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Progress in identifying epigenetic mechanisms of

xenobiotic-induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis
Rémi Terranovaa,e, Antonio Vitobelloa,e,
Alberto Del Rio Espinolaa, C. Roland Wolfb,e,
Michael Schwarzc,e, John Thomsond,e, Richard Meehand,e and
Jonathan Moggsa,e

Determining the human relevance of structurally and func-
Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70
tionally distinct non-genotoxic carcinogenic compounds that
This review comes from a themed issue on Risk Assessment in
induce a diverse range of tissue-, gender-, strain- and species-
Toxicology – Experimental Toxicology
specific tumours in animals remains a major challenge for
Available online 8 June 2017
toxicologists. Nevertheless, elucidating mechanisms of
xenobiotic-induced tumours in animals can provide industry, For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
environmental and regulatory scientists with valuable tools for
cancer hazard identification and risk assessment. The dis- 2468-2020/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
covery that aberrant epigenetic events frequently accompany
genetic mutations in human cancers has stimulated efforts to
deploy integrated epigenomic and transcriptomic profiling of Non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, Cancer risk assessment, Epigenetics,
xenobiotic-induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis (NGC) in Genetics, Epigenome.
animal models, enabling enhanced mechanistic interpretation
and novel early biomarker discovery. Recent advances in the
1. Introduction
mapping and functional characterization of mammalian tissue-
Concerns regarding the appropriateness of extrapolating
specific epigenomes also provides new opportunities to char-
lifetime rodent carcinogenicity study findings to humans
acterize the cross-strain/-species chromatin architecture of
have been extensively reviewed [1e3]. If xenobiotic
non-genotoxic carcinogen effector genes and to predict their
exposure in animals is found to be associated with either
potential for modulation by xenobiotics in human tissue. Since
tumour induction or early indicators of neoplastic
xenobiotic-induced perturbations of gene regulation are inti-
hazard, then a weight of evidence-based cancer risk
mately associated with the underlying DNA sequence, there is
assessment is generally recommended. A key contrib-
a need to integrate the impact of genotype on susceptibility to
uting factor to the weight of evidence approach for
NGC. Furthermore, the potential association of xenobiotic
xenobiotic-induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis
target modulation with tumorigenic phenotypes can be
(NGC) is the determination of a mechanism or mode of
assessed using genetic models and cancer genome re-
action since this provides an entry point for subsequent
sources. Finally, we discuss how epigenomic profiling may be
assessments of potential human relevance [4e6]. A
used to critically assess the comparability and validity of
molecular basis for species-specific non-genotoxic
cellular NGC models versus in vivo-derived tissue samples
carcinogenesis has been proposed for a number of
and some of key challenges associated with incorporating
compounds [4e10]. However, the diverse range of
epigenetic mechanisms and biomarkers into cancer risk
xenobiotic-induced tumour types that are typically
observed in animal carcinogenicity studies, often
Addresses exhibiting tissue-, gender-, strain- and/or species-
Preclinical Safety, Translational Medicine, Novartis Institutes for
specificities, make the determination of mechanism
BioMedical Research, Basel, CH-4057, Switzerland
Division of Cancer Research, University of Dundee, United Kingdom and assessment of potential relevance to humans very
Department of Toxicology, University of Tübingen, Germany challenging. Furthermore, there is very little data on
MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medi- potential association of xenobiotic exposure with non-
cine, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom genotoxic carcinogenesis in humans due to the likely
Member of IMI MARCAR Consortium, United Kingdom
latency, very low incidence, and difficulty of deconvo-
Corresponding author: Moggs, Jonathan, Preclinical Safety, luting environmental versus intrinsic factors for malig-
Translational Medicine, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, nancy development. Some insight may be gained from
Basel, CH-4057, Switzerland. ( somatic mutational signatures of human tumours that

Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70

Epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis Terranova et al. 63

are associated with known mutagenic exposures [11] but 2. Leveraging recent advances in cancer
there will inevitably be overlap between intrinsic and epigenetics to enhance mechanistic
extrinsic mechanisms [12]. Despite these challenges, interpretation and biomarkers of non-
there is a need for rigorous cancer risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogenesis
xenobiotics to which humans are exposed including Epigenetics describes mechanisms that operate in con-
treatment with novel therapeutics [13] and occupa- cert with the underlying DNA sequence to regulate
tional or environmental exposure to chemicals [3]. gene expression and determine the overall phenotype of
cell. Epigenetic marks include the methylation of DNA
Characterizing the molecular mechanisms underlying cytosine bases, post-translational modifications of his-
xenobiotic-induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis has tone proteins, nucleosome remodelling, and non-coding
great potential for providing industry, environmental RNAs. These epigenetic marks are dynamically regu-
and regulatory scientists with valuable tools for cancer lated by numerous enzymes and binding proteins that
hazard identification and risk assessment. This is enable cells to read, write or erase chromatin modifica-
exemplified by phenobarbital-induced hepatocarcino- tions. Epigenetic formatting of the genome contributes
genesis where Constitutive Androstane Receptor to spatio-temporal patterns of gene expression and
(CAR)-mediated stimulation of mouse hepatocyte pro- controls lineage choice, differentiation and cellular
liferation represents a mode of action that has not been functions [25]. Epigenetic variation, together with ge-
reproduced in human hepatocytes in vitro [14e16]. netic variation and meta-genomic variation, thus repre-
Since there is no clear evidence for phenobarbital- sents one of the key drivers of phenotypic variation in
associated liver cancer risk in humans (based on epide- health and disease. The acquisition of cancer hallmarks
miological data from a large number of clinical studies such as sustained proliferative signalling and resistance
including long-term therapeutic treatment of epileptics; to cell death [26] is facilitated by a combination of
[17]), CAR-mediated liver non-genotoxic carcinogen- genome instability, mutation and epigenomic disruption
esis is not generally considered to be human-relevant [27]. Epigenetic perturbations associated with cancer
[4,10]. Humanized rodent models in which mouse aetiology and progression include widespread mutations
livers have been engineered to express human CAR in epigenetic regulatory proteins and aberrant expres-
supported proliferative responses and tumour promo- sion of stem cell reprogramming genes [28]. Epigenetic
tion following exposure to PB [18e20]. In contrast, mechanisms of carcinogenesis that are well character-
human hepatocytes did not support hyperplastic re- ized in humans include oestrogen exposure and breast
sponses to the phenobarbital in chimeric mice with cancer [29]. Importantly, from a toxicologic perspective,
humanized liver [21]. It is noteworthy that the observed inflammatory responses to tissue injury and chronic
plasma phenobarbital exposures in these humanized exposure to environmental factors have been proposed
models were comparable to those obtained in human as mechanisms for inducing cancer-predisposing epige-
subjects receiving therapeutic doses of this drug. Thus, netic changes in vulnerable populations of somatic stem
understanding the opposing outcomes of these models cells and progenitor compartments [30]. It is note-
will require further characterization of: i) quantitative worthy that environmental influences on intermediary
exposureeresponse relationships; ii) the influence of metabolism such as nutrient availability and utilisation
human nuclear receptor-mouse gene regulatory protein can also result in tumour growth-promoting modifica-
interactions; iii) the influence of mouse host cellular tions of the epigenetic landscape by altering substrates
environment on grafted human hepatocytes; and iv) and inhibitors of chromatin-modifying enzymes [30e
comparability at the molecular, biochemical and cellular 34]. Epigenetic signatures of environmental exposure
levels of engineered or grafted hepatocytes to human (e.g. to cigarette smoke) have already been identified in
donor-derived liver tissue. Importantly, phenobarbital humans and are likely to exist for many other types of
induces extensive changes in chromatin modification xenobiotic exposure in both humans and animals [35].
patterns across the regulatory regions of CAR target
genes in mouse liver [22e24] and it is thus plausible Together, these observations are stimulating efforts to
that differences in the genetic and epigenetic archi- investigate whether xenobiotic-induced perturbations
tecture of phenobarbital effector genes play a role in of DNA methylation, chromatin modification, non-
determining species-specific susceptibility to CAR- coding RNAs, and/or transcription factor accessibility
mediated hepatocarcinogenesis. contribute to non-genotoxic carcinogenesis [23,24,36e
Here we describe how recent advances in epigenetic
regulation of the genome can be leveraged to provide
3. Elucidating early epigenetic molecular
new insights into molecular mechanisms of xenobiotic-
indicators of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis
induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, to identify early
Integrated epigenomic and transcriptomic profiling of
biomarkers and susceptibility factors, and to enable new
target tissues for xenobiotic-induced tumours repre-
approaches for assessing potential human relevance.
sents a powerful approach for elucidating early Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70

64 Risk Assessment in Toxicology – Experimental Toxicology

Fig. 1

Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70

Epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis Terranova et al. 65

molecular indicators of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis. phenobarbital-induced loss of 5hmC in a specific subset

This is exemplified by a series of mechanistic in vivo of gene loci predicts subsequent aberrant promoter 5mC
rodent studies conducted within the EU IMI MARCAR hypermethylation in resultant phenobarbital-promoted
consortium ( in which tumour pro- mouse liver tumours [41]. Recent evidence suggests
moting doses of phenobarbital were used as a reference that genomic loci exhibiting elevated levels of 5hmC
rodent liver tissue-specific non-genotoxic carcinogen. In represent dynamic chromatin states in contrast to loci
addition to the anticipated activation of CAR/b-catenin marked by 5mC which are typically regarded to indicate
signalling pathways and induction of proliferation inactive chromatin states. Consistent with this notion,
markers, novel early biomarkers include the aberrant up- the majority of enriched 5hmC is found to be associated
regulation of pluripotency-associated non-coding RNAs, with gene bodies, a large number of enhancer elements,
dynamic changes in locus-specific chromatin modifica- and a small subset in gene promoters, in a transcription-
tions and altered transcription factor activity. dependent manner. Thus, the profiling of xenobiotic-
induced changes in tissue-specific 5hmC levels has
Phenobarbital progressively upregulated long non- significant potential for classifying the mode of action of
coding RNAs encoded by an epigenetically imprinted potentially carcinogenic agents [48].
Dlk1-Dio3 gene cluster in mouse perivenous hepatocytes
in a CAR and b-catenin dependent manner [39]. Significant progress has been made in identifying target
Importantly, perturbation of this gene locus has been genes for a diverse range of NGC modes of action via
associated with mouse stem cell pluripotency [43,44] transcriptomic profiling of rodent tissues [49,50]. Prox-
and also with a stem-cell like phenotype in a subset of imal regulatory transcription factors and upstream
human hepatocellular carcinomas [45]. Furthermore, signalling pathways can often be inferred for well char-
hepatocytes in the same perivenous region of mouse acterized target genes and have been extensively vali-
liver were recently associated with Wnt-signalling dated for the NGC-associated nuclear receptors CAR
dependent stem cell-like properties [46]. Together and Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor alpha
these observations raise the intriguing possibility that (PPARa) using biochemical, cellular and rodent genetic
PB-induces dedifferentiation/reprogramming of adult models. A complementary and powerful approach for
hepatocytes to a stem cell-like state during mouse identifying gene regulatory interactions underlying
hepatocarcinogenesis. The notion that functional and NGC involves computational modelling of predicted
molecular hallmarks of pluripotent stem cells [47] transcription factor binding sites within NGC-
might represent a valuable source of early NGC bio- responsive genes and has been used to identify novel
markers warrants further research. roles for E2F and ZFP161 transcription factors in regu-
lating PB-mediated hepatocyte proliferation and sub-
It is widely accepted that deregulation of normal DNA sequent tumour promotion [40].
methylation and gene expression patterns can aid cancer
cells to evolve more rapidly and thus contribute to 4. Towards functional and cross-species
increased invasiveness, metastatic potential and poten- epigenomic characterization of xenobiotic-
tially drug resistance [48]. Phenobarbital induced both induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis
acute and long-lasting changes in the mouse liver DNA Importantly, multiple layers of epigenetic marks and
methylome with dynamic and reciprocal changes in 5- gene regulatory factors control genome structure and
methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine function. Recent advances in the development of deep
(5hmC) levels within regulatory regions of CAR and b- sequencing based chromatin modifications and accessi-
catenin gene targets [24]. Furthermore, early bility assays enable genome-wide functional

Xenobiotic signalling to chromatin and potential for species differences in regulation of NGC effector genes. A) Potential for species differences in NGC
signalling mechanisms have been extensively explored at the level of ligand–receptor interactions. For example, phenobarbital activation of the CAR
nuclear receptor in hepatocytes and subsequent transcriptional up-regulation of xenobiotic response genes is highly conserved between rodents and
humans. In contrast, human hepatocytes appear to be refractory to the proliferative effects of phenobarbital that are seen in rodents [14–16] and this is
not fully accounted for by species differences in CAR-ligand interactions alone. We hypothesise that, although the molecular mechanisms responsible for
the acute xenobiotic responses appear to be highly conserved across species (Target Gene a/A), secondary effectors implicated in the transduction of the
extracellular signals to the nucleus and the chromatin landscape configuration of NGC effector genes are likely to contribute to strain and species dif-
ferences in susceptibility to non-genotoxic carcinogens (Target Gene b/B). Such mechanistic differences in NGC molecular signalling pathways need to
be integrated with potential quantitative differences in the potency/level of exposure of xenobiotics and intrinsic tissue mutation rates. B) Illustration of
conserved (blue) and species-specific (red) differences in chromatin accessibility of liver tissue gene loci based on visualization of ENCODE DNase I
mouse and human datasets via the UCSC browser (; [51,77]; GEO dataset accession numbers GSE90306 and GSM1014195,
John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW). Underlying DNA sequence similarity is shown as dotplots based on local genomic alignment between orthologous
mouse (y axis) and human (x axis) regions (images obtained using YASS tool; [78]). Housekeeping gene (GAPDH), liver tissue-specific gene (ALB),
xenobiotic response gene (CYP2B6; orthologous to mouse Cyp2b10), candidate non-coding RNA biomarker for CAR-mediated liver tumour promotion
response gene (MEG3). Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70

66 Risk Assessment in Toxicology – Experimental Toxicology

characterization of mammalian tissue-specific epige- that the potential human relevance of well-defined
nomes. This is exemplified by the recent completion of NGC mechanisms in animals could be explored by
genome-wide epigenome profiles for >100 human tis- evaluating the degree of conservation and dynamic range
sues and cell types [51,52] ( of chromatin modifications/accessibility at regulatory
ihec/index.html) that is dramatically enhancing our regions of orthologous non-genotoxic carcinogen
understanding of genome function and regulation. effector genes in human tissue samples (Fig. 1). It is
noteworthy that comparison of mode of action-related
Genome-wide chromatin profiling methods including target gene architecture in human versus animal tissue
DNase I hypersensitivity and Assay for Transposase may circumvent some of the challenges associated with
Accessible Chromatin (ATAC) assays have been inte- the comparability of cultured human cells or humanized
grated with histone post-translational modification rodent models to human tissue. Importantly, any pro-
mapping to identify the open cis-regulatory DNA re- posed species-differences in NGC molecular signalling
gions (also known as the cistrome) that are recognised pathways needs to be integrated with quantitative dif-
by trans-acting regulatory factors. Cistrome elements ferences in the potency and level/exposure of xenobi-
include gene enhancers, promoters, insulators, silencers otics and intrinsic tissue mutation rates.
and locus control regions. Cistrome profiling has iden-
tified hundreds of thousands of enhancer regions in the 5. Influence of genotype on epigenetic
human and mouse genomes, encompassing 1e3% of the mechanisms of xenobiotic-induced non-
genome, and vastly outnumbering the number protein genotoxic carcinogenesis
coding genes, overall highlighting the importance of the Since xenobiotic-induced perturbations of gene regula-
regulatory fraction of the genome [51,53,54]. Enhancers tion are intimately associated with the underlying DNA
are bound by regulatory transcription factors and inte- sequence, there is a need to integrate the impact of
grate extracellular signalling pathways with intracellular genotype on susceptibility to non-genotoxic
cell fate information to elicit cell type-specific tran- carcinogenesis.
scriptional responses [55] The functional binding of
regulatory transcription factors to these cis-acting Distinct strains and species of preclinical animal models
accessible sites orchestrates long-range regulatory in- have been shown to widely vary in their susceptibility to
teractions in the 3D space of the nucleus, enabling cell- xenobiotic-induced carcinogenicity. For example, mouse
type specific, spatiotemporal, control of gene expression stocks and inbred strains can significantly differ in their
patterns which drive cell identity and function [56e58]. susceptibility to treatment-induced liver neoplasia, with
Furthermore, enhancers represent regulatory modules C3H males being highly sensitive compared to highly
associated with the most conserved phase of vertebrate resistant C57BL/6 males, although this is likely to be
embryogenesis and are subject to conserved develop- based on both genetic and non-genetic factors [65].
mental regulation by epigenetic modifiers [59]. Impor- Such strain differences in xenobiotic-induced liver tu-
tantly, the role of enhancer dysfunction in cancer has mours primarily affect tumour progression (or tumour
been extensively characterized [60,61]. Single en- size) and to a much lower part tumour number. Whilst
hancers and dense clusters of enhancers (known as specific liver tumour susceptibility genes have not yet
“Super”-enhancers in the literature) appear to control been identified, several hepatocarcinogenesis suscepti-
the expression of core transcription factors (TFs) un- bility (Hcs) loci have been identified using mouse
derlying cell identity [61e63] and are often deregulated backcrosses and linkage analysis [66,67]. Intriguingly,
in cancer leading to aberrant activation of growth related hsc3 maps within 6 megabases of the PB-responsive
genes and deregulation of important lineage specific Dlk1-Dio3 imprinted gene cluster on chromosome 12
differentiation drivers [61,64]. [39,68]. Thus, transcriptional responses from this
epigenetically imprinted gene cluster may be influenced
Together these observations suggest that integrated by strain-specific genetic factors that could be further
cistrome, chromatin modification and transcriptome characterized via deep sequencing of appropriate inbred
profiling of NGC target tissues will provide novel mouse strains.
mechanistic insights and may provide unique opportu-
nity to characterize the cross-strain and cross-species The recent integration of human genome regulatory
chromatin architecture and transcription factor accessi- DNA and disease- and trait-associated genetic variants
bility of non-genotoxic carcinogen effector genes. reveals a disproportionate (>80%) enrichment of
disease-associated genetic variants in non-coding
Although access to blood or tissue samples from humans enhancer regions, potentially disrupting important
exposed to putative NGCs is very rare, a variety of transcription factor-based regulatory interactions in a
human tissue-specific epigenomes representing both cell-type specific manner [56,62,69,70]. These cis-
healthy and disease states ( acting non-coding regulatory variants range from rare
can in principle be leveraged as comparators to NGC to common and are associated with a broad range of
target tissue epigenomes in animal models. We envisage
Current Opinion in Toxicology 2017, 3:62–70
Epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis Terranova et al. 67

phenotypic effects driven by sometimes subtle effects human tissue responses to xenobiotic exposure. Given
on target gene expression [71]. The role of non-coding the likely importance of epigenetic mechanisms during
sequence variants in cancer is currently being explored NGC it is particularly noteworthy that the DNA
[72] but it seems likely that genetic variants in non- methylation profiles of mammalian cells differ from
coding enhancer regions will contribute to tissue-, those of the primary tissues from which they were
strain- and species-specific responses to NGC. derived due to rapid reprogramming of epigenetic and
transcriptional profiles following adaptation of primary
It is also noteworthy that most rodent carcinogenicity cells to culture [74]. The recent refinement of cistrome,
studies are currently performed in genetically undefined epigenome and transcriptome profiling tools for assess-
outbred stocks (e.g. CD1 mouse and/or Wistar rat) that ing cross-species conservation of tissue-specific genome
represent a very narrow range of genetic diversity functions provides a valuable opportunity to critically
compared to humans. Whilst using more diverse panels of assess the comparability and validity of cellular NGC
rodent strains might conceivably enable improved pre- models versus in vivo-derived tissue samples. Further-
dictions of inter-individual human variability [73], the more, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiling is proving to be
feasibility of testing xenobiotics for carcinogenicity in a powerful tool for cell lineage tracing [48] and thus may
multiple rodent strains is limited by ethical and economic help deconvolute the cell type specificity of xenobiotic
factors. Nevertheless, the genetic diversity in mice pro- responses within complex tissues.
vides a powerful approach for establishing mechanism.
Finally, there are several challenges associated with
In the context of pharmaceutical and agrochemical incorporating epigenetic mechanisms and biomarkers
product development, the ability to deploy early into cancer risk assessment. These include the need to
mechanism-based approaches for cancer hazard identi- define the normal inter-individual dynamics of healthy
fication prior to entering more resource intensive and versus disease-state epigenomes across tissues and
costly late phase preclinical and/or clinical studies would species, and also to determine what constitutes adverse
be highly advantageous. Molecular characterization of versus adaptive epigenetic changes in response to
the potential association of drug target modulation with xenobiotic exposure [75,76]. However, efforts are
tumorigenic phenotypes via genetic models, germline already underway to characterize tissue-specific epige-
mutation databases and cancer genome resources has nomes from rodent stocks and strains that are regularly
recently been proposed as an innovative strategy for used for carcinogenicity testing (
enhanced cancer hazard identification [13]. Where the projects/c3-ed-a-comprehensive-epigenomic-profile-of-
molecular target of non-therapeutic xenobiotic NGCs liver-tissue from-rat and mouse) and phenotypic
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