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Tugas UTS

Part A

1. The weather tends C. to Improve in May

2. If orange blossoms are exposed to very cold temperatures, they D. Will Wither and Die
3. If water freezes, it B. Becomes / D. Will Become a solid
4. They are going to get divorce unless D. He Stop Taking Drugs
5. I propose that A. The Vote be Secret Ballot

Part B

6. Absolute zero, the temperature at whom all substances have zero thermal energy and
thus, the lowest possible temperatures, is unattainable in practice.
Perbaikan : A. whom -> which
7. Spell correctly is easy with the aid of a number of word processing programs for
personal computers.
Perbaikan: A. spell -> spelling / to spell
8. With American prices for sugar at three times as much the world price, manufacturers
are beginning to use fructose blended with pure sugar, or sucrose.
Perbaikan: A. as much -> as much as
9. The higher the solar activity, the intense the auroras or polar light displays in the skies
near the Earth's geomagnetic poles.
Perbaikan: A. the intense -> the more intense
10. In most states insurance agents must pass an examination to be licensed when they
will complete their training.
Perbaikan: D. will complete -> complete

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