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I noticed that I could read the sheets from the ballot boxes with the
votes per candidate.

9. I started logging the information from those sheets in my notes.

10. I thought that it might provide a cross reference of information for

an audit should that come to fruition of what was on the sheets and what was

actually entered.

11. After logging the votes for nine (9) of the boxes, I saw a pattern or

expectation of number of votes.

12. On the 10th box, I observed the total for Donald J. Trump to be 13

and the total for Joe Biden to be 10,707.

13. I turned to the lady next to me, another GOP Poll Watcher

and stated loud enough for all to hear, "10,000 for Biden? That is not right."

14. The two (2) poll workers discussed it for a moment and one of them

called over a Poll Manager named (sp?).

15. took that paper to a table at the back of the polling location

where they stored the ballots. There were two other workers present at that


16. I was standing approximately ten feet away.

17. I could hear the workers discussing and speculating as to what the

workers meant to write.

18. I heard one worker state they thought the comma was in the wrong

place, but that "it still did not come out right.".

19. I heard the workers discuss making the change. They began to

speak in a lower voice and I was not able to hear anything further.

20. I saw , with that paper in hand, was walking and looking all
around the floor for someone.

21. I followed at a distance.

22. I saw go to the back tables and hand the paper to the two

workers and had a brief discussion. She then left the tables and headed towards

the front of the room.

23. I followed at about fifteen feet behind.

24. then turned around and yelled at me with her hands out to

her side, "Stop following me! I don't have anything!"

25. I followed her up front, but added another five feet distance.

26. I saw speak with the main Poll manager, .

27. I approached a person whom I understood to be the Election

Director for DeKalb, and introduced myself.

28. He was clearly agitated and asked, "What happened to the deal?"
29. He proceeded to state that there was only one person which he was

to deal with for questions and was not happy about me engaging him.
30. I apologized and let him know that I was not aware of any deal. I

stated that I didn't know any of those observers and that I am statewide poll

watcher and I wanted to inform him of what I believe to be a serious situation.

31. I discussed the issue with the need for a recount and he

left to speak with . I saw them go to the back of the room with the tables

and the other two workers.

32. Upon his return, stated that they would recount the box.
33. told me that he agreed that the numbers were seemingly


34. stated to me that the weight of the box is not 10,000

ballots and that a new crew was coming in at 3:00 PM "or thereabouts".

35. I asked that I be allowed to track that box through the


36. said yes.

37. I asked , "How will I know?"

38. said to me that he would tell me.

39. then pointed to the box at the back of the room on the

end of the table.

40. He stated that was the box and when the crew is ready, that they

would signal him, and he would get me to walk it over and witness the recounting.
41. The tone of our relationship changed to more collaborative for the
rest of the day.

42. At approximately 2:30 PM, I went outside to inform

of the situation.

43. At about 3:00 PM, pulled me aside and sought out a

Democrat Poll Watcher - whom he had informed of the situation.

44. The two of us escorted the box to yellow table 1.

45. We verified that on the form signed and submitted by previous

counters that it stated the count totals as: Trump = 13, Biden = 10,707.

46. I asked what ballots these were.

47. He said that they were ballots from early voting.

48. I noted a sticker on the box which stated the following: Location

— Elmwood; Scanner 2; Box 2 and 1,105.

49. Once the count was completed, I noted the count totals were:

Trump = 13, Biden = 1,081. A difference of 9,626 less vote that had been

credited to Biden in the recount and submitted for tabulation

50. The recount total for the box was 1,103, two less than the box

51. I wanted to ensure that there was a process in place that they

would log this and/or track it later.

52. I spoke with , inquiring as to the status of the original

form with the count.

53. stated that she did not know, but I could speak with the

lady at the table who was entering in the information.

54. The lady at the table who was entering in the information, was

one of the two who were present initially.

55. I saw another worker retrieve the forms.

56. Upon his return, she laid the forms next to each other (the original

still having the blue tape stuck along the side) to compare and verify the counts

as stated. She stated that both forms would remain together with the other

forms for any possible audit.

57. and were present and verified both

forms at that table.

58. I was informed of two additional recounts of two other boxes

taking place.

59. and stated to me that they did not know the

nature of the recount or why it was ordered.

60. and stayed to track the final count

and compare them like I did with the aforementioned recount.

State of Georgia
County of Fulton

Appeared before me , this 16th day of November 2020 and after

being duly sworn, stated the forgoing statements are true and correct to the
best of his knowledge and belief.

Notary Public

ee—t •
Cobb County

, 2024
- ________________________________________—

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