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  Module : Civil Engineering Projects ( Construction as industry )                                                                Print this page

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In the service industry, the quality of the job completed is more dependent upon the quality of the personal. Such as in
school, the teaching depends more on the quality of teachers rather than anything else. Similar services  of a bank
depends on the behavior of the employee of the bank.

Construction has many characteristics common to both manufacturing and service industries. There is a gigantic
product, which is building, bridges or dams. Somebody invest for these products but most of the construction
companies should not be worried about the money invested.

Also as in other service industries, success or failure in construction is by far more dependent on the qualities of its
people than it is on technologies protected by patents or by the shear availability of capital facilities, the latter in
particular, is often also very important. So, we can say that construction industry has common characteristics of both
manufactures as well as service industries. But construction company construction company works more like
services industry, which constitute major partner. Major partner.

Construction is highly fragmented and sometimes divisive.  There are hundreds or thousands of registered
contractors in particular states with net transaction very less.

Construction industry is very custom-oriented.

The construction industry is almost completely incentive oriented.

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