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Student_____Chandler Briggs__________________________ Interviewer ______Gist

Please give form to student at the conclusion of mock Interview
Date _____11/6/2020___________________________

Criteria 2 3 4 5 Score
Communication  Showed lack of interest  Showed some interest  Showed interest  Very attentive 5
 Nervous  Spoke in a somewhat throughout the interview  Spoke clearly and
Did the student speak
in an articulate  Incomplete thoughts nervous manner  Spoke articulately most of articulately
the time  Was confident in
manner during interview  Not articulate  Lacked confidence in
as well as in their  Used general words at knowledge
 Response riddled with knowledge
greeting? times instead of details  No "um’s, uh's, er's” etc."
"um’s, uh's, er's, etc."  Many "um’s, uh's, er's,
 Some "um’s, uh's, er's”  Professional behavior and
 Unacceptable behavior etc."
and language when  Acceptable behavior, well language (handshake,
 Used typical behavior
greeted and closing the mannered, “hello”, “thank you”, eye
and language – did
interview. professionalism lacking contact, etc.)
modify behavior to fit
the interview

Integrating  Failed to integrate  Integrated some  Integrated knowledge,  Fully integrated 4

Did the student knowledge, content or knowledge, content or content or experiences knowledge, content and
integrate knowledge, experiences (BAR experiences (BAR in a generally organized experiences in an
content, and technique not used) technique inconsistent and accurate manner organized, accurate
experiences?  Inaccurate and/or usage) (BAR technique and detailed manner (BAR
incomplete responses  Response was inconsistent usage) technique consistently
 Listener was confused somewhat rambling or  Invited response from used)
 Shows no interest and missing details the listener  Engaged listener with
knowledge of position  Listener needed to ask unique answers
 Shows some interest and
and company clarifying questions knowledge of position and  Shows interest and
 Shows little interest company knowledge of position and
and knowledge of company
position and company

Body  Body language conveyed  Body language was  Body language conveyed  Body language 5
disinterest and/or difficulty to interpret interest in responding conveyed eagerness to
Language extreme nervousness (Too nervous and/or  Occasional loss of eye respond
Did the student’s body  Gestures were too casual) contact
language convey  Eye contact made
somewhat limited,  Eye contact was made  Brief slouching, but
interest and facilitate unnatural and/or stiff  Sitting straight in chair,
intermittently quickly correctly self
the responses? good posture and poise
 Hand and/or facial  Occasional slouching  Hand and facial
movements were timed
movements were natural,
inappropriately and/ or timed effectively and
distracting emphasized key points

Asking  No questions asked  Student asked basic  Some basic questions  Asked thoughtful 4
questions mixed with thoughtful questions relating to own
Questions questions experiences and growth

1-8 = Poor 9-11= Needs Improvement 12-14 = Satisfactory 15-17 = Good 18-20 Outstanding18
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