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Laboratory Manual

Middle East University



Highway Materials Lab

Number Experiment (s) Topic Type of Test

1 Penetration Consistency

2 Softening Point Consistency

3 Viscosity Consistency
4 Flash Point (Cleveland open Cup) Safety

5 Ductility Consistency
6 Spot Test Rheological (Aging)

7 Grading Systems Consistency

8 Age Hardening Rheological (Aging)

9 Extraction Asphalt Content
10-14 Marshall Mix Design

15 CBR Strength Test

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


List of Table

Table 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Penetration Grading

Table 2 Paving Grades of AC

Table 3 Table Used to Calculate the Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity from SSU

Table 4 0.45 power Gradation

Table 5 Aggregate Specification

Table 6 Stability Correlation Ratio

Table 7 Specification for HMA

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Penetration value is a measure of hardness or consistency of bituminous material. It is the vertical
distance traversed or penetrated by the point of a standard needle into the bituminous material under
specific conditions of load, time and temperature. This distance is measured in one tenths of a
millimeter. This test is used for evaluating consistency of bitumen. It is not regarded as suitable for
use in connection with the testing of road tar because of the high surface tension exhibited by these

Penetration grading’s basic assumption is that the less viscous the asphalt, the deeper the needle will
penetrate. This penetration depth is empirically correlated with asphalt binder performance.
Therefore, asphalt binders with high penetration numbers (called “soft”) are used for cold climates
while asphalt binders with low penetration numbers (called “hard”) are used for warm climates.
Penetration grading key advantages and disadvantages are listed in Table 1.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Penetration Grading

Advantages Disadvantages

The test is done at 25° C (77° F), which is The test is empirical and does not measure any
reasonably close to a typical pavement average fundamental engineering parameter such as
temperature. viscosity.

May also provide a better correlation with low- Shear rate is variable and high during the test.
temperature asphalt binder properties than the Since asphalt binders typically behave as a non-
viscosity test, which is performed at 60° C Newtonian fluid at 25° C (77° F), this will affect
(140°F). test results.

Temperature susceptibility (the change in Temperature susceptibility (the change in asphalt

asphalt binder rheology with temperature) can binder rheology with temperature) cannot be
be determined by conducting the test at determined by a single test at 25° C (77° F).
temperatures other than 25° C (77° F).

The test is quick and inexpensive. Therefore, it The test does not provide information with which
can easily be used in the field. to establish mixing and compaction

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The Aim of penetration test is to determine the consistency of bituminous material and assess
the suitability of bitumen for use under different climatic conditions and various types of

The Apparatus Required for penetration test:

o Container: A flat bottomed cylindrical metallic dish 55 mm in diameter and 35 mm in
depth is required. If the penetration is of the order of 225 or more, dish of 70mm
diameter and 45mm depth is required.
o Needle: A straight, highly polished, cylindrical hard steel rod.
o Water bath: Water bath maintained at 25° ± 0.1 °C, containing not less than 10 liters of
water, the sample being immersed to a depth not less than 100 mm from top& supported
on perforated shelf not less than 50 mm from bottom of the bath.
o Transfer dish or tray: Should provide support to the container & should not rock it. It
should be of such capacity as to completely immerse container during test.
o Penetration apparatus: Should be such that it allows needle to penetrate without much
friction& is accurately calibrated to give results in one tenth of a millimeter.
o Thermometer: Range 0- 44 °C and in readable up to 0.20 C.

o Preparation of test specimen: Soften the material to a pouring consistency at a
temperature not more than 60°C for tars and 90°C for bitumen above the
approximate softening point and stir it thoroughly until it is homogeneous and is free
from air bubbles and water. Pour the melt into the container to a depth at least 10mm
in excess of the expected penetration. Protect the sample from dust and allow it to cool
in an atmosphere at a temperature between 15° to 30° C for one hour. Then place it
along with the transfer dish in the water bath at 25° ± 0.1 °C, unless otherwise stated.

o Fill the transfer dish with water from the water bath to depth sufficient to cover the
container completely, place the sample in it and put it upon the stand of the
penetration apparatus.
o Clean the needle with benzene, dry it and load with the weight. The total moving load
required is 100 ± 0.25 Gms, including the weight of the needle, carrier and super-
imposed weights.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


o Adjust the needle to contact the surface of the sample. This may be done by placing the
needlepoint in contact with its image reflected by the surface of the bituminous
o Make the pointer of the dial to read zero or note the initial dial reading.
o Release the needle for exactly five seconds.
o Adjust the penetration machine to measure the distance penetrated.
o Make at least 3 readings at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm
apart and not less than l0mm from the side of the dish. After each test return the
sample and transfer dish to the water bath and wash the needle clean with benzene
and dry it. In case of material of penetration greater than 225, three determinations on
each of the two identical test specimens using a separate needle for each
determination should be made, leaving the needle in the sample on completion of each
determination to avoid disturbance of the specimen.

Table 2: Paving Grades of AC

Penetration Grade Relative Consistency

40-50° Hard

50-60° Hard

60-70° Hard

70-80° Hard

85-100° Medium

100-120° Medium

120-150° Medium

150-200° Soft

200-300° Soft

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Softening Point (Ring and Ball)

Ring and ball test is used to determine the softening point of bitumen, asphalt and coal tar.
This test consists of two brass ring and two steel ball, using which the softening point of
various bituminous materials are determined.
The determination of softening point helps to know the temperature up to which a bituminous
binder should be heated for various road use applications. Softening point is determined by ring and
ball apparatus.

The Aim of softening point:

o To determine the consistency of bituminous material.
o The test gives an idea of the temperature at which the bituminous materials attain a certain
o Softening point is the temperature at which the bituminous binders have an equal viscosity
(i.e. the consistency of all the grades will be same at the softening point e.g. if two samples
have softening points of 40 °C and 80 °C respectively, both will have the same consistency at
their softening point).
o Bitumen with higher softening point may be preferred in warmer places

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The Apparatus required for Softening Point Test:

o Ring: A brass shouldered ring, Rings shall be supported in a horizontal position with the
bottoms of the rings 25 mm above the upper surface of the bottom plate and a distance of at
least 13 mm and not more than 19 mm between the bottom plate and the bottom of the bath.
o Ball: A steel ball, 9.53 mm (3/8”) in diameter, weighing between 3.45 and 3.55 grams.
o Ball Centering Guide: A guide for centering the ball and made of brass Ring
o Holder: The rings shall be supported on a brass ring holder.
o Brass Pouring Plate: A flat, smooth brass plate approximately 75 by 50 mm that has been
treated to prevent the bituminous material from adhering to it. A suitable treatment is to coat
the plate just before use with a thin layer of a mixture of glycerin and dextrin, talc, or china
o Bath: A glass vessel, capable of being heated, not less than 85 mm in diameter and not less
than 120 mm in depth from the bottom of the flare.
o Thermometers: having a range from -2 to +80°C, the thermometer shall be suspended so that
the bottom of the bulb is level with the bottom of the rings and within 13 mm of the rings but
not touching them.

Preparation of test sample
o Assemble the apparatus with the rings, ASTM Thermometer 15 °C, and ball centering guides
in position and fill the bath with freshly boiled water to a depth of not less than 102mm and
not more than 108mm. Maintain the bath temperature at 5 ± 1°C for 15 min, placing the test
container in ice water if necessary. Using forceps, place a ball, previously adjusted to the bath
temperature, in each ball-centering guide
o Apply heat in such a manner that the temperature of the liquid is raised 5°C/min. Avoid the
effect of drafts, using shields if necessary.
o The rate of rise of temperature shall be uniform and shall not be averaged over the period of
the test. The maximum permissible variation of any 1-mm period after the first 3 mm shall be
± 0.5°C. Reject all tests in which the rate of rise does not fall within these limits.
o Record for each ring and ball the temperature shown by the thermometer at the instant the
specimen surrounding the ball touches the bottom plate. Make no correction for the emergent
stem of the thermometer. If the difference between the values obtained in the duplicate
determinations exceeds 1°C repeat the test.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Spot Test
Asphalt Consistency (Spot Test)

The Aim for the Spot test:

The spot test is used to determine whether or not asphalt cement has been damaged during
processing due to overheating. This damage, called “cracking”, occurs because the actual molecules
are thermally broken apart. Cracked asphalt cements tend to be less ductile and more susceptible to
aging effects. Since modern refining practices rarely cause cracking, the spot test is not often
Basically, the spot test is a form of paper chromatography (a method for analyzing complex mixtures
by separating them into the chemicals from which they are made). A small drop of prepared asphalt
cement is dropped onto a filter paper. If the spot formed is uniformly brown, then the test is
negative. If the spot formed is brown with a black center, then the test is positive.

The Apparatus Required for Spot test:

o Filter Paper
o Pipet (dropper)
o Asphalt

o Small drop of prepared Asphalt dropped into a filter paper.
o If the spot formed is uniformly brown then the test is negative (there is no thermal crakes), if
the spot formed is brown with black center then the test is positive (thermal crakes).

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Viscosity (Absolute and kinematic)

Viscosity is simply a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow, Viscosity is the inverse of fluidity. The
degree of fluidity at the application temperature greatly influences the ability of bituminous material
to spread, penetrate into voids and also coat the aggregate and hence affect the strength and
characteristics of resulting paving mixes. At high fluidity or low viscosity, bitumen binder simply
lubricates the aggregate particles instead of providing
a uniform film thickness for binding action. Low fluidity or high viscosity does not enable the
bitumen to coat the entire surface of aggregate in the mix easily and also resists the compactive effort
and resulting mix is heterogeneous in character.

Viscosity is simply a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow


Where µ = Viscosity (in Cgs Units of Poise). Poise = dyne-sec/cm2 =gm/cm-sec (the SI Unit of Viscosity is
the pa-sec = N-sec/m2 =10 poise
τ = Shear Stress
µ = Shear Rate

Asphalt binder viscosity is typically measured at 60° C (140° F) because it approximates the
maximum HMA pavement surface temperature during summer in worm climates.
Standard Test Methods (AASHTO T 202 and ASTM D 2171: Viscosity of Asphalt).

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


There is two type of viscosity:

Kinematic Viscosity calculating by using Vacuum Capillary Viscometer (Cannon-Manning
Vacuum Viscometers).
The purpose of conducting Kinematic Viscosity test is to determine the behavior and
consistency of the asphalt materials During the Mixing and Paving Operation.

The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the absolute (or dynamic) viscosity divided by the density of the
liquid at the temperature of measurement. The 135° C (275° F) measurement temperature was
chosen to simulate the mixing and Paving temperatures typically encountered in HMA pavement
Standard Test Methods (AASHTO T 201 and ASTM D 2170: Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts)

Absolut Viscosity
The purpose of conducting Absolute Viscosity test is to determine the behavior and consistency of the
asphalt materials under extreme temperatures in the field.
Absolute (Dynamic) Viscosity reported in Centipoises units (cP) = Kinematic Viscosity reported in
Centistokes units (cSt) x Fluid Density (kg/m3)

The Aim of the Viscosity test:

Viscosity is simply a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow.
The purpose of conducting Kinematic Viscosity test is to determine the behavior and consistency of
the asphalt materials During the Mixing and Paving Operation

o The water bath is heated to the test temperature 60° C, Stirring is also continued and then the
Cutback Asphalt cup put in the water bath.
o The Cutback Asphalt with 60° C is placed under the orifice and then the Valve is opened.
o Stopwatch is started when cylinder records 60 ml then the Time is recorded.
o Then use the table below to Calculate the Kinematic and absolute Viscosity.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Saybolt Second Universal (SSU)

Viscosity of a fluid is its resistance to shear or flow, and a measure of fluid adhesive/cohesive or
frictional properties. This arises because of the internal molecular friction within the fluid producing
the frictional drag effect. There are two related measures of fluid viscosity which are known as
dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
Dynamic viscosity is also termed "absolute viscosity" and is the tangential force per unit area required
to move one horizontal plane with respect to the other at unit velocity when maintained a unit
distance apart by the fluid.

Table 3: table Used to Calculate the Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity from SSU
Centipoises (CPS) Saybolt Seconds
Poise Centistokes Stokes
Millipascal seconds Universal
(P) (cSt) (S)
(mPas) (SSU)

1 0.01 1 0.01 31

2 0.02 2 0.02 34

4 0.04 4 0.04 38

7 0.07 7 0.07 47

10 0.1 10 0.1 60

15 0.15 15 0.15 80

20 0.2 20 0.2 100

25 0.24 25 0.24 130

30 0.3 30 0.3 160

40 0.4 40 0.4 210

50 0.5 50 0.5 260

60 0.6 60 0.6 320

70 0.7 70 0.7 370

80 0.8 80 0.8 430

90 0.9 90 0.9 480

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Centipoises (CPS) Saybolt Seconds

Poise Centistokes Stokes
Millipascal seconds Universal
(P) (cSt) (S)
(mPas) (SSU)

100 1 100 1 530

120 1.2 120 1.2 580

140 1.4 140 1.4 690

160 1.6 160 1.6 790

180 1.8 180 1.8 900

200 2 200 2 1000

220 2.2 220 2.2 1100

240 2.4 240 2.4 1200

260 2.6 260 2.6 1280

280 2.8 280 2.8 1380

300 3 300 3 1475

320 3.2 320 3.2 1530

340 3.4 340 3.4 1630

360 3.6 360 3.6 1730

380 3.8 380 3.8 1850

400 4 400 4 1950

420 4.2 420 4.2 2050

440 4.4 440 4.4 2160

460 4.6 460 4.6 2380

480 4.8 480 4.8 2480

500 5 500 5 2660

550 5.5 550 5.5 2900

600 6 600 6 3380

700 7 700 7 3880

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Centipoises (CPS) Saybolt Seconds

Poise Centistokes Stokes
Millipascal seconds Universal
(P) (cSt) (S)
(mPas) (SSU)

800 8 800 8 2900

900 9 900 9 3380

1000 10 1000 10 3880

1100 11 1100 11 4300

1200 12 1200 12 4600

1300 13 1300 13 5200

1400 14 1400 14 5620

1500 15 1500 15 6100

1600 16 1600 16 6480

1700 17 1700 17 7000

1800 18 1800 18 7500

1900 19 1900 19 8000

2000 20 2000 20 8500

2100 21 2100 21 9000

2200 22 2200 22 9400

2300 23 2300 23 10300

2400 24 2400 24 10750

2500 25 2500 25 11200

3000 30 3000 30 11600

3500 35 3500 35 14500

4000 40 4000 40 16500

4500 45 4500 45 18500

5000 50 5000 50 21000

5500 55 5500 55 23500

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Centipoises (CPS) Saybolt Seconds

Poise Centistokes Stokes
Millipascal seconds Universal
(P) (cSt) (S)
(mPas) (SSU)

6000 60 6000 60 26000

6500 65 6500 65 28000

7000 70 7000 70 30000

7500 75 7500 75 32500

8000 80 8000 80 35000

8500 85 8500 85 37000

9000 90 9000 90 39500

9500 95 9500 95 41080

15000 150 15000 150 43000

20000 200 20000 200 92500

30000 300 30000 300 138500

40000 400 40000 400 185000

50000 500 50000 500 231000

60000 600 60000 600 277500

70000 700 70000 700 323500

80000 800 80000 800 370000

90000 900 90000 900 415500

100000 1000 100000 1000 462000

125000 1250 125000 1250 578000

150000 1500 150000 1500 694000

175000 1750 175000 1750 810000

200000 2000 200000 2000 925000

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Flash and Fire Point

Flash and Fire Point Test

The purpose of flash point test is indicating the temperature to which the asphalt cement may be
heated without the danger of fire in the presence of an open flame. This temperature is below that of
the Fire Point (Safety Test).
The flash and fire point test is necessary to know the safe mixing and application temperature values
of bitumen grade and at higher temperatures bituminous materials leave out volatiles. These volatile
vapors contain hydrocarbons. So, they can catch the fire easily and will cause flash at one point and
if it is further prone to heat the material may ignite and burn.

Catching fire is very dangerous during mixing of bitumen especially during its application. So, it is
necessary to recognize the safe temperature values of bitumen grades for mixing as well as for
applying. The limited values of temperature can be determined by conducting Flash point and Fire
point test on bitumen.

Standard Test Methods (AASHTO T 48 and ASTM D 92: Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open

Cleveland Open Cup

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


o A typical flash point test involves heating a small sample of asphalt binder in a test cup.
o The temperature of the sample is increased and at specified intervals a test flame is passed
across the cup.
o The flash point is the lowest liquid temperature at which application of the test flame causes
the vapors of the sample to ignite.
o The test can be continued up to the fire point – the point at which the test flame causes the
sample to ignite and remain burning for at least 5 seconds.

Cleveland Open Cup

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Ductility Test
Ductility of bitumen it’s the property to elongate under traffic load without getting cracked in road
construction works. Ductility test on bitumen measures the distance in centimeters to which it
elongates before breaking and it is the property of bitumen that permits it to undergo high level of
deformation or elongation. Standard Test Methods (AASHTO T 51 and ASTM D 113: Ductility).

Deformation or Elongation

Ductility of Asphalt is defined as the distance in cm, to which a standard sample of the material will
be elongated without breaking.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The Aim of the Ductility test:

Measure the adhesion and performance of the asphalt cement, it is generally considered that asphalt
with a very low ductility will have poor adhesive properties and thus poor performance in service.

The Specifications for asphalt cements normally contain requirements for minimum ductility value =
(75 cm)

The Apparatus Required for Ductility test:

o Briquette mould
• Total length 75.0 ± 0.5 mm
• Distance between clips 30.0 ± 0.3mm
• Width at mount of slip 20.0 ± 0.2mm
• Width at minimum cross-section (half way between clips) 10.0 ± 0.1mm
• Thickness throughout 10.0 ± 0.1mm
o Water bath: A bath maintained within 27.0° ±0.1 °C of the specified test temperature.


o The bitumen sample is heated and poured in the mould assembly placed on a plate.
o These samples with mould are cooled in the air and then in water bath at 25o C temperature.
o The excess bitumen is cut, and the surface is leveled using a hot knife.
o The mould with assembly containing sample is kept in water bath of the ductility machine for
about 90 minutes.
o The sides of the mould are removed, the clips are hooked on the machine and the machine is
o The distance up to the point of breaking of thread is the ductility value which is reported in

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Asphalt Aging (Aged Penetration)

Asphalt Aging Test

There is two type of Aging:
o Short –Term Aging (Hardening).
o Long-Term Aging (Hardening).

Short –Term Aging (Hardening)

Asphalt cements undergo substantial short-term aging or hardening during mixing with hot mineral
aggregates in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
Long-Term Aging (Hardening)
Asphalt cements aging or hardening continues during the life of the pavement which is subjected to
Environmental and other traffic factors.

Aging Tests
It is difficult to approximate the long-term aging of asphalt.
However, short-term can be approximated by some tests such as:
o Thin Film Oven Test (TFO)
o Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFO).

Thin Film Oven Test (TFO)

TFO test simulates short-term aging by heating a film of asphalt binder in an oven for 5 hours at
163° C (325° F). The effects of heat and air are determined from changes incurred in physical
properties, such as Penetration and Viscosity, measured before and after the oven treatment by other
test procedures.
Standard Test Methods: (AASHTO T 179 and ASTM D 1754).

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFO)

The RTFO also provides a quantitative measure of the volatiles lost during the aging process.
The basic RTFO procedure takes unpaged asphalt binder samples in cylindrical glass bottles and
places these bottles in a rotating carriage within an oven. The carriage rotates within the oven while
the 325°F (163°C) temperature ages the samples for 85 minutes. Samples are then stored for use in
physical properties.
Standard Test Methods: (AASHTO T 240 and ASTM D 2872).

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The extraction test involves adding a solvent to the asphalt mixture to dissolve the asphalt cement.
Then the asphalt concrete and solvent are centrifuged to assure that all the asphalt is dissolved
leaving a clean aggregate. This test is not a highly accurate test, but it is widely used for measuring
asphalt content. One advantage of the extraction test is that it allows determination of the aggregate
gradation of the mixture. A disadvantage of the extraction test is that the solvent used is hazardous
and is difficult to dispose.

Asphalt Content is mixture property that must be evaluated in asphalt concrete mixtures. The asphalt
content of a mixture is very important to ensure satisfactory performance. A mixture with low
asphalt content is not durable, and one with high asphalt content is not stable. The actual asphalt
content directly affects mixture properties, such as asphalt film thickness, voids, stability, and
Marshall Flow. Therefore, it is important to monitor asphalt content, because it really affects mixture
properties that need to be controlled.
Asphalt extraction test is used to quantify the quantity of used asphalt in the asphalt concrete
mixtures. Obtained aggregates from this test can be used for gradation analysis to check quality of
the produced mixes.

The Apparatus Required for Extraction Test:

o Oven, capable of maintaining the temperature at 110°C.
o Pan
o Balance.
o Hot Plate.
o Ignition Dish, 125-mL capacity.
o Desiccators.
o Analytical Balance.
o Container for catching the solvent.
o Filter Rings.
o Solvent.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The recommended test procedure for the centrifuge extraction test is as follows:
o If the mixture is not sufficiently soft to separate with a spatula or trowel, place it in a large,
flat pan and warm to 110°C, only until it can be handled or mixed.
o Dry the empty centrifuge bowl with the filter paper to a constant weight and record this
weight in the data sheet.
o Dry the test sample at 110°C to remove the moisture from it.
o Place a sample (650-2500 g) of the asphalt concrete mixture into the bowl of the centrifuge
apparatus. Record this weight as W1.
o Cover the test sample with trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, methylene chloride, or diesel
and allow sufficient time for the solvent to disintegrate the test portion (not over 1 h).
o Fit the filter paper on the bowl, clamp the cover on the bowl tightly and place a beaker under
the drain to collect the extract.
o Start the centrifuge revolving slowly and gradually increase the speed to a maximum of 3600
rpm or until solvent ceases to flow from the drain pipe.
o Stop the machine, add 200 ml of the solvent, and repeat the centrifuge procedure.
o Repeat Step # 8 sufficient times (not less than three) so that the extract has a light color.
o Collect the extract and the washings in a suitable graduated cylinder.
o Dry the bowl with the filter paper to a constant weight in an oven at 110 + 5°C.
o Weight the dried aggregate and the filter paper. Designate the weight of the aggregate with
the increase in the weight of the filter paper as W2.
o Determine the amount of mineral matter in the extract using the following procedure:
o Record the volume of the total extract (from Step 8) in the graduated cylinder. Designate this
volume as V1.
o Agitate the extract thoroughly and immediately take a representative sample (between 300-
500ml) from the extract. Designate this volume as V2.
o Place the selected extract into a previously tared and calibrated flask.
o Place the flask in a controlled-temperature bath controlled to ±0.1°C, and allow to come to
the temperature at which the flask was calibrated.
o Fill the flask with solvent which has been kept at the same temperature. Bring the level of the
liquid in the flask up to the neck, insert the stopper, making sure the liquid overflows the
capillary, and remove from the bath.
o Wipe the flask dry, determine the mass to the nearest 0.1 g, and record this mass as the mass
of flask plus extract.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Data and Calculation Procedure:

o If the mixture is not sufficiently soft to separate with a spatula or trowel, place it in a large,
flat pan and warm to 110°C) only until it can be handled or mixed.
o Split or quarter the material until the mass of material (around 3 kg) required for test is
o Dry the test sample at 110°C to remove the moisture from it.
o Weight the sample and record this weight as, W4.
o Spread the sample on the ignition tray
o Leave the sample inside the oven for 30-40 min.
o At the end of the ignition time, take the sample out of the oven and leave it to cool down.
o Take the weight of the ignited sample and record it as W5.
o Calculate the bitumen content as:

Bitumen Content, AC% = ( ) *100

𝑊(𝑑𝑟𝑦)−𝑊 (𝐼𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Bitumen Content, AC% = ( ) *100
𝑊 (𝐼𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑)

o Sieve analysis can be performed on the obtained sample.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Marshalls Hot Mix Design (HMA)

Marshalls Hot Mix Design

The asphalt binder content at a desired density that satisfies minimum stability and range of flow
values, HMA asphalts are used in the surface layer of road and airfield pavements.
The mix is composed usually of aggregate and asphalt cements.

The Aim Of HMA:

The objective of the design of HMA is to determine an economical blend through several trial mixes.
The gradation of aggregate and the corresponding binder content should be such that the resultant
mix should satisfy the following conditions.
o Sufficient binder to ensure a durable pavement by providing a water proofing coating on the
aggregate particles and binding them together under suitable compaction.
o Sufficient stability for providing resistance to deformation under sustained or repeated loads.
This resistance in the mixture is obtained from aggregate interlocking and cohesion which
generally develops due to binder in the mix.
o Sufficient flexibility to withstand deflection and bending without cracking. To obtain desired
flexibility, it is necessary to have proper amount and grade of bitumen.
o Sufficient voids in the total compacted mix to provide space for additional compaction under
traffic loading.
o Sufficient workability for an efficient construction operation in laying the paving mixture.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The Desirable Properties of Asphalt Mix

o Resistance to permanent deformation: The mix should not distort or be displaced when
subjected to traffic loads. The resistance to permanent deformation is more important at high
o Fatigue resistance: the mix should not crack when subjected to repeated loads over a period of
o Resistance to low temperature cracking. This mix property is important in cold regions.
o Durability: the mix should contain sufficient asphalt cement to ensure an adequate film
thickness around the aggregate particles. The compacted mix should not have very high air
voids, which accelerates the aging process.
o Resistance to moisture-induced damage.
o Skid resistance.
o Workability: the mix must be capable of being placed and compacted with reasonable effort.
o Low noise and good drainage properties: If the mix is to be used for the surface (wearing)
layer of the pavement structure.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The Apparatus Required for HMA test:

o Mold Assembly: cylindrical mould of 10 cm diameter and 7.5 cm height consisting of a base
plate and collar extension.
o Sample Extractor: for extruding the compacted specimen from the mould.
o Compaction pedestal and hammer.
o Breaking head.
o Loading machine.
o Flow meter, water bath, thermometers.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Marshall Mix Design Procedure:

The Marshall Mix Design Method Consist of 6 Basic Steps:
o Aggregate Selection.
o Asphalt Binder Selection.
o Sample Preparation (Including Compaction).
o Density and Voids Calculations.
o Stability and flow Determination.
o Tabulating and plotting test Result.
o Optimum Asphalt Binder Content Determination.

Aggregate Selection
1. Determine aggregate physical properties
2. Determine other aggregate descriptive physical properties.
3. Perform blending calculations to achieve the mix design aggregate gradation.

Aggregate Gradation

o The particle size distribution, or gradation, of an aggregate is one of the most influential
aggregate characteristics in determining how it will perform as a pavement material. In HMA,
gradation helps determine almost every important property including stiffness, stability,
durability, permeability, workability, fatigue resistance, frictional resistance and moisture
o Maximum size. The smallest sieve through which 100 percent of the aggregate sample
particles pass.
o Nominal maximum size. The largest sieve that retains some of the aggregate particles but
generally not more than 10 percent by weight.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


0.45 Power Gradations

P = ( )𝒏

Where: p = % finer than the Sieve

D = maximum aggregate Size to be used
d = aggregate Size Being Considered
n = parameter which adjust curve for fineness or Coarseness =(0.45)

0.45 Power Gradation Curve Using (19.0-mm (0.75-inch)) Maximum Aggregate Size
Calculation for the 0.45 Power Gradation Curve Using (19mm (0.75in)) Maximum Aggregate Size

Table 4: 0.45 power Gradation

Particle Size(mm) % passing
19.0 P = (19.0)0.45 = 1.00 (100%)
12.5 P = (19.0)0.45 = 0.828 (82.8%)

9.5 P = (19.0)0.45 = 0.732 (73.2%)

2.00 0.45
2.00 P=( ) = 0.363 (36.3%)

0.300 P = ( 19.0 )0.45 = 0.155 (15.5%)

0.075 P = ( 19.0 )0.45 = 0.083 (8.3%)

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


In the Marshall Test method of mix design three compacted samples are prepared for each binder
Content. At least four binder contents are to be tested to get the optimum binder content. All the
compacted specimens are subject to the following tests:
o Bulk density determination.
o Stability and flow test.
o Density and voids analysis.
o Preparation of test specimens
o The coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and the filler material should be proportioned so as to
fulfill the requirements of the relevant standards. The required quantity of the mix is taken so
as to produce compacted bituminous mix specimens of thickness 63.5 mm approximately.
1200 gm of aggregates and filler are required to produce the desired thickness.
o Preparation of test specimens
o The aggregates are heated to a temperature of 175° the compaction mould assembly and
rammer are cleaned and kept pre-heated to a temperature of 100°C to 145°C. The bitumen is
heated to a temperature of 121°C to 138°C and the required amount of first trial of bitumen
is added to the heated aggregate and thoroughly mixed. The mix is placed in a mould and
compacted with number of blows specified. The sample is taken out of the mould after few
minutes using sample extractor.
o Determination of Specific Gravities
o Determination of Voids
o Determination of Optimum Binder (Asphalt) Content (AC %)

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Typical Marshall Design Criteria

Table 5: Aggregate Specification

Base Course Leveling Course Wearing Course

(min./ max.) (min./ max.) (min./ max.)

No. of Blows 75 75 75

Stability (kg) min.350 min.500 min.600

min= 8 min= 8 min= 8

Flow max = 16
max = 16 max = 16

VMA min= 13 min= 14 min= 15

min= 3 min= 3 min= 4

Air Voids max= 6
max= 8 max= 8

min= 60 min= 65 min= 70

VFB max= 85
max= 80 max= 85

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Table 6: Stability Correlation ratio

% Passing by Weight

Base Course Leveling Course Wearing Course

Sieve No.
1.5" 100 0 0
1" 72-100 100 0
3/4" 60-89 82-100 100
1/2" 46-76 60-84 66-95
3/8" 40-67 49-74 54-88
#4 30-54 32-58 37-70
#8 22-43 23-45 26-52
#16 15-36 16-34 18-40
#30 10-28 12-25 13-30
#50 6-22 8-20 8-23
#100 4-14 5-13 6-16
#200 2-8 4-7 4-10
Asphalt Cement % by
weight of total 3.5 - 5.0 4.0 - 6.5 4.5 - 6.5

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Table 7: Specification
Test Property Specified Value

Stability (kg) 340 min.

Flow (0.25mm) 8-17

Vv % 3-5

VFB % 75-85

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


HMA Calculations:
Theoretical Specific Gravity
W1 + W2 + W3 + Wb
𝐺𝑡 =
W1 W2 W3 Wb
G1 + G2 + G3 + Gb

Where W1 = the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix.

W2 = the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix.
W3 = the weight of filler in the total mix.
Wb = the weight of bitumen in the total mix.
G1 = the apparent specific gravity of Course Aggregate = 2.74
G2 = the apparent specific gravity of Fine Aggregate = 2.66
G3 = the apparent specific gravity of Filler = 2.62
Gb = the apparent specific gravity of bitumen = 1.02

Bulk Specific Gravity

The bulk specific gravity or the actual specific gravity of the mix Gm is the specific gravity
considering air voids and is found out by:
𝐺𝑚 =
𝑊𝑚 − 𝑊𝑤

Where Wm = the weight of mix in air.

Ww = the weight of mix in water.

Air Voids Percent Vv

Air voids Vv is the percent of air voids by volume in the specimen

(𝐺𝑡 − 𝐺𝑚)100
𝑉𝑣 =

Where Gt = theoretical specific gravity of the mix.

Gm= the bulk or actual Specific gravity of the mix.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Percent Volume Of Bitumen Vb

The percent volume of bitumen Vb is the percent of volume of bitumen to the total volume

𝑉𝑏 = 𝐺𝑏
𝑊1 + 𝑊2 + 𝑊3 + 𝑊𝑏

Where W1 = the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix

W2 = the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix.
W3 = the weight of filler in the total mix.
Wb = the weight of bitumen in the total mix.
Gm= the bulk or actual Specific gravity of the mix

Voids in Minerals Aggregates

Voids in mineral aggregate VMA is the volume of voids in the aggregate, and volume of bitumen

𝑉𝑀𝐴 = 𝑉𝑣 + 𝑉𝑏

Where Vv = the percent air voids in the mix.

Vb = the percent bitumen content in the mix.

Voids filled with bitumen

Voids filled with bitumen VFB is the voids in the mineral aggregate framework filled with bitumen

𝑉𝑏 ∗ 100

where Vb = the percent bitumen content in the mix

VMA = the percent voids in the mineral aggregate.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Prepare graphical plots

Binder content (Asphalt Content AC) Versus Stability
Binder content (Asphalt Content AC) Versus Flow
Binder content (Asphalt Content AC) Versus percentage of Voids in the total mix.
Binder content (Asphalt Content AC) Versus voids filled with bitumen.
Binder content (Asphalt Content AC) Versus unit weight or bulk specific gravity

Marshall Mix Design Curve

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


Determination of Optimum Asphalt Content

Determine the optimum binder content for the mix design by taking AVG value of the following
three bitumen content found from the graphs obtained in previous step.

o Binder content corresponding to the maximum Stability.

o Binder content Corresponding to the maximum bulk specific gravity (Gm).
o Binder content Corresponding the medium of designed limits of percent air voids (Vv) in the
total mix = 4%

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a penetration test used to evaluate the subgrade strength of
roads and pavements. The results of these tests are used with the empirical curves to determine the
thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used method for the design
of flexible pavement.

The CBR test was developed by the California Division of Highways to classify and evaluate soil-sub
grade and base course materials for flexible pavements.
An empirical test, the CBR test has been used to determine the material properties for pavement
design. Empirical tests measure the strength of the material and are not a true representation of the
resilient modulus. It is a penetration test in which a standard piston, with a diameter of 1.954 in or
50 mm, is used to penetrate the soil at a standard rate of 1.25 mm/minute. The pressure up to a
penetration of 12.5 mm and its ratio to the bearing value of a standard crushed rock is termed as the
CBR. In most cases, CBR decreases as the penetration increases. The ratio at 2.5 mm penetration is
used as the CBR. In some cases, the ratio at 5 mm may be greater than that at 2.5 mm. If this occurs,
the ratio at 5 mm should be used. The CBR is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of a
standard plunger under controlled density and moisture conditions. The test procedure should be
strictly adhered to if a high degree of reproducibility is desired. The CBR test may be conducted on a
remolded or undisturbed specimen in the laboratory. The test is simple and has been extensively
investigated for field correlations of flexible pavement thickness requirement.
The laboratory CBR apparatus consists of a mould of 150 mm diameter with a base plate and a collar,
a loading frame and dial gauges for measuring the penetration values and the expansion on soaking.
The specimen in the mould is soaked in water for four days and the swelling and water absorption
values are noted. The surcharge weight is placed on the top of the specimen in the mould and the
assembly is placed under the plunger of the loading frame.
Load is applied on the sample by a standard plunger with diameter 50 mm at the rate of 1.25
mm/min. A load penetration curve is drawn. The load values on standard crushed stones are 1370 kg
and 2055 kg at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetrations respectively.

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh


The CBR value is expressed as a percentage of the actual load causing the penetrations of 2.5 mm or
5.0 mm to the standard loads mentioned above.
The CBR can therefore be mathematically expressed as:

CBR = ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Where p = measured pressure for site Soil (N/mm2)

p = pressure to achieve equal penetration on standard soil (N/mm2)

Values obtained are inserted into the following equation to obtain a CBR value:

CBR (%) = ( ) ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Where X = measured pressure for site Soil (N/mm2) (2.54mm or 5.08mm of penetration)
Y = pressure to achieve equal penetration on standard soil (N/mm2)
Standard unit load for well graded crushed Stone
= for 2.54 mm penetration 6.9 MPa (1000 psi).
= for 5.08 mm penetration 10.3 MPa (1500 psi).

Laboratory Engineer: Haneen Saadeh

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