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And there is not a beast in the earth but the

sustenance thereof dependeth on Allah
---that He might try you, which of you is best in
Whoso desireth the life of the world and its pomp
We shall repay them their deeds herein.... those
are they for whom is naught in the Hereafter save
the Fire
Quran is the Truth from Allah; but most of
mankind believe not

Wrong-doers who debar(men from the way of

Allah and would have it crooked, are disbelievers
in the Hereafter, For them the torment will be
Folk of Noah was destroyed only for the reason
that they see the people as the most abject, lower
and degraded
It is the conduct of a person that matters for Allah
not his/her kinship with anyone whosever it may
Ask not of Me that whereof you has no
knowledge(i.e. be content with the decision of the
Quran, a source of knowledge

Folk of Shu'eyb, used to not give full measure and

full weight inspite of being well-to-do, and used to
wrong people in their goods and do evil in the
earth causing corruption. So they were destroyed
for this.
Lo! good deeds annul ill deeds.
And if your Lord had willed, He verily would
have made mankind one nation, yet they cese not
differing, (to differ is in man's nature,save him on
whome your Lord has mercy)
"Verily I shall fill hell with the jinn and mankind
together", this word of God is to be fulfilled.

Envy can make brother an enemy to his brother

Verily in Jospeh and his brethern are signs (of
Alla's Sovereignty) for the inquiring

Parents should give equal treatment to all

She verily desired him, and he would have
desired her if it had not been that he saw the
argument of his Lord Thus it was, that We might
ward off from him evil and lewdness
Lo! the guile of women is very great

The right religion is that you worship none save

Allah, but most men know not this reality.

Allah guides not the snare of the betrayers


Chapter12 Chapter10 TOP Chapters List

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