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The School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Claflin University
Dr. Henry N. Tisdale, President
Fall 2010
Volume 10 No. 1 The World Needs Visionaries We develop the whole person

By Dr. Peggy S. Ratliff, Dean

The award-winning School of Stand to make a positive
Humanities and Social Sciences
welcomes back all faculty, staff and
students. We have added several new By Mandakini Hiremath
faculty and staff members to our School
and the Claflin Family. When a friend of mine said that she had been wrong-
Read the column Goodbye and fully insulted, I bombarded her with “What? When?
welcome to get acquainted with new Where? Why? How” before she finished her sentence.
Dr. Peggy Ratliff faculty members who have joined the However, she seemed very hurt and wasn’t ready to talk
School. about what had happened. I tried to provide her with so-
Congratulations to Dr. Camille Kantor, who recently lace by speaking about the positive aspects that we en-
earned her doctoral degree in geography. She is no stranger counter in everyday life. The world we live in may not be
to the University, having served for several semesters as an perfect, but it is still a wonderful place to live. Therefore, I
adjunct professor; she joins the Department of History and asked her to try to put that incident out of her mind, hop-
Sociology as an instructor of geography. ing that the guilty party’s conscience will have to answer
Additionally, we are proud to welcome two new staff for the injustice.
members: Ms. Tynisha Jones joins the Department of English Let us bow our heads in faith to thank the God Al-
and Foreign Languages as an associate administrative mighty for his amazing creation. Should we pause to glance
assistant, and Ms. Carolyn Goodman, associate administrative at those who are loud and vain or too passive to lend a
assistant, joins the Department of Philosophy and Religion. hand to make a positive contribution, to make a differ-
With the experience and skills of these new faculty and ence, and say to them, “Thank you for nothing”? Or should
staff members, we are even better equipped to serve the we follow William James’ pearl of wisdom, “The art of
Claflin family and the surrounding community. Moreover, we being wise is knowing what to ignore,” and move forward
are looking forward to working with these new members as in gratitude with a smile for those who take a firm stand
we implement several new majors and mentor returning and lend their firm hands to make this world each day a
students who have selected a major in a discipline in the better place to live in peace and justice?
humanities or social sciences. Each one’s time on earth is limited. There is only so
A section on new faculty provides more information on much energy that anyone is bestowed with in this life time.
the faculty listed above and sections on each department Energy is power. One should not waste it. One can do
also provide accomplishments of our faculty, staff and only so much in a given time, so he or she should not dwell
students. We were deeply saddened in May 2010 on negative things. One should be happy to join the com-
by the passing of Dr. Preston Blakely, associate professor of munity of just, happy and positive thinkers who are al-
mass communication. Be sure to read the special section of ways ready to lend a hand to uplift the downtrodden, to
this newsletter as we lift him up in memoriam as a colleague make a difference. These positive contributors are des-
and a friend. tined to stay on top because they need always to stand on
Overall, the School is off to a good start, and we are top in order to be able to lift someone else up. They are
looking forward to a most productive academic year.

This newsletter is available on the website

Page 2 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

The School of Humanities and
Department of Art
By Mr. Winston Kennedy, Chair
Social Sciences Newsletter
Dean Dr. Kod Igwe, professor of art, has been doing applied research and creating
Dr. Peggy S. Ratliff a unique sculpture that will be unveiled at the Orangeburg County Fine Arts
Center on October 27, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. The artwork, recently approved by
Compiler the City Council, is dedicated to the mayor and the City Council of the City of
Mandakini Hiremath
Orangeburg. The Fine Arts Center is located at 649 Riverside Drive.
Editors Mr. Herman Keith, assistant professor and immediate past director of the
Linda R. Hill Arthur Rose Museum, is also the former chairman of the Department of Art.
Mandakini Hiremath Mr. Keith has been a significant chronicler of the legacy of Arthur Rose, a
Design and Layout pioneering art educator who left us a rich tradition in the visual arts at Claflin
Mandakini Hiremath University. After organizing a series of important exhibitions over the years, Mr.
Keith has vigorously returned to his studio. This past summer he created a
series of twenty paintings. He employed his “key motif” when he attended
Special Thanks to FACETS – the Fine Arts Enrichment Teaching Studios, here in Orangeburg.
Dr. Peggy S. Ratliff, dean of the school Mr. Habibur Rahman, associate professor and immediate past chair of
of Humanities and Social Sciences, for the Department of Art, is the founding professor of the digital design program in
giving me the opportunity to produce the the department. He was awarded a 2010 Summer Research Grant from the
newsletter. Center for Excellence in Teaching at Claflin University. Mr. Rahman began the
task of organizing, writing and editing a monograph on the graphic design work
Ms. Linda R. Hill, assistant professor of
English, for agreeing to work with me that he has created for the Arthur Rose Museum over the last several years.
as an editor. Due to the fact that his computers have been upgraded more than three times
during his tenure, retrieval of images and text has been a problematic task –
Members of the School and Depart- increasing the difficulty of the present work. It is an important moment in a
ment Chairs for their contributions. graphic designer’s life when a monograph is organized and published. In this
instance the monograph, in one sense, is a catalogue raisonne. It permits
Dr. Henry N. Tisdale, president, and
Claflin University and beyond to reflect and understand an important aspect of
Dr. George E. Miller, III, vice president
for academic affairs, for encouragement. his contributions to the visual art and design programs at Claflin University.
Mr. Jelani Thomas, assistant professor, began a large series of artworks
that will eventually contain at least twenty paintings and drawings that visually
Finally, I sincerely appreciate all the
reference and investigate the Afro Brazilian Capoeira of Angola art form. Sub-
compliments from my administrators,
ject categories represented in the series are derived from the musical instru-
co-workers, students, and friends on the
ments of Capoeira; the singing of traditional songs; the martial games of Capoeira
previous issues of the newsletter and the
Angola; and, from within these games, the ritual calls and gestures known as
columns that are printed in The Times
chamadas. In his applied research Mr. Thomas
and Democrat. These encouraging
employs four different media to convey the discrete
words are a source of motivation.
formal visual references
The School of Humanities and to realize his imaging: pen and ink; pastels; oil paints;
Social Sciences publishes its and digital painting. The completed series will con-
newsletter periodically; therefore, tain five works executed in each medium. The se-
please bring your stories to the ries will be completed by April 2011.
compiler, Mrs. Hiremath. I am in Additionally, Mr. Thomas attended a one-week
the Writing Center, GTK, room # Art Educators Forum at the Savannah College of
228, ext. 5422. Your stories should Art and Design during the summer of 2010. His re-
be typed using Microsoft word. search during this program was funded through a
You may e-mail attachments at Summer Research Grant from the Center for Ex- cellence in Teaching at Claflin University. His re- Study of Flamingo by
See ART DEPARTMENT, page 12 Mr. Terrance Robinson
Page 3 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Goodbye and welcome

By Mandakini Hiremath

As the 2009-2010 academic year ended, a few col- Ms. Gloria D. Brogdon, native of Aylett, Virginia, joins
leagues moved on to their chosen destinations. Our school us as an instructor in the Department of
misses each departing member, but life has to go on. As it’s Mass Communications. She earned her
said, persons may come and go, but institutions stay intact. B.S. in print journalism from Bowie State
The beginning of each academic year is filled with new aspi- University and MLA in broadcast jour-
rations, promises and challenges. Each member of the Claflin nalism/television production and
family is expected to persevere and to meet expectations. scriptwriting from Oklahoma City Uni-
As we welcome new freshmen and transfer students, we versity. Ms. Brogdon has thirteen years
Ms. G. Brogdon
also gladly welcome new faculty members who have joined of teaching experience at both the uni-
the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Let us look versity and secondary levels. She served as a department
forward to working together to accomplish Claflin chair at Virginia Union University for three years and has
University’s mission. extensive experience with software for website development
Dr. Tiffany Boyd Adams joins us as an assistant pro- and use, Adobe Creative Suites, media technology, and media
fessor in the Department of English and education. Ms. Brogdon teaches basic writing and web con-
Foreign Languages. Before coming to vergence/production classes and will assist with our online
Claflin University, she was an adjunct website for The Panther.
professor at Winthrop University in Rock Ms. Brogdon is a professional videographer, and has
Hill, SC, and at UNC-Charlotte. created several full-length and short productions. Currently
Dr. Adams earned her Ph.D. in En- Ms. Brogdon is a Ph.D. candidate in media art and text
glish from the University of Georgia in (MATX) interdisciplinary studies at Virginia Commonwealth
Athens in December 2009, her master’s University.
Dr. T. Adams degree from Morgan State University in When asked why she chose Claflin and what she plans
Baltimore, MD, and her bachelor’s de- to accomplish, Ms. Brogdon answered, “I chose Claflin
gree from the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Her because I feel the University has a great Communications
teaching and research areas of specialization are twentieth- Department. My accomplishments at Claflin University are
century Anglophone Caribbean literature and twentieth-cen- directly connected to the needs of the students.”
tury African American literature. Dr. Nathaniel Frederick, II, a 2002 Claflin graduate,
Dr. Adams was awarded the Manuscript, Archive, and returns to his alma mater as an assistant
Rare Books Library (MARBL) Fellowship in July 2009 professor in the Department of Mass
from Emory University. She studied the non-fiction prose of Communications. Dr. Frederick earned
Alice Walker and the Universal Negro Improvement his Ph.D. in mass communications in
Association’s (U.N.I.A.) business and personal letters of 2009 and his master’s degree in media
Marcus Garvey and his wife Amy Garvey. She lived and studies in 2004 from the Pennsylvania
studied in Trinidad at the University of the West Indies. Dr. N. Frederick State University and his B.A. in mass
When asked why she chose Claflin and what she plans communications from Claflin University.
to accomplish, Dr. Adams answered, “I chose to work at Dr. Frederick spent several years teaching as an adjunct
Claflin University because it can provide me with opportu- and teaching assistant while attending school, and served as
nities for growth and leadership.” She added, “While at the Frederick Douglass Postdoctoral Scholar in the Com-
Claflin, I plan to lead my students by example. I am com- munication Studies Department at the California University
mitted to being a responsible and knowledgeable teacher of Pennsylvania before joining the faculty. Dr. Frederick
who aims to make her students informed, global citizens. I teaches theory and foundations courses for the department
also plan to continue to build a strong record of publications and will oversee the honors thesis courses and development
and research so that I can be an influential voice in Carib- for the department. Most recently he was invited to speak
bean Studies.” on a panel; he discussed the topic Gospel Music and So-
Proud mom, Dr. Adams says, “I have an awesome cial Consciousness, 1945-1960.
daughter named Naima Simone.”
See, NEW MEMBERS, page 4
This newsletter is available on the website
Page 4 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

NEW MEMBERS - continued from page 3

Dr. Frederick has presented his research twice overseas • Bachelor’s degree (French and English), Babes-
at international conferences at the Collegium for African Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2003)
American Research in Bremen, Germany. His research was When asked why she chose Claflin and what she plans
also competitively selected for the International Communi- to accomplish, Dr. Kantor answered, “I chose to become a
cation Association Conference in Dresden, Germany. There member of the Claflin University family primarily because I
he presented a paper entitled A Couple of White Guys found here a lot of warmth, understanding, and friendly
Sittin’ ‘Round Talkin’: Representations of Masculinity and people. From the very first days of school, I felt integrated
Commodification in ‘Frasier.’ and received support from faculty and staff, which made my
When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans to transition almost imperceptible. Being both a Claflin gradu-
accomplish, Dr. Frederick answered, “Claflin University is ate student and a part-time faculty for two years, I proudly
my alma mater, and Orangeburg is my hometown. I have a felt like a liaison between the student body and the faculty,
special relationship with this university and the community. which made me even more aware of the bonds that have
When I finished my degree from Claflin, I wanted to work in been established throughout the years between the two, lead-
the television industry. In graduate school, I took a course ing to the creation of a successful institution.” She added,
that made me realize that media is constructed to make us “My goal for the future is to establish a full-fledged geogra-
think a certain way about the world. This course led me to phy department, but mostly to introduce GIS courses, since
think about media more critically. Instead of working in the HBCU’s have had little access to this relatively new tech-
industry, I chose to study the industry. As a professor, I can nology, which could benefit all majors, not only those inter-
share these ideas with students. My greatest satisfaction as ested in areas related to geography.”
a teacher is having a positive influence on young persons Talking about her academic special achievements, ad-
and showing them new ways to think about the world. That ventures, and contributions, Dr. Kantor said, “My most re-
type of influence stays with someone for a lifetime. My pro- cent achievement of which I am particularly proud is getting
fessors at Claflin inspired me to attend graduate school, so my Ph.D., the result of five years of intensive study and indi-
my goal is to be that inspiration for someone else.” He added, vidual work. Secondly, I managed to present at four confer-
“I hope to expose students to different aspects of media by ences this year, two of which were international conferences,
inviting both media practitioners as well as scholars to share Rural Space and Local Development, Romania, and the 2nd
their experiences and insights.” Serbian Geographers Congress. The other two were held
In his spare time, Dr. Frederick enjoys traveling and by Duke University and Claflin University. I was also a re-
watching movies, especially documentaries. cipient of Who’s Who in America and graduated with a 4.00
Dr. Camelia-Maria Kantor, originally from Romania, GPA from the MBA program at Claflin University.”
Eastern Europe, after teaching part time for Mr. Winston Kennedy joins as a professor of art, chair
two years, joins us as an instructor of geog- of the Department of Art, and director
raphy in the Department of History and So- of the Arthur Rose Museum. He comes
ciology. She earned her Ph.D. in human ge- from the suburbs of Washington, DC,
ography and regional development from Hyattsville, MD. He has also lived in
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ro- New York City and Washington, DC.
Dr. C. Kantor mania, and her M.B.A. from Claflin Univer- He earned the Bachelor of Arts degree
sity, Orangeburg, South Carolina, in 2010. (magna cum laude) from North
In addition she has earned following degrees: Mr. W. Kennedy
Carolina Central University, Durham,
• Master’s degree in education management, 1 North Carolina, in 1970 and the Master
Decembrie 1918 University, Alba-Iulia, Romania of Fine Arts degree from the University of North Carolina at
(2006) Chapel Hill in 1972.
• Master’s degree in regional development, Babes- Mr. Kennedy was previously chairman of the Department
Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2005) of Art and director of the Gallery of Art at Howard University,
• Undergraduate studies in geo-informatics , Babes- where he accomplished most of his academic and
Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2004)
See, NEW MEMBERS, page 5
Page 5 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

NEW MEMBERS - continued from page 4

administrative goals. He took early retirement from Howard Many were reviewed by the Washington Post. He
University in 2001. His wife, at that time, had won the wrote the NASAD self-study report and hosted the
McArthur “Genius Grant” Fellowship, and she was evaluation team, nurturing the eventual full accreditation of
subsequently offered her dream professorship at New York the department. During his second term as chair, he advanced
University. He thought it was appropriate to support her student enrollment in the Art Department from 60 students
dreams, so they moved to New York City. In New York, he to 160 students and completely replaced all studio and office
became a Schomburg Scholar at the Schomburg Center for furniture and was able to secure a major warehouse facility
Research in Black Culture, NYPL. He did research in to which their sculpture program was relocated; additionally,
documents and art objects concerning two subjects: “Out of individual studios were provided for MFA graduate students.
the Shadows: The Image of Black Men in Fine Arts and Dr. Emmanuel N. Ngwang joins us as a professor in
Popular Prints” and “A History of African American the Department of English and Foreign
Printmakers from 1724 to the Present Day.” Although he Languages. After graduating from the
has written articles and given lectures in the United States University of Yaoundé with a B.A. in 1977
and Europe (University of Paris 7) on this subject, he, and an MAT in English and Teaching English
nevertheless, anticipate that he will complete this research in 1978, Dr. Ngwang gained admission into
and publish on the same early in his tenure at Claflin University. the University of Wisconsin in the fall of 1980
Dr. Ngwang
He has found some interesting materials concerning to do an M.A. in American literature.
Charleston slave printers working in 1750 at the South However, in the spring of 1981, he transferred to Central
Carolina Historical Society in Charleston. This work State University (now the University of Central Oklahoma),
continues. Edmond, Oklahoma, where he later obtained an M.A. in
When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans to English in December 1981. That spring he gained admission
accomplish, Mr. Kennedy answered, “I was impressed by into Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, where he
Claflin University’s ranking by external evaluators, especially earned his Ph.D. in American literature with a specialization
its ranking among HBCU’s. Additionally, although I was born in 19th and 20th Century American drama in 1986. Before
in Bridgeton, NJ, I consider Orangeburg to be my primary coming to Claflin Dr. Ngwang taught at Oklahoma State
ancestral home on my maternal side. I lived here for ten University for four years as a graduate associate; University
years as a child, although on my paternal side my ancestral of Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 1987-1997, where he moved
home is Jamaica, WI.” He added, “I plan to build a superior up to the rank of associate professor and acting chair of the
art program at Claflin University. I believe that the faculty Department of English, coordinator of Graduate (M.A. and
has begun to assist me in that process through their current doctoral) Programs; Kentucky State University, Frankfort,
careful review of and recommendations on the various Kentucky from 1997-2003 and Mississippi Valley State
programs in the Department. Our intent is to become a University from 2003-2010.
regionally important art program in two to three years. After Dr. Ngwang has won significant recognition in academia
this time, with continuing effective work, we should be able both in Cameroon and the U.S. Of particular note are the
to obtain a national ranking as a leader in African American 2000 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers; 2002 Who’s
art. We wish to challenge the standing of Howard University Who Among American Teachers; 2002-2003 College of
and Spelman in the visual arts. We wish to deliver an Arts and Sciences Excellence in Scholarship & Creative
increasingly superior program for our students.” Award, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky;
Mr. Kennedy states that one of his academic and the 2004 Mississippi Humanities Teacher Award for
achievements during his first tenure as chair of the Art Excellence in Teaching & Research, Jackson, Mississippi.
Department was tripling the departmental budget from Dr. Ngwang’s research interests have shifted to postcolonial
$15,000 to $45,000. The Gallery of Art’s budget was also literature with emphasis on dramatic literature. Some of his
tripled from $7,000 to $21,000. The Art Department’s recent publications include “Arrah’s Existential Dilemma: A
general operating budget was $1,300,000+. Mr. Kennedy Study of Tanyi-Tang’s Arrah” in Cameroon Literature in
presented a series of annual exhibitions in the Gallery of Art. English: Critical Essay on Fiction and Drama (2010);
See, NEW MEMBERS, page 6
Page 6 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

NEW MEMBERS - continued from page 5

“Spaces, Gender, and Healing in Alice Walker’s The Color program and to the African American Studies specialization.
Purple (1982); “Mariama Bâ’s So Long a Letter,” a So far I have been encouraged by the fellowship and
chapter in New Urges in Postcolonial Literature: friendliness of my colleagues and the eagerness and thirst
Widening Horizons (2009); “Re-Configuration of for knowledge I have discerned in my students.”
Colonialism or the Negation of the Self in Postcolonial Dr. Ngwang’s special interests include traveling, reading,
Cameroon in Bole Butake’s Plays,” a chapter in and playing soccer (football).
Reconceiving Postcolonialism: Visions and Revisions Dr. Donald K. Pardlow, a resident of Chattanooga,
(2009); “Buchi Emecheta’s Destination Biafra: A Feminist Tennessee, joins us as an assistant professor
(Re)-Writing of the Nigerian Civil War,” a chapter in The of English in the Department of English and
Journal of African Literature, Vol. 5: War and Conflict Foreign Languages. He earned his Ph.D. in
(2008); “In Search of Cultural Identity or a Futile Search English Rhetoric and Linguistics from Indiana
for Anchor: Africa in Selected African American Literary University of Pennsylvania in 2003, an M.A.
Works” in Identities and Voices: ALIZES No.12; Revue in British and American literature from the
Dr. Pardlow
Angliciste de la Réeunion (2007); “Female Empowerment University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in
and Political Change: A Study of Bole Butake’s Lake God, 1994, and a B.A. in writing and American literature from
The Survivors, and And Palm Wine Will Flow…” in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 1990.
ALIZES (TRADE WINDS): A Journal of English Studies. Having taught in the community college system of Georgia
No.23 (2004); and “Literature as Politics: Revisiting Bole for the past nine years, he now teaches sections of English
Butake’s Lake God and Other Plays in The Literary composition and the Honors thesis seminars at Claflin.
Griot: An International Journal of African-World When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans to
Expressive Culture Studies, Vol. 14. accomplish, Dr. Pardlow answered, “Since I finished my
When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans to dissertation, I had been looking to move on to a four-year
accomplish, Dr. Ngwang answered, “I was attracted to college, an institution where I could teach a wider variety
Claflin University because of Claflin University’s history and of classes and complete more of my research. I think that
reputation. As I move towards the end of my teaching career, my cognition-centered pedagogies for teaching language
I want to end it with and on a winning team; I wanted to be could well serve the university’s unique goal of training
part of the growing popularity of the Claflin family that has visionary thinkers and leaders.”
distinguished itself in the many fields of excellence and His revised dissertation, Flight for Flatland, was
tradition. For a poor teacher, there is no greater joy and published last year by VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller Publishing,
reward than moving into the world and meeting visionary and his first volume of verse, Notes of a “Gypsy” Scholar,
leaders who can point back at you and say, ‘He was my is currently under editorial review by University Research
teacher.’ And who doesn’t want to be part of a winning Press (NM). In addition to a collection of short fiction, he
team!” He added, “I bring with me a global perspective is currently working on monographs about deductive logic
built on the experience of having studied and taught on two and student creativity. His hobbies are creative writing,
continents and lived in several different states and other ancient languages, and chess.
parts of the U.S. I hope to accomplish an extra push for Mr. Colin Patrick Pool, a native of Mobile, Alabama,
love of scholarship and publication among the students. I joined us as an instructor of mass
want to infect the students with my love for scholarship, communications in the Spring of 2010 to
publications, and research and hope to add African fill our need for a sound production faculty
Literature, which does not feature prominently in the member. He earned the Master of Fine
literature program except in the English Department’s World Arts degree in Recording Arts and
Literature II. I strongly believe that every HBCU should Technologies from Middle Tennessee
Mr. Colin Pool
endeavor to teach a pure African-based program as part State University in Murfreesboro and
of its historical heritage, and African Literature tends to Bachelor of Arts in History and Bachelor
encompass and embrace the humanistic values of such of Music degrees from the University of South Alabama.
programs. Hopefully, I can add this missing link to the English See, NEW MEMBERS, page10
The World Needs Visionaries
Page 7 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Department of English and Foreign Languages

The Department of English and Foreign Languages University in July. While at the conference, she gave a well-
welcomes five new members: Dr. Tiffany Boyd-Adams, attended invited reading at the United Church of Christ in
assistant professor of English; Dr. Emanuel Ngwang, Midland, MI.
professor of English; Dr. David Pardlow, assistant professor Last spring, at the invitation of Dr. Mitch Mackinem, Dr.
of English; Dr. Jorge Salvo, associate professor of Spanish. Gavin gave the presentation “Some of My Best Friends are
Our faculty members continue to engage in research and Sociologists: Literary Nonfiction and Sociology” as the
attend conferences and workshops. Dr. Sharynn Owens keynote address at the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina
Etheridge attended the UNCF Mellon Faculty Seminar in Sociological Association.
Atlanta, Georgia, July 6-12. Its theme was “UNCF Mellon The Ninth Annual Claflin University Conference on
Programs Archival Research Institute Legacies and Treasures: Contemporary English and Language Arts Pedagogy in
Exploring the Archival Collection of Black Intellectual Secondary and Postsecondary Institutions was held on
Scholar-Activists.” Her research focus was African American October 27-29, 2010, in Ministers’ Hall, Claflin University.
Harlem Renaissance writer Langston Hughes. The theme for the Conference was “Locating Voices:
She also attended the Summative ADEPT Formal Community and Literacy.”
Evaluation of Classroom-Based Teacher Training recently. Also joining the department are approximately 10 new
The training was sponsored by the South Carolina majors. These students will major in English, English
Department of Education. Education or American Studies. The Department offers
Dr. Gaynell Gavin’s recent publications include essays majors in English, American Studies, and English Education,
and a poem: “The Wedding,” Vermont Literary Review, and minors in the aforementioned subjects and Gender
XII, 2010, 67-74; “Anarchy Barbie, Attorney-at-Large,” Studies, French, Spanish and Theatre.
“In Brief: An American Tale,” and “Leftovers,” Legal Studies Speaking of majors, the Department is proud of the
Forum XXXIV.2, 2010, 633-650; and “The Change,” accomplishments of all its majors, but would especially like
Arcadia 1, Spring 2010, 77. to congratulate Tiffany Miller on being named a Woodrow
With summer 2010 funding assistance from the Center Wilson Fellow, and UNCF/Mellon Fellows Isaiah Jones,
for Excellence in Teaching, Dr. Gavin attended the Rustbelt Erin Swinney and Shatavia Wynn.
Roethke Writers Conference at Saginaw Valley State

Study abroad notes

By Dr. D. Gene Pace, Director of Study Abroad.

Recently, Claflin University students study-abroad students are African-American (five females,
have taken a particular interest in foreign two males).
study. During the fall 2010 semester alone,
seven students are studying abroad, a Afton Anderson wrote from Spain: “Both Baije and I
larger number than in the previous two did, indeed, arrive at our destinations safely. As you may
years combined (2008-2010). Several know, our first destination was London, which I absolutely
Dr. D. Gene Pace additional students plan to do so during loved! We took a tour of the city and I was amazed by the
the fall 2011 semester. Those studying in ancient and modern architecture London has to offer. We
foreign countries during the fall semester are Carolyn Smith also got a chance to see the queen’s palace, which was a
(Kenya), phenomenal sight. I was really awed by the richness of the
city, the shopping, the architecture, the monuments, the
Brandon Singleton (Japan), Amani Turnage (England), PEOPLE! It was a different world altogether and I definitely
Mary Remy (France), Aaron Shepard (Spain), Beije Allen- would not mind living there one day if I ever got the
Nichols (Spain), and Afton Anderson (Spain). During the opportunity. We arrived in Granada on Tuesday, where we
previous two years, five of the six Claflin University study- met our host families. I absolutely love ours! Our senora is
abroad students were from Trinidad; the other was from
the U.S. (five females, one male). This semester, all seven
Page 8 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Claflin University’s Eighth Annual Pedagogy Conference

By Dr. Susan Till

Dr. Till and students in the linguistics class by Alice Walker and Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy
presented a paper entitled “One Poem, Allison,” examines the hegemonic origin and structure of
Many Journeys” at the ninth annual gender roles in novels written by Southern women. Dr. Till
Pedagogy Conference sponsored by the contends that societal and institutional structures of hierar-
Department of English and Foreign Lan- chy that privilege some and marginalize other are often in-
guages on October 27-29, 2010. In visible to readers who simply “read literature” rather than
their study of how home and community “study texts.” She explores the paradigm developed by
Dr. Susan Till experiences the linguist Norman Fairclough for
shape not only critical language study.
one’s literacy but also one’s iden- Fairclough provides an approach
tity, the students wrote their own for collective groups, such as col-
“Where I’m From” poems. The lege and university classes, to un-
students created a collective pre- mask power structures in lan-
sentation, consisting of one stanza guage. When students critically
from each of their individual po- examine the narratives of the fe-
ems. The combined poem re- male protagonists Celie in The
flected a collage of life events, be- Color Purple by Alice Walker
ginning with birth and ending with and Bone in Bastard Out of
the present. Each student read her Carolina by Dorothy Allison,
original stanza. After the session, they uncover continuing systems
the student writers/linguists an- Top Left to Right: Destinee Moore, Danielle Scott, of hegemony that reify feminine
Patrice Cooper, Rasheeda Wright, Tasha Smith,
swered questions from the audi- Bottom Left to Right: Katrina Dickey, Angela Primus, compliance and masculine domi-
ence about their insights in con- Tanika Morrison nance.
structing personal “Where I’m Absent from Photo: Mary Chisolm, Christina Grant, The novels reveal a patriarchal
From” poems. Vestina Jackson world, reinforced by society,
Women in Popular Culture Conference church, and family. Walker and
Dr. Susan Till presented a paper at the Women in Popular Allison narrate stories told by young girls imprisoned by
Culture Conference held at South Carolina State Univer- the normalization of male dominance and female submis-
sity, October 21-23. Her presentation, entitled “Gender sion, a reality that results in violence, which dehumanizes
Roles in the American South: Voices from The Color Purple perpetrators as well as victims.

STUDY ABROAD - continued from page 7

so nice and she feeds us very well :-) We have already week. I loved the Alhambra as well and if I ever get the
started our intensive Spanish courses, where are taught in chance, I will definitely go back :-)”
Spanish with not a lick of English! lol but it is great because
it forces us to use Spanish and learn the language. Even the We are currently seeking to expand the number of
people in Granada, in the stores, restaurants . . . speak exchange programs with foreign institutions to include such
[no] or little English; so I hope to be fluent when I get countries as Turkey, China, Equatorial Guinea, and
back. Yesterday, we visited the Alhambra. It was the most Cameroon. Brandon Singleton’s blog may be found at http:/
magnificent sight I have seen since I have been in Granada. / Dr. Pace plans to
This fortified palace was jaw-dropping, as every room and collaborate with and support Mr. Lee Tant, assistant
every ruin held some of the richest history one could only director of public relations at CU, to sustain an international
imagine. From the Alhambra, there was the most fantastic studies blog that will feature all of our students who study
view of the ancient town, which we will be visiting next abroad.
Page 9 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Department of History and Sociology

By Dr. Christopher Curtis, Chair
It would be foolish to think that and research excellence at Claflin University with more than
research excellence is found only half of our faculty presenting papers at national, international,
in the biotechnology and chemis- or regional conferences last spring, and by maintaining a con-
try laboratories at Claflin. After only sistent pace in peer-reviewed publications. Faculty in the De-
its second year in existence, the partment of History and Sociology are not merely proposing
Department’s Social Science Re- to research promising projects; they are producing, and do-
search Initiative is already bearing ing so on a nationally recognized level. Dr. Kema Irogbe’s
substantial fruit. Last spring, de- most recent article, “Food Insecurity in Post-Independent
Dr. C. Curtis partmental students travelled Sub-Saharan Africa: Causes and Prospects,” The Journal
across the region to deliver re- of International Governmental Systems and Structure
search presentations at academic conferences. In March, (June 2010), was published in both English and French. Dr.
senior Bridget Perry and junior Keara Washington made Mitchell Mackinem continued his string of publications with
presentations at the Black Psychology Conference hosted his essay “Losing Hope: The Production of Failure in Drug
by Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Vir- Court,” Research in Social Problems and Public Policy,
ginia. Perry presented her paper on changing perceptions 17 (2010). Dr. Lisa Dilks, in the midst of completing her
among African Americans on death and mourning, while first-year here at Claflin, published what is already becoming
Washington presented her poster analyzing factors that re- a widely-acclaimed article, “Socializing Economic Theories
cur when domestic abuse devolves into homicide. In April, of Discrimination: Lessons from Survivor” (the television
eight students – Shawna Griffin, Karon Hopkins, Nicola show), Social Science Research (2010). Other faculty mem-
Whitley, Takiah Corbett, Keara Washington, Tris Thrower, bers are achieving national recognition for their scholarship.
Maggie Malloy, and Mary Remy – travelled to Myrtle Beach Ms. Anisah Bagasra recently presented a timely paper: “De-
to present papers and posters at the Carolina Undergradu- velopment and Testing of an Acculturation Scale for Muslim
ate Social Science Symposium (CUSS). It was the fourth Americans” at the American Psychological Association An-
consecutive year that our students have participated in this nual Conference that was featured in the October issue of
state-wide conference, but the first time that we had more that association’s leading journal, Monitor on Psychology.
than three students on the program. Karon Hopkins, Mary Dr. Millicent Brown has been named to the Smithsonian
Remy, and Shawna Griffin were awarded $500 scholar- Institute’s advisory council on the “Civil Rights Oral History
ships to attend the Southern Sociological Society meeting Project” for the forthcoming Museum of African American
in Atlanta. The idea behind these competitive scholarships History, which will open in Washington, D.C., in 2015.
is to expose promising minority students to the habits of the It might be worthwhile to note that the faculty’s engage-
discipline and to foster their interest in graduate study. This ment and success in research publications has not dimin-
past summer, two of our Politics and Justice Studies ma- ished their commitment to teaching excellence. The spring
jors, Kiara Drake and Mary Remy, participated in the Lead- student evaluations for departmental faculty were off the
ership Alliance program. Additionally, Natia Marshall (Poli- charts. While the overall performance mean for faculty at the
tics and Justice Studies) and Karon Hopkins (Sociology) university was 3.54 (an impressive number in itself), the de-
also participated in prestigious summer internship programs partmental mean stands at 3.61 with nine of thirteen faculty
with the law firm of Rogers, Townsend, and Thomas and members ranked above the university standard. Five faculty
the Social Security Administration, respectively. We also members were scored above 3.7. With this kind of personal
have two students studying away from campus this semes- attention and successful learning going on in the classrooms,
ter: Mary Remy is taking a semester abroad in France, it is easy to see why the department continues to attract stu-
while Claros Morean is spending the semester as a Con- dents.
gressional intern in Washington, D.C. It has been a very busy fall semester for the Department
The proliferation of quality research among our stu- already. In August, the departmental office and six of our
dents is not so surprising when one considers that they are
simply following in the footsteps of their faculty mentors.
Our professors continue to set the standards of teaching See, HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY, page 10
Page 10 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

NEW MEMBERS - continued from page 6

Over this past summer, Mr. Pool attended Indiana and bachelor’s degrees in Spanish from
University School of Journalism’s Teaching Fellows Florida International University.
Workshop. Before coming to Claflin, he worked as an Dr. Salvo proudly says that he wrote
independent audio engineer in Nashville, gaining production the first doctoral dissertation on the topic
credits on a variety of independent and demonstration of Hispanic African literature, which
recordings. As a graduate assistant with MTSU’s Walker comes from Equatorial Guinea, a small
Library, he helped upgrade the library’s educational Spanish-speaking country in the Gulf of
materials for distance learners, including a series of web- Dr. J. Salvo Guinea on the West Coast of Africa.
based Flash tutorials. And most recently he worked as an Equatorial Guinea is the only Spanish-
adjunct at Belmont University, Nashville, TN. speaking Sub-Saharan country. The dissertation was
When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans to published by the Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes
accomplish, Mr. Pool answered, “I was attracted by the ( of the University of Alicante,
location, the small, close-knit community, and the Spain. He has written number of short stories and a novel,
opportunity to participate in the building up of the mass which are published in different outlets.
communications program.” He added, “I hope to prepare When asked why he chose Claflin and what he plans
my students for the professional world, while working to to accomplish, Dr. Salvo answered, “Because as a private
increase the prominence of the university.” He says, “One institution and a Historically Black College, Claflin provides
short-term goal is preparing the student radio station, us, faculty, with a sense of purpose, a clear direction in
WCUR, for possible expansion onto the Internet.” which our efforts are part of a vision that brings the whole
Mr. Pool is a member of the Audio Engineering Society, university on a sensible path.” He added, “I plan to
Alpha Epsilon Rho, Phi Kappa Phi, and Golden Key generate an effort for greater comprehension and
International Honor Society. His interests include electronic collaboration between the two bigger minorities in the U.S.:
music composition, college football, and cooking. African Americans and Hispanics.”
Dr. Jorge Salvo joins us from University of South Dr. Salvo is one of the founders of CESGE (Centro
Carolina as an associate professor of Spanish in the de Estudios Guineo Ecuatorianos), the first think tank for
Department of English and Foreign Languages. Equatorial Guinea.
Dr. Salvo earned his Ph.D. in Spanish American
literature from Florida State University and his master’s


-– continued from page 9

faculty members moved into our new location on Goff Av- officers in the forum setting. Participating this year were
enue. We are very pleased with the accommodations, par- Federal Judge Michelle Childs, US District Attorney Bill
ticularly since the new house includes a conference room Nettles, and Federal Marshall Kelvin Washington. And,
in which we can now conduct our departmental meetings finally, we want to welcome our newest full-time faculty
and Honors seminars. There is also sufficient space for member, Dr. Camelia Kantor, who completed her doc-
expansion that would allow for the entire department to be toral work in Romania over the summer.
housed in one location and could also provide classroom
space and a much-needed departmental computer lab. In When you try to achieve your goal and fail,
September, the department hosted its Third Annual Poli- don’t be disappointed. Accept it and stand up.
tics Forum as well. Our students were introduced to and Wipe your tears, study and learn once again.
engaged prominent, federally-appointed law and justice You might achieve even more than you’ve
set out for.

This newsletter is available on the website

Page 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Claflin University Pre-Law Society news

The Pre-Law Society (PLS) has grown increasingly active PLS Member News
during my three years at Claflin University. A highlight of PLS VP Kiara Drake, a senior with a double major in
the 2009-2010 academic year was the informative and well- American Studies and Politics and Justice Studies (PLJS),
attended second annual law student alumni panel, which had her first experience with the Leadership Alliance at
was held on November 20, 2009. The topic was “Law Yale University in 2009, where she was startled to learn
School and Beyond.” Panelists included Harriet Huell that she would research and write a 25-30 page paper.
(chair), then a law student at UNC. Other panelists were Rising to the occasion, she began work on “Legalized Dis-
Chyrra Greene (USC), Krystal Johnson (Charleston), and crimination in the Land of Liberty,” arguing against dis-
Antoine Marshall (Wake Forest). We missed 2008 panel crimination that gay and lesbian Americans continue to face
chair, Waverly Gordon (Duke), who was studying abroad regarding the institution of marriage, which formed the ba-
in Italy. Concluding remarks were made by Drs. Roosevelt sis for her senior honors thesis. She also participated in the
and Peggy Ratliff. The November 2010 panel is being co- John Marshall Law School Legal Education Access Pro-
chaired by Ms. Huell and Mr. Marshall. Another highlight gram, which provided an introduction to law school cur-
occurred in spring 2010 when First Circuit Solicitor David riculum and a Kaplan Law School Admissions Test prepa-
Pascoe spoke to the PLS of his life-long dream to become ration class. Kiara was awarded Best Opening Statement
a prosecutor and the achievements he finds most meaning- and Best Overall Team in a mock trial competition and
ful. He engaged in a lively question-and-answer session (pending application and acceptance) received a $10,000
with students, covering topics ranging from how he pre- award toward tuition at John Marshall. Her second sum-
pared for the LSAT to prosecuting a capital murder case. mer with the Leadership Alliance, 2010, was at Cornell
Constitution Day brought “An Evening with South University, where she took on another constitutional law
Carolina’s Federally Appointed Legal and Law Enforce- project, “Practicability and Democracy in Antonin Scalia’s
ment Professionals” on September 17, 2010. Under the Originalism and Stephen Breyer’s Living Constitutional-
guidance of Mr. Robert Nance and my co-adviser, Dr. Chris ism.” Kiara is in the process of applying to law schools.
Curtis, the PLS co-sponsored this event with the Depart- Nzingha Hooker, PLS president, interned at the
ment of History and Sociology. Featured panelists were Orangeburg County Probate Court under the Honorable
U.S. District Court Judge Michelle Childs, United States Pandora Jones-Glover in summer 2010. Nzingha’s many
Attorney for South Carolina William Nettles, and United duties included preparing case summaries, pre-hearing
States Marshal for the District of South Carolina Kelvin notes, marriage licenses, and other legal documents. She
Washington. Tonya Brown, General Assignment Reporter attended hearings on settlement of estates, will contests,
at WPDE NewsChannel 15 Presentations were followed conservatorships, guardianships, commitment of the men-
by a Q-and-A session. After many questions, the panelists tally ill, and performance of marriages. Nzingha also at-
remained to meet and converse informally with students. tended meetings at which the judge decided how she would
The following week brought Bryan Jeffries, of the Jeffries rule and gained knowledge of the legal system’s “inner
Law Firm, as the featured speaker at the September PLS workings.” A senior, Nzingha is now applying to law
meeting. Mr. Jeffries’ private practice includes personal in- schools.
jury, wrongful death, and criminal defense. He is also a In summer 2010, PLS secretary-treasurer and parlia-
part-time First Circuit Assistant Solicitor. Mr. Jeffries ex- mentarian Natia Marshall was CU’s first intern at the law
plained that he does not do criminal defense work in the firm of Rogers Townsend and Thomas, where she took on
circuit where he prosecutes crimes and elaborated on the a wide variety of duties in technology, business law, event
concept of conflict of interest. He answered many ques- planning, and reports/accounting. She had to learn the firm’s
tions about his majors before law school (criminal justice data bases quickly and had three supervisors assigning vari-
and English), life as a law student and his subsequent broad ous projects with deadlines to her. Under the supervision
range of law practice experience. The guest speaker at of a corporate attorney, she also had the opportunity to
October’s PLS meeting is CU’s own Dr. Caroletta Shuler, replace a paralegal who left for summer vacation. Discussing
who brings expertise to share on the CLEO (Council on
Legal Education Opportunity) program. See, PRE-LAW SOCIETY NEWS, page 12
Page 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter


-- continued from page 11 search consisted of a mining of the question of the relative
integrity and/or artistic merits of digital arts validity as a
her internship, Natia, a junior PLJS major, concluded medium in fine arts production. After attending courses con-
exuberantly, “I greatly appreciate this chance to broaden cerning both digital and classical forms of fine art produc-
my horizons in the field of law!” tion during the forum, he was able, after returning home, to
Alumni News recreate a project that he had sampled while in residence at
Waverly Gordon, who majored in biochemistry at CU, SCAD. He completed the applied research with an essay
went on to obtain a Master of Health Administration at that described and analyzed his experiences through the use
The Ohio State University, followed by a JD from Duke of a formal comparative analysis. Finally, he was able to
University in spring 2010. During law school, she interned organize an opinion as to the visual differences and visual
in the Office of the Majority Whip of the U.S. House of qualities associated with the final visual art works.
Representatives, Congressman James E. Clyburn. She Mr. Terrance Robinson, assistant professor, has cre-
now serves as a Louis Stokes Urban Health Policy Fel- ated visual works in several media in visual arts. Over the
low through the Congressional Black Caucus Founda- summer months he taught elders at The Oaks of Orangeburg,
tion. Her fellowship is a 20-month program, which in- a senior-citizen facility located in the area. The purpose of
cludes work on health care issues in the office of Del. his collage workshop was to provide the elders an oppor-
Donna Christensen, who is the Delegate to the U.S. House tunity to reflect and remember through their individually cre-
of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, and on a con- ated collages. This autobiographical process caused deep
gressional committee with jurisdiction over health care. reflection on the past and present moments by the partici-
Harriet Huell obtained a BA in mass communications pants—creating their collages became a moment of art
from CU, followed by an MA in media studies from The therapy for the elders. He continued his applied research at
Pennsylvania State University in 2007, and a JD from the the Art Center of Columbia. He is attempting to “discover
University of North Carolina School of Law in 2010. how clay bodies can be manipulated into twists, folds, and
She has joined The Banks Law Firm, P.A., in Research planes as elastic, plastic, and rubber are.”
Triangle Park, North Carolina. Her areas of concentra- Later, Mr. Robinson presented twelve paintings in a one-
tion are commercial real estate, community economic de- person exhibition at the Art Center in Columbia. The exhi-
velopment/affordable housing law, and general civil liti- bition, entitled Abstraction: Phase I, was exhibited from
gation. Ms. Huell is licensed to practice in North Caro- August 21 to September 15, 2010.
lina and the District of Columbia, and will also take the Mr. Robinson has accomplished much in professional
South Carolina bar exam. She serves on the Board of development during the summer: He attended a screen-print-
Directors for the New Beginnings Women’s Resource ing workshop at the Savannah College of Art and Design;
Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, and as General Counsel took a basic welding course at Midland Technical College;
for Kingdom Apostolic Community Worship Center. and was a participant in the UNCF/Claflin University Insti-
Antoine Marshall graduated from CU with a BA in tute for Teaching and Learning. Currently, he is executing
American Studies and is thriving in his second year of the cover design for Dr. Ronald Neal’s book, which is en-
law school at Wake Forest University. Over the summer titled Democracy 21st Century America: Notes on Race,
he worked for the North Carolina Institute of Minority Class and Religion.
Economic Development as a policy analyst. He moni- Finally, he is pre-
tored bills at the state and federal levels that affect small paring works for the
businesses, HBCUs, home-ownership, loans and debt. following exhibitions:
He also created a database of the evolution of state laws Richland County Li-
affecting minority-, women-, and service-disabled vet- brary, Columbia, SC;
eran-owned businesses. Museum of Ne-
braska Art, Kearney,
Drafted by Dr. Gaynell Gavin, Advisor to the PLS & Pre-Law
Nebraska; Harvest
Contributors to this column: Kiara Drake, Waverly Gordon, Food Bank, Colum-
Nzingha Hooker, Harriet Huell, Antoine Marshall, and Natia bia, SC; and the Wil- Mr. Robinson with the elders at The
Oaks of Orangeburg, a
Marshall liam Percy Library,
senior-citizen facility
Greenville, MS.
Page 13 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Department of Mass Communications

By Dr. Donna Gough, Chair

Faculty and students in the Department & Families and the Phillip Merrill College of Journalism at
of Mass Communications are looking the University of Maryland. Ms. McCutchen delivered the
forward to another great year. The keynote address at the T. Howard Foundation’s Internship
Panther, WCUT Television and Orientation, attended the National Association of Black Jour-
WCUR Radio are ready for another nalists Convention in San Diego, California, and attended
Dr. Donna Gough slate of programs. Under the direction the Blogging While Brown Conference in Washington, DC.
of Journalist-in-Residence Mr. Lee Also, Ms. McCutchen served as a judge for the Oklahoma
Harter, The Panther is headed by Editor Brittany Brown, Speech Theatre Communication Association’s 2010 Con-
Assistant Editor Jessica Taylor, and Photographer Kemet vention Student Public Relations Competition and partici-
Alston. Under the direction of faculty member Mr. Colin pated on a panel with her presentation, entitled “Reality PR
Pool, the campus radio station, WCUR, is headed by Sta- & Mass Communication Education.”
tion Manager Antonio Shands, Program Director Asa Dr. Donna Gough served as the vice president of the
Gillyard, and Music Director Jonqwel Prioleau. Under the Oklahoma Speech Theatre Communication Association
direction of Mr. Michael Fairwell, the campus television sta- (OSTCA) and was responsible for planning the OSTCA
tion, WCUT, is headed by Station Manager Kalen Robinson, 2010 Convention held on September 11, 2010, at Rogers
Program Director Jessica Brown, and Production Manager State University in Claremore, Oklahoma. Dr. Gough be-
Nicholas Jackson. came the president of OSTCA during the convention and,
Mass Communications supports the internship efforts of as a result, is the first woman to be the president of both
students. The following are some of the internships that stu- statewide organizations, the Oklahoma Speech Theatre
dents participated in this year: Steven Dial interned at WGCL Communication Association and the Oklahoma Broadcast
CBS Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia; Donique Tyler interned in Education Association.
the Public Relations Department for the Richmond Raiders Dr. Julian Williams and Dr. Nathaniel Frederick attended
Arena Football Team in Richmond, Virginia; Janda Ander- a conference on Saturday, September 25, 2010, in Atlanta,
son interned at Publix in Savannah, Georgia; Yolanda Georgia. The conference, “Media Law in the Digital Age:
Middleton interned at Dash Promotions in Atlanta, Georgia; What You Need To Know,” was sponsored by Kennesaw
Latisha Ford interned at Shawn Johnson & Associates in State University and Harvard Law School. Dr. Williams will
Charleston, South Carolina, … The names of those on the be presenting a paper entitled “Man at the Microphone: Jesse
interns list goes on too long to include all the names. In addi- Helms’ Early Years As a Broadcaster,” at the annual con-
tion to internships, students attend workshops to receive ad- vention of the American Journalism Historians Association.
ditional training and career fairs to learn about employment The convention will be held in Tucson, Arizona, on October
opportunities. Tony Talley and Alan Brooks attended the 6-9, 2010.
Center of Excellence Advertising Boot Camp at Howard The Department of Mass Communications has been se-
University in Washington, DC, this summer. lected to develop two major initiatives for the university. The
Department of Mass Communications faculty were in- first initiative is the partnership between Claflin University
volved in a number of professional activities over the sum- and Boston University (BU) that was established to provide
mer. Ms. Yolanda McCutchen and Mr. Colin Pool were ac- exchange programs for students and faculty and to assist
cepted into the Indiana University School of Journalism program graduates with seamless matriculation into the
Teaching Fellowship Program, June 13 – 17, 2010, in graduate program in communication at BU. Claflin mass com-
Bloomington, Indiana. The program provides training for fac- munications majors Kristen Bell,
ulty new to teaching in the field of mass communications. Andre Rodriguez, Kelli Marie
Ms. Yolanda Carroll, and Jarrell Rogers, along
McCutchen served as a with department chair Dr. Donna
judge for the Casey Med- Gough, traveled to Boston to at-
als, a national journalism tend the BU Matriculation events,
award given by the Jour- August 29 - September 1, 2010. Mass Comm. students at BU
Ms. McCutchen serves as a judge nalism Center on Children
Page 14 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Music Department
By Dr. Isaiah McGee, Chair

Dr. Meisha Adderley was a Museum of Art. In addition to works from the 17th – 21st
recipient of a 2010 Faculty centuries, the concert featured a world premiere by South
Summer Research Grant from Carolina composer and Associate Vice President for
Claflin University’s Center for Academic Affairs (Claflin University) Dr. Cedric Adderley.
Excellence in Teaching. As a Dr. Laura J. Keith was invited to serve on the Music
component of the grant project, Content Advisory Committee of the National Evaluation
Adderley recorded a CD of works Series for Pearson Publishing Company during the week of
by Afro-American female July 19, 2010, in St. Louis, Missouri. During the National
Dr. Isaiah McGee composers with GEM Recording Benchmark Conference, K-12 educators and university
Studios. The project culminated in faculty members from across the country met to recommend
a presentation at the World Piano Conference in Novi Sad, a performance level that would be expected of an entry-
Serbia, where she designed a lecture that investigated the level educator in each field, with Dr. Keith serving in the
lives of the female composers and provided a detailed area of music.
analysis of their concert piano works. 2010 Graduate Amanda Bailey is currently attending
Dr. Richard House, director of University bands, Johnson and Wales University of Culinary Arts in Charlotte,
authored two music reviews for the trumpet ensemble works NC.
Newton Antiphonies by Carson P. Cooman and Fantasy 2010 Graduate Curtis Bates is currently assistant band
Fanfare by Michael Bretz. The reviews were published in director at Columbia High School in Columbia, SC, where
the June 2010 International Trumpet Guild Journal. A he also serves as a substitute teacher. He plans to attend
third review for the brass ensemble arrangement of Modest graduate school at the University of South Carolina in Fall
Mussorgsky’s “The Great Gate of Kiev” from Pictures at 2011.
an Exhibition will be published in January 2011. 2010 Graduate Titus Gant is pursuing a graduate degree
On February 23, 2010, Dr. Meisha Adderley and in Jazz Studies at North Carolina Central University in
Ms. Stacey Holliday, faculty pianists, performed a duo Durham, NC.
piano recital for the Art of Music series at the Columbia

Recording contract offered by Albany Records to two

Music faculty members
Dr. Meisha Adderley, assistant at Columbia College in Chicago holds the unpublished piano
professor of music/piano, and Ms. duet scores of eight Afro-American composers in its
Stacey Holliday, instructor of music archives. Over the past year, Dr. Adderley and Ms. Holliday
and accompanist for the Department, have been uncovering these concert duet works as well as
recently signed with Albany Records, solo works by Afro-Americans, performing them at various
one of the most prominent classical venues throughout the country. Although a considerable
record labels in the country. amount of Afro-American piano music has been written,
Dr. Adderley and Scheduled to be released in Spring further scholarly research and recordings are needed to
Ms. Holiday
2012, their CD will be comprised of uncover and document the composers and their works and
60-79 minutes of piano duo and solo to spark an interest in their obvious value. As we move
works by Afro-American composers. Recently, the pianists farther into the twenty-first century with a transformed
were contacted by Susan Bush, president of Albany interest in the music of Afro-Americans, the duets and solo
Records, who commended them on their choice of works of Afro-American composers on the CD will be
repertoire and their “fine playing” on their demo CD. veritable treasures for listening, analysis, future study, and
To date, no piano duets by Afro-American composers performance.
have been recorded. The Center for Black Music Research
Page 15 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Philosophy and Religion Department

By Dr. Daniel Hembree, Chair
gram who are currently pursuing graduate degrees in theol-
The Department of Philosophy and Religion ogy and law.
remains committed to the views, values and We begin the 2010-2011 academic year with both ex-
guiding principles of Claflin University by en- citement and anticipation of meeting new students enrolled
suring that their graduates are equipped with in the philosophy and religion program. We are also pleased
the necessary tools and skills needed to navi- to welcome our new faculty member, the Rev. Dr. Robin
gate through the world. Three of our stu- Dease, to our department. The Rev. Dease is a Claflin Uni-
dents graduated in May and are now gradu- versity alumna. She received both the Master of Divinity
Dr. Hembree ate students in religious and theological stud- and Doctorate of Ministry degrees from Wesley Theologi-
ies. Jessica Baker is a first-year student at cal Seminary in Washington, DC, where Claflin University
Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in the Master of alumna Lakisha Lockhart is enrolled. She comes to our
Divinity program. Jamal Wilkerson was accepted into the department with great experience and will serve as an ad-
School of Divinity at Howard University, while Marcus Giv- junct professor teaching courses in the Bible. She currently
ens is currently enrolled at Springfield College in Charles- serves as the pastor of John Wesley United Methodist Church
ton, SC, working toward a master’s degree in community in Greenville, SC. We extend a big welcome to the Rev.
counseling. They join the list of recent alumni from our pro- Dease, and we are excited about her being here at Claflin

Claflin instructor’s research focuses on Muslim Americans

By Ms. Anisah Bagasra

Ms. Anisah Bagasra, an instructor of psy- tion. Help-seeking preferences among participants reflect
chology in the Department of History and existing literature that shows a preference to turn to family
Sociology, has spent the last several years and friends before seeking outside help. The secondary part
exploring issues pertinent to the Muslim com- of this study examined the role of acculturation and religious
munity in the United States. The results of her commitment as possible mediating factors in perceptions of
Ms. Bagasra
doctoral research are beginning to garner at- mental illness. Though no solid relationship appeared in the
tention in the psychological community, and serve to fill ex- statistical analysis, the research led to the development of
isting gaps in current knowledge regarding acculturation, two new psychosocial instruments – an acculturation scale
religious commitment, and Muslim Americans’ perceptions for Muslim Americans and a Muslim religious commitment
of mental illness. The initial goal of her research was to un- scale. The development and testing of these scales has led
derstand how Muslims in America view mental illness, what Ms. Bagasra to present the results at major national confer-
they attribute as the cause of mental illness, and attitudes ences. In August, she traveled to San Diego to present at
toward various treatment options. In addition, her research the Annual American Psychological Association Conven-
explores help-seeking preferences and allowed participants tion. The presentation was well-received and led to a re-
to share personal experiences with mental illness and men- port in October’s edition of the Monitor on Psychology.
tal health providers. The results of the open-ended portion Later this month, she traveled to Atlanta to present at the
of her study have revealed mixed experiences with Ameri- American Academy of Religion’s Annual meeting regarding
can mental health care providers, and a heavy reliance among Muslim identity formation in the 21st century. Initial results
participants on religious-based coping mechanisms. The from her doctoral presentation were also presented at the
results of the close-ended survey suggest that, when faced Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
with general questions about mental illness, Muslim Ameri- in New Orleans in June, highlighting the help-seeking pref-
cans attribute mental illness to various causes, both West- erences and experiences with mental health practitioners of
ern clinical ideas of causation and cultural and spiritual attri- Muslim participants. Ms. Bagasra is now awaiting the final
butions. Muslim Americans are also likely to endorse both approval of her dissertation and has plans to continue with
spiritual and psychotherapeutic interventions over medica- her research and publish the results in academic journals.
Page 16 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

POSITIVE DIFFERENCE -- continued from page 1

happy because they know that they He admonishes us to be kinder and fair. In the words
are making others happy by instilling of “I Know Something Good about You,” a poem he
justice in society. It is better to join shares with us, he asks, “Wouldn’t it be nice to practice
the team of uplifters than those who this fine way of thinking too—‘You know something good
always stand at the bottom in order about me. / I know something good about you!’” While
to pull someone else down. Thank speaking at the 2002 Matriculation Day convocation, he
God Almighty that the number of pes- read the poem “The Cold Within” to stress the impor-
simists is far exceeded by the number tance of unity. (“The Cold Within” is about six people
Mandakini Hiremath of positive contributors. trapped by coincidence in black and bitter cold. Each one
Reflecting on a situation like this possesses a stick of wood. While their dying fire is in need
makes me ponder President Henry N. Tisdale’s favorite of logs, everyone holds his/her log back, for the first one
“Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership,” produced notices that one of the others is black; the next man sees
by Kent Keith. He read these at the conclusion of his spring one who doesn’t go to his church; the third one sits in
semester address to Claflin faculty and staff at the Honors tattered clothes and asks why his log should be put to use
and Recognition Ceremony. to warm the idle rich. The rich man just sits back and
1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered: thinks of the wealth that he has earned and how he keeps
Love them anyway. 2. If you do good, people will accuse what he has earned from the “lazy shiftless poor”; the black
you of selfish, ulterior motives: Do good anyway. 3. If you man’s face speaks revenge as the fire passes from his sight,
are successful, you win false friends and true enemies: suc- for all he sees in his stick of wood is a chance to spite the
ceed anyway. 4. The good you do today will be forgotten white men; and the last man in this forlorn group believes
tomorrow: Do good anyway. 5. Honesty and frankness in giving only to those who give. Holding their logs in their
makes you vulnerable: Be honest and frank anyway. 6. tight fists, all six die, not from the cold without, but from
The biggest men (and women) with the biggest ideas can the cold within. As the unknown poet puts it, their acts
be shot down by the smallest men (and women) with the were “a proof of human sin.”)
smallest minds: Think big anyway. 7. People favor under- Dr. Tisdale concluded his address by enumerating
dogs but follow only top dogs: Fight for a few underdogs the lessons learned through the building of Noah’s ark.
anyway. 8. What you spend years building may be de- Dr. Tisdale always stresses the importance of co-workers
stroyed overnight: Build anyway. 9. People really need getting along and working together as a family, the Claflin
help but may attack you if you do help them: Help them University family.
anyway. 10. Give the world the best you have and you will As Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Conner has
get kicked in the teeth: Give the world the best you have stated, “Make each day a good day. Try to do a little
anyway. good each day, for you don’t know how many more days
Obviously, Dr. Tisdale has modeled these command- you have got on this earth.”
ments in faith and proved himself as an outstanding leader Our time on earth is precious and limited, so make it
not just to the Claflin University family but also to the larger strategic and execute it wisely. As we end each day, let’s
community by setting an example, by not just demanding thank the people that lend a hand to justice and teach us
that his co-workers follow these commandments but show- how to be positive contributors. Let’s pray and thank the
ing them how to incorporate them in their daily lives. In Lord for the bounty of kindness and love He has placed
addition, since it is human to forget or overlook these prin- on this earth to make each life specially gifted, precious
ciples for selfish reasons or at times for no reason, Dr. Tisdale and worth living.
reminds us time and again of his belief: Life would be a lot It is always better to light a
happier if we praised the good we see, for there’s such a candle than to blame the darkness.
lot of goodness in the worst of each one.
Page 17 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

“Revivification” adorns Art Center entrance

By Mandakini Hiremath
This abstract piece of art will
On the afternoon of continue to stump interpretive
Wednesday, November 27, Dr. minds. Great interpretation is
Kod Igwe, professor of art at sealed with a plea of confidence.
Claflin University, helped It conveys the message of life,
Orangeburg Mayor Paul Miller growth, prosperity, and the
unveil the sculpture “Revivification” struggle in between. This art
at the Orangeburg County Fine represents growth, which is an
Arts Center. Saying, “The element of existence; in art, this
sculpture fits with the city’s growth is seen as a continuation
revitalization efforts…. This gives of existence in the life of the city of
a nice new setting to the front of Orangeburg. It is said, “Beauty in
the Arts Center,” the Mayor added, things exists merely in the mind
“I want to accept this treasure that Larry Hardy/T&D which contemplates them” and
we will have for many, many years Claflin University Professor Dr. Kod Igwe and “Beauty is in the eye of the
to come.” Parks and Recreation Orangeburg Mayor Paul Miller unveil the sculpture beholder.” Sculptor Igwe’s
Director Buster Smith said the new “Revivification” at the Orangeburg County Fine Arts sculpture “Revivification,” an
landscaping and Igwe’s sculpture Center. abstract work of art, stands
add color to Edisto Memorial Gardens. Orangeburg proudly symbolizing the City of Orangeburg, its coming to
County Fine Arts Center Executive Director Beth Thomas life and resurgence; it invites varied symbolic interpretations
opined that the sculpture and landscaping give another from different beholders.
attractive entrance to the gardens. Dr. Igwe says, “In my art, I seek perfection. I believe
By donating this beautiful piece of abstract art, Dr. Igwe that my art will endlessly continue to express the impressions
desires to create an environment where we as people will that are visualized by the human mind and captivated by my
continue to know that art is very important in the city of thoughts. As aspects of my world continue to evolve, I bring
Orangeburg. Beneath the psychology of the conscious my vast emotions to formulate my timeless art, which speaks
mind, what the eyes see is different from the true nature of to my soul. For my art, growth is my element of existence.”
an object. We only see what is on the surface, not what is. And we all know growth is evidence of life.

MASS COMMUNICATIONS – continued from page 13

Claflin students had several meetings with various BU offi- change Program and the Seamless Graduate School Ma-
cials throughout the trip. The BU officials included Mass triculation Program, to meet with BU officials to begin to
Communications Exchange Program Coordinator and Pro- finalize the procedures for the exchange, and to get answers
fessor Jo O’Connor, Dr. Kenn Elmore, Dean of Students; to questions that students have concerning the program.
Dr. Tom Fiedler, Dean of the College of Communication; The second initiative is the Cooperative Learning Pro-
Dr. Urbain (Ben) De Winter, the Associate Provost for the gram at the BMW Corporation. Mass Communications major
International Programs, and Ms. Katherine Kennedy, the Sharon Hadden is the first Claflin University student to be
director of the Howard Thurman Center for Race, Culture selected to participate in this program. As a result, the de-
& Ethnicity. partment faculty and chair and the Dean of the School of
The purpose Humanities and Social Sciences together with Academic
of the trip was Affairs, Student Affairs, and the Career Development Of-
to generate fice have been working together to develop and implement
interest in the guidelines for this program. Ms. Hadden is currently onsite
Student & at BMW and works in the test analysis division.
Team Claflin members meet with BU officials Faculty Ex-
Page 18 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Remembering Dr. Preston Blakely

From the Department Chair, Dr. Donna L. Gough
I had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Preston Blakely for learned from him knows how special he was. Thank you
only a short time. But even so, Dr. Blakely made an impact for everything, dear brother.”
on me with his kindness, sharp wit and indomitable spirit. And another wrote, “Dr. Blakely, Thank You for being
As the chair of the department, I knew that Dr. Blakely had such a great person and working so well with me my first
devoted his life to the media profession and to teaching year of college. I will never forget you or the hard work
students. you made me put in. I remember all of
He began his career at Hampton the times I’ve made you laugh and smile
University, where he taught classes and and I’ll never forget them. I’m very glad
produced television programs and to say I have had the opportunity to have
special videos for the university in you in my life as a leader and an
conjunction with the local ABC affiliate. outstanding professor.”
Then, Dr. Blakely became a marketing One of the most moving tributes was
sales representative for Viacom from his former colleagues at Morgan
Cablevision in Nashville, Tennessee. State University:
Later, he became a general manager for On behalf of the Morgan State
WCLK-FM, the National Public Radio University Community, I express to the
affiliate at Clark Atlanta University in family of Dr. Preston Blakely our
Atlanta, Georgia; and then, he became condolences on his sudden passing. For
the general manager at WEAA-FM, many years, Dr. Blakely was one of the
the National Public Radio affiliate at major intellectual forces on Morgan’s
Morgan State University in Baltimore, campus as general manager of the
Maryland. Dr. Blakely made his way award-winning WEAA-FM Radio
to Claflin University in 2006 and served Dr. Preston Blakely Station and, later, as assistant professor
as the department chair during the of communication studies. Dr. Blakely
2007-2008 school year. Dr. Blakely played a major role in mentoring a
promoted the importance of media education to both generation of radio personalities and professionals and in
Dr. Preston Blakely
students and the community. He spent most of his working training a generation of mass communications graduates at
life in and around universities and influenced the Morgan. They bear the imprint of his professionalism and
lives and minds of many. his inspiring instruction and guidance. Though we have lost
I went to the online tribute for Dr. Blakely that was his physical presence and will miss his “individual being,”
published by The Morning Journal in Lorain, Ohio, Dr. we are comforted to know that the presence of his absence
Blakely’s hometown. There I read the tributes to Dr. Blakely does not mean the absence of his presence in our lives.
from his friends, colleagues and former students. Preston will live with us forever, and the records of Morgan
One person wrote, “I am deeply saddened of the news State University will always speak of his remarkable
of Dr. Preston Blakely. A great man who taught me so much. contribution to the education of our students.
He was a mentor, co-worker and friend. I miss him already. But the tribute with which I most identify was the one
His legacy will live on through his family, his students and that said, “Dear Preston: The last time we spoke, I was
those of us whom he molded into professionals. teasing you. I always got a kick out of seeing you smile.
Another wrote, “Preston hired me as his Music Director Most of the time you had a very serious look on your face.”
of WEAA/Morgan State University - my first job out of I remember one afternoon, shortly after I had arrived
college. He gave me the break that, after sending 51 resumes at Claflin, Dr. Blakely came to see me. I, too, thought that
and air check tapes and hearing nothing back, I thought I he looked like a very stern and serious no-nonsense person.
would never get. For this I am eternally grateful. In his own But, before our meeting was over, the two of us were almost
special way, Preston led and developed the next generation rolling on the floor because we were laughing so hard. I
of professionals. Anyone who has worked with him or
This newsletter is available on the website
Page 19 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter

Remembering Dr. Blakely -- continued from page

DEPARTMENT CHAIR - continued from page 18 Dr. Blakely will certainly be missed
don’t even remember what we were laughing about, but I first met Dr. Preston Blakely in 2006, when he came
I remember the twinkle in Dr. Blakely’s eye and the smile to Claflin to interview for the position of associate pro-
on his face. fessor of mass communications. Over the next few years,
I saw that twinkle again when we were in meetings I really got a chance to know him well. He often came
and later, when he and I attended the Broadcast by my office to discuss academic issues and policies.
Education Association National Convention in Las Vegas. Through our visits, I became aware that he was a seri-
The two of us were meeting to divide up sessions between ous, humble, caring and warm-hearted gentleman with a
us so that we could cover more presentations and keen sense of humor. We shared many laughs over the
represent Claflin at both of the district meetings. years. Dr. Blakely was diligent in teaching his students.
While we were talking, I asked him how his trip had From 2007-2008, he served as acting chair of the Mass
been and how he was enjoying Las Vegas. In his very Communications Department. Dr. Blakely will certainly
minimal and quiet way, he told me that things were fine. be missed for his unwavering loyalty and support of his
I, of course, saw my opportunity to tease him. I told him dean and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
that I thought his account of his trip was more than a bit the professional and personal mentoring of our mass
boring and if that was all that he was going to say, then I communication students and the overall contributions
was going to come back to Claflin with a big story about that he made to Claflin University.
him, a Las Vegas show girl and the police. Of course, he By Dr. Peggy S.Ratliff
admonished me with a very strong, “Don’t you dare!”
But I noticed once again the twinkle in his eye and the
smile on his face. Your presence will truly be missed
Dr. Blakely worked hard, always cared for and about
students, especially during the times when he had to be Your presence will truly be missed
tough, assisted young people with employment They are all gone into the world of light,
opportunities and always, always had time for a good And I alone sit lingering here;
laugh. We will miss him very much. Their very memory is fair and bright,
And my sad thoughts doth clear.
Dr. Preston Blakely, your presence will truly be missed
and you have definitely touched several lives in the
Department of Mass Communications. You were a great
Dr. Blakely, you will be truly missed leader, colleague and father figure.
Although I only had the pleasure of being in a class By Michael Fairwell
of six students with Dr. Blakely for one semester, I’ll
never forget his unique teaching approach. His students
would be sure to hear the frequent “But why?” or “I just Dr. Blakely was a very private
don’t understand” partnered with a puzzled expression.
I can say he was the first professor I’ve had that declined
but highly respected person
to sugarcoat his advice on my personal career path. I Although Dr. Blakely was a very private person, he
remember turning in my final the last week of school and was highly respected by the Department of Mass
saying, “See you next semester,” anticipating his next Communications. His students loved him. I believe that
course. It finally hits hard that I won’t be able to receive he would want the faculty and staff to press on to the
any more of his much appreciated insight. Dr. Blakely, goal that President Tisdale spoke of earlier this school
you will be truly missed. year – that is, the goal of making Claflin a world-class
By Jeremy Holder institution.
By Dr. Julian M. Williams
Page 20 Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter


Love Hope Joy Peace

To those
we love --
and see each day
And other loved ones
far away
To all good friends
whose friendship means so much
And those with whom
we are somehow out of touch

Season’s Greetings from

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Wishing you every happiness this holiday season

and throughout the coming year

This newsletter is available on the website

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