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PROJECT RUBRIC –ENGLISH 3-4- Task 1: 5% and Task 2: 5%

CATEGORY 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 COMMENTS

The presentation and the The presentation and the The purpose, theme and The presentation and the The presentation and the
paragraph (250 – 300 paragraph (250 – 300 problem and solution of the paragraph (250 – 300 paragraph (250 – 300
words) have a well-stated words) have a clearly stated presentation and the words) lack a purpose, words) do not meet any of
clear purpose, theme and purpose, theme and paragraph (250 – 300 theme and problem and the content criteria.
problem and solution that problem and solution, but words) are somewhat solution.
Content are carried out throughout may have one or two muddy or vague.
each document. elements that do not seem
to be related to it.

All the ideas presented are Some of the ideas Few ideas presented are Ideas presented are not Ideas presented,
relevant according to the presented are relevant relevant according to the relevant according to the instructions and guidelines
Task topics chosen. according to the topics
topics chosen.
Students followed few
topics chosen.
Students did not follow
do not fulfill the task.

Achievement Students followed all the Students followed some of instructions and guidelines. instructions and guidelines.
instructions and guidelines. the instructions and Few pictures are included Students did not include
guidelines. to illustrate the pollution any pictures to illustrate
Pictures are included to issue identified. the pollution issue
illustrate the pollution issue Some pictures are included identified.
identified. to illustrate the pollution
issue identified.

There are no errors in There are 1-4 errors in There are 5-8 errors in There are more than 8 There are plenty of errors in
spelling, punctuation or spelling, punctuation or spelling, punctuation or errors in spelling, spelling, punctuation, or
Spelling and grammar in the final grammar in the final grammar in the final punctuation, or grammar in grammar in the final
version of the presentation version of the presentation version of the presentation the final version of the version of the presentation
Grammar and the paragraph. and the paragraph. and the paragraph. presentation and the and the paragraph.
Students included in their Students included in their Students included in their Students only included in Students did not include in
project words with their project words with their project words with their their project some relevant their project any relevant
antonyms, phrasal verbs, antonyms, phrasal verbs, antonyms, and some words with their antonyms. words with their antonyms.
idioms, and some literal and some idioms studied in phrasal verbs, studied in Material was borrowed Material was borrowed
Vocabulary & and figurative expressions
studied in the course.
the course.
Fair use guidelines are
the course.
Borrowed materials are not
without permission from an
existent presentation
without permission from an
existent presentation
Copyright Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy- properly documented. and/or paragraph. and/or paragraph.
followed with clear, easy- to-locate and accurate
to-locate and accurate citations for most borrowed
citations for all borrowed material.
I have made an exceptional I have tried to make the I have put lots of I have provided only the I have not provided enough
attempt to make the content of the presentation information in my minimum amount of information, and it is not
content of the presentation and the paragraph presentation and my information and I have not interesting to the audience.
Self-evaluation and the paragraph interesting to the people paragraph, but I know that transformed the
interesting to the people for whom it is intended. the information was not information to make it
for whom it is intended. presented in an interesting more interesting to the
way. audience.
Virtual English 4 Teadira Pérez and Marisol Triana
TOTAL: _____________

CATEGORY 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 COMMENTS

The brochure have a well-stated The brochure have a well- The purpose, theme and The brochure lacks a The brochure does not
Content clear purpose, theme and a stated clear purpose, theme problem and solution of the purpose, theme and meet any of the
social issue that affected their and a social issue that brochure are somewhat problem and solution content criteria.
society including its causes and affected their society muddy or vague.
possible solutions that are including its causes and
carried out throughout each possible solutions that are
document. carried out throughout each
document, but may have one
or two elements that do not
seem to be related to it.
All the ideas presented are Some of the ideas presented Few ideas presented are Ideas presented are not Ideas presented,
relevant according to the topics are relevant according to the relevant according to the relevant according to the instructions and
Task chosen. topics chosen.
Students followed some of
topics chosen.
Students followed few
topics chosen.
Students did not follow
guidelines do not fulfill
the task.
Achievement Students followed all the the instructions and instructions and guidelines. instructions and guidelines.
instructions and guidelines. guidelines.
Few pictures are included Students did not include
Pictures are included to Some pictures are included to to illustrate the pollution any pictures to illustrate
illustrate the pollution issue illustrate the pollution issue issue identified. the pollution issue
identified. identified. identified.

There are no errors in spelling, There are 1-4 errors in There are 5-8 errors in There are more than 8 There are plenty of
Spelling and punctuation, or grammar in the spelling, punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, or errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
Grammar final version of the brochure. grammar in the final version
of the brochure.
grammar in the final
version of the brochure.
punctuation, or grammar in
the final version of the
punctuation, or
grammar in the final
brochure. version of the

Students included in their Students included in their Students included in their Students only included in Students did not
Vocabulary & project words with their project words with their project words with their their project some relevant include in their project
Copyright antonyms, phrasal verbs, idioms
and some literal and figurative
antonyms, phrasal verbs, and
some idioms studied in the
antonyms, and some
phrasal verbs, studied in
words with their antonyms.
Material was borrowed
any relevant words
with their antonyms.
expressions studied in the course. the course. without permission from an Material was borrowed
course. Fair use guidelines are Borrowed materials are not existent brochure. without permission
Fair use guidelines are followed followed with clear, easy-to- properly documented. from an existent
with clear, easy-to-locate and locate and accurate citations brochure.
accurate citations for all for most borrowed material.
borrowed material.
I have made an exceptional I have tried to make the I have put lots of I have provided only the I have not provided
Self-evaluation attempt to make the content of content of the brochure information in my minimum amount of enough information in
the brochure interesting to the interesting to the people for brochure, but I know that information and I have not the brochure and it is
people for whom it is intended. whom it is intended. the information was not transformed the not interesting to the
presented in an interesting information to make it audience.
way. more interesting to the
Virtual English 4 Teadira Pérez and Marisol Triana TOTAL: _____________

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