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Life, Works and Writings of Rizal

The Background of Rizal’s Times (Part 1) • India- under British raj rule (caste system in India).
The rest of Asia divided up amongst the Europeans
Context: World Events during the time of Rizal
• Japan - opened up by America to the world, ending
Age of Empires its 214 year isolation, with modernization. Another
• In the United States: Civil War (American Civil War) favorite country of Rizal.
between the white, anti-slavery and industrial North
versus the white, pro-slavery plantation owners in the • Germany- a late imperial power; acquired colonies in
South; Negro (Black) slavery, where blacks were Africa and began seeking Pacific possessions. During
treated as property. The North believes in using the 1880’s, while Rizal was in Europe, it nearly went to
machinery to produce goods in factory. While the war with Spain over the Central Pacific Islands. War
Southern states are more reliant on the black state. would have taken place if not for the arbitration of
: The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 issued Pope Leo XIII.
by US President Abraham Lincoln to free the
slaves. Eventually, the blacks in America were • By then, Spain was a fading power, having lost her
not only were freed, but became citizens and rich colonies in Central and South America, such as
gained voting rights. Mexico, to revolution and independence. By the late
1800s, the Spanish Empire was reduced to Cuba,
• Russia: Czar (Caesar)Alexander II emancipated tens of Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, which included Guam.
millions of serfs (peasants). Russia was not yet In 1898, 2 years after the death of Rizal, the United
communist at the time. States will take-over these Spanish colonies.

•Mexico, just before Rizal’s birth in 1861, had a full- The Philippines during the 18th century
blooded Zapotec Indian (native Mexican) President. • The rise of the export crop economy (first you plant
Mexico was already independent by the time Rizal was crops in a plot of land, harvest them and sell – earn
born. profit) and monopolies (production of goods in the
colony) in the colony
•England under Queen Victoria- predominant imperial - After the Spanish war with the British, Spanish
power in the world (The Sun Never Sets on the British Governor General Jose de Basco y Vargas (1778)
Empire) saw the potential for large scale production of
cash crops in the colony
• Italy and Germany, divided for a long time, unified - Basco established the Royal Company of the
into powerful, political entities; young countries who Philippines in 1785 to finance these projects.
acquired only a few colonies because they arrived late The purpose was to make the colony self-
in the scene. Germany would be among Rizal’s favorite supporting and self-sufficient, agriculturally
countries. But Germany was also the home of Karl profitable but not politically independent
Marx (communism – abolition of all the private
property; everybody equal; anti-religion) and of Martin • The Spanish repealed the ban on Chinese merchants,
Luther (Protestantism – branching away of one set of who were expelled for 100 years after repeated
Christianity; separation of protestantism to uprisings against the Spanish. The Chinese returned
Catholicism). Later, Nazism will come from Germany, and intermarried with the natives. Their renewed
leading to World War II presence and business activity will lead to the rise of the
Chinese mestizos, among whom would be Rizal’s clan.
• China - was not yet communist at the time. It was
under an Emperor and was weak. It was under Qing • Manila was opened to world trade
- Emperor would launch a war on drugs against • The tobacco monopoly led to remittances. The
the Europeans because he suspected that the planting of tobacco would also lead to the cultivation of
Europeans were profiting from selling opium to abaca and sugar, a form of double-cropping or even
young Chinese, who then became addicted triple cropping to use the land, but which also led
- divided up by Europeans after China lost the sometimes to exhaustion.
Opium Wars
• The Spanish Governor General Basco’s efforts were Philippines became a dumping ground, displacing
successful- from 1800 to 1810, exports of Philippine Filipinos.
origin accounted for 10 percent of total exports from - enabled ilustrados to easily reach Europe from
forest and sea products. By the 1840’s, almost 90 the Philippines for study and for travel
percent of total export revenue came from six - hastened the movement of people and of ideas
Philippine-grown cash crops: sugar, tobacco, abaca from Europe to the Philippines
(Manila hemp - sturdy) fiber and cordage, indigo,
coffee and cotton. The cash economy replaced trade • Domination of imports, exports and distribution by
(barter) in kind. the British and by the Chinese in the Philippines

• The rise of the Chinese mestizo - new immigrants/ Under Spanish Government
new middle-men who linked provincial producers to • Centralized – the Ministries of the Colonies
the world market. Rizal’s ancestry would be Chinese established in Madrid in 1863 – exercised executive,
mestizo. legislative, judicial and religious powers.
- The Parian (Chinese sector in Manila) was re- • The Governor General
- Appointed by the Spanish Monarch
- Represents in the King in all state and religious
• Rise of Indio and mestizo elites- a new middle class - Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the
such as the families of the Propagandists and the Philippines
families of future leaders like Emilio Aguinaldo - The Vice Royal Patron over the religious affairs
in the islands
19th century Spanish Colonial Fashions for the wealthy - The ex-officio President of the Royal Audiencia,
and middle-class which enjoyed judicial powers

The Galleon Trade

• With the end of the Spanish empire in the America,
the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade which linked
American and Asian trade and which began in 1565,
ended in 1815. It lasted for 250 years.

• Manila was opened to world trade officially in 1834

- more diverse jobs, more money transactions and
more cultural diversions
- Manila’s population increased from 100,000 in
1822 to 150,000 by the mid-1800s

• In the 1850s and 1860s, the ports of Iloilo and Cebu

opened to foreign shipping, stimulating trade and
agriculture in the Visayas. New tracts of forestland on
Negros were cleared for sugar. The Negrense (Negros)
wants to declare their independence.

Opening of the Suez Canal

• In 1869, British engineers were able to find gaps, a
shallow piece of land which if they did through, will
open one sea with another sea (Mediterranean Sea
with the Indian ocean). They dug through the land, dig
a canal opened one sea to another sea thus opening
the Suez Canal. Suez is located in Egypt which is
considered much shorter route.
• The Suez Canal was opened to world trade in 1869-
dramatically decreased travel time from Europe and
led to many Spanish migrating (like birds of prey) to
the Philippines in search of jobs. Therefore, the

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