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Cause Effect
Wedding of king Pelius and Eris, threw a golden apple into the wedding
that said "For the Fairest". Aphrodite,
Thetis Athena, and Hera all wanted the apple, but
Zeus would not choose between them.
Judgment of Paris Paris, Prince of Troy, must choose
which god is the fairest. He chooses
Aphrodite because she offered him
Helen, considered to be the most
beautiful mortal on earth.
Paris steals Helen King Menelaus goes to Crete. While
he is gone, Paris abducts Helen and
brings her back to Troy.
King Menelaus finds that He calls for the Greek army to go and
wage war against Troy and bring her
Helen is gone back.
Odysseus and Achilles Avoid Odysseus pretends to be insane, but
is caught. Achilles dresses up as a
the Army woman, but is also caught, and must
join the army.
Fight over Chryseis Chyseis is taken from her father and
brought to the Greek Agamemnon.
The Aftermath of the War Loss of Troy to Greece and many
deaths on either side of the battle.
Why Literature is important in our lives?

Literature help expand the horizons of its readers. It gives its readers an inside look
into how cultures from other parts of the world differ from their own, and how customs
from other countries help shape how their citizens view the world. By opening their
minds to what different cultures have to offer, readers become more accepting of the
unique differences of people around the world.

Literature also provides a window into the past, allowing readers to see how their
ancestors dealt with day-to-day life. Readers can see where their own people came
from, how the country live in became what it is today. It also make readers look back at
the mistakes made by their predecessors, and hopefully avoid those same mistakes in
the future.

Lastly, literature helps build crucial, critical thinking skills. Readers can learn more
about symbolism within the pages of a book, and it helps them develop the ability to
find the hidden meanings within everyday life. Furthermore, they can make
connections between the characters and the themes of a book, and how that could
apply to their lives.

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