Lesson Plan Criteria & Checklist

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Lesson Plan Criteria & Checklist

Lesson Author
First and Last Name: Rachael Pine


Lesson Summary: What is the “Big Idea” or concept you are working toward? (larger, transferable ideas that connect to students’ out-of-
school lives or the larger world; how you will make the lesson relevant to one or more subject areas):
Students will be able to accept new challenges and different environments and learning styles and embrace new adventures.
Subject Area(s) and Grade Level: 5th Grade Social Studies

Essential Question(s): (open-ended, thought-provoking, engaging, inquiry-oriented question(s) designed to stimulate thinking and prompt the
learner to critically evaluate content and construct meaning from it
Do you think or feel that leaving Elementary School and move to a New Junior High School will be like Leo and Kayla leaving their school and
friends to move to a New Country and new school and new friends? If not, why not?

Guiding Question(s): these are questions that will steer learners in the direction they will need to go to construct answers to the
essential question. Think of them as supporting questions
 When Kayla and Leo’s parents told them, they would be moving to a new country. How did Leo and Kayla act? Were they
happy or sad? Why?
 Will you be happy or sad when you leave Elementary School to move to Junior High School, with new friends’, teachers?
 What was Leo worried about? (Pg. 3 soccer season) What was Kayla upset about? (pg. 3 Dance performances)
 Will you worry about leaving your good playground friends?
 Kayla and Leo had not idea where the country was, they were moving to, so they asked about it?
 Will you ask about your New School? Who will you ask?

Instructional Objectives
AUDIENCE: (grade level; developmental appropriateness; conceptual abilities; reading/comprehension levels, etc.)

5th grade level with 20 student 15 general education and 4 ELL Spanish speaking students (1 adult translator) and 1 Special Education Student (1
pull out teacher) Accommodations will be provided per IEP’s. Reading level is appropriate, Developmental appropriateness is in line with the
changes in age and learning levels and schools, Reading/ Comprehension levels are at 5 th grade levels.

BEHAVIOR: (what will students know and be able to do; evidence of understanding)

The students will be able to connect the READ aloud book and the story characters with their New School, New Adventure, in growing and

CONDITIONS: (how the lesson/activity will unfold; describe instructional approaches, student groupings, informational resources, and teaching
materials to support Behavior)

This is a read aloud so it will begin with a direct instruction, With whole class discussion. Next, I will have copies of the book for each student and
ask each student to bring a notebook, pen/pencil and sticky notes to their groups. I will have supplied a list of the Guiding questions for each group
to fill out, they will begin to read Independently, copy of the story. Then begin to work as a Group and collaborate to answer all the questions with
complete sentences. Finally, the class will return to share the small groups responses to the Guiding Questions.

DEGREE: (to what extent? This is the criteria for evaluation; checklist; rubric; evidence; specify how will you grade student work)

I will be grading on Comprehension and use of new vocabulary.

Did you adapt this lesson based on another lesson? If so, give citation information for the original lesson:

Common Core State Standards (CCSS), or other Standards and Benchmarks: List at least one
5-8 Benchmark 2-B: explain the physical and human characteristics of places and use this knowledge to define regions, their
relationships with other regions, and their patterns of change:
Performance standards:
1. Describe human and natural characteristics of places; and
2. Describe similarities and differences among regions of the globe, and their patterns of change.
Instructional Approaches and Active Participation Strategies
Explained in section “Conditions”

How will the lesson connect to the real world and/or students’ out-of-school lives and interests?

Keep in mind:
A GOOD DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITY is something students will make or do
 using a range of modalities at varied degrees of sophistication in varying time spans (built-in flexibility for diverse learners)
 with varied amounts of teacher or peer support (scaffolding)

 using an essential skill and/or essential information that is relevant to the learner
 in order to understand how an essential idea/principle or to answer an essential question

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