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Name: ROBERTO VIVAR Date: 15-11-2020

English III - Class # … Teacher: Jimena Rivadeneira

Remember to submit this worksheet on SIDWeb until Tuesday 23h59.


 Work at home and complete all the exercises below.

 Get ready for a mini-quiz next class.

PART A - Topic: Vocabulary_Unit 7B_Verbs and Prepositions

Exercise 1
a. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 7B: House and home_Vocabulary: Verbs and prepositions

a. Complete the activities on PAGE 2 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

b. Complete the activities on PAGE 3 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

Exercise 2
a. Match the words in the box with the prepositions.


1. argue with someone

2. cope with something

Think about something

3. complain about something
4. care about something
5. worry about something

Pay for something

Wait for something
6. apologize for something

7. believe in something

8. succeed in doing something

Rely on someone/something
9. depend on someone/something

10. belong to someone

PART B - Topic: Grammar_Unit 7A_Modals of Deduction

Exercise 1
b. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 7: House and home_Grammar: Quantifiers
c. Complete the activities on PAGE 5 , take a screenshot and paste it below.
Exercise 2
b. Go over the next explanation about Quantifiers
c. Underline the correct quantifier in each sentence.

Exercise Answers

1. no
2. a lot of
3. enough
4. much
5. enough
6. a lot of
7. a lot
8. none
9. a few
10. too
d. Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence.


2. There are too many people and no chairs.

3. I wanted a biscuit, but there were none.
4. Make sure you take enough money.
5. They did not give us enough information.
6. I saw very few people.
7. We had no money.
8. She’s got a lot of time tomorrow.

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