begging are at,” she said.
rus. you, wear a face covering,” Adams In California, a more stringent
But last week, the CDC added says in the videotaped July 2 tweet. mask mandate took effect on Tues-
a new reason: masks can also pro- And in July, the CDC stressed day. Democratic Gov. Gavin New-
tect wearers who are not infected, that cloth face coverings are a som said residents will be required
though to a lesser degree. critical tool in the fight against to cover up outdoors, with limited
The agency referred to a study COVID-19, particularly when every- exceptions.

Volunteers still needed to test variety of COVID-19 vaccines

BY LAURAN NEERGAARD the U.S. and around the If those early results But multiple vaccines
AP Medical Writer world. hold up and U.S. regula- will be needed to meet
Moderna Inc. and com- tors agree the shots are global demand and help
Two COVID-19 vac- petitor Pfizer Inc. recently safe, emergency use of end the pandemic, raising
cines might be nearing announced preliminary small, rationed supplies concern that studies that
the finish line, but scien- results showing their vac- could start in late Decem- still need to sign up thou-
tists caution it’s critical cines appear more than 90 ber. Other countries with sands of volunteers could
that enough people volun- percent effective, at least contracts for early doses run short if people wait for
teer to help finish study- for short-term protection would undertake their an already OK’d option in-
ing other candidates in against COVID-19. own reviews. stead.
8A WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

LED streetlights projected to save Columbus $100K annually

Mayor: Citizens ‘satisfied’ with ‘brighter, clearer’ lights ter job at spreading the
light in between the poles
according to Watkins’
presentation. However,
loan it took out last year
for the project. The coun-
BY YUE STELLA YU Rudy Watkins of Tennes- tion in May. evenly compared to the between July and Sep- cil voted to borrow the see-based PATH Compa- Watkins, who present- old technology.” tember, the city has saved loan of $3.2 million to re-
ny told the city council ed pre-installation and The lights also have a $101,927 in utilities com- place old fixtures and cov-
Installed 10-year warranty, he said, pared to figures from the er the project cost, which
Tuesday night. post-installation pictures
in May, the and they should last for at same months last year,
The 4,276 energy-sav- to the council, told The is around $3.3 million, he
more than least 20 years. If a storm Watkins said. Moving for-
ing lights were installed Dispatch the LED lights said. The annual payment
4,000 LED hits Columbus and dam- ward, the city may save
lights illu- across the city to replace are more cost-efficient is almost $300,000.
ages the lights, the cost of an annual $400,000 in
minating old fixtures and provide and better distribute the repairs will be covered by utilities, he said. Smith said he’s glad to
Columbus “brighter, clearer” lights light compared to the old the city’s insurance, City That means the city see the results of the proj-
streets have above city streets, May- lights. Attorney Jeff Turnage will likely achieve a ect so far.
saved the Smith or Robert Smith told “They use between 50 added. net saving of roughly “They are brighter.
city $102,000 in utilities The Dispatch. The con- to 70 percent less energy Prior to the installa- $100,000 each year, Smith They are a lot clearer,”
since July, and are ex- struction crew began the than … (those that use) tion, the city had budget- said, considering the pay- he said. “… Most of the
pected to save $400,000 process in February and older technology,” he ed an annual $515,658 ment the city has to make citizens, they are really
in utilities annually, completed the installa- said. “It also does a bet- for streetlight utilities, each year on a 15-year satisfied.”

Courtesy photo
State legislators District 17 Sen. Chuck Younger, District 37 Representative-elect Lynn Wright, District 39 Rep.
Dana McLean, District 16 Sen. Angela Turner-Ford, District 42 Rep. Carl Mickens and Lowndes County School
District Superintendent Sam Allison pose together during a special LCSD event thanking legislators at the dis-
trict’s central office in Columbus Tuesday.

Continued from Page 1A
Jeremy Blanchard, Blanchard said NMMC thing other than COVID,”
chief medical officer has a two-floor area at the Martin said. “I think the
for North system’s largest hospital average of COVID pa-
Mississip - in Tupelo that can accom- tients in ICUs is around 30
pi Medical modate the surge. percent. That’s what we’re
Center — At OCH, meanwhile, seeing, too.”
where West the hospital reported that Administrators at
Point is one all six of its ICU beds were all three hospitals said
of NMMC’s occupied on Monday and they are prepared for
seven hospi- Tuesday, but that does an increased number of
tals in North Blanchard not mean OCH cannot ac- COVID patients but un-
Mississip - commodate more COVID derstand the fear it can
pi — said the number of patients. create.
cases has meant shifting “Currently, we have “We understand those
patients from one facility a COVID unit with 12
concerns,” Jackson said.
to another, based on the rooms,” Jackson said.
“But what we want people
availability of beds in the “Those rooms are in re-
to know is that we’ve seen
intensive care unit (ICU). serve in the event of a
“We don’t operate as surge. So we’ll be able to higher numbers than we
seven different hospitals,” handle an increase. Plus are seeing right now, and
Blanchard said. “We have there is money available we’ve come out on the oth-
a contracting/expansion to hospitals to increase er side. We’re prepared.”
model where, if we need the numbers of nega- Blanchard said the
to, we can transfer a pa- tive pressure rooms for surge in cases should be a
tient out of West Point to COVID-specific cases.” call to action for residents.
Amory or Tupelo or any of At Baptist, Martin said “What I can say is that
our facilities based on the there were four of the hos- we’ll deal with all this bet-
availability of beds. Even pital’s 18 ICU rooms avail- ter if people start mask-
before the surge, a patient able as of Tuesday. ing and social distancing
wasn’t always going to be “Like most hospitals, today,” he said. “It makes
placed where he may have the majority of ICU pa- that much of a difference.
started out.” tients are there for some- It really does.”

Continued from Page 1A
and Walker, and he hopes they both re-
main active in the Starkville community.
Ward 2 Alderman Sandra Sistrunk
said she appreciated the board as a
whole throughout the term, which start-
ed in 2017.
“We’ve had some rough moments, but
for the most part I think we’ve worked
well together,” Sistrunk said.
Little said announcing his decision Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
this early will hopefully allow someone Ward 7 Alderman Henry Vaughn, left,
from Ward 3 to put in the necessary tells Mayor Lynn Spruill, right, at Tues-
thought and effort to run for his seat. day’s meeting that he supports the
proposed addition of designated cigar
The mayor’s office and all seven seats
lounges to the city’s smoking ordinance.
on the board of aldermen will be up for The board will vote on the proposed
election in 2021. No other elected city changes at a later meeting after two
officials have said they will not defend public hearings.
their positions.
In other business, the board unani- located within standalone commercial
mously called for the first of two public buildings in the city’s leisure and enter-
hearings to consider adding cigar loung- tainment district, which covers most of
es to the city’s smoking ordinance. downtown and the Cotton District.
The current ordinance bans smok- Most of the board expressed support
for the proposal, which is still subject

The Dispatch
ing of any kind in most public places
but makes exceptions for private clubs, to change before the board votes for or

designated rooms in hotels or motels against it at a later meeting.
and stores that sell tobacco or electronic “I think it would be something differ-
cigarettes and are “not adjoined or phys- ent for Starkville, but I think it would be
ically connected to another business or rewarding,” Vaughn said.
residence.” Little said he supports the ordinance
The proposed change would add as long as it does not roll back existing
smoking lounges “engaged in the sale restrictions on designated smoking ar- of our customers receive their paper on time. (Believe us. We track these things.)
and use of cigars and/or hookahs” to eas. If you are unhappy with your delivery please let us know. Our goal is 100%
the list of exceptions, according to doc- “I’m excited about what the corner customer satisfaction. Call customer support at: 662-328-2424
uments provided with the meeting agen- of Main Street (and Washington Street)
da. These lounges would have to be would look like,” he said.

Heritage Academy comes out strong in season opener at Oak Hill Academy
BY THEO DEROSA After nearly a minute, halves than anything. Heri- what Patriots coach Russ tage Academy roared out of
Whiteside called “sloppy” the gate early on, as How-
WEST POINT — Col- play by his team yielded re- ard hit a 3-pointer to extend
lin Adair tiptoed the right sults. Howard slipped free the lead to nine points be-
sideline to catch the pass, for an open layup, and Her- fore Oak Hill (2-2) had even
narrowly managing to avoid itage Academy scored for gotten on the scoreboard.
stepping out as he brought the first time in the second The Patriots rode that mo-
the basketball safely back half. mentum into a 39-21 lead at
into play. The possession neatly the break.
His acrobatic save wasn’t encapsulated the Pats’ play “We came out flat,” Oak
the only tightrope act the in their 53-39 win over the Hill coach Andrew Howell
Heritage Academy boys Raiders in Tuesday’s season said. “We talked about it in
basketball team needed to opener: sloppy, sure, but the locker room: That run
maintain a long, tenuous certainly good enough. they had in the first quarter
possession early in the “I was really pleased,” was the difference. They
third quarter of Tuesday’s Whiteside said. “I think we came out and played harder
game at Oak Hill Academy came out with pretty high than we did.”
in West Point. Fellow soph- energy. I thought we played While the Raiders fought
omore Mack Howard leapt a with a lot of effort — espe- back, closing the gap to nine
couple feet in the air to catch cially in the first half.” points early in the fourth Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
a pass; Adair sprinted to the For the Patriots coach, it quarter, their coach said Oak Hill Academy’s Morgan Dabbs (20, left) fights with Heritage Academy’s Reagan
elbow to grab another. truly was more a tale of two See PREP, 3B Merchant (20) for a loose ball in the first quarter of Tuesday’s game in West Point.


CC DeVos
signs to
play softball Three matchups to watch when
at William
MSU faces No. 13 Georgia

S TEENS — At a
softball tournament in
eighth grade, CC De-
Vos tried a new posi-
tion for the first time.
Ever since then, De-
Vos — now a senior at
Columbus Christian
Academy — has never
wanted to stop catch-
ing, even when a seri-
ous injury threatened
to force the issue.
Now, William Carey
University will give De-
Vos a chance to keep
playing the position
she has come to love.
On Tuesday morn-
ing in front of friends
and family in Colum-
bus Christian’s gym,
DeVos signed her na-
tional letter of intent to
play softball at the col-
See CCA, 3B

NBA draft

There was no danc-

ing on the court after
a March Madness vic- Mississippi State athletics
tory. No bounding onto It remains unclear who will line up under center this weekend for MSU between Stanford import K.J. Costello and Will Rogers. Rogers started
the stage in a spiffy suit the Bulldogs’ last contest against Vanderbilt two weeks ago.
to meet the commis-
sioner in June. BY BEN PORTNOY behind them, MSU heads to to say that would solve a num- year he’s completed just over
The coronavirus pan- Athens for a meeting with a ber of the Bulldogs’ issues 55 percent of his passes for a
demic wiped out the tra- No. 13-ranked Georgia squad this season. 7.6 yards per attempt. The for-
ditional end of a college STARK VILLE — Mississip- who’s SEC title game aspira- Heading into this week’s mer Jones College standout’s
career and the usual pi State earned a much-need- tions hang in the balance of contest, Georgia’s defense has six interceptions also rank as
start of a pro one. Play- ed win against Vanderbilt two each remaining contest. continued its elite ways, but the fourth most of the 16 eligi-
ers such as Anthony Ed- weeks ago, before a combi- With that, here are three meager quarterback play from
wards, LaMelo Ball and nation of COVID-19 positive ble SEC passers.
matchups to watch when the former walk-on Stetson Ben-
James Wiseman should tests, contact tracing and On the flip side, MSU’s
varying shades of Bulldogs nett and D’wan Mathis leaves
be about a month into injuries forced the Bulldogs defense has been startlingly
meet Saturday: head coach Kirby Smart’s
their rookie seasons below the Southeastern Con- squad a bit of a wild card week good despite what the Bull-
by now, but their plans ference mandated 53-scholar- to week. dogs’ record indicates. In six
were put on hold. ship player minimum ahead Georgia quarterbacks vs. Bennett has received the contests this season — three
After multiple de- of last week’s scheduled game MSU secondary lion’s share of the touches un- of which came against teams
lays, the NBA draft against Auburn. Imagine a world where der center this fall after sup- ranked in the Associated
finally arrives Wednes- Now sitting at 2-4 with an Ohio State quarterback Justin planting Mathis early this fall, Press top 25 at the time —
See NBA, 3B unintended bye week of sorts Fields is still in Athens. Safe but through six games this See MSU, 2B
2B WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Wichita State coach Marshall resigns after misconduct probe

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS er as a team and contin- all my players,” Mar- way, the Shockers made according to compos- ketball.
ue to compete,” Brown shall added. “I believe a stunning run to the ite rankings of recruit- Cunningham’s broth-
K ANSAS CITY, Mo. said. “We have a great unequivocally in their Final Four during the ing sites compiled by er, Cannen Cunning-
— Wichita State coach group of kids and staff, value as athletes, as stu- 2012-13 season, went un- 247Sports, those three ham, is an assistant on
Gregg Marshall re- and we will work hard dents and as people. Any beaten during the regu- schools landed only two Oklahoma State coach
signed Tuesday follow- each day to represent portrayal of me to the lar season and finished of the top 12 recruits Mike Boynton’s staff.
ing an investigation into our school and our city.” contrary is wrong.” 35 -1 the following year. in this year’s freshman “At first it was tough
allegations of verbal and Wichita State ath- The 57-year-old Mar- The program wound up class: Kentucky guards when they made the
physical abuse, ending a letic director Darron hsall was due $3.5 mil- sending several players Brandon Boston Jr. (No. ruling,” Cade Cunning-
tenure that soared to the Boatright said “the uni- lion in base salary this — including Ron Baker 5) and Terrence Clarke ham said this summer.
Final Four and crashed versity acknowledges season under a contract and Fred VanVleet — to (No. 8). “All your emotions are
on the eve of the upcom- the success of the bas- that automatically re- the NBA. In the meantime, four running super high, you
ing season. ketball program under newed. But his contract Things have been of the top seven players want to explore your op-
Marshall, who has Coach Marshall,” but also stated he could be bumpier the past few chose Oklahoma State, tions and everything. Af-
long been known for his that it was in the best in- fired without payment years, though. The Southern California, ter kind of settling down
combustible sideline per- terest of the program to for “good cause” as de- Shockers went 22–15 Stanford and Florida and really looking into
sona, came under scru- part ways. termined by the univer- and failed to make the State. everything, at the end of
tiny when former player “What the program sity, such as conduct NCA A Tournament two Jerry Meyer, the di- the day, Coach Boynton
Shaq Morris claimed needs right now is sta- found to be “inconsis- years ago, and a wave rector of basketball was who I wanted to play
he’d been struck twice bility,” Boatright said. tent with the profession- of transfers had left the scouting at 247Sports, for.”
by his coach during an “Isaac has been here al standards expected roster in tatters heading says he noticed this No. 21 Florida State
October 2015 practice. for seven years and has of a head coach of an into this season. trend starting in 2015. lists Scottie Barnes as a
Morris also claimed High-scoring guards
good rapport and rela- intercollegiate team that That’s the year four of guard even though he’s
that he’d seen Marshall Erik Stevenson ( Wash-
tionships with the play- results in material inju- the top eight recruits 6 -foot-8. Seminoles as-
choke assistant coach ington) and Jamarius
ers and staff. I think he ry to the reputation of selected LSU (Ben sistant coach Charlton
Kyle Lindsted, who soon Burton (Texas Tech)
is the natural choice.” Wichita State.” Simmons), California Young calls Barnes “the
departed to become an were arguably the big-
Marshall had stead- Several former play- (Jaylen Brown and Ivan kind of guy that comes
assistant at Minneso- gest departures, but
fastly denied any accu- ers have rushed to Mar- Rabb) and Mississippi once every 25 years”
ta. Marshall denied the they were joined by five
sation that he had struck shall’s defense, though State (Malik Newman). with his combination
claims. others: Grant Sherfield
a player or choked an most were not on the One year earlier, seven of size, athleticism and
The school said Mar- to Nevada, Asbjor Midt-
assistant, though five team when Morris ac- of the top 13 prospects unselfishness. Barnes
shall agreed to a settle- gaard to Grand Canyon,
ment of $7.75 million to players told The Wichita cused him of miscon- had chosen either Duke, is ranked seventh in the
Eagle they saw him hit duct. Marshall also Noah Fernandes to Mas- Kentucky or Kansas. 247Sports Composite
be paid over the next six sachusetts, Tate Busse
years. Morris during the 2015- had the support of Tom “That was when like, and played high school
to Division II MSU-Den-
“This was a difficult 16 season. Eight other Devlin, the entrepreneur boom, things started to basketball at Montverde
ver and DeAntoni Gor-
decision, but one I feel players told The Eagle behind Rent-A-Center change,” Meyer said. (Florida) Academy. Mey-
don to Northwest Mis-
was necessary for my they saw him put his and a significant boost- “That’s when it got in er said Barnes doesn’t
sissippi Community
family, the university hands around Lindsted’s er, along with former my consciousness, that shoot well but is “elite in
and, most importantly, throat during the 2016 - players Xavier McDan- we’ve got a phenomenon all other categories.”
Marshall quickly re-
the student-athletes,” 17 season. iel and Aubrey Sherrod, starting here, and it’s Meanwhile, Ken-
built his roster with an
Marshall said. “I wish to Wichita State who remain icons within continued.” tucky’s Brandon Bos-
influx of freshmen and
thank the coaches, stu- launched an inquiry in the program. Kentucky, Duke and ton Jr., a 6 -foot-7 guard
transfers, headlined by
dent-athletes, the uni- October, hiring St. Lou- Marshall was hired Kansas are still obvious- from Norcross, Georgia,
Connecticut transplant
versity, the community, is-based law firm Tueth to replace Mark Tur- ly getting their share. played at Sierra Canyon
Alterique Gilbert, that
and all of Shocker Na- Kenney to handle the geon after nine seasons had left him optimistic Kentucky had the na- in Chatsworth, Califor-
tion for their unending probe. at Winthrop, where he that the Shockers would tion’s No. 1 2020 class nia. He was named the
dedication, support and “Many players thrive made seven trips to the be contenders again this and Duke ranked third, California male athlete
loyalty. I am incredibly in the system we have NCA A Tournament and season. while Kansas signed the of the year and the Cal-
proud of this men’s bas- created and are ener- won a school-record 194 nation’s No. 21 prospect ifornia basketball play-
ketball program and all gized by our team cul- games. After winning in guard Bryce Thomp- er of the year by USA
it has achieved over the ture,” Marshall said just 11 his first season Top freshmen forge son. But other schools Today. Boston already
past 14 years.” soon after the allega- with the Shockers, Mar- their own paths in are attracting elite talent has earned first-team
Shockers assistant tions surfaced. “For shall quickly built them picking schools as well. honors on the media’s
coach Isaac Brown, who those players, I am a into a perennial con- Many of the nation’s That list starts with preseason all-Southeast-
has been with the pro- motivator, a pusher, tender, parlaying their brightest prospects in Cade Cunningham, the ern Conference team.
gram since 2014, will someone who can tap success in the Missou- the most recent recruit- nation’s No. 1 recruit last He should team up with
serve as interim coach. into their greatest po- ri Valley Conference ing class didn’t neces- year. Cunningham chose Clarke to form a dy-
Their season begins tential. For others, I can into an invitation to join sarily select the most Oklahoma State and namic backcourt for the
Nov. 25 against Utah be demanding, harsh or the American Athletic obvious schools. stuck with the Cowboys 10th-ranked Wildcats.
State in Sioux Falls, strict. I don’t argue with Conference prior to the Kentucky, Duke and even when they received Another Southeastern
South Dakota. those descriptions. 2017-18 season. Kansas have landed a postseason ban from Conference guard duo to
“I know this is a dif- “What I am not is Marshall won at least many of the notable one- the NCA A as part of the watch is the Tennessee
ficult time for our kids, demeaning or abusive. 20 games in 11 consecu- and-done performers federal corruption inves- tandem of Jaden Spring-
but we will come togeth- I have deep respect for tive seasons. Along the over the last decade. But tigation into college bas- er and Keon Johnson.

Continued from Page 1B
MSU has allowed an average of 232.7 yards per attempt rank third-to-last na-
yards per game through the air and just tionally among quarterbacks who’ve re-
127.2 yards on the ground. ceived at least 20 percent of their team’s
That said, the Bulldogs are in a trick snaps according to Pro Football Focus.
spot in the secondary given starting And then there’s the Georgia de-
safety Marcus Murphy opted out of the fense. For a unit that consistently ranks
2020 season this week while running among the nation’s elite, Smart’s de-
mate Fred Peters is also likely done for fense has been more adept to big plays
the year after undergoing surgery for than normal this fall. At present, the
an undisclosed injury. Georgia defense sits No. 98 nationally,
Georgia’s quarterbacks have had allowing 262.8 passing yards per game.
their share of issues of late — most In fairness, those numbers are
recently, Bennett was pulled from the skewed somewhat by the 571 and 564-
Bulldogs’ 44-28 drubbing at the hands yard total offensive outputs recorded by
of No. 6 Florida after going 5-of-16 for 78 Florida and Alabama, respectively, and
yards, a touchdown and an interception the Bulldogs haven’t allowed more than
— but it’s also possible we see former 215 yards in any of its other four games
five-star recruit and USC transfer JT this season.
Daniels for the first time all year against MSU has done little to inspire any
a shorthanded MSU secondary. confidence its offense is ready to turn
Daniels’ debut has been a long await- a corner regardless of who lines up at
ed one and he’s likely the x-factor in quarterback, while Georgia is fresh off
determining what this Bulldog offense being annihilated by the high-flying
looks like come Saturday in Athens. Florida offense. Expect the red and
white clad Bulldogs to get back on track
MSU’s passing offense Saturday.
vs. Georgia defense
I’m not sure there’s a strong enough Mississippi State vs. history
variation of the word “bad” to describe MSU and Georgia don’t meet often
how poor MSU’s passing attack has given they’re on different sides of the
been of late. I wrote last week how this SEC, but history is on the side of this
can be as much attributed to growing week’s hosts.
pains that were also seen at Washing- Though the teams have only met five
ton State, and, well, a global pandemic times since 1997, Georgia holds a 4-1
wiping out a normal offseason. But that edge over that span and a series lead
doesn’t change the fact the Bulldogs of 18-6. Of those six wins, MSU has
have been atrocious since their Week 1 recorded just two victories since 1974
win over LSU. and the Bulldogs haven’t won in Athens
It remains unclear who will line up since Dwight Eisenhower was Presi-
under center this weekend between dent.
Stanford import K.J. Costello and Will Mike Leach’s inaugural season in
Rogers — who started the Nov. 7 win Starkville has been one of tremendous
over Vanderbilt with Costello sidelined highs and incredible lows. After the air
due to an undisclosed injury — though raid rather loudly announced its return
neither has been particularly impres- to the SEC in Week 1, it has since fallen
sive when called upon. off a cliff, including not having account-
Costello broke a nearly four de- ed for more than 300 passing yards
cade-old SEC passing record in the win since the first week of October.
over LSU, but has since seen his name According to BetOnline, MSU
cemented at the bottom of the confer- opened as a 24-point underdog against
ence passing charts, most notably his Georgia. It’s unlikely Leach’s squad
league-leading 10 interceptions. scores an upset Saturday given what
As for Rogers, he’s been thrust into a we’ve seen this season and past prece-
handful of difficult situations in replac- dent, but covering the spread would be
ing an inefficient Costello, but his 4.6 a win in itself.

Help us help them.

The Humane Society
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
he would have liked to see more “What?” Wooten yelped, sur- Thompson, who didn’t play bas- the Volunteers. Caroline Wood Starkville Academy 1, Caledo-
effort come before it was too late prised, from the Raiders’ bench. ketball last year and played spar- had 10, and Fallon Parker had nia 0
to make a difference. She looked up at the scoreboard ingly Tuesday. Freshman Reagan nine. STARKVILLE — Starkville
“It’s great to see that, but I for verification, then shook her Merchant, who had 15 points, was Academy boys soccer blanked
don’t want them to fight only when head in apparent disbelief. relied on heavily; sophomore Lucy Prep Boys Basketball Caledonia, 1-0, in Tuesday’s match
they’re backed into a corner,” Still, there was a hint of a smile Sharp, who led the team with 18, Starkville Academy 49, Magno- in Starkville.
Howell said. “I want them to fight on her face. continued to improve her game. lia Heights 48 Wilkes Stubbs had the only
from the first round.” Fouling out was of little con- Sharp hit from midrange consis- SENATOBIA — Jawon Yarbor- goal of the match.
The Patriots, meanwhile, know cern to Wooten and Oak Hill tently and even knocked down a ough hit a 3-pointer with seven The Volunteers will host Bayou
they have plenty of time to work against Heritage Academy on 3-pointer in the second quarter. seconds left to lift the Starkville Academy on Thursday.
on delivering the knockout blow Tuesday, after all, as the Raiders “She’s really added a whole Academy boys over Magnolia Caledonia will play at Tupelo
on which they couldn’t connect beat the Patriots 51-41. ‘nother dimension to her game Heights, 49-48, in Tuesday’s road on Friday.
Tuesday. With football occupying “We’ve come a long way from with her outside shooting,” Reed game.
several Heritage Academy players last year, so that’s really exciting,” said. “The summer did a lot of The Volunteers will host Choc- New Hope 6, Mooreville 0
until Friday’s loss in the MAIS sophomore Mary Beth Briggs good for her as far as just gaining taw County on Thursday. NEW HOPE — Trey Parnell
Class 5A semifinals, Heritage said. confidence. She’s having to play had a hat trick in New Hope’s 6-0
Academy’s hoops team has barely Wooten had 12 points as Oak a whole different role this year. Prep Girls Soccer rout of Mooreville on Tuesday.
Hill improved to 4-1 in its first sea- We really look for her to score a Mooreville 5, New Hope 1 José Castillo and Brant Smith
had time to get on the court.
son under head coach Terry Wal- lot more, work for more opportu- NEW HOPE — New Hope lost added goals for the Trojans.
“It’s just the beginning of bas-
ters. Briggs led the Raiders with nities. She’s not just a down-low Tuesday’s home match to Moore-
ketball season,” sophomore big
17 points. player anymore; she’s not just a ville, 5-1. Heritage Academy 7, Magnolia
man Trey Naugher said. “We’ve “Mary Beth had one of her
only had one practice, so we hav- post player for us. She’s somebody Nicole Padron had the lone Heights 2
good games,” Walters said. “She who’s got to step out and hit those goal for the Trojans. Vardaman 3, Mississippi School
en’t had that much.” has good and bad games, but she’s outside shots.” New Hope’s next match is for Mathematics and Science 0
Even so, after losing a nine- only a sophomore, so she’ll get
man senior class, the Patriots feel Heritage Academy’s next Thursday at Tupelo.
better as the year goes on.”
good about how their season start- A 10-0 run in the second quar-
game is Thursday against Mag- Conner named Region 1-5A
nolia Heights in Columbus, while Vardaman 2, Mississippi School athlete of the year
ed Tuesday. ter put the Raiders in the lead for
Oak Hill will host Kirk Academy for Mathematics and Science 1 Columbus High School senior
“When you lose nine seniors, good and sent the Patriots to their
in a rematch of a road win earlier The Mississippi School for Ethan Conner was named the
you wonder how everybody’s go- third defeat in as many games.
this season in Grenada. Mathematics and Science girls football Region 1-5A athlete of the
ing to come out and work together Turnovers all evening and poor
“We know what they’re going fell short against Vardaman in year.
and gel,” Whiteside said. “We’ve foul shooting — the Pats missed
to do, so we’re going to try to out- Tuesday’s home match. Isaiah Harris, Steve Cattledge,
got a long way to go. We’ve got eight free throws in the fourth
do them,” Briggs said. Senior Ashley Mangus scored Chris Allen, Elijah Short and Dar-
a long way to go, but I like our quarter alone — cost Heritage
group.” Academy a chance to fight back. off a corner kick, but the Blue ion Mosley were named first-team
“I can tell that we’ve still got a Other scores Waves lost 2-1. all-division.
lot of work to do as far as getting in Prep Girls Basketball Steve Turner, Deitrick Mc-
Oak Hill Academy girls 51, shape, getting our legs under us,” Starkville Academy 55, Magno- Prep Boys Soccer Cray, Michael Mosley, Karon
Heritage Academy 41 said Patriots coach Miriam “Moe” lia Heights 35 Columbus 5, Winona 1 Hawk and Jaylan Harrison
Oak Hill Academy senior Car- Reed, who pointed to her team’s SENATOBIA — Lillee Alpe Destin Poindexter had a hat made the second team.
ley Wooten didn’t know she’d trouble from the line late in the scored 19 points to lead the trick for the Columbus High boys Jamarion Moody, Tyrese
fouled out until the public address game as a sign of fatigue. Starkville Academy girls team in a 5-1 home win over Winona on Erby, Darrion Salter, Chris-
announcer noted she had commit- And it’s understandable: Her- over Magnolia Heights on Tues- Tuesday. topher Martin and Tawonn
ted her fifth foul with 35.6 seconds itage Academy is a young team day in Senatobia. Keylan Payne and Tony Mar- Troop received an honorable
to go Tuesday. with just one senior, Sara Kate Marin Shy added 15 points for quez added goals for the Falcons. mention.

Continued from Page 1B
day. Like everyone else in citement of becoming a liamson in 2019. me just being there gave the middle. the smoothest path to
2020, this year’s class of pro player won’t diminish. “I would say the analy- me a lot of mental tough- If it’s Ball, he ends a the NBA, which perhaps
players has tried to make Not when they’ve been sis is fair. There is no guy ness, gave me a lot of ma- run a 10 straight one-and- makes him the perfect
the best of their difficult waiting since March, that has separated them- turity as a person.” dones to be the No. 1 pick. player to handle a year
circumstances. when sports stopped just self from the pack, from He worked out for Blake Griffin in 2009 is when everything else
“I feel like it was better days before the selection public or external view,” only the Warriors and the last non-college fresh- about the draft process
for me,” Edwards said. “I of the NCAA Tournament Timberwolves President
Hornets, suggesting the man to be the top selec- has been upended.
haven’t complained, I hav- field, to start playing ball Gersson Rosas said.
Wolves may be choosing tion. “I feel like I’m just the
en’t tripped about it at all. again. Edwards believes the
I just felt like it was better “I mean, playing in lack of an NCAA Tour- between Edwards and Ball didn’t do college right man for it,” Ball said.
for me because more time games, I missed it a lot. nament hurt the players. Ball with 2015 No. 1 pick at all, playing profession- “Like I said, I feel like I’m
for me to get better and But at the same time, They couldn’t make a fi- Karl-Anthony Towns en- ally in Lithuania and Aus- born for this whole thing
get ready for the NBA.” this extra time, it’s only nal collegiate statement trenched as their man in tralia. It certainly wasn’t going on.”
The freshman guard helping me,” said forward like Ja Morant did when
from Georgia is one of the Obi Toppin, the national he turned in a triple-dou-
leading candidates to be college player of the year ble in an upset victory for
picked first by the Min- from Dayton. Murray State in the first
nesota Timberwolves. “I feel like I’m more round of the 2019 NCAA
Ball, a guard who skipped prepared and mentally Tournament. That helped
college to play profession- prepared for when the secure him as the No. 2
ally overseas, and 7-foot-1 time comes, and I feel like pick behind Williamson
Memphis freshman cen- when I’m on the court and and he was a runaway
ter Wiseman are the oth- that jump ball goes up, I winner of the Rookie of
er headliners in the class. feel like I’ve been waiting the Year award after near-
The draft is usually so long that it’s going to ly leading Memphis to the
held in June in New York, be an amazing feeling.” playoffs.
where Adam Silver an- The Golden State War- Wiseman wouldn’t
nounces the first-round riors have the No. 2 pick, a have had that chance
picks. The top players sit chance to add a top young anyway. He averaged 19.7
at tables in the front of player to a team that points and 10.7 rebounds
the arena and when their reached five straight NBA in three games after ar-
names are called, put on Finals before tumbling to riving as the nation’s No.
a hat with the logo of the the bottom of the league 1 recruit, then was sus-
team that picked them when Stephen Curry and pended by the NCAA for
and walk onto the stage Klay Thompson were eligibility reasons and an-
for a handshake and a injured. Charlotte picks nounced he was leaving
photo with the commis- third, followed by Chica- the program to prepare
sioner. go and Cleveland. for the draft.
This time, Silver will The teams lacked “Of course I wanted to
be announcing the picks some resources to eval- win a national champion-
from the ESPN campus in uate players, without the ship, of course I wanted
Bristol, Connecticut. Play- normal draft combine in to establish that situation
ers have been shipped Chicago or the ability to with my teammates,” he
boxes of hats for wherever invite players to their fa- said. “I love my team-
they will be watching to cilities for meetings and mates, I actually text
choose the one they need workouts. Perhaps that’s them every day. But you
when their name is called. partly the reason there is know how life happens.
It’s not the draft night no consensus No. 1 pick Like, stuff hits you out of
they wanted, but the ex- this year like Zion Wil- nowhere, but I feel that

Continued from Page 1B
lege in Hattiesburg. “He told me that he stuck with me after my
“It means a lot with wasn’t going to stop fight- injury, I knew that was
how far I’ve come,” De- ing,” DeVos said. “Sure the school I wanted to
Vos said. enough, after my inju- choose,” DeVos said.
In 2018, DeVos tore ry and after I was back Two weeks before
her ACL and MCL run- playing, he was still there her senior year started,
ning to first base and had watching me.” DeVos had surgery to
surgery to reconstruct Since Columbus remove a screw that was
the ligament. She was Christian doesn’t field inserted as part of the
told she’d probably never a high school softball initial reconstruction as
be able to catch again and team, DeVos has played well as a cyst that was
that she’d probably end travel ball for the Tuscalo- forming. The procedure
up having to move to the osa (Alabama) Titans. At “helped a ton,” she said.
outfield. a game with the Titans, DeVos was able to com-
“Whenever I was told DeVos met Fletcher, who pete in fall ball, which
that, I was really deter- extolled William Carey’s just wrapped up, and she
mined to come back virtues. DeVos visited plans to play “here and
stronger than I was,” De- campus and loved it. Wil- there” in summer ball
Vos said. liam Carey became No. 1 before heading to Hat-
It took a year before on her list. tiesburg. She’ll major in
she could get back on And when Fletcher criminology and contin-
the field and another two made it clear the Crusad- ue her catching career
months before she got ers would allow DeVos to with the Crusaders.
back to catching. And catch in college, the deci- “All my friends and
just like DeVos did, Wil- sion was obvious. family supported me
liam Carey coach Craig “When William Car- through it all,” DeVos
Fletcher kept the faith. ey talked to me and they said.
4B WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Theo Epstein steps down after 9 seasons leading Cubs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS formed the long-suffering with long-term impacts,” who won’t be paid for 2021 would like to be part of an remain in Chicago with
Cubs and helped bring Epstein said. “Those types by the Cubs, said Ricketts ownership group at some his wife and two sons.
CHICAGO — Listening home a drought-busting of decisions are really best did not bring up his salary point. He said he would likely
in on fans’ conversations championship in 2016, is made by somebody who’s when they discussed his “Baseball team own- become a season-tick-
during his walks home stepping down after nine going to be here for a long future. He also said he was ers can be transformed et holder, maybe even a
from Wrigley Field, Theo seasons as the club’s pres- time, not just for one more not asked to resign. into forces for civic good bleacher bum. And he
Epstein could sense their ident of baseball opera- year. ... Jed clearly is that The 46-year-old Ep- and help a lot of people vowed to buy beers for
excitement as the Chicago tions, the team announced person.” stein, who grew up near and be involved in a lot of any Cubs fan he sees in
Cubs set themselves up to Tuesday. General manager Chairman Tom Ricketts Boston and helped the the important conversa- a bar following the coro-
capture that long-awaited Jed Hoyer is being promot- said it was a “sad day for Red Sox break an 86-year tions in the city and be a navirus pandemic, until
World Series champion- ed to take Epstein’s place. me personally” and called drought with World Series solution for a lot of issues the team wins a World
ship. Epstein said after the Epstein a “great partner championships in 2004 and in cities,” Epstein said. Series under Hoyer.
It was as if they were all season he anticipated re- and truly a great friend.” 2007, is one of five execu- “So that does appeal to Epstein oversaw a
in it together. maining on the job for at “Really, I think the lega- tives to win titles with mul- me. A lot of things would massive rebuild when
“It felt like the lines be- least one more year, with cy that Theo leaves behind tiple organizations. He, Pat have to go right for that to he came to Chicago fol-
tween fans and front office his contract set to expire in is an organization that ex- Gillick, John Schuerholz happen. Usually, for that lowing the 2011 season.
members and players were 2021. But he said Tuesday pects to win, not an organi- and Dave Dombrowski are type of thing to happen He overhauled the farm
blurred because we were it became apparent this zation that is surprised to the only ones to do so with you need access to a lot system as well as the
all part of this club that past summer “for a num- win,” Ricketts added. teams in each league. of capital. ... Who knows? scouting and analytics
was in on a secret,” he said. ber of reasons” it was time Though the COVID-19 Epstein hopes to stay Maybe I have plans for operations, helping to
“We all kind of knew what to move on. pandemic wreaked finan- involved with baseball some of those things down produce one of the most
was about to happen, may- “It became really clear cial havoc on baseball, while he plots his next the line, but a lot would successful stretches in
be before the rest of the that we’d be facing some Ricketts said money “had move. He plans to run a have to go right for that the franchise’s history
baseball world did.” significant long-term deci- nothing to do” with Ep- team again, though prob- to happen.” with a big assist from
Epstein, who trans- sions this winter, decisions stein’s decision. Epstein, ably not next season. He For now, Epstein will Hoyer.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I haven’t DEAR ABBY: I have read
Two years talked to anyone about how narcissistic, angry,
ago, my else about this. depressed people shame others
husband of 50 My husband loves and spread lies on social media.
years confessed me and has been May I take a moment to remind
that 46 years ago, very supportive, your readers that they do not
shortly after our but it hasn’t been HAVE to have social media? I
son was born, he enough to heal stopped looking at it two years
had a one-night this pain. Your ago, after the death of my sis-
stand with a total words of wisdom ter. People said some horrible
stranger he gave will be appreciat- things, so I decided enough
a ride to. She ed. — WOUNDED is enough — I’m done. Not
ZITS offered sex to him, IN FLORIDA only have I not missed it, I’m
and they went to a DEAR WOUND- much more peaceful and less
hotel for the brief ED: So your stressed. I connect with people
encounter. He husband chose I love through email, texting and
said he had totally to ease his guilty sometimes good old-fashioned
forgotten about it Dear Abby conscience about letter-writing. That works for
until recently. He this one-time me. — FREEDOM REGAINED IN
said he was very upset when he infidelity 46 years ago and lay CALIFORNIA
remembered, to the point that it on you. It would have been DEAR FREEDOM REGAINED:
he felt sick. kinder had he “confessed” to I have received an increasing
He decided to tell me his spiritual adviser. number of letters from people
because he didn’t want any se- Focus on the fact that what about problems in which there
crets between us, and he asked happened (once) four years into is a social media element. For
me to forgive him. I forgave him, your marriage is less relevant those who have become over-
but I have been devastated ever than the quality of the relation- whelmed, I recommend limiting
GARFIELD since. He was a virgin when
we married, and he has been
ship you have shared during
the ensuing nearly half-century.
time spent online. For people
who have been victimized by
unfaithful only that one time. Because it has been two years trolls, another solution is to
Abby, I cannot get over the since your husband told you and simply block or delete them.
fact that he did this to me. Not you are still in emotional pain, I’m sharing your suggestion
a single day goes by without consider enlisting the help of for anyone who might need
the pain and the images of him a licensed marriage and family it — and I suspect there may be
being unfaithful in a marriage therapist. Talking it out may quite a few. However, discon-
that I considered to be nearly help these feelings to dissipate necting from social media does
perfect until then, take hold of so you will no longer be haunted take more effort because the
me and make me very sad. I by the images in your head. dropouts must decide not only
don’t cry as much anymore, but Please do not wait to do this. who they wish to communicate
the intensity of the pain hasn’t Your physician is the first person with but also by what means
subsided. to ask for a referral. to do it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. name of learning. today is just as great. If you
18). You refuse to buy into the TAURUS (April 20-May knew that someday you would
status quo vision because you 20). The current way works, be nostalgic about this very
see more than people around but you can’t help but wonder if day, then what would you do
you are accepting. With your there’s a more efficient method. differently to savor it?
imaginative approach, you’ll Condensing tasks, thereby LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
make extraordinary things freeing up time, feels like a You cannot make the future
happen. A deal comes together sacred cause, and appropriately because it’s a collaboration.
before the end of the year, so. Time is among your most However, you can and will
thanks to your investigative precious resources. strongly influence the people
problem-solving. Love is lav- GEMINI (May 21-June 21). around you by envisioning your
ished on you. Aries and Gemini You have something to express, version and feeding that vision
BABY BLUES adore you. Your lucky numbers though you won’t be sure exact- with your words and actions.
are: 20, 4, 44, 48 and 1. ly what it is or the best way to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). put it out there until you start You’ll mine gems of happiness
Feeling hesitant and resistant talking. Communication is an all over the place — and time
can be taken as a signal you’re experiment. Give yourself plenty — today. You’ll revel in glorious
in danger, or it doesn’t mean of chances. moments as you time travel
this at all. Today, it’s just a CANCER (June 22-July through joyous moments of your
simple fear of the unknown and 22). You’re focused on a future memory and your projections of
should be brushed off in the event. However great it will be, the future.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Having too little to do doesn’t
feel good to you. Having too
much is worse. There’s a sweet
spot in the middle — just
enough stress to keep you on
BEETLE BAILEY your toes and not enough to
drain you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Your cosmic boon: well-calibrat-
ed confidence. You’re realistic
about what you can achieve
and seeing the smiles you elicit
along the way will give you just
the right amount of confidence.
21). Today’s decisions aren’t
major, but they’re tricky. There
are consequences to be had,
and they’ll happen on many
levels. Check around, research,
MALLARD FILLMORE put in the deep thought.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll be doing some fore-
casting. The more specific you
are in your predictions, the less
prepared you’ll be for a variety
of outcomes. Make contingency
plans. Allow for uncertainty.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-
Feb. 18). You can’t wait for
something to be over, but don’t
let the anticipation rob you of
appreciation for the stage you’re
in right now. The finish line is an
illusory delineation. The end of
FAMILY CIRCUS this journey is the threshold of
the next.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Disagreement won’t be an
obstacle to progress. In fact,
it’s an essential tool in improv-
ing things. Today’s disagree-
ment has a way of balancing
out errors and promoting more
expansive thinking.

World without end

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Tips for sweets — and safety

— this Thanksgiving

ike many of you, our fami-
ly plans to scale back this
Thanksgiving — fewer people,
much simpler menu, and aiming
to do whatever we do outside,
assuming Mother Nature is kind.
No big turkey this year surrounded
by more sides than we can (well, White cheddar and Parmesan
should) eat. To be honest, the feel- cheeses, sherry, hash browns and
ing of release from all the tradition- eggs flavor this sherry, ham and
al prep is already making me step cheese brunch bake.
It is a fact that COVID-19 cases
and hospitalizations are rising, and
that should have us all taking extra
precautions next week that reduce
the risk of spread. In my personal
opinion, there are many reasons
dishes prepped
to do so — not only to protect our
families but to save what we can of
the community Christmas season;
in minutes for
to lessen the risk of temporary
shutdowns returning, as they
already are in other states; and
small, family
to hasten the advent of a stable,
robust economy.
If you’re hosting a small holiday
gathering, the Centers for Disease This nutty apple crisp contains delicious autumn flavors including apples,
Control and Prevention has some raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar and nuts.

advice at First, know that
It goes without saying that the n what’s certain to be a holiday
there is currently no evidence
CDC recommends wearing masks season unlike any other, you
to suggest that handling food or can transform your seasonal
eating is associated with directly unless eating, remaining 6 feet
apart from others not in your usual menu in 20 minutes of prep time
spreading COVID-19. It’s possible a or less by incorporating flavorful
person can get the virus by touch- household and washing hands well.
Make hand sanitizer available. ingredients that make ordinary
ing a surface or object, including
Sure, none of this is fun, but a dishes extraordinary, ensuring the
food, food packaging or utensils
few precautions now could help in holidays are as special and memo-
that have the virus on them, then rable as any other year.
touching their own mouth, nose or the long-run, and we all want to get
to the finish line. Stress-free holiday entertaining
possibly their eyes. However, that at home begins with ingredients
is not thought to be the main way But back to food, because that’s
on our minds, isn’t it? A Thanks- like Holland House Cooking Wines
the virus is spread. that add an extra boost of flavor to
Some general considerations giving menu isn’t complete without
a sweet. (Our family favors apple recipes like Tuscan White Bean
that can mitigate risk are to limit Soup. Perfect for chilly evenings,
the number of attendees as much cake, apple pie or pecan pie). Here
are a few more ideas for your Use some of the season’s abun- this recipe combines pantry sta-
as possible and move gatherings ples and enticing seasonings for an
outdoors. Avoid crowded, poorly holiday. dant sweet potatoes to make this
tasty sweet potato cake. easy-to-make soup that simmers
ventilated spaces with people who in the slow cooker. This Sherry,
are not in your household. If you NUTTY APPLE CRISP mon, apple juice, eggs, and vanilla in Ham and Cheese Brunch Bake is
must be inside, increase ventilation Makes: 10 servings large mixing bowl. another delicious and convenient
by opening windows and doors to n Beat at low speed for 30 seconds.
3 apples, cored and cut into 1 inch Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes. recipe to feed your family on early
the extent it is safe and feasible, or holiday mornings. This simple,
chunks, unpeeled n Pour into a 12 cup bundt pan or a 9-by-
by placing central air and heating 1/2 cup raisins 13-inch cake pan that has been sprayed tasty brunch bake can be easily
on continuous circulation. 1/2 lemon, juiced with cooking spray and floured. prepped the night before.
1/2 cup old fashioned oats n Bake for 35-40 minutes or until wooden While holiday gatherings may
Other advice includes 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
toothpick inserted in cake center comes
out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Then invert be smaller this year, spending
n Clean and disinfect common- 3 tablespoons brown sugar onto wire rack to cool completely. time with family can be made
ly touched surfaces and any shared 1/4 cup pistachios, walnuts or almonds, (Note: This is an ideal cake to bake in even more special when sharing a
items between use when feasible. unsalted, chopped cans and give for gifts. Cans should homemade, holiday-inspired meal.
n Wear a mask while preparing 2 tablespoons margarine or butter, melted be well greased and filled 2/3 full. It is
best to use cans with smooth sides and Sherry Cherry Pork Loin Roast,
food for or serving food to others n Place rack in center of oven and pre- without a lead seam. Baking times for made in a time-saving slow cooker,
who don’t live in your household. heat to 350 F. cans: 18 ounce can, 45 minutes or until provides an easy way to bring
n Limit people going in and out n Place sliced apples, raisins, and lemon done; 16-17 ounce can, 40 minutes or your family together for a flavorful
of the areas where food is being juice in 8x8 inch pan or baking dish. Toss. until done; 6 ounce can, 30 minutes or holiday meal.
n In a bowl, mix remaining ingredients until done.)
prepared or handled, such as except melted margarine. (Source: spendsmart.extension.iastate. Holland House Cooking Wines
the kitchen or around the grill, if n Add melted margarine and mix until tex- edu) are available in four flavors — Mar-
possible. ture is consistent. Sprinkle over apple-rai- sala, Sherry, White and Red.
n Have one person who is sin mixture. Visit hollandhouseflavors.
wearing a mask serve all the food n Bake uncovered 45-50 minutes or until SWEET POTATO CAKE com to find more holiday-worthy
apples are tender. Makes: 16 servings
so that multiple people are not (Note: Sweet varieties of apples like dishes.
handling serving utensils. Honeycrisp, Fuji, or Gala work best for 1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 2 to
n Use single-use options or this recipe since there is very little added 3 medium, or 2 large)
identify one person to serve shar- sugar. Adding nuts and oatmeal to the top 1 cup all purpose flour SHERRY CHERRY PORK
of this crisp adds fiber, making it heart 1 cup whole wheat flour
able items, like salad dressings,
healthy.) 1 3/4 teaspoon baking powder LOIN ROAST
food containers, plates and utensils (Source: 1/2 teaspoon baking soda Prep time: 20 minutes
and condiments. 1/2 teaspoon salt Cook time: 5-6 hours
n Offer no-touch trash cans for 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Servings: 8-10
guests to easily throw away food PUMPKIN APPLE CAKE 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
7 tablespoons avocado or grapeseed oil,
Two pinches ground cloves (add more if
items. Use gloves when removing you like) divided
garbage bags and wash hands 1 package (18.25 ounces) white cake mix 2 large Vidalia onions, halved and thinly
1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin 1/2 stick unsalted butter
afterward. 1/4 cup vegetable oil sliced
1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
The ultra careful may want to 2/3 cup apple juice 1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 pork loin roast (4-4 1/2 pounds),
encourage guests to bring their 3 eggs trimmed and patted dry
1 teaspoon vanilla 2 large eggs
own food and drink for themselves 3 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper,
Nonstick cooking spray and flour divided
and for members of their house- For the frosting:
hold; avoid potluck-style gather- n Preheat oven to 350 F. 1 1/2 cups plain Greek yogurt
Sherry cherry sauce:
ings. n Combine cake mix, pumpkin, cinna- See THANKSGIVING, 6B 3/4 cup Holland House Sherry Cooking
5-6 cloves garlic

Apples help celebrate the best of the season

FAMILY FEATURES to sugary sweet, so finding ness coupled with a crisp, ored plant-breeding meth-
the right balance for your elegant crunch. They are an ods. Plus, the apples’ bright

f it seems like your gro- palate is key. Scent can also easy snack when eaten fresh white flesh is naturally slow
cery store’s apple section influence taste, especially out of hand and are perfect to brown when sliced, so they
is more abundant than it when you have a balanced for pairing with cheese, char- stay fresher longer.
has been in the past, you’d be sweetness with an uplifting, cuterie boards, chocolate and For more information,
correct. With new apple vari- fresh aroma. nut butters. including recipes and enter-
eties coming onto the scene When it comes to apples, Easy to spot with their taining tips, visit EnvyApple.
every few years, gone are the a satisfying texture is as crimson red skin over a com.
days of choosing between important as taste. Consider golden background that
simply red or green. an option like the Envy apple, practically glows, Envy Creating the ultimate
Use apples in a variety of ways — like
Instead, choosing the which has been referred to as apples are naturally descend- charcuterie board
toasted bread topped with brie, a slice right apple is similar to “the ultimate apple expe- ed from Braeburn and Royal Stick to the basics this
of apple and bacon — throughout the selecting the perfect wine. rience” for its consistently Gala apple varieties, bred by holiday season to create a
holiday season ahead. Apples can range from tart balanced, delightful sweet- farmers who use time-hon- See APPLES, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
1 cup frozen Bing cherries, divided
1 1/2 tablespoons dry mustard powder
4 tablespoons Holland House Balsamic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 bunch fresh parsley, large stems
removed, plus additional reserved for
3 tablespoons cornstarch (optional)

n In large slow cooker on high heat, add

2 tablespoons oil, sliced onions and 1
teaspoon salt.
n Season roast evenly on all sides with 2
teaspoons salt and 1 tea­spoon pepper.
n Place large skillet over medium heat.
Add 2 tablespoons oil to pan. Sear pork
loin 3 minutes on each side until golden
brown. Transfer roast to slow cooker on
top of onions. Cover and cook on low 3

n To make sherry cherry sauce: In blend-

er, blend sherry cooking wine, garlic, 1/2 Cooking wines can boost the flavor of dishes like this sherry cherry pork
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
cup cherries, mustard powder, balsamic Sudoku 5 8 6 2 7 4 3 9 1
vinegar, soy sauce, parsley, remaining
loin roast. a 9x9 gridis witha several
olive oil, remaining salt and remaining ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 7 3 8 5 1 4 6 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

8 teaspoons Parmesan cheese, shaved (for 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard powder based onthe a 9x9
pepper until smooth; set aside. garnish) 2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill is to place numbers 4 1 2 3 9 6 5 8 7
n After pork loin cooks 3 hours, add 1 teaspoon fresh chopped dill, for garnish grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 3 4 5 6 9 7 2 8
sherry cherry sauce around pork roast. given
Cover and cook 2-3 hours on low.
n Place chicken stock, white cooking wine, (optional) so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 6 9 7 4 2 8 1 3 5
tomatoes, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, 2 teaspoons freshly grated Parmesan object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
n To glaze, brush roast with warm sauce cannellini beans, artichoke hearts, bay numbers 8 2 5 7 1 3 6 4 9
contains the1same to 9 number
3-4 times in last hour of cooking. cheese, for garnish (optional)
leaf, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper and 3 6 1 9 8 5 2 7 4
n Once pork reaches internal tempera- the empty spaces so
rosemary in slow cooker. Cover and cook on n Move oven rack to middle position and only once. The difficulty 2 4 9 1 3 7 8 5 6
ture of 145 F, remove and let rest 15-20 low 7-8 hours or high 4-5 hours. that each row, each
minutes before slicing. preheat to 400 F. Generously grease 9-by- level increases from
n About 30 minutes before serving soup, 13-inch baking dish with butter; set aside. column and each 7 5 8 6 4 2 9 1 3
n To finish sauce, remove 1/4 cup stir in kale and cover. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/17

cooking liquid and mix with cornstarch to n In 10-inch nonstick skillet, add olive oil
n In 10-inch skillet over medium heat, and preheat pan over medium heat. Add the same number only once. The difficulty level
make a slurry. Whisk slurry and remaining cook pancetta until crispy, about 4 minutes.
cherries into sauce. Cook in slow cooker Move pancetta to paper towel-lined plate
shallots and cook, stirring often, until soft- increases from Monday to Sunday.
on high 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. to drain. ened and golden, about 7-8 minutes.
n Slice roast 1/2-inch thick, garnish n Ladle soup into bowls and sprinkle with n Stir in cooking wine and cook until liquid
with fresh parsley and serve with Sherry pancetta and Parmesan cheese shavings. is evaporated, about 3-5 minutes. Remove
Cherry Sauce and braised onions. (Source: Recipe courtesy of Jillian Wade of from heat.
(Source: Recipe courtesy of Cate Meade “Food, Folks & Fun”) n Add frozen hash browns to prepared
of “Cate’s Kitchen Fit”) baking dish. Pour melted butter over pota-
toes and add salt, pepper and caramelized
n Use spoon to mix well. Bake 30 minutes,
Prep time: 15 minutes BRUNCH BAKE or until potatoes are cooked through
Cook time: 8 hours Prep time: 20 minutes and some edges are beginning to brown.
Servings: 8 Cook time: 1 hour, 20 minutes Remove potatoes from oven and reduce
Servings: 10 temperature to 325 F.
4 cups chicken stock n Sprinkle cheddar cheese and 1 cup
1 cup Holland House White Cooking Wine 8 tablespoons salted butter, melted, plus shredded Parmesan cheese evenly over
1 can (14 1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes additional for greasing pan, divided potatoes followed by ham.
1 medium yellow onion, diced small 2 teaspoons olive oil n In large measuring cup or small bowl,
1 cup celery, diced 2 large shallots, minced vigorously whisk eggs, milk, mustard pow-
1 cup carrots, diced 1/2 cup Holland House Sherry Cooking der and dill until fully combined and eggs
6 large cloves garlic, minced Wine
3 cans (15 1/2 ounces each) cannellini 1 package (20 ounces) frozen hash brown become frothy, about 1 minute.
beans, rinsed and drained potatoes n Pour egg mixture evenly over potatoes,
1 can (13 3/4 ounces) artichoke hearts, 1/2 teaspoon salt cheese and ham. Store covered in refrigera-
rinsed and drained 1/2 teaspoon pepper tor if prepping night before.
1 bay leaf 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded white cheddar n Bake 35-40 minutes, or until edges of
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning cheese casserole are golden brown and center of
1 teaspoon salt 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Parmesan casserole is set.
1 teaspoon ground black pepper cheese n Cool 5 minutes before slicing and
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary 8 ounces precooked ham, cut into 1/2-inch serving. Serve with chopped dill and grated
4 cups kale (about 6 ounces), cleaned, pieces Parmesan cheese, if desired.
destemmed and chopped 8 large eggs (Source: Recipe courtesy of Jillian Wade of
5 ounces pancetta or bacon, diced 1 1/4 cups whole milk “Food, Folks & Fun”)

Continued from Page 5B
perfect charcuterie board: friends and loved ones
n The board: Select a will likely be limited
board big enough for your this year, so make this
gathering but not too big holiday season a time
as you want there to be for cherishing traditions
overlap and crowding. in new, different ways.
n The cheeses: Select Consider these ways to
three different cheeses make apples part of the
that complement the celebration:
other items. Brie is a solid n Break out the web-
soft cheese choice while cam and challenge your
blue fills the need for a siblings to a cross-coun- ACROSS
stronger, more pungent try apple pie bake-off. 1 Prejudice
cheese. Try an aged n Give a relish tray an 5 Gloss targets
cheddar or smoky gouda upgrade with a sophisti- 9 Follow as a
to round out the trio. cated charcuterie board result
n The meats: Some- stacked with creamy 11 Attack
thing salty with a little gorgonzola cheese, salty 12 “The Tem-
fat, like prosciutto or caramel sauce, crunchy pest” sprite
speck, provides a flavorful mixed nuts and crisp 13 Mumbai’s
addition to the board. apple slices. Entertain- nation
n The produce: ing tip: Envy apples are 14 Start of an
Choose fruits that not a perfect addition to any ode title
only taste great, but are holiday spread as their 15 Endless
also beautiful to display white flesh stays natu- reminders
such as Envy apple slices, rally whiter longer and
which stay whiter longer,
17 Giving under
resists the browning that pressure
making them ideal for sometimes shows with
any entertaining occa- 19 “My word!”
other apples.
sion. Plus their balanced 20 Carrying out 39 Ohio city 11 Diana of “The
n Get transported
sweetness pairs well with from the comfort of your 21 Physique, 40 Barking beast Avengers”
any item on the board. couch by watching one slangily 41 Await 16 Luanda native
n The crackers: Vari- of Hallmark Channel’s 22 Nary a soul DOWN 18 Bar staples
ety is key with crackers, all-new original holiday 24 Methane, for 1 Pulses 21 Ice chunk
and like the cheeses, movies, munching on ap- one 2 Hostile incur- 23 Bean
three types is typically ples as your movie-time 26 Parliament sion 24 Player in a
the magic formula. Think snack. members 3 Crumbly Italian mask
water crackers, multi- n Share the scents 29 Abel, to Adam cheese 25 Soft wool
grain wafers and bread- of the holidays with 30 Checkout 4 Take to court 27 Hindu festival
sticks. neighbors by crafting chore 5 Breathing of lights
n The snacks: Sweet pomanders, which are 32 Identifying, on organ 28 Deceived
and salty are king when fresh apples studded social media 6 Blue hue 29 Some deer
it comes to snacks, so a with whole cloves. 34 Misery 7 Grimacing, 30 Auction
mix of chocolate and nuts n Fill decorative 35 Spoken perhaps actions
works for many char- bowls with festive 36 Really
cuterie boards.
8 Play place 31 Gaggle group
apples, enclose in cel- impressed 10 Pacific 33 Beach bird
lophane and gift them 38 Some babies current 37 Quill tip
Home for the holidays to friends and family
Traveling to visit member.

Continued from Page 5B
1 teaspoon vanilla Mix in sweet potato puree.
1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar n Whisk flour, baking powder,
baking soda, salt and spices
n Preheat oven to 350 F. together in a medium bowl.
Line bottom of an 8-by-8-inch n Stir dry ingredients into wet
square pan with parchment pa- ingredients until they are just
per and then butter the paper mixed in. Do not over mix.
and sides of the pan (a 9-by-9- n Spread batter in prepared
inch pan works fine too). pan, and bake about 35 to
n Prick potatoes with a fork 40 minutes. Let cake rest in
and microwave on high for 5 pan for 5 minutes on a cooling
minutes, or until soft. rack, then invert onto cooling
n Peel cooled sweet potatoes rack, and let cool completely.
and mash until very smooth. n For the frosting: Whisk all
Measure 1 1/2 packed cups ingredients until they become
from sweet potato mash and a bit thick. Place in the fridge
set aside. to thicken even more (at least
n In a large bowl, beat butter 30 minutes). Spread on the
and brown sugar together with prepared cake.
an electric mixer until light and Serve at room temperature cut
fluffy. Add oil, vanilla and eggs, into squares.
and beat until just combined. (Source:
N.A. as successor in interest to
signed said Deed of Trust unto holic Beverage Con-

PennyMac Loan Services, LLC,
all permitted successors and by instrument recorded in the trol Laws, Section 67-
assigns of The First National
Bank of Chicago as Trustee, for
BankAmerica Manufactured
office of the aforesaid Chan-
cery Clerk in MORT Book 2018
at Page 20137; and
1-1, et seq., of the
Mississippi Code of
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Housing Contract Trust IV,
Senior/Subordinate Pass-
Through Certificates, Series
WHEREAS by Amended Order
granting Default Judgment and
1972, Annotated. If
granted such permits,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
1998-1, by instrument recor- Final Judgment on the Plead-
ded in the office of the afore- we propose to oper-
said Chancery Clerk in Book
ings, in the matter of
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC ate as a sole owner To place ads starting at only $12,
2020 at Page 27969; and vs. Wayne Davis, Sr. a/k/a
Wayne Vincent Davis, Sr., et al; under the trade name call 662-328-2424 or visit
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of
October, 2020 the Holder of
Cause No.: 2019-0530 DE in of Lion Hills Center &
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
said Deed of Trust substituted County, Mississippi, rendered Golf Course, 2331 THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 n 7B
and appointed Dean Morris,
LLC as Substitute Trustee by
on the 30th day of September Military Road, Colum-
2020, which reforms the Deed
instrument recorded in the of- of Trust filed in the Chancery bus, MS. East Missis-
fice of the aforesaid Chancery
Clerk in Book 2020 at Page
Court of Lowndes County, Mis- sippi Community Col-
Legal Notices Legal Notices
sissippi in Mortgage Book Booze Legal Notices General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other
28480; and lege is a Mississippi
LEGALS Rentals
2008 at Page 21932, grants a
declaratory judgment that the community college JOB OPPORTUNITIES:
WHEREAS, default having been Deed of Trust in Book 1246 at
made in the payments of the
indebtedness secured by the
Page 177 is satisfied and is which is governed by SECRETARY will provide
general clerical & office
Call us: 662-328-2424 canceled of record, and recog- its Board of Trustees. Ads starting at $25 RENTALS
said Deed of Trust, and the nizes the reformed Deed of support. Clerical duties will TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
holder of said Deed of Trust,
having requested the under-
Trust in Mortgage Book 2008 The names and ad- include but not limited to
Legal Notices at Page 21932 to be a valid,
signed so to do, on the 9th day perfected, and enforceable first dresses of the Presid- answering the phone, re- Apts For Rent: West 1 BEDROOM
cord keeping, file mainten-
of December, 2020, I will dur- priority lien on the subject prop- ent of EMCC and the 2 BEDROOMS
Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. ing the lawful hours of between erty. The Order further author- ance, editing employee
Section 23-17-11, we, The Mis- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at izes judicial foreclosure of the Chairman and Vice time, Accounts Payable & 3 BEDROOMS
sissippi Secretary of State’s Of- Receivable, basic com-

public outcry, offer for sale and subject Deed of Trust recorded
Chairman of the
fice, supply to you the ballot will sell, at the south east front in Mortgage Book 2008 at puter skills including Mi- LEASE,

© The Dispatch
title and summary for Initiative door of Lowndes County Court- Page 21932, and appoints Board of Trustees crosoft Word, Excel, etc.
74. house, 505 2nd Ave. North at
are: Must be able to function in DEPOSIT
Columbus, Mississippi, for
Dean Morris, LLC, Special
Commissioner, or its author- high volume setting & pos- Apartments & Houses AND
Ballot Title cash to the highest bidder, the ized agent, for purposes of con-
Should an election be held to
choose the official flag of the
following described land and
property situated in Lowndes
ducting the Judicial Foreclos- President: Dr. Scott
sess great communication
and interpersonal skills. 1 Bedrooms CREDIT CHECK
2 Bedroooms
State of Mississippi, among ure Sale. Said Amended Order
County, Mississippi, to-wit: appearing in the Chancery
four specific flag decisions? will be responsible for su-
Ballot Summary
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
Commencing at the Southwest sissippi's land records in Deed 1512 Kemper Street pervision of employees on 3 Bedrooms
Initiative Measure Number 74
corner of the Southeast Book 2020 at Page 7539 on Scooba, MS 39358 the job site. Interested 2411 HWY 45 N
seeks to amend the Missis-
Quarter of Section 17, Town- October 21, 2020; and ; and candidates should mail Furnished & Unfurnished
ship 17 South, Range 18 West,
resume to: Blind Box 678 COLUMBUS, MS
1, 2, & 3 Baths
sippi Constitution to require Lowndes County, Mississippi;
the Legislature to provide that and run thence North 88 de-
WHEREAS, default having been Chairman: Kathy c/o Commercial Dispatch
the official flag of Mississippi
shall be chosen at the next
made in the payments of the
grees 31 minutes East 832.71 indebtedness secured by the Dyess PO Box 511 Lease, Deposit Houses For Rent: North
statewide general election from
feet along the South boundary
of Section 17 to an iron pin
said Deed of Trust, and the 1512 Kemper Street Columbus, MS 39703
holder of said Deed of Trust,
the following designs: 1894 and the point of beginning. Run having requested the under- Scooba, MS 39358 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
Mississippi Flag; Bicentennial
Did you
thence North 00 degrees 21
Flag with State Seal; “New signed so to do, on the 9th day bath townhouses. $650 to

minutes East 281.43 feet to of December, 2020, I will dur-
Magnolia/In God We Trust” Vice Chairman: Spen- $750. 662−549−9555.
an iron pin on the South right- ing the lawful hours of between
design from the November of-way of Jess Lyons Road; run 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at Ask for Glenn or text.
2020 ballot; and “Stennis thence South 89 degrees 30 cer Brooks Apts For Rent: Other
Flag” with “In God We Trust.” public outcry, offer for sale and
The design receiving the most
minutes East 156.30 feet will sell, at the south east front 1512 Kemper Street Mobile Homes for Rent
along said right-of-way to an
votes would become the offi- iron pin; run thence South 00
door of Lowndes County Court- Scooba, MS 39358
cial state flag. house, 505 2nd Ave. North at 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
degrees 02 minutes West Columbus, Mississippi, for
275.99 feet to an iron pin on
$650 dep + $650/mo. No
Notice to Bidders the South boundary of said
cash to the highest bidder, the
following described land and
If any person wishes pets, quiet area. Leave full
name & message,
to request a hearing
Section 17; run thence South property situated in Lowndes
Sealed bids will be received in 88 degrees 31 minutes West 205−712−6697.
County, Mississippi, to-wit: to object to the issu-
the office of the General Man- 157.86 feet along said bound-
ager, City of Columbus, Missis-
sippi, Light and Water Depart-
ary to the point of beginning.
All lying in the Southwest
Commencing at the Northwest ance of this permit a carriers drive Rooms For Rent

2,940 miles
corner of Section 30, Town-
ment until 10:00 a.m. on Quarter of the Southeast ship 16 South, Range 17 West, request for a hearing ROOM FOR RENT, FULLY
December 3, 2020 for “Bid for Quarter of Section 17, Town-
must be made in writ-
every day to
Lowndes County, Mississippi; FURNISHED, WEST POINT.
a (Sewer Inspection Crawler ship 17 South, Range 18 West, run thence South 38 degrees
Camera System.” Lowndes County, Mississippi 16 minutes West 2130.2 feet ing and received by Includes appls, furn & util.
deliver the
and containing 1.00 acre, more to a point; run thence South 00 $400 per month.
Specifications may be ob- or less. the Department of No deposit.
degrees 04 minutes West
Revenue within (15)
tained by dialing (662) 328- 83.03 feet to the Point of Be- 662−295−4701.
7192 ext. 121. Any questions Including the following manu-
regarding the bid may be direc- factured home: 1996 South-
ginning of the herein described fifteen days from the
tract; run thence South 00 de-
first date this notice
ted to Steve Barksdale at (662) ern Energy SEII 750, 60X28,

grees 04 minutes West, HAVE A RENTAL
251-4512. Serial No. DSE2AL9941AB 110.32 feet to a point; run
thence South 85 degrees 41
was published. PROPERTY?
Bids should be signed by an 1996 Southern Energy SEII minutes West 336.05 feet to a List it here for fast results.
authorized agent of the com- 750, 60X28, Serial No.
pany and delivered to 420 4th DSE2AL9941AB
point; run thence North 04 de- Request shall be sent
grees 19 minutes West 110.0
Avenue South, Columbus, MS
or mailed to General Manager’s I will only convey such title as
feet to a point; run thence to
is vested in me as Substitute
North 85 degrees 41 minutes Medical / Dental
office, P.O. Box 949, Colum- East 344.48 feet to a Point of
bus, MS 39703 and should be Trustee. Beginning, containing 0.86 Chief Counsel, Legal
clearly marked on the outside acres, more or less, and being
of the envelope “Bid for a Sew- WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this situated in the Northeast Division
er Inspection Crawler Camera 12th day of November, 2020.
Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 30, Department of Reven-
Township 16 South, Range 17
Dean Morris, LLC West, Lowndes County, Missis- ue
Columbus Light & Water re- Substitute Trustee
serves the right to reject any 855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste.
sippi. P. O. Box 22828
and/or all bids and to hold bids 404, Bldg. 400 Together with and including Jackson, MS 39225
for a period of 30 days or until Ridgeland, MS 39157 that certain easement for in-
after the monthly Board of (318) 330-9020 gress and egress as recorded
Commissioner’s meeting be- adp/F20-0300 in Deed Book 954 at Page 21 Date of First Publica-
fore award or rejection.
PUBLISH: 11/18/2020,
in the office of the Chancery
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
tion: 11/18/2020
No bidder may withdraw a bid 11/25/2020, 12/2/2020 sissippi.
for a period of thirty (30) days
after the date set for opening I will only convey such title as
PUBLISH: 11/18 &
of bids.
NOTICE OF SALE is vested in me as Special 11/19/2020
City of Columbus, Mississippi
Light and Water Department STATE OF MISSISSIPPI

12th day of November, 2020.
Todd Gale
General Manager WHEREAS, on the 29th day of
August, 2008, Wayne Vincent Dean Morris, LLC, or its author-
Davis Sr. aka Wayne V. Davis, ized agent
Publish: November 11, 2020
November 18, 2020 Sr. and Sharon Ann Davis aka Special Commissioner
855 S Pear Orchard Rd, Ste.
Call us: 662-328-2424
Sharon Davis, his wife, ex-
ecuted and delivered a certain 404 Bldg 400
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NO- Deed of Trust unto Real Estate Ridgeland, MS 39157 General Help Wanted
TICE OF SALE Closing Services, Trustee for (318) 330-9020
Mortgage Electronic Registra- adp/F19-0389 PERSONAL CARE: Full and
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI tion Systems, Inc. as nominee part-time employees
COUNTY OF Lowndes PUBLISH: 11/18/2020,
for Realty Mortgage Corpora-
11/25/2020, 12/2/2020
needed at small personal
tion, Beneficiary, to secure an care home in Columbus,
WHEREAS, on the 4th day of indebtedness therein de-
March, 1997, Herbert L. Mar- MS. Must pass back-
scribed, which Deed of Trust is
tin and Carol D. Martin, ex- recorded in the office of the Booze Legal Notices ground check. Call
ecuted and delivered a certain Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Collegeview Personal Care
Deed of Trust unto Mississippi County, Mississippi in Mort- 662-327-9463.
Valley Title Ins Co., Trustee for gage Book 2008 at Page LEGAL NOTICE
BankAmerica Housing Services, 21932; and
a Division of Bank of America,
FSB, Beneficiary, to secure an WHEREAS, Wayne Vincent Dav-
The undersigned East MAINTENANCE AIDE
indebtedness therein de- is Sr. aka Wayne V. Davis, Sr. Mississippi Com- The Columbus Housing
scribed, which Deed of Trust is and Sharon Ann Davis aka Authority is recruiting for
recorded in the office of the Sharon Davis, his wife is also
munity College (“EM- the employment position of
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes known as Sharon A. Davis per CC”) intends to make Maintenance Aide. Individu-
County, Mississippi in Trust the land records of Lowndes
Deed Book 1183 at Page 216; County, Mississippi; and application for an on- als who are interested may
and come by the main office at
premise retailer per- 914 4th St. So. to apply
WHEREAS, on the 13th day of
WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of September, 2018, Mortgage mit and caterer’s per- and request a copy of the
October, 2020, Ditech Finan- Electronic Registration Sys- mit as provided for by job description. Any ques-
cial LLC, assigned said Deed of tems, Inc. as nominee for Re- tions, please call 662-328-
Trust unto The Bank of New alty Mortgage Corporation, as- the Local Option Alco- 4236 and speak to Mrs.
York Mellon Trust Company signed said Deed of Trust unto
N.A. as successor in interest to PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, holic Beverage Con- Taylor or Mr. Jones.
all permitted successors and trol Laws, Section 67- We are an equal
by instrument recorded in the opportunity employer.
assigns of The First National office of the aforesaid Chan-
Bank of Chicago as Trustee, for cery Clerk in MORT Book 2018 1-1, et seq., of the
BankAmerica Manufactured at Page 20137; and Mississippi Code of
Housing Contract Trust IV, PART TIME mature person
Senior/Subordinate Pass- WHEREAS by Amended Order
1972, Annotated. If for retail store. Sales ex-
Through Certificates, Series
1998-1, by instrument recor-
granting Default Judgment and granted such permits, perience a plus, computer
Final Judgment on the Plead- we propose to oper- skills and very flexible
ded in the office of the afore- ings, in the matter of
said Chancery Clerk in Book hours. Email resume to
2020 at Page 27969; and
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC ate as a sole owner
vs. Wayne Davis, Sr. a/k/a
Wayne Vincent Davis, Sr., et al; under the trade name
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of
October, 2020 the Holder of
Cause No.: 2019-0530 DE in of Lion Hills Center &
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
said Deed of Trust substituted County, Mississippi, rendered Golf Course, 2331 RETAIL STORE needs entry
and appointed Dean Morris, level employee. Part time,
LLC as Substitute Trustee by
on the 30th day of September Military Road, Colum- flexible hours, ideal for
2020, which reforms the Deed
instrument recorded in the of- of Trust filed in the Chancery bus, MS. East Missis- local college student.
fice of the aforesaid Chancery Email letter of introduction
Clerk in Book 2020 at Page
Court of Lowndes County, Mis- sippi Community Col- or resume to
sissippi in Mortgage Book
28480; and 2008 at Page 21932, grants a lege is a Mississippi
declaratory judgment that the community college

Just a click away!

WHEREAS, default having been Deed of Trust in Book 1246 at
made in the payments of the Page 177 is satisfied and is which is governed by
indebtedness secured by the
said Deed of Trust, and the
canceled of record, and recog-
nizes the reformed Deed of
its Board of Trustees.
holder of said Deed of Trust,
having requested the under-
Trust in Mortgage Book 2008 The names and ad-
at Page 21932 to be a valid, dresses of the Presid-
signed so to do, on the 9th day perfected, and enforceable first
of December, 2020, I will dur- priority lien on the subject prop- ent of EMCC and the
ing the lawful hours of between erty. The Order further author-
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at izes judicial foreclosure of the Chairman and Vice
public outcry, offer for sale and subject Deed of Trust recorded
will sell, at the south east front in Mortgage Book 2008 at Chairman of the
door of Lowndes County Court- Page 21932, and appoints Board of Trustees

The best place for personalized

house, 505 2nd Ave. North at
Columbus, Mississippi, for
Dean Morris, LLC, Special are:
Commissioner, or its author-
cash to the highest bidder, the ized agent, for purposes of con-
following described land and

advertising in your community.

property situated in Lowndes President: Dr. Scott
ducting the Judicial Foreclos-
ure Sale. Said Amended Order
County, Mississippi, to-wit: appearing in the Chancery Alsobrooks
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
Commencing at the Southwest sissippi's land records in Deed 1512 Kemper Street
corner of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 17, Town-
Book 2020 at Page 7539 on Scooba, MS 39358
October 21, 2020; and ; and
ship 17 South, Range 18 West,
Lowndes County, Mississippi; WHEREAS, default having been Chairman: Kathy
and run thence North 88 de-
made in the payments of the
grees 31 minutes East 832.71 indebtedness secured by the Dyess
feet along the South boundary 1512 Kemper Street

said Deed of Trust, and the


of Section 17 to an iron pin holder of said Deed of Trust,
and the point of beginning. Run having requested the under- Scooba, MS 39358
thence North 00 degrees 21 signed so to do, on the 9th day
minutes East 281.43 feet to of December, 2020, I will dur-
Vice Chairman: Spen-
Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3
an iron pin on the South right- ing the lawful hours of between
of-way of Jess Lyons Road; run 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at
thence South 89 degrees 30 cer Brooks
public outcry, offer for sale and
minutes East 156.30 feet will sell, at the south east front 1512 Kemper Street
along said right-of-way to an
iron pin; run thence South 00
door of Lowndes County Court- Premium
Scooba, placement
MS 39358 Preferred placement in search
house, 505 2nd Ave. North at
degrees 02 minutes West
275.99 feet to an iron pin on
Columbus, Mississippi, for on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.
the South boundary of said
cash to the highest bidder, the If any person wishes
Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50
following described land and
Section 17; run thence South
88 degrees 31 minutes West
property situated in Lowndes to request a hearing
County, Mississippi, to-wit: to object to the issu-
157.86 feet along said bound-
ary to the point of beginning.
All lying in the Southwest
Commencing at the Northwest anceHighlight youra ad
of this permit Enhance your ad with
corner of Section 30, Town-
request for a hearing
with a dash of color.
Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 17, Town-
ship 16 South, Range 17 West,
Lowndes County, Mississippi; must be made in writ-
an attention getter.
ship 17 South, Range 18 West, run thence South 38 degrees
Lowndes County, Mississippi 16 minutes West 2130.2 feet ing and received by
and containing 1.00 acre, more to a point; run thence South 00
or less. the Department of
degrees 04 minutes West
Revenue within (15)
8B WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Real Estate Garage Sales Merchandise Community

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