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6500 Packet-Optical Platform

6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7

What’s inside...
Introduction and documentation roadmap
6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description
OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks
6500/8700 interworking description
OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks
Terms and Definitions

323-1851-160 - Standard Issue 7

July 2016
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6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016

Contents 0

Introduction and documentation roadmap 1-1

6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-1

6500 and 5400 Packet-Optical Platform description 2-2
2.7G, 10G, and 100G interworking configurations 2-3
2.7G interworking configurations 2-4
10G interworking configurations 2-8
100G interworking configurations 2-12
6500 Release 11.1 and 5400 Switch Release 4.1 interworking 2-17
100G WL3n PKT/OTN IF 2-17
100G WL3n MOTR 2-18
Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption 2-20
eMOTR enhancements 2-22
Packet Fabric enhancements 2-25
OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/200G (only) coherent DWDM 2-27
eSLM-FLEX-100G enhancements 2-27
SPLI support for OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e variants 2-28
6500 Release 10.2 and 5400 Release 4.0 interworking features 2-29
WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select 2-29
100G WL3e OCLD (NTK539UJ) 2-31
eMOTR enhancements 2-31
Control Plane enhancements 2-34
Network Address Translation (NAT) for Private IP addresses 2-35
eSLM G.8032 Ring Protection and sub-ring support 2-36
OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/100G coherent DWDM 2-38
OSLM-5-100G line module 2-39
OSLM-50-10G line module 2-39
CFP2 and SFP+ optics 2-39
Generic endpoints 2-40
eSLM MEF E-Tree 2-40
6500 Release 10.1 and 5400 Release 3.0 interworking 2-42
Control Plane enhancements 2-42
ODU4 Switching 2-44
Flex3 Wavelogic3 OCLD 2-45
100G WaveLogic3 OTR 2-46
4x10G OTR encryption 2-47
100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX 2-49

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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vi Contents

eSLM-Flex-100G 2-50
TODR enhancements 2-52
STORM support 2-53
Manual TCM Support 2-54
10GbE into ODU2e 2-55
SPLI support 2-55
OSPF over DCC/GCC 2-57
Simultaneous SDCC/LDCC support 2-58
10xOC-192/STM64 embedded SONET/SDH 2-59
6500 Release 10.0 and 5400 Switch Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1 interworking 2-61
10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack (NTK667AA) 2-61
AMP mapping for OC192 interfaces 2-66
ODU3 Sub-network Connection (SNC) 2-67
OTN Control Plane enhancements 2-69
OTN path wait-to-restore 2-73
OTN APS 1+1 2-73
ODU2e switching 2-76
6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1 interworking 2-76
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA) manual tributary assignment 2-76
Interworking considerations 2-78

OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-1

6500 data communications summary 3-1
5400 data communications summary 3-4
Direct OAM connectivity 3-5
Indirect (GNE) OAM connectivity 3-11
Single shelf 5400 proxy ARP GNE 3-13
List of procedures 3-14
List of procedures
3-1 Commissioning a 6500 shelf 3-15
3-2 Configuring a single shelf 5400 TID 3-38
3-3 Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE 3-39

6500/8700 interworking description 4-1

6500 Packet-Optical Platform and 8700 Packetwave Platform description 4-2
6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform interworking summary 4-2
6500 Release 10.2 and 8700 Packetwave Platform Release 8.3 interworking 4-3
WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select 4-3
MPLS-TP enhancements 4-5
eMOTR enhancements 4-9
CSLM-200-2 4-13
MPLS-TP enhancements 4-15
6500 Release 11.1 SPLI enhancements 4-16

OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform

networks 5-1
8700 Packetwave and 6500 data communication interworking 5-3

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
Contents vii

Terms and Definitions 6-1

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
viii Contents

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard 323-1851-160
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016

Introduction and documentation

roadmap 1-

This document describes guidelines and considerations for interworking

between the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) and:
• the 5400 Packet-Optical Platform (5400)
• the 8700 Packetwave Platform

This document contains the following:

• 6500/5400 Switch interworking description
• 6500/5400 Switch OAM data communications overview
• 6500/8700 Packetwave Platform interworking description
• 8700 Packetwave Platform OAM data communications overview

Note: For product interworking information covering other products

including 565/5100/5200, 61xx, OM3xx, OME1000, DX, HDX and LH,
refer to Network Interworking Guide, NTCA68CA.

Issue 7
This document has been updated with minor changes.

Issue 6
This document has been updated to include information related to 6500
Release 11.1 and 5400 Release 4.1 support.

Issue 5
Table 4-1 on page 4-6 and Table 4-2 on page 4-11 have been updated.

Issue 4
This document has been updated to include information related to 6500
Release 10.2, 5400 Release 4.0, and 8700 Packetwave Platform Release 8.3

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
1-2 Introduction and documentation roadmap

Issue 3
This document has been updated to include information related to 6500
Release 10.1 and 5400 Release 3.0 support.

Issue 2
This document has been updated to include information related to 6500
Release 10.0 and 5400 Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1 support.

Issue 1
First release of this document.

The following members of your company are the intended audience of this
• network planners
• provisioners
• transmission and standards engineers
• network administrators

This document refers to the following technical publication libraries:
• 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) documentation library
• 5400 Packet-Optical Platform (5400) documentation library
• 8700 Packetwave Platform documentation library

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
Introduction and documentation roadmap 1-3

This guide does not contain the following setup or provisioning information:
• System Line-up And Test (SLAT) procedures for 6500 shelves, 5400
shelves, and /or 8700 Packetwave shelves. For information on 6500 SLAT,
refer to 6500 Packet-Optical Platform, Commissioning and Testing, 323-
1851-221. For information on 5400 SLAT, refer to 5400 Packet-Optical
Platform, Turn-Up and Test. For information on 8700 Packetwave Platform
SLAT, refer to 8700 Packetwave Platform 4-slot Installation, 380-1872-201
or 10-slot Installation, 380-1872-202.
• Photonics, OTS, or ROADM setup and provisioning on the 6500.
— For 6500 photonics information, refer to 6500 Packet-Optical Platform,
Photonics Equipment, 323-1851-102.6.
— For 6500 OTS management information, refer to 6500 Packet-Optical
Platform, Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, Part 2 of 2, 323-
— For 6500 ROADM setup and provisioning information, refer to 6500
Packet-Optical Platform, Photonic Layer Guide, NTRN15DA.
• Provisioning of services. For information on provisioning services for the
6500, refer to Packet-Optical Platform, Configuration - Bandwidth and
Data Services, 323-1851-320. For information on provisioning services for
the 5400, refer to 5400 Packet-Optical Platform Node Manager User
Guide. For information on provisioning services for the 8700 Packetwave
Platform, refer to 8700 Base Configuration, 380-1872-310.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
1-4 Introduction and documentation roadmap

6500 Packet-Optical Platform technical publications

The following roadmap illustrates the structure of the 6500 technical library.
Planning a Network Installing, Managing and Maintaining and Circuit Pack-Based
Commissioning and Provisioning Troubleshooting Documentation
Testing a Network a Network a Network

Planning - Installation - Administration Fault Management - Common Equipment

Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 General Information and Security Performance (323-1851-102.1)
(NTRN10DP) (323-1851-201.0) (323-1851-301) Monitoring
(323-1851-520) Electrical
Documentation Installation - Configuration - (323-1851-102.2)
Roadmap 2-slot Shelves Provisioning
(323-1851-201.1) Fault Management -
(323-1851-090) and Operating OC-n/STM-n
Alarm Clearing
Ordering Information Parts 1 and 2 (323-1851-102.3)
Installation - 7-slot & Parts 1 and 2
(323-1851-151) (323-1851-310)
6500-7 packet-optical (323-1851-543) 40G/100G/OSIC/
Shelves Configuration - ISS/SLIC10 and
(323-1851-201.2) Bandwidth & Data Fault Management - 200G Services
Services Parts 1,2,3 Module (323-1851-102.4)
Interworking Installation -
(323-1851-320) Replacement
(323-1851-165) 14-slot Shelves (323-1851-545)
Latency (323-1851-201.3) Broadband/SMUX
Configuration -
Specifications OTN FLEX MOTR
Installation - Control Plane Fault Management -
(323-1851-170) (323-1851-102.5)
32-slot Shelves (323-1851-330) SNMP
Pluggable (323-1851-201.4) (323-1851-740)
Datasheets Encryption and FIPS Photonics Equipment
Installation - Passive Security Policy (323-1851-102.6)
and Reference Fault Management -
Chassis (2150 Optical Overview and
(323-1851-180) Customer Visible
Multiplexer & Procedures Data and Layer 2
TL-1 Description Photonics) (323-1851-340) Logs
(323-1851-190) (323-1851-201.5) (323-1851-840)
Commissioning Certificate OTN I/F, PKT I/F, &
CLI Reference
and Testing Management and PKT/OTN I/F
(323-1851-221) Quick Start (323-1851-102.8)
Site Manager (323-1851-341)

SAOS-based Command Fault and MIB

Packet Services Reference Performance Reference
Documentation (323-1851-610) (323-1851-650) (323-1851-690)

Supporting WaveLogic Photonics 6500 Data 6500 Control Plane Submarine Networking
Documentation Coherent Select Application Guide Application Guide Application Guide
(323-1851-980) (NTRN15BA) (NTRN71AA) (NTRN72AA)
6500 Photonic Common 6500 - 5400 / 8700 Network Interworking Universal AC Rectifier
Layer Guide Photonic Layer Interworking Solution Guide Application Note
(NTRN15DA) Technical Publications (323-1851-160) (NTCA68CA) (009-2012-900)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016

6500 / 5400 Switch interworking

description 2-

This section describes the individual 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) and
5400 Packet-Optical Platform (5400 Switch) product lines as well as the
interworking configurations between the two platforms. Interworking has been
tested for the following software release lineups:
• 6500 Release 11.1 and 5400 Switch Release 4.1
• 6500 Release 10.2 and 5400 Switch Release 4.0
• 6500 Release 10.1 and 5400 Switch Release 3.0
• 6500 Release 10.0 and 5400 Switch Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1
• 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1

This section describes the following supported interworking configurations:

• “2.7G interworking configurations” on page 2-4
• “10G interworking configurations” on page 2-8
• “100G interworking configurations” on page 2-12

This section also describes features supported on specific releases of the

6500 and the 5400 Switch that can be used in interworking configurations.
Each section provides an overview of the feature, interworking considerations,
and configuration guidelines. See the following for information:
• “6500 Release 11.1 and 5400 Switch Release 4.1 interworking” on page
• “6500 Release 10.2 and 5400 Release 4.0 interworking features” on page
• “6500 Release 10.1 and 5400 Release 3.0 interworking” on page 2-42
• “6500 Release 10.0 and 5400 Switch Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1
interworking” on page 2-61
• “6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1 interworking” on page 2-76
In addition to the above topics, see “Interworking considerations” on page
2-78 for a list of general (non-feature) considerations.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
2-2 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

6500 and 5400 Packet-Optical Platform description

The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) is a multi-port, multi-protocol system
that supports TDM/WDM/GigE/10G/40G and 100G ports. The 6500
converges three networking layers (Packet Networking, OTN, and Photonics)
into a single platform to provide customizable service delivery from the access
edge, along the backbone core, and across long-haul/submarine distances.

The 5400 Packet-Optical Platform (5400) is a packet-optical switching

platform that consists of two system options—the 5410 and 5430 Packet-
Optical Platforms—which share hardware and software modules. The 5400
Switch supports optical OTN, SONET/SDH, Layer 1 Ethernet Services and
Layer 2 Ethernet services combined with a variety of protection capabilities.
The 5400 Switch consists of Optical- Electrical-Optical (OEO) switches and a
control plane equipped with a three stage, non-blocking, uni-directional and/
or bidirectional switching fabric capable of switching at the ODU0 to ODU4,
STS1/VC-3, and packet level from any input port to any other output port.

Figure 2-1 shows a general 6500 and 5400 interworking network.

Figure 2-1
6500 and 5400 network example

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-3

2.7G, 10G, and 100G interworking configurations

Figure 2-2 provides a high-level view of the access, metro, and core
infrastructures between the 6500 and 5400 products:
• Access—the access infrastructure utilizes G.8032 Ethernet protection
rings shared between Packet Networking nodes and eMOTR-equipped
6500 nodes.
• Metro—the metro infrastructure consists of eMOTR-equipped 6500 nodes
aggregating traffic paths from the various ring topologies.
• Core—the core infrastructure consists of a mix of 6500 and 5400 OTN
OSRP nodes interconnecting the different sites and providing resiliency
through Control Plane technology.

Figure 2-2
6500 and 5400 access, metro, and core infrastructures

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
2-4 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

2.7G interworking configurations

The following diagrams outline the 2.7G interworking connections that are
supported between the 6500 and the 5400.
• Figure 2-3
• Figure 2-4 on page 2-5
• Figure 2-5 on page 2-6
• Figure 2-6 on page 2-7

Figure 2-3
2.7G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5400 6500

OTN I/F 40G 16x




OTN matrix OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R9.2 and 5400 R2.1.1

The following describes the options available for the above configuration:
• Service mapping options
— OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, or GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
• Edge interconnect: OTU1, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 40G lines
— Static connection ASNCP for 10G and 40G lines
• Data communications
— no support at the edge
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 40G DWDM interface (see 6500 Control Plane
Application Guide, NTRN71AA, for Control Plane feature summary)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-5

Figure 2-4
2.7G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5400 6500

10/40/100 OCLD

OTN I/F 40G 16x


OTN matrix OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Service mapping options

— OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, or GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
• Edge interconnect: OTU1, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430 and 1+1 line
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 10G, 40G, and 100G lines
— Static connection ASNCP for 1+1 lines (10G, 40G, 100G)
• Data communications
— no support at the edge
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 10G, 40G, and 100G DWDM interfaces
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
2-6 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Figure 2-5
2.7G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5400

OTN I/F 40G 16x



OTN matrix OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R9.2 and 5400 R2.1.1

• Service mapping options

— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
• Edge interconnect: OTU1, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500 1+1 line
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 40G line
— Static connection ASNCP for 10G and 40G lines
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 40G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-7

Figure 2-6
2.7G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5400

OTN I/F 40G 16x


10/40/100 OCLD


OTN OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

** Required for 40G/100G OCLDs

• Service mapping options

— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
• Edge interconnect: OTU1, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500 and 1+1 line
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 10G, 40G, and 100G lines
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 10G, 40G, and 100G lines
• Data communications
— GCC0/1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 10G, 40G, and 100G DWDM interfaces
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
2-8 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

10G interworking configurations

See the following for supported 10G interworking configurations:
• Figure 2-7
• Figure 2-8 on page 2-9
• Figure 2-9 on page 2-10
• Figure 2-10 on page 2-11

Figure 2-7
10G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5400 6500

OTN I/F 40G 16x



OTN matrix OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R9.2 and 5400 R2.1.1

• Service mapping options

— OC3/STM1 or OC12/STM4 to ODU0
— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
— 10GE to ODU2/ODU2e
— OC192/STM64 to ODU2
• Edge interconnect: OTU2, Grey optics, DWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
— ASNCP (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 40G lines
— Static connection ASNCP for 40G lines
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-9

• Control Plane link support: 40G DWDM interface

— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary
Figure 2-8
10G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5430 6500

OTN I/F 40G 16x


TSLM-12 OTN matrix OTN matrix

ODU0/1 Switch ODU0

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R9.2 and 5400 R2.1.1

• Service mapping options

— OC3/STM1 or OC12/STM4 to ODU0
— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
— 10GE to ODU2/ODU2e
— OC192/STM64 to ODU2
• Edge interconnect: OTU2, Grey optics, DWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430
— ASNCP (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5430 and 1+1 line
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 10G, 40G, and 100G lines
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 10G, 40G, and 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0/1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 10G, 40G, 100G DWDM interfaces
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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2-10 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Figure 2-9
10G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5400




4x10G OCI

OTN matrix

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R9.2 and 5400 R2.1.1

• Service mapping options

— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
— 10GE to ODU2/ODU2e
— OC192/STM64 to ODU2
• Edge interconnect: OTU2, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 40G lines
— Static connection ASNCP for 10G and 40G lines
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 40G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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Figure 2-10
10G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5400

10/40/100 OCLD

10/10 I/F**

OTN matrix OTN matrix


* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

* Refers to 4x10G MUX/XCIF or 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F

• Service mapping options

— GE to ODU0
— OC48/STM16 to ODU1
— 10GE to ODU2/ODU2e
— OC192/STM64 to ODU2
• Edge interconnect: OTU2, Grey optics, DWDM, CWDM
• Edge protection
— TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500
— ASNCP (single card) on 6500, ASNCP on 6500 and 1+1 line
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 10G, 40G, and 100G lines
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 10G, 40G, and 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5430 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5430 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 10G, 40G, 100G DWDM interfaces
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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2-12 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

100G interworking configurations

See the following for 100G interworking configurations:
• Figure 2-11
• Figure 2-12 on page 2-13
• Figure 2-13 on page 2-14
• Figure 2-14 on page 2-15
• Figure 2-15 on page 2-16

Figure 2-11
100G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5430 6500

100G OCLD or 100G OCI



100G OCI

OTN matrix matrix

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Connection support: ODU0, ODU1, ODU2, ODU3, ODU4

• Edge interconnect: OTU4, DWDM
• Edge protection: TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5400
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 100G line
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5400 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5400 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 10G, 40G, 100G DWDM interfaces
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-13

Figure 2-12
100G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5430 6500



10x10G I/F
100G OCI

OTN matrix matrix


* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Connection support: ODU0, ODU1, ODU2

• Edge interconnect: OTU4, DWDM
• Edge protection: TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5400
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 100G line
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0/1 to edge nodes
— 5400 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5400 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 100G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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2-14 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Figure 2-13
100G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 5430 6500



10x10G I/F
100G OCI

OTN matrix matrix


* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Service mapping options

— 10GE to ODU2/ODU2e
— OC192/STM64 to ODU2
— OTU2 to ODU2
— 100GE to ODU4
• Edge interconnect: OTU4, DWDM
• Edge protection: TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5400
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 100G line
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0, GCC1 to edge nodes
— 5400 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5400 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 100G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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Figure 2-14
100G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5430




100G OCI

OTN matrix

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Edge interconnect: OTU4, DWDM

• Edge protection: TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5400
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 100G line
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0/1 to edge nodes
— 5400 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5400 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 100G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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Figure 2-15
100G interworking configuration

Edge Core
6500 6500 5430



100G OCI
100G OCI
OTN matrix

* Minimum software releases required: 6500 R10.0 and 5400 R2.2

• Edge interconnect: OTU4, DWDM

• Edge protection: TPT (dual card) on 6500, ASNCP on 5400
• Core protection
— Control Plane for 100G line
— Static connection ASNCP, 1+1 line for 100G
• Data communications
— GCC0/1 to edge nodes
— 5400 external DCN, 6500 GNE/5400 RNE for the core
• Control Plane link support: 100G DWDM interface
— see 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for Control
Plane feature summary

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6500 Release 11.1 and 5400 Switch Release 4.1 interworking

The following 6500 Release 11.1 features can be used in interworking
• 100G WL3n PKT/OTN IF
• 100G WL3n MOTR
• 100G/2x40G PKT/OTN I/F (NTK668AB)
• Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption
• eMOTR enhancements
• Packet Fabric enhancements

The following 5400 Switch Release 4.1 features can be used in interworking
• OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/200G (only) coherent DWDM
• eSLM-FLEX-100G enhancements
• SPLI support for OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e variants


The 6500 100G WL3n PKT/OTN IF circuit pack is a single-slot circuit pack
providing a 100G WL3 Nano coherent interface to the centralized packet/OTN
switch fabric. The 100G WL3n PKT/OTN IF circuit pack:
• supports any mix of packet and OTN switched services over a single 100G
• aggregates lower order signals (ODU0, ODU1, ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3,
ODU4, ODUFlex) into an OTU4 for efficient 100G wavelength fill
• offers an optimized single-slot solution that doubles 100G density
compared to previous releases
• supports up to 96 tunable wavelengths

The 100G WL3n PKT/OTN IF circuit pack is available in the following versions:
• Enhanced C-Band (NTK669AK), supporting QPSK modulation and up to
1800 km reach
• Standard C-Band (NTK669AL), supporting 4ASK modulation and up to
1000 km reach
• Basic C-Band (NTK669AM), supporting 4ASK modulation and up to
300 km reach
• Extended C-Band (NTK669AJ), supporting QPSK modulation (reach is

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2-18 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

The 100G WL3n PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs that support QPSK modulation
(NTK669AK/NTK669AJ) can interwork with the TSLM-1D-WL3, OSLM-1-
WL3, and OSLM-2-FLex3-WL3 modules on the 5400. The optical
performance and reach is limited to the lowest optical characteristic supported
between the 6500 100G WL3n PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs and the 5400

Table 2-1 on page 2-19 summarizes interworking support between 6500

100G WL3n circuit packs and 5400 WL3 modules.

Configuration guidelines
For information on configuring the 100G WL3n PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs,
refer to OTN I/F, PKT I/F and PKT/OTN I/F Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.8.

100G WL3n MOTR

The 6500 100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs provide an optical muxponder and
service channel interface that combine up to ten 10G clients (10x10G) and a
100G line interface on a single-slot circuit pack. The NTK538BJ version
introduced in Release 11.1 offers extended reach.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

The NTK538BJ version of the 100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack, and the
NTK538BK version introduced in an earlier release, can interwork with the
TSLM-1D-WL3, OSLM-1-WL3, and OSLM-2-FLex3-WL3 modules on the
5400. The optical performance and reach is limited to the lowest optical
characteristic supported between the 6500 100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs
and the 5400 modules.

Table 2-1 on page 2-19 summarizes interworking support between 6500

100G WL3n circuit packs and 5400 WL3 modules.

Configuration guidelines
For information on configuring 100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs, refer to 40G,
100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10 Circuit Packs and 200G Services, 323-1851-

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Table 2-1
Interworking between 6500 100G WL3n circuit packs and 5400 WL3 modules



(1000 km) (300 km) (1800 km) (1000 km) (300 km) (1800 km)


134-5468-900 Not Not Limited to Not Not Limited to

(1000 km, 10ps) supported supported 134-5468-900 supported supported 134-5468-900
specifications specifications

134-5468-901 Limited to Limited to

(application NTK538BK/BJ NTK669AK/AJ
specific reach, specifications specifications

134-5468-903 Supported Supported

(1800 km, 30ps)

134-5468-904 Limited to Limited to

(300 km, 10ps) 134-5468-904 134-5468-904
specifications specifications

134-5468-905 Not applicable Not applicable

(submarine, 50ps)


134-5466-900 Not Not Limited to Not Not Limited to

(1000 km, 10ps) supported supported 134-5466-900 supported supported 134-5466-900
specifications specifications

134-5466-901 Limited to Limited to

(application NTK538BK NTK669AK/AJ
specific reach, specifications specifications

134-5466-903 Supported Supported

(1800 km, 30ps)

134-5466-904 Limited to Limited to

(300 km, 10ps) 134-5466-904 134-5466-904
specifications specifications

134-5466-905 Not applicable Not applicable

(submarine, 50ps)

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Table 2-1 (continued)

Interworking between 6500 100G WL3n circuit packs and 5400 WL3 modules



(1000 km) (300 km) (1800 km) (1000 km) (300 km) (1800 km)


134-5550-900 Not Not SDD-QPSK Not Not SDD-QPSK

(1000 km, 150ps) supported supported mode only supported supported mode only

134-5550-901 Not supported Not supported

(>5000 km,150ps)

134-5550-903 Supported Supported

(1800 km, 150ps)

134-5550-904 SDD-QPSK SDD-QPSK

(300 km, 150ps) mode only mode only

134-5550-905 Not supported Not supported


Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption

The 6500 Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack provides similar
client and line interface support as existing Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD circuit
packs and adds the following encryption services:
• Two independent encryption lines supporting wire-speed point-to-point
100G and 200G encryption/decryption over layer 1 payloads
• X.509 Certificate Authentication
X.509 certificates are used for authentication, enabling integration into
existing enterprise Public Key Infrastructures (PKI).
• Enhanced Session Key Rotation
Separate keys are used for authentication and encryption functions, with
key rotation provisionable to one second intervals.

The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack is designed for FIPS
140-2 Level 2 certification at the module level. The Federal Information
Processing Standards (FIPS) is a standard developed by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) department of the United States Federal
government. FIPS 140-2 Level 2 certification provides enhanced security

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-21

The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack supports the following
rates and modulation formats:
• 100G QPSK modulation for a single ODU4 client
• 200G 16QAM modulation for a line carrying 2xODU4
The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack is available in
Premium (NTK539QS) and Basic (NTK539QV) versions.

The MyCryptoTool web interface, securely connected to the module via

HTTPS over TLS, provides a separate management interface of security
parameters and alarms, similar to the support provided for the 4x10G OTR
with Encryption circuit pack.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack interworks with the
5400 Switch through the TSLM-1D-WL3 module. The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e
OCLD Encryption circuit pack connects to the TSLM-1DWL3 module through
an OTU4 connection for transmission through the 5400 network. The
encrypted traffic remains secure through the 5400 equipment and is
decrypted at the far-end Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack.

Configuration guidelines
The Flex3 WaveLogic 3e OCLD Encryption circuit pack has two layers of
provisioning due to its encryption capabilities:
• Transport provisioning is performed through TL-1, Site Manager, or
OneControl and determines how traffic is transported through the
• Enterprise provisioning is performed through the MyCryptoTool web
interface and manages the security aspects of the traffic encryption/

For more information on the MyCryptoTool web interface, refer to Encryption

and FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-340. For
transport provisioning using Site Manager, refer to Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.

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2-22 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

eMOTR enhancements
6500 Release 11.1 introduces the following eMOTR enhancements:
• eMOTR Edge 4xXFP/2xSFP+/8xSFP (NTK536BE)
This version of the eMOTR circuit pack, also known as the eMOTR Edge,
provides bidirectional Layer 2 aggregation through ten SFP/SFP+
interfaces and four XFP interfaces and is supported in extended
temperature environments. The eMOTR Edge provides the same Layer 2
packet services as existing eMOTR circuit packs, including the
enhancements introduced in Release 11.1. However, the eMOTR Edge
cannot be combined with 40G OCLD circuit packs in an eMOTR
equipment group.
• Forwarding database (FDB) enhancements
— Display dynamic MAC addresses for a specific port or for a specific
virtual switch and port, in addition to displaying all dynamic MAC
addresses or all dynamic MAC addresses for a virtual switch.
— Remove a specific dynamic entry from the FDB learned against a
virtual switch, in addition to removing all dynamic entries.
— Set the maximum number of entries that can be learned for a port or
virtual switch.

• Resolved CoS mapping enhancements

You can use the following mapping options to derive Resolved CoS and
R-Color values when applying Resolved CoS mapping policies:
— L3 DSCP (l3-dscp-cos). R-CoS and R-Color is determined using
DSCP bits in the IPv4/IPv6 L3 header. When this policy is applied,
CoS mapping is in trusted mode.
— L3 MPLS (mpls-tc-cos). R-CoS and R-Color is determined using EXP
bits in the MPLS header. When this policy is applied, CoS mapping is
in trusted mode.
— L3 DSCP MPLS (l3-dscp-mpls-tc-cos). R-CoS and R-Color is
determined using DSCP bits in the IPv4/IPv6 L3 header. Fallback on
MPLS is supported. When this policy is applied, CoS mapping is in
trusted mode.

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-23

• Egress per port shaping

Egress per port shaping allows you to control the bandwidth used for
taking scheduled frames out of egress queues. The scheduler provides
the ability to configure per port shaping for scheduled unicast and
multicast traffic through provisioning of the following parameters:
— Committed Information Rate (CIR). The rate that traffic can egress
from a port and be considered guaranteed traffic.
— Committed Burst Size (CBS). The amount of CIR traffic that can burst
from a port (the CIR bucket size).
• Virtual Link Loss Indicator (VLLI) enhancements
— Support for LAGs and distributed LAGs, in addition to physical ports,
as instances in an instance group.
— Support for inverse VLLI conditioning: when a fault occurs, the port
instance can be set to “unshut” (laser on) and when recovery occurs,
the port instance can be set to “shut” (laser off). Inverse VLLI
conditioning allows for resilient (single- and dual-homed) hand-off from
an aggregation network to a core network.

• LLDP signaling of IPv6 addresses

IPv6 addresses will be advertised to neighbour nodes if the system is
configured with IPv6 addresses. IPv4 addresses continue to be
supported. In addition, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are advertised if the
system is configured with both versions.
• Port mirroring
— Ingress/egress port mirroring allows you to monitor incoming or
outgoing traffic at a port. When ingress or egress port mirroring is
enabled on a port, all ingress or egress packets at the port are
processed normally but are also sent to a mirrored (target) port, known
as the mirror-to-port (MTP). You can then observe and analyze traffic
at the MTP using a network analyzer. The MTP can be any port within
the same equipment group. Unlike other methods that analyze packet
traffic, port mirroring does not cause interruption of traffic.
— VLAN-based port mirroring allows you to monitor traffic associated
with a specific service instead of all the traffic ingressing/egressing a
port by applying a terminal loopback on the MTP, and associating a
virtual switch with the required VLAN to filter traffic.

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2-24 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

• Layer 2 control frame tunneling (L2-CFT) enhancements

— Support for L2-CFT profiles, including the ability to associate profiles
to a virtual switch.
— The ability to add control protocols to profiles. When adding a control
protocol, you can specify the default disposition for the protocol:
discard (discard the frame without further processing) or forward
(direct the frame to the forwarding domain associated with the L2-CFT
— The ability to assign a Resolved CoS value to Layer 2 control frames
that match a profile.

• Flood containment
Flood containment limits the number of unknown unicast, multicast, and
broadcast frames accepted and forwarded at an ingress interface. Traffic
entering the interface at a rate lower than the specified containment rate
is accepted and forwarded. Traffic entering the interface at a rate higher
than the specified containment rate is dropped. A containment rate can be
specified for unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic types.
• Egress reflector mode
You can use egress reflector mode for testing Ethernet traffic. When
enabled on a sub-port, traffic that would normally egress on the sub-port
is instead reflected back to the source. The reflected packet has its source
address stamped with a user-specified or system-assigned MAC address
and its destination address stamped with a user-specified MAC address.
The frame is sent to the egress of the same sub-port interface on which it
arrived. The frame is not forwarded out any other port. Egress reflector
operations do not impact existing traffic on eMOTR circuit packs.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

6500 eMOTR circuit packs interwork with the 5400 Switch through the eSLM-
FLEX-100G line module. The eSLM-FLEX-100G line module supports
Layer 2 switching and mapping of Ethernet services into an OTN network.
Table 2-2 on page 2-33 lists Ethernet features supported between eMOTR
circuit packs and the eSLM-FLEX-100G line module.

Configuration guidelines
Layer 2 packet services for eMOTR circuit packs are managed through the
SAOS CLI. For configuration details, refer to the SAOS-based documentation,

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-25

Packet Fabric enhancements

6500 Release 11.1 introduces the following Packet Fabric enhancements:
• 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F (NTK667AB) and 100G PKT/OTN XCIF
The above circuit packs provide the same Layer 2 packet services as
existing packet interface circuit packs and add support for hierarchical
ingress metering and Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) 2.0 certification.
• 100G/2x40G PKT/OTN I/F (NTK668AB)
— Provides one 100G or two 40G client interfaces to the centralized
packet/OTN switch fabric in a single-slot module
— Uses CFP2 pluggables for the 100G interface and QSFP+ pluggables
for the 40G interfaces, reducing cost and power compared to CFP
— Aggregates lower order signals (ODU0, ODU1, ODU2, ODU2e,
ODU3, ODU4, ODUFlex) into an OTU4 for efficient 100G bandwidth fill
— Offers an optimized single-slot solution that doubles 100G density
compared to previous releases
• E-Tree (private forwarding groups)
Private forwarding groups (PFG) provide a way to restrict communications
between interfaces that attach to the same virtual switch. Interfaces that
belong to the same private forwarding group follow the same forwarding
policy. The forwarding policy controls forwarding between private
forwarding groups and determines what groups can communicate with
each other.
A common use of private forwarding groups is to allow customers
belonging to a common service domain to communicate with the Network-
to-Network Interface (NNI), but restrict all direct Layer 2 communication
with other customers’ User-to-Network Interfaces (UNI), enabling support
for E-Tree configurations.
• Static ARP
6500 Release 11.1 adds support for static address resolution protocol
(ARP) entries. Previously, entries could only be learned dynamically, such
as when a device sends an ARP request or ping. However, for entries to
be permanent, you need to provision static ARP entries.

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2-26 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

• Hierarchical ingress metering

6500 Release 11.1 adds support for a hierarchical ingress meter policy.
When the policy is set to hierarchical, the QoS flow is metered at both the
QoS flow and sub-port levels according to their respective ingress-meter-
Previous releases supported a non-hierarchical policy only. With a non-
hierarchical policy, the QoS flow is metered at the QoS flow level only.
Non-hierarchical is the default setting.
Hierarchical policies are supported on the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F,
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 100G WL3n PKT/OTN I/F, and
100G/2x40G PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs introduced in Release 11.1, as
well as the 48xGE PKT I/F circuit pack supported in previous releases.
• Flood containment
Flood containment limits the amount of unknown unicast, multicast, and
broadcast frames accepted and forwarded at an ingress interface. Traffic
entering the interface at a rate lower than the specified containment rate
is accepted and forwarded. Traffic entering the interface at a rate higher
than the specified containment rate is dropped. A containment rate can be
specified for unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic types.
• Ingress/egress port mirroring
Port mirroring allows you to monitor incoming or outgoing traffic at a port.
When ingress or egress port mirroring is enabled on a port, all ingress or
egress packets at the port are processed normally but are also sent to a
mirrored (target) port, known as the mirror-to-port (MTP). You can then
observe and analyze traffic at the MTP using a network analyzer. The MTP
can be any port within the same equipment group. Unlike other methods
that analyze packet traffic, port mirroring does not cause interruption of
Interworking with the 5400 Switch
The 6500 Packet Fabric interworks with the 5400 Switch through the eSLM-
FLEX-100G line module. The eSLM-FLEX-100G line module supports
Layer 2 switching and mapping of Ethernet services into an OTN network.

Direct connectivity between the 6500 Packet Fabric and the eSLM-Flex-100G
module is supported over 10G interfaces.

Configuration guidelines
Layer 2 packet services for the 6500 Packet Fabric are managed through the
SAOS CLI. For configuration details, refer to the SAOS-based documentation,

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OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/200G (only) coherent DWDM

5400 Release 4.1 introduces the 5400 OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (134-5550-907),
integrating 2xFlex3 WaveLogic-3 Extreme DWDM Coherent optics into a
single line module. The 5400 OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e provides the OTN service
capability for 400G of switching capacity. Each Flex3 WL3e optical port can be
independently programmed to support 16QAM modulation (200G per

The OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e supports the OTU4 line rate.

Interworking with the 6500

The 5400 OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e interworks with the 6500 Flex3 WaveLogic 3
OCLD Premium with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band circuit pack (NTK539QJ)
running 16QAM mode.

Configuration guidelines
For information on provisioning the OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e, refer to
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating (009-3266-310).

eSLM-FLEX-100G enhancements
5400 Release 4.1 introduces the following eSLM-FLEX-100G enhancements.
• High availability
— Prior to Release 4.1, a CTX switchover disrupted MPLS service. In
Release 4.1, CTX switchovers do not impact static MPLS traffic.
During the planned or unplanned failover of the CTM, the data plane
continues to forward static MPLS traffic.
— In Release 4.1, a warm reset of the eSLM-FLEX-100G does not affect
— If configured, rolling upgrade of line modules can minimize or eliminate
disruption to protected Layer 2 traffic during a software upgrade, with
the degree of improvement depending on the configuration details and
the system design.
• Hierarchical ingress metering
5400 Release 4.1 adds support for a hierarchical ingress meter policy.
When the policy is set to hierarchical, the QoS flow is metered at both the
QoS flow and sub-port levels according to their respective ingress-meter-
Previous releases supported a non-hierarchical policy only. With a non-
hierarchical policy, the QoS flow is metered at the QoS flow level only.

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• Ingress port mirroring enhancements

— You can specify a sampling rate in the range 0.01% to 100%. In prior
releases, 100% of ingressing frames were forwarded to the destination
mirror port.
— You can specify a VLAN tag to be pushed on the frames that are sent
to the destination mirror port, to identify the ingress ports of origin.
Traffic from multiple ingress ports can be forwarded to a single
destination mirror port, and the VLAN tags serve to identify the ingress
ports of origin.
• Congestion avoidance for egress queue enhancements
Congestion avoidance refers to the functionality by which the 5400 switch
controls the length of an egress queue by dropping frames when the
queue reaches a certain size. The default behavior of the switch is to not
apply any congestion avoidance. To put congestion avoidance into effect,
you must apply a congestion avoidance profile (CAP) to an egress queue.
5400 Release 4.1 supports up to 15 user-defined congestion avoidance
profiles. In previous releases, only one congestion avoidance profile was
SPLI support for OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e variants
5400 Release 4.1 adds Service and Photonic Layer Interoperability (SPLI)
support for all OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e variants. SPLI is a system that discovers
and associates connected equipment on shelves within the same site. SPLI is
used to associate CMD, OMD, and OMX input ports with the line facing
facilities that are connected into the Photonic line. Provisioning the far-end
address on a CMD, OMD, and OMX adjacency (ADJ) facility allows the
Photonic line to discover the proper type of transmitter and autoprovision
some basic configuration information. If a shelf participating in SPLI
associations is removed from a site, a standing alarm will be raised indicating
a failure to associate. To remove this association from a shelf with the alarm,
unused SPLI associations must be cleared.

Interworking with the 6500

SPLI is configured to work with adjacent 6500 shelves in the same site ID. The
site ID can be provisioned on the system and is applicable to all the TID-
consolidated shelves in a 6500 multi-shelf configuration. For more
information, refer to “SPLI support” on page 2-55.

Configuration guidelines
For information on provisioning the OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e, refer to
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating (009-3266-310).

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6500 Release 10.2 and 5400 Release 4.0 interworking features

The following 6500 Release 10.2 features can be used in interworking
• WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
• 100G WL3e OCLD (NTK539UJ)
• eMOTR enhancements
• Control Plane enhancements

The following 5400 Release 4.0 features can be used in interworking

• Network Address Translation (NAT) for Private IP addresses
• eSLM G.8032 Ring Protection and sub-ring support
• OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/100G coherent DWDM
• OSLM-5-100G line module
• OSLM-50-10G line module
• CFP2 and SFP+ optics
• Generic endpoints
• eSLM MEF E-Tree
WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
Feature overview
Release 10.2 of 6500 introduces the WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
(Coherent Select), a Photonic architecture that uses 100G coherent optics
which provides the flexibility of a ROADM-based solution offering colorless
and direction-less capabilities. Coherent Select is an optical broadcast
architecture that does not perform wavelength blocking or filtering at the
optical layer. Instead of using a conventional Wavelength Selective Switch
(WSS), Coherent Select uses Ciena’s WaveLogic coherent technology to
function as a local tunable filter across the entire optical spectrum. A user can
remotely connect transceivers on the network by setting the transceivers to
the same wavelength. Coherent Select nodes use a combination of existing
6500 circuit packs (amplifiers, OSC, CMD44, BMD2) and the following
modules introduced in 6500 Release 10.2, which are housed in the 2150
Passive Optical Multiplexer (3-slot) chassis:
• Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB 2x2x2 C-Band)
• Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB 2x4x1 C-Band)
• Optical Broadband Mux/Demux (OBMD 1x8 C-Band)

See Figure 2-16 for a diagram summary of a 6500 Coherent Select network.

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Figure 2-16
6500 Coherent Select network

Interworking with the 5400

6500 Coherent Select interworks with the 5400 through line modules which
can be manually configured at the Coherent Select CMD44 for entry into a
6500 Photonic network as a client card.

Configuration guidelines
Coherent Select connections are provisioned similar to Layer 0 Control Plane
sub-network connections (SNCs). The user specifies the originating point and
the destination point at the originating node, without the need for further
provisioning at intermediate nodes or the destination node. For details on the
configuration of the WaveLogic Coherent Select, see 6500 WaveLogic
Photonics Coherent Select, 323-1851-980.

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100G WL3e OCLD (NTK539UJ)

Feature overview
6500 Release 10.2 introduces the100G WL3e OCLD Premium with EDFA
1xOTU4 C-Band (NTK539UJ), which has the following enhancements
compared to previous versions of the OCLD card:
• Extended chromatic dispersion tolerance
• Enhanced nonlinear mitigation
• Soft differential encoding
• Hard differential encoding

Interworking with the 5400

The 100G WL3e OCLD circuit pack interworks with the 5400 through the TDM
Line Services Module 1D WaveLogic3 (TSLM-1D-WL3). The 6500 Flex3 WL3
OCLD is connected to the 5400 TSLM-1D-WL3 through an OTU4 connection
for transmission through the 5400 network. Additionally, the two modules can
interwork through 1+1 line protection at L0 when using an Optical Protection
Switch (OPS).

Configuration guidelines
For information on configuring the 100G WL3e OCLD, see 40G, 100G, OSIC,
ISS, and SLIC10 Circuit Packs and 200G Services, 323-1851-102.4.

eMOTR enhancements
Feature overview and interworking with the 5400
6500 Release 10.2 introduces the eMOTR enhancements described below.
Refer to 6500 Data and Layer 2 Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.7 and SAOS-
based Services Configuration, 323-1851-630 for a complete description of
these enhancements.

6500 Release 10.2 introduces support for a 40G OCLD-eMOTR half-quad

configuration. In previous releases, a four card configuration was required
when defining an eMOTR equipment group; OCLD-eMOTR-eMOTR-OCLD.
For 6500 Release 10.2, a half-quad (or two-card) configuration is also
supported, meaning that an OCLD-eMOTR or eMOTR-OCLD combination
can be defined as an eMOTR equipment group.

High Availability (or warm restart) functionality is now supported on the

eMOTR for 6500 Release 10.2. Prior to Release 10.2, only cold restarts were
supported on the eMOTR, which caused a traffic disruption for the duration of
the restart. With 6500 Release 10.2, an eMOTR card can be warm restarted
if required which will not have an impact on traffic.

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For 6500 Release 10.2, three User Network Interface (UNI) packet
modification enhancements have been added to the eMOTR:
• Provisionable VLAN EtherType at the port level
• Double tag ingress classification for sub-port interfaces
• Stamp operations for egress transforms on sub-port interfaces. In
previous releases, only push operations were supported.

For 6500 Release 10.2, Link Aggregation Group (LAG) attributes have
been enhanced on the eMOTR to help prevent mis-configurations. In previous
releases, changes to port settings such as maximum frame size, Resolved
Cost of Service (CoS), and egress queues were allowed on individual member
ports of a LAG. To ensure consistent provisioning and prevent mismatches,
the following settings are provisionable at the LAG level in 6500 Release 10.2:
• Maximum frame size
• Resolved CoS mapping policy
• Ingress resolved CoS profile
• Egress port queue group
• Egress port scheduler
• VLAN EtherType
• Description

Enhancements to the Ethernet Operations, Administrative and

Maintenance (OAM) procedures have been included as part of 6500
Release 10.2, enabling full support of the Connectivity Fault Management
(CFM) protocol as specified in IEEE P802.1ag. These enhancements include:
• Delay measurement messages
• Linktrace messages
• Loopback messages

6500 Release 10.2 introduces the Virtual Link Loss Indicator (VLLI)
enhancements described below. Refer to 6500 Provisioning, 323-1851-310
and Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543 for a complete description of these
• Additional VLLI alarming has been added to TL-1 and Site Manager for
defects that result in VLLI laser-off conditioning at the far-end client port
such as Far End Client Signal Failure, Remote Port OOS, and Remote
Port Unreachable when the far-end VLLI port conditions the laser-off.
• Support for VLLI interworking with L2 MOTR Tx conditioning. This
enhancement allows L2 MOTR UNI interfaces with Tx conditioning
enabled to interwork with VLLI/CFM-based standards supported on
eMOTR circuit packs. For 6500 Release 10.2, a new Connectivity Fault

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Management (CFM) option is added to the “Conditioning network signal”

attribute of L2 MOTR UNI interfaces. Setting this attribute to CFM allows
the user to manually configure an Up MEP and Remote MEP for end-to-
end signaling that is compliant with VLLI.

The 6500 eMOTR card interworks with the 5400 through the eSLM-FLEX-
100G line module, a 5400 circuit pack that supports Layer 2 switching and
mapping of Ethernet services into an OTN network. See Table 2-2 for a list of
Ethernet features that are supported between 6500 eMOTR and 5400 eSLM.

Table 2-2
6500 eMOTR and 5400 eSLM Ethernet feature matrix

6500 eMOTR 5400 eSLM

Pluggable XFP optics C X

XFP auto-detection C X

XFP manual provisioning C X

Pluggable SFP+ or SFP optics C C

UNI or NNI on per-port basis C C

FEC (Off or RS-8/ITU-T G.709 C C


Facility loopbacks on 10GE, C X

OTU2, and OTU2e

Facility loopbacks on OTU3 C X

facility of NNI card

E-LINE and E-LAN L2 switched C C


Ethernet P2P or A2A services C X

Link Aggregation Groups C C



802.1ab LLDP topology C C



L1Sync and Ethernet Sync C C

Message Channel (ESMC)

Packet forwarding C C

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Table 2-2
6500 eMOTR and 5400 eSLM Ethernet feature matrix (continued)

6500 eMOTR 5400 eSLM

Quad configuration C X

Half-quad configuration X X

G.8032 ERP C C

C = compatible
X = not compatible

Control Plane enhancements

Feature overview and interworking with the 5400
Control Plane can be defined as a set of protocols and algorithms for an
intelligent and automatic network or sub-network connection establishment,
termination, management, and restoration. 6500 Release 10.2 introduces the
Control Plane enhancements described below. Refer to Configuration -
Control Plane, 323-1851-330 and 6500 Control Plane Application Guide
(NTRN71AA) for a complete description of these enhancements.

For 6500 Release 10.2, support for Layer 0 Control Plane Colorless
Directionless Contentionless (CDC) hardware has been added. Support for
CDC hardware means that the Channel Colorless Mux/Demux circuit packs
can be managed by Control Plane for 6500 Release 10.2. The 6500 CDC
hardware interworks with the 5400 by providing a channel connection for a
TSLM into a 6500 Photonic network.

Also for 6500 Release 10.2, a Layer 0 Control Plane Automatic Adoption
feature has been added. Automatic adoption allows Optical Signaling and
Routing Protocol (OSRP) to adopt an existing Photonic channel that was
manually added. Once adopted, the channel can be managed in the Layer 0
Control Plane network and be mesh-restored in the event of a failure. Existing
Photonic channels that are adopted become OSRP owned and managed,
which then behave the same as connections initially created using OSRP.
Automatic adoption is performed by enabling the In-Service Takeover
parameter in the Add SNC dialog box.

Configuration overview
On 6500, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through the OSRP
Provisioning and Sub-Network Connection applications in Site Manager. From
the menu, select Configuration > Control Plane > OSRP Provisioning or
Configuration > Control Plane > Sub-Network Connection to open these
applications. For detailed provisioning, refer to Configuration - Control Plane,
323-1851-330 and to the 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

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On the 5400 Switch, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through

the OSRP Nodes, OSRP Links, and OSRP Lines screens in Node Manager.
From the menu, select Go > Provisioning > OSRP Nodes, Go > Provisioning
> OSRP Links, or Go > Provisioning > OSRP Lines. For detailed provisioning,
refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

Table 2-3
6500 and 5400 Control Plane feature matrix

6500 5400

Support for CDC hardware C X

Layer 0 Control Plane C X

automatic adoption

ITU-T G.7712 C C

Optical Signaling and Routing C C

Protocol (OSRP), Layer 0

ITU-T G.8080 (ASON) C C




C = compatible
X = not compatible

Network Address Translation (NAT) for Private IP addresses

Feature overview
5400 Release 4.0 introduces the Network Address Translation (NAT) data
communications feature which enables a 5400 to function as a Gateway
Network Element (GNE) for one or more Remote Network Elements (RNEs)
that have private IP addresses. The 5400 GNE performs NAT to enable
communication between management systems in the public routing domain
and the privately-addressed RNEs. The NAT GNE supports routing of various
protocols to and from the RNEs which may include Telnet, HTTP, SNMP, etc.
The NAT feature in a 5400 GNE handles the following functionality:
• Communication from a privately addressed RNE to a network element in
the public routing domain which utilizes standard source NAT functions
• Communication from a management system in the public routing domain
to a privately addressed RNE which utilizes reverse port NAT functions
• Communication between two privately addressed RNEs that are
connected to different GNEs

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Interworking with the 6500

A NAT-enabled 5400 GNE can support 6500 network elements as RNEs.
GNE-RNE communications are provided by way of Internet Protocol over
General Communication Channel (IPoGCC) which uses OTN GCC. IP over
GCC supports GCC0, GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1&2.

Routing of traffic from a 5400 GNE to a 6500 RNE(s) can be supported by any
of the following:
• Enabling OSPF between the GNE and RNE and between RNEs to
discover routing topology.
• Discovery of the IP address of a directly connected 6500 RNE via IPCP.
• Configuring a static route to the 6500 RNE. This may be required for
directly connected RNEs that do not support or cannot enable OSPF and
do not support discovery of their IP address via IPCP.

Configuration guidelines
To enable NAT for 5400 Release 4.0, see Node Manager for 5400 Packet-
Optical Platform, 009-3253-195.

eSLM G.8032 Ring Protection and sub-ring support

Feature overview
For 5400 Release 4.0, G.8032 Ethernet shared ring protection on the eSLM
card is introduced. G.8032 Ethernet shared ring protection is designed to
provide <50ms protection and recovery switching for Ethernet traffic in a ring
topology while preventing Ethernet protection loops. Each G.8032 virtual ring
is an overlay on a physical topology which is defined by logical rings. A G.8032
ring can be a major ring or a sub-ring, where a major ring is a fully closed ring
and a sub-ring is a dual homed “open” ring subtended from another ring (a
major ring or sub-ring) or from another network construct. A sub-ring has two
interconnection points where it connects to the construct from which it

Each 5400 Release 4.0 G.8032 ring:

• has a ring-automated protection switching (R-APS) channel that controls
protection switching
• has a ring protection link (RPL) for loop avoidance
• performs standards-based MAC flooding and MAC learning
• performs protection switching at < 50ms based on Ethernet OAM, link
failures, or forced/manual switching

Interworking with the 6500

A 5400 Release 4.0 node with eSLM cards can be configured in a G.8032 ring
with 6500 eMOTR cards. See Figure 2-17.

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Figure 2-17
6500 eMOTR and 5400 eSLM G.8032 ring

See Table 2-4 for a G.8032 feature matrix for 6500 and 5400 Switch.

Table 2-4
6500 and 5400 G.8032 feature matrix

6500 5400


MAC flooding C C

MAC learning C C

CFM protocols C C

R-APS Control Messages X X

ERP timers C C

C = compatible
X = not compatible

Configuration guidelines
G.8032 ring protection switching can interwork with other protection
mechanisms such as SONET/SDH or Optical Transport Network Automatic
Protection Switching (OTN APS). To allow for such interworking, hold-off
timers can be set to delay the operation of G.8032 ring protection switching. If
a failure occurs, the hold-off period allows an interval during which the
alternative protection mechanism can take effect.

For detailed instructions on configuring and managing G.8032 protection

switching on a 5400, see SAOS Configuration, 009-3253-630.

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OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e line module w/100G coherent DWDM

Feature overview
5400 Release 4.0 introduces the OSLM-2-FLex3-WL3e line module with
100G coherent DWDM, a dual-port OTN services card. This line module
provides a physical platform and electrical interconnection for two 100G DP-
QPSK modulation per port or 200G 16QAM modulation per port fixed line
interfaces to interconnect with 5400 Switches and 6500 100G or 200G

Interworking with the 6500

The OSLM-2-FLex3-WL3e line module interworks with the 6500 through the
circuit packs listed in Table 2-5 below.

Table 2-5
5400 OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e interworking with 6500 circuit packs

5400 circuit pack 5400 PN 6500 circuit pack 6500 PEC

OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (2x100G 134-5550-900 Flex3 WL3e OCLD Standard w/ NTK539QL

Integrated Flex3 WL3e Standard EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit
and OTN w/ EDFA NxOTU4 C- Pack
Band Circuit Pack)

OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (2x100G 134-5550-901 Flex3 WL3e OCLD Premium w/ NTK539QJ

Integrated Flex3 WL3e Premium EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit
and OTN w/ EDFA NxOTU4 C- Pack
Band Circuit Pack)

OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (2x100G 134-5550-903 Flex3 WL3e OCLD Enhanced w/ NTK539QK

Integrated Flex3 WL3e Enhanced EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit
and OTN w/ EDFA NxOTU4 C- Pack
Band Circuit Pack)

OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (2x100G 134-5550-904 Flex3 WL3e OCLD Basic w/EDFA NTK539QM

Integrated Flex3 WL3e Basic and NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit Pack
Circuit Pack)

OSLM-2-Flex3-WL3e (2x100G 134-5550-905 Flex3 WL3e OCLD Submarine w/ NTK539QN

Integrated Flex3 WL3e EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit
Submarine and OTN w/ EDFA Pack
NxOTU4 C-Band Circuit Pack)

Configuration guidelines
For detailed configuration details on the 5400 Release 4.0 SLM-2-FLex3-
WL3e line module with 100G coherent DWDM, see System Description, 009-

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OSLM-5-100G line module

Feature overview
The OSLM-5-100G line module provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for five 100G C Form Factor Pluggable 2 (CFP2) modules and
supports the OTU4 and 100GbE line rates. OSLM-5-100G provides up to
500Gb/s of faceplate interface for aggregation into the TDM switching fabric.

Interworking with the 6500

The OSLM-5-100G interworks with the 6500 through the CMD cards in order
to connect to a Photonic network.

Configuration guidelines
For detailed configuration details for the 5400 Release 4.0 OSLM-5-100G line
module with 100G coherent DWDM, see System Description, 009-3253-100.

OSLM-50-10G line module

Feature overview
The 50-port OTN Services line module (OSLM-50-10G) provides a physical
platform and electrical interconnection for 5010G SFP+. The OSLM-50-10G
supports OTU2, OTU2e, and 10G line rates on the faceplate. Each port on the
OSLM-50-10G can be independently configured to any of the supported port
group modes.

Interworking with the 6500

The OSLM-50-10G interworks with the 6500 through the CMD cards in order
to connect to a Photonic network.

Configuration guidelines
For detailed configuration details on the 5400 Release 4.0 OSLM-50-10G line
module with 100G coherent DWDM, see System Description, 009-3253-100.

CFP2 and SFP+ optics

Feature overview
There is one new Small Form-factor Pluggable Transceiver Plus (SFP+) and
two new C-Form Factor Pluggable 2 (CFP2) optics available with 5400
Release 4.0:
• PEC 160-9201-900, 1528.38-1565.50 nm Tunable, 50GHz, Type 1 DWDM
SFP+. This SFP+ is a 1550 nm OC-192/OTU2, 10GBase 80Km Single
Mode Fiber (SMF) optical plug-in.
• PEC 160-9300-900, CFP2+, 103.1G-111.8G, 4X25G WDM, SMF,
1310NM, 10 KM CFP2 optical plug-in.
• PEC 160-9310-900, CFP2+, Dual-rate SR10 CFP2 Optical Transceiver.
This is an optical plug-in that supports 100GBASE-SR10, a 100GbE
protocol that runs over Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF).

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Interworking with the 6500

The CFP and SFP+ optics are used in conjunction with the 5400 Line
Modules, which interwork with 6500 Photonics through the CMD circuit packs.

Configuration guidelines
For detailed configuration details on the 5400 Release 4.0 CFP2 and SFP+
optics, see System Description, 009-3253-100.

Generic endpoints
Feature overview
For 5400 Release 4.0, Generic endpoints (GEP) support is extended to all
Line Modules (LMs) that support OTN services. Introduced in Release 3.0 for
eSLM cards only, GEP allows a user to set up SNCs by specifying a GEP as
the terminating point of the SNC. This approach decouples the terminating
node and the originating node from an SNC perspective. The originating node
no longer needs to have any knowledge of how the terminating node
represents and manages its end points. As long as the terminating node
supports a generic end point, an SNC can terminate on that point. The
mapping of a GEP to the internal resource is managed by the terminating
node and any change to that does not require the originating node to change
software to understand the end point.

Interworking with the 6500

Generic endpoints only interwork with 6500 through its OTN OSRP circuit
packs since this feature is not supported on SONET services. This includes
ODU0/1/2/3 SNCs, OTU3 and OTU4 AID support.

Configuration guidelines
For 5400 Release 4.0, GEP has the following configuration requirements:
• Does not support SONET/SDH and embedded SONET/SDH GEPs
• Only auto created GEPs are supported
• GEPs are only supported as terminating end points
• All LMs above 100G capacity (OSLM-5x100G, OSLM-50x10G, OSLM-2-
WL3) support only GEP to terminate SNC as a drop port

For more detailed information on Generic endpoints for the 5400 Switch, see
System Description, 009-3253-100.


Feature overview
5400 Release 4.0 adds Metro Ethernet Forum Ethernet Virtual Private Tree
(MEF E-Tree) functionality to the eSLM card. MEF E-Tree is a multi-point
topology in which certain nodes (classified as root or leaf nodes) are not
permitted to communicate with each other. A root node can communicate with
any leaf node, but a leaf node can communicate only with a root node. This
differs from E-Line and E-LAN functionality, where each node is designated as

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a root node, allowing all of the nodes to communicate with each other. MEF
E-Tree is useful in networks where different customers have User Network
Interfaces (UNIs) connected to one node at an Internet Service Provider
(ISP). The ISP node would be designated as a root node and the customer
nodes would each be designated as leaf nodes. Each leaf node could
communicate with the root node, but none of the leaf nodes would be able to
communicate with each other.

Interworking with 6500

The MEF E-Tree feature on the 5400 Release 4.0 eSLM card interworks with
6500 through the eMOTR card. See Table 2-6 for an MEF E-Tree feature
matrix between 6500 and 5400.

Table 2-6
6500 and 5400 MEF E-Tree feature matrix

6500 5400

Auto Discovery/Pruning C C



C = compatible
X = not compatible

Configuration guidelines
For additional information on the configuration and operation of MEF E-Tree,
refer to the 5400 Packet-Optical Platform SAOS Configuration, 009-3253-630.

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6500 Release 10.1 and 5400 Release 3.0 interworking

The following 6500 Release 10.1 features can be used in interworking
• Control Plane enhancements
• ODU4 Switching
• Flex3 Wavelogic3 OCLD
• 100G WaveLogic3 OTR
• 4x10G OTR encryption
• 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX

The following 5400 Release 3.0 features can be used in interworking

• eSLM-Flex-100G
• TODR enhancements
• STORM support
• Manual TCM Support
• 10GbE into ODU2e
• SPLI support
• Simultaneous SDCC/LDCC support
• 10xOC-192/STM64 embedded SONET/SDH

Control Plane enhancements

Features overview and interworking with the 5400
6500 Release 10.1 introduces the OTN Control Plane enhancements
described below. Refer to Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330 and
6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for a complete
description of these enhancements:

For 6500 Release 10.1, Time Of Day Reversion (TODR) is now supported
for Sub-Network Connection Protection (SNCP). For both Sub-Network
Connections (SNCs) and SNCPs, TODR now supports a day of the week
setting so that different starting times and durations can be specified for
different days of the week. In addition, the option to have TODR profiles has
been added so that the user can specify day of the week configurations.
Identical TODR enhancements have been added to 5400 Release 3.0 in order
for TODR to be configured properly for interworking networks.

For 6500 Release 10.1, a mixed rate link aggregation which allows for
Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol (OSRP) lines of differing rates (OTU2,
OTU3, and OTU4) to be aggregated together in any combination under the

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same link. The same feature is available for the 5400, meaning that OTN lines
of unequal sizes in a mixed 6500/5400 network can be used to form an
aggregated link.

Enhancements for the Bandwidth Threshold Mode parameter for OSRP link
managed objects due to the introduction of the mixed rate link aggregation
feature is available for 6500 Release 10.1. Bandwidth Thresholds set the
maximum number of bandwidth units advertised for an OTN link and therefore,
the maximum Co-Routed SNC size supported by the link. It also serves as a
bandwidth unit ceiling, over which no bandwidth updates are sent. Bandwidth
Thresholds are supported on both single line rate and multiple line rate
aggregated links. With the ability to aggregate unequal OTUx lines into the
same OSRP link, the Bandwidth Threshold Mode parameter includes the
ability to select Manual, Automatic, and Advertise All Bandwidth values on
OSRP links. The Bandwidth Threshold Mode parameters are used in 6500,
5400, and mixed 6500/5400 networks.

Note: 5400 Release 3.0 does not support the transmission of an ODU2e
rate over an OTU3 line, which differs from 6500 which supports this
transmission (both products support an ODU2e rate over an OTU4 line).
Due to this difference, a configuration or mismatch alarm may be raised
during an attempt to aggregate OTU3 and OTU4 lines over a mixed 6500/
5400 network using the Advertise All Bandwidth threshold mode. The user
can clear this alarm by setting the Bandwidth Threshold Mode to Manual
and adjusting the ODU2e bandwidth. For more information, refer to 6500
Fault Management - Alarm Clearing Part 1 (323-1851-543) and 5400
Packet-Optical Platform Alarm and Trouble Clearing Procedure Manual

The Co-Routed SNC feature enhances the 6500 Release 10.1 control plane
capability by providing users with the ability to group multiple OTN SNCs
within the same or multiple lines in a single OTN aggregated link and co-route
them together across multiple nodes. This feature provides "an all or nothing"
mesh restoration capability in which a single failure on any SNC triggers mesh
restoration on all SNCs that are grouped and co-routed together as long as
there is enough bandwidth to restore all SNCs over the same path. There is
also an option which allows the user to combine up to 10 SNCs into a single
group. A single failure on any member 6500 or 5400 (or mixed 6500/5400)
SNC triggers mesh restoration on all SNCs that are co-routed if there is
enough bandwidth to restore all SNCs over the same path.

6500 Release 10.1 prevents peered SNCs of Open-Open or Open-Closed

MR-SNCPs from residing on the same OSRP link. In previous 6500
releases, OSRP did not satisfy Absolute Route Diversity (ARD) on any Open-
Open or Open-Close MR-SNCP configurations as source nodes for the two
peered SNCs were different. In 6500 Release 10.1, OSRP is extended to

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satisfy link diversity (absolute or maximal) for Open-Open or Open-Close MR-

SNCP configurations. This feature is not supported on 5400 Release 3.0. In a
mixed 6500/5400 configuration, after the mesh-restoration on the working
path of the Open-Open MR-SNCP configuration, traffic can go over a common
link in the protection path.

Prior to 6500 Release 10.1, the Line Flapping Alarm (LFA) on 6500 and
5400 did not have identical alarm profiles. On 5400, events that may trigger
the LFA alarm (which include the Loss Of Signal (LOS) alarm) do not mask
the LFA alarm itself. In other words, the LOS alarm and the LFA alarm will co-
exist. On 6500, events that triggered the LFA alarm result in the LFA alarm
being masked. Once the alarm trigger has been cleared, the LFA alarm is
raised accordingly which differed from the LFA behaviour with the 5400. For
6500 Release 10.1, the LFA profile has been changed to match the 5400.

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through the OSRP
Provisioning and Sub-Network Connection applications in Site Manager. From
the menu, select Configuration > Control Plane > OSRP Provisioning or
Configuration > Control Plane > Sub-Network Connection to open these
applications. For detailed provisioning, refer to Configuration - Control Plane,
323-1851-330 and to the 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

On the 5400 Switch, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through

the OSRP Nodes, OSRP Links, and OSRP Lines screens in Node Manager.
From the menu, select Go > Provisioning > OSRP Nodes, Go > Provisioning
> OSRP Links, or Go > Provisioning > OSRP Lines. For detailed provisioning,
refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

ODU4 Switching
Feature overview
6500 Release 10.1 adds support for OTN switching at an ODU4 connection
rate with 100G OCI (NTK529AC) and OCLD (NTK539Ux, NTK539Bx,
NTK539Qx) cards when mated with the 100G PKT/OTN XCIF card. ODU4
connections are carried on OTU4 line ports and can be terminated on 100GE
client ports when used in OTN switching applications.

Interworking with the 5400

The 6500 and 5400 support Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching as
defined by standard G.709, for transparently mapping clients into OTN

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Configuration guidelines
The following steps are a high-level provisioning guide for Point-To-Point
(PTP) OTU4 OTN switching for a 100G OCLD / OCI mated with a
100G PKT/OTN XC I/F on the 6500. For more detailed information, refer to the
6500 Configuration - Provisioning and Operating Part 1, 323-1851-310.
1 PTP facility added with Service Type = OTU4
2 PTP facility is created on 100G OCLD / OCI
3 OTUTTP and ADJ child facilities are auto created on 100G OCLD / OCI
4 FTTP child facility is auto created on 100G PKT/OTN XCIF
5 User needs to add an ODUTTP child facility under FTTP by specifying:
– Client Type = ODU4
– Rate = ODU4
– Tributary Port: With ODU4 selected, tributary port will default to 1
– Tributary Slots: Depending on required bandwidth, the user selects
the appropriate number of tributary slots. For an OTU4 rate, all 80
tributary slots are used
6 ODUTTP facility is created
7 ETTP child facilities are auto created
Flex3 Wavelogic3 OCLD
Feature overview
The Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD card is a single-slot line module based on the
Ciena WaveLogic 3 coherent technology available for 6500 Release 10.1. It
supports DP-BPSK and DP-QPSK modulation and adds a third modulation
category, DP-16QAM. When operating in DP-16QAM mode, the Flex3
WaveLogic 3 OCLD provides a 200G line interface and together with Ciena
100G client modules allows support for 200G MOTR, 200G OTR, and 200G
Regen services in protected and unprotected configurations. For the DP-
16QAM mode, the Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD requires two separate 100G
(ODU4) backplane connections to the client modules. To support 2xOTU4
rates, a new OTMC2 facility is introduced.

The following variants of the Flex3 WL3 OCLD are introduced:

• NTK539QJ—Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Premium with EDFA NxOTU4 C-
• NTK539QK—Flex3 WaveLogic OCLD Enhanced with EDFA NxOTU4 C-
• NTK539QL—Flex3 WaveLogic OCLD Standard with EDFA NxOTU4 C-
• NTK539QM—Flex3 WaveLogic OCLD Basic with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band
• NTK539QN—Flex3 WaveLogic OCLD Submarine with EDFA NxOTU4 C-

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Interworking with the 5400

The Flex3 WaveLogic3 (WL3) OCLD circuit pack interworks with the 5400
through the TDM Line Services Module 1D WaveLogic3 (TSLM-1D-WL3)
circuit pack. The 6500 Flex3 WL3 OCLD is connected to the 5400 TSLM-1D-
WL3 through an OTU4 connection for transmission through the 5400 network.
Additionally, the two modules can interwork through 1+1 line protection at L0
when using an Optical Protection Switch (OPS).

Configuration guidelines
The configuration of the Flex3 WaveLogic3 (WL3) OCLD is identical to the
configuration for standard WaveLogic3 100G OCLD cards with the exception
of the DP-16QAM modulation category. Provisioning a Flex3 WaveLogic 3
OCLD circuit pack manually with the equipment profile set to 16QAM200G
auto-creates the OTMC2 facility. For more details on configuring this circuit
pack, refer to the 6500 Configuration - Provisioning and Operating Part 1, 323-

100G WaveLogic3 OTR

Feature overview
Available for 6500 Release 10.1, the 100G OTR WaveLogic3 (WL3) is a single
slot width circuit pack based on Ciena’s WaveLogic 3 Coherent technology. It
integrates a 100G LR4 client to a WL3-based OCLD, providing both a 100G
line and a 100G client interface.

For the line interface, the 100G OTR WL3 line interface supports the same
features and functionalities as the NTK539Qx-series Flex3 WL3 OCLD in
QPSK mode. For the client interface, it supports the same features and
functionalities as the NTK529AC 100G OCI with one fixed 100G (ETH100G/
OTM4) client interface (port 2) supporting the following client rates:
• 100GBASE-R (103.125 Gbit/s)
• OTU4 (111.8 Gbit/s)

The following variants of the 100G OTR WL3 are introduced:

• NTK538UJ—100G OTR WaveLogic 3 Premium C-Band LR4 Multirate
• NTK538UK—100G OTR WaveLogic 3 Enhanced C-Band LR4 Multirate
• NTK538UL—100G OTR WaveLogic 3 Standard C-Band LR4 Multirate
• NTK538UM—100G OTR WaveLogic 3 Basic C-Band LR4 Multirate
• NTK538UN—100G OTR WaveLogic 3 Submarine C-Band LR4 Multirate

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Interworking with the 5400

The 100G WaveLogic 3 OTR circuit pack interworks with the 5400 through the
TDM Line Services Module 1D WaveLogic 3 (TSLM-1D-WL3) circuit pack.
The line port (1) of the 100G WaveLogic 3 OTR circuit pack is connected to
the TSLM-1D-WL3 through an OTU4 connection for transmission through the
5400 network.

Configuration guidelines
Table 2-7 is a high-level provisioning guide for the 100G WaveLogic 3 OTR
circuit pack on the 6500. For more detailed information, refer to the 6500
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating Part 1, 323-1851-310.

Table 2-7
Configuration guide for 100G WaveLogic 3 OTR

Step Procedure Reference Document

1 Install 100G Wavelogic 3 Provisioning a circuit pack automatically: 40G,

OTR. 100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10 Circuit Packs,

2 Fiber line and client ports. Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf
and Connecting or disconnecting fiber-optic
cables to circuit packs: 40G, 100G, OSIC, ISS,
and SLIC10 Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.

3 Equipment profile Editing facility parameters, Changing the

change, if required. equipment profile, and Deleting a facility from an
equipment: 40G, 100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10
Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.

4 Client side protection, if Changing the protection scheme for a pair of

required. facilities: 40G, 100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10
Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.

5 GCC0 or GCC1, if Adding a new entry in the communications

required. settings: 40G, 100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10
Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.

6 Configuring Photonic Photonic Layer Guide, NTRN15DA.

Layer, if required.

4x10G OTR encryption

Feature overview
For 6500 Release 10.1, the 4x10G OTR with Encryption circuit pack is a
single-slot pack supporting point-to-point 10G encryption. The 4x10G OTR
with Encryption circuit pack operates as a standard 4x10G OTR circuit pack
but is designed for FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certification at the module level. It
includes X.509 Certificate Authentication, Enhanced Sessions Key Rotation,
and 10G encryption and decryption over layer 1 payloads. Similar to standard

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4x10G OTR cards, the 4x10G OTR with Encryption circuit pack has 4 client-
side SFPs and 4 line-side XFPs. Table 2-8 lists the client protocols and line
side mapping supported by the 4x10G OTR with Encryption.

Table 2-8
Supported protocols for the 4x10G OTR with Encryption circuit pack

Client Protocol Rate(Gb/s) Format Line side mapping

Group 1 (OTN terminal scenarios)

FC400/ FICON 4G 4.25 8B10B OTU2: GMP/ODU2

FC800/FICON 8G 8.5 8B10B OTU2: GMP/ODU2

FC1200/FICON 10.52 6466B OTU2e: TTT/GFP-




10G-BASE-R 10.31 6466B OTU2: GFP-P/

(10GbE LAN PHY) ODU2 (G7041

10G-BASE-R 10.31 6466B OTU2e: BMP/


Group 2 (OTN Regenerator Scenarios)





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Interworking with the 5400

The 4x10G OTR with Encryption card interworks with the 5400 through the
TSLM-12 circuit pack which supports OTU2, OTU2e, OC-192/STM-64, and
10GbE line rates. The 4x10G OTR with Encryption card connects to the
TLSLM-12 card as an OTU2 signal and is transmitted through the 5400
network as an ODU2 signal. The encrypted traffic would remain secure
through the 5400 equipment, to be un-encrypted at the far end 4x10G OTR
with Encryption card.

Configuration guidelines
The 4x10G OTR with Encryption card has two layers of provisioning due to its
encryption capabilities:
• The Transport provisioning is completed through TL-1, Site Manager or
OneControl and determines how traffic is transported through the
• The Enterprise provisioning is completed through the secured web based
GUI “MyCryptoTool” and manages the security aspects of the traffic

For more information on the Transport provisioning, reference 6500

Broadband, SuperMux, and OTN FLEXMOTR Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.
For more information on Enterprise provisioning, reference Encryption and
FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-340.

100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX

Feature overview
For 6500 Release 10.1, the 100G MUX Multi-Protocol 2xQSFP+/2xSFP+
circuit pack (also referred to as 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX) can be
equipped with up to two 10G SFP+ client interfaces (where each client
interface supports one 10G client rate) and up to two 40G QSFP+ client
interfaces (where each client interface supports one 40G client rate or four
independent 10G client rates). Each 10G or 40G client is operated and
configured independently and is asynchronously multiplexed and then
transmitted as an OTU4 to the 100G WL3 OCLD, Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD,
or Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD.

The 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX is used for transparent aggregation of

10G and/or 40G client channels for handoff across the backplane to the
adjacent 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or Flex3
WaveLogic 3 OCLD circuit pack. The client interface can support two 10G
clients and two 40G clients, or up to ten 10G clients if both QSFP+ ports are
used as 10Gs with no 40G capability, or six 10G clients and one 40G client.

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Interworking with the 5400

The 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX OTR circuit packs interworks with the
5400 through two circuit packs:
• the TDM Services Line Module (TSLM)-12 circuit pack which supports
OTU2, OTU2e, OC-192/STM-64, and 10GbE line rates.
• the TSLM-3 circuit pack which supports OTU3 and 40GbE line rates.

The line rate of the TLSM circuit packs is connected to the 6500 through the
2+2 MUX OTR card which is then connected to a 6500 100G OCLD for
transmission through the OTU4 line.

Configuration guidelines
Since there are no line ports on the 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX circuit
pack, a virtual aggregate OTM4 facility (port 100) is automatically provisioned
on the circuit pack when it is installed. The following facilities are automatically
created on the client side upon circuit pack installation:
• an OTM2 layer facility corresponding to each ETH10G client facility
• an OTM3 layer facility corresponding to each ETH40G client facility

For more information, reference 40G/100G/OSIC/ISS/SLIC10 and 200G

Services (323-1851-102).

Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 adds the Ethernet Services Line Module (eSLM-Flex-
100G), supporting Layer 2 switching and mapping of Ethernet services into an
OTN network. The eSLM-Flex-100G supports up to 120G of Ethernet
Interfaces (10GbE and 100GbE) on the faceplate for aggregation into both
packet and OTN switch fabrics.

The eSLM also provides 100G of ODU interfaces which may be switched to/
from the eSLM via the fabric. These ODU interfaces carry Ethernet traffic
mapped into ODU0/1/2 interfaces originated by the eSLM. These ODU ports
are treated as additional packet interfaces on the L2 switching function of the
eSLM providing any-to-any forwarding of packet flows across the system via
the fabric. The ODU containers can be switched across existing networks
using the TSLM/OSLM/MSLM line modules.

Interworking with the 6500

The eSLM-Flex-100G module can interwork at Layer 2 with the 6500 Packet-
OTN Transport System (POTS), providing services such as Link Aggregation
Groups (LAG) and Connectivity Fault Management (CFM).

Direct connectivity between 6500 POTS and the eSLM-Flex-100G module is

supported over 10G interfaces. Packet services on 6500 POTS and the eSLM-
Flex-100G module are managed through the SAOS CLI.

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A 6500 POTS providing packet services is supported on 6500-7 packet-

optical, 14-slot, and 32-slot shelves and typically consists of the following:
• a pair of redundant shelf processors (SP)
• a pair of redundant PKT/OTN cross-connect (XC) circuit packs
• one or more packet interface circuit packs (48xGE PKT I/F, 10x10G PKT/

Configuration guidelines
Ethernet packets can be routed on the eSLM-Flex-100G circuit pack in five
• Ethernet packets coming in on the faceplate port can be routed to another
faceplate port on the same eSLM, for example, Port A ' VS1 'Port B
• Ethernet packets coming in on the faceplate port can be routed to a
faceplate port on another eSLM, for example, Port C ' VS1 ' Port E
• Ethernet packets from the faceplate port can be routed to the backplane
mapper OTN fabric on the same LM, for example, Port D 'VS1 ' xcon 1
• Ethernet packets from the faceplate port can be routed to the backplane
mapper OTN fabric on another eSLM, for example, Port F ' VS1 ' xcon 2
• Ethernet packets from the backplane mapper OTN fabric can be routed
back to another port on the backplane mapper OTN fabric, for example,
Port I ' xcon3 ' vs1 ' xcon4 ' Port J

When configuring the eSLM-Flex-100G circuit pack with the 6500, note the
• CFM for a 802.1ad service (QinQ) is double-tagged for both the 10x10G
PKT/OTN I/F and the eSLM-Flex-100G. If interworking with the 48xGE
PKT I/F or with Packet Networking nodes, the double-tag must be taken
into account.
• If the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F and the eSLM-Flex-100G are connected with
an OTN cross-connect through OTU4 or OTU4+, the frame check
sequence (FCS) must be modified from the default setting to establish
• The MIP MD level enforcement parameter for 6500 POTS and the eSLM-
Flex-100G cannot be changed.
• The ccm-loss-count parameter for 6500 POTS and the eSLM-Flex-100G
cannot be changed from the default setting of 3.

For more information on eSLM-Flex-100G circuit pack configuration, refer to

the 5400 Packet-Optical Platform eSLM Operation Manual (009-3251-008).

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For 6500 POTS, refer to the following for Layer 2 configuration through the
SAOS CLI: SAOS-based Packet Services Command Reference (323-1851-
610), SAOS-based Packet Services Configuration (323-1851-630), and
SAOS-based Packet Services Fault and Performance (323-1851-650).

TODR enhancements
Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 Time Of Day Reversion (TODR) enhancements extend the
time of day reversion to include options for "day(s)-of-week" and a defined
"holdback period" to minimize the impact of traffic reversion on end customers.
TODR now allows the user to specify day of week along with time of day when
reversion is to occur. More than one day can be specified with independent
times. Users can also specify a "holdback period" prior to reverting where at
least one of the lines within a link (for SNCs) or the working leg (for SNCP) has
to be "clean" during the "holdback period" before applying reversion. The
holdback time period can be configurable from 5 minutes to 72 hours. TODR
with day-of-week configuration is supported through the provisioning of
profiles that identify the days of the week on which reversion is allowed and
the parameters associated with each day (time-of-day and length of reversion
period). Each SNC or SNCP can be provisioned with up to seven "single-day"
profiles or a single “multiday" profile. Each 5400 Switch can support up to a
total of 100 profiles.

Interworking with the 6500

TODR enhancements have been added to 6500 Release 10.1 in order for
TODR to be configured properly for 5400/6500 interworking networks. When
a mixed 6500 Release 10.1 and a 5400 Release 3.0 network are configured
with TODR, the functionality is seamless.

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, TODR parameters can be provisioned through the Configuration,
TODR Profiles in Site Manager. From the menu, select Configuration > TODR
Profiles to open this application. For detailed provisioning, refer to
Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330 and to the 6500 Control Plane
Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

On the 5400 Switch, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through

the Provisioning, TODR Profiles screen in Node Manager. From the menu,
select Go > Provisioning > TODR Profiles. For detailed provisioning, refer to
Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

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STORM support
Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 introduces Short Term Optical Recovery Mechanism
(STORM) to enable 50ms fast signal recovery of coherent line and client traffic
from short term outages at the Photonic layer. STORM performs quick
recovery on working and protection paths. STORM is supported on the
xSLM-1D-WL3 line modules.

STORM supports two modes of operation: Matched Chromatic Dispersion

(default) or Diverse Chromatic Dispersion. Matched dispersion is constrained
to +/- 5000 ps/nm between paths (~300km of NDSF). Diverse dispersion
supports diverse paths with unconstrained dispersion delta.

STORM can be used to enhance the recovery of the coherent modem

subsequent to protection/restoration via L0. Storm may be used in conjunction
• 1+1 line protection at L0 when using an OPS switch. This form of
protection can be combined with 1:N APS/MSP or mesh restoration at L1
such that the OPS switch provides cost effective trunk protection, while
APS/MSP/Mesh provides equipment protection
• Fast photonic restoration to re-establish a protection path

Interworking with the 6500

STORM can interwork with 6500 Optical Protection Switch (OPS) protection
applications using 100G WL3 OCLD (NTK539UA, NTK539UC, NTK539UD,
NTK539UE, and NTK539UH) circuit packs.

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, STORM can be provisioned by editing the facility parameters
through the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application in Site Manager.
From the menu, select Configuration > Equipment & Facility Provisioning to
open the application. Select the appropriate facility from the Facility area, then
click STORM in the Facility area to open the STORM application. For detailed
provisioning, refer to Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

On the 5400, STORM for xSLM-1D-WL3 line modules can be provisioned

through the Physical TP screen - Coherent tab in Node Manager. From the
menu, select Go > Configuring > Ptps, select the required xSLM-1D-WL3 line
module, then select the Coherent tab. For detailed provisioning, refer to Node
Manager, 009-3236-005.

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2-54 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Manual TCM Support

Feature overview
Available for 5400 Release 3.0, Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM)
enables an operator to monitor traffic quality for traffic transported between
different segments in the network, and to trace errors and defects along the
path to a particular segment. This is particularly important when the optical
signal path passes through multiple networks for one or more operators. A
TCM is a tandem entity to an ODU Path that can be used to monitor any
segment of that ODU Path, in parallel to the ODU Path itself. TCM is
supported for any ODU Path. TCMs have alarms and performance monitoring
(PM) similar to an ODU Path.

TCM layers can be used to:

• Test a sub-network connection consisting of multiple cascaded OTUk trails
for fault localization
• Monitor working and protection connections for the case of ODUk SNC/
SNCP protection
• Monitor service provided by other network operators in a multi-operator
network using TCM between the connections

5400 Release 3.0 adds manual TCM which enables the operator to manually
assign TCM layers to monitor and isolate faults in the OTN network and
associate TCM layers to protection services such as SNC, SNCP, ASNCP, and
APS. Up to six TCM layers (1-6) of fault monitoring can exist at any point in an
ODU Path. TCM is supported on TSLM, MSLM, and OSLM line modules for
all ODUk data rates.

Interworking with the 6500

TCM enables traffic quality to be monitored when transported between
different segments in a network and to trace errors and defects along the path
to a particular segment. Both the 6500 and 5400 support TCM monitoring,
meaning that errors and defects can be traced through mixed 6500/5400
networks if TCM is configured for both products.

Configuration guidelines
For information on configuring TCM on the 5400 Switch, reference 5400
Packet-Optical Platform Node Manager (009-3251-005).

For information on configuring TCM on the 6500, reference Fault

Management - Performance Monitoring (323-1851-520).

For each ODU2 within the ODU4, the ODU2 can be treated as an ODUj or it
can be treated as an ODU2 with embedded SONET/SDH payload. For
embedded SONET/SDH, the SONET/SDH layer can be further demapped/
mapped to provide up to 100G of SONET cross-connect capacity.

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10GbE into ODU2e

Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 has the ability to accept a 10GbE data stream at the 10G
TSLM-12, MSLM-12, and OSLM-12 faceplate and map it directly into an
ODU2e format. This ODU2e can then be switched across the 5400 Switch
fabric into either a 100G line interface or to an OTU2e interface. The 10GbE
mapping into ODU2e provides complete bit and timing transparency for the
transport of a 10GbE client.

Port group mode 1x10GbE_ODU2e transparently maps 10GbE into ODU2e.

The 10GbE mapping into ODU2e provides complete bit and timing
transparent transport of a 10GbE client and is appropriate for SynchE clients.
This mode creates an ODU2e CTP to use as the end point for OTN SNCs and
cross connects. Cross connect traffic on OTU2E and OTU4 lines and SNC
traffic is supported with OTU4 only.

ODU2e switching is supported on the OSLM-12 line module, TSLM-12 line

module, and MSLM-10G Line Module.

Interworking with the 6500

The 5400 line modules interwork with the 6500 through the OSLM-12 line
module, TSLM-12 line module, and MSLM-10G line module.

Configuration guidelines
For information on configuring 10GbE into ODU2e on the TSLM-12 line
module and MSLM-10G line module, refer to the 5400 Packet-Optical Platform
System Description Manual (009-3251-006) and the 5400 Packet-Optical
Platform Node Manager (009-3251-005).

SPLI support
Feature overview
The 5400 Release 3.0 Service and Photonic Layer Interoperability (SPLI)
feature simplifies channel provisioning within a Site ID by enabling the Mux/
Demux modules and WSS modules to automatically match to and control the
5400 WDM line module parameters including wavelength and power.

SPLI is supported on the following 5400 line modules:

• TSLM-2 employing tunable 40G coherent DWDM module for use in
colored CMD applications
• TSLM-2 employing tunable 40G Wave-selective coherent DWDM module
for primary and secondary use in colorless (colored) CMD applications
• MSLM-40G-ULH employing tunable 40G coherent DWDM module for use
in colored CMD applications
• T/OSLM-1D-WL3 employing tunable 100G coherent DWDM module

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Interworking with the 6500

The 5400 SPLI feature interworks with the 6500, allowing field deployments of
5400 WDM line modules to be automatically paired to 6500 Mux/Demux
modules. SPLI simplifies channel provisioning within a Site ID by enabling the
Mux/Demux and WSS cards to automatically match to and control the 5400
WDM line module parameters including wavelength and power.

SPLI is configured to work only with adjacent 6500 shelves in the same Site
ID. The Site ID can be provisioned on a system and is applicable to all the TID-
consolidated shelves in a 6500 multi-shelf configuration. The 5400 Switch
listens to all of the UDP messages received from remote 6500 shelves for the
provisioned Far End Address (key information). If the Far End Address (TID-
BAY-SHELF-SLOT-PORT) in a received UDP broadcast message matches a
valid local PTP AID, a key match is found. Next, the 5400 Switch sends a
request to the remote 6500 for additional information containing non-key data
to establish a full match. Once the non-key data is received and matched, the
5400 Switch auto-provisions the wavelength/power parameters on the line

Consider the following when interworking with the 6500:

• A SPLI match can take up to 90 seconds to occur if the following
conditions exist:
— the components of the SPLI match are located in different shelves
— the SPLI communications type is TCP/SSH
— the SPLI match is the first SPLI match between the two shelves
• ILAN ports on the 6500 can be used to connect to the Customer DCN. By
default, the ports are disabled. You must create a numbered ILAN IP
interface to the 5400 by provisioning a private IP address on the ILAN port.
For information on provisioning 6500 ILAN ports, refer to Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310, and to Part 4 of 6500
• The 5400 can interconnect with a 6500 through the DCN or through CTM
expansion port 1 (ES1). SPLI is designed to work on either the DCN or ES
ports but not on both simultaneously. The topology discovery is
accomplished via OSPF running on DCN/ES.
• Enable SPLI after all other aspects of the interworking configuration have
been provisioned. For information on provisioning SPLI on the 6500, refer
to Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, and to Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. For information on
provisioning SPLI on the 5400, refer to Packet-Optical Platform Node
Manager (009-3251-005).

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-57

Configuration guidelines
Table 2-9 lists the SPLI parameters for the 5400 Network Manager. For more
information, reference 5400 Packet-Optical Platform Node Manager (009-

Table 2-9
Physical TP screen - SPLI tab details frame attributes

Attribute Definition

Discovered FE Discovered 6500 adjacency far-end address for the first

Address match where 6500 MUX_DEMUX matches to
TRANSMITTER for CMD to Tx/Rx interface adjacencies.
The format is the TID-shelf-slot-port.
Adjacency Type Specifies the SPLI adjacency type. The value is TXRX for
SPLI supported ports or UNKNOWN.

Adjacency Status Specifies whether the adjacency is verified or not verified.

Values are VERIFIED and UNVERIFIED. Adjacency status
is always UNVERIFIED.

Far End Matches Attributes

CMD Type Specifies the type of remote 6500 CMD. Values are:
• COLORLESS (optics supporting transmitted and received
wavelength setup and changes by the 6500 Packet-
Optical Platform SPLI control plane or are manually set
• COLORED (optics supporting initial transmitted and
received wavelength setup by the 6500 Packet-Optical
Platform SPLI control plane. Subsequent transmitted and
received wavelength changes must be performed

CMD Fault Specifies whether the remote 6500 CMD has detected and
reported a fault.


Feature overview
For 5400 Release 3.0, the OSPF over DCC/GCC (OSPFoDCC/GCC) feature
facilitates in-band communications between NEs. A mesh of 5400 Switches
can be deployed with one or more 5400 Switches designated as the GNE.
GNEs will be connected via Ethernet to an IP network (a DCN) and can be
used to manage a mesh of interconnected NEs. The NEs that are not
connected directly to the data network are managed using OSPFoDCC/GCC.

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Interworking with the 6500

OSPFoDCN also supports 6500 interop and L0 service provisioning via
Service Photonic Layer Interoperability (SPLI). The 5400 is topologically
reachable to a 6500 shelf on the same DCN or connected to the 5400 Switch
CTM ES1 expansion port. The topology discovery is accomplished via OSPF
running on DCN/ES. Once an OSPF Adjacency for SPLI (using LSA11) is
established with remote shelf, SPLI on 5400 is ready to establish Photonic
Layer Adjacencies with any remote CMD ports. To support OSPF over DCN/
ES network, the broadcast port is added to OSPF as an ACTIVE broadcast
interface. This allows OSPF hello adjacencies to be set up and LSA
exchanges through the port. A user can enable OSPF on DCN or ES or both,
however, SPLI can only be enabled on one broadcast port.

Configuration guidelines
To configure OSPF on ES, the IP Address and Netmask must be configured
on the ES port. Note that IP address for ES port should be in a different subnet
than DCN/Management IP. Adding DCN/ES port as an OSPF interface allows
ES/DCN routes to be advertised in the GCC/DCC domain as well. Similarly
DCC/GCC routes will also be advertised in the ES/DCN network. If OSPF is
enabled on both Broadcast Interface and the Router, Proxy ARP becomes
optional. This is because routes to reach SNE via GNE are published to
Router using OSPF adjacencies.

For more information on configuring OSPF over DCC/GCC, reference 5400

Packet-Optical Platform System Description Manual (009-3251-006).

Simultaneous SDCC/LDCC support

Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 supports transparent Digital Communications Channel
(DCC) connections to both Line DCC and Section DCC (LDCC/SDCC)
channels on TSLM-12D AM-XFP SONET/SDH ports to support legacy
Connect-DX and Classic OC-192 ring nodes. Transparent DCC connections
are supported while simultaneously supporting a routed protocol (OSIoDCC
or IPoDCC or both).

Interworking with the 6500

The Simultaneous SDCC/LDCC support for 5400 Release 3.0 has identical
functionality as 6500 Release 10.1, meaning that this feature will interwork
seamlessly through mixed 5400/6500 networks.

Configuration guidelines
The following Port SDCC/LDCC transparent DCC connection configurations
are supported for 5400 Release 3.0:
• No transparent DCC connection and no IP or OSI routing
• No transparent DCC connection and IP routing enabled
• No transparent DCC connection and OSI routing enabled

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-59

• No transparent DCC connection and IP DCC and OSI routing enabled

• Transparent IP DCC connection and no IP or OSI routing
• Transparent IP DCC connection and OSI routing enabled
• Transparent OSI DCC connection and no IP or OSI routing
• Transparent OSI DCC connection and IP routing enabled
• Transparent IP DCC and OSI DCC connection and no IP or OSI routing

For more information on configuring Simultaneous SDCC/LDCC support,

reference 5400 Packet-Optical Platform System Description Manual (009-

10xOC-192/STM64 embedded SONET/SDH

Feature overview
5400 Release 3.0 TSLM-1D-WL3 modules now support 10xOC-192/STM64
embedded SONET/SDH with STC/VC level switching. This feature adds Port
Group Mode 1x100G_OTN_SONET_SDH_Mode1 which provides OTU4/
ODU4 with single stage mapped ODUj; ODUk or ODUj switching. 10xOC-192/
STM64 embedded SONET/SDH with STC/VC level switching. Port Group
Mode 1x100G_OTN_SONET_SDH_Mode1 supports the following mappings:
• PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [XCONN]
• PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU3] - [XCONN]
• PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU2e] - [XCONN]
• [PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
• [PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU1] - [XCONN]
• PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU0] - [XCONN]
• [PHY] - [OTU4] - [ODU4] - [ODU2] - [OC-192/STM64] - [STS-Nc/VC-3/VC-
4-Nc] - [XCONN]

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Interworking with the 6500

The TSLM-1D-WL3 interworks with the 6500 through the 100G OCI card
(NTK529AC). Table 2-10 lists the compatible circuit packs.

Table 2-10
5400 TSLM-1D-WL3 and 6500 Compatible Line Modules

5400 Description 5400 PN 6500 Description 6500 PEC

TSLM-1D-WL3 134-5468-900 100G WaveLogic 3 NTK539UC

(1X100G OCLD
w/Integrated Regional with
Regional - WL3)

TSLM-1D-WL3 134-5468-901 100G WaveLogic 3 NTK539UH

(1X100G OCLD
w/Integrated Premium Long
DWDM and OTN Haul with EDFA
Premium - WL3)

TSLM-1D-WL3 134-5468-903 100G WaveLogic 3 NTK539UA

(1X100G OCLD Enh
w/Integrated PMD with EDFA
DWDM and OTN 1xOTU4 C-Band

TSLM-1D-WL3 134-5468-904 EDC100G WL3 NTK539UD

(1X100G OCLD Metro
w/Integrated 1XOTU4 C-Band
DWDM and OTN Circuit Pack
Metro - WL3)

TSLM-1D-WL3 134-5468-905 100G WL3 OCLD NTK539UE

(1X100G Submarine
w/Integrated 1XOTU4 C-Band
DWDM and OTN Circuit Pack
Submarine- WL3)

Configuration guidelines
For more information on configuring 10xOC-192/STM64 embedded SONET/
SDH with STC/VC level switching, reference 5400 Packet-Optical Platform
Node Manager (009-3251-005).

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-61

6500 Release 10.0 and 5400 Switch Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1

The following 6500 Release 10.0 features can be used in interworking
• 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack (NTK667AA)
• AMP mapping for OC192 interfaces
• ODU3 Sub-network Connection (SNC)
• OTN Control Plane enhancements
• OTN path wait-to-restore

The following 5400 Switch Release 2.2 features can be used in interworking
• OTN APS 1+1

The following 5400 Switch Release 2.2.1 features can be used in interworking
• ODU2e switching

10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack (NTK667AA)

Feature overview
The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack receives a 10G Ethernet, OC-192/
STM-64, or OTU2 G.709 signal, converts the signal to OTN, and forwards the
OTN signal to the switching fabric. The outgoing port converts the OTN signal
back into a 10G Ethernet, OC-192/STM-64, or OTU2 G.709 signal based on

The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack supports the following OTN mapping
• ODU2, ODU1, or ODU0 to OTU2
• ODU2e to OTU2e
• 10GE to ODU2 or ODU2e
• OC-192/STM-64 to ODU2

The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack provides the following functionality:
• up to ten 10G XFP-based ports (ports 1 to 10) supporting 10GE LAN,
OC-192/STM-64, or OTU2/OTU2e (10.7G/11.09G) modes
• Ethernet mapping of ETH10G to ODU2/ODU2e
• OTN mapping of ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2 to OTU2
• OC-192/STM-64 mapping to ODU2

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• fixed C-band 100 GHz-compliant DWDM XFP line interfaces (1528.77 nm

to 1564.68 nm)
• tunable C-band 50 GHz-compliant DWDM XFP line interfaces
(1528.38 nm to 1568.77 nm)
• multirate 1550 XFP line interfaces (9.95G to 11.1G)
• auto-detection of XFP modules
• GCC1 and GCC2 support
• unprotected, 1+1 linear, and ASNCP traffic protection schemes
• facility and terminal loopback support

The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack must be installed in a packet-optical

shelf type. The shelf must be equipped with the SP-2 version of the shelf
processor. In addition, for a 14-slot packet-optical shelf or 6500-7 packet-
optical shelf, the shelf must be equipped with 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2 cross-
connect circuit packs (NTK615BA). For a 32-slot packet-optical shelf, the shelf
must be equipped with 3200G PKT/OTN Type 2 cross-connect circuit packs

For a complete description of the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack, refer to
OTN I/F, PKT I/F and PKT/OTN I/F Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.8.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack enables interworking with the 5400
Switch at OTU2 PT21 rates, using the following 10G line modules:
• OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)
• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

You can also use the SSLM-12 line module (134-5490-900), configured for
ODU2 with support for wrapped OC192, for interworking with the
10x10G PKT/OTN I/F. The SSLM-12 supports SONET/SDH
cross-connections on the switch module. To support SONET/SDH connection
management on the 6500 shelf, a SONET/SDH cross-connect circuit pack
must be present in the shelf.

Each 5400 10G line module supports up to twelve 10G optical ports.

Note: Refer to “100G interworking configurations” on page 2-12 for

interworking configurations using 100G OCLD, 100G XCIF, and 100G OCI
circuit packs.

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Configuration guidelines
The following tables provide a high-level overview of the configuration steps
required for interworking:
• Table 2-11 provides a configuration overview of the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F
on 6500
• Table 2-12 provides a configuration overview of 10G line modules on the
5400 Switch
• Table 2-13 lists compatible XFPs between the 6500 and the 5400 Switch

Table 2-11
6500—10x10G PKT/OTN I/F configuration overview

Step Procedure Reference document

1 Install the circuit pack and pluggables Installation, 323-1851-201

2 Connect fibers to the circuit pack Installation, 323-1851-201

3 Add the PTP facility Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

Part 1, 323-1851-310

4 Add the required child facilities Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

Part 1, 323-1851-310

5 Edit the facility parameters as required Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

Part 1, 323-1851-310

6 Provision lower layer GCC and router circuit if Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
required Part 1, 323-1851-310

7 Provision required OTN cross-connections Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services,

and OTN sub-network connections Part 1, 323-1851-320
Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330

Table 2-12
5400—10G line module configuration overview

Step Procedure Reference document

1 Install the module and pluggables. Hardware Installation Manual, 009-3236-001

2 Connect fibers to the module. Hardware Installation Manual, 009-3236-001

3 Set the port group mode for the module to Node Manager, 009-3236-005
1x10G_OTN_Mode1 (OTU2 PT21).
PTPs are automatically added after the port
group mode is set.

4 Unlock the PTP so the port can provide Node Manager, 009-3236-005

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Table 2-12 (continued)

5400—10G line module configuration overview

Step Procedure Reference document

5 Edit the OTN TTP termination point. Node Manager, 009-3236-005

4 For non-OSRP links, add child facilities (if Node Manager, 009-3236-005
required) for ODUj cross-connections.

5 Edit the ODU TTP parameters as required. Node Manager, 009-3236-005

For an OSRP link, the ODU TTP is
automatically created when a Sub-network
connection (SNC) is routed over the link.

6 Provision required OTN cross-connections if Node Manager, 009-3236-005

manually provisioning traffic.
For OSRP applications, provision the OSRP
line, link, and route.

Table 2-13
XFP compatibility table

6500 XFP 5400 Switch XFP

Part number Description Part number Description

NTK583AAE6 Full C-band Tunable - OTU2/2e, 160-9002-900 XFP - 10G, SM XFP, Tunable-
OC192, 10GE DWDM, LC Connector, 80 KM

NTK583AB Full C-band Tunable - OTU2/2e, 160-9004-900 XFP - 10G, Full C-Band Tunable
OC192, 10GE XFP, 50GHZ DWDM XFP With
Enhanced OSNR Performance

NTK587Ax- Multirate 15xx.yy nm EML

NTK587Dx DWDM 1600 ps/nm XFP

NTK587Ex- Multirate 15xx.xx nm EML

NTK587Hx DWDM 1600 ps/nm XFP

NTK589MAE6 175km Multirate 15xx.yy –

16xx.yy Tunable Dispersion
Tolerant DWDM 3200 ps/nm

NTK589PAE6- Multirate 15xx.xx nm to 1572.06

NTK589PQE6 nm Tunable Dispersion Tolerant
DWDM 3200 ps/nm XFP

NTTP84AAE6 9.95G-11.09G multirate, 130-4906-900 XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended

1550 nm, SMF, 40 km XFP Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b
(multirate, 1550nm, 40km)

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Table 2-13 (continued)

XFP compatibility table

6500 XFP 5400 Switch XFP

Part number Description Part number Description

NTTP86BAE6 5G-11.09G multirate 1310 nm -

OTU2/2e, OC192, 10GE, FC800
(future), FC1200 (future)

NTTP81KAE6 9.95G-11.09G multirate, 130-4907-900 XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended

1550 nm, SMF, 80 km XFP Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c
(multirate, 1550nm, 80km)

NTTP84BA OC192/STM64 SR-1: I-64.1 / 130-4905-900 XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended

10GBASE-LR,LW / OTU2 /10G Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 1310nm,
FC1200, 1310nm, 2km, 10km for multi-rate for single-mode fiber,
10GE distances up to 10km

NTTP80DA OC192 IR-2: S64.2/10GBASE-

ER/EW 1550 nm

NTTP81AA 10GBASE--SR/SW 850 nm

NTTP86AA 8.5G-10.52G multirate, 850nm, 130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp)

MMF - FC800 (future), FC1200 850nm OM3 fiber type, 300m
(future), 10GE

Note: For a complete list of XFP ordering codes, refer to Planning - Ordering Information (323-1851-
151) for the 6500 and to System Description (009-3236-006) for the 5400 Switch.

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2-66 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

AMP mapping for OC192 interfaces

Feature overview
6500 Release 10.0 introduces AMP mapping for OC48/OC192 interfaces:
• for OC-48 interfaces, AMP mapping applies to ODU1 rates
• for OC-192 interfaces, AMP mapping applies to ODU2 rates

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

On the 6500, AMP mapping is supported for OC192/STM64 facilities on the
4x10G OTR (NTK530QA/QM) and 10x10G PKT/OTN (NTK667AA).

On the 5400 Switch, the following line modules support AMP mapping to an
OTN mapped client with port group mode set to 1x10G_CBR:
• OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)
• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)

On the 5400 Switch, the following line modules support AMP mapping to an
embedded SONET/SDH port with port group mode set to
• SSLM-12 (134-5490-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

See Figure 2-18.

Note: An embedded port can only be used for SONET/SDH OSRP

applications. You cannot use an embedded port for OTN OSRP

Figure 2-18
AMP mapping for OC-192 interfaces

5400 6500

OC192 OTU2 OC192

xSLM-12 X xSLM-12 OTU2 4x10G OTR OC192

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-67

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, the AMP mapping mode can be provisioned by editing the facility
parameters through the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application in Site
Manager. From the menu, select Configuration > Equipment & Facility
Provisioning to open the application. Select the appropriate facility from the
Facility area, then click Edit to edit the facility parameters. For detailed
provisioning, refer to Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

On the 5400 Switch, the port group mode for 10G line modules can be
provisioned through the Port Group Configuration tab in Node Manager. From
the menu, select Go > Inventory, then select the required line module to open
the tab. For detailed provisioning, refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

After setting the port group mode, the ODU2 object is automatically created.
On the 5400 Switch, to change an ODU2 facility from the default mapping
mode of BMP to AMP, the Ex. Payload Type attribute for the associated
ODU2 Connection Termination Point (CTP) must be changed from SONET/
SDH(Sync CBR) to SONET/SDH(Async CBR). ODU CTP attributes can be
provisioned through the ODU CTPs tab in Node Manager. From the menu,
select Go > Configuring > Connection TPs to access the tab. For detailed
provisioning, refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

ODU3 Sub-network Connection (SNC)

Feature overview
6500 Release 10.0 introduces ODU3 connection rates for SNC endpoints.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

ODU3 connections can be carried over OTU3, OTU3+, OTU4, and
OTU4-WL3 links.

Table 2-14 lists the 6500 circuit packs and 5400 Switch line modules that can
be used for ODU3 interworking. See also Figure 2-19.

Note: The 6500 broadband extension (OCLD-OCI) cannot be used for

40G OTU3 interworking due to mapping differences.

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Table 2-14
ODU3 interworking links—6500 Release 10.0 and 5400 Switch Release 2.2/Release 2.2.1

Rate 6500 circuit pack 5400 Switch line module

OTU4-WL3 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD • TSLM-1-WL3

(NTK539Ux) (134-5468-900/901/903)
• OSLM-1-WL3

OTU4 100G OCI (NTK529AC) OSLM-1 (134-5462-900)

OTU3+ 40G OCLD (NTK539Px) TSLM-2-D


OTU3 40G OCI (NTK529SJE5) • TSLM-3 (134-5454-900)

• OSLM-3 (134-5484-900)

Figure 2-19
ODU3 interworking

6500 5400
40GE 40GE



Configuration guidelines
On 6500, OSRP SNCs can be provisioned through the Sub-Network
Connection application in Site Manager. From the menu, select Configuration
> Control Plane > Sub-Network Connection to open the application. For
detailed provisioning, refer to Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330
and to the 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

On the 5400 Switch, OSRP SNCs can be provisioned through the SNCs
screen in Node Manager. From the menu, select Go > Provisioning > SNC.
Alternatively, click the SNC Toolbar icon or press Ctrl-T. For detailed
provisioning, refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

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OTN Control Plane enhancements

Feature overview
6500 Release 10.0 introduces the OTN Control Plane enhancements
described below. Refer to Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330 and to
the 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA) for a complete
description of these enhancements.
Note: The OTN Control Plane enhancements introduced in 6500 Release
10.0 are supported on 5400 Release 2.1.1 and higher.

• Make Before Break (MBB)

The MBB feature provides the ability to setup a new SNC path prior to
tearing down the existing SNC path, which reduces traffic disruption to
less than 10 ms for maintenance activities such as SNC regroom, reroute,
and reversion. MBB is not supported on SNCs of type SNCP.
MBB is enabled or disabled on a node using the MBB enabled parameter.
To support the MBB feature, MBB must be enabled on all nodes on the
path of the SNC.
• Reserve Home Path (RHP)
The RHP feature sets and maintains the SNC home path bandwidth
resources. If the SNC is switched off the home path, the home path
bandwidth resources are reserved for subsequent reversion back to the
home path. Other SNCs without a home path on that link cannot use the
resources associated with that home path.
An RHP that is not active (SNC is on the mesh restorable path) can be
preempted by an SNC that has the RHP Preemption parameter enabled.
RHP is enabled or disabled on a node using the RHP enabled parameter.

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• Optical Virtual Private Network identifier (OVPN ID)

OTN OSRP links are assigned an OVPN ID. Only one OVPN ID is
supported for each link.
The OVPN Domain with an OVPN ID of 0 is referred to as the Service
Provider OVPN (SP-OVPN) Domain.
When provisioning SNCs, an OVPN ID can be specified. The provisioned
SNC will only use the links on the network with the specified OVPN ID.
The OVPN ID must match on both sides of the link. If there is a mismatch,
an OVPN ID mismatch alarm is raised. To clear the alarm, refer to the
alarm clearing procedures in Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm
Clearing, 323-1851-543.
• Line Flapping alarm (OTN Control Plane only)
The Line Flapping alarm is raised when an oscillating failure condition is
detected on an OSRP line.
The Line Flapping alarm is enabled/disabled on a per-shelf basis using the
Line Flapping Alarm parameter. There are also parameters to set the
alarm clear/raise time and threshold. Refer to the "Editing the nodal
system parameters" procedure in the "Node information" chapter of
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, for steps on how to enable/
disable the Line Flapping alarm parameters. For a description of these
parameters, refer to the "Node Information—System parameters" table in
the "Node information" chapter of Administration and Security,
• Bandwidth lockout (OTN and Photonic Control Plane only)
Enabling bandwidth lockout administratively locks a line for maintenance
activities and prevents any new traffic from moving on to the line after the
line is bandwidth locked. In addition, all SNCs on the line are not moved
from the line when the line is bandwidth locked. Unless there is a failure
on the line, the traffic associated with the SNCs continues to flow on the
bandwidth locked line. The line is advertised as unavailable (with BW = 0
advertised) for all new routing requests in the network making the line
unusable for new traffic requests.
The user can then manually move all SNCs off the line to another line,
which can be accomplished by using "Make Before Break" or "Switch to
Protect" methods to achieve a less than 50 ms traffic outage. The line level
bandwidth lock is intended to ensure that SNCs do not restore on to a
given line once the user has taken action to move them off, essentially by
reducing the bandwidth advertisements to zero.
The Bandwidth lock out parameter is used to enable or disable bandwidth
lockout for an OSRP line. Bandwidth lockout is only active once applied on
both ends of an OSRP line.

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• Clear Blocked Bundle (CBB)

The CBB feature allows a high priority SNC to restore from a link failure
without entering a back off period by clearing the blocked bundle list and
considering the failed link as blocked.
CBB is not a user configurable attribute and is applied by default.
• Routing enhancements
When configuring an SNC, you can set the following routing parameters:
— Latency/Delay (called Max. Delay in previous releases)
— Admin Weight (called Max. Admin Weight in previous releases)

You can set the Latency/Delay or Admin Weight routing parameters for the
SNC home path, Protection path, or both. These routing parameters can
be set to Mandatory or Best Effort or can be disabled.
• Bandwidth threshold
The bandwidth threshold parameter specifies the maximum number of
bandwidth units (per ODU0/ODU1/ODU2/ODU2e/ODU3) advertised for a
link and therefore the maximum co-routed SNC size supported by the link.
This parameter allows you to set a limit over which no bandwidth updates
are sent. The bandwidth threshold is set on a per-OSRP link basis.
• Exclusive Home Preferred Protect
This feature sets the working Designated Transit List (DTL) from the DTL
set as Exclusive and the protection DTLs as Preferred, allowing the
system to find other routes if the route in the DTL set is unavailable.
To use this feature, select the Work Exclusive setting for the DTL when
provisioning the SNC. To set both the working and protection DTLs as
Exclusive (as in releases prior to Release 10.0), select the Work Protect
Exclusive setting for the DTL when provisioning the SNC.
• P-SNC to SNC conversion
This feature allows conversion between permanent and dynamic SNCs.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

Table 2-15 lists the 6500 circuit packs and 5400 Switch line modules that can
be used for OSRP interworking. OTN control plane enhancements can be
applied to these links.

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Table 2-15
OSRP interworking links

Rate 6500 circuit pack 5400 Switch line module

OTU4-WL3 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD • TSLM-1-WL3

(NTK539Ux) (134-5468-900/901/903)
• OSLM-1-WL3

OTU4 100G OCI (NTK529AC) OSLM-1 (134-5462-900)

OTU3+ 40G OCLD (NTK539Px) TSLM-2-D


OTU3 40G OCI (NTK529SJE5) • TSLM-3 (134-5454-900)

• OSLM-3 (134-5484-900)

OTU2 PT21 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F • OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)

(NTK667AA) • MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

OTU2 PT21 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CF) • OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)

• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through the OSRP
Provisioning and Sub-Network Connection applications in Site Manager. From
the menu, select Configuration > Control Plane > OSRP Provisioning or
Configuration > Control Plane > Sub-Network Connection to open these
applications. For detailed provisioning, refer to Configuration - Control Plane,
323-1851-330 and to the 6500 Control Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

On the 5400 Switch, Control Plane parameters can be provisioned through

the OSRP Nodes, OSRP Links, and OSRP Lines screens in Node Manager.
From the menu, select Go > Provisioning > OSRP Nodes, Go > Provisioning
> OSRP Links, or Go > Provisioning > OSRP Lines. For detailed provisioning,
refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-73

OTN path wait-to-restore

Feature overview
Release 10.0 of the 6500 provides support for revertive mode on ASNCP
configurations. The wait-to-restore time is provisioned on a system-wide basis
and used by all ASNCP and SNCP Protection Groups (PG). The value cannot
be overridden on a per PG basis.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

As the wait-to-restore time is provisioned on a system-wide basis, changing
this parameter impacts all existing ASNCP configurations.

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, the wait-to-restore time parameter is provisioned through the
System sub-tab of the Node Information application in Site Manager. From the
menu, select Configuration > Node Information to open the Node Information
application. For detailed provisioning, refer to Administration and Security,


Feature overview
Release 2.2 of the 5400 Switch adds OTN APS 1+1 (G.873.1-based)
protection, which operates end-to-end at the ODUk layer.

APS is supported on different monitoring levels, including the ODU path, and
is compatible with other standards-based implementations on Ciena platforms
as well as 3rd party platforms.

Interworking with 6500

Table 2-16 on page 2-74 lists the 6500 circuit packs and 5400 Switch line
modules that can be used for interworking in broadband mode. Table 2-17 on
page 2-74 lists the 6500 circuit packs and 5400 Switch line modules that can
be used for interworking in Packet OTN Transport Switching (POTS) mode.

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2-74 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Table 2-16
Bidirectional interworking in 6500 broadband mode

Rate 6500 circuit pack 5400 Switch line module

OTU4-WL3 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD • TSLM-1-WL3

(NTK539Ux) (134-5468-900/901/903)
• OSLM-1-WL3

OTU3+ 40G OCLD (NTK539Px) TSLM-2-D

(134-5455-900/901, 134-5456-900/901)

OTU2 PT20 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CF) • OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)

• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

OTU3 40G OCI (NTK529SJE5) • TSLM-3 (134-5454-900)

• OSLM-3 (134-5484-900)

Note 1: Broadband OTU4 protection is not available on the 6500. Client TPT
protection is available but not applicable for interworking with the 5400 Switch.
Note 2: For bidirectional interworking, ODUTTP with ODUk traffic on the OSLM-12
or TSLM-12 is not supported.
Note 3: For bidirectional interworking, ODUTTP protection switching is not
supported on the 6500.

Table 2-17
Bidirectional interworking in 6500 POTS mode

Rate 6500 circuit pack 5400 Switch line module

OTU4-WL3 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD • TSLM-1-WL3

(NTK539Ux) (134-5468-900/901/903)
• OSLM-1-WL3

OTU4 100G OCI (NTK529AC) OSLM-1 (134-5462-900)

OTU3+ 40G OCLD (NTK539Px) TSLM-2-D

(134-5455-900/901, 134-5456-900/901)

OTU3 40G OCI (NTK529SJE5) • TSLM-3 (134-5454-900)

• OSLM-3 (134-5484-900)

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-75

Table 2-17 (continued)

Bidirectional interworking in 6500 POTS mode

Rate 6500 circuit pack 5400 Switch line module

OTU2 PT21 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F • OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)

(NTK667AA) • MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

OTU2 PT21 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CF) • OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)

• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

Note 1: In POTS mode, the 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD and 100G OCI must be
paired with the 100G PKT/OTN XCIF. The 40G OCLD, 40G OCI, and 40G MUX OCI
must be paired with the 40G OTN XCIF circuit pack.
Note 2: ODU4 connections are not supported on 6500 Release 10.0.
Note 3: For bidirectional interworking, ODUTTP protection switching is not
supported on the 6500.

Configuration guidelines
On 6500, protection provisioning can be provisioned through the Protection
Provisioning application in Site Manager. From the menu, select Protection >
Protection Provisioning to open the Protection Provisioning application. For
detailed provisioning, refer to Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.

On the 5400 Switch, protection provisioning can be provisioned through the

Protection screens in Node Manager. From the menu, select Go > Protection,
then select the required protection type. For detailed provisioning, refer to
Node Manager, 009-3236-005.

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2-76 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

ODU2e switching
Feature overview
Release 2.2.1 of the 5400 Switch adds ODU2e switching support over OTU2e
and OTU4 interfaces. ODU2e is not supported over OTU3 interfaces.

OTU2e switching is supported on the following line modules:

• OSLM-12 (134-5480-900) with port group mode set to 1xOTU2e
• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900) with port group mode set to 1xOTU2e
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900) with port group mode set to 1xOTU2e
• OSLM-1 (134-5462-900) with port group mode set to

Interworking with the 6500

6500 supports ODU2e switching over OTU2e, OTU3, and OTU4 interfaces.
However, ODU2e is not supported over OTU3 interfaces on the 5400 Switch.
In addition, 10GE to ODU2e and OC192/STM64 to ODU2e service mappings
are not supported on the 5400 Switch.

Configuration guidelines
On the 5400 Switch, the port group mode can be provisioned through the Port
Group Configuration tab in Node Manager. From the menu, select Go >
Inventory, then select the required line module to open the tab. For detailed
provisioning, refer to Node Manager, 009-3236-005. After setting the port
group mode, the ODU2e object is automatically created.

6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1 interworking

The following 6500 Release 9.2 features can be used in interworking
• (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA) manual tributary assignment

(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA) manual tributary assignment

Feature overview
Release 9.2 introduces manual tributary slot assignment for OTM2 facilities on
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs. This feature allows you to manually
provision the tributary slots associated with the From, To, and Switch Mate
end-points, if manual assignment is available for the facility. The Rx direction
automatically detects or adapts to the received tributary slots.

Interworking with the 5400 Switch

Manual provisioning of tributary slots must be used for OTM2 facilities on
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs when interworking with the 5400 Switch
as the 5400 Switch does not support automatic assignment.

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-77

Figure 2-20 on page 2-77 shows OTU2 interworking between the (1+8)xOTN
Flex MOTR and 5400 Switch. The xSLM-12 refers to one of the following:
• OSLM-12 (134-5480-900)
• MSLM-10G (134-5463-900)
• TSLM-12 (134-5450-900)

Figure 2-20
OTU2 interworking between the (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR and 5400 Switch

5400 5400

GE OTU0/OTU1 OTU2 1+8 Flex GE

OC48 xSLM-48 xSLM-12 MOTR OC48



Configuration guidelines
On 6500, ODU connections can be provisioned through the Transponder
Connections application in Site Manager. From the menu, select
Configuration > Cross Connections > Transponder Connections to open the
application. For detailed provisioning, refer to Part 1 of Configuration -
Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.

When adding an ODU connection for OTM2 facilities on (1+8)xOTN Flex

MOTR circuit packs, make sure the Automatic check box is de-selected in the
Add Cross-Connect dialog box, to enable manual provisioning of tributary

On the 5400 Switch, cross-connects can be provisioned through the

Provisioning Cross Connects screen in Node Manager. From the menu, select
Go > Provisioning > Cross Connect. For detailed provisioning, refer to Node
Manager, 009-3236-005.

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2-78 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

Interworking considerations
This section describes various interworking considerations that are not
specific to a new feature or enhancement. See the following:
• 10G interworking between 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1
• Forced switches on 5400 Switch do not raise 6500 alarms
• Running protection exerciser on the 5400 Switch can lead to traffic loss
• Low priority HO timer settings do not match
• GCC2 considerations

Note: For Control Plane interworking considerations, refer to Control

Plane Application Guide (NTRN71AA).

10G interworking between 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1
The following describes some known issues in 10G interworking
configurations between 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Release 2.1.1. These
issues are not present in later releases.
• In a bookended configuration between the 5400 and the 6500 (1+8)xOTN
Flex MOTR (NTK532DA), traffic outages can occur during 5400 SNCP
protection switches.
• In a configuration between the 5400 and the 6500 OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP
(NTK532BA), Loss of Signal (LOS) defects on the remote 5400 STM-16
port do not generate OPU CSF alarms.
• In a 5400 SNCP MR, high switch times can occur for protection unit (PU)
switches caused by a manual switch, time of day reversion (TODR), or
wait-to-restore (WTR) event.

In addition to the above, note the following configuration guidelines:

• When using a GE client on the 6500 (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA),
with TPT protection for interworking with the 5400 A-SNCP, the
Conditioning Type parameter for the 6500 GE client facility should be set
to ODU-AIS (the default is OPU-AIS). For provisioning details, refer to Part
1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• The alarm hold-off timer for the GE client on 6500 OTN Flex MOTR circuit
packs (NTK532DA or NTK532BA) should be set to a non-zero value.
Higher switch times can occur if the hold-off timer is set to 0. For
provisioning details, refer to Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.

Forced switches on 5400 Switch do not raise 6500 alarms

In 1+1 Automatic Protection Switching (APS) interworking configurations
between the 6500 and the 5400 Switch, alarms are raised on the 5400 Switch
if a forced protection switch or lockout protection switch is operated on the
6500. However, alarms are not raised on 6500 if a forced protection switch or
lockout protection switch is operated on the 5400.

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6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description 2-79

Although 6500 does not raise alarms to signal protection switches on the
5400, you can retrieve details about remote protection switches through the
Protection Status application in Site Manager. From the menu, select
Protection > Protection Status to open the application.

Running protection exerciser on the 5400 Switch can lead to traffic loss
The 5400 Switch supports a 1+1 protection exerciser and allows the exerciser
to be run against the protection member or against the working member when
traffic is being sourced from the protection member. However, the 6500 does
not support protection exerciser on the protection channel. If the protection
exerciser is run on a 5400 Switch interworking with 6500 OTN, a switch or
traffic hit can occur. When interworking with the 6500 OTN, do not run the
5400 protection exerciser.

Low priority HO timer settings do not match

The default setting of the Low priority HO timer is 5 seconds on the 6500 and
2.5 seconds on the 5400 Switch. For OSRP interworking configurations,
Ciena recommends that you change the Low priority HO timer on the 6500 to
2.5 seconds to match the value used on the 5400 Switch.

Refer to Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330, to set the Low priority

HO timer on the 6500.

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2-80 6500 / 5400 Switch interworking description

GCC2 considerations
GCC2 channels can be used for OSRP inter-nodal communication between
the 5400 and 6500.

GCC2 is supported in the OTNCP domain. For a list of 6500 circuit packs that
support GCC2, refer to Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
323-1851-310. For a list of 5400 modules that support GCC2, refer to System
Description, 009-3253-100.

To use GCC2 on the 6500, set the Carrier parameter on the Lower Layer DCC/
GCC parameters dialog in the Comms Setting Management application. Refer
to Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.

To use GCC2 on the 5400 Switch, set the OSRP Channel attribute in the OTU
TTPs screen GCC tab. Refer to Administration and Security, 009-3266-301
and to Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 009-3266-310.

GCC2 is also supported in the ENCRYP domain for OTM2 client facilities on
the 6500 4x10G OTR (NTK530QE) circuit pack when the encryption mode is

Risk of communication loss on GCC2 link
A loss of remote access to the 4x10G OTR encryption can
occur if GCC2 is used to provide remote access to the
4x10G OTR, and the GCC2 is routed through a 5400 network
that uses GCC2 in any of the following ways:

• GCC2 squelching is used on any link

• GCC2/GCC12 is enabled for 5400 OSRP
• GCC2/GCC12 is enabled to provide IpOverGCC
communication channel(s)

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OAM data communications for 6500/

5400 networks 3-

This section provides the overview information and procedures required to

establish OAM Data Communications to the Customer DCN for a limited set
of recommended 6500/5400 OAM network configurations.

This section describes two main types of configurations:

• Direct OAM connectivity
— Single shelf 6500 TID
— Multi-shelf 6500 TID
— Single shelf 5400 TID
• Indirect (GNE) OAM connectivity via:
— Single shelf 6500 proxy ARP GNE
— Single shelf 5400 proxy ARP GNE
6500 data communications summary
For 6500, the Shelf Processor (SP) card controls all of the data
communication for each shelf, with access to the SP through the maintenance
panel. For 6500 there are two ways to connect to a shelf:
• Local management interfaces
— Craft port or Medium Dependent Interface Crossover (MDI-X), a
10/100BT craft port on the shelf processor faceplate.
— Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) serial port (RS232), a nine-pin port
used to connect up a modem or PC to the shelf. A DTE port to DTE
device connection (such as a modem) would require a cross-over
cable, while a DTE port to DCE connection (such as a PC) would
require a straight-thru cable.
— Data Computing Equipment (DCE) serial port (RS232), a nine-pin port
used to connect up a modem or PC to the shelf. A DCE port to DCE
device (such as a PC) would require a cross-over cable, while a DCE
port to DTE connection (such as a PC) would require a straight-
through cable.

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3-2 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

• Remote management interfaces

— COLAN-X (MDI), a 10/100BT port on the access panel used as an
interface to the customer DCN or for inter-shelf communications.
— COLAN-A (MDI), a 10/100BT port on the access panel used as an
interface to the customer DCN or for inter-shelf communications.
— COLAN B (MDI), a 10/100BT port on the access panel that is not
currently supported.
— ILAN-IN (MDI), a 10/100BT port on the access panel used as an
interface to the customer DCN or for inter-shelf communications.
— ILAN-OUT (MDI), a 10/100BT port on the access panel used as an
interface to the customer DCN or for inter-shelf communications.
— USB, two USB ports on the SP-2 (in place of the RS232 ports) which
allow access to USB flash storage devices for load delivery and
— Ethernet Wayside port (MDI-X), an access port on the SRA, SAM,
ESAM, 2xOSC, and SPAP-2 w/2xOSC circuit packs which allows the
communication infrastructure to be shared with wayside traffic flows
that originate and terminate external to the line system.
See Figure 3-1 for a diagram of the 6500 data communication interfaces.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-3

Figure 3-1
6500 OAM data communication interfaces
Local Craft Access Used for
temporary access

Craft RS232 RS232-15 & 16

(LAN 15 &16) DTE DCE Craft
10/100BT Modem

SDH RS/MS Embedded
DCN 6500 G.709 GCC0/1 DCC/GCC/OSC
Network Element OSC Remote
COLAN X Access


Used for external 10/100BT 10/100BT Wayside Used between
DCN access sites

Embedded Customer
DCN Site Traffic

Used between
shelves at a site
Used for 10BT
customer traffic
between sites

Sites with more than one 6500 shelf can be configured in a Target Identifier
Consolidation (TID-c) configuration, which allows multiple shelves at a site to
be managed under the same TID (also referred to as Node name). In a
consolidated node, each shelf shares the same TID, but has a unique logical
shelf number. One shelf is designated a primary node, with the remaining
shelves in a TID-c site being member shelves.

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3-4 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

5400 data communications summary

Two modules for 5400 contain ports responsible for communication with the
shelf, the 5400 network, a DCN, or other communications equipment:
• the Control and Timing Module (CTM) which serves as the central
computational platform for a 5400 Switch.
• the Input/Output (I/O) module which provides electrical connectors for all
system I/O signals.
The 5410 CTM includes:
• Console port for direct CLI access
• Debug port for debug access
• Two DCN ports, which are designed to provide a communications path to
a DCN through a router or switch so that the 5400 can be managed
remotely through Node Manager
• Expansion ports ES1, ES2, and ES3, providing expansion (IOADM) RJ
connectors for 10/100/1000 TX support
The 5430 CTM includes:
• Console port for direct CLI or debug access
• Expansion ports ES1, ES2, ES3, and ES4, providing expansion (IOADM)
RJ connectors for 10/100/1000 TX support
The 5400 Switch is topologically reachable to a 6500 shelf on the same DCN
or connected to the 5400 Switch CTM ES1 expansion port. The topology
discovery is accomplished by means of OSPF running on DCN/ES.

Once an OSPF Adjacency is established with a remote 6500 shelf, 5400 is

ready to establish Photonic Layer Adjacencies via SPLI (using OSPF Type 11
opaque LSAs) with any remote CMD ports. The 5400 SPLI application can
interconnect with a 6500 through the DCN or through CTM expansion port 1
(ES1). SPLI is designed to work on either the DCN or ES ports, however,
never both simultaneously.

The I/O module contains a set of four 10/100 auto-negotiating RJ-45 DCN
ports, labeled as DCN1 MAIN, DCN1 AUX, DCN2 MAIN, and DCN2 AUX. The
module also has an RS-232 connector, labeled as a Console port. The
Console port provides a direct, on-site connection for Craft Interface access
to the 5400 Switch.

A 5400 that is connected to the DCN may operate as a Gateway NE (GNE).

The 5400 GNE uses the Section Overhead (SOH) or Line Overhead (LOH)
DCC bytes over SONET/SDH links or the GCC channels over OTN links to
communicate with the subtending nodes in a network managed via the 5400
GNE node.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-5

Direct OAM connectivity

Direct OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario has the
following characteristics:
• single shelf TIDs for 6500 and 5400 or multiple shelf TIDs for 6500
• a dedicated DCN LAN drop per TID
• a DCN routable IP address per shelf

When configuring a 6500 multi-shelf TID, the following rules apply:

• The DCN LAN drop must connect to the “primary shelf” of the multi-shelf
• The multi-shelf TID “primary shelf” must be configured to run proxy ARP
for its member shelves within the same multi-shelf TID.

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3-6 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Figure 3-2 shows an example of direct OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM

network scenario.

Figure 3-2
Direct OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 network scenario
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

Note: The configuration data shown in the following illustrations is for

example purposes only.

This section describes the following configurations for direct OAM

• Single shelf 6500 TID, see Figure 3-3 on page 3-7.
• Multi-shelf 6500 TID, see Figure 3-4 on page 3-8.
• Single shelf 5400 TID, see Figure 3-5 on page 3-9.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-7
Single shelf 6500 TID
Figure 3-3 shows an example of a single shelf 6500 TID configured for direct
OAM connectivity.

See Procedure 3-1 on page 3-15 for the steps to configure a single shelf 6500

Figure 3-3
Direct OAM connectivity—single shelf 6500 TID
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

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3-8 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Multi-shelf 6500 TID

Figure 3-4 on page 3-8 shows an example of a multi-shelf 6500 TID
configured for direct OAM connectivity.

See Procedure 3-1 on page 3-15 for the steps to configure a multi-shelf 6500

Figure 3-4
Direct OAM connectivity—multi-shelf 6500 TID
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-9

Single shelf 5400 TID

Figure 3-5 shows an example of a single shelf 5400 TID configured for direct
OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario.

Figure 3-5
Direct OAM connectivity—single shelf 5400 TID
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

The 5400 network element supports two options for configuring 5400 Direct
Comms: High Availability and Alternate, see Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7.

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3-10 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Figure 3-6 shows an example of a single shelf 5400 TID configured for High
Availability direct OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario.

Figure 3-6
High availability direct OAM connectivity—single shelf 5400 TID
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

Figure 3-7 shows an example of a single shelf 5400 TID configured for
Alternate direct OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario.

Figure 3-7
Alternative direct OAM connectivity—single shelf 5400 TID
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-11

Indirect (GNE) OAM connectivity

Indirect (GNE) OAM connectivity scenarios have the following characteristics:
• single shelf TIDs for 6500 and 5400 or multiple shelf TIDs for 6500 only
• dedicated DCN LAN drop per GNE
• DCN routable IP address per shelf
• OSPF islands (comms between the islands via DCN only)
Figure 3-8 shows an example of a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario with
indirect GNE OAM connectivity.

Figure 3-8
Indirect connectivity in a 5400/6500 network scenario
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

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3-12 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

This section describes the following 5400/6500 OAM network scenarios for
indirect (GNE) OAM connectivity:
• Single shelf 6500 proxy ARP GNE, see Figure 3-9 on page 3-12.
• Single shelf 5400 proxy ARP GNE, see Figure 3-10 on page 3-13.
Single shelf 6500 proxy ARP GNE
Figure 3-9 shows an example of a single 6500 proxy ARP GNE configured for
indirect OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario.

Figure 3-9
Indirect OAM connectivity—single shelf 6500 proxy ARP GNE
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

Procedure 3-1 on page 3-15 provides the information to configure a single

shelf 6500 proxy ARP GNE.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-13

Single shelf 5400 proxy ARP GNE

Figure 3-10 shows an example of a single 5400 proxy ARP GNE configured
for indirect OAM connectivity in a 5400/6500 OAM network scenario.

Figure 3-10
Indirect OAM connectivity—single shelf 5400 proxy ARP GNE
(Minimum software releases required: 6500 Release 9.2 and 5400 Switch Release 2.1.1)

Procedure 3-3 on page 3-39 provides the steps to configure a single shelf
5400 as the proxy ARP GNE.

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3-14 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

List of procedures
Table 3-1 lists the procedures in this section.

Table 3-1
List of procedures

Procedure number Procedure title and page Applicable configurations


Procedure 3-1 “Commissioning a 6500 • 6500 single shelf TID configured for direct OAM
shelf” on page 3-15 connectivity (proxy ARP GNE)
• 6500 single shelf TID configured for direct OAM
connectivity (non-GNE)
• 6500 multi-shelf TID configured for direct OAM
connectivity, primary shelf (GNE)
• 6500 multi-shelf TID configured for direct OAM
connectivity, member shelf, (non-GNE)
• 6500 single shelf TID configured for remote
• 6500 multi-shelf TID configured for remote
connectivity (primary and member shelves)

Procedure 3-2 “Configuring a single shelf • 5400 single shelf TID configured for direct OAM
5400 TID” on page 3-38 connectivity (non-GNE)

Procedure 3-3 “Configuring a single shelf • 5400 single shelf TID configured for indirect OAM
5400 as the proxy ARP connectivity (proxy ARP GNE)
GNE” on page 3-39

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-15

Procedure 3-1
Commissioning a 6500 shelf
Use this procedure to commission a 6500 network element during system
line-up and testing (SLAT) for direct connection. For more information on
SLAT, refer to 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Commissioning and Testing, 323-

A 6500 shelf can be a stand-alone TID or part of a multi-shelf TID.

You can use this procedure to commission one or more 6500 network
elements for each of the configurations listed in Table 3-2 on page 3-16.

Note: Ciena recommends that all 6500 shelves at a site be assigned

unique shelf numbers during commissioning.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• have the provisioning data required to commission the 6500 shelf, see
Table 3-3 on page 3-17 for details
• refer to the following related procedures in 6500 Packet-Optical Platform,
Commissioning and Testing, 323-1851-221:
— “Powering up a new network element and connecting to a craft PC”
— “Launching SAT and logging in” or “Launching Advanced SAT and
logging in”
Note: Starting with Site Manager Release 10.0, the Advanced SLAT tool
is used to commission 6500 network elements running Release 10.0. The
Basic SLAT tool is used to commission 6500 network elements running
releases prior to Release 10.0.

• have a laptop or PC at the location of the 6500 NE

• have a 10Base-T RJ-45 crossover Ethernet cable connected to the craft
• if you are configuring a multi-shelf TID primary or member shelf, ensure
that the ILAN ports on the primary shelf are connected to the
corresponding member shelves

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3-16 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Table 3-2 provides the steps required when commissioning a 6500 shelf for
direct or indirect OAM connectivity using the SLAT Tool.

Table 3-2
6500 shelf SLAT Tool commissioning steps

SLAT Tool Direct DCN LAN drop connection No direct Remote NE (no direct
commissioning steps DCN LAN DCN LAN drop)
6500 single shelf TID 6500 multi-shelf TID 6500 single 6500 multi-
shelf TID shelf TID

Proxy ARP Non-GNE Primary Member Primary and

GNE Shelf (GNE) Shelf (Non- Member
(see Note 1) GNE) Shelf

NE Identification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

NE Configuration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

GNE Configuration Yes No Yes No No No

Auto Equipping Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

OSPF Router Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


ILAN Provisioning see Note 2 No Yes Yes see Note 2 Yes

Shelf IP Provisioning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

COLAN Provisioning Yes Yes Yes No No No

Proxy ARP Provisioning Yes No Yes No No No

DCC/GCC Provisioning see Note 3 No No No Yes Yes

Static Routes Yes Yes Yes No No No


OSPF Routes Yes No Yes No No No


Note 1: In a multi-shelf TID configuration where the primary shelf is directly connected to the DCN, the
primary shelf must be proxy ARP for TIDc member shelves.
Note 2: ILAN provisioning is required if ILAN is used for shelf interconnect and ILAN is connected at
commissioning time. If ILAN is left unconnected, standing alarms will be raised. If ILAN is not used for
shelf interconnect and is not connected at commissioning time, ILAN provisioning is not required.
Note 3: DCC/GCC provisioning is required if DCC/GCC is used for shelf interconnect and is connected
at commissioning time. If DCC/GCC is left unconnected, standing alarms will be raised. If DCC/GCC is
not used for shelf interconnect, DCC/GCC provisioning is not required.

Note: The provisioning data shown is for example purposes only.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-17

Table 3-3 provides the data prerequisites required to provision the 6500 shelf
configurations. Ensure that you have this data before commissioning the 6500

Table 3-3
6500 shelf prerequisite provisioning data

Required data Direct DCN LAN drop connection No direct Remote NE (no direct
6500 single shelf TID 6500 multi-shelf TID 6500 single 6500 multi-
shelf TID shelf TID

Proxy ARP Non-GNE Primary Member Primary and

GNE Shelf (GNE) Shelf (Non- Member
GNE) Shelf

NE Name (TID) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

DCN-routable IP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Subnet Mask Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A

Shelf Number Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

OSPF Area ID Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes

Step Action

Provisioning the NE identification

1 In the SLAT Assistant Tool, select 1.0 NE Identification from the
Commissioning Steps panel.

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3-18 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

2 In the 1.0 NE Identification panel, type OME-1 in the NE Name field, see
Figure 3-11.
Note: All remaining parameters must use default values.
Figure 3-11

Note: If you are configuring a member shelf in a multi-shelf configuration, use

the same TID as the primary shelf.
3 Click Apply.

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Provisioning the NE configuration

4 Select 2.0 NE Configuration from the Commissioning Steps panel, see
Figure 3-12.
Figure 3-12

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3-20 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

5 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (proxy ARP step 8
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (non-GNE) step 8
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection 6500 multi- step 6
shelf TID configuration
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 multi-shelf TID step 6
a remote single shelf 6500 TID step 8
a primary or member shelf for a remote 6500 multi-shelf step 6

6 In the 2.0 NE Configuration panel, select ENABLE from the TID

Consolidation drop-down menu.
7 Select your next step.
If you are configuring Then from the TID Consolidation
Primary list select
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct ENABLE
connection 6500 multi-shelf TID
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 DISABLE
multi-shelf TID configuration
a primary shelf for a remote 6500 ENABLE
multi-shelf TID configuration

8 In the 2.0 NE Configuration panel, type 1 in the Shelf Number field.

Note: It is recommended that all shelves at a site be assigned unique shelf
numbers during commissioning.
9 In the Shelf IP Address field, type
10 Select SONET from the NE Mode drop-down menu.
11 Click Apply.
Note: All remaining parameters in the 2.0 NE Configuration panel must use
the default values.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-21

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

12 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (proxy step 13
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (non- step 17
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection step 13
6500 multi-shelf TID configuration
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 multi-shelf step 17
TID configuration
a remote single shelf 6500 TID step 17
a primary or member shelf for a remote 6500 step 17
multi-shelf TID

Provisioning the GNE Configuration

13 Select 3.0 GNE Configuration from the Commissioning Steps panel, see
Figure 3-13.

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3-22 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-13

14 In the 3.0 GNE Configuration panel select YES from the GNE drop-down
15 Select the Standalone ARP radio button.
16 Click Confirm Selection.
Provisioning auto equipping
17 Select 4.0 Auto Equipping from the Commissioning Steps panel.
18 Ensure that the default parameters are selected, see Figure 3-14.

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-14

19 Click Apply.
The auto equipping data refreshes.

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3-24 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Provisioning the OSPF router

20 Select 6.0 OSPF Router Provisioning from the Commissioning Steps panel.
21 In the 6.0 OSPF Router Provisioning panel, in the Router ID field type the
shelf IP address, see Figure 3-15.
Figure 3-15

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-25

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

22 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then from the Autonomous
System Border Router drop-
down menu select
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID On
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID Off
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct On
connection 6500 multi-shelf TID
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 Off
multi-shelf TID configuration
a remote single shelf 6500 TID Off
a primary or member shelf for a remote Off
6500 multi-shelf TID

23 Click Confirm.
Note: All remaining parameters in the 6.0 OSPF Router Provisioning panel
must use the default values.
24 Select your next step.
If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 25
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 37
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct step 25
connection 6500 multi-shelf TID
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 multi- step 25
shelf TID configuration
a remote single shelf 6500 TID step 37
a primary or member shelf for a remote step 25
6500 multi-shelf TID

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3-26 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Provisioning the ILAN ports

25 Select 7.0 ILAN Provisioning from the Commissioning Steps panel.
Note: If you are provisioning ILAN ports for a 6500 proxy ARP or a remote
single shelf 6500 TID configuration, see Table 3-2 on page 3-16 for more
26 Click the Add button.
The Add... dialog box appears, see Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16

27 From the Type drop-down menu select ILAN.

28 From the Port drop-down menu select IN.
29 In the IP Address field, type
Note: ILAN ports are unnumbered.
30 In the Subnet Mask field, type
31 From the Port Enabled drop-down menu select YES.
32 From the Routing Protocol drop-down menu select OSPF.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-27

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

33 In the Network Area field, type

34 Configure the ILAN out port by selecting OUT from the Port drop-down menu.
35 Repeat step 29 to step 33 to configure the ILAN out port.
36 Click OK.
Provisioning the Shelf IP
37 Select 9.0 Shelf IP Provisioning or 10.0 Shelf IP Provisioning (depending
on the release) from the Commissioning Steps panel.
38 In the Shelf IP Provisioning panel, type in the IP Address field, see
Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17

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3-28 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

39 Select OSPF from the Routing Protocol drop-down menu.

40 In the Network Area field type
41 Click Apply.
Note: All remaining parameters in the Shelf IP Provisioning panel must use
the default values.
42 Select your next step.
If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 43
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 43
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct step 43
connection 6500 multi-shelf TID
a member shelf (non-GNE) in a 6500 multi- step 89
shelf TID configuration
a remote single shelf 6500 TID step 58
a primary or member shelf for a remote step 58
6500 multi-shelf TID

Provisioning the COLAN port

43 Select 11.0 COLAN Provisioning or 12.0 COLAN Provisioning (depending
on the release) from the Commissioning Steps panel.
44 In the COLAN Provisioning panel, click the Add... button.
The Add... dialog box appears, see Figure 3-18.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-29

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-18

45 In the IP Address field, type The IP address must be the same value
as the Shelf IP Address.
46 In the Subnet Mask field, type

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3-30 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

47 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then set the proxy
ARP to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (proxy ON
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID (non- OFF
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection 6500 ON
multi-shelf TID configuration
Note: Set the proxy ARP to “ON” only if the
primary shelf is directly connected to the DCN.

48 Select YES from the Port Enabled drop-down menu.

Note: All remaining parameters in the dialog box must use the default values.
49 Click OK.
The COLAN Provisioning window appears, see Figure 3-19.

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OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks 3-31

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-19

50 Click Confirm Completion.

The COLAN provisioning data refreshes.

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3-32 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

51 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 52
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 70
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection step 52
6500 multi-shelf TID configuration

Provisioning the Proxy ARP

52 Select 13.0 Proxy ARP Provisioning or 14.0 Proxy ARP Provisioning
(depending on the release) from the Commissioning Steps panel.
53 In the Proxy ARP Provisioning panel click Add.
The Add ARP IP Address(es) dialog box appears.
54 Provision the first address within the proxy ARP range by typing in the Start Address field and typing ... in the End Address field.
55 Click OK.
56 Repeat step 54 to step 55 for each address in the proxy ARP range.
57 Select your next step.
If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 70
(proxy ARP GNE)
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection step 70
6500 multi-shelf TID configuration

Provisioning the DCC/GCC channel and circuit for remote nodes

58 Select 18.0 DCC/GCC Provisioning from the Commissioning Steps panel.
Note: If you are commissioning a remote 6500 shelf, see Table 3-2 on page
3-16 for more DCC/GCC provisioning information.
59 Click on the Add... button in the 18.0 DCC/GCC Provisioning panel.
The Add... dialog box appears, see Figure 3-20.

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-20

60 From the Type drop-down menu, select the SONET traffic rate that the DCC
channel will use with the 5400 GNE node.
61 From the Carrier drop-down menu, select either Line or Section.
62 From the Protocol drop-down menu, select PPP.
63 In the IP Address field, type
64 In the Subnet Mask field, type
65 From the Routing Protocol drop-down menu, select OSPF.
66 In the Network Area field, type
67 Click OK.
The 18.0 DCC/GCC Provisioning window appears.
68 Click Confirm Completion.
Note 1: If you are provisioning the DCC/GCC channel and circuit on a remote
node, ensure that both ends of the DCC/GCC link are configured.
Note 2: If you are running 6500 Release 9.2 or earlier, open Site Manager
and set the Opaque LSA to “on” after provisioning the DCC channel and

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

69 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 70
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 70
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection step 70
6500 multi-shelf TID configuration
a remote single shelf 6500 TID step 89
a primary or member shelf for a remote 6500 step 89
multi-shelf TID

Provisioning the static routes

Note: Provisioning of static routes is not required for RNE nodes.
70 Select 21.0 Static Routes Provisioning or 22.0 Static Routes
Provisioning (depending on the release) from the Commissioning Steps
71 Click on the Add... button in the Static Routes Provisioning panel.
The Add... dialog box appears, see Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21

72 In the IP Address field, type

73 In the Subnet Mask field, type
74 In the Next Hop field, type (default gateway).
75 In the Circuit field, type COLAN-1-X.

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

76 In the Cost field, type 10.

77 Click OK.
The Static Routes Provisioning window appears, see Figure 3-22.
Figure 3-22

78 Click Confirm Completion.

The static route provisioning data refreshes.

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3-36 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

79 Select your next step.

If you are configuring the shelf as Then go to
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 80
(proxy ARP GNE)
a direct connection single shelf 6500 TID step 89
a primary shelf (GNE) in a direct connection step 80
6500 multi-shelf TID configuration

Provisioning the OSPF routes distribution

Note: Provisioning the OSPF route distribution is not required for RNE
80 Select 23 OSPF - Routes Distribution from the Commissioning Steps panel.
Figure 3-23

81 Click on the Add... button in the 23 OSPF - Routes Distribution panel.

The Add dialog box appears.

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Procedure 3-1 (continued)

Commissioning a 6500 shelf

Step Action

Figure 3-24

82 In the IP Address field, type (the same IP address as that configured
in the IP Static Routes provisioning).
83 In the Subnet Mask field, type (the same subnet mask as that
configured in the IP Static Routes provisioning).
84 In the Metric field, type a metric value between 1 and 63.
85 From the Metric Type drop-down menu, select External.
86 From the Distribution List drop-down menu, select Static Redistribution
87 Click OK.
88 In the 23 OSPF - Routes Distribution panel, click Confirm completion.
89 The procedure is complete.

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Procedure 3-2
Configuring a single shelf 5400 TID
Use this procedure to configure a single shelf 5400 TID for direct OAM
connectivity in a 5400/6500 network scenario.

Provisioning of the Direct Comms options for the 5400 NE is performed during
the initial turn-up of the 5400. The 5400 supports two direct OAM connectivity
configurations: High Availability and Alternate.

High Availability OAM connectivity requires a total of five IP addresses:

MAIN1, AUX1 for A-CTM, MAIN2, AUX2 for C-CTM and one Mngt IP Address.

Alternate OAM connectivity requires a total of three IP addresses: MAIN1 for

A-CTM, MAIN2 for C-CTM, and one Mngt IP Address.

For more information about provisioning the 5400 network element Direct
Comms, refer to 5400 Packet-Optical Platform Turn-Up and Test.

To perform this procedure you must:
• have access to 5400 Packet-Optical PlatformTurn-Up and Test
• power up the 5400 shelf, refer to the procedure, “Powering up the 5410
• have a laptop or PC at the location of the 5400 node
• have a switch module installed, refer to the procedure, “Installing switch
• have an Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connectors on both ends with the
required pin connections defined in the procedure, “Installing and
Configuring the Primary CTM”
Step Action

1 Using the Commissioning menu, commission the required IP addresses, as

well as the subnet mask and default IP gateway parameters. See 5400
Packet-Optical Platform Turn-Up and Test, “Installing and Configuring the
Primary CTM”.

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Procedure 3-3
Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE
Use this procedure to configure a single 5400 network element as the proxy
ARP gateway network element in a 5400/6500 network. This procedure also
provides the steps to add the Subtended Network Element (SNE).

For more information about configuring the 5400 as a GNE, refer to 5400
Packet-Optical Platform Node Manager User Guide.

Note 1: Do not use an OSPF Area ID of

Note 2: You can also use this procedure to configure dual 5400 GNEs.
To perform this procedure you must:
• locate the node that will be designated as the GNE
• verify DCN connectivity to the GNE node
• be logged into the GNE with Node Manager
Step Action

Configuring the GNE

1 In Node Manager, select Go -> Provisioning -> OSPF.
2 Select the OSPF Basic tab, see Figure 3-25.

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3-40 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

Figure 3-25

3 In the General settings, select the Proxy ARP checkbox.

4 Enter the OSPF Area Id, if required.
Note: Change the OSPF Area ID from the default of
Adding the Subtended Neighbor Profile to the GNE
5 Select the Subtended Neighbor tab, see Figure 3-26.

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Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

Figure 3-26

6 Click the New button to create a Subtended Neighbor profile.

Neighbor parameters
7 In the Neighbor Parameters panel, type the Neighbor name in the Neighbor
Node field.
8 In the Label field, enter the label, if required.
9 From the Protocol drop-down menu, ensure that PPP (default) is selected.

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3-42 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

10 Type the IP address of the subtended neighbor (SNE).

11 In the Mask field, type (default) if required.
OSPF parameters
12 In the OSPF Parameters panel, select the OSPF Enabled checkbox.
13 In the Dead Interval field, type 20 (default), if required.
14 In the Hello Interval field, type 10 (default), if required.
15 In the Retrans Interval field, type 5 (default), if required.
16 In the Trans Delay field, type 1 (default), if required.
17 In the MTU Size field, type 1500 (default), if required.
18 In the Output Cost field, type 1 (default), if required.
19 Ensure that the Authentication is set to NONE (default).
20 Ensure that the Traffic Engineering Disabled checkbox is deselected
21 Click Accept.
The Subtended Node profile is saved.
Configuring the SONET/SDH Trail Termination Point (TTP) on the GNE
22 In Node Manager, select Go -> Configuring -> Trail TPs -> SONET/SDH
23 Select the SONET/SDH TTP connected to the Subtended NE.
24 Select the DCC tab and then the Protocols tab, see Figure 3-27.

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Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

Figure 3-27

25 In the PPP panel, click on the ... command button next to the Node Name
The Select Neighbor Node dialog box appears, see Figure 3-28.

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3-44 OAM data communications for 6500/5400 networks

Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

Figure 3-28

26 Select the Neighbor Node added in step 6 to step 21 and click Apply.
27 In the PPP panel, select Admin State Unlocked, and click Apply.
28 Select the Ospf Adjacency tab, see Figure 3-29.

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Procedure 3-3 (continued)

Configuring a single shelf 5400 as the proxy ARP GNE

Step Action

Figure 3-29

29 In the Ospf Links State Table, verify that the Adjacency State is FULL.

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-

This section describes the individual 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) and
8700 Packetwave Platform product lines as well as the interworking
configurations between them.

Interworking between the 6500 and the 8700 Packetwave Platform was tested
for the following software release lineups:
• 6500 Release 10.2 and 8700 Packetwave Platform SAOS 8.3

This section also describes features supported on specific releases of the

6500 and the 8700 Packetwave Platform that can be used in interworking
configurations between the two platforms. Each section provides an overview
of the feature, interworking considerations, and configuration guidelines. See
the following for information:
• “6500 Release 10.2 and 8700 Packetwave Platform Release 8.3
interworking” on page 4-3

In addition to the above, see “6500 Release 11.1 SPLI enhancements” on

page 4-16 for information on SPLI enhancements introduced in Release 11.1
that can be used in interworking configurations.

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4-2 6500/8700 interworking description

6500 Packet-Optical Platform and 8700 Packetwave Platform

The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500) is a multi-port, multi-protocol system
that supports Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (TDM and WDM)/
GigE/10G/40G and 100G ports. 6500 converges three networking layers
(Packet Networking, OTN, and Photonics) into a single platform to provide
customizable service delivery from the access edge, along the backbone
core, and across long-haul/submarine distances.

The 8700 Packetwave Platform is a multi-terabit, programmable Ethernet-

over-DWDM packet switching platform optimized for 10GbE and 100GbE
service aggregation and switching in metro networks. 8700 Packetwave
Platform comes in two compact and high capacity/high density form factors -
the 4-slot system and the 10-slot system. The 8700 Packetwave Platform
converges packet switching and coherent DWDM to facilitate packet
aggregation and switching over metro distances up to 1000km. The 8700
Packetwave Platform is able to aggregate and switch large quantities of packet
traffic by using technologies such as Ethernet, MPLS-TP, and G.8032
Ethernet rings.

6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform interworking summary

The 6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform interwork together in several
general scenarios:
• Through the Coherent Packet Services Line Module (CSLM)-200-2
WaveLogic3 Nano packet switching and coherent DWDM line module,
which can be directly connected to a Channel Mux/Demux (CMD) on
• Through the Packet Services Line Module (PSLM)-200-2 or PSLM-200-
20, which can be connected to an OCI, transponder or muxponder
interface for transport on the 6500 system.
• Through the 6500 Ethernet Multiplexer Optical Transponder (eMOTR), L2
MOTR, and fabric access circuit packs and the 8700 Packetwave Platform
PSLM-200-20, PSLM-200-2, and CSLM-200-2 modules, interworking as
Layer 2 services.
• Through G.8032 protection rings. Both 6500 and the 8700 Packetwave
Platform support Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS), also known
as the G.8032 standard. G.8032 Ethernet shared ring protection is
designed to provide <50ms protection and recovery switching for Ethernet
traffic in a ring topology while preventing the formation of Ethernet
protection loops.
• Through MPLS-TP switching. MPLS-transport profile (MPLS-TP) is a
dedicated MPLS implementation that provides the same QoS, protection
and restoration, and OAM as SONET/SDH. It removes MPLS features that

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-3

are not relevant to transport networks and adds mechanisms that provide
support for critical transport functionality such as connection verification,
fault monitoring, and in-band control and management.
• Through OneControl, a packet and wavelength services management
solution which spans the 6500 and 8700 platforms.
• Through a common packet Service-Aware Operating System (SAOS)
across the 6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platforms. SAOS provides a
common set of advanced Ethernet features from edge to core with
consistent system and service attributes. This allows common
Operational, Administrative, and Maintenance (OAM) commands to be
used across multiple products.
• Through the Ciena 2150 passive optical device. This is a passive optical
filter that can be used to interconnect the 6500 with the 8700 Packetwave
Platform CSLM-200-2.

6500 Release 10.2 and 8700 Packetwave Platform Release 8.3

The following 6500 Release 10.2 features can be used in interworking
• WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
• MPLS-TP enhancements
• eMOTR enhancements

WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select

Feature Overview
6500 Release 10.2 introduces the WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
(Coherent Select). Coherent Select is a 6500 Photonic architecture similar to
a Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)-based solution, the
main difference being that Coherent Select does not use the Wavelength
Selective Switch (WSS) to perform wavelength blocking or filtering. Coherent
Select uses Ciena’s WaveLogic coherent technology (WL3, WL3 Nano or
WL3 Extreme circuit packs) to act as a tunable wavelength filter or blocker.
This allows for simplified provisioning since any WL3, WL3 Nano, WL3
Extreme transceiver on the network connects to another transceiver by setting
them to the same wavelength.

Coherent Select systems contain the following two types of nodes:

• colorless, directionless, 2-degree Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM)
nodes that provide up to 16-channel add/drop capacity
• terminal nodes that support full 88-channel add/drop capacity

Figure 4-1 illustrates how CSLM-200-2 wavelengths can be connected in a

Coherent Select Photonic network.

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4-4 6500/8700 interworking description

Figure 4-1
6500 Coherent Select network

Interworking with the 8700 Packetwave Platform

The 6500 Coherent Select interworks with the 8700 Packetwave Platform
through the Coherent Packet Services Line Module (CSLM)-200-2. Using the
WaveLogic3 Nano Coherent DWDM interface, CSLM-200-2 fiber interfaces
connect directly to the Coherent Select passive OBMD on the 2150 shelf.

Configuration guidelines
Coherent Select nodes use a combination of existing 6500 circuit packs
(amplifiers, Optical Service Channel (OSC), 44-channel Mux/Demux
(CMD44), Broadband Mux/Demux (BMD2)) and the following 2150 modules:
• Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB 2x2x2 C-Band) module (174-0115-
• Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB 2x4x1 C-Band) module (174-0116-
• Optical Broadband Mux/Demux (OBMD 1x8 C-Band) module (174-0104-

Coherent Select connections are provisioned similar to Layer 0 Control Plane

sub-network connections (SNCs), where the user specifies the originating
point and the destination point at the originating node, without the need for
further provisioning at downstream nodes. Using Site Manager, connections
are created and managed through the SNC application. A new system-wide
attribute is introduced in Release 10.2 to enable or disable Coherent Select
provisioning mode. When enabled, the Sub-Network Connection application
is used to create and manage Layer 0 connections between Coherent Select
sites. When disabled (default setting), the SNC application is used to create
and manage Control Plane SNCs, similar to the pre-Release 10.2 version of
the application.

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-5

The following is a list of general configuration rules for Coherent Select:

• Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol (OSRP) must be provisioned at all
OADM sites.
• OSC communication is required at all Coherent Select sites via 6500.

MPLS-TP enhancements
Feature overview
6500 Release 10.2 introduces support for Multiprotocol Label Switching-
Transport Profile (MPLS-TP). MPLS-TP is a version of MPLS designed for
transport networks with some of the MPLS functions turned off, such as
Penultimate Hop Popping (PHP), Label-Switched Paths (LSPs) Merge, and
Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP). MPLS-TP uses Generalized MPLS (GMPLS)
to provide the correct routing for packets through Label Switched Paths
(LSPs). In addition, pseudowires (PWs) over GMPLS LSPs are statically
configured. These PWs provide Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS), Virtual
Private LAN Service (VPLS), or Hierarchal-VPLS (H-VPLS). A VPWS service
provides a point to point connection between two nodes in an MPLS network
while a VPLS/H-VPLS service allows the connection of multiple sites over an
MPLS network.

For 6500 Release 10.2, MPLS-TP is used to build Layer 2 (L2) Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs) between two or more remote sites across different physical
networks. These networks may include other Ciena products such as the
8700 Packetwave, Ciena SAOS 6.x devices, or even 3rd-party equipment.
MPLS-TP allows different networks to converge and appear as a single
autonomous network, giving the perspective of a direct connection to a private
line or LAN between sites. For 6500 Release 10.2, only static LSP and PW
tunnels are supported.

6500 circuit packs provisioned with MPLS-TP can function as the following
two types of routers in an MPLS network:
• Label Edge Routers (MPLS-TP LER) - on transmitted information or data,
the label edge router assigns labels to the packets of data based on what
information the packet carries. Upon receiving information or data, a Label
Edge Router removes the attached labels and routes them to the proper
place based on the information contained on the label.
• Label Switch Routers (MPLS-TP LSR) - for transmitted or received
information or data, a Label Switch Router simply directs the data based
on the instructions on the labels, allowing for faster routing compared to a
Label Edge Router.

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4-6 6500/8700 interworking description

MPLS-TP is supported on the following 6500 circuit packs:

• Cross-connect circuit packs
— 1200G PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs (NTK615BA)
— 3200G PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs (NTK616BA)
• Interface circuit packs
— PKT/OTN XC I/F 100G circuit packs (NTK665AA) for MPLS-TP LER
and LSR, mated with 100G OCLD or 100G OCI circuit packs
— PKT/OTN I/F 100G 10xXFP circuit pack (NTK667AA) for MPLS-TP
— 48xGE PKT I/F circuit pack (NTK642AA) for MPLS-TP LER
Interworking with the 8700 Packetwave Platform
See Table 4-1 for an 6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform MPLS-TP feature

Table 4-1
6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform MPLS-TP feature matrix

6500 8700 Packetwave Platform

Dynamic MPLS-TP tunnels X C

with RSVP-TE

Static MPLS-TP tunnels C C



Co-routed tunnels C C

Associated bi-directional C C

Penultimate Hop Popping X X


Class of Service (CoS) tunnel C C


Virtual Private Wire Services C C


Virtual Private Local Area C C

Network Services (VPLS)

Hierarchical VPLS (H-VPLS) C C

Virtual Circuits C C

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Table 4-1 (continued)
6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform MPLS-TP feature matrix

6500 8700 Packetwave Platform

Virtual circuit connectivity C C

verification (VCCV)

Connectivity Fault C C
Management (CFM)

Continuity C C
Check Messages (CCM)

Bidirectional Forwarding C C
Detection (BFD)

Alarm Indication Signal with C C

Link Down Indication (AIS/LDI)


LSP ping C C

LSP traceroute C C


VCCV Traceroute C C

OSPF for MPLS-TP control X C


ISIS for MPLS-TP control plane X C


Automatic pseudowire X C

Label Distribution Protocol X C

(LDP) for dynamic pseudowire

C = compatible
X = not compatible

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4-8 6500/8700 interworking description

Configuration guidelines
For detailed instructions on configuring MPLS-TP for 6500 Release 10.2, see
6500 SAOS-based Packet Services Configuration, 323-1851-630. For a
general MPLS configuration overview, see Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2
6500 MPLS static configuration overview

Configuring label ranges

LSR Ingress Ingress

or or
Configuring ingress tunnels
LER? Egress?

LSR Egress

Configuring transit tunnels Configuring egress tunnels

Configuring Configuring
VPWS or VPLS virtual circuits


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6500/8700 interworking description 4-9

eMOTR enhancements
Feature overview and interworking with the 8700 Packetwave Platform
6500 Release 10.2 introduces the eMOTR enhancements described below.
Refer to 6500 Data and Layer 2 Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.7 and SAOS-
based Services Configuration, 323-1851-630 for a complete description of
these enhancements.

For 6500 Release 10.2, three User Network Interface (UNI) packet
modification enhancements have been added to the eMOTR card:
• Provisionable custom VLAN EtherType at the port level
• Double tag ingress classification for sub-port interfaces
• Stamp operations for egress transforms on sub-port interfaces. In
previous releases, only push operations were supported.

For 6500 Release 10.2, Link Aggregation Group (LAG) attributes have
been enhanced on the eMOTR card to help prevent mis-configurations. In
previous releases, changes to port settings such as maximum frame size,
Resolved Cost of Service (CoS), and egress queues were allowed on
individual member ports of a LAG. To ensure consistent provisioning and
prevent mismatches, the following settings are provisionable at the LAG level
and propagated at the port level in 6500 Release 10.2:
• Maximum frame size
• Resolved CoS mapping policy
• Ingress resolved CoS profile
• Egress port queue group
• Egress port scheduler
• VLAN EtherType
• Description

Enhancements to the Ethernet Operations, Administrative and

Maintenance (OAM) procedures have been included as part of 6500
Release 10.2, enabling full support of the Connectivity Fault Management
(CFM) protocol as specified in IEEE P802.1ag. These enhancements include:
• Delay measurement messages
• Linktrace messages
• Loopback messages
• Loss measurement messages

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4-10 6500/8700 interworking description

6500 Release 10.2 introduces the Virtual Link Loss Indicator (VLLI)
enhancements described below. Refer to 6500 Provisioning, 323-1851-310
and Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543 for a complete description of these
• Additional VLLI alarming has been added to TL-1 and Site Manager for
defects that result in VLLI laser-off conditioning at the far-end client port
such as Far End Client Signal Failure, Remote Port OOS, and Remote
Port Unreachable when the far-end VLLI instance conditions the client
• Support for VLLI interworking with L2 MOTR Tx conditioning. This
enhancement allows L2 MOTR UNI interfaces with Tx conditioning
enabled to interwork with VLLI/CFM-based standards supported on
eMOTR circuit packs and Ciena SDS/SAS devices. For 6500 Release
10.2, a new Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) option is added to the
“Conditioning network signal” attribute of L2 MOTR UNI interfaces. Setting
this attribute to CFM allows the user to manually configure an Up MEP and
Remote MEP for end-to-end signaling that is compliant with VLLI.

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-11

See Table 4-2 for a 6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform Ethernet feature

Table 4-2
6500 eMOTR and 8700 Packetwave Platform PSLM-200-20 Ethernet feature matrix

6500 8700 Packetwave Platform

Pluggable SFP+ or SFP optics C C


10GE C C

40GE X C

100GE X C




Ingress metering C C

Hierarchical ingress metering X C

802.1ag CFM C C

Y.1731 LM C C

Y.1731 - SLM C C

Y.1731 DM C C

Ethertype support (88a8, 8100) C C

Double tag C C

Push C C

Pop C C

Swap C C

Resolved CoS mapping policy C C

Ingress resolved CoS mapping C C


Egress port queue group C C

Egress port scheduler C C

VLAN Ethertype C C

Delay measurement messages C C

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4-12 6500/8700 interworking description

Table 4-2 (continued)

6500 eMOTR and 8700 Packetwave Platform PSLM-200-20 Ethernet feature matrix

6500 8700 Packetwave Platform

Linktrace messages C C

Loopback messages C C



MEF E-tree X C

MEF E-Access C C

Link Aggregation Groups C C



802.1ab LLDP topology C C


L1Sync and Ethernet Sync C C

Message Channel (ESMC)

Packet forwarding C C

G.8032 ERP C C

Provisionable VLAN EtherType C X

at the port level

Provisionable VLAN Ethertype X C

at the sub-port level

Double tag ingress C C

classification for sub-port

Stamp operations for egress C C

transforms on sub-port

Maximum frame size C C

Resolved CoS mapping policy C C

Ingress resolved CoS profile C C

Egress port queue group C C

Egress port scheduler C C

Description C C

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-13

Table 4-2 (continued)

6500 eMOTR and 8700 Packetwave Platform PSLM-200-20 Ethernet feature matrix

6500 8700 Packetwave Platform

Delay measurement messages C C

VLLI alarming C C

C = compatible
X = not compatible

The following 8700 Packetwave Platform SAOS 8.3 features can be used in
interworking configurations:
• CSLM-200-2
• MPLS-TP enhancements

Feature overview
For 8700 Packetwave Platform SAOS 8.3, the Coherent Packet Services Line
Module (CSLM)-200-2 is introduced. The CSLM-200-2 is based on the 8700
Packetwave Platform Packet Switch Line Module (PSLM)-200-2, with the
addition of two 100G WL3 Nano Coherent DWDM Optical ports. Each optical
DWDM port provides a 100G coherent tunable DWDM interface which is
mapped into an OTU-4 signal for transmission across the backbone fiber. The
CSLM-200-2 acts as a transponder, meaning that the same data-rate (100G)
received on the switch fabric is transmitted onto the line. In most applications,
the CSLM-200-2 will receive the User-Network Interface (UNI, or client-side)
signal from the PSLM-200-2 through the switch fabric before being sent out
the Network-Network Interface (NNI, or line-side) on the DWDM port.
However, the two DWDM ports on the CSLM-200-2 can also act as a UNI for
100G Ethernet client signals.

Figure 4-3 on page 4-14 and Figure 4-4 on page 4-14 show the direct
connection of two CSLM-200-2 modules through a passive mux such as the
Ciena 2150 (with an up to 100 km range) and over dark fiber (with an up to
120 km range).

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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4-14 6500/8700 interworking description

Figure 4-3
CSLM-200-2 connected to CSLM-200-2 over a passive mux

Figure 4-4
CSLM-200-2 connected to CSLM-200-2 over dark fiber

Interworking with the 6500

The CSLM-200-2 is designed to connect directly to a 6500 Photonics CMD for
transmission of data across spans reaching up to 1000km.

Figure 4-5 shows a CSLM-200-2 connection through a 6500 Photonic network

(with a 1000 km range).

Figure 4-5
CSLM-200-2 connection through a 6500 ROADM

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6500/8700 interworking description 4-15

Configuration guidelines
The 8700 Packetwave Platform CSLM-200-2 can be configured in three ways
for transmission across a network:
• direct CSLM-200-2 to CSLM-200-2 connection through optical fiber for
distances up to 120 km. Each fiber pair would connect to a single DWDM
port on the CSLM-200-2, with bandwidth of one 100G Ethernet channel
per fiber pair.
• connection through a passive optical device such as the Ciena 2150 for
distances up to 100 km. Using a passive optical device allows for a more
efficient use of fiber since multiple wavelengths from multiple CSLM-200-
2 cards could be muxed onto the same fiber.
• connection through a 6500 Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer,
(ROADM) network for spans up to 1000 km. The CSLM-200-2 wavelength
spectrum matches the 6500 Photonic spectrum, meaning that the CSLM-
200-2 will connect to a CMD without any interworking issues.

For more detailed configuration information, see 8700 Packetwave Platform

Base Configuration, 380-1873-310.

MPLS-TP enhancements
Feature overview and interworking with 6500
A number of MPLS-TP enhancements were added for 8700 Packetwave
Platform SAOS 8.3:
• Automatic pseudowire reversion
• Support for dynamic MPLS-TP tunnels
• Virtual circuit connectivity verification (VCCV) ping and traceroute support
• Optional static Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for Media Access
Control (MAC) destination address resolution

MPLS-TP is supported on the following 8700 Packetwave Platform modules:

• PSLM-200-20 (154-0400-900)
• PSLM-200-2 (154-0402-900)
• CSLM-200-2 (154-0405-900)
• Control, Timing, and Switching (CTX) module (154-0009-900)
• Switch Module (SM) (154-0006-900)

Table 4-1 on page 4-6 outlines the MPLS-TP feature compatibility between
6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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4-16 6500/8700 interworking description

Configuration guidelines
To configure MPLS-TP on the 8700 Packetwave Platform, follow the general
steps listed below:
• Install/verify if MPLS licenses are installed
• Configure the IP interfaces
• Configure the Primary Static Bidirectional Co-routed Tunnel
• Configure the Backup Static Bidirectional Co-routed Tunnel
• Enable BFD on all LER devices and AIS on all the devices
• Configure the Pseudowires
• Configure the Virtual Switch instances
• Configure the User Interfaces
Note: These steps are for MPLS-TP with static LSPs only since dynamic
LSPs are not supported on 6500.

Refer to 8700 Packetwave Platform MPLS Configuration, 380-1873-312 for

more details on the configuration of MPLS-TP for 8700 Packetwave Platform.

6500 Release 11.1 SPLI enhancements

Service and Photonic Layer Interoperability (SPLI) is a system that discovers
and associates connected equipment on shelves within the same site. SPLI is
used to associate CMD, OMD, and OMX input ports with the line facing
facilities that are connected into the Photonic line. Provisioning the far-end
address on a CMD, OMD, and OMX adjacency (ADJ) facility allows the
Photonic line to discover the proper type of transmitter and autoprovision
some basic configuration information. If a shelf participating in SPLI
associations is removed from a site, a standing alarm will be raised indicating
a failure to associate. To remove this association from a shelf with the alarm,
unused SPLI associations must be cleared.

To support SPLI interworking between the 6500 and 8700, 6500 Release 11.1
allows you to enter a node name and its associated IP address when entering
SPLI entries. The node name entered is used as the provisioned far-end
address for ADJ facilities. OneControl can then use the provisioned far-end
address to identify the 8700 node to which the 6500 is pointing. For
OneControl to manage 8700, the node name entered must match the node
name used by OneControl for stitching.

For information on configuring SPLI on the 6500, refer to Administration and

Security, 323-1851-301, and to Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016

OAM data communications for 8700

Packetwave Platform networks 5-

This section provides the overview information to establish OAM Data

Communications to the Customer Data Communications Network (DCN) for
the 8700 Packetwave Platform.

For 8700 Packetwave Platform, each Control, Timing, and Switching (CTX)
module and the Input/Output Module (IOM) contain a management interface
which can be configured to be responsible for data communications. The 8700
Packetwave Platform supports the manual configuration of a single IPv4
address and up to two IPv6 address for each management interface on the
device. For 8700 Packetwave Platform, there are two ways to connect to a
• Through the local management interfaces.
— Console port, an out-of-band management interface that provides
direct connectivity through the serial port on the CTX module only.
— Debug port, an out-of-band management interface that provides direct
connectivity through a serial port located on each CTX module.
— DCN ports, an out-of-band interface that provides IP connectivity to
the DCN ports. There is one DCN Ethernet interface on each CTX
module and two on the IOM, allowing for a maximum of four DCN ports
on an 8700 Packetwave Platform shelf. The primary DCN port is
always on the primary CTX. Since most networks specify CTX1 as the
primary CTX, CTX1.DCN is normally the primary DCN port. See Table

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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5-2 OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks

Table 5-1
8700 Packetwave Platform DCN local interfaces

Interface name Description Default IP address

IOM.DCN1 DCN1 port on IOM

IOM.DCN2 DCN2 port on IOM

CTX1.DCN DCN port on CTX1

CTX2.DCN DCN port on CTX 2

— Active interface, a logical interface that follows the primary CTX. The
active interface can be used for the initial shelf configuration or fault
recovery without requiring the use of the serial port.
• Through the remote management interface, an in-band interface involving
the configuration of management VLANs for inter-shelf and DCN
communication in an 8700 Packetwave Platform network. This interface
allows the 8700 Packetwave Platform to be accessed from a remote
location and provides OAM capabilities for RNEs through the Line
Modules (LMs). Only one remote management interface link is supported
at any given time for an individual 8700 Packetwave Platform network. For
8700 Packetwave Platform, the default management VLAN is VLAN 127.
In order to carry remote interface traffic, the remote-interface is associated
with a virtual switch. Management access to the switch can then be gained
from any of the members of this virtual switch, including attachment circuit
members. The remote management interface must be configured on a
different IP subnet from the local interfaces.

See Figure 5-1 on page 5-3 for a data communications summary of 8700
Packetwave Platform.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks 5-3

Figure 5-1
Data communications summary for 8700 Packetwave Platform

8700 Packetwave and 6500 data communication interworking

The data communications for 6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform must be
set up independently using this guide, along with the 8700 Packetwave
Platform Base Configuration, 380-1873-311 and 6500 Planning, Part 4 of 4.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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5-4 OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks

For communication between shelves, 6500 uses an out-of-band GCC or IP

overlay while the 8700 Packetwave Platform uses an in-band VLAN
management system. An 8700 Packetwave Platform remote management
interface in-band management VLAN can be configured to pass transparently
through a 6500 network using a Layer 2 data channel on a 6500 L2 MOTR
card, eMOTR card or PKT/OTN circuit packs. The data channel on 6500 can
be configured in two ways in order to back-haul to the DCN for communication
to the 6500 network:
• as an ELAN service (using QinQ/IEEE 802.1ad or IEEE 802.1Q). QinQ
(also known as the 802.1Q standard) allows multiple VLAN tags to be
inserted into a single Ethernet frame. The IEEE 802.1Q standard allows
the support of VLANs on an Ethernet network.
• as a Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS). A VPLS connection allows
multiple sites to share an Ethernet channel by connecting them through

See Figure 5-2 on page 5-5.

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OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks 5-5

Figure 5-2
6500 and 8700 Packetwave Platform management VLAN summary

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5-6 OAM data communications for 8700 Packetwave Platform networks

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016

Terms and Definitions 6-

area border router

A router located near or at the border between one or more OSPF areas. It is
used to establish a connection between the OSPF backbone area (
and any other OSPF area.

address resolution protocol

A transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) that dynamically

binds a network-layer IP address to a data-link-layer hardware address; for
example, an Ethernet address.

asynchronous border router

autonomous system boundary router

the link between the OSPF autonomous system and the external network.
ASBRs exchange their autonomous system topology data with boundary
routers in other autonomous systems.

central office local area network

A facility on the network element that allows the NE to communicate with the
customer DCN.

data communications channel

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Issue 7 323-1851-160 Standard
Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
6-2 Terms and Definitions

SONET/SDH defines two data communications channels: a section/

regenerator section (RS) data communications channel and a line/multiplex
section (MS) data communications channel.

data communications network

A data communications network (DCN) is the set of processes, equipment, or

facilities used to transport signals from one data processing device at one
location to another data processing device at another location.

Ethernet trail termination point

general communication channel

gateway network element

high-level data link control

intershelf local area network

A facility that allows the shelf processor to communicate with the co-located
shelf processor.

Internet protocol

A direct outward dialing (DOD) standard protocol designed for use in

interconnected systems of packet-switching computer communication

link access protocol on the D-channel

Link access protocol on the D-channel (LAPD) is a protocol that operates at

the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI architecture.

local area network

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Terms and Definitions 6-3

A data communications system that lies within a limited geographic area, has
a specific user group, has a specific topology, and is not a public switched
telecommunications network, but may be connected to one. A LAN has a
moderate to high data transmission rate, and supports shared media.
Examples of LAN technologies are Ethernet, token ring, and fiber-distributed
data interface (FDDI).

multiplex section

The segment of a fiber transmission system between network elements where

traffic originates and terminates.

See “network element”.

network element
A collection of equipment that performs some operation in routing or
transporting a telecommunications signal.

Node Manager
A management user interface for the 5400 which allows users to manage and
configure the operation of the switch from anywhere in the network.

operations, administration and maintenance

ODU connection termination point

ODU trail termination point

open shortest path first

optical signaling and routing protocol

A protocol that defines how routers share routing information. Unlike the older
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) which transfers entire routing tables,
OSRP conserves bandwidth by transferring only routing information that has
changed since the previous transfer.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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6-4 Terms and Definitions

optical transport network

OTU trail termination point

point-to-point protocol

An Internet suite protocol used to establish IP communications between two

nodes over non-Ethernet physical interfaces (typically slow-speed serial

physical termination point

remote network element

regenerator section

synchronous digital hierarchy

ITU-T recommendations which detail the world standards covering

synchronous transmission.

small-form factor pluggable

sub-network connection

subtended neighbor element

Synchronous Optical NETwork

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
Terms and Definitions 6-5

The standard for optical transport formulated by Exchange Carriers Standards

Association (ECSA) for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
The standard defines optical carrier (OC) levels and their electrically
equivalent synchronous transport signals (STS).

A fiber optic communication network that a) consists of fiber optic data links
and nodes; b) makes use of synchronous transmission; c) operates with
internal synchronism; and d) may operate in synchronism with other networks.

shelf processor - the circuit pack that houses the CPU, which is the
intelligence center of the 6500 shelves.

The shelf processor provides shelf level control, handles all shelf
communications, and runs the system software. System software resides in
the shelf processor or network nonvolatile memory.

Service and Photonic Layer Interoperability

tandem connection monitoring

TCM connection termination point

TCM trail termination point

target identifier

The TID is a unique code to identify the network element being addressed.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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6-6 Terms and Definitions

6500 Packet-Optical Platform 6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

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Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation July 2016
6500 Packet-Optical Platform
6500/5400/8700 Interworking Solution

Copyright© 2014-2016 Ciena® Corporation. All rights reserved.

Publication: 323-1851-160
Document status: Standard
Document release date: July 2016

For additional information, office locations, and phone numbers, please visit the Ciena
web site at

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