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Virgie Luz T. Barangan September 27, 2019


When we define a personality, people usually look for the spiritual aspects (emotions, mind or
behavior) of a person and categorized it into two; strong or weak and good or bad personality. According
to American Psychological Association (2019), personality refers to individual differences in
characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. When someone questions our personality, we
find it difficult to answer. Thus, we used test for self-reflection and assessment of ourselves. Personality
profile is the data of individual traits and characteristics. Rouse (2009), defines it as a knowledge
management tool used to provide an evaluation of an employee’s personal attributes, values and life skills
in an effort to maximize the job performance and contribution to the company. This test was taken to
identify individuals’ personality types, strengths, and preferences (Dales, 2018). The test I took from
my instructor was not enough to identify whether I am sensing or intuition, and thinking or feeling.
Hence, I took another test from the internet which is Kiersey Temperament Sorter from 16 personalities.

Introvert person enjoys staying at home alone than going to social gatherings. Social gatherings
can drain them and regaining energy by spending time alone. It is hard to initiate a conversation or talking
in front of many people which makes them nervous. Furthermore, 16 personalities (2011) stated that
introverted person was well suited to any situations. They prefer to be their own pace and being alone
makes relieved the exhaustion and it brings serenity. To understand better the introvert persons Chery
(2019) defines the introvert as a personality trait characterized by focusing on internal feelings rather than
on external sources of stimulation. It is also important to note that introvert is not the same thing as social
anxiety or shyness.

The result of my test from 16 personalities and the test I took from my instructor stated that I am
75% introverted. I am a person who loves to stay at home as long as I have my phone and book with me. I
only attend social gatherings when attendance is compulsory and it has additional points.

Intuition is an imaginative and innovative person. According to Booth (2018), intuitive people
live in the future and are immersed in the world of possibilities. They process information through
patterns and impressions. Intuitive people value inspiration and imagination. They gather knowledge by
reading between the lines. According to Power Positivity (2015), their abstract nature attracts them
toward deep ideas and concepts. They see the “big picture”.

The result from the Keirsey Temperament Sorter shows that I am 78% intuitive. My friends
described me as a weird person. During brainstorming, sometimes I suggested out of the box ideas. I love
to make experiments in my dishes. Sometimes it looks disgusting. Walking is the time of my reflection
and daydreaming. It is the time when I can think of many things like future, regretful events happened to
me, and possibilities. It swept away my worries and stresses aside from watching an anime.

Feeling is an emotional person. In making a decisions, the heart is dominant than the mind. But it
doesn’t mean they don’t use their mind. Perhaps their decisions were influenced by their emotions and the
welfare of others. Problem of others become their problem. Moreover, 16 personalities (2011), explained
that feeling sometimes without realizing they follow their hearts and emotions. They tend to be caring,
compassionate, warm, and very protective whether it is or not a family, relatives or close friends. The
reliance on feeling doesn’t mean there is no logic. They just used different logic. Emotions can’t simply
wave away since feelings and welfare of others shape their lives. In any relationship, a feeling person is
seen as caring, warm, and tactful. They tend to put other people’s feelings first, and are always concerned
about keeping others happy above all else (Uniacke, 2018).

My test result from Keirsey Temperament Sorter shows that I am 75% feeling. During group
activities, even though one of my group mates does not contributed anything I still list his/her name. I
don’t like the feeling that I am the reason of their failing grades. My friend usually describes me as a
warm-hearted and a caring person which I totally agree. Although, I am busy of paper works I allocate
time to answer the assignments of my neighbor. I have a friend that is confused of what course she will
take in college, I asked her, “What did you want?” In making decisions, the first thing that I do is
disregard everything and asked myself, what do I really want? To me it is important to follow what you
desire and not what others want for you. Afterwards, I scrutinize if it is possible and if not, I seek help
and support of others or make a possible plans to achieve it.

Judging persons are focused on what are their goals and plans. Think ahead and stick according to
their plans. Furthermore, 16 personalities (2011), defines that judging is comfortable when the course is
well-planned and they would never deals something on the spot rather they prepared back-up plans. This
type of personality prefers clarity and closure, sticking with plans rather go with the flow, and completing
the tasks. Judging is the person who develops a clear and actionable plan. They tend to have a strong
work ethic, putting their duties and responsibilities above everything else. According to the Personality
Max (2019), judging people think sequentially. They value order, organization and sequence. Being
judging does not mean judgmental. Judging does not describe a person with negative words. Instead, it
refers to how a person deals with day-to-day activities.

I am 83% judging based on the result from Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the test from my
instructor. Before I make something like projects, I will not create it without any plans ahead. I learned
that making something without plan is waste of time. I don’t like deadlines. I like to do my assignments
with ease and not pressured by the deadlines since, it takes time for me to finish it. The calendar of my
phone is full of my schedules and I have different kinds of note (notes, color note and keep notes). Having
a planner gives me ease and peace of mind. I will not be worried that I forget something to do. I don’t like
disarranged things because I can’t concentrate. I arranged it first before I start working.

The result of my test from Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the test from my instructor
says that I'm an INFJ or an advocate. According to Sixteen Personalities (2011), an INFJ or Advocates
personality types are rare, making up less than one percent of the population, passionate and mysterious
type. They’re soft-spoken people who have strong opinions and ideas. As someone with this personality
type, your idealism, morality, and empathy make you someone who cherishes their integrity and deeply
held principles. Unlike many other idealistic types, however, you are not idle dreamers. You are also
capable of turning those ideals into plans and taking concrete steps in executing them.
As what I understand about advocate people, they support something with the purpose of helping
others. When they believe on something is important, they pursue that goal with certainty and catch
others off-guard who believe it is impossible to achieve. They may live in ideals, a high standard of living
knowable only in mental states or entities. However, the ideals do not stay just stay in words and mind but
they find a ways to achieve it. They find a way to balance their ideals with the realities.

Advocates are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives (Granneman, 2018). I
agree because I tend to be very private. Even though, we are friends I am very secretive and I don’t truly
open up my thoughts and feelings from the start. Since, I’ve experienced betrayal. I find it challenging to
truly trust a friend. As well as when we don’t share a common thread. I only open up unless, I am
comfortable and feel that those around me can be trusted.
When I believe about something, I fight and stand it especially when I’m correct but it doesn’t
mean I am not open and doesn’t accept that I’m wrong. My friend and I always argue or debate
something regarding school discussions and others. In the end I always accept if I’m wrong but it rarely
happened since majority of our discussions, I win.


16 Personalities (2011). Introduction of Advocate. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association (2019). Personality. Retrieved from

Booth, J. (2018). Which Myers-Briggs Types Are The Most Intuitive? These Personalities Have Strong
Gut Feelings. Retrieved from

Cherry, K. (2019). 8 Signs You’re an Introvert. Retrieved from

Dales, (2018). Understanding the Self. Fortich St., Malaybalay City: Bukidnon State University.

Granneman, J. (2018). 10 Secrets of the INFJ, The Rarest personality Type in The World. Retrieved from

Personality Max (2019). Judging vs. Perceiving Preference. Retrieved from

Personality Max (2019). Sensing vs. Intuition Personality .Retrieved from

Personality Page (2015). INFJ. Retrieved from

Power of Positivity (2015). 10 Signs of an Intuitive Person. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (2009). What is Personality Profile? Retrieved from

Uniacke, K. (2018). Are You a Thinking or Feeling Personality Type? Retrieved from

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