Arendt - Crises of The Republic

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houqhtspn Polltlcs andl R,lelyolllu1t'ij,oln

Copy righted material

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

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and Future
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On Vi,ol,enc,c'


or the ,Re,pu'b:~~,c

Tb,e :Life of't.b:e :M~n,d::

ONE/UDNrKr- .. O




:lI.ant",'s,:P,o:~li1ica] Plu~,osOiphy


Con.l5polld~nce' 19 :16,-1969

'lEIA 'i)i;.1'illI.J A. D' .A.''OI;~,,"H'iII'lf" ,1ICU',~lJt~, ~:f.,UI.l,

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

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On Violence

d . . Ii Th oug h ts on P'-or ncs anu


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,;\ Harves,t Boek Harcourt Brace &" Co~pat)Jy S,aD, Di,€\G;o N,e;wYof'k London

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AU riSJt'b' :~rn~d. No 'paln, ,of dtis :pu'blbtlGn :ma,y be feptiflduced 'o.r' 'tnI~mi!~ in ,an.yform 'Or b~'a~~' :meanSi dOOiOOJiticOFmeehaaicaJ including p!lrfilOC.Op,y" reoor(nn~ ,Of ;JUlY inFonna®ion $tn:rap' ,Ind, :reUiel'l'lI~stem~ wimho~t'(;le mmi"iofJj,in ~ir1!1PI: from rille 'lWblldl~r4' .

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For Marv McCa"r1'h'V ,i'n Friends;hip.,'. ,,r , "~J ~ - , , - '-.J -, - " -- ...

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

,LJring' in Politics
Re{lee:t',i',(J"RS on ,~~ke p,'enlagoR ,P,{I"P'ers


]J o,3

,Appe'i1d~Cfi 1,85!

d _eVOvllltlon I anc R
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Copy rig hted m ateri al

Lying in. Politics

Iteflections on the Pentagon Papers

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

T H ,E P·1£N T'A GO N P ,A,:P' E 'R ,~tSl the :fO'Fty~seveD·volume ~'mHis,tory ;(};f ·U 81oD·!ecisi(~]l~·M·u.iDgrocess on Vl,et.., P nam, p'oUcy'·~(commiss~ionedl by Secreta~ of D~Ee:nse lRo'l~ eit, S\oMicNamal'fa. in, June ~.Qi67 and completed a ye3!r,· and ,31 hall£ [a·rer) has become known e'ver since' the ·N·elv Y:ork 'Tim es pu'bUshled.~ in. June' 1,'9rj":I" thls top-secret, ri,chly dow,.. · raented T,ttOrJd. of the American role in. Indochina, from 'World. 'Wu' ,II to Ma·y I.gt6S-ti@U different stor'i!f!St teach di:fierm;t lesSO:DSo difl'erent readers, Some ·c~ari'lll,they have t

,ryno lIV· 'D;!"I,ti'r u~~,T ~~ 'Q

u.n. w""~~ .. U!1i.iI.. thar derstood .u,


:·:·:~·e. ·m,' -:--: .1I.i1.lIb :tn'a. -:-:~s '1r~, . lY~. WQ'


come '.~" , ",;4.0, '·"·~··u.~,'.~·_. .\~if' ·O!£ [~ll~ e- n'il'dl W··: ·_~-V,UJ.·.'_~ .'


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others, that tJhrmIs, a. unique 0ppolitu'Olty to learn about d,ecl'si'rJD,.mal-wng processes In govemment, . btw:tmoot readers havle by:001v a/peed that. the' baslc issue' raised, by' the' p,I,:pen is deceptiou," A,t an,y rate, It is quite ,o·bvlous, that tbe, ~ssue
Piejlt~goll ,Pap~s for the' N e\y Y;oi':k Ti·mesJ and it is at least probable that this was, also an issue :for the team of writers wb~)! peepared the :fortYrSev,m 'v~)].umes, 0·£ the (If,il-inal

was uppermost in the minds of these w:bo wm,:piled The

slud.y·~·Jl· he. famous ,aedi.llHity P.pJ·wb,lic·h,bas, bem, widl. us T

Copy rig hted m ateri al

deeenrions - '" h . , . . '' WiS, Ie'S, to pro cC It l,lB

WD'~'1 ''!!!I,ll!: I~I, ~
. _'" .-. . "

Jt.--long J' ~~ ~;., IW:~.Q~1 - U~~Jli l,V' ooened - '--"'p... {'ID' t-.;i"i; 'ib.'~ilil! li!!iil'li'd.:J 'lIi'l.,,1i!':c!'Z!: ~~. l' <It!'·'!IIP'' ... D, .. l· G.llJl,l·I~1 '° ',,-- - '1--"'- - -.- . ,-- - ,- .- - - - - " - - - -- , '". -- - -. T_',h",IeqUI!:._:_an" de- orf' =ym.g 5ltlti.f:menU, 0 f a:'1-1 sons~:cd ec.ept:u)ns,a00 I~~''''IX IlU'tIl- ~~ ", i'U~~'·.
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ap·"t·,,,_ ~1ilD'lilI1If" ',"__ It reader w:' ,'h;tri;, a'nv' Lu! ~LIlA.til.JJ.J ", '11" nhs '" ~.~' -;rlB 1- 'v.h _Ie Ij' unr a,pp:~.y,~.h e must,,
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recosnize ~ ~'!..!I'O,",,",,

'~"'-'!iI''r.ii!i- ,iC.;o"ri'\e;o,!iY'i'l I!JI!ILG~S, ,lLu&:


mlitm,ent 'to nantrlllth'(ulD.e~lS in. paU.dlcs, '\Vent om

andd 'O"W- estic pv ~1,~··-,:r !!;;.:i. I"C J,iClo, Because 'of the extravagant :~,engt:hs'm 'which, the' rom.. ,
,u.U,1 ., " '.' -c·...
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e~ a. o~ ne3,,r-]'~~ ~~ ~y:-,

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bigb,es~ ],e'vf,l oi: go,ven~UliJ.lenti' and beesuse of 'the' con,oom'°tallt'f!Xle-~lt to Wb'"'Jl "',Til 'lS" M'U'!nCFwas, . meirmiitite.cI 'm 'nrolife~mte '- ,- 11_ '_ ' ,n.~ _~ .. Ie ,F.'"' .~ --,r~ . --1 ';:!B'f'Iliiili'"'ili!l;l:!" 'iIflHiiliit8!fJ';-c '1i~''''''i.,ryUI!h":. ~~...__ 'iiio;~,!ii:i' ran :11.:", Tt.if:. <:1.'11'1- 1~"""'v~:.e,er-nifii"iiliQn·· 1L4iL1L U~~,u __ 0" U' .AlI! "UI1L and ci:,jUan,~dle :pO.'011'y body cou:n:ts ,of the' "search-andd~;trln.Vil~ miJ'Sei!lJens-,r. the' doctered . ,af'ner=dama~ 'n:~rn··:;'rbo,E tbe- .,. .... ~-. [="'-.... ~ ~ ~ -- ~ air fotce~'~ the '!:~pm,gm8$'~'f. y,epo:ru, to \V:ashin,gtoD now, t'be lel-d 'WTitlte-n by subof()llnates 1-vho- knew' that their periOl'D.1l~ ance 'WOld,") be evaluated by 'their own 'r'~por.ts~oDe is easil" tempted to :fo'rget the background ,of past h,istorY'I' :itst'll no't eX~l,dy ,3\ staT' ,of' :i'm'macu]at@,,e, a~i'D'S't w:bich th:is n.e'v,restepisode must be seen and judged. -.JJ. '~ ~ ~ 'iiI'...Ii Hd-" '.' Seaecy-wha'l!: 'u.i ptomaucal '11y :is ca~,eu '-r :is,cretl0m~,' U 'weU as the t:lfCll'na i'm,perii the' 'm'",steries, (lei govle:u}lD.emrt~, and d~eoeption~ d,el iberate falsehocd and 'the' outrigJh't He the " '1 ~ ' -- - . ,- . -. .. ']J'Il'1t . , uilve m ed- Ii'tS,_eg,ltl'molte - m~"lns .'. . ,3,C __ , t,o . .'h 'leViE!:. . po I"'' ~ 'il e~I__.,_'S 'Ib,~~_"._, _.tI__CiL - n d'i ,'_
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been. w];th us since' the beginning' of recorded h'iswry~, 'Truthfulness bas never 'been counted ,am,aug the poUtical
,~ , I'" 'b 11 ...1i .... ...1 ~. "';C, '1.'....1 VIrtues" ana.oJl nes ,'a!.ve' alJ,ways, t... neen r~,gal'~u as, ,JUS'itl'IJ3l:u.It,c' 'ttlO~bi'in ,po]itiod dealings., 'W,hoevier RfI,ec;ts, on these ma't-

"'Rale,P,'h ,st~~ . lljob~r'd,J. B~~,- ..-~ aiM. "-;'f.attl1l G,. 'ltaislin-, , l\V:a8,lI;.. '''n~ ,. , ., .. - V,I - if ,~., -- - -, - ~- - ~ ~,~-. -~, ll'lU~!,~n, ,PltUj~ ltin, ,d;'~'UJie~ive' War,[i<N~'W' Olk; :~ Y 9jn ~'n~ :~,815'-'~ s,'~ D
J ~.~ ~ • l~',_ •

,8,,Daniel .

IUsberu ~~The' ':" "iO/....".J .. 'Mvth ,and).'the S~a'~en'FII~e,,-. - -- - ~ .···llam'n~'R , 'l 'Mamin.ei'-t . .-. ,,- . . iI." ,m, ,Pu,b',lic P,Ott.!" , S:pri~8 1'971 i:6t-·2:6S., See' ai[50 Lalie n" Gemb~ 1"'l/i.e(:lilam: The' Sy$tem WO'r-ked./~ :in ,F~e:i:gn PJ'OM;f.J" S'l)aimmf'f 197'1,1'
, . . - .... 'tio~



:p. l,!jg~ ,4

Copy rig hted m ateri al

ten, can (.mly 'be surprised. by' bow' Iittle ,auenlti,on has been

paid~ in. onr tradition of philoaophical and 'p'oliti,ed ~ ~ . th.o''to theilr.' ,sicnlli:6,can~eJ'on the one hand fOI' the' na,




. --L· . - .• 'I .. -. eh ·t· r ~~.~ 'b~"n-" A , cnaraesensnc OJ[ numan.. acuon IS, I_·t~;ar 11!'\' aw,v;,afs~:6~ s' som,et'bin,g new'; and this does not mean dlat ~,tt is levier '~-.' - ,··~-·--j".c.·d: IU start--', au ovo, t-~,·- creaite ex ,n~·.,diCO,., .n. ore er tc , -,--,:-dl pernut~,_ -- ..... '- _.. ,it. _'0 ':.-, ~- e .'-,,':~,"!:<'~"~' ]",0, make ~,vv.~~~ '~'F" one's Tun aceie n~'I - somethina t·h:mt. was there ~----,---- '1r-,'0~ __ .~ ~,v~
,a ~- ,. ••.. - "~

,of aCUQD ,a;nd. on the other ~ for the namre of our ~"b-~~':i 'iljn d:iDri"i'y 1~'~ oushe 3lIld- ~,-~~ -;:i).. ~~,,,,,,er h'" apP,,",JiJii.dl' 'fFn ~,v ... ,th: v U-O, -.-,~ lVO(['u l~ nil'll>'" '\'f-'-'-'~' ... --:".",~ -~,..11 '~U'~'J -u, I,.'M be the case, This active, ,aggm,~\~_v,eca pabiHJ:ty is clear 1y-diE.. f-e·r.ent from OUI' nassive . . susceet .1_ l~ I'.f b) 'fall ~-ng.'..' nre'!J' to . -~ .~ ... -~ r''''''''''' .. .r lblll t1ll' ...,. it :f"'"" 1 ~1I'1~';;:;:~,""""the '. liJilll.,,",iFLlvliLS (!Ill "m"'· ,~~Dry ~ ,a.n, ' ',. \-v,UallJe¥ ·d· If:. . '. '!kID." ' .. ~ > .,-- d u"J .<iD..~ .. .1.1. 'u.alt,j!',u",IU'II.. else can b-.e bl,a.'~ed·., 0-n t"h~' ~"',Uhlftf1;i .n,f-· 0.·ur '~.~n··.~III'~I'"eiI_11a.l!~U. .. ~I!.~~~&~~~ mental apparatus,




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before mu-st he' removed Of' destreyed, and things ,IS tbey were before are [:b~anged"Such , \-\r'O-HId be im,:posslble if w:e eould nor 'lD,enta.Uy- remove -0 ursel ves, ·frOID. ''1here' we p!h.y.d,ca:U.-y are l0(3.ted and ,i':magin,e' that things mig;ht. as , 111 ...3" t ". -~om' ~ h- ~ aJ, th~ 1 ,tiCt:U,.allvJ. a:.:,,-',.' 1-'0 .....I[I~ .II, PV ~'",~'.ILI boa :~ 'til1U:!""':,:,~-n,_ IT' I,": •. W ~iI: v ther WQ,OOJ; the' deljberate denial of factual trlltn.--=dl,e abU it:J' to
'I.. abT'\QI ~~


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'"iI. ~ ,.~ ~

Interconnected, ,they oQw,e t'he'ir existence to the same .. " '. I: ~)tut:,e,::JJmaglfiat!l.'on", ']II. lS b no means .3. ma,rbta- OIL coutse _t ~-y ·that we can, s~y "The sun shines, u, w,hen it actually is ra:~ni[1g (the ,ooDsequen,[e of certain brain injuries is. 'the iI..,.,fiJto nlf- t-:il.,:' , "'_''-''~:'-':'''_--''i--.:).-. ~ .,- .-, j;.lJ.._ .I1;~ V nilS capac.Il!lj.Y:, ; r.a,IIj..l1~!L~ .I,I!!,.indicat ~-.t-'L,~t,·, '11-.':11· l\rA .ar,~ ,1nu!l.,cal_'e'S_ ual Wlll.llle . ~
I, _ ''',j;.,

lie-end the' to change fact.s-dle ,a'bUity to act"""ILre'

'weU 'eq,'ui:pped, for the' \vorld sen:suaJU,-y,~ we'll as me:FJj'taUy~" 1.., ... Ald ~ ,. w,e are: not ,~A JJ&tlteu. or em,uw ,e:d l:Dto :1.1: as one 0 f'· ma I~ ~ .I,eD'" able 'parts., 'Ve' are tre,e to c'han8e ,the 1¥odd and 'to start '~W-·~.•, 'L.. ",'t... '~II t:... . .1. d :8oDl.etu:~:ng n'ew ~fJj tt, .:It!l,~,orut tne mentat needom 'ItO .' .eny ,OF aI1nn existence, ito sa,v "ves" or 'ii~'Doit~,~not.iust. to state-l ~ --. . . ,. --.. J. .. ments or proposidons in order to ex,press, 3lgreem,ent, or ~ -~ de~ d"" ._ -.. .. rut 'lsagreeflJ.;l~mt:j bu to 'nih~~ --~- t ~b' a:re ,glnrm ,e-b .. 1D,IS' as, ".ey ~- -" ~ .~eyon~_agreej


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Copy rig hted m ateri al

.. .. I " ,L. ,course t- ne

Hence, when 'we

v·err S~IIl_l__.PU.IIlll.,lCS are

,~ ,1' r,


w,o~dd'be' possi.ble;: and action is

...1.' mace ·0··-·f·," '-~ ahoue I yJJng:" and





.espetiaUy about

lying a; acting men, let us remember tbat ·the' 1"e did not C1lieep lnto pol Itlcs by' some' aocideit1l.t !uf human s~n.. . ~. .Iulness, .Mural. outTag'c" .J)[ this reason alone, ES, not bkJely to














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." ·. _!!':n £.,. - .. ~ ". 'W1r",u ~ L - ~ .. ·CO nt" ·!; __"e,.'":l'i" ~: l.dL~; - th t . ES\J. ,-",,1:.. -~ tllhi9> -. 'u~·~ iii" 1(:a1TJ- ~ ~ Ullt!I}~:ren'~ I .'3 K'fS 1:....... ~ ~- -th- .. ~- 'th~--~'~". I ~. -1 -~~ '.-~- - - 1~.,.. _, -'",,", b - : .. , -h '. l> _" ~ ::1- .', .... ,[", "l "'" '-,,', I'· .I _. ~-~ -' '

'make I't dlisa.p.pear.,. he deliberate' falsebood T




deaJs w.ith

tr U· . WJ. .]lm. , th emse .vesJ, no .De<Je5SltY to _ ··l~,IS, t~tey U'e;o Factual trlllthS are never Cillm..·y·true .. Th,€' historian. knn,w.>t', :hofii"iJf .ulne~·b·.-,~ Is t'h'~~,"iIi' w~bnll~.l,-~~." __ !1i9if.' ,Lil~ v to'~'liUI-'i'o~ ,lIl:._,.,"'f'iI.'!!' ,~'i"i' l,l~l~ ~.~ ,~~~

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'which ',ve' ;s,pend our ,daily' life'; i-t is ,al:w,ays i.n. danger of 'Ii... ~ 11:' ,. '1 ies ·L. ......1i_.. loeulIg .per.llor,atJe'd b :SUlg"f ,., or torn to :S-~j[rl~ , 'if.. ·t'b.e ~-, 1o,.' .. d" .,. e .. ...,11 .......111 . ,organ·tze._ 1 Jl,,}nng 0:11:. groups, naUORS,!!. ()T' crasses, or d'.mUJW and UJii.l! ~U,p, 'v, .-...I often iiI""'!liriii\ii;jj~f'-iil·iillll·~·v· up"'$ ream s ,i'ii;ii: L:11~oII:J,._ "bv 1u.ILill v1: J:LUil!I!I;7" ·L ..'.'._ ..:11 , " - ,.- . .'-. . 'I' . ..... .. ,] 1 . -.' L·11il· .." .+.. .' "bI" '•.'. F''- . .',. nel;U .JI UI,OOU1iii or sun..-,-y auowe _ to I~JJ, ~-n,,~o, Hf~(~,'n", ,KItS, p' 0 ·testimotil,y to' 'De' remembered ,BlID.d, tt'IllShvoilthy witn·est;es to be esmbHsh.ed. in order M find ·3. secure d.well:ill1l':m.
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.I. '!G'~.








,t'~~ Ul!l!O.'

d:,-ma.-i'-n ,~,f: hum-I:'-'fi': ''''pt~ : F-: tl.·'"'fi! 11. .W JiOWS udlll,!. .n.o Jl,_~~~~_~ OJ; ,~~ _.~ a: au;al:r.,~,. :romn~:~J' .~.'" ,itf"-',l~ll--:I~'.:~, ,.. 'Ik,. '-""1 4·. t:--· '-1 :-S14~m,enli.can ever 'b!' b d -'--~'-dC" J:i:lJCI ua ,e.eyom.~. uOU·b~L,...~ secure ane .lj,.......a_s

,f'."'·f! - ..::__ i- .-'., '-.-.~'





I '.'-

. -' --



:d~,h~~.dled apbll;st alt~k as,

two and



bJjs!tm~'j, th·e ·statemen:t


make foor ...

Il!.is,this hagH:ity that. makes de£eiption :50 very easy up ,to' ,a pO'i''i t, and 8,0 t,e:mpting'., It neve comes into a e,o.oIict. wid)
reason ','-' because' th:hlO'~ cO'umdlndeed have been as the' liar i . -'-' . -, .!"..... , ... ---.. -. 0""" ~. -' ,- ", . -".
c. . ,

~-··h·~. the -"' wishes OIr ex,pects to hear ~ He :bas prepaeed .h·ls story :mr k ,""" iif"'i:!Jj~t'i"iili ~V1Q, ·ti'' ', 'iijrij'f.illl·''':'D~a I"·t ~v ~:u·m~-·-nilf-~,i"IIiifi'l i!'·ll ··t ILl. ~,l~' Pu'lb-c l·~.f'!· ~>nn~'M'\~.0'"
.f-. ear ,3,dvantaee o·f - V~!!1! ~d,";""

maintains they were Lies are ,often 'much more plausible, more 3!.p.peaUllg·to 'liEaSOO". than reality~.sil1c.e'the liar has th,e
11.ii'i, .....~ -''!'ii'i.(F' 1i~~0'\V,~,,;~, 'L.~

neforehand ,.u'I-"""u3ii&itU,

W . ;'""~ . -






, ....,~~,

I," ~ .. ,


l1i ·i~,




._.. ~",

Copy rig hted m ateri al

l;\[e~as, reality has the di~-oon.c,ertln,I' :ha,hiJt Of~ ton:kontin_g us' lvith the unexpected, :fo-l"'which we W'U'e' not pre pared, Under normal ,ci.r:cllmsta'l1tc,es, the tiar' is defeaeed Ilry credible,

t,eaHtY:i ,£,'01' wl1:ich there is,no su:bsm:itu[,e;: no mateer bow' large

the _ ~.Il
I -

t ~'i:!~iiI'~,~

o-·It:alsehood ;ii:&"',"'ljl[-- an exner-~ _.l Iiar ".w. £- ~.W~. . o. u." ~~,IJ.L~Uj ,ll.·

,lI,!~. ~ ..





Il.,.,.,c;. IIlr.U ..' 1L~~" ,W,WUiJ '.,.-., '0'~ ,0;_

:it wiU, never be ~~w.,ge' ,e~oiu,ghjeven if he enlists the' h,elp of

computers, cover rhe Immensity ,o~b'cJtuaUtJ~ The llalF" who ma,y g,et aW3i.y' '-\fitb, any num ber 'Of sin,gl,e' :&Jj;sehoo&" \lliU :6nd it impoS&~'ble'to get a'w,ly wirth lying' on ,pi[in-d,ple'~ This :is one ()f the, lessons rhat ()Oi~md,'be learned from the 'wtaUtar.ian, experiments and the' tottd.[tar~~, ttdiel:s" &ight"" ening (onfidern,c-e in the 'P~)W~F'of' l,ing~in, rheir abiH;lty" for .• ' . ... -. _ .~. ."'~' , lnstanc-e" tiO l' e'WTl",-. L.,~,·. ,6 te ~1IllI;Story a,ga,ln ,au·ell_ 3!gaU), m a~,pt,- the _0 ad ...·iMi,~i:!·1Ii' 'm-'-'~-r .1i,:L .... "pol line" "0"£' the 'p---'([--~~-n","I"o'~..m····.. 'AD·.··!i- ~' to m' Ul!\;; [ . "', ", .I" ,~.~ ~ , tV e:~im:ma'te data that did 'not n,1t thil;,ir id eo]ogy,. Thus, in a
1 __ ._'










socialist economy, 'tile} 'w'Ou"~.dlde'Il.Y that unem,plo'ym.e:D,'&

[existed'i' the unemployed person, ~~:m 'beoomillg' a p,~,y :per-s.QD~ The resumm, 'Of such e'x,perim,en'ts wh,ien undertaken



those' In possesslon o~ d'~e'means o~ vlo~!ence am' terrible enough, but lutin,g deception is not ,a;mong 'd),em,. There alw,~ys c(~'m,es, the point beyond, ,.,,'bilch ly-in,g 'bw)mts, oounterproducrive, Th ~s point is reached when the audi-

enee to which the U.'es,aT,€; addressed is, forced eo disrep,rdl idt(),gethe:r the distil'l;gtdsning' Iine between truth and blse.. hood in. or.der to be ,3bile 'to survive, Truth Of' mlsebood ...... it [does not maltu '\\"fb.ich ~l~y m,o:re'~ your Iife depends on i:f your ,acdn,g as you. trusted; truth, dlJ.3t. can be 'ul'ed on disappears entir[e:~.'y' from pubnlc lif.-e't and '\v1m, it the past, '"e' must, :now add t\-'\'f-Q- more VE(.furtvar,n,etie$;; There :is,~ ,fi'r!ii'~ the appa:vently :;:nnocuous, one of the' ,pu,bUc'~lleJa;d.ons 7
Copy rig hted m ateri al

cldef stahil:izing factor in the !ev,er·changing a:Jfar~,nof' men. 'To 'the :wan.y' gle'f);'fts, in the art of l"~'Dg ,d,e·veloped in, the

'mana,geris in govemment who leamed liu~il~' 'trade hom, dlie

inv1eJl.'d,v.eness of. M'adlsOIl. ,Av'eJ].ue,. Public ulad.ons is but a wrie1ty irJf ,adv,erti&i:n,g; bence' it :has its orlgin, in the OOD..


dis:tri,but,ed through. a ma:rltet, econ.omy,~, The' trouble wi,t'h th,e menttalitJ' ,of: the :pu.bHc;.relatiolls, man is ,that. he' deals onl y in opiinions, and '!;",goodl win~;:,'the 'rea,dill5S! to' bUY:I! tJha£ ' is~, n. :inmngi bles whose conereae reaJi.'ty :is at a mjn'~;lDu;m i .. IT,his, means tba,t :fur his inventions lit may indeed, iOO'lk. ;u thou,gll the' :s'k'" is 'the' l~mirt~,ur- :he· lacks the po~irticim~!s f
paWleT to act, 'to! "create" fac,ts" and, thus, 'dlat. si·mp],if. eve'ry .. ,day' r~3L1 tfl,a£ sets Umit!), 'to power and, brings tile' fotves 01' it}' imagblatiloll d,f) earth. The OD~Y' Hmitati,on to wha!t the pn'bli'vre'iad,oDs man, does comes 'w-n,e;nbe' discovers tha;t :tbe :sanu~pe~p'l,e: wbo 'can. be ~~manj_:pll]ated:i:'-' 'to boy' a, cHtain. kind of' soap cannot 100, mani:pulatle(t.....,.thou,gb,;, of: course, ,they can be' :fofted by t~rr>or-rto '~~bo,~J opi-nions and, pO]:itiea l 'VifWS~ Therefore '~hc ps,,.cbO['Ol'i~,ed :p'I,emise lof: human 'manj_pu~ Iabili ty has become one of th-e chief' wares that are so:~d. ,B O ...11.,06 _'I~A'iii- n,t:. comm .....,. 'B it:!u·.I;if!;b"·;Ul~ ,&~.~ uf ~v (u,n:-'~,~ d learned ~. o·"P··~D';lf'lIit"'i.':u·lt·:, ,~!_w. ~_' .lI.~ _~~ :.., .. docerlnes do not ehange the w,ay people :~ormopinions or pr,ev1e'n.t tll,em from ,a,oting' ,a,,(J.oo,rdlillg 'to tbe~ir 'orwn, Hab:u\o The' ,only m,e:thod short 0'1 terror I~()have' 'rea1. influence' OD :their' VOJldurJt is ;stH~,the old. carrot-and-stick approach. It is not sUlprlsi-ng dli.t t'he' ferent g1!n,era:ti,o-n. 01 in;teU,eci!.u a'] Sj' :w,-b- .0 m~\O!i"~P·· the insane atmosp'ijl;li·,o,~f't,a;mnatiJt- 3!d,veltis~ eiI-'~" I iUt :~,~ ,llia.1t c_,.,.., -_-_ :i:Dg and, were' 'tau,got dla't half 0-£ :po'lj;t[cs :ls '~~i.mage.:ma'kiD~'I ,m,(t d},e'other :11311 'tile art, of making people believe ,in, the ima.gery'~ :shou,~d ai:mos1t a,utnma:timU" £all, back on, the o',ld,er adsges 01 carrot and sUck. whienevet' dl,e situautio-n. bOOODUl!S too ser.ious, fur "theory," To them, 'the-,greatest, disappolneme'nt in ehe 'Viletnam adventure s_hO'IllJI.d. have been iJ]le' there ~~,p-,~'~j!i, ~~--.i'i;'''''~~'n·'··d· .. '._ 'l"irIi"O"'uiiCir'tl" ... '~" U.~~J_J . '_',IJ~~JI '!I!"I~i~~· d· ~·Y~~.I ,ii.;I1..,"-'liI·t ~-~,~,.",~ ._I,~ rc";Y ~.II~ -w-ii'ii-ii... ·'i~p.·1f.t'ilom·· "·-:1\., h.... ;iI. ·..::II 'lir .'. :su~ 'met: ,~, ... oo nor ·W'Ot,t;., eit h-__r, e

1I.'!~1'",~I"",l'~-,Ii, :~th,_ . .- .IL~ .'l~'n···~.J"~-,alt-' 'r r-'''di.~ ,f~, ,u_""nd·_ l~'~- 1h-@! ~t"tI', w,' ·Ii i-,fi: "Yl1UJJlJL oIi!!I a,'-''flnP*'~:f,,~1:."",,;11, c,V'Y!' UI ~ IJ)~ .-:IIV"',.;
I ~ .'

rifii'rn,f· JLIklI:&













- _...

- - --



.. ', ...


Copy rig hted m ateri al

likely 'to 'be ,am. idw v,icth:n o.f complete' manipulation is, 'the President 01 'the United States" Bemuse of the :l'mmemsi,t.y 'of' his job,. he' must

(Oddly ,enou.g:'bi, tiJ,e ooly penon


Ma!nagers~~;as tbey have recently b-een CEdl.ted,'by Richard

,ldmse'~'f: with, ,adl,visenJ the "National



Barnet, wht) "exereise 'theil' power. chteiy by' B'iter,ing' the infiormati,on, t'hat 'F.,catChes the President, and by mtetpt'ftin.g' the outside 'world £'01" :b:~_m~ The Pr.esident" one :is tlem.:pmd, '00 ar,gue'~ ,ane,gedly' th,e most prlilver.h:d, man, Oil the 'IQ,05t p-ower.hd voun:try;, :jl 'the only peroon in this country whose' '0,1 cb.oic,es ,call be :pr.edetel,lnio:ed. Tbith 0,1 course, aUI haplpen onJ,' if the exeeu Itlve branch has, cot, i"nsell'Dff from 00' ntac' 't W' '!'~h"t'lle ~- - -1- - t'·' - p····o·- e..--- iO' E-' C:-" - -- gresi'--- - - - ~"lt ].! if! -~s :'",~,!I!""
'. " 'I '1 -,'--'
II ,',C,-,'

- 'I'


I ,.' ,'.


_' ,








,i . ~ !IW'lIl~






',':_:'v~!L: '," .,._-:~



". -


"III" .IL._"


the I~~

'11.0'" M";'ij;'~ ,i-'i>'iiiil'lI''f' .... ,m-·-:-'-'I~ ]j"'n-,-:- n,n,....~W.,£iim·· of J"'-'ei"'~~ VIU1~U, Y<I· Qt~'~~--~ U
i,I,~ _'_'

[~i.··I'~" .. _!,

!D!1'o'~l!\e·m· ment when




Senate is being de:pT,i;ve,d of~ .or is 'rel uctanr 'W eJrercise'~,:its

powers :to participase and ad vise in the conduct of' foreip

a:falrs", One o£ dIe' Seoa:te":s., fu:n.cdons~ as, w,e now' k:IlQrw is to shield, the d,ec:isi,oln,~ma.kin.g process, ;against ,the rtr.,al1si,eD!t
moods and tr-ends oj :socie'EY at large-In ,th~s caSB'J' the ,arntlm o.f' our consumer :socielJ' and ehe p'UbH~yrle'tad.o:nst 'managers w\h,g m'teI' to ,iit) The s",ond 'new' 'w:detf of the art of Iy.~'ng:" th,01J1gb less &,equend'y met w~i;lihin eVf!'ryda,y ~i£e pla:ys a more imporeant role in the' :P'entag-on pa,pefi~It, ,a1:soap'peails to. much better men, to, those, :(01' !enmp~e:j, who are' ~i,'kelJ to be

p'L[<:1i"",ili; pro fession -a ~I "preble..~.~.-- .~ 'm:__ -~,1'IkI!'~~41, ,: vU s~l"i.'Y'!!"J"'~\e: 'they were drawn into ,governm,ent and from th,e'!and ittu:t v3ri[ou.s 'tillink tan~bJ' s(lm,e v,f theu,
~:n, 1:.. ".'iII'n ~'ii:' ~rl·:'t- '_ ,~~.~._:" ~~._ '···.lJ.[~-~IJi~I!.!I!. I~~,~~,:'::~ 'O"n'E"I;i! .. Ai ':: _ Q

:roundl in th,e' :b:jgb,eTtanKS; of ,the ,ci'vil.ia'n services, The,. are,

·N···· 1- g-'t,.fel
: :i.,~=~__!.,~~·~,
~i ,"."
1_ •.

,G,In e!

Slta:vbl!1j Bamet Ra5,k"in

j J

,0',. cj:t'.J :p., '1,19.

'I!'lI:Ir.ilh 1~!II

'TI:!:e p~",t~goo PfJ'Fft" ;as pubU:s~ed by The New' York, Tirn;e~, N!®w YlIllrk 11'1~ 'Kjv~ 1\>1'')1'[may wa.! pr-e;pared '1].et:l)le the' 1!P'1~Ji(::3J'ran;r.e,of p.,




,r.ress,. ,allid, metie£Q:fe' :is;ba$ed OQ1, ,~n,th~~ :Ba~~ 'ooi~ia~~

'in,U-' r'

b:l,~ti:!IIl.,,,,,... _1I~1~t:U


U,. j;'hc,e'-" ,G.'''''!(J\~i''Iii7'II'fIilI'~iA.' '1D~1l'II'~';,n-: ~ - .. ~ ~ll_"'Ii~J"_",,~,"IIJ[IlII_ -

0' -eli


~ ~_l:.L~


•. ..1l ~~'U.


Copy rig hted m ateri al


orenared~':_-'--~ r.;..!

Pll1td'On"e- u. with """"1!. -- c,r A "" - --§I'if> i~

0'--- ..


,;..'1,.. fiV ['U;~I:"'J' .'.

-b"""u,i'Tih,t' UI-6!1!!i··~

'''''h~''il'~as· g .u '''liD' ~L~!!;,;'IU~......


i - .,,...,11-" 'III.D ,.Ju,~,v!e Il ar

;~,i:!lt· ~~~ ~,l.-.a· ""'.II'.I!lI~



the 'L.I e f" IL~le.~:prou~ms 'o~,

ii!'~' i!l~


.Y59J, tlb":-",illS ..

Ibf,eign poUcy~A ,si,gnificant ruunber '0:1the' authors ,of 'tA,e' M,eN'a'mara slUldy' bel:ong' to this group~, \~'11ich~()1lsist,ed,'0:1: elgh:tee.n, mHitary OffiCR1, and e,,~gb:teeD c~,v,il,:~an'srom ,think, f :tulks,. lUli'v,eniti,ts" and governm,emJt :servlc,1!S1o T.h,e'y [oertainly
"were not
;O'f>i[' IV.iI. ~ .,~'

eb ~

Atack. 0,1 d'ovles~I'-:--a mere' j1~ftta:ndful were critical U"~.;JI.,:'V" I- 'm'..itm ~n in \'1!L' ~it'l!1i ;o;j;'m''i~''liD··.:I-)~;,I:. ' ]jill] tM'l; ;...U~"I- m". . ,iC'l c nm" . i . !IO..111:~,~ . ~~;"'g,I:_____; '~ • u -e·t it I .;..i ,,1!..
u .:.~ _


tha:1t we' owe toi's 'tTutbfld; thou"gh of. roUES@' 'Dot cg,m,p~ete~ :sto!f~'Of' \~'hait ha:npened inslde the machinerv J:' I:;f ,010 zern~ ,I ! ~ " "" ~ ~~,r,' - ,,-~L_" -~" -~ .. .. 1 _ .... 0, ,~"""V " ' ..

The problem-solvers ,ha"e' been ,chancterlz;ed, as men 10£ ~e3J.t: ,seU<'mlfidenCie',-, ,~hol "seem r,31ridy to, d,ot~bt tbeiT.' ability eo p'n~:va:U,/ and theY' worked together lvith tbe' members of the' mintary' of '~lvhom "the l1,istory lie-marks, [03jt the-y-wen! ,j:me;o accustomed to ,vinning.," :"~$'Wle' sboilJ1l.d1 :001'; :f~)rget; hat we -owe it to d~leprobl:em·,$oIvef.s~ e'fort ,Qlt t :i:-mpardal sem:f~xam:~:nati(),n~, rare arn,oni such :p~~lP,le'~that,

. _IJ~

the la[~ILiu ,-: :0.'. -\r.~_. P'iI"~r1 hid ing> 'UJ;~ ~~: role behind OJ :~~ actors' atrem ·!L-~ a heir- b .A~.: ... ~~'I~lil!;U. ,~ i


: •.




~\If!'r'.aoiD>'ft ~!\r.{I~



self-pro~cdv,e ,secrec,y- (;a;tleast until they have completed th.lei:r :m,emoirs-in olllr' c-entury the most dece'h:fu.l genre' of ]:iler;atlln:) were frustrated, The 'basic :integrity' 0,£ those wh,a 'wrote' the- ':report is beyond dOD bt~j:he:y' ,muld ,[ndeed, t be trusted by Sec1'Ietary' :)'lc'F\~ amara to' produce ,3'R ~~encycl,Q.o' :pedlc and objecdve' report and "to lielt the ,ci1I.ipsfan where :

(h.e, ma,y,.,~i\9

But these moral ]q,luJi~ld:es'J' '~,vb~,th. dese'F\te a{lm[fa;u,oD~ d,lea'll,' d1.d, :flUlt pre'\fent dIem from paf.ticipal~ina f;(}iF.' ,mao',


:io t..IlIJe game of deceptions

!Fl, 'Ge~b!,




fl ,Les'Wie

0',. ,cit., in Life'~

.' The' Penltag:'G1;n, ,h:,ei"tJ;;. .P~'xh~,"


LesJ;i,eH. Gelb" :i~ LI:i:e:~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

C:,d' ent U.. !I;.,IJi.

";'E~le 'lUI.


= __ !l;.Ap~

O·····~ it

educador_ and aecom p-;l'klh lm.. .;;nJ(!!1 . ",",.r""II,.~. lI!i. ac.... o .... ~.~;S~ eu.lIi.,
...... :
g :T"i ..,,· ,~.

they Iied perha ps out. ol:f :B. mistaken. ·na.ttiodsm~ B;ut the p).~ut is that :they- lied net :5.0 much for their c-ountt'y,,certainly not for their country's survival, which was never aeII!. ;jj~_, _: ~~~ ssake £'0''''''' l'_'g "imase," In·_ :!r'JII!." ,vill. eh eir ~- d '.t'I;,-~1b.iI:-£ld its .I.;I!!I!: -,b..... _._ spite "",lit I.. ~~ l:r U:~.~I!U'UUI!J.~; n '


intemlig e·nce-it ~;s. man.~'fest in rna.oy memos from th.e·:ir pens 'J.' ·~II··· ,. ....... arso WJe: d·1I!-. t Iley ]'11-.. .ieveu anat :po.dtlCS IS b mta!ety oill pu.l'bli:~C' ·[,e~,ad.,ons.,. and they were taken .h'm'by all the bizarre ps,clu) .. · · --:"., '~l" ' ,', premlses UUu€:1) .. ::j.O'f ' this belj ··f'~ _'!' IOgi~,iCI~ " . --. '~'" ..,.... yu' Og ~__.lS .fL~le _ Sdru ~~ tb1ey obviously ,J\fere d.UI;ere.nt from tbe jJ)fCU03.T1l ~... . .,=m~5ers, T:"'h'" .., "_~s[W ..~ - 1,., In t.h'art 11:, ,ey w·e:re· k'," .--~ , . .ieu" di .'.., - .., ' nctw:onw.'es .', ,h rr .. :unage p1lQ blem-sol vers I~US well. Hence they were not ji1l!lst bl.rt.elU1

"'·I·..;l ..

. ",.-















._:, . .



pri d·ed



·;-h'S!·mee·~I·'II.FP~ [;, .,IIC l~ ..·.W·y ~~l


'Iii;i;~ere' ind I;QAd· n". I.






rasher ,g,~U.

mentahty" and. in Iove ·with. "th fury ~ d~e world of sheer n mental eff:oF.t. They ',;v~~e le'ag~rto find formulae, .pre,fer,~.bly expressed :hl a pseudo-maahematical language, that ·wou~.d .o.n'''l--_e most dnsparate .' ·h'··enomena lrJUu \;j.W'U,CU. rea 1·'", : '&if..:1" lh'· '-, ,·t ;"., ',', .::, ·t· p. ,.1,.. L. . .w.lty . -'-.-.' ':y ted 'u"h- ,- .'.'1:-. ar ,.''. "·.'h"·_- '-'. ·r·· "'.' ', ..' 'd' ~ '" ... aws bv .lP'reser~.~·. em, rna is, t ey were eager ~o ciscover '_1 If.hich to explain and predict :po:~ ideal and h~:s, Ea.cts as, though they 'were' as necessary, and thus as ttHa.ble.~ as

nal ~.~and I, ~.~.~',: rh P'V ,iL...~·O'iiI.'t,e:n:··Fii(ii'· i5,L .. .~·I",t"It."~ ""~',- In!11.-1 ~lIl'lou" .. , .w-~o dearee . ,'...... o.l!l.}.u'V~ se·.'.

'0'-I!ni, ' _.,i,~

1"1i .s

a'~I'II:"1i'!jJI1' ~',WJILl~l

~ ~~'8I - .. ,~,~~= ,Il. Q ~. lli..



' ••


•• :., I

j. .. _. ~



; .•

j''', ~.~.



·~II·· d 'I: th e p'hvsicist once ( .. p,[len.omena. to lb._ .. :Y.SW.ClstS ~ II!.. ' ee However u· like the, n. rural sci091f1,t J!~, ~ ",_,"h'.;"\1 1..I ... a.'1,.., w~ h·· n ~·t, 1\1 .u UIlC, · it vn ......... " ,U p.) . 1. ..
]I..,. !!l,l! ,~~~~ __ 11!.. , _ ,;go !l;!!.""-.,~
.,_ ~~ ....

matters ·that."w'haJ.teveftbe~~,r rigin, are not man-made or' o ;if.6d· and t' L.·, I'" th .. CF!I;;..ll'.On!'mn ' b,e..' ." 1~, I '. ,;;:!;;:t ...., : , - d'· ,... ...:II"", UJiau.~n2ILC~ . ali.L. iII.wtl:-. "' ou-,:)erve,;i! unucr,.,·
T'ifio >ii'ili .-'. ,.~. J'

stood, and if'v-enluaUy ev en. changed only dlrlO'mJgh tth,f' most meticulous loyalty to fa,cn,uat g"iven rea~ ily'~,the· his ..
"t:L~ .• u:tn."'"

·t··o:· a'·i"ii'~ "'a'. 'pa-' .... '1·t····· for .~.... lo n. and 'm'!' T ., it· u. L.W. .y . uf ial!..]; a .. :that means in man's relative freedom from things as, lthie,. .. ," .. ' extent mat bley··h .'., .-.11. ,: .to " .lL....· .1Il.," '1,1'1 . are, ''1,,1.· ... ' '.' .",1Ll. _-. act, ,'to', ,'"th e .... lV.len WnO ".,"., t iemserves be the masters .01:the·ir. O~~.D. futures, wjl~. f~)ll·ev,e:r e tem pled b
,. '.'
t. •

'''0-.. ;Ii"~~i~ ~>i!Ii,1Ill '.~ s. the '__::'Il·'"·'t.. ·c', '1'-'. ~ ia .... .-Ii. lan, ;QiS w~,u a .. . 'po.-... ~ .' .h..W.l. iIJI.,
'~I~,. ~

deals ",ai;~;S
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;;f1;,'~~ uwe

itfLal~-- existence .~W'l!..n· 'I!U-,;ll!.,]'" !I;.,~IL'Ib

L 'ii... ViiTj·t ~,!tll .~ I .. ."-.~ ,.-~ 2!I..l1iiI:'.• '.,- . .. II.uman :,' IIla:aJn,




Copy rig hted m ateri al

to begin wm.tb and thus c(t.l~ld have been dleli:r' theory", tb.erle'by' In(! gtilly' getting rjd ofi'ts, dioo,o;ncert"" illS' ctln,tlingle1uQ~~ 'R", " eo .. ,-. ..ln,b,.... ~ "-IS ceasons aversion 1_0 DJIII··rie'·"~·'·O"P'·~''-~''~' .IS very 8wvng~ ,b.,1M", ncy .-'.'.-" h ·'e J ~...hem 'W'kin .II elJt d·' ·b. -.. · -,I ILW.III,f! ,1li'Iu,er nit: ,~~_ ,It. ~'n,..JI'~.;(i;~e·· lQ_ lto1"V' S""lI11l!;.· U!IUIU,", _ ·lilu . H ,eg,e,~, th ~,,t...., It~fi-il,,···t 11." ,·..~I . _. ", h ," ~,1 .'__ 'I ,.,.,.".,-.. _ 1i... -. ,-. ,- .. ' _.~-. .~..• ,;IL,,_, 'i'. -.~.i;,;!;,:D,t"i:...... ; 1I,.lIila!, ~P,I.I!,~.WOOOp '. l~ Iron~em,Pdl!ll.lO'D nas .n'O [:hJLII,..:;&. 1[lh.J1IO; mn -.iL.,· ',.... ·:~Il'···' -, / ~,iL aeeide ",-,,-.'i! ~'''~-:1 ''1',.- ·d.' -- '. -dl-' ' -' ' , '.'1;.. "~-f~ I,UJJe man . - to enmmste ,.... me , ,a,C/a:·!l~ ,1,0._: ee - ,g).UC!lt Q. - ,,.,.'if--, '... .....d'- '~. --... - ',- r -~... ~.. -.]~ - E~'- "l~u~ --[..' ." - . - .]'. " ..,.' :,: -' ,-,ron _.e-rn 9;fSena,. O.. ,po I. .ca - I·t·b-,eory-.._ th e~ ,-p,me. t'b"JeO'flf'S it,D_, . .... .'.. -_." "!'--'d
l "!,,~c,, ",' '-,', ,.' .' ~'-l

themsel ves 'maSJe'fS o,f the :past,., too. Inmfai.r as tbey have the ,ap'ped~e Eoc aCIl.:~I~)-nand aee also 'in love' wi;th, theories, :th,ley,~U~,hardl,' :barve' trhe natural sciemtJs:t~,s, pat.iJence to wah; unti:~,heori'es, ,andl .hypotnetiC311 lc_x,planattwollS, t are v!efifted. or denied. b,' facts, I nstead, they wlU, be' tempted. eo :fit 'uheir f\e'aUty-'~ib'iiC,hiJ' af~'r all, 'was man-made'
1,0' make



. , ............ --~.,--:,~


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'B' 1~:\\1'·:liLef.e'Y A' ,3;0.- ._~ '[;epr,esenc: 11i.!111,e: O:prpon L. ~ ~~ bt.. ~ ~- ,- .., ~ -~d' C--:· --'"j',e - --tr-e' J nd 'S;: the ,u"ng:'~e» ~·~It!i~ 'D}'-l"d" -d11Q 'o"f~' 'I6.;;q_~,,.j .. H,~'l-'il'il SitllLi, ex ". D,I"",,.,.. am " iU;, I";""CI;,!I!~III, .-'",.11.',_ ..... ;-Ul~.~,~,u.

enees "I' an ,,,,11 ."~ ~I_ L~~J. iI_ u 'b-: e


'~ ~ It ~ ,. ....,.,;]: systems ana,]' t'h scenanos 'In],trt'€l),~Ior imla~glnW. ,IUw,'" ae







enu m-IJilIiI',,',ljj'Ii';'il'JliDI 'til"iill' _ t'-" lUI,.

• _ 1



'~]Ii'i:!U:~IU'V" '~~IL~,I"

rhree ~~ . I~I:~

'opuons,' .~
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,;j.'•. ,'-.-'-''-

.,~: f:: don til!" [). rhe 'nt""·i/'~'m,e,:m-......U,~,oi'-l I"u.if ,r•. ,!J!!.III". · has u

l':'i-_e, !,;.lO!I

'il!i1UI~Tii"li'o.-.'n-'· ... ~~ Ib~,~ '_. ,rti.

T~~he falla I. 'iMf " ~J'

. ~


L·'·' b Itt _e cuo'u;es, Ul.t.o

ith. ~fU- ~.~~ ~Oi brpma:' '~i '. 'mutual'-111Y lexcwusive ..:J '.~ ul!tem'mas; rea '1"' - neftI J:ty
l"jL'iI;' ~ ui;
IJI"& ~

;!:!'u.';;;r;,'il..L:I'!.'n'iI\~"in'Di 'iL'~ai.~IiC!', _~.u, t 1 ..~:~. IUC,~,_,~~

·S,i'iIIIl'I,[lC·'~ -"'n:', t'h:i~ I~~e.·· . --'!I"O!'~_ ,!!;Ol li , -- -~ ~ ,r

W.: . ~ -.--


prege~;u, us' 'lviUl 8111rytbiPI :80 neat as premises fm logical ,oonch)si,o(Ds~ he ]t'hlQ, of thinking 'that :prr,e:senmboto. A T ·,~·-;l1 C'·: ~.,~~ -,-,,·..11· ....... ·'~',~·,·_ ·'Ib.)I·, h ..··- ,f.. ,.-,.1""' , '. ,anUJ" as unl~slr.aIUJJej, tnererore - " lett 1' es.. on, :8: h,,1[1'dl~.,. serves . ,:y. , __'..,~,any other :purpose 'than to divert dlf' mind, and hlun.'t 'the' ~- t eo -- ult .'. ~ eor rea - "'b'i'~]~' ~ > J..U,.dgment ~'f:~,OJ' the .'f.- ...... ~ -:po.SSil .it Jlu~s\o._ lat, these prob:~,em~o~v,ers, have hit oomm,on, with dowm,"'bPearth, ,!ian is the,em,p1t eo ,pt, rid, :mcts and tbe' eon:6de:-nce' ,that this sbo~dd, be possible' because o.f the inherent con."

c, ..





' ...














. _" .

':1 ' . II



'"¥Ib" "







't·.... ge; .- ....., ,3.' ts;- ...~ . .~·o:-: ·~nCJ-''o:"f-"f-'c' _'

L '




Copy rig hted m ateri al

n.ever be done by ,e!i; to!efJry ,01' opinion manipulation as thi(}!u,gh a bet, is safe'ly removed from dlJ.e wor.ld, if' !only len0ugh people beCI,n,

The mnh ,of:the matter :is,that 'this

radica 11 ,;l(;t' ruction '~'h', e case ''0"~ ''i:1,\.. e m urd -~ Ierer W!~ .t:a~c ~1Il. ],u, ",w" Ji1u..,.~ b:t ·I\frs. Sutidl has d,~"ed and t~hen.goes and kills her, In, the ,ptl~ldcal dcmain, sllll.chdestruction wou.ld havre t-o 'be who',le.. sale, Needless to A,Y'~ there never e;xisted, on, any level of: govemment such a win to wholesale dJesttncdon~ in :spi~e ,o(Ethe' fear,ful :number- of. 'war crimes ooulmitted in, dll,e 'OO-UI,seof' 'the 'Vietnam WI:r~ But even where ,this! wUl is present as :it l\,T,H in tile' cue of both H itler and StaU'R, 'tIl.e' ,P)rwU" to achieve it \vould ha:v~ ,tOr ,amount to omnipotence,
Il'A . U'I!.OJI,,~ Y\.r

Uev,e in, i:ms,no(oe:xistcn,ct';; IDt can, be done




'~'IfIi' '"' " ,U.II,



__!!;'dl. .Ii, .....


In order 110 eliminate Trots'llty":s role from the ,history of the R:ussia:D. R.evo'h,uion"It is not enougb to 'kIU him and eUml.. na!t.e his name :&om, an. 'R,USSi~an'r.oooros:oo :~rOm,g' one ,taln.. as

'not 'kin aU his, conteraporaries and 'wic'ld power everthe Ilbrar,ies, and archives of aU eountries of' th,e' earth.


Copy rig hted m ateri al

T' H ,A,T C,0 'N' C ,IE,AL :M E,:N T £a~sehocuj11 and ehe role of the deliberaee Iie became the ch,w,lef issues of'the Penta;gon papers, 'latber than Uludom." ,error'" mlltQkU:la.d,oD and the
J' is :mainly due. :to the s'tra:ml €!' fact that the mista'k.en I decisions and, ].ying stl&ew,enb, co:nsi~t.e,ll.t1.1 'v:~olaltedl the a.sttQun.d1ngly accurate faJ:cl1ual reports of' tbe lmt:elli,genu ,oom:m~;n.itYJ' alt,Ieast as recorded in !the Bantam edition, The. .-_ .-~'point --'ere IS, -'" ..... c'L.· 11"':","',1::'11,.,,"" CfIUCUl lnoin .here I net C',,", - _'~,; trl3)l tne )lOJl.iU:,y o ' .III. flm,g w,as, m,en~:,~,y~",-., .. d' (h" IS , ar,-ly ever ,3JJm}e;,,a:£'It h !enemY',l' rs '. one 0'f' t.-11 reasons ae e b dl wb.,. 'the :pa,pers, do 'not reveal ail "I' m M.itaifY secrets 'it'bat could &Jl un de" the l(sp,Dlonage Aot) l' bu:t '"v,as d,estin€,d, chIeD,v, if' - ,,'t-· ",'[,,-,"""'1' _·,A' 00'_ ,exCl__usl,vef, ,e, 'u.-o'wes_tc, cO'J]sumpdou .'or ,propag:an~, ... ror ,..:aI, -·,·t~"···,-, ii.l't home, amd especia.Uy EOT the purpose !l)f d,0oeivio,'g' Con,..
I' .. -".,-',1






gress, T.h,e' Tonlun, in-C'ideQt~'wh,le'F"e' the enemy knew' ,aU thie

g.,_ _

'~I""'ii,!=!, ,ld",,!.,4!1


a case :[11 ,lF~)ln.t.


the , ° '~~la;I';iI!i Ul
",""UL _......


,"~F,ej:m"i', R,'," .... _!llt lii,,~,,:,,!, c:-'_V ,IJUI_iI "'!WI!I!.o, none, ela _1,'!J\~,~ilI! ~;m,I"":~'tlt_;@t;i!!i :;~!II', v__ -'Oi"''''' V.II.Ii""",,,.~

d;lsutrous enteroeise - were 'made ill -f.1~IUcoenisance 011' rtlne' ,r""" , ,n, '-""'a-~_' - ....-- .- . .~---. -- , . ---- --= = - -,

'0:1even greater int,ettst ,is tbat n.early" alII decisions in this


that ,they proba b:~:ycould. :RGt. be carried out:' hence' goa'is had. iCOllSt3-n,dy ,t,o be shifted, There are, :6nt~:~

:pub'Ucl'y proclaimed 0bj ecd ve~·~~seeing'lthlt the peo,ple 0,1 Sou.dl V'ie:tnam. are permined to determine ,thei'r f1iture~~' or 'ij;ass:]~ting the country to win their contest 3(pintst, :th,c .. ,~,~CaJlTIl'mu:oist,oonsp,i:t,a.'cyJ~!' or 'the containment of China

Copy rig hted m ateri al

nm ter ve m)''i5;~:ii'liI_ lor",~~j~1;2 these Dean Rusk :has, r-ecen:dy added 'the aim of 'To preventing WQT:~d ·Wa.r :II I, though. it seems 11Qt to be' in. 'the' P,en:~agoJl. ptlJpers or to have p~,ayed a. 'r,ole in :Ule fa'otttal. record, as lV'e'k:no~y' ,irt~ The same :HexibiH:ty :mafits, taeeieal

afu:1.the .aJ.\foldance' of the domino elf'ct. or the p\TOk,ction

A:" i!U,iL ," _




reou .~ 'Ii-';nrn' ... J'_'.r_,I!,.;ill!,""III,'V'~~




'00'" ,:-,


'_'~'~'!ib' ,~,r'Q;-'~'·I: ·


'V~ ~ t. ,. eom bed _ :iln 01_ er ~ d eonsto·'dera'UIlDS,~ 'ill!i.f.'I.\.. ;.r~-ortLJit: 'letniin:ll .23,IJellrn,g L l uC":

"a (loUa.. se ,o.f' national 'mnr.aleMii3 in, the SOill;dl p and, :paftic ularm.y, 'me bftald(ljl~n ,of' the Saigon gov,ern.. menr, But w,hJen tll)e :11:rs;1; raids 'w,ere scheduled 'to, starlt the go:v,e:mmen't had 'bl,o:k,em d01.VI1, "pandemonium l!e",jp,ed. ,~n. Saigml/'~ -the' 'fa:idS had. eo he postponed and a new' :~,al, 'f.~)flilnd,,:i''!I~ N'ow the 0b] ective 'vas, to oom,:pe:~,j;'Han.oi 'to stop , ,th~'V.~etroDgan.d. the' Pathet Lae," an aim. that ,even the Joint Ch.i,efs o.f' Sta.ff di.d not hope' to attain, As, tbe,' said" ~'~it would, 'be' idle to conclude thal these elorts 'wil1 have' a -dOCISl'\le' e meet"~'Il,.J~ :f!ro.m J. 96 5, on, the notion of SJ, clear-cut vlct,ory 'receded ] 'the 'ba,ck_g1'(~'undIna the objeotive' becam,e "to coo,vince
to prevent

rn;hie enemy that ,he could not, win" (haUcs added)~ ,S:in,[e the' ,ell,em,y- n~!1Da:i.ned, un,c,on,vlnlc-ed~ the next , appeared; ~ amid. a ['uJllBliUa:tin,g d,efieaf"....... thoug~h'we haHmarg, of' 'to ,1$ a d'lii;i;t.Ei'l'.il'~ in, ear ·"'.i'r.'~r~· u.~, 'i,~ mere hum l'l:i'Jiltl··~on W··:"-L:i'Ji"t:" th eo' 'P.t;!I-D. ~t:::i:~1'iIi !!;,;,.I[~~u. I ., UQ<, '~,...,u, na'~ 'l"fi'non-' ,u: iLlllI!: , ~ 'Ui; dil~:.-, ar ~'. '--, 1 F,r·,;,.i.~;.,.!:~..;. ~-, +1.. e h a- - D;Ii.""Hg 'f...... ;fi,f~the :~'m· -....Ii' of ,JI, - .e....... ,. t . ,.'pa,~!I:.'~',. U'e1:~II:.J' 'pot. on the \ve'lfare' 'of tile Da.tio,n~'bu,t "on 'tile r-eputaU()cN, ,of: the I. ·.Fdted 'S:tates and its Presideet" (ital:ics, added) Thus, sh~Ofdy before, dJ.urin.g the 'many' debates a.'bo~n: the ;advis-, abilit 'Of: ll!si:n,g' ground troops, ag,Ed:Il;S.t :N Olith Vietnam' tbie domi;nant argume-nt ~was, Ol fear of' defeat :ibelf and (ian,.. D

'!!fir I!i,;.

.!!b "

..... ...... ~

.~g, 'II.!!






12 T,h-,e ,P,eii:M;!(JR

Pa:pU'.s~, Pi 1,90.,

:~~,I,~i'dem.'j' ,p.. 812'.,

1.4, ,l,fji'aml'

Pi ,89~'~

:u~ l'&,i'.m., p, 24!0~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

us Ih',idem", ,p..4!'~
1'11' ~"_~'- 'iI!'ii.fi_ lli!'idem~,,. ~ ~- ,rr
,.... "u T,~'~' ~a.1t~' ..ill i:I;~.

18 -liJide;m, ,r·· ,,;II>!;i'1 ' 'in\. - . ~---['I: ~a


Copy rig hted m ateri al

~'Ibide;m-;},,lr'''' io" ~ - - - - -,g;m Ib ide tn;1!' ,12; lb,£d.em:"


:l1l:'11![~ iljii;!' -

IP" i~BJ~
:p. '600~

Ib,i.m;l' p. 255"

,21i lbo,idem,- J!-,,!('" '6·... in, __ --IIAI"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

theat,ef',. For this, uldm:a,te' aim", all :lFu.)'~.ic~,les,became :short.. term in~e:f.I:b~ngta'b:~"e means" IlUltim ,,aUy~ when ,an &igns ~I if.", th e war OUI: atmnon, tne goai was, no II!:" '. L 1 :pOlmu~o'to 'ue~at In ":,.. long~r OI1l!f: ,of ,a:voidtiog numUiad:ng d"el"t,3.'t but of' indi:n_g' and mea n,1i! 'teo" 'fIj'llill"'i::d: admrittinz ,jij., ~.~u. f:';':!II;O"\,Q W_~'J 'b. I'Ul~g[e\.·ma.klQg' as g],oibal pa!~icy:-not 'world, 'oonq,uest;.-lbut. vicr-ory in the' bafttJe' to 't¥in the people's m mds" -is, indeed, sornething :nelV in It'he h uae arsenal of human follies tie.. , il ""1.,. 11:- :~~iI"[II"ii'1l"V ~)iO' urwld' ertak ;,t!!i!-- b_ J :at ;t:Wr-'~,....4_-:ra _'" .. 'l.;u:ftl!!J.... ,b.O!. n~.;i!"'UI~, T' is U Ii I!;;;,n. IIl.,I!J,b u -~ nation 3Jlw(t,Ys ,:pt ttO bout in orole'F.' to cam:pensalt'e' for 'the' a . re.ait"II '''i'L".-. udn.g; ",- b on,11I,; Oll:' .,,'Il..~ .....,IA .,.......,I\, ... aial p-'i"~J[-:"!,"t't..~'iIf- 1-.0"1;;1:"[O'r,', . UL~, iILl l Il.IWIIi,.
" _..J

':!I['ijJ;;:' t;I.





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'r ~










'!iI"\':JiI~, :I,ll,!. ,'['t, _ Q..-:i!

ill,. """II..!Q,



t, "~,






"h"!'eir ,pOBU;l-On - ,(1 resu 1'-' "-"'E- 'W'···'-·--'~d· 'IiV''.' ,:" ,-."", 'as -" ---" t, O...,.(lf,w,:, "f_·a.r It~

"Ii"]['.. andn 'i;LiIio' 1;..:---,]l, an" mlg~u~. ave n



end, ,It may be natural for elected ()'JJi!Deh.'o[rude;[5-"~Y'ho ow'e :50 much, or ,be,Urme' Id:wey [Jl~[e much, 't01 their' ,cam,pip so

'been tem:pwd;~,as De [GauU,ewas" to bluff their' 'w,ay back to, ,-~- lnenee -, - J:~--e-em pfl ~ In. , .. ~ but bv "the dominant - ',-p.' mv'er"~ at 'tbe 'WM~:S, - -" - ~ .. - -, ... . .. . ....." -

:Dlan3!ge~~to ithi.~:D'k. that manipul ation is the ruler of ,the' people's minds ,and,hence' the true ru'~er' of the "voTld~ (Tne Tumor ~ recently reported in the O1'~,N and Comment" otes -- - -thae ~U'I!;,;, 'N-~A[v.r\I:'!!"',;i,__:~~,~!~,".A'._,,,,,,. A,li'i'ftltlilbir -"d-':seC,lOn. of 'T'L.e N'·\~~~[ ,,I v'iIo1!!iiO,~, YL' ~'- ,fh/ . ·C:,o":!"." '" min "issration was ,iF" - '_'"''''O a ca-m.'~aiOi'tJI" O'r~11~zed,., di.. ,iiUld, , , ,. -. . ,,- ---,- olann in p; ,-- -- -,If'" --'!:i,~'~:I! ' 0."" b rf H" ern 'K'l-;' .' di II!: ..,.rected [: ., ,.:ein, us ·-Jrect(u:,' 0.1[ commumcanons, to i destn>y the' 'credi bUity~~ tbe' PlltSS be'fore l'he l. 9':2 r,resil,-, of den,daJ elecrion" Is 'q,uire' in mine '\lJi~h 'chis po'bH,C~in!']atiorm mentality,.) ,26 ' "V,hat :is, :sUJJ'pr.,W!;,ing' is, the eap'm,ess of these scores, 0;('
i', ----








- .' 'm---;- uf!' ~~,III,.t ,'.' _-'_ ~ Il,.!lJ~, v ._' I:'.i"iI;1Iv'~ mand_"A" ,-"- ,", ,~,,",a y t",. - [~"'iIiInl'li1v na' rural '~""'F' prob lem ...i~JL ,galDij1 ~ t:r-ainedl in translating a.u. faICltu,3J:~,contems into tbe b~~,ngllage' of. numbers and pe'f(-en:ta,ges,~, lv,h,ef[Cthey can. be icalculated"
,c' ," .. ,~_c

enthusiastic U!;,;l C ~n,-'- c t..1~,ll.t) t'bU imaginary' enterprise, perhaps because they l\ff!·[,e g;SCtoa,tt!d -[ -11. sneer .. ~~, -'0- WI ..;11_ tne -. - t-' 'II ,-, -..- - ,-,'" - '"iI- seemec '.hn ~b., il:1Il~e 1"" - - -- S:~le 0 Ith mel1_i~ exercises -,,-, .b. -'!ii",,'If"'l" n .tilu

"intellecnc ,U~.W~ -,.c'~I.~I't .In.~..

.n;,.l!If~:r-!ad'., t:L~!l':'Ir '!Ul~C._ _u ....

II;;. ~_


LILli, iii,.

IJUllU;.lIt;1! L









Copy rig hted m ateri al

to remain unaW,8're' of the untold 'mIsery dIDmt 'webr "solulions'" !'-paci'ficad,oID and 're],oc~l'·(~~~l pro,grams, diefo~.iatian" napal UJ.. and antipersonnel bullets-held in store '&.1'[ a , ;jl,ut... ·'.co - ~'dl'~l:!!' ,Wlt1l0 JI,Ii~CU!;;,I_ lik be ,..::I ed -d-'- an d~ ,:'{Hi an. ~,~> - ~~-.~n -~ ,J!.J, ienc , !lUOf!' '-, f~'- -, . -~ enemy
-,;l _
Til, .~- ...


'who had neither the

"",.j ~,~ ~_. .
.-• "~ _." t.= ___ _ ~.

th +-'Il.,. _~ ~ _ ~~~ _ l'V~W, I'U me peOPJ),(;' s mlnds~, iit, remains·, that aenarentl_lJ' none ,of'them r-r. _ ~ '}: sensed dl~;a,'f; ehe "woeld" might g'ft rather :&i,gptelled. of' ,Ame'F.'lcan,&ieo1dsffi}w"p and commirmem 'when. the ~'!lell,gt:hs ""'~",~.L,·' ~t.. ,,.,:i,. - 'U' .S-··' -", ,"1"~ ,j;;'il..~. " , ,~ ~, u'lh' . ~.-nt~O WIlI.ilIC!I,I, Il-ue . ,.. I, W1.u, gO' to ,t! '],C"~ll~~"!' ,Illil. ,n ~l !J.ucm wer-e 5" ,own and 'wn~m,p'late(t,:~~ -rleaHly and no common sense could N;(~ penetrate the 'W' .1~;d··.I:: the p. ([_vlJl!~!I;,;, ~1" I" ~ :'h~; 0'::, :~:iH;d-_,,~:f:~,tl_'~_ 't'rIo.f .... 1r~,o!!i'm,·I"'~'f'1illlJ:~e·.'~,c,Qi2a W,.~, ~,lII.a.l ,ga,b[,epar-ed their SCeD3,r,i,Qs, fJ'O:f "relevant a.udi,enees,~~' in ,n,'i"'I..lI~:r' "'II;.!!' chanze .,n ~ Ul-L', ",I:!I''';''' their ,gt~~;;I!, e 0" 'f '__ -,,~__ ~,ii!'~'iI"h' ·C-·'-··Ifi'w-m··u:n· Sli-lilO' .:.11"",1I,1~ _ mind ,!.--_!I!l!;.o, . ,'I)J I , ' J) t"", W,L,O·., must feel strong pressures) rhe So.. It'h' "V,,:':i;~;trrwl§i~;~if'A ('. ~. ~I It::. Il~~ .', m (w,b.ose morale; must 'be 'buoyl~d.)'f OUf' allies (W:OI;) must -··It __ . -~ d--' ~ "[e~ l'h .. S' b'~" (-.,'b~ h__ tr~ ~ ~ -s a- s-un'.(!nn,I,':'I,s - '1"•. au_ d- "_l~,e U,'~.~.,.,:PIll'~ I.. ' us;', u.s, ' ""U::.W,lC , 'RlUSt SUppOI'll; , 'tis'k-,·:td{ing 'with U ~S~,U'ves and :Pfe5-'
- ~. "t- ~,. B 'W"e'a;~,a;CiLw, Jj~:lm.,mu~ smee th . d~att tney .•. -11 e
if- ~~ ~. _ _ _ .' _-:I ~~ .-

~-vn~, the 'nDr






be' one hebe'

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.-da to '~\'f~~~,'texn.-ent a· t :.~~e_ aur .·~ie'flt~'were' 11 . , ~ .~--_. - 1"1 ~'b~_ _ 'wisj udged,; according 'to' Rlehaed J" Barnet, fn his, excellenr
__ W~ e
,:,0'\' '£-o:_'I,y
(1" ~ _ ~_ .~ ~ ~.. j. .. ;'~:.



eon ~1i.lU!.~· ~·UL. ,f[..... ,,,[1:-.;t::. boo.1'~ W-c·:: c'n ~:'ng··".;'!In mtion C:.o .o'l'ans A 09'ir..o'~~:"I\ii:I' ~"_ _ I!J"_,, C·~:_·_:~"~:.' a~J!!:~~d~'''~· Wa,,,~ the' "war became a d'isasle'F' because tb,e N atiOJlal ·,~,t· M'-' ~A red ~.~ h· ··~' I auaience, . ".0 ~CLU'l·y ,.,anager-s m~sJuup·. 'em::~ ,.-,, , ,A,.' . -~- -.- ~[I!,8fDi B··i. ,t, 'L\!I!I,'~ atest ~-.:.'I ~', nasic, .~-. lid' ,,-' ,~, m,}3JIII.gIllen"" .. '.', ,,,0 ddr ~- auUJ, . mneec d ~""_:;-"" I)", -,io, W as ,. >, au.· ress_. .-,' ..:1:-= .. , enees w,itb the' means Oif. W,31l".~ '~Ol decide milhary matters bom a ,UpoUti,caJ and pu blic-relarions perspective"
U).!' U~,I!L. ··.~t1!.1 '. ~·'l '_, '~·lr_ ... ~I~,_

floH' I~"'II!






" r :,'.~


,21'Thlfi ,Peti:tagQRp(j:p~rj~ 28, ln,

p. 4.36~

Irrl.... .:il 'b. ...~""!""", ,'" "il.,,,,,,,~_'1'''A 'b.;;:ti,iL,.,.,~t,"';:;ii"Ii~""''''','''' ~ i. ,lllIiaU, IUQIU;;l'HL'!.. ,.... J.~!O,;I'''''''''''' "",JIj l!-~J!]"l!'~.L ~ ~.uUiL;l' "" o::!J



u~~i~' Otdb;: H"



L·:.!;l~ '~jI'][;;.~

,....,~;i'_.. !I;I' r. ~,~

,80 ,

T1u: P~n~:agtlfl: F~pers~ ,PI,. 4.-~B.

10 ~tavbJJSj' B.iilro,el R.~'kin~, ;Qp'" d'~',j ~1O,9" p"



Copy rig hted m ateri al

(w'heF.1eb,' '~i1pottlcar; 'meant. t.l1,e peFSJpK.d,ve' of rhe next i ~~~,A~rii tial ,~1I ection and 1 "pub..11'~,.r-;' 11~lti:oi"Ii~'i:!;"~ the 'U,__ W,'~ vAlli , re :",,","11..11, _-I.rK_I, ~~,~~ _ .11. ."01:5"::' P·· :i'mage)~ and to. think, mot, ,a'bout. the mail risks 'bwrt ,of' jj~:I,ech... , ,~ " -,~'. ~-"'" .. 1l.., A" .........,..nil'ques, to, llUDlmtle ane "', , """- OIL:!', o'Ut-'Oo.mes~. ,~'mg ._~m,pact . ill' b :pro,posals, :fOr the latter: the creatien ,of ~'i'dli,versi(illiary jj';,,\,tiemh,r,es'' e~se:l,\1'itu~~:rIf:' 'iliJ,,_'w'Olld was. 'f.ecalilllJil,ended· ~ tt&' in .' e "." v __ ' _. , ,, __ '_' ."" , ',_" '" "," ,, ., ... . .,. letbel' wb.h the bUl'DCbi'Og of "an i,80d"'pDvetli(,yll' program lot underdel:t,e:l,O'ptzd, ,3IIen. i!~,al,N 0\1:, a mnment did :it occur lor [£0 M,cN',augrn,toflh, the ,P,ultb.OI' o..f ,tbis 'Rl@·m,Qf.,m,dutD; 'WHO' ,d~fJubtltss, was ,D, U]l,"U5[ud.l, m:le'~l.-eil:t milD,!! that his, d[v~' sinns\,-unlike the' diversions 'IDf' the' :th,eatel:'~ ould ,have kad. w grave and totaUy' un,predictable vOllseq,ueUlJes; 'theJ' wou~d~ haee changed the very' 'wor'3d in 'which the' U~S'~ mnved and
. ,~,~,u..~.JI!JI .. VJIJI K _ '.~ ~ .ILl,.. ~~'" l.J~Jjgflr.~YI.:II#.J
I! .







""oi!"iri'iiid~'Ii''i.,..t_''''.;!Il ~~~u ..~·

]~'IIl-;i> 1iiiiii'....~ }!Wi~)LlaJl .. ~ '!nfa.I~,





p----:' IIIilI- ~--,_ '~ .. ' '-"'"R"n"""J!\I,


'>'I'~-' ':',,' P'I' '.. _'.' . ',:_.'


':r8'-' .10.. ~~-, -"8:.•._, --:1"""'" ""'illl



Copy rig hted m ateri al

'b' W.1U.i1iJliI. seems ,ii,O T'\e:' ''LJi.'W'--,,~,'!L.L l!Jl;I!i '-m -,L''"CL oo:Ij'- i~l!!;,;>l'"",lrJ._·..... ,;i.,'L. _UL m .&', ....... .-p~' ']. I,ui~ '~,"p'tlv d escribe Ul!!iio' ""' ,. 'Id 'b, 'I ~ ~ ..:iI, ee-'1"actua ] [!e-,d 'Wnr.wi, wnere pO~l:tlUh goaI S '\Vere :se't an~, ml'"'1,:a... h:ry' decisions 'were made, For the beglnnings (If: the y,oI}cof
~-,ji, i:!\t!I-~---





slom to embark 'Upon "covert wariare'~j'in tln,e' early yean of ,. ~ ~- - - , ,-~ - ibn' '.~, '. -,' ~ - -,' .. , ~'h',~ :"11 th'f 'E-' lsen h.~~ oweI' ,aL' -" ~ !lRlsttat['QDj! -W,'" ,e.xecu,Uv.e stt, ~' e " "'" " believed it needed oon,gressiJ.onaI au t_hority' 'to smrt a w,ar,~ EiserdlO'wef was stUl ,old=:fasldf.lned leDOUOT'~ be~ieve in. the' J~rL' '£0 H m,et Wlltd, congI'fSS1,ana Jjea~~_er,s,.alb), LeI. "'I "'] 11 d Aid ~IlSil:u:utlo:n,", _--:c__e' cld.ed, against open intelVlention became' be' was ,informed *ha;t Conpess 'would not :so.ppcw, such a decision, aa l¥ben later ~beginning with the Klennedly administratioll;!, iU'Orvett, '..'..I'§,'II"t .... e ther ~'s the d"~c;~,te"'h JJ'';'"\1::i! iuJI: 'u.... 'L,..,*, .. ~il"'ilim ,~, _UIiiK. ~:, '~!f'';''{~~ M,O" nif: ,;;,-v.lLU.ual,~ u,'!JI!u,r"':,n,.' dlseusseed "the ques t' '1':":' 0'1"'~ C'-'fl~'"gre~ ssional ,1'~'. h n:'I"l)":',: ',,' ' ' '" ·'C)"til" ", ",m,,', ..e ,-' a~--rt' --~"ty"-~fOr' ,,:f' ,,",'.,( open, acts 0, 'Wa.f ,a,g.-a]Jns,~~ soverergn nanon was .never seria GUlly ra:ised.,"'84: ,It-Yen wmtlt, under Johnson~ foreign gov' '.]", ,'I' .•••. .

'the, $f!ni,ve$, in Sou:th,eaaltAsla were' far from p'[omis;~n,iB'" Earl y in T:ne' Pen t'ago,n ,1'0.:"615' we findllf!eco'rdjed! the' decl,..
_I .••.••


. ,-.













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~''I'iA~n~ 1t;1:!' ',~1l~;I,Ji_K~"·W. WR'i"D


...'L.. ii'Mi"nU;i!i'\'hi]V Ll"'il" ·'btl: :I~.;nrD .non .. 'n11'''''ns ~ IUI,iYr.... .~· 6.=~.;,' iUI_, ~ rJl'~L~: "U!I-:'
I~ __ Iyl~~


''I".'''''t:'iI'!io L.. IW~~

j. _. I

,i~tr' 1Ii_~O

'wi,ttl} (Joogressi,~na], leaders seem :[l,ev1er to' ,ha¥e ta'~en:p~ace'," u ...0' ' :'lI',~lmli'i'n~'i:!~Jt-'-l":"""n,the S-~!liO'~I,~~,~'~~ij;~"ii'V' D"",U-:¥~'in ':'" ~,~~&>J~~'lll'_U nrd~'~~d~',·t~~~Y"7~' I~ _ ,'~~~H~~;~d/' ", .. M ,I;SSIO:O \WS, ,u:u:'me ~~' n ~er _uC CODl.mallW Ot "',;d.UO([le,~ u

N'o:~lth 'Vietna'rA ~- &['mi'ar br,feRn ... _... ~ . . . .... -- , .. .



of and consul ration

' , _.. , . __ "_



~-d it'"0 -'rn~ 'li\fill"t~·'~lll _ --~-il., -1-W;,--1 - - - ~:£ ... ~ ,au-~ ... wlae~ ~.;.,,1J1_1i;,.a1,-:p5yCUOO,e.-~ca~, 'WlIIJ:fiilu;,;;',. :"'M' - '~' 'This, meant ln praetice to :pr.imt led,em that would! s'puad lies :fa]sely' ,a'tttibut,ed to 'the' ,other 5ide'~ 'to pour ~~,oo,ntami,. . nant in the, engines" o:f the bus company of Hanoi befoee ~. tlom
,il '"

'wam Lansdale'~ and told "eo undertake pa:ra'wUUary ,opera,-"'



'm€:' ,P:'r.entb,]Je:£t the N orth,






"""I: iI'\P~'iI!n-~aCN:ii~' mLSu,e~~ w ,1~po.l'~~ . ,r-...:r.,g-Un·~-CI"'S" aDa

't;.'~If!if'~~' '""IIiI'i,,~~ -~~ti!j;,'ii'rii,t 'iII.~
.~. ",..41 ,-, I' 3,u,-Q, ,I[.il ..

eo ,oonduct

an u,EogUsh~lallguage'

.. '

Ill; "'I!"'il. ~,..I~ en"'~oii01fl, ..~"':r~,n:,:I'nt:"Ii ,15, n -~~ ; -~- Q;,o;;:,,Iu:i~'-, ,ir' r"' 1".... 117:' ~.. ,oil n~

iijlj, [~l"I1I1iU·'

III:·.,..i'e,m ~ .. i-'Ij--'S-. :
'-- ~,' '~~ ,'- '-;1 ~ __: ' '" ','


Copy rig hted m ateri al

nf-: Vle:"''FIi'a:~~~~' astro ,na~:m~.,MT.,:~'il:i~!udierou ~-~ .. l ~U_~~V ~_._v Vo~ phase continued in,b) the ,eaf'ly ~\~xtw"e'r5!", '~lntU. tbe' miH.tatl' -",:' "-' L.-~_ ,~_ok~ over.. , A:-...f-'iir-~., tl. le'. '_ · .. ::_'d:~-"" ,[I!_m,In.~sX,a!...~Onj t-I-U,e -" " , ,-.,"_'. er--_ ~r . .. · R,enne ., adr ,~~iQoulll... insurgency,e' 'receded into the backgreund-sperheps h:i-~'
_:~1I!r fi. ..... 'l!ii ~

tt!ii~'~ ._~~!:~~







c ..






f c'.



~" ... 1.-. .,.1.-. it ".,:I ''IrIi;'':k J <ilgn· ,J..lIInlli beeause, 'UUI1~n_g' tne overuitOOrW' ,01; It"i'ie-S],ue'Dt, N'r -~ D~-· . -~ ,II. t t um.i@. out . It h~-- t th~"e C-·-~·]A~' DHn,c m"- 'V"~ - tnlmese- ~ u!.m.~ 'O . - - d ~ - ,3;, . - ..... ",,'i, "" ." ]lIeif)
]' ,," • ',". . '" [., •·..1" .








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-1 ~ -- ... Th e~ .':3<:£.-.,0" diIng.r.,anfC- h '..•. 'f ,o:!· - 'b nes '0.. t~ - mte 1]~ -~-- ~ services~ ae ~.;genre -.. .. - . Wf'l-f separated Irom whatever covert operations 'v,ere :stiU going on in, dru.efield, l'1llh:ik:h meana that 'they am:m,e:ast '\VeR' ·"bl .~ ~ 1 ,. ., . Ii. L.. If;spO'-nS-l'.~eonw.y ,~o:r _gatl'l.'e:.r.nlg' In f~' ormanen, rather tu.41Jll ..l: tor
.'. ,.

Spe(ia~ Forces "had in efFect become -r;lle private 3ilm,Y',of Mr D lem's brother and ·po:~,idc8J. ,d'viser'"~8 a
,~', I'" c ~ --.
[-'.'.' .'. ..' "' .

.' ," -.




. ,"


'. _.


- .'


·creating the news dlemse:~.V\esi T.bey had :no 'need to

..... '"1If.:!' .. '. .-" '11Ii'C ,", d" -.'
,lI;.;I'V. .~ ~ __ .

rd ,."l .. " ......" ... ,i!!,...'.' pOS'~,dv·eresuus a.~c_,l\·ere lU]]",lU!Tno p~~ur,e. nom . W~·::,h·,·111_g ,~, ~'.. -, .. •. " eo 'p~crr·"";:...1ui"e good news ·c-n.~e.A. ln~''''''! ~'ll~ '1!.I!!i!U _""" __l;Q,]~..:!I1·t·~""fi'f!' n p,~;'iil1il.kl~·:~~ T ,.,v~~ ~~ J. ~ ou ~ ~ _ ...., _v f ..... Ui ~ .. ~, ch ine or t- ·0·-··00- ncoet fairv tales '!:j;'L 0"'1 "continuina n'IIIlO'a''·n, '. ['_",,"-. r\~"'[Ci,!!"!!
!!I,.~~!I;.. _ A ...., 0, _~,'IU!iLll-<g 1I"lIfII, ..... ~-U-U¥ - .:_"_Ltt.




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I~JIJ).·.LU.~ Ii;,


.1.J,l.JlI __._:_:

.. ..:..-.__:~~~

ress, 'vlrt'~ll~y miraculous improvemenr, year in and yearout ..~;ao,Th.!ey were relatively independ,en,it ,a'nd the 'result w,as ·that they Wild. [be' tru.t.h~y!ear' in and y1ear out .. It seems tba!t. in these inttelUg,cnce services peop,~.'edid, :not tell ~~th,ejr eh t~··.'--:.' ~·a-h'i: .".'1:.._ .. ' "("J"a,_~e .. 't-·.:. &'-11-:11' [l"il. .;·;ID:t·· :dl 0 ~ e'3F 'ii-h·. 'Ii: 80-,F)er.lO F.S, W llll.uey !I.IIIJOU,o=-"" ",uey mat
.~ .-,: 'i ..




!Ii~,'''Ii;iC'!'lQIiil'!'l.'''rI'',91F1i tc



[no 'IO'~: m-:'~£'Ii,Ui.. .,t] ade '._


Ietcone 1~:I. __'I,;Ci'h:!!in !t:lJll..~ area: ~~SIOO"'~I_111U ~ iC..,am:-I' 'I-..~~ 1iI':""'iii!:-I:~·"":.o;i!' "iii'·· --,.,~ ".~-- .-- '~I'" iffl e~'-... . ~.Iu. 1" ·!If:h·,IS, coun ...... '1'~:~v are 'lUiOI' U ~~...:;I in ls CuU"u,.,P "'H"Y \1'. 'WT.~!!i;IP,gOUT ,O\i! report 1'" fan ing w;r~ '';0 It also seems :that those '~ho were responslble
"-;'i~ ~l;..

o.lIic~:r told his ~se-nts wha;t ~~'3il1, America n ,,,3 "",,: ': -'~o'-n' ,r"AID'm,ia~.~" 'fir' '!.\u \1'' ' ,AllfJiiQ;ulJ, h"~~~~___:.~'!J,, ::- d n ' .<' U. O('i;if;. ~~: id:'~liI:"-tr'l"r-:+ _ ... ~J..l!""o" u~,Y1S,I.. '.,,,,"v -~~~ -fl... ,.. ,. "~', """ 'i" ith' , ~,,- t ...-. .-. , il!dvisers, wno lnS1Stieu on repornng rne persisren pre sen ee 'that no eommanding

.~'" rt·,b~, ~ml'iii1 fi ementers !!lJ ]w.w,.;; 'rJ.'ir.\





and ..


iiii·ri"'lip-I'.JiCC~'~,~~, V,'-' ,.LIl_~ltt:U

'I!i.r . ,".



:iI "-'

. ..


.Ij] ~




I~-::_ ..

- -~




al-:-in-~'i~..l!Qm, fi iIJ ...U~ ,. rrF.




.q:. Ill_ill

u Ibid~mj .p. ~,16ij"



'Gelb~ in Fo.r:~,,rg-Q P:oJi:'ry,~ (J.p.. ti~i';EUsiberg. OPi eil.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:Forintelligence ,e8rti.m~tes were miles ,a\'\f~,y' ('tom the probIsm-solvers, their (IDisdain for facts, and, the' accidental char .. , acter of aU Iacts. T he :price they paid :[or these ~)bJeclti\f'e hei ·'.;11 '. 'I d vantages, '"v,as 'C }' a!_~ aat rr elf reports remamea \-\!,',U.(1.0o:t any influence on the decisions and propositions o(f the National
Sc£u~i~y Council. A:511:'F' ] '9fJ',gj the on ~yd~,s-Gern.i b~,etrace of the CiJvert"W3JF peri ad~_', ..U"I,I~/ infs ~m .'e!: t.. ",~,~, en .~::is 'Ie.. in J~'I;~iI"ri'U'" 'nrovoca t ~ [5t~~,-Q'tegu mart ll~, ,A, ,I~)~ .::~it-Il" of'~n-~-"."'" :~' '.:'~' ~...~: '~~h le ,-~ ~~-,,- ,(],_ "deliberai - , ttet ---,-- ,-, ,~-~--" -tr~ -L, ,}I~JO~:_ program - ~'f oe .rberate attempts to ,pr-OV!O,f;,J:~' [U,e'





D',.R.V" [Democratic Republic

'Of (N'ordl) Viema.:m] ]In.-tO ta~~i~g actions. which could then 'be answered 'by' a system .. attic U'~S" air ,campaJ~gn,H,-:~, 'These tactics do net belong am .. oln~ the' ruses of war. TIley have been t,rni,cal 'Of. the' , . '1"[ secret ,po'1-.lee an d- b..ecame [ru,otOflOMS, as we,,, as co un terproduceive :iw, the decl :i'rdng' d.arys. oJ czarist Russia, 'w,h,ien the' agents 0:£ the O:k hrana, by' or-gan:b::in,g ,s,pumCI1l~a:r . .s''!", '-'v -d _espb",e .nemsei ves [ll1.l~ 'id'- ." Oil" .in... - . ~~ ,ISSaStmauons, sen eo d -- ,'+ - th ~, _ ens .. rnose
I -


,-:- . ~ ...-: _-.: . ~~.










- ,"",



i' ~










I' . _ ,-



. •.:-,




.' ·~·l



whom tbey denounced.




Pe",eag,~n PapCfJ', :Pi ,8'-1:8~

,Lalu](ri['e~, llb.11st;,olr'e' de ,l~f.f/d~ L r~'~ap',Paris, ] '9~5" p,. :25..

'f.~ ,~jalui:,C-e

Copy rig hted m ateri al

'T.'",,' ,-D'I"V", ~ft.,,', ," ,,:, '~"E L.. ~'E •. ' .. E fi G" E -N'- C b1' ~ iIl.,,,,,..,Ji b , -H' '" ,llJetWf!en :it.... 1.d(b---eStl,.,l;mJII;W '..•,''r.·vi~;.~ sometimes bY' tile d.ecision-:mak'er& themselves (as nombly in dlle, case of 'Mc'N',aUUltl1.), and, (l,fteR availabl .. to the' :i:o e. '£mm ed, :pnbUc-;and, the premlses, ,..,:I.!.. nd '1l..''U''I'1iiI'ltfL "Ji.m .!Iilt ~iO il.,:~eh decl -ions ~ ~~~-a Ul'!!o.;!UIIJIJ!;.;o;1!'J!' a ..... n,/:f'",'ul!;;'>iI!"'~ ,a~.~!,,"},JPU.. '· '!I!oU WIl!IIlC • , u',",,,,,tSl'<LIIi;t W~I"~' .fl:D~ M 1iJI' 'H'Ii''':i',.I",:, ';,j!!' nd ~II~ ,t'.... ,"'II-U:t;-Ai:! ,~'ifi,AI "oJ~.~, KItQLIJtT. l' .v iho ~ll~. _ ,.,:ij...,,o, ,lIOV'it10Ti,'" n,ii:. v.1, ,Qll~__ ~"",g. disule:t:s, t~brou\glh,'ou,t tb.ese yea;~,(lID be ,gras,peel Dn],y if one' has the t«)ta1it,y .of' this di'vergeotJe firml" in ', ,I shan






ii;_ ~ .


'It\i"i;:t-.· .. LdJi



n'lilir'il'" U ~.I,


d1erefQR' 'remind" the 'reader of a :few',outstam,d:i:og exa:rnp'l,es-~

.A '1-.,.1. ,. ;!O'ib C ,~ .. regards ble' ,Iil,om.ino '!j.,neor,';, :uFSt


.... ..:11 ,.

1'9\510'Iia '-'

'momentous, eYleDts,;:!: To the q'llJesti,an of' President Johnson ,1[1I9164, ~:jiWOllJ1ddie rest of' .southeast ,Alia, nevessa:r:Uy b'lI ,if r:3.'M and .south 'V:tetn_3:m am,@. under N,oTdl, 'Vi,emamese CiJntr,ol?';~the' IC.JLA~:'$ 3'D$lV:t:r WM~ jl'!Witb 'the plSSi,b]'e exuptti.on, of C'am,bodJja~ :ilt is n~el.,.tbait no nation lB, 'the' ,area '1VO"tlld, IqTu,icl<Jy sueeumb to C'omm;u])'~m as a '!'e5ult ,of tbe raJ.[ o.f L~l()_Sand South Vi.e.blam/~;'t-t: When. fiv1e' rmrs later tbe' Nixon ad:m:imistrat_ioo' ra is.ed, the same' q'uestion"i:it i~W1H ad,vised by 'the ICe1ntr,al Int-eUigen,ite' Agerlu:y ,~,~"',tha,t I[dle'

and penrolttifd, to' survive, as has 'been :sai,d", the ~'~\m0st

The' Pt?n~'~16m ,P;(J:pet":sj< p'. I..

". }:b"id'e;wJ pp., :1513,....1,54,.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:.~ ni:teA .. tli(::]- 'VuuJi, im ~ 11::-: ~,...IIT',~'!i\Oir V~ _~_u. S:e~,~ ~.ii"iI;'III'IIi~lld~'.. 1m,edJK!L~l'y '~II'~'''' ... u'" ~,i"ri"iijii 8-:'l"iWiii*-.L,I· u..... l!.I!JJ.U JIJl:V.~Lil , vu,UiIi Vi.etmull and "aU. of' Sou.t&.,ea.s.t Asia ',voldd r'tmain just as, :~!t,
,II;@! ;;!IJ~




:P1em,mgon papeTS" '~~only Joint Chiefs, M'r'~l[Wa'lt W,,] the

is ,for ,at least another generadon,' ~~~,~ ,Aoco'l'lCll'ing to the

R.o5l1~nv'MI,d Geaeral ,[M!a:xVt~el]] Tayio,r' a:ppear to nav1e ac, eepeed domino theor-y in its, :~ iteral ,sel1se/"~~ ,oin.d the point here is dDa'&those 'who did not accept it. still used,, p,ot. mef.~I:yfur public statements, but. as pan, of tbe,l.r Olfll premi ~~ On ~~Jl!l'
1~,l'-r.~1~ft;-:~1 ~.itl' [~


As, to the ,clalm tb;a;1t the' insurgents bl South V'ietmm Weft '!1~~x~ernaU,· directed. and :SllpjPOftedl!~~ a H,Commu,.., by :nist, cons.piraty~'~: he assessment of the' :intelligemCf' com .. T · munity .in ~'g6), was, 'Htfuat 80-go' per (,f,nt O'J the estimated. '~,Jooo, VC ha.d been h)call,. recrui ted, and that. there was, liule evld.ence thart the V'C 't:eHed on external ,suppl]es~'~'~r Three 'yean 'bIter tile' situation 'l~ras'Wlell,ang,ed::: ,Acoo~di__n;g eo inte '!II ~d"'!!1'~,,".... a'na i ;.:.:;I~ ", (JJ; i '~'1!.!1'''':t~~' "the :.'"1" r;." S'UI'Urll,'~",:[ laen e 'u:_ o·~;, rne pr!'m'a''If'1J' -...... nl'll"'_~ Of' tv Communist ;sneogth in South Viemam are :illdig~nous.,~;,a In ()tn,ef' 'woTds~ 'the elementa!:fY faot. OlE: ci'v:il war if] Sourh known I ~'~ £ h ..I",," '., was. not. UU.,.,nOl,lf[lin uhie ,ctrcw.'fS, .0: m e ,uc;CI;S!rOn.. V·' makers, II:':~'d: n~,t·,Sena tAr';i·!l~~~ .• ,~.u.,"3;_ ,. ~U , !'~n'ii'iI;Od,-v fI,,.I ~!I.~~ M~·':''''"'if1ii'~'~,e ''i!Ii~-;m:'·JJi:.,:;I 'K' . J U early as 1.9116:2 that sending more mil iUi!:r, u!in£~men't$ to South. Vietnam ,,,auld 'mean, 'that !l~:U1.e Americans 'would 'be dominating the eombat Jn a civil 'W3IE' '.' ~. " [w'hiel1] ~TO'u]dlhurt American pr-es~i~ge'in. ,As;ia,and '~v.ou.'~d. help D,or dle ,So,utb. 'V,i,etna'meSle tu ;sG.od rOD. their «(f\m.~r:o leet; ,ei:th.'ef 'ir~9.'



~ ~~.~~. __

_. . 'IU!.






'~5 'Th~' ,Qtca,go ,S:~;Iii'~·T~'mtt!!'~'~ q~oted

'W~:t in 'R~~w'!!~" 'U~e ,Q:71 J

,~6 "F"J:. ....' Ct;i,,,,-.~~y'-"" o,,.-.-,.," _.,~:'II:~ :0."" ..





'Vorl. 7';im'~J~ "The

p;;,... ~':


~A I·~.~~:I!l

p '..

4&, 1· . l~!II·U~'I;!'· ,'Jjl ;i:",;·.J!""m' - -".

:Pi. '08.. r'· ~i;J;~'!"


Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ C·- ~_. : _'.' ._,.; ... ... - I, ".-'.' . ;,.-. _, .._. .,1_3(J 01:}1' ::!- .. "':' _it .. . . I: ,-' 1-.,--1 .. ,,' ".'_., ..-- - t I.' b'- I.mese- --' expanSUllii,]SDi1. In,. As-" ....;'"1 . " I.. - --- I' 0 b- .Jet: ..t"'-ve _lJneagalns_.. has ,~jL~~~Y,J.' 'b'·'Ji'i!iiJlr:II d!IJ.l~~ -_;-_~.:...1Ii ,~'!l,~, ,~,~,~~LIl '~6~JII,tr iIl"il'ifli,lv ......?Ifiii Viliiloi']j11l"'~ ~11Ir<fi"':ll.,lW' iii ;j;"'Ii'1J~n" ed 11"1L'O"'[II,;rr(l,.. :""·~~~.!l ....: l,",W1VI .$ ~~'lg'
i, ..
L~~ u 1 ",::

C J]JbIi.lI. . un _·;·;~it,w:or···I-d';consp i:r,acy":, 'i'JII'n~,':~~'existence ;:;:it'i!lii'm' ..· ' t u.... 0f": a SJ:n~ [[I. ,~_=Y. Sovi,et, bloe'f in. additi,(jn to rhe }l;ypothesls ,!)f ICbil}ese ex:pao;Si,Oll:is11l., The noelon dlim: China, m,ust, be' "eonrained" has now~,in, ]'97J,~been refuwd by 'i1esident, N:i.Xjon,; but, more than four yeats a,g~)MeN amara 'mcite'~~ th,e ext~llt 'To thalt. our Gr~ginalIntervention and lau.r existing' actions in V,ietnaRll Vi'ere' moti,\ta:ted, by the perceived need to dl"3,W the'
t3!11. , , "'!U\~JII>l

the d~.m· 'D~' il"i,n' ~ the ,pand. saratagems based on the' prlem'~;se'lof a :maeoiithic,
',1;' ~ ~'i:'na'lIlv,~1l..;iIJi;'!i"'<D 'T,i,'r&]i'lil;!;' l' I!!cJiI,""',~,.... "'Ill'






''''1''"1 !l.U

. i[[h:~;

1!J. ..


jIj.,1l,.,la ,'lUtll",,'I4.!!.,




'!..,_ ~~ _ !!I; .... &~'!w......








earlier; he had agreed tbat. the 'Unit~dlS'tal'fS~saim in SoUltb ,

,M! T"",~!Pe~:ta;,onPa.. , Jmt"$"

po ,431,·

111'b',id!~m" :p~,1.!!:'~~. ,
M 8'1:

Jb'£d'e:m1 :p.., ,~G7'., Ibi,dem,~,r.' 58,5., 251

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Vietnam was "not to 'help :&lend" 'but eo comaln [Chma ..:~'~~! The 'war critics have denounced ,aU these' theories because of their obvious ,c1:ash,'\ 'k.n.'o!~vn UJ,cts-==-Stu:h M the nOD.,e'}tW;sten()f 0:1 a S,Wno-SO\1' bloc, known 'ro[ eve'rybody la;miJ.iiar lV',id], the 11.isU),rv of the [Ch:wnese' ttv,oludon and Smliuts resolute op:p(D~ition L'()! i:tJ, or the :fr,~gmeJl:ted[char.., aclter of. the Communist 'moveruen.t since the' end of: '\VarId, lVar 11. A number' of' these [critw.cs went 'furth.@l' and developed 3, tbeo;ry ,of' 'tbei'f O'l,VD:: America, n:3'Ying em.eried, IS the ,greatest ,po,w[er aft,e;,[' W:orIDd W:ar ]I, embarked upon a conslatent impe:r,iaJ:wst. :po:~ icY'tha;t. aims, uldmartely ,I,t w[orl.dl rnle, The advantage of thIs, rb[eory was that. :~t()O[ij~d. explain the' absence [of naeional :i1lterest :[n. th,e '\V,h,O~ie ,enterp'ris~ tbe'sli,gn, of' i'm,pe'F.'ia11'staims having ,all vaY5 been dlat tJb.ey 'w'ere n.eitn.[er guided. not', national interest a.nd. by terri;wrbd bJul1dari,e~=t\ho'~ghit could Ila'roly' ,a:ccount. (or the "fact that tb:is,country 11~'as :w.taJdly i[1JSlWStin.g on ;'~pourr.inl' .', r __r __ ., -n . '" t -' (.'as .1._ s resoiu oes dOl~ , the drain in d:1ijif 'wrona' ,Iplace" ---'it!:I' .._J, r

.' B-'"Il ._' d 'f S" ~- h" h .-' .- . d ecretary G oorge,au!.~ U .n.[; er ,jS-·----, ---, 0 - ,-,tate,. In 't, e J O~_DScm.,-a,-" ministration and. the only adviser who dared 'to, bvealt. the tal boo and recommend immediate \v',i['hd:ra;w,a:~" had[ 'the'



.- - .-- ~'[- ,0 t"ik, ,oourale- It··· liAr -Ill [L!I,We Jr ra\w" '~d['- 'I·t in 'I [G ') ~l:i .eJ~ il!}U'!);., CJ.!early this was 'R[O case of' 'lhniaed means to achieve excessive endls\;~~',M '\Vas ,it excessive for a, "is:upe'rpcnver~; to "del on e more small , ,OO'-'-[UITV' to. its ,stLrin~' of client :staltes OF' a_ __.. mOIi ;$. - ., u_ J .. -10 '• .n, ·w-,;:,Ii'1) ~ ";~';rrlllfil'li"V' 0" u'nr-: "tin=.i Lo'!Ii,r:~;"!i',~.T!';!II""d" JlJJ~IL .. ' V nation"? Iti '.' rather, an un bel ievable example of using excessive means L f-' '. 'to aiC~.~'m[e-ve' 'rol"Or aims m a T:!=g10n.Oi. marglnatlJ 111'lotens-It., 'Il' JIlt w,a;sprecise]y this, u"a.vo[i.d~ble' im P:re8Sli.on 'Of '\YT[oo,gheaded
]J, ,'1) -.e ,j





... ~~~,




'l'io ~




~·JljJI. ~'

:__. ~

fiji~ii' ""I~-~j


Ii Ibidem,j

:p\, ,84~'"

e, Ibide,ml


1M, ,lbidem;~

Pl. ,5rIf, ,27

Copy rig hted m ateri al

"fIoUD.iderimg that fi.na1ilY bro,ught, 'm,e' c'llJuntty 'ID the eo,n:vij,c", don ~,dely and rStruJlgty held that "the :R'sbbUsll.meDt~ is out inf its, mind, The' feeling ls, tba:t we are tryID,1 00 JJmpale some: U .S., :~:m. on dism:nt peop:~es,'wecannot uude'FSl!.and earrvine ~ ,..1.'IIi Ii II' ~ absurd '~i,IQ'IAi']01''''ll..'S "I' \'a,e I.L. B'D..l1 W' ,~_IU . u~~ ,'t .._ .~ ~IJ.I~ 1~~.IJ1~lIC ~lUiiJ!ru!o_ ... ~
I~I ~.I I










sea, >:!!I!rg;l'
•• ,.

in 'lg6c'!;; m' Alt, any rate, the Bantam ed.'w,thlll. f. the Pentagon pa,:pen o

'n~:' "iI;'1 ~'~:t r~'IL~'~;~'~.l~: ;;;;U,',_:_


and air '1I-..".JiIS~C!:·, .:;:- d~- ....i.:;;,~ve·I'V, :;'m.'nii'lrfi"i'i!iin· ,:t~r' 'i'mi:"p~!~ e erlallst Ul ,,_ !UQ - ~~,.. ~ I: ~- I"' .... ,~. , _ ,Il,u ,," " "_~ ~,-,~,", ~-'d on,t,e b ~"h~ ,e; J~ '.:_.1Je f-'~ ~f' '.ta . 'ff-': W"h'0 ~~ "~-- ·.f t. , ~.omt C"'-'h"' ~ SO· '$"'" ",~. r" ,strategyi!' menlIL()n,e. 'poin:1t ,()tU: tha:t ~'iOl!1rf. abilit", in I,iimiteil, 'w,at~J 'would 'be ~~mar.rledly"~ reduced ~'fa '~'f~"OSS,o.f the Southeast ,Asian Maiol,o, land" resulted in, the' 1055, of "alr, bJJDd ,a:od sea ba_ses\;.,'~~"ISa, and once in tile' 'M'cN',I'mBI'3; report o,f :1964; w:hic:b. :sa"s, exp"~:k~ itly: j'~Wedo not req uire that, it ['h Vit!tnam J serve as a, 'We ··~tiCIim'- base 0"" .it 'nl.~- ,~~N' !ai, memb ~_ .. ~ 0 ,a, w-' "~~fi'lIo_n' n.JlJi.m.n~,
'I!.o_":! ~
_:___: •

strata me m;tl' 0' 'nl~'y:I."!I!":~~: M the i:.... e I~a'



(to support the 'tthe~);r,'of ,pandiose' :bD~

.,.. "'i'~o;f. ~,i:!

i:iI'i'!ii itiii~ff"'iffi."'06 o , 11~'1l,.i .IUIitJI':f"U,it~~JLII:~:~ fill" Jla lI.,


.1'· iii.

:& •...

. 'I;,;;~ ~~,_>:!I'" 1,


















•... ~~




£!iill" .'II;,.~



''hi'~1i'i!O H~:&,'~

'pmS:to, 'This Is not to sa',,,tha:t a, :gfft nine ,A_me:drnn, s11o'bal :po'llcy'


~ .1' 'can.gotvernment dill.tU1l,g 't~HS, penond tnat m d ..... 'WidI atmost ~- '" ,.'I.e.. "' -·e~, to.w; ~_ 'I (lriOSp,e''lrh were' rhe oft en-repeaeed ,d'3r~ms. ,-:~er "_' Di.'~"1 h t c ,01' ,I,e1/ ..· so 111,.~ .p' 'I Ii;;:; i"bllie rhan o~' eher 'P--:C'i]'iil-b' ,"-l'~""~iFI~'I':tiII'''']'' S' netions ..,'i!..a it' ',",~ "'"",n' .·.w,~; .: ~ ~I"-" Ul ..... seekln .'i! ,- -~ ',-c't' L, ~'1b,111ilI,'!J;;.'l.g ~" 'no-" 'ff~'i"iF~'it"n'~-'~a,' :G,u;lJi.Li;!! or auy emer .: ~~g,JL,~e [11.!..... 'fl
'I-,. ~
',"= _.-~~_ .. __ , ,,~, "~,, "-',,--'" ~'"~

['("1~'1l.dIJ,1If~1 rqU-U~,.: Ii-,,",,",1 i~ Si ...l..l~.;:I.:),,~ 1

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'Til..40 0:' 1'inI,llc-y-:- p~c, uh III :[1."["'" ,l~,~ .._:.lJJJJ :.' :.1 -_ ,IL
" 1 .• ~I


;qu' 'iiioe., ~_._,y,

0-,,,'~,,'I;... ,C' A'·"m-'#lIfll'~~ ., -.;~~.

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"'"ti 11:), '"'' ,".11", ,', " "" , - '" ],mpe-:r,t3UJ,tI:S£; evertones





1...- ,~-


'.'.--~. -_~ ~"'b- '1:!l'm,:posSl~:~:e' r

a :el's- ,freD·' erallv ~l~' so ,(I. 1~i!\,o·,:~d·l, seectaeular if'o'£ 11 one rCl uri P-.-p' .. ,.... n k~ 'iL...... l ~!1iO, ,U.o.lIJ:, Wncidenr. 'I,oJ' 'rne'!l/Q'f m-nr.a. r"..... ~,'r-ui'mi"iIiiP ii!i'O' r:"i- .... iI'.iIloIi! '1' '_"~!!!V'~,,, !JLo_illLai.~ 'd~' "'Ct' he ",.' ""d"" 1.lIJ.iC ". -''1..' ..... ... ror . ,3, '11. seems ~"O JJJ}·lC3, .f!'OW ~- eenuoera-', .'b~-'~I' wen~' t.l~eenanees t '.'
.. '. ~ - ~ ~,f.

a~ter the collapse ()If the old, colonial :pCff\\fien,. T,be' :Pentagon
i~ .!\r.~~_ _~'T'



T'i'~T'i;",~ .ILIJ~'~'Q!tIi
~_gi .,

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slobal plli,ty dTta,t",v,a:s illen pm,bled

a,l\'a:, in "HI,e'cause' of

Copy rig hted m ateri al

cab :1 rW. :l~

q ~'Ift'':!i;~D ~1.LIIg(B ,,"~I,~_@.-,,__,_!!, :O~g. .....m'1'!i 1 ;n'O"



'c...... ~ . -,ft··· ,~.~!I,~dCEm.,,-'.~p '-' -' ' iat . ,m··' A, ",'ii'iffi;.o!>iiI"'~. c,,-:- -,' d'~'"' ' ',l' ,t!rY,

~n"d' w~"~'n~'I!'i'O"p'~"- '1e'- ,m-..'--,d' s- ....A" ,~,11]1d'~n' ~-' I" ',11l1L ,!t_1~6 ,.!!;,,'U'.P ' " s' .;; In'

wro~esevera] Jf~t>ten,in 1945' and

l~--·~·j;,:,,-,:--, '';;''''_ 'Uesw.n~


oma ' "." ~u


H'_: .. laIl10]J" >., .:. I

t H'···· 'C" ~nl 'M', o·


a' w'iiI ~
'.;;0;; I. 'i'



am >h le itn exam lne the ,'··:-.t!"~··~Jl J_L __~"'J . ~~'_l ste . ..ecessary- t'0 mameenanee (in!: WOI',~u :pea£,e 'W.·,lLU. ,IS ... .... - ---~I.l· , .. hich ~ ,~.~.~ps n being endangered by F':r,eDich. effio:rts, to reconq U(!1:' Indo_I.U '~"',~: __ .'.1. "~~" "!Ii
,i ,• ...:. -" ~

namese i:nd,eipe1ndenc.e according to

thne-,- 'IU''-0],1.16,sd ,(J,lAlIoli.t.i ' . 0.,,,,,,11; ... _-__


'1194 6 [0 President Truman ~!.,. su.,ppor".. 'i-'Il.. "'.1-.. 'O'~ A" . f" :.[[1-' 1,..10 . " IIl,Ue h,JI.ea.

ttu~'.Pldl.',i:ppine~ exc"lli~e ',".1.' i'~ - A'. nam£iiC!eI~ a[1j.1Il.. "c- 'In iI" iIi., .n - 'ii'iI'd L.'Y ~._fi!ie . -RriJ.", I nf' !L~.lJe . '_1 :'

leh]Da,~:"(italics add,ed)..,~~ It.

.... , _.;]

..::II urt&Seu. 'to etner eountmes, eilJ_. . .,-u:~lla<li 'm! ,. ,a.-no. G $.'ii..'II]SSlja~ .',,~,teJU: Br itain none _ti:. 'T.i.l't..~C':lII.,~, t 'i...·:'JII·" P 'lIi'-r~":""~'~I'il'!l."iomen [-, m ~.Il, ~ illl.a ~!I.lIa,1i. , ,u. 'would have been able to givlf' the pr.o:~ect:i,onthat \vas,re,;11' Iques:t.e-u.annd t h wou ld. 'I!.. ve essa b'·· L d 'I:n~o'['hiina ,., me 03!1. .... na :~.1~h~e'l ...-1 , In h !Q'l:i!'mil!;!; ;;]!~._l ·~·aiii~ t'iIIm' ;'t n Int·1!.. el .• ,IF'!i..R!'iL ,Ile ...~,iL v U!!;.:.. '\.;. ,~,ii!!iin,tl~ft~,.,iD<i:'! liI'"iIoff',UJ:.I!<;I!' """,II. ",1;...,oilC! ,cottJJntTj".A.8'crond, and equall Y' striking incid, 'III'n,~,t' :1'" oned gl. the tim e"'1'-b, .'V· the W·.,,:a·l~h:~:!flilg;~\If'II{~1:n;'11' 3' '1;J"'liil!' re"lilt' ~ p - ' ~~ _ ~~..... .. , "'~ ~ corded 1 tbe' ~'iSf"l!P;c!'a~Chr'"-n3l Series~, documents. ,...... ~~ issued bv' --' .. -. In ··r'- 1 .I_ .. ' I ~' 1 :l\1u! Sttate Depmrtme~l't ilm ,AllJl,gu~,ti!' ].,g69~' but came to the' notice IOf. the pu,bl]~only w,hen reported by Terence Smith in, the 'New Y:ork T.i-m 65,. M'ao and Chou En-lai, it tJu.rns, 'OlU, approached President Roosevelt in Januar'YI~ ~'94Sj' '~i~try.i;ng .. , t •
~ ---',ill"",

]5, tr'I;U~j: s~i.mi~arr]Ietrte:rs, '\V~



l.,- L

'h"'O,nii,l;~Ac1i!flgT''!Io'ii; ._C ~~-' "'"11',~,,·I!;::,III. ~ ~I,I.

1.JI!!j""LIII,~!U..ll. ,.'.,



!iKiI. . ,



it<.t'I;,f'ri '!I,lI,'Il-U&iLl!.;I"\








,~,,,,,.!!.!:, ' r,",,~Q!~!!;;-'"






~!I! ... !!l,-'V',,~ ~

I!.o!',;:!' ~


in order to ';~·.i!Ilt1i!~..J! 1;, ,'~liI'l'..lf'4'i~~:4~ii,"""4'~~! ,~,~~, S,'i"I!'i~i;et:: U··ni·~rnJ!lt. litaH~ u'Vv:l:", ,~yCi U'1I!;o!' "'Ii" ;Pih... ' ."..I. ..:!I.......1):' ''If, '. ..- -... , . h. ,. H' ~hc'.. "M'":i,_'~, 'never recerveo an an ,_ ....11 ." 1 . '·1" ,3uu'r;g, •...1.£ S5elDS; t~~at. .~.o ~ 1, ,,1.IliI,u . swt!'I":tand informadon of the' Chinese' approach w:as suppressed because, as Professor Allen lY,nit'ing' bas 'o:nn.iIo.n !IIU

,~iif"'liI't.'~I"e.~b· ~~IJUI _~_,


''Ii'','iiCI'iI~iii-~Aifil~ Jj.'~~U"'~IiV.ltil~

'iJ..f~·t:t. WI I!I!'I! 1j,!l.iJI



U"'·~ffi,:W,·tD~i S-<tates_ .. ~~_~U ." ~_~_

UV t _ .







, """, ~
;., ..

~,~ ~.......,

C'·. '.

mented, i:t eonrradicted "the :;:mage ()f monoUtthic Commu:oism


•.:I!..ofj; J[IL uU6.11 A"~ii-'b''''''--'Oit.. ,UJ'~

direCited :ff'om M·,woo,w',. "",fI,l

...I.r. ...'iilitl~'O·!FIi,._...,,~.11 • .;i!i'i-e' 'c"~iPiIo"']Ji!'n,]v '~,;.'n~ ... ;if];'f""""" ·,'i"'t', ;l;l\..,ii!!iI ~ [uILlU~I., [~~~~. ~~~I_l~~J.~ .~'~ll ~ _.IL&~., '_IJII~"~I!' ,Ull.~

e lbl,id~~ ,p'p. 4i' ,2ii' '8;:& The, 'N'~-~'Y'~"'k T:ime.s'" J~-~l:l~' :I.~!i!J':L~fi, . .... elY . Of " , . .JI' u _" ~~ri ~
·WOj.:l-I'.'s:·test~m.Ofiy· e[iO'lle the' b

on 'the diQ(:Uillent., w.him, appea_rs in ,F:of':eip ,Rel~;~'iQ"n'$'(;lf ,,'he' Lrr.a:i;t'I~MZ' I s.'t~;t.jlMi'; ,D'ipiamaiic' 'H'~ VoW.. VI.I~ Th~ F~r ,B~&:l~C,h,ina.j 'Washi' i[l,gton~,[)I,.C.~,:116fb :p., log.,

M'f., Slui:th clfJ@sF:mle:sS()i" ~. ,~,, ~~ Sefja~,~ 'F()~~,p1 'R~~~tio([uj,CO'm1mitt~e '

- _ ~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

10 b.unting for :pert:~:rlent :f:acK in mcuruains of d.ocumen.b iggl.Y2 '~r [cent of w.bjjcb :s'h.ould not be :i":1.~';:;·<d. and ,"':1'1 OJl. wh·!·,..-:'k :'!5I,--~, '~--C"\Ii!I;'I,-~:,,;-~ 1I!u<u ~!r~ lIn~d~·van.L 1);.1.& pr[Uli.lcaI. purpos.€s" Even. nOr\\¥" tha.t. llie :press[ has 'boou,gh:t a certain plrt,ion of tbis. ,c~assifi"ed 'maJbef,ia~ in'to, t_he :pubUc domain an.d mem ben; of Coll"gress; .ha,vle, been gi:v[eJlj,rhe w,bole stud:Yj, ,it doe'S, ,D()t ~.(~ok, though, those' 'm()st In need as

~lOT inclinanon
_ ~_~~







Copy rig hted m ateri al

of this in£!)'ttnation have r-ead it or eser 'l~iH.,At ;m,y ,even.t,l! , the fact of the matter is that aside &om the' rom pilers th,em,~ ;se:~,v,esl'i! people, 1~',1l0read these deruments "the in,' T'i'mes 'w'ere' the first t~ s[ud;y them~j~',m2 lv,h,:wch makes one wonder about rhe cherished, notion that government needs the
f,'~~.'~,~itru.''''";n,p' ll-:', 'o:,'ped:y,,-,:' .. If the mysteries o:E gover.n:rru.=~nt.have so be,f;ogged, the' , minds of the actors themselves :th-a:t. ~~hey longer know or :0.01
,d, ,""c~:C-'~fii: Uf -

CUiI',I('" i"":",P:O!iI'/;" ja,,, un ~~


11>'",,", I!l.!U

be able ,.IlL,

'fi'''f'", ~




,_ '.

_ __ ..


remember the truth, behind their concealments and their lies, the' ',",hole openti,an of deception, no 'matter how 'w:e:n organ iZ;OO, its "marathon in.f'Onnatiun, ,cam,pad,gns,/~in ,Dean
Rusk~:s wOfd_s~ and how sophisticated its 'MacUson Aveu[u'! ,_'" k' TV- - -~"Ji, :r~"iI',- '!lI11f1'F'IP'O'1]'"'d" ii'-1'r-, 'b :"""",,v' _",.;: ""vu" "it ~,~--" '4!','d ,u"'-' "'"~'I' -,- - n - - -- - - - - u'l" - -" ,, " --' U1l.'" m o,",..,g i:i' r'"


:1 !I.'~ ".;_,



,''Il0'l.11.1, U,~!I,


,~,II, 'c'





live, thalt :is,,-, ,confuse peop:~e "~Tith.out oonv,i.'Dc~,nl dIem~ :fo'[' th,ie troubl,e with ~,'Yingand deceiving ]s that their effi;cienc.y'

depends entir'f:ty '[I"pon ,3, d,ea.r notion 0'£ the tr~uh, tbalt, tile' 11'·' dd ~ '~ri!hrlHeS, 1.0 hid ,J1, tms :s.tme '&.I.'ut'-:~:i' ~~ 'h even, JJ lar ,an:", . eeerver _uae, I' _ '1..'.' _ if' it does 1),0t. prevail in pUJbU,c",possesses an, inen,d~CllJ'le F,im~cy over all lalsehooru"

'1"0,' ,lit..

rht!ii .....~;ii:!,... . .Ii: 'I.U!;,o ««~~~~, O',i~ ,!.~W.....

~;a..I~'V~·.~~,e" =" unam " __

W·.'· ,!l!!I.!II,!L


we a.~,


,,,,",O·,:ti"ilriit..,.,..i!'il·f-.;e;,d, "",, I,UU'UU,1,!Ii;

' '~'~~''ih:'1 W),1Ii.- ~,

in ,;[,Ollto falsehoods and confusion, a truly amuin,g and 'f:n'tirel:y honest ign,or,armre (~(fthe hisiDW.lcaJUy pertinent 'IL, 'II. d not 'ill d'.lI d ..' '1., ~ !Ua;c!'li.g;;rQU~_~: on~:y."llJ. b~e uecision-maxers seem 19no-.,

nrpc'e..,'I.cld I"'if- 'but "no 'u.~~ a'· th 'f!' ',..... .IIi.,'n' e'-,- o:r ,,,,nlll~~\Il,ered ir _' A1fi'e - W,,'. 1 ru ,.~v -,-- ""'-'Ii'iI.'fo'''d~ . p' ,_' _ .I ~m.portan.t that the Vietnamese' had been. :ffiglu:i~llg:for,e~p ,invaders :for ,31mO$& 2,.000 'yiears;~J6~ or that 'the n 0 don, oF: VietD:a:m as a, ~!F.:tinY' DaCl,'\tf31l'd nation" witJu)ut interest 'to ,j;f,civilizoo."! nations, l~~li,lcb un happily:! often. shared by the is~ lva1)!, eritics, stands in tla,gran.t (onb,a,d~lCdon to the very ,old.
1"'-, .....•-Uir;.,' ',' ,

rant of. all the 'well~kn:o~v,n facts o.~the 'Chin,ese l'"tv'C.lution and, tbe' deeade .. ']d rift be'C,lv'ee'n. Mosco\\'f' and jp,eking that o
'!!,:II ill} ": ,. 'V
"I!j; .' .,



Copy rig hted m ateri al

· Copy rig hted m ateri al


'_" ",_ .. i." _I_n: TH'U '--'--:_ ','" -,",,{" ',-,'-' ..:iI-,111" is a. myuJ! an 'd-- U no granu. s: "d 'E~'= q'" u3,gnllre m,OufJJ, ~_':,111: ,'- ~ '-,- -~..JI i"mper.-j]_alisl Itt,atag mDS or will to wo(['ld, conquest can be' W.500v'trm,t. let, alone interest in, 'f;ettitoria1 pifiS,t di~' W PFllHrt~ ~)il\.,least of' all, eoncem ,aoo'U!t naeional lSeCUFi:ey; :ifl' ';~'I!!' ''!Ii.-'!V Jl..,~ '-a't--,~,c;;fi''''iI~~'.:L., 1T\t'!Io I!J!!~; ad' .Il.III.UIiI:!'u--'1.. ml~o' ',iJDr "".... read 1!;;Ji. ,I., disinclined ,ll,l,eu, ';;i'~-'---':raJ. ,-~ ":_""'-"',' M, ,rce_, --'It '-,~Al",:'" (:-"" 1"-'1"-' ed ,gene~ notions :- -" l!ii!,G~~, tr!a!S,,,,y,,propose~_ b--,-')'': 'M>c: ,_' mx ''C' ,11", ... 11 " :1·',--' -, ''Il.._ .' - -L", .ilQ.,legen~,1!! , .&'~ran~'.Ii, "d~-L ~U:' H .. ':' eJl,_):_, or stae-m-rne- 'b' _,,_'i;r. 1--- -~' .... ann ' ...... iM" G"111'b")- ,-' e......Ji,"",,£'- - ,t, ,;Ij,:b·--. tb -,-,-, "''i.6~t'_''b;.i!',_ """'8 U.llW,i/Ii,_,8! u~_:r _'Vi w,a::",U"OOII!;;,Ii,<!1 In. UCl'e3i.:\Ii ULIJf!u I ue_ u~'li __ reeentlv raised bl1 Ellsbere ,How ,'"Oldd tke'U\,'n~6 f,a.-illm' 'I.. . ../ a;l! .- -.r, ,. man, decep d,OD, and lyw:ng~, ·p·er :se-wiU become the 'bale: .,ue' .0:1' this Wsnud, :stary,. For' the ,trutb,t after all, ls that, 'the' Uoi'ned, S'~tes was the' rl,chiest OO!JlDtI-, and, the Idom,lO:nmrt -.. " -- ...[' , ";]' . td -'" iIl-._..I,,,,,, ni"ifW\',el- ,ater ' ..b, - ,en....(hi, 'W'-:-.or '1u" W' ''c"a.r"C-liI ,an,: t'b,_alit :~,":t. I:' a lUe '-'. d· .c ..,' ",iii! C,,",,"" _,_, 'q-'- uareer Q'-'f--' ,~ eenturv le._? J'- 'M-'."_'_"~~" ' '~'v;ifwni!,~ "r--''N 'fii'iii~·~:p":h·~''f' 0 .u'lIil!i',I, "'" ".. ''I!"'I,,__::..:I,,II!;III,l.., ,hlU.'~:~ " !l,;i!'.iI._.l

V;IL ~_,

Y!!i;;;, :~ It.ll~








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~ -- -'~






'!.' .... ~,

' '. _ @'




dIe ~~p1tiful, elpless ,gia'D't"~ is an 'Ilocomrortab],y apt, deh scription, of ~:me'mi.ghti.est ooiuntr~f om, earth, ~ __ l"- IO.eL'!;a)!.~ ,-,,;otb'-1b -'-~ru ,",--:-, U' name ,-,.' , ,d-'--!J:'.... ·... W,iL_~- a U}OO ''''1)-.1 slIJ,perUl[l.'"'1In ,c,~, ,W'~ :porWe.r.~'i~fMr small. D.a;t~Oll. in shit 'yea'" of IOVleIit warlare,~'u_g.. a 1 'i.'.... 'b'll L._.lI b-11 iL'iIJ,e to. ta.~ cue' or£,.,,Its, demesne :pl-o:,~em.s ,an d ,[iw:t .i:.L .... uU: ..,'·'fd-'.' '" "' - .. -'-'1I. US ~lesoU'KifS IW1·t, dee me '0. r:-'.ns ';1 ,,,"up C~!u'es..h-· . , 1.I~vm,gwa5:ti~~.. ,,"--, '-,-- --,,''.-:--.----,






':".- "',';-




-, --:::


. '-'





" .. ,', '








.. --




Dartllct ln, 8tavin~ Rask'i~,

()p'~ p. tf8~ ,cit.~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

where inflation and currency deval U3l;ti,o'D ,threalte'JlJ, ,jl;s intemarional trade as wen as, its standard of life 3j,t home, tb,e' (o'wnltry is .in m,nge':r of losi,ng much. more than it!j claim to 'W'01rld, Ieadership, A'nd, even j'( one' antK:i, ... "",t~·" ,pad~S th', ~ .JI.::.c.g;~~~en~ ,,"f flW.'fu·, ~'. , "ud·,tD",'lt J 0' ~ ~~~_;.re 'I!".'·'·'r·~'~",: UlS~Ol!dajlS -.'~~" \V,uO "~~'~~'~It ,',,~': ,m~gn see ' this deve,~,rOipmen.t. in the ICOD.ft:eXJt of 'lW'eil1lli,enb',oe~n:tur, ,big... tory, 'w-h'eD. the de:Femted, natioos, .in. 'f\VO wo,rld 'W'arm man... atm, toil' o)me out on tap :in competition, 1vith the 'victors (cb:i,ely 'bemuse 'th,ey 'l\fere compelled 'by tbe V,~r:tOIS to r.w.d,
:00 dle' point

'themselves for if 're'~I'd,v!eJ.J Ion__g period o:f the' incredible wastefulness, o:f armaments and miH:tary e1x.pemes)j) i:1; remaills hard '[0 mco:ncii e oneself ~o ~,O :m'iUchei()rt 'w,as;[,ed,0;0 deul;ollsh.,ating the' i:m,potf!H<ce of 'b:igne..s&='!1l(gll one may w eloome' Uds 'ilU1l. e'xpectfld. ... grand-scale revival 0(1 D,avid ,

y ~_.~

The first ex.p:ilu)lation that comes eo mind 'I]) ,msw,tt ,tb~ ,., ~'iH" 'ild It.. '''!in ,', ~i~,e y ~ IL, queS:tl.('jD "~.., OW' 'COUII:~. 'tuerr: . ls '1~"'- ~I to, po'~n'll '~:O' tlu,e'mter-connectedness, of' dece,ption. and. se,l:f~decepdonl~ the con ..' illn

rN.1lil'.j!i-:' __""if

~I' G··.·~,~"I;I,~,~l,t',h-. . 'lU1,~a,. ~

I', between pu blic statements, al \-va;ys overoipiti'UlisUC'; and th,e truthful reports o;£-he inte:~:~,i,g'€ru)e t com:m:un:i,t,,'; persistenrlv b' Iea 1i,., ,;;[J;'H,d' , omine the p~!':ub ~'t<~ eem ~1IfIi1''t!(, were ' l"jj~al..'I~, :1';;"" ·-~~·-~l . ~~ ~~~~.. ~Jl .. _' Ul1~ to w,in 'simpl', because they '\,\f'Ne pubmie. 'The great ad.. , vantage ,of~ p,ub~iclY'lestl,'blisbed mod accepted :PiF.,o(»05:~.ti.Q'n$ o,ver w,tuJ),teveE' an imd];vid~a,'I. :mi,ght seaeUy kn.olw' 0,1' believe' :10 be the 'b'uth is neatly :iU,u;str,ared by a mlerJ.'\eva], anecdote a noord:illg; _,it"rN: 'I\ii,.bioll"ill.., a ,~'m;' It:le~' ~l:~I:1 A 1-:J! on ~~'iirt-,V "".... W~'.· ·3:- :t,~;h:·.and U U L.I'!IWJ!! ""-~,,l .. t'w ,- ell' or me enemy ; s app1:'"Oa.c~lj JIO~lng,y SOlln._;~i;:U, a, :I!". '. ~,~-~~~, "~ 'ir inel ," d' ~,o_·"nsp.op,_!e :fa.]sealarm-end then was the last 'to rush, to the waUs [0 defend the town a,ga:i111st hIs iQv,toted, enemies, Fr,om d:ds~'OO,Ie, 'mary conclude that rhe more successful a ! is) "the 'more iar
'i l'll!: UIrY~.~~~ .L~~J'
.IU~. ,i,~ !III~~II}~_~ __





~ - .- .-. - -


- ..... ,


'I!'l" ~

,r:i'~i~I''_rv, ~~L!~ ~~


J •.


'W_ ,', ..__ ~__


neo(Jp~,[ene . has em -~~'~~ .lu@' . _...11 ,pc Ie '11. nas couvinceo, 11.., end by 't.ue~,:ieying' (HN'ill lies" his.


~~. ~ ",~



'k·"'· ·I,~· ceqf


It .1$1ClllI3Jl


L !I:~"e" "'~'I Wlu.

'w",'h'"o'' d· id ,t.1L1e1"'p. ~ ~ ~~IL~<:. ,:~, utmost .. ::-'~

.. ~ .~ 1_" • -:: ,_",

lin the ,P'enra,g,on pa,pers


'iii""" ~

'w,e are oon:Flionted, 'with poo!pl!e' ~"'~~'1ii",LDI, Tjll,~,n,..1"'1I"IiI1Ll; the p,c··'-... ~;. ,;i;,ll..o;lJit·· '10, !I-~.~~ tI.~ .. fU,I.~ . 11.1.·. ~)~ U'u.,_
-~~ ,~,~.~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

is", to mallipldate them; but since tbey la bor~c.l, in a &,ee ,country:!, wber~ ,all kinds of i[ru,lar.Du~.t~on were a,vai~a'ble'~ dl,ey nevet r,e'aUy s:ucceeded,. Because of tlll,eir relatively hig'n
station and tbeir position, :in gOiv'enl:rn.,ent~ tI:\H~Y'were better shie~ded,=:in. spite o:f their prl vn,eged, :tn~)'\t ledge' io:f "top secrets" -3:,g;dnslt th is pu blic :i'nfO'fma,don,~ 'wh,i,cb, also 'mare' or lea, told the :factu,@~~,['l;.td~!, t~an were' those whom d]"ey t :ttied to convince and. ,of whom lh,ey were likely ito tn,iu'k, in of mere audiences, "sil en il: rna jl[D(fit:iles~:!'~'w,Ih.o '\\lere' supposed. to \\tatc'h the scenarists' prnd:[~ctionSi'The :(act dla:& the ,P-".;a;(H [I"·"!i;.g,-;,n;n papers revea 1ed I .5.:1t.W,u~w, . aL -y-:.". :~p-: eeeacu.''I A,-'i, n iRT~~~ 1,1, a ... ,.tI'~Y" '!iilln-' ~~~a. _'.. _ ~ ".~ :testlfie.sto the UTe bjJ 'create' 3J. convinced, audience :faH that they coul (1 tben. join themsel ves, Stili:" th,le :pr,eseooe o.:f lv,haJt E~ls'berg has ca.U.,ed the PI"(';CeSS, o,f '~~]nt,ttfird, ~'If·,pition~~\~' is! beyond. doubt~, but. -it is as ,,",'bO.... tilJ! the normal p-' 'l"ii"'\Jf"ee~ n'f- ~'I=I;IIIf.-'-d'-"I!l'CiL ;e.r,p;'III11"ng- lIUB'Ii"e ''I;''alirB'll''('!tli;.JII~ 'Ul' ,~'~V.I ..IJ.I~I_ Ji,'~~i;I! v'· ~,.;;;,IE, ~~,,"'-V""'~"., ~,....
~ ~_ "_ ~~~l~, flUIL"".._l __ • . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "

,ip~~ "!r







not as, tbou.,gh,decepdon ended, 1¥,1.t11 seU:.aeception~ The deceivers sUll'ted with self-deception, P:ro.Da,bly be~1!lse n'f.- tlh- ~,,~ ,o,j't" sta ~1 ~'~'1i"a,i:. asto ~nll'dl·ne ,;:~ assu.... ~, -It: o:Ji])-'~.i~·._-_. -'0 they W,ele so convinced! of ov,er~yhelmlng success, not 0,0. it

Ib. ,~,~



i!!ii'lriild' ~IUIJ!•..




_ '-:


_,.I._ _



_" •.J.,li'Ij.


m.le battlefield,

'but in the public-relarions


arena, and


censin ;of the soundness

their psy,cho1ogieaJ premises ,1,OOUt. rhe unlimited possibilities in, manipuJadng people, Uila:ttheY' antlcj paJed general b eHi.,eJ and v.i,lctQrFY' in 'the battle the £iilJct, til,at r.heir' audience refused to be COil,,," ',',i:oc,ed than to other facts, 'T,he internal w- orld ,t'fiI~ P'O·.~·I,"",;Q'r,-t'1ii'm· . e nt :r.II<'" t-I_'I!-., ,; ~,~. bu .reaucrace "-- ~- - -~ __~III, ,l vlll e ''''',.._, III) ,LJ."~''''',1 an one' hand, its social :~le' on the other; made' sellf.~d,eiCEp-' i
a.tltendon. '1.0,
'WI'_ ,I,ll,. "I .. 1i'~'~ ,III,,_U ,111,~

for people's minds, And since they H],v,ed in a. de&cul"dired wodd aJupvay~they did not find it difficul t, eo 'p,a'y no more

lion rei ativel y easy ~ No iVOI")'f to't;,;r,~r. the' schol a,TS has ever o~ beuer prepared the m:~'Ddfor ,i,gn;(JE,hl_g'tb.,!:' Ia.cts, of. H:fe than

Copy rig hted m ateri al

did "the va.rlous, t'h:~nl<' tanis, wr the pro'bmem.-.solveris .,eI th,e 're,puta:ttioll o:f the Whl~e Honse for ,the Pf;esjdeD.'t~'s, ad',viseTS.,
IS -t- -'" L, ," ,w,"t.." '"erearwas iess I,·L was, llU '[this amosp~~er,e,;._nere' d· "il' a.~.'W " le
';If, " "'--

''1e3_Fed £" c-~

t'ban U_'

,de£eat ,tha't the misleading sta;rem,f!nlts, about the! disasters OlE the Tet oO:;ensive' and tbe· Cambedian mvasiolll W(!T.eonoocred, BUll:\~ihlit :i;s even more important is to.a;t c 'the mnh about s'~c'hdecisive' maJ~tets, could 'be' $uoce~'ulTy 1.;;-..... ,'iOl6-;-:ed,", up In "·hef,~:~ temal ]:0-' clrdes-bu _. .,t-, no.!~,'l':4,i!!i/iF@' '.0:;.'1 . " :' !f",~'b'",!y, ~,. .....1'1 _ __ 1 ",it "I,,,,,",,, U,!!;.;,Ii, I!;,;~.,,,,,r====_ wotties about how to a,vo:~.d,'be CO m iJn,g';!i't:he'6rs[ ,Am;erlca:l1 Pr,,en't 'to lose til war" ,and. by' 'the al'w,ays :ptle$eo:1t :p,r,ec;cclllpat~Jooswiith the next election, So far as,problem-solving, in €JOll.'Itl:,a;S'f; to pu'bHe·le~a't[ons,

I'k _.



_ 'I;,.~ Ii,J,Q

,1111. ""



ma.nagjllg~ is, concerned,

'~;!!HI---'l,'!..iI'"'l' '.'- ii'"jI.lU


Sie'l:f~d"r~cepdon>i'even 'i~~jjnJtemd Is no' ,s~tisfacJtoryanswer to the quesdoo,


and J[:. ~':-I:I::_:.,V-"'~' 'L..,atf:-- -fifO :I~~~ ~~!U, ,i!'al~eili...o· neawee tf:"",.t">f;' '!!!IIn-..I' od a :fanta:sy'~ and therefore ,3, ,ooo:8icli between the real. w,()rl.d and, ,~:iI--~ 'ilIie~, - ~I!i;l ~'lIf--d·: ~,;C;'~''ir.Ad-lld-1@.... that - J@la.,_,:~: ' in Ult!: -'!b!L.!!;:;.1",'!b.l,:liI.d.. disa '-P'p~"'"iii'"Q, .1. a,-'D-- alrjii"'-~r\A:l-y u,~,factualized world,;: Wasbi'O,g!ton and its :SP'[,3wUng' :gr;ovem..· mental bureaucracy, as 'w,e~las the various think tanks in the-'.... .,....-~ p- .-_[v IUIIb th e -p. ,r\li"\b,i~I~.oJi."j;t"'iil rovide '-_!II". '- __ V£i1!':S~''liil1i~h: a natural _u, 'LulUJD.,:!!

-t'~ ben -e,an '~~[~I.CL11'v~Al, _·.:~~WI....~ '


rn'mlIJd"-' . :"I!L~ .....;} . "iJ!!JI'~ ,

rbp.,;i"r' "(l!e~f~:
f.-I;.;iii'~":1!.. i~_I-~,UI

deceotion if"'!.;

'l;J.1II~ r.,!?JL:


presup -n:tM\:ali:: ,~ d y ...... ""'''"'' -'~'~'., Iii. "!;,;c!Ol't!l.i!l·I, g,_~


Y I!i;l




1 __' _


~- - _-


'try.' '----.:',



nUica.nt role!~se~.f:.d,eceptiOD. is, the danlef.' par exveU,tm,c@': the' self·deceived deceiver loses aU contaet with. not his
'. _, '_ ~. _ , •. E ,~ _

and deliberase deception have ,a]'w,ays, :pla:.yedl a, ai,S::,

:fo,r-'mind, ,a.nd. boo.)'" In the realm (d po1b;ilcs~ wbere











audience, hut, also the real '~M'ol"~d'j, w,hicb s;tj:~.1 wUl,cartcn up' b i'm '.- bemuse.' _ [.'he, can_ remove' h:is md'od. from, .it bllit not. ,1 _.. _ _ _, to. ". 'iI.. d -b11 - -. - . -11 ..,-.-'~'l- L"""D .- .. --, .. nllS, un.y., 'TL. pro_,lJlem-sO,~.VIUS' w,h iI~·· - ~ ,W.. th... :iUJJLL:.1J,.~egu, '--ne ~.Il),~rtI.e'w Iu.e'
I . _ I. ., _ _ • _ _.
j " ~ ~ • _. _.~. _

th.em in. the reipor'ts o(f the' inteiUigence' Icomm,uDi:ty had ,onJy to' 'rel'Y' om, th.eb" sharedl tecbniq'Ues~ -tbat, ]sJ' on. the various wa"s of :t-rao,;slat:img' q.ua1:liti'e5 and. con'1:0
Ii-,@"ij"il+'"" ~~~.I!~

1311'1 presented Y
In 1II..!U ,t ..

"if ..... q_--I-"'il'-:~:t· 1 _

~'·t'li.o:ii~ UoD. ,li. '1,;.".

an numbers ': 1!.J!I!.,o~"


, _,



'-':l'"t'h, __

w'hiii""h. --.v ~, ~ __~~, ~ calculate

'!;,o __

,;:'••• ...0'.· I~;!~-~,,:'h-t-'l..,.'~'.... n-',:II unaeeountablv, j OUIU;.. , _m.I!i;Q lV" ~,~_~I '". a !.J~.~ ,_ ~.~ ,~'V'~ _ __ _
"""fI .....

never came truel-, 1morder toO eliminate, da'y in and clary ou.t;j' what. tn"ey 'k'nevi :i-, 1 ,.,IUI,'l;. - - n' ~w.lIIlS 00'", uld ---or,-,I\. for ,;:;- !!!II'OV 've"ili~ :'.::.1 IS ",0 b rea~..'-TL.,g reason rt,l., ne 1,.' WI, 1'. J!~- ~ m- Q___i:_t,J'
_~"".'" _ ~_ __ _ _ _ '!' '.'1.,



Copy rig hted m ateri al

- -- .-'"- -,1I---·b. - th - - -'~ nursued _ .:t", - . Dr .JI C! -' - - -p"et~eJJ.y t~,~ait, --,~!t~.e;goEt~S'pumueu bry- rt~.we'U'". ..t-f.Ui. otl'tes- g--ov"" .•


'were almost exelusivel y ps,chologti,ca~,~'~ t'bat. is,,; '160

"too man.y risks 'wi.-th too Iinle return ~~!-ofonntemplated acdonSJ' one' sometimes .has,t.he' imprf!sslctn. that a com.putefJ,

percentages are aseribed 'to, the ,potential risks ,l'nd'returns.........

matters of 'the :m.imd;o :Reading tbe memos, the' -opd.ons~ the scenarios, the' '\Yay

east Asia~The preblem-solvers did not iudge,,~th,ey 'eal,Cu...· lwt,ed .. 'T.he,iJr self-confi.deoce did, not even n.@edl se"lf·dece'p" uon, '00 'be' sustained in. the' :midst of so many' m:is:judigmentBJ< ferr it relied on the evidence o.f m.a:rnlem.atial." :purel.y rational ttu:dl~ Except,~ of course, rhat 'tbJJs,~I'trutht~ was ~''''l~~'l,'Y ~~,~, ~- .- - ~ .... to ~Ll. .Ir"~ "!il'il" h~ :,,!ffli_"ij"i,dI Ie-'~L:J ~~ ,It Fl),il ,~-, :'u-·: ,I" ~'Ii"'t"'.ei'~,e-v~;ni''' the "eroblem u
~J ~

rath,u' tJban, ~~decisioJ1~ma'keF.s~"!' been let loose in. ISooth... bad,

-'lI'o',",oI"!'-~'£ -_--:-., _.e c '~,--nl-t.e·.;:il,_ . ___ the' I,'u'f~me' UJj: ,__ ceT.ltllin .,",ji': a , --.i' s~we" _ ],_can_- be ca:wc __ ~al_,-u, that _. ''- 0 _ .I>-\N_ _ acdon- l;S "less lrk'clv to . be ~-'O'P'mH;!I,al,V'u than . more Il~el'v,lI,i71 1_. ~:~ e. it. 1 - . a, cr"'"' , . - _. ~.~ -l ~ ~;It;does :not .£oU.'owthat 'we can choose :it. even ,if t~be' roperp tlon .t!3;i,ak"v +riI; tw", ~.-t-'V' b· ~fc tbe .a1i'ii'·o·· '~'''V' and ,g, ··rm·· lucakulable' q'oolU, of the 'ris:k~and the &Ul!H~~is,true wben. :
<_. ,




. l_











: _·.:!~~Ii


_ Qi'''ClI iii 'i,i:!~, ...~~IU-~




: :_

and e'ven 'the gam.bler wOldd 'be' betiter ad'.v~;s.ed take into aeeount w:h~t pin, '01" to loss would. ,a(tuaJ~,J" memo for h:i'm in daU, :Ufe'~Loss 'ma"

a, gam'bl!er;, )lot :~or a

"chance that we wo'U'~d'w,f'l1d, up' ,1_ the 'Ff.e;nc'b. :!"H 19~~ l lke .. -:, I'!AI~ii' . .. - I are' per eent to, 3.0 per Gell't.t2 Tha:t is, a 'nice' outlook la,f'
. --~-

the odds ;Q.f r,eioI1D in the Sa:;go:n 1'Olvernmm't ver,s-w, t'he


.. --






fi- h -". ;ill! ~",eJli---,,; -. -. -- ,,- ~t"-er&.;Ii Pi 517Ui;; r,!f:r;Jlio'"S0:l\1



l' . t.,~'~,a_, U!II! U~'I'T.+~



,t::i!'r,i!!; ;.jll ~tIi


... U.~~~(tL!JI


j;qi:'..iII:~ M'!j,

Tii ri' fillO



Copy rig hted m ateri al

'mean 'Utter 'ruin and. ,ga~~'n, 'IOlOIiI!' than some l~le'~,rome' nl:) but, n(~lnessef.iJj:tia'~ provement of his, :fiUiUl,ClaU, affairs;" Only If im ''realis ,at stake for the gam'bler -3. bi,t 'marie or IIe5S, 'm.on,ey is not ~l'k[e:~,y 'wake ,an.y dil-er[ente in his, stan,nard[ to oE. ~.if-e-can hie u:fely 'f\e'~y on the percentage ,~'m,e'.. T,tte'
with. Oii:n~' c,ona:uclt of' the 'l¥,n :io,South Vlemam WIS, thatno such control, ,gi~ 'by reaUty' :;ue:~'~'lJ exiseed in, .v[ell. . .. ever

t:he mlnds ,o,f either tll'E!' decis:ivn .. akers or tbe' :p,roblem,. m .


,Mm5,i'good, or bad, thl't [could limit and ,C(Ulrb,ol sheer 'fanwy::: ~'~:N'e~~lber territory' nor economic adv,m.'UlJg@' has,

It, is Indeed true that Ameriean policy pursued 'no, r-ea'l,


b~~~, ,r·~·'Q!!~,i~U in 'V':"'l"'Qt-'·IflI.'l']"1IffIiIi :Th;iD pn'it~!l'li". p-::: urease nf~' 11,.1',· ,goRin. '.l&~ . ~ "...f'~~ .. a : .. IlJ.I.;~: mous and costly e'lmciI: h:u b~e.n, t(li ,a:ea'te' a :specl6,c :s~alteof .nind,.."~T~' , . lib;::' reason s;uc'll excessivelv [('usi11ly-: means,And ... nun e .., ...-, ..- - --. -, - J - ,-.'. ~ - - ,-ootid.,. in human li'ves and ma teld a), resources, 'wen! per ... Ddtted, to 'be' used :6)[' 5uc'h :polit:~n'" ,:ne'I,If:v,an:t ends, must be, ,sonlg'hr 'Dot m ere 1y in. the 'I[lnf;o~tlUlal'tf' Sol! persbundaace ,m t:his· c.olWn:try·, but, in its i:na,biU.ty to' understand ltnllt even pleat, power is l'i/rnll'e'd ,p(n~er,., Behind the oomtmd, repested c'[iche of tbe n~mightiest po~v'er on. eaI:r.dl/~ tJ.m.'
lI.,1; '.~',' .~lgjJUl_QiI:..
I, ~ ~I,!I .• I




lurked the d~lnge-IOU$myth


wOld.d have to request '~'~'Congressio~3Jl 3l,u;t~olFit·,y to iQUm'Wl!t .. Amlf!tican 'bOOPS, in [:n.docb'~~na,/' .h:~;sadministrnd.Oll w,as :SO the ~aJSt. be' mlWle tha:t "rhe idlocatioifl oj more 'tha:n token to (l.S~ armed rorvt!S, in. that area \vt)iuId be a serious dhrersi,OD o~ .U:nd ~'tuj 'UJl. capabilities" (.ita.'~ a.dded).,'i~;I'R s,pit1f!; uf' ies ,alU the :late·£[(;alculat:i,on,$ !of. ,uICfi,5Jt5~ returns and risks" of [certain acts" the' calculators remained totall y unaware of


alS,,er \~as,the' las't President, 'who kn"e'w be


an'Y'absol ute, no.n.pS'ychologica,'~ H:m.ita~ion. ..The ~imits, due,.


the' people's :minm\j, ho,'.. 'much the, wo'U~d ~1"


li4:k1f.un b'JJ Stavi~5, Ba:rn~~~, R~~'ti~~,op'., dt' .. p, ~og'~

imi T'he: P;eHIGj'f:Q:R, P~,:h-~f;$ p'p. ,§, ll!:i', -, ~' , ,. _ ..-~ -.. , 'f' e, .II',

Copy rig hted m ateri al

m-._ ~_JI 1I.0'!I0m_II!"t.,''lIi'ifi' ueh ,~__ .b~Jl, ...

i ,

stand in the loss of A'Dler,~,ca'fJ, Iives, 'wh£cb shoeld




in stan
Jl .. Il!~

~'I!i<, !b~~

the Jly-~~ ~ traffic in 1l..l;IJ~, ~

I . ~ __ ~




W~"':LO~iil'li'.'~~"n",ar ~':li'i!iI"I!.F-U-p--:'~' ,1,1.11 :.." . a IlJgILI,t\.~Ij.... :.'t,,1!'


never ~~;."111Ml',..,.,J1,'~;an, them ~ib;~.'ifthDre are Umi:ts. to 'the resources that tv'en this Icuu:ntry can was~e'

m :-'it' it ,-:-P""P'ar~" I, DU,," I~ a -~~~rntl~':-' .



y. ~



_ y


_ _'




--- t'L ~~-""a o'lr r::~.'~~·,......, , !ldS,J~a!J:~''Y'rom. ~~,:~na'LUJll T-t..·' d dl ~- ~ b~ -.'"' '0 'f'- :';J.~le iJ;II',II'-:Oa''':'''II:iI,~~ '"',E HnW r": the pursult o~' a men! lma_ge' of amn,i,p~)tence'~ distinas ,gulsb.ed :&,om 3Jn 31m, !O," 'wor'~d conqueslJi W' 'be attained by
U~ iIi'iI' b t

n 00-- 'e~ unlim ,itl eu I "cO;r i: iio'l!.. the arroeanee nt' 1~: ited Ui .'. e ,~ ..-',~ vII. miDd~ ,an utterly irrati,(lrnal ,oo,n6.d,e~n,ceIn dille ,C3!lcula,b-IUty of: t,eality,1j becomes, the le:i-tm,odf of rJle deci5ion-~makjjn,g processes; m.)lm the' bfg~:nn:ing of escalation In I.g6.t,~Tbis,; tJ"o:wever,i is, not to sa'y thaJt the :pr,o·blem,·sol'ver,s]~ 'r~gDro,us
V'~lI:'t;illinl'ii<' ~~"I J;....~l~~I;


r.nil:!'iI·1Ii~'I'Ir""-"SJiC ,II.-";'~U~,~, ~",",IlII='t:~,I!!


I ,~~

ne... ..... ~, .. il .... t. !t,~I~I-l,b:a·'t,o""iIIn,' m. U:J,~ :.J ... '0,,:' defa_.L"- lila ~....-",ltv, ,. .~ ~ ..
f' -'

a, r'-Di a·"~'

the 1'-t'iI;O__ ""'",

!U' .. '"

:f' 'VIII.. _r:




'W''''~t. i:nl'n ~JJ.I~' V

Jl,:Il~ _

It'_oiii;'il it ...lloi;!;"''''''':~~-,WJL"1J.J~b~I!._Jj, I~.:_.",

~'c:-:tin iIii

'f'fi .11"'" len ......

.'I,;iIIiiiilQ '!.iL"",~


The preblem-solvers,

lv'110' lost. thelr minds, because tille",

of. thefir bra~ins alt, the' expense


a~,CU~,3tmgl,weh p

of' ehe mmd's ca,p~u:ityfar experience and its, a bUlly to' learn 'from :i:t" were preceded 'by the' ideoIo,gf~sts,0(1: the Cold War pe:riod~ Amti,·C'omm_'lUJnisro,~not. the old, ,often pre] udiced, AostiUt,' of America, again;Sit. socialam and oommU:D.'iun,f so :str-oo,gin the' :! ,and st~.Ua lUilinstay o~ the' RepubUcan part-y' d.ur,i:n,g the' :R,ooseveh, a.d'm:lnistrad.on" 'bu,t- the postwar comprehensive :ide():~.ogy-"w,as ,'" the 'brain child ,of :forme'f Comm:u.nis'ls who needed a new ideology' by wbilc'h to explain. and, :reljably :f(rr'e'teU the eourse of
:hm'lory,., Thls :ideo]o'g)' W,H, ,a,t 'the' root '0'[ all ~theori~~,"in, WMbi[1,gton. since the end o:f W:odd War It I have men .. , rioned the' extenr 'to 'wh~cb sheer :~gniOfance 0:1all :pertiuent, lacts and deliberate :n.'e,g'~ect,of. postwar developments became ,tbe ha,Uma:r:k ,ofestablished doctrh1,;f l,yiddn :the establishmene ..They needed :00 facts, no, ,i;n(u,rmation:;: tn,ey had a ~'~tll.'oory·J,'~and all data tba.t d.wd not :fit, were denled or ignored, The' :metbods, -of ,this, older g,enerat~:oD.-the methods ,of

!Q :.



Copy rig hted m ateri al

:M"r;;Rus'k as ,distillguisl1H:d. from those ,of Mr~, M'cNall.1la!Ia;-r-' -'~rle",', ,1I..... ~ "-'_ 'om:' :P' 'IIicaeed J.!!;."". ' ,.JUDo 1,~[;lS l,"'.....~'~il~D.-~V 'W' ,~, ,,.,:L,. ,;f>'f· '"""" UJQ:lL!L ,Ull'!!.l'~ the p\FobJem··s~!)~,V\tts~ bu,t not, less ,eli,c.acious in ;shieldiog 'men, from the im,paot. ollI r-(aUt, and in l"uining the' 'm'ind.j,s ,capa,cl.,t:y for j't and fur lea:rldng" 'These men :prid~d
'~.o;:;;;:;, .....




'i:iI,~ .;,,,, ,g;g' JI.1i.



...a...;n;f!.:i; :

!IV. ,

them~"","v'e~ O",'Fi, - . - - --_Q!Q -. ~


,UA, "

L~'~~'!'''''",ii:i7 J',~;-if-·~)l1 ,ilu\C), .!;:aJ... .net)"

f;.'!IL',~· "",,"''''",II.

al"'] C' ,._.u"",

'''''''m-, 'Imc-u:"o"
- I.,




&--r.'"f""" :t''iT,VJWl ,.:.ue

·,,; .... J!_J, - ~;,lIo_al:;-"--1' -, pa:s.. =fi,om, ,CI". m,1':S




,.. '1..1;0, U,I,,,,

t!'i,.;"I;'t:l·'~ 'o~ !1.;i!'-.lL1IL :.: I,


~i~m.,on,o,lithif l,mm.unism~~"and from Hi.-fJe:r~,s, starting a, C

'world war aft,er :Munlch, hom 'ulhi(:h they concluded[ 'tha't every' gestur,e of' 'reconciliation was, a "second M'uniC:bli':"; They were unable to confront T.,e~dityon its, own terms 100cause' they had al W3'J,S some p~u'atle'lsin mind. dlat "helped" them b) 11n,aerstan.d, ehose terms, W}Tu~n. Ji(~'hn;wn,.still in Ill.. ., ,. K' d V-~ 'pre&I'oent,; came nome .-rom ~ ..;11' 'L fr ,1;[115;lty as ,,-~,ennelr.y]j, ~ve"',-,an.ins,pecl!lon. tour in South. Vi.!etnam. and happll Y 'fe,llH)lted
L ~


D"·'06 -- - ~llit'~ '....l~m. W:3:!5,

tne 'U;'C'~' rh ]j.IJ._ '_;lu,UIC .. ·'11'[


-f O__l

"'~~m,m.,,· oue
~Iii •.

-. '~d-~~ve b..... , WUOJl,'-.

,abSlnrdity~ btu this was not case, N'M' can 'ODe ,say duu. the left-wing' WM critics ,thought ill. dUlerent terms, The' extreme fringe had ,tile' un!1,l.pv-y :i.n.cUnadon 01 deo.onncing . iIi,~.L. - ~, t' ;:!' . -h,,.c '. " '·'ii'lii:~' - I ..:I U - J:~SC1~;, or -'nazl- - ·lV'.' f.u;,.tv'i;'r~; o:tticn. qun;e, Il,ft'~tly~,Ld~ ' pl,eased ehem, and of 'caJ'~ ing iev,eJ1" massacre ,I, lenocide:~ 'whim obviously it 'W,a.~:D;ot;this could, onl.. help to produoo " a menra '11" lilli',' ii-iL'''ll't" W'.~'i:!!q..'~'Ii'}re 'W·.. ~ ]Lw~.l ,0't:, '00:-' and on e m ~'It'~i lna.' u. .--..v "'"' o' I'~,..;J J mY, 'Oth!@'f 'war crimes ,IUJ' :~.'onlls,they w,e'Fe n.ot. g-en.t(ttide~ The ,proble.m-so]v,erswere rl~:ma:rk-a.bltree from the sins f ,of. 'the ideo:~.ogisb; tll,e., be':~ ieved. in methods but H,o.t, in '~i"w'orld 'vi.ew-s. 'W hicb" incidenmlly, .is the 'reason, tbey iQou:~d\ . 'be trusted "to puU, to· 'the Pentagon 's documentary f,eooni of the ,A'[~leri,can bJJvQ'~v,en'U~;nl(,:j"id in a 'w,a'),:Lilat wuul,d 'ilk...... b ....... ~I' :L. '~ db" JeC1tlf.e'",· ·B··lilt ..,iI". oCIi"l,;, ',Ii..n.ey DC WUJl .'!encycwopfi.d[1" ana 0.·· 1(: li;iiOlll&~ " 1l..
l!iii --

thought that the parallelism game wO'l1lId, die


mom, sheer

·':1 t




. - - ~...





~~iQ~'!rii_~ ~ -"'!~iL




li<iI'~\""" i 'I


'1'6 Ibli.m,~, , g., p


Ibidem ,PO xv.iJu.,


Copy rig hted m ateri al


in. :su.c'h g'-ener,aJ,~ly accepted rationales f4l)r polities as the domino tb,eo:ry,j) these rat~~io:nales, with. "their


diH;e!emt methods of defactual izatlon, provided dlJ.€' ,3JtmO'sphere an.d :tb,e background a,p,hlfS't '~¥hich the pfOlblem,.. 'sa,ve.fS-, ,., 'L" -. -.' :·:-1,--,,----- - ulI.eD. W' ~vor. k'"j,' it .'ey h-- au'J' ....i'~t··"- a ,II ,'t'u' ,--' -'· th.-- - -..:Ii i:';IW'.er '--'~ ... OO--,_,v Cie in ~ 0
-:-1 -'" -: .,Ii!o' • -'. " . "--,


the cold w,UT~,on~ whose' minds then. t~lned. out. It,Obe ~dll.gU-'
lartly '\\reU ,pf.'e.,p3!r.edIor the' abstract games 'th.;f'Yhad to oIkr~ How' tbe' ,00,10 wan.i]or:s :ploceedoo. 'whlen.1.le~~tIt,Q tthemsemves :is weU Illusrrated by one o.f the ~ 'theories" of Walt Rostuw ~

the Johnoo-n a,dminisbation~';s

~!ldominam:i!. in.telleotud~ It 'WH' Rostow's ~~thle(lr;'~ became one of the' ,chi.ef' I'1:tion,.. thait, ales 1m the decw;siol1, to bomb North Vietnam agaim,'t the' ,m.vire ,of ';~McN ~.!!:s 'then prestigious systems, ao.alys,ts In the 'D';'lfclltAHi;;:;;6, teparnn.·\,;,ui,~., "'ire; rheorvt ;~.aem'...~ 11"'0 ,u"' ..... .i'lUib'a:',''[r',o'T,el1ieA1 . JiJ~. '. -,iL""I.d.~ c ' ,~c.~ ,. - . ~. _-' cu. on 'the view' of Bernard Fall, one' of the most acute ob.. servers and. best-,":l:IJ:[orm,oo, war critics" who had Su.gges'ced that "Ho Chi. Minh 'm:~g:h,tdisavow tbe lVRr in the; South, if some ()f' his new' fndustrlal p~ants, were made a, targeti!~T;a {italics ,addfd)~ 'Tbis \\V,as a Ryp-O,thesis, a real :pOBsibiID.ity:~ w.hich had. to 'be ,eitb.i@l' c,oolirmed or refuted, But the re:marrk. had 'the In luck 'to fit w,eU with Roseow's theor:iies ,a,bou;1t ,guerrHla warfare, 3]]J.Q, was now transformed Into a "fact": President :Ho Chi, :M:hlh. "has ,O.R Indnsrrial com plex to :PIOt'C£lt;. he is no long,eI' a. gueniUa, fighter with neihing 'it...,. ,~os~~ •• "'" I;-,;g'_!"~'i9 ThiIS- JlO~. I re ,t·tI"\Ospect, i~l, the eves of,' ~ , 11.~oks in I -~ -, analvs ~!J.,;; 'I ~ ke a" 'UC-A'~I '0''.1,/ J1.~-, :'v.~,~aI. W· -~J ud-IOlITI ~~I,i,c.,:j ~__o-".i,..~~,I;..i' ~;~,tO ·B'· ue +1..,;<!I. ,'-pc ". int 1l'!i,1!' ' ~: l[II_!~,
VI ...

,o,il'!ii'f' !iO;' H:-'

I •••







'_ """' "'~








I", 1 ..


could ·i:tt"o-· ..... v' nl tha" ,~,:Ik - "m .,~li5JUU-,r,;)":"""II;:,;IlI,~ ~'VUWI, b- ,,~,_: L~ "colossal" _ -., ene ~~ -"'. . '_._U!JI;jQJ,1I. 'V.I·~i because no one 'lv:isnedl to correct it, in time, It. turned. out, 'Vf'ry 'qui-ckly that. tbe ooun,:try' 'w,as not indusmalized
-..mm1iiAii~i;-llf,~'t m'


T'he.' P;e~ta!-o~ p,(j,pe:ws:j ,2',41"" p'.,

,g f~',9,

:SO; 1-;1:. '"Ai'

'~-, :,~,t",~m~ p.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Ai 'ill

Copy rig hted m ateri al

even fur tile' I1eanf.y~, as 'CU.siti n.g-mish ed from.


'me inu~ge,of

'When 'this, stage 01 the ,game 'was reached, -the initiail

,premise maJ,t 'we' should :nev'e£ :[Q]lld. the regIon Of' 'the' oonDtry ltse~£-:inherent in the' domino 'w}e~)ll-cllal1g~d
:lO:w . -n~vler mm
,. "...... __, ',i .- ._- .'.-

d- ",ii... - ,e:n,em.y.. tLU~-.-. - c'


A" ",:l!.."'- .. -. ,.n d 'IUdS, U1. t'll.. - :ml~'1i,. ne .-- ~.lI...


O~ ,3,

,Ii:: -

'war:I' TfH~result 'w,as that t'he enemy,~ poo,r'j' a.bused, ;and

su(fef'mng~ gre'w s:tron,ge'l' 'while' "the ,mightiest cauna)"'" ,grew' weaker w.lth each passing~'Y,eu .. There ar-e' h]st)oriams, t,adla:, w'110 'ma]ntain t.h!alt. "fuman dropped the bomb ~)D, T :H:il-nmima. in order to :SC3l'e'the, Russians OUlt of Easeem Europe (with the result we know), 1:1 this Is true, ,as i.t m~gh,t ,v-en be, tben we ma.}" usee 'back. 'the earllest begin ... n~llgs of. the dlsregard for the actual conseq uenees .0'£ aclioD. '~'D,favo'.,.1'" .r'Ji,£ some _ ul·-t·Je~~,iii"iIrr ....ULa,~'!I.r'. '~?:m·. tt,.n the t:"""ji-~f-'--l.-1 1Ii"'~1];if"Ir-.'~::- ted v~ _ ... =~v_ ~~ i uJe 0,1. ,crim,e t.bat, ended 'the last 'w,oll"~d, 'wa';r'~ The Tl"u:man..D~ trine, a'll:3:0.,. rate, ~~d~pi.,cltled'\\Tod.d, Iull of dominoes, t~ ,M, , a Les1li,eH~Gel b has pointed out ..
~ ~~~ ~ .. 'U~ ... g~ . ..U, J:.d,~ ''iiili~,'' HAl"

ill '!iii'

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.' ",',




of tb:is ,analysis

:1 trIed. •

:tha.'&'dte' ,u,p'!Cts of the Pentagon, ,a,pers 'thaJl:I have chosen, the aspects of decepdoD" se[f~[ep:d{uiJJ[f image.. 'makIn,g, ,ideolO,gJzfIl;g'~,and, defa£tuaUzation~, are by no 'means :the' (ltD.I:,' fe-at.uf,es 01 the 'pa,peT~, thalt. d}e8erve' [0 be studied, and learned hom.~There l~,I' ktr .inslan,ce'~the fact that dl'''S, : musi,ve and :systemati,e e~ort ,alt, elf-exammatioa was, ,oom·' s :missiontfd by one ,of: the ch['ei' actors, t ,JI!t ,th:bt'f~six men could be found to ,oom,p(i:h!the docum,eoa. and Ml~e t'beiT ,lDllys,is,~ qu:i.'te a f~w' 01: 'who'. ,ubad, ,helped 'to d-evel,o:p or IW ca'",' ou.'1t the po] i,tles thief we're' asked '1.0 ,e\raluaJte~,..~u~ tba't one' iO£' the ,a,uth.O(ls:~,w':hen .itt, had, become g,ppa:r1e:nrt; that 'no,

one' m goveto:men:t 'w,as,l\1lulng

,", ·'11'111·'






dl L. 'rea.·, bll,e

results, went to the pub~~lc: leaked 'It, to the. puss", and, and ~hat,~, ii-ruiU the most respectable newspapers in, the ,country y, dared :t,Q' bdn,g' material tbalt, l\l3S ~'tamped, ~~it,vpmet'~:';to s • '. •.&l [_''I tne 'Wl d POSSI"b'iIe atteunen, I 'L. 'rl8>by-ceo :mb..:i 'b aest ~; i ,_.'t nas .. 'b 11 'b :N',eU Sheehan thatt, Robert 'M'cN',a~mara-:s ,decision 'to 'lind ('.1'1111t w',bat went wrong" and w,hy", i;~m!a,ytum, out eo be' one 'Ill, the m.ost im,:pormnt, decisions in his :se:vell. ,Cilif,S, at the' Penta .. , ,gOll,/~'ss It, c,erlahd:y restored,t at :b~ast,m,r ,(I, :H~eU:ng :m.omeD't\J :
'I.\,. ~

82' Ib;,dem,;"
i8Ji ,16:1klem,li'

p. :N.viU., p. :ix.,

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tbis c(~untryts repu'ta.tiom in 'the' 'wor]ct 'Wha;t had happened could Indeed har-dl,' have happened 311fW,helle else I:t :~s'as ,&:L,n-'-I!i:F1". "jlli ~~--lIA" -c(c'll " .... ~ -'if'ri;J"~~'iI!.' .n'Aa and UJVU~!UI, ,dlj,l, UI"'-'~ r.. ,JDIJIi~:, lIn.VO,~,V'cu, U), an lIU,.. Ul3 It··, '.'.'" . , ~'flII''I!i -'1 " ..._..::11 ,.I L,.,. . rl,~.~,t~y' (io:m,pFOml~, '11,.,,,, :It,,, had :SU;' .:II uy '.' ,u ,..._ d' .''Ue~l_!!y rem,em b lieTeo. W,n~t ,.L!i!JiV I~'W-'''''''..J ;1It~ '.h"elr "d~~.-.. F;~,pec.:".if, ,~~ .'r,ID IoJJ..... ," u" t::U, !Il.Y' il.lI!. J;,:",,~:e--'''h~,; ]P~.a """i[dI,Ulh:a:,iQ ~~n.1Ij, Wil~ ap(in:i.ons of mankind .. '" "
,JI"ll..;Ii!j;':;A "-~I-:''!i'''ii'~r111






.: I .

vealed ,li'f.ltle' signil:6.'can't news 'thalt 'w,ws. not ,I,vaiblb]e' 'to the --~. - --- d _. 1- "'l" __ d'-'h a¥erqf' . ~ :rea- _e:r(L daIlles ani, wee k'~~ J les~,nor ale t..ere- ,any ~,.. ifi.-c ..... .' ... . ",,'. £:I!.. '~H~-';O;·'" f' U' 10 D'" ." ,;; ,B!rgumen.~j' pTO 'Or- (lo:n~, :[0, '~ne' :~St,my!01- '-._., ~6:.,....:e("ilS'1I.0n.., ..,-,·~ M."k-~",-PI:"·i·:···'I·'--··--"I" on, 'V,,:~,,\-- -- 'n·',l-'~··· .-'1-. ',- 'L. ".:,.~"not 1....- ·'·'i..J· ....~ a In,g rrocess '. .ietnam c. o,~,CJ t~,~a;tua,ve , eeen ~ ~ - .' ~ ," t::··: .. :'., .' .. (. : b d ,pu: ,~L·o ror years. lD msgannes, te~evlslon sh 11~ Y 1_ilte:c_ ,OWS,;, ad i'" ur09J.·.casu .. mi'"ersonai··11 posmons . ,- Id~ .,.'Ii,. ~ ,'. ~'t'l. - ~U11_' cu,anges lin. an ·I·d· ra,·~[()1l...... d" \,.1;, them aside, 'the differen,t 'v.iews of 'Ute intell i,genre mID"' W-OllJ:ity,on basic issues were the only matter :geo!Ernlly un .. kno~M'D..)'T,bat. the, P'1ll bUe ba,d, :aGcess ~or fears 'h) :mate'r.'ia] thae the' govle'm'menrt va&011 'tr.ied to ~tepl hom it testifies to 'the. in:tegr-·_ '.1 and ., to. the Po,,,!er ,. 0' the press- even "mOR''-" force·.If . , IF.· - '.... ~ " ...ltv, ... .' . _.. .',. -' "- " fuUy t.han th.e ',,"a',J'the T'imes broke the :story'~ Wba;t has 'OEIiCt)' been suaesrted has nrrw 'been. estahlished: :50 ~(Hlg ,S ehe = pr,ess is free and not corrupt, :[l has an enormously . im~ POTWlt, ,iIUl,cti,I(m, to, fld:fiU and CUl, 'f,ig}nJ.y be' called 'the' fomUl br,ancll 0.1 gov,e:mm,ent~ Wnlelh,er tile, Fir,51: Amendment wHI suffice to protect this most ,e~D.t~a1 'po".l:i:tIcal :freoofim~ 'Il;'h.'e 'fig'bt, to unman ip'lil~atedl fa,ct:ual i:o:fof.matioa, without which, all :&,eedom of. opinIon becomes a cruel
. '. . _".,. 1'.' .. [ [ ... [ . _ ., .. " [ ·.I'li [ .' . . _. ,[ '.' . ".' I.

Wk' callsQlI ,~ l'fllI'Ir'""'L itn" F>]I,nJ:'iiD and'.::IIiiD~81'~I1Iilild" :~t~.: :'1: ~1iC' liIOL. .... ~~.~~ ~~ .lrv~~1l.1~~-UII~~~ a I: :" U~~~_I~ :: [~ll.'~l ,It..,,,,,,.. 'II" 1 mu-'L .;o'ill"ililll"\ili'miiEi<t'II"t-..::I1 ci"ir/n 'a!J~, me ~1~IJi,w.,~,';;JUL :r;;,:r...,Ii,~., :Ii -jD'~d"i'*~ii.'FflH ~YiL iVulA - . en ,'cilI, v,· " th ~ lih" '








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~, -- - - "' . ,'.- - .,.. - --' ..-. --'~ - - ,-.. - ...'r" ,lmpe:na.- I~'lst po I'"lC,'Y~h- a,d utt,e:r. y f-IQTgottea :I,b, 0 'J d- UlUCU '1.... , ;'.': '1 o:nut,·
' '.. " '-I" ,~ : :-_

question .. Th~' is finall 1~'le~()fi to be' ] earn 00, by t'hose w:bo~Iike a Dllysel:f:~, 'beH,!evled tlhaJ:t th:is wuntry had embarked OQ, au,
h _JOD;
i' " .. .,-': -_',"
"I .' ".:'. ·t···· '.: I " [ I' I '.'






_. . .e. .... -


senlimen.'it.5;. and., was :peiha,ps suoceeding'


in. esta,

Pax ,A'U'H:ricana that President Kennedy had denounced. Whatever' rbe merirs ,of'tbese :suspi!cl,'l)ns,~ Illd. th,ey could 'be justified by our policies jIn, Latin Itmer,ica;, i'f'lim-

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,declared smaU \'I,an,.......aggn~sshle' brush-fire

foreign lands-ere imperialist ends, W_£: U'l1ib~d, Stares 'wiU 'be' less able to [em,pm'llY them ,suwessfuUy than almost Lny other ,great. power. ]FO[l' 'wll,ile' the demoratization ,of' Ameriean :tF.(IH1'p8 L·....,· .- 'I now 1F~[r'h'''"':~1 -Y-i!ll'p-c fiTn'fiiil'r-';I!.':'~n' ~~n'ft~'I!'d_' ...._!]'~1fI1i[J' S 1JiI~) 'b'rv . 'C'Ul ," 1 l reeeden .. iio;:;;ufI r~IIj'~r-~-.. la.y, ~~,~~-~~, .,[~-~UJ~ ~ .~~
·~"h,~'""a-b~', ,.,'i.k.,A m:f!'t .,n:~O, ,i;,]r !I.'~'b'~'''''!![ [...1'Il1F~'i!'i'iIJ1'U.I,,.,., r-.QI ' 'v,'D'lIiiP ,Dg-, lJI. !""~III. 0: ,II;;I!'OO id·I~~'Ii"";ii,'Ii"j::!_ ,Ii V .;V , .. ~""'!J,~" 'II.t1iiO·' .~, 000, [COn5"Clen.-OnUS objectors, and t€ns '(If t:houS),n.ds[ OlE d:riUlg
~I n:" I!I:.V-,

orpenJtio:m, in. anlOll;g' ~h[e 'lI1ecesar--y means to attain

,:..:.!'·~"l ,ll,~d~",







,a"ddiwM!-····the: lsintegratlon d 'pr(Kie5S, o:f the nmy started :m,ucil earlier [a'D,d,,V,M· pte;ceded, by similar deve']opm.ents " durillg the' Korean 'WaI',.SIS 'One bag only' to talk 'Ulo ft, fe-w o(lf~ the vieteran SI of. this 'w,a:r-or eo read Daniel [a,ng"s sober' and! te,Uing report in Tbe N't1J1ror,k.~~' about the' development of a £ah~ly t.,p,~ca.m'case-to ,[eaUz€' that, in order for this' !coun:tty t,o ,ca1".[i'Y ,3.'d,ven.tu:rou$ and a_ggress.:h~'e'policies 'to :SU"CCESS :tn,er,e wou1d have to be: a, decisive ma~g-e' i.m,the Am,erl'can pe'O'pl,e '$ l~~a,donalchar~(;lief'~u' The same vould, ,of course 'be' CuD C'hld ed from l'be' 'e'x(r.E3.,ominarU,' :&tl'orng~ hi,ghl y [qu~J i,D.ied" 3.0,[1 w,eU,.o1"-ganizM opposition 'tthatt Bas, 'from time to time at:i:s.en.lit heme, 'The 'Nortb Vl,ema:me~f' w,h.o '\\l,atibed iI:~esf' develop ments care(-Ir-Il~v OVI tihe' '".- c--:, U".l C'1~'!e-I' ,. yean iI!..~d'I :U~,,,-~. u,~J'~,!...~! o'fl'V~'J' sea on",'~U!b:m,i'anu :~!~ their 1L., ...... p;e-;:; ,~11- _. 'UlS ;:;;If:Ik.o --.-,.i '"." t':I t" -:ney ,iliLii!!! .. ,~e'ems ma lb. were ti,g;h.t in theit assessment,
i ,i . .. -- -. - ~-~ ~ . -- .. = " . - ~ .'. . ., ff'

NO' dou bt all this can change, B-ut OD,e tbln,~' has bero,me' cleaJJ: :im recent mouths':' the halfhearted a!l:~em,p:ts; of. the'
governm;ent to c~'rcu:Ditv,en.. COIl;st:~,t:uti( guarantees and 1!. eo .intimidate t.h,ose w'bo have made u,:p t'hefr mb~ds 'Dot to be intw:midatedl-,. ,~. ,~JtO' 1i,j1,O.· ·1l11[dl.· .1. rath [e.'r' ~ - ,t:o.' jlU,III, it'lL.' see : ~IO._ "':~"i'lli IIl.-Ua.n, . . _. _.__ - __'thldr Iiberties nib 11:1,;;0 ,a'l,y,a,y~ ale not enough .and. probably
'C ..... '

st, l&:!!ui!' :~~,

1:JI,!Ir! -!i-O!lrl,~

l[I,nl~';;;>\D'-,D~,. ~T'Il ~~;Il.;<:I"" ,1,"'IIIId;l_~U,,-,~

iI;i' '"'

!iI'\~' '~,I


iii .

,etli E,u~mle I(jnkearll, "Renorter ~ ~t Laree ~p. T'h,;!. - . ,~,-- - - . ., ~ . ,,""""- ~ . .'il:i'~J!

NrnJI 'fMieT'.~, O,(oober " ".' .'. .. '_. ,'.. ' .

,26, 1'957.

The' l';l(JiiJ Y~f:kerJ'September ,-i!!' 197~,.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

win not 'be enoug~olJ 'to destroy the' Repu blic. There :~season r
to hope, with Mr, Lang's 'vet·eran,-o.rnlie of. the nation's two, ,and, a IH1'~,£' m:i~~,ian-,~"that the, coun try m ~"gh:t rega'wn its,

b-e'tlte~rside as a
,ji;:i'i'iJln Ol~

USM~~,t the of"

war ~ ~1know if's; nothin,g to

bet on/ he said...'~but neither is, a;n,yth.iug else _[can tbink ,

l'h- '"d'

Ci,,' .... '~.~-I<Ii<I'_, 9"; . ,. ~ .~Ir.I!·IIl.

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

:-,', ----,--' C'·~-- -·"1 D,>·,.-'/,''-'h-'occ renee"_,-, IVl ',IISIOi --' edi "',,,'-

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

City o£ :N ew York cele brated its centennial 'witih a, sym:~ siu,D, on tbe' rather d.m;sma] 'q,llesti(~p "Is the' ]a\v dead?!" ,it, w'ou1d be interesting ItO k'llllO\Y ",halt, precisely inspired tbiJ (r,' oM des,pa:ir., 'W,as :;,'t, 'ljh,e: disastrous increas~' :in clime' in the' streets aI" 'w,as l:t '~he'fard1J,er;..'n:a£b:~n,g' ins~,ght '£,ha;t "the enoIm],'t,'.of evil expressed in 'modern t.yrannies bas, undermined ,any simple faith in, t.he central im.p:rrtance of. fi.delity to Iaw" in addition to' "ample e'vidl,e.noe '£,IIU\'t is'kill:tfnUy orp:o[[zed campaigns ,o,f. ivil disobedience can be' veIl c 1IO!:'g,rit-iViiIiIi '~'n'~ t'Qr;JI'iI'Fl"n'i~ desirable ""t..''fII'n--i['iJiB~ in *Ib,_ I~ ~_1I.1~ ,,~~ .~_.. lL~JIL~ j"" ,~~' ThL;Oi tn.'pi~,. at- a:nv "," ....~~,. on w·:h:i..,.h F ..... _it -If'" ~,:~f~c.j,ina'n~", W,o!!iiir''l!i' ~,&!asked . b:11iI' _v.I_~~" -.. --- I event '·,1 iEu,~ne 'V'" :Rostow to' :pr,' their papers (lea.rl y eneo ur,ag-ed a somew,bat, brighter oudook, One of them POOlposed a discussien '10(: "the cit~zeD.~smO'T,d relation to the la.• ,~'n :3, society' ,of eonsent," ;and toe' :foUowins 'fie'ma;rks, are in, answ,er '1,0 this;" The litera,tUf.,e 10(0. die Sy,b:jf'tt relies '10 :bli":.grC ,ex:", tent on two famous men bl 'Jrrbon.-Socm~es~in Atbens} and, T,b.o'l,ea,uJ, in, IConcord " 'Their 'oond.uct is the jo,J'·of juris,t5, because' i:t seems to P([UV'C 'that disobedience (to :the' law can
I~ ,.1~_~~11·"· ~. g~~lUJJd

m N T':U ESP

:R.I:N IS of' ),970[, the' Bar Association o:lr the

.1 .


I •.

Li:;J.J.,I,la .




__lI!..o __




'I ,See ICn'ha'm

tloP, Do~i~e/~ :in ,N~~' Yo-rk U:P'JiPeni~,)' Law


:Hurb~ '''C:i~~iW, D!i-so'bed:ience and the :Po:~i,dj(3~ Q,lltfs-.


4S:,I' (It¥-f~ud:II,.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

be justified, [only if the lawbreaker [s, 'willing' and e'ven, '10 acte~pltpunishment for his act, 'There ,ai.t[e ft!·w' who would. :rUIn; apee' with Senator :PhUi p ,A~ UaF.t~5 :posit;i'QD.~ Any t'o:~.'era:nce :mat If 'm'igffil't :I~ee~ t~)wald the dlsobeyer is will '. .~ ~ - ---. ~lul,~ever ~ '.'h ---~ ~~ ~- ~ ,d epencent en his Wl_",'u111'l,e'S-S, to ,il(Jcept, w,~ - .~ - ,purus.IS, d ment 'the la,w 'might impose' .. '2 This a,tpullf'llt .harks bl-ck ~ to the' 1iV'oE-, _ u~,ar undersumd:inD"~,and. perhap -smisunderstandr-'I I.1P0 £'!r im,g~of 8ocraItes'J' but its l)lallsj,biUly in th:~s countrv seems t,o'be ,Fead:)' strengthened '~y "one of the DU)~:t Hious odd.. $ i'bes, of our Iaw [,throu,gb w.hiclh. an. indIvidual] is encou:r",



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~ U hi'" "c, a;ge d or in some sense compenea d to esta-;~ISIJJ a :Sl,gn:I'~.iC3fl1t

'1),._ ,,.

' ..... JJta5 ,-,": '_ ., nse to -''- .'~ --'", ~. .' "'d ,"', -~', d,.Ali,-·,~Th-.,-: _ ,_,_-~S uu.u.u:y '1,., ,-, gIve," ",_,"'. -. '-"" a ,stran$ -, ,an! "._."as we:s'·-;-b···1"11 ,- " " a ,Jj see, '-~':_C--" ;~t-,~.:, __ ~L~ p .J •,,:.....: " r::l i" -', -- , 0, '", ":--'l-,~t:--~ " .. no ...,...~ oge itJIr'·Jil: ~,a,py_ thneorenca .m,u:r~:aJle [f-" mora I J ,ana:iI1 '~:.o;!I!iZr.i11,!·t'u "'"[orill'li;s,.... and the 1,3.W 'V_, IUle ,1laD. Ul-" :iJ..,,,ill!be,- iL· ;,; .... a,· ~_, e 1",-, nff~,... 'II- ~~,.;il
-I " -[-II

:~~p], r,ight rhrough a, personal act o£ (i,vB, d;iso':bed~:env.e..,';,8,


'!'~,~ ",,!I!~JlJI~

I" -

:2: In

To' £t~'ld~"Ush1U!''fct'~, ,'110 1'~'Juril'DomesUc 'Tm~qu-llil~,)1~ f'hl'!l1. Ite,port of ti e :N1~wo:ll1Jal[Co,ml],ili$'&i~cO,"; OJ]i, 'tl~eC~,uses,;3Jildl tbe' P,reven", hon, 011Vi;olena:!'" ,De~ber .. ~9'~J. P;7 ~o8. 'For the use of Sou.-a:tes[ ,!l~dl, 'Th.o:Ie31llll, in these d:i&cuSlS;ion~, see also ,E~pc: 'Y ]'Oosto-w~ ~IThe' .. Consent of: dt~ G(nl'~r,ned~ ,in, "'J~;e' If:i'~gi:ni~ Q.Ui!lr~l~f'ly~, Al'U:t\unn,. ~'968.!

a,'!S, Ed,w~rd R'., Levi ~II), ;'!l']lh@ il""r~~ii!i;I!!--I, tth~ .....i:~' __ M,_ Th@ !~_-A r lilL. A---- i!a--~-rn o~, rt!Iiweu 0'[ IkII,e ".iIf'"-~" -It -,iIl.,- B'-~-~lii' .. 'I... ~c:'t)_u.I:'y!, 10= !,!J!;le',_._~~"_uo",, L_ty
_~ __ __ __ _" ~" ~ _" ~ __ 9.'_0;1 :""H '!r



l' ~

,,"','W' ,I(~ '~il'il ~.I, iI! __ ,





·-·.if' -N-' -~, OI.·e.W 'v-~ ,11.'0:11-.",


eaee to. law"[ {()P~'t,r'i:,)~,and WUml!lJ Garrey "'fi{:'i\7U~iamiiil i~ on~ 1M' ~be :mOS:t ,iDl1e~'i;ing ~a,-s [(lin dIe S'ubj~t-,~"'Ci'YU ,D,~sob~di~~~ allid CWl:~m,fO'mll' Colffisdl~u'~ionaUflm~,nin 'G!Qm_P'Jm~'itl-e P,'Qlifili's~ l~, 1~~e:DilS. - "" -- to n~e _,- 1>" ,imll'il.]-':."ati""IlI., iiJ!u ------,1; t~'h-~,:'La.... 1!i<U~1f~ 1 ~~lmW.!j;.-, :~t:1i@iN:i:IiIi-~ ":t--ii!li' .....".~I~---:t'";~ ~;;;r ...- - -0- J -~-IJ"'-tl!.;_ - "" __ 31.. _ [de ,P" --, ~n ':a'll1-,, (Ln-~.P~__ ,'. :-", i' ,endl~, ~-,,' p,,~~ IbF,:' a,(u~:n" IJe ['-~'-iJII 1Ii-- .. i4?"lli"'' '_ ·C.· l-~.i·;"hj! _ -, u;, OO(llC~ilII(~e8," ,iIi"Uif:. OUfit. a!'!i.!~' in, fad;~ ~10 ~.uthDtilre db,obed!wence ['tl' omiull'fwru:se~'rJ:rr.'_aJll\e ,a!!ll~holTb,,:1'f and it de,pends gill cid"ireDS wh.~) wiU rake adv,aQI~3J~' !oJ :im:s,a:u'tboT.i:za.. '"iIJ'HI'ir. (Pi 2'116)1. I fidl ~o ~' ,1t~GW :mis, ~~ ~m.edy :M'f.' i.ev,i,"'1[ ~'[oo:dityn:;the lla:wb'Fea1d~g' dtb~~ WllO' 'wi:dH'!I, i~Opersuade the Mum[ ' t;o' pag on the ,o-o.mlstiMJllt.iollllaWity' iQf ,SOMe' :statute' :m'ust be 'Wi:WUn,1 to, paJ' 'tlu~'price' ,~i e ,Iny odltt la'wbr~.a.kJer fOf the ,aclt~ilther 'un:IU th-€: k ,m.r oos dC':dded ute case ~l' ,if :iJ~ ,s.houItd, dedde :agaiIJllSi, h:~ , ••

~I'o.,.1:ii\ 'It@~~ow~ iJ ilm~e CQUU·,iU". luaWds 1111I3[t ~llj:t i$ a WiD[' en-of.' E;Q[mj'I~;k of ®llWd~ b:re:tu:Jtel of d[e :~aiw',a,!j, ,aCIl;~, Q:F.' diSlii:"bed1~


'!o!'" ~ _ oj


~ 5'2"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Beeause "eur


s,y,stem of la.w' permits the possibility


that :state maw w'jU be i:nco]Jts~;slent \'I'{.ith ,£ede'la~, law,' iii: the

,civ:U.~rig'bt5 movem"ent in its early ;sug,es though ,ch~ad,y'in. .. t...4 • ~ .... .' ..1 Ch Sh as \ ..~,e, as, ~ , ]'~I ~a'ws 0(1;tt e ,-out~. ,w, dmSOueulenoe 'to oramanoes
ei'" ,"".)1 - ed lI,-.'OUIIl.':, bIlU'~,",,_,

'-b ~ UI .....:l,_ ~ od , w JIIwV"e' '. V~~i!.;; ~,~" '. ore tna. a'D Ii.,'a- d· 'ri,£) 1t.'L __ ne - ~ U~,Ii-SW·· ~~:If) ,a,ppeal ~ i:o. our' :(t€d,era"~, ,system~ OYi@,r ehe head olf the ~;I'\f and the author',ity of the ,suue'~,to the ~!~,'Vand authoriry 0:£ i
'iI"'i, . iI-" .... iI-'...... ,
Co -

1id'~ ,.



are told-a, hundred ,e,alS, of 'Donenf.orcem,ent, n,otw]tJl;$,tan.d.~,nl-!i'net the faintest 'real doubt 'that the [state~ I] ordinances lv'er,e, void under :federn'~, ,~a\,," and that "the defiance of the' ~a,v was. all 0:0. the' othe'f' .'. .1"'"'j'!f.1!!I A t.: 'I;.. ,. .' :SlUJt;'~'" ·,.t :11JFSt ,tJ;1 :anc~'~ me m,e!',its o f'~ twl., " construeuon us seem, cons:~.derable., The ]Ht,isf':s cbie,f djJricull}'f i'D, eonsteu .. i'ng ,I, vompaltibiHt" 0(( ciyi~,d:~sobedi,e'nce! '\i\lith 'the :~:~p!

the nadon": there'

svstem,.of the counnv ~ namelv tha,t "the la~N'cannot.. J. - J!'!L.l ~m,t~"'~' 1· ... ..• llL ~ .1 .. Y:I' . ,. ... \.a. .. , t11U~~ brea,iti:ng of [t.he la,lv'/';'o seems .lin1geni(!jllls:~y$o]:v,edl by rtlb.e duality of' Ameriran Iaw and. the ,iden.itlficatlon fJIf CJ;vU disobedie'ilCt, witb. 'tI:U! 'viola,tJ,lo~lof a ~;~W 'f(H'" the purpose of
= ..

testing ih, ,ro[[uitbution~d ity ~ There :is also the added adv,ancage'~or so ,it seems, that because' of 11s dual s,ysrem, Amerlcan law, in d,islincd.();o ffWn, O'tlU!T I,e,gal s,y,sle'ms", has

found a non:fi,ctirio:us,! v,isi,'ble' place fot, th,a:lt 'U,hi"gber la,w~i:i' on 'wilko' "in one' form, .or another JIllI'.is.p:rud'ence' keeps im,..


It 'would require quite a bIt o.f i:ngienu:ity to o!efend, this

'f lNidln'~a~,W,.. p, 'ii,ftI:- '~i~l'V'I'iII11).' .~~.n,b""'f1~',C>itiI,~,~ ,nul ' '.'171 _ ~ ~ ~ _..,.~ .. _~ ' _." ~_~ ""~"~ '\.iI. , . , 111, i~... !:'IU IiI!..UJ!IA..
A·-··.D"')\\',"'~'" .. «I,t ~l!Ji!I ~w~

,nd'~ ''mI';''!iI~'~'''''''''~ _' ~..:iI!'["'!I;;!"~1!i

,iil,e"~In, New ,rotk U:r.i:i~tl'r'.ri,~,)1 ,u;w

I ,'" ~~afi.tes,~ .L( '. -B,'lla 'i., ~~T-l. ''I, ' ,~~"'CI!I;;" ,He'

,Revtew'J' 4:,a':'i 114; ('Ocl~'Q'ber~!~gGS),. ,

~~ .' ..:L·· !II.JiI;;IIm"paUl!)~ ~rt:r .. Ii' ,n~',~1 ,m·b~-·'i'. iii)'f~" UI,e lii""~· ... ' '''1Ik.'~1-~· ,Oil!- 'til. V~!I, ·l,elmill Diso'b~di~fi(:e with A:mer.i:catlJ .I:~!idltudolf~!i, IGov.e1"nment/' ,in T.t!!K(l$' of



,law ,Rev,iiAO", ,45 ;tJ~96,(M:lir-rn"


"See.. ;i~ ~ill:: spediiJl b.s~e of I~he,ll.u"ge-rs Law' -R;mi'~~, (:v'!i)t. ~ i, F:a~];; lIJ,g66) om ~'~C~vU,Dw~bedie,n(ie and dl~ ,L~,w~ C'~d CCtlieH~ p., 8., i~
'1 Ibid",

H3!fiOP A., Free~a'J1J, p.



Copy rig hted m ateri al

doemne on d16ofeli.'cal mi,ou:nos: 'the' s:il:tuation. of the' man, a law lui~ breakinz '~Ii> ;';c< "on 'Ii-'v 'I W-~,,, tests 'till.. e' lezlt im'a~\I' ~W0' ,U-ol_l'~ j '>' U,1 • ,~J!,;-'~-,id, ,b. ma,rg~n~U,y" at a]'~ .lif' ~om,e'of civil d.isobedlen,celi! ;8, and. the'




.tlIi -





, ~.s(hj:~'yer 1:0 3JCI:i;on :Shong' 'mora canvicnon ana a,ppea_~JS W d


.. -






h:~gher law" will find. :it rather :s:rr,i\'oge' i:f. he is asked to '['~gnj]2ie the various decisions Q(ff. the Su:pr;eme' lCo'UIt ¢r,ver the oentu['~es as, 'by :that la!.ty'abo'V,e aU :l1',W:$, w:hose chief characteristic ,is :i,ts, :i.'mmuUtbiUtY',. OlD, faetual zrounds at an" rate the doctrine was refu ted w hen the, o.~ - I' . civil dwsobedii~nm, o:f the ci vi~.'·'rig;h.b, movemen:t :smo0 thl, to
t::~ _-. " ~~~ ::J
,~I ., I. .,. .• ,





deve:~,()iPOO into the resiseers of' the and,w3!r m,ovemeD.'t '\'111.0 cl'~'--"l ~ lsob eved 'ft!ld'eral a- ,;;1'-111,...1 ;j-'I:-" Is refu •.. became ~-earl 'ti" J~ U. ~Jll ~;w:.t~,~,. fina~,'lvhen ahe Suprerne Court refused, to rule on ehe le,g~l. .;;,.,V' i'1Ii£ ~he;" in '-V-~,""t"n"ll'm- , 'il-.. - ....... , - - of-' ,ii'ii;:h-I_ :pOdUl'Ca~,qu-es,· 11 t :.!,~,,.;~ !jt;!~.uS~ _ --~ ~e - - 1 don docerlne," that. is, pteds-ely lor ehe sa-me reason IIJ:laJt,
~.~.;:,u. .
~!\P.\ --~ _' I 'Jj

,'r_l'i' JI '''''I'

1 ,lj



,t~~H iI~~~





I!i;~~ .. ,'~-

~ ,{





''-:iIl'·ltll't-- ..'-'~ 1,,--' U nc',-'ons III.. 1, lllonaw,a,ws, :



'I.l... ... ,.",-,

:Me3]1,wh:~le'jl 'the. number of chdl dlsobedlents 0(( porentiBJ1 c _ disobedients-sthat :~,;:; ",'f"' people ..·-li..,o·, ,-,-- '1Ii"6~,d' - --- j\l'i~, ~ ~v ~""._~""' __ ~""J' 0 ,1Ir ,\I.e W,IU, ""l'''-;'''~I Yv.w[n],II:.!I..i~.JII.~_ for demonseration duty ln W'ash:in,gtoD,-lhas steadUy in1 . :ith creasede 3Jn~ w._, __'_ h,. rhe ,U1C1-;' ion '-Oil ,,,.i,,, , " governmenllo_- ,,,, ' ---1,:1:' U.~"e,-: "':",-"<:--' "'" : ',_ ~__ ~ . __ '~'-. Ula, e either to treat the pr, as common ,almina~sOf' 'to demand the supreme pr'Oo~of "sel f-sacrifia" "~die disobedi .. en t W:l-10 has viol,aled, 'y,alid law &hoG~d."welcome h.1;S pun .. . ]nnent, ;~"-HI'-1~3l:f1'(~,P'".... ,.' ree'[t[UjD- 1:.. D1JCf_ P-lH,uteu, to 'line " ( -'-" ... ,A' ~ F"'- - - - - nas - '" -I Y . ~ - ,..:III - ,..'I.l.. is --"".t
~!i!i ~__ ~, 'ILl' --'J' "1 . ...'~,i;

'. - -" -- -,_..:ml'·, - ','" ,Ilmpeu. merit "


," or sueh '. 'II,,! " , :-',~- ,", '"a ,lJong umJe"

il!..l_..l1 .uau,

'Ik .... ,-


~,.,..l",-,:---·,;j."---dl,·'!t-,b,, ~. erate ., W,ill_

• ,011..




, c'

a b d~ _<sur_tty


'Il..." . a ~ f" uus d aemann..:iI trom ,S J)3,\V'Ye'r-'s po'~:nt,0':" 'vjew:' "No Ia~fvy'eT.goes into court and ;sa;f;s~ ,j'Ylo'U.r. H:(]n,or~ finIs, 'ma,"n t..... '_:I[WID1W..,\, .t:U~ , J....- p' ,-,-- ish..... ;,t IU~ J A'-', d" ··_ill)..:. ne .ulSi.~SI,",enoe on


e 0:":



".,,-'nili'rC .111.1, alL.u.~' n




li>1I-", !..

,.., -' "~ ,::1'-' "-',-

.. -' '-




IGraimm, Hughes,



p.. 4~
pc. ~:61'''Wbel!e'

R:u~ger:5i L~;w ,Revj'e:w:~ ,()""


the opJnwon of' Ca~l ,Co~l,e'n,! "Because the civil diso:bed1eut acts w,~~hwn iii f:r~rme\\'i;falrk.0:£ laws whose :~egiti'fruu:y ,h~ ~(()~pt~~, le,gal -tb~$, Plul..i:sb;m,ent is :mo\~e'dUIlII. it possible ,OOD:seq oenee 0,£ ,bls, ;il£'l,-:it iii Ul,t

Copy rig hted m ateri al

this, uaforumate and inadequate alternatlve is, pe,dlaps only natural "in 31 period of t[~nn,oil/~ w:tu~n"the d:u;tin,&,

'ti,on between sueh a.cts, [:in w'hic'h an j'odivid,'Uail breaks the'. .. ...1 '. '. , ,........ ..::1 ,'law m oraer to- tes;1l..",u~,ICOOSt1;tutlona 1"".]- annd' 'oii:Ulnary 'VI.o-' ]lJ_ ·a'rNI· lations beeom e' -- , ,h' --, - - f: 'r'~i~l "·1 d 11' 'n,n' local-,- ~,',. _' I;~"" ,laW,5~, bot ,ji!the nadonal m,a'vm,aJii~g power" is, chal .. ,
i ,i, ..

.' IT.' "'.

, '~"



. ".'--':"',",- ,.
," '""


., -~.

'm'~lIr ", -minr1riiEII [ , "UI!4<_-, ,," :'4I".11,,,,;;;,u-a'"


s, !U' --



ani - ....I~:i' '


[····1·· ' ..



asion nl'"ji.·~I,!j]'r'l·'''l!'':!II;j;,~,i1I(FIi an ,...11'1!:i"~'IUI'"~inIO'" 'b"~''T-t'~rclflipl!!i'''~, ,il': O·!il'r'l'" U. ,u~, 0.1[ debates are also caused by a theoretical failure 'to come 'to


Whatever tbe actual causes, 'of the 'period (!~fturmoitand! 'they are ,of course factual and pol iticam ones--the pres ..
III. 1Ii." ,\III,W., ~








'_ ,~,~ ,'!b


the true character of the phenomenon, 'Wh.en.. ever the j'ur.~st:s attempt t,o justify ehe ,eivH disobedient O(Fl .roun.d. and legal grounds, they' eon:strg,e' his case' in the linage o:f either the oowcw,le'Htiou$ obterms with and to understand

j ector or the man 'who eests the oonstitutionality 01 a statute. The trouble is that the situation of' the cl'vil. disobedient bears DO a:na],ogyto e'~ther f-O'I" the :sim,:pl:e 'FeaSOD

that be' never exists ,M, a si:ng'le'individual j he can run£itio11. and. survive' onlv as. a member of ,3. ,o~. D.p. 'This 115 seldom P1'r)'" -:\ --, - -- - -.I ... - ~- ..T. , . _I$ .." .. ,_
""'~'m"~ ~ili'oti;.;I1 an UIl ..... ~-!l-!~'~"'Y,,~,~_ ~ ,9'V' en in these rare ';'ntC'''''l<'nt'zl;~ ,nn:[v m-- "ilI,'I!'{r':n"3 ii':- v b- . i!iI!o l .. .gill,
-e : j" .~ __c,__: ,!l;,.;;!!'1;,0 1~"".III. ..... '... I, 1IIi".-',AI! '!.,;I',W_III_' "0:.11.,,,,.11'


,. d ·1 d ,. h di ~ ~ JIlcntlone,.; ',ei.vh ,J:s.oaeo renee pracnced...J b a SiJa!g~,e in... ~y divjldu,~~,is, '~,;u'OOIDik'ely 'to have much eff,ect. He wlU. be regarded as an eccentric more in~er~siting ~o observe tha:m to ;su.ppress,. Si.gnificant ci:v:U, isobedience ~ theref:ot~e~ d 'win 'be practiced by a number O'~ people who have ,3 ~t)mm'Unit,.
111 ,.,

oE inte[\est..~:'W.l,

'V'ell: one o(E the cih:i.'e:f characteristics of the

"iIUl]mffinaJ~iOIl 'Olf: it. .. .. .' He thereby deMOn~, strates hls 'wH~lng)lless ,~~~ i~,Os~a.iioo' ltb:t'i;sel~' bl behdf of Id:llait
natura] ,and, p([ope:r



('I·i'.~'....11 [P'l!' ~\ :u.I~~U!.,


":ill .N'i,.Ji;.,]',a:5i_~~ .-.w~~o.. W"


.!['~neflii Or'" Ch,.\!!,





Copy rig hted m ateri al

aet itsel:E~ml!Spi,cuous ~~d'r,e'adyll the case ,of the Freedom , i ders=n ull'v '!:~~nd",'Ar'1' ,...11;,,:'!.n;'b' .... ,.l Ience ir ti,j:1),. 11;IJ'-dl,. laws l'~'r' ~,iwult JR.'II" Instance, tndfie'r.egula1tions) are 'viohlted, t~batthe disobedl:::n" 1 , ""'_~!I~ il C .. t~ii'lPEt~'ir;)i ... ~ 'nl;i"I(n" obiecdo n~~bl'iIP, ~'n t:lf-iI!!i;m~ '~'Ii!Ii,'II'IIJ',~ i''Il1I1 0.' ,u.... u' J"- ..... t.... ~I...~. I,,,..,..,,",, ~~~ ... !F'~a:r. ~ 1~.U\i;;;,. PfOtest unjust. ordina ot·e"S, ,ot .gove~nilmen:bJl p)lit~.ies,and executive orders, presupposes a. group 3£tion (·3. sblgle' individ:ua1 disTepr-din.g tr,affl.c laws:!') and has r~gllt],y
- _I."._f'l!ir.:._ ~~lIIJ~-li41~\W",


JJ ....

,._I •.



11.. ~Jl~





,I),. 1f!r."1!El







been called disobedience .. in the strict sense, n1~ " 1 lii't: iii:!' p'lr"brJii'~ely ...L ie; ,H,j'fi"Ii direct 1U.~VI ~..<.. : ..Ji·~lCinb·edl'·.;:;,n;i"\1i!Ji; u· WL. 'l~1~-.1I.~-. I. 'I.r~~s..'.~~',_. Y.I~~I ~~~UI~ ~ ·1I.~.. '·j('!·1l.. W' li"il!.l'I·I..l ·u make no' sense W hatsoever in ·the case of the (ijJoscwlendous,
~~iiJ! .:.



....... -

y.l _._.

objector or ·the·'man vdlo, breaks ,3).. specific :la'W' to tes;l .its ·mJ1stit8tiona~ity~,tbat seems l,epU y unjustitia1blt~',.. H,en(le~ ,
-.TIiIi .~ ~ .UilU;S", iJ·

d ~·'-'l'~·fii'ml·iilil'llibetween conseientlo illl,e; .i"ibiIDrtO··fIi"'c and .: is iI.,,;-\o,-,~""'.Li& 11J'IIi:".'"!!i..~,. ~'," ~,~i!l!JU_'::.;~~.!k~,!M"" IJI"'~~!~'~' _~~. u'

,ci'\ril, disobedients, The' lauer are' in fa£l organ:ized, minorities, bound, together by common opi:n:io:nii rather 'maD 'by 'COmnlO;1l. in.terest, and the decision eo :ia'ke a. stand ;apill'st . • :Il.. r' ~ .. "f'h sne government's .. pO~lCJj,esi even Ie.. t~J~IY''h l:_a:vC!' reason 'to assume mat these policies are backed by iii, 'majority; their w,n·verted action s.:prin.p. :&,om. an agree'ment. wltb. each

other and I'";;, .;:co it'h': "~e t~L.,~." ~e.ry,...1i1i!' ,...... . .~~J·~U _~ !'--.I.I.~I.luJL viction ~O' opinicn, no mat~lef.'h.ow dley mIl' odgi.. . 'oally have ,arrived at it, ,AI,gume:o:ts· raised in defense of .~nd:ividua]_conscience 'M' in.di, tbmt is" moral im.peF.,lliYf-S and. ,ap:peals to a ".ih:~gher1aW:t:H! be it semltr or 'tmnsoe1ld,el<ll't;.·u~ are inadeq.Rate w.he'li. a,p'plied eo ·ci'.'U disV








,~,JI~iffi.l'j~ ~.IJ~-~II:IL~

''!Ii;'il''IiI~ G:I.JLU

~ .. ,-"'V.I.II

ta .

j;.Jt·"!i;~~~: ·lliI ,r.."•.J.~li!i!i'1i .....



;~iIi"'",~~"'l ~"!Ij".~"I!!~.

0- .J~wu];""I.I~ p;;o,,;a 'I..... ..:II·jI}..

··iC.... (£

"'lii ;t"!I."",.'i"i-'if·t~r.t~""'i"i ...11 U~ ;a, 'lIi;,.aij\!I!5;",I:"Ul"'-"~~m D'-..~~

·r..a.q·t' b~ "1':hi~ a'~SlU:'huse~t,f;ne~i~w.J 1,0::;2:t ] ...2'26",B~ I.gig .. M N r» ~ L L. .•. ~·,,",'k.!' 'L..... L .... ~ .'.. onUiillfll . .;.iOll~~n$ nas se~ iI!Ol1b~. sen,es, ,1):.( steps Uii. 'W~!liu[ U!d~ CODF· ~.
• 'IIi, ,£,' .,.

(ltpt of a. p~~J,y secular :hi~~6tr .~a'W' 'Ol .... fu~uiQ~t w ld.


~~:ftUor:l~: ~',.·"'"I.~~~n iil'te Jij~Cj'ii-~'··t·v:""",£.' ~.looe: ,rJi"i;,'i'~iP'H. 'ifi.~JI,,g;. ¥Ii ........ ~ ,~~ ~ _'I!o;~f',l':I ~ ""I!Ii ~ """~""""-b"'~ ra:nd tl~e secU!rlr),' o,f tl:te h~mal' OODI.iIl'U)f~We,a1tf1iI' h~man ,oomm,ofii-. we.a·~lIh.OOQles int.. !~Ii'there; is a rord~i¢t between tbe ·~.u"·~hll' of '!he' II!~:nti}in .iiIlnd dL'6 wel[·:belng ,of 'm~lfilkincl~the weWHlleiD\g, of ml~lldnd,comes fi[sL.
·iiJli. ~~
'!ii. i!oI!I """"" _ ~ ~ ~~.... ~,~ 'U\ T 91!;i!;i!i ~""'

itl~r~ ~~~'Io;~"'"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

obedience: on thls level, it w'iU be not only ~'idimcu~'tr. but,


imp()ssib~.e· to :keep civii. d~is~')bedienDerom be· a phi" f

I.os.o.p,n·y· of su:bj1ettivit'y' ~ ~ ~ inrtense:ly and eK-C~ i.v,~.ypeT~ us

disobey / ~!l~



so 'tlult 31].·Y·ndi.vidu~d I! for 'lvbalte1Ver reason, i


l1t'e-ed- ....f: _~ 1OOI'~~iI!';'",," --. - : _.,15,'''''''~ 1~1l[,m!f"'_~I!;,'I"I!,UIl~U'.Il{j.!


j'I.lf_ there Is a "i.i1linOr... l]OI!;~·W~""iill . t IJ .... ,~ . __ .... ,IL _ _ .. 'I;.L""'.

I!. _

il'iI'''::;' 'IJIIll!w

-n·e..... ...l!'0,11 ·.:I' ,'!!;;'!;As.

i~ThO!!! ........ '1- ... 0 ~la···' U!!_.... __ Jii ·~.f· '''''~~-);:i<i'fI~'1i.;t~":"""-'-' is '8.,..[11<...... "llU'H
Ul~ .. 1I.aJ,lter


,- --.~

ainu. ;",'l...i!:i. U.L"-:;6

~:L-:_. 'iii-,III' -.

-"-' l ... -··t~·. ". ,oom'!;. n,er.a~10ItS

-;i'; .-_-.


:i:s, a GottlHi;ct he~ween ~ll~:r.i;gt'ilJtsof the SfUlILe and 'me' ·ri.g~.'l~ of m_~n.~ '~j,giln$.of: .iiLll eome 6 rs t, The seate j.u.sti6e1, :its, ,~jn~· the' ell;r\@.r'iJildy';as :i:( ;if<~-~-, _:S and '~"'fO!!!~··:I-I-'...A-' ;11"'" 1',1 ll1.i:1!,....r ,-- ;"-,_ -:'81,-"-,;;;'" 00: ,ma.Gi., _a~ uS . . !-ill tl~eT'e :i~,a_ OOiltiliict 'be~weertl p~bli(' ,ediCl and ,p-dv3!~e oonsti('!nN~ 'pr,iv3J~)e. OODi5aenoe 00 m:{:S' finlt, 'i\'If' there is ,I [00(110[([ between tm-rue asy drift oif 'pro:5'pet1:tya~d 'me e ~Mdea~, pe.i;Cif rt'he om'tleal of pea'oo 'C'Qim~ :fi'I:l~. (A MaUer fJl' LilfjJi ,0:1' in ] ~;8~ :pp\;, 8,i..84~~' dn::d. hI) ,R:u,'i:S ,lAW R;~i'elW':I ,()",. ,cU.., 'p~ :2 6.),I :fi.mdl, ,ilL 'r.a~lI' dim)ru~i ihfN; 'I~~i ,~l[I;v:·nj'\Q~:f: 'iih"i-; '-I'i'i; ..I~- -;t-·-:··fi'·'--< ,.;CL f~ U'I:' I!.'!;.'U O. IS u,IIJY,'!ir.l'SI_aiillutilll hiFe:r maJ,W' 'i'ill, t~rms of ftrst pFinCip'rnes,'~s Cou~jhn;.daJink.~ of hi~ a

I!.' _




~ _ ~~.

iQ Ji!!




_. _

.... _





~ __



'_ 'N''-w·- ~ \Un-el "j'];O~;. "- _.~ iI,- . __.. ;I' ,-' ..

.' ,i'~1 . C~~.~, ..... 7,000; p" - '0


Copy rig hted m ateri al


T '8' E ] M' A G·E, S of Socrates ,and 'T.horeau. occur not


m. tbe· Ute'F.atur-e·

iOm. 'Out :su'bj,e(:tj' but also,



:im·:Fulttantl fl' in the' minds 0\£ dle civi1. disobedien.6 themselves. To those wbo were br-ougrb.t up i:o. the 'Wester..Q. Uadi.d,on o·~conscience-end wbo was n.ot?·'=ir seems only natu:ral to thin'k, 'of th,eir agreement lI\'fi:th othe·n, as secondary' to' ·3. soli ta r)f decision. in tOft)' Cln1Slci,~nU:a·e}.as, t·boug;b. 'whatt they had, in. [om'm,on wid] others, 'w,as 'not an. opinion or a jluagtuent tit ~U 'but a. com·m()11.conscience. And, since the' ,argu·we;DlQ· used. to buttress th:is; ·pos:ilion. are uS'U3!.Uy suggested 'by more OF. Iess v~gu.e reminiscences, of what

,SOcf.;ates or. 'Thoreau had! to S3y shout the J.~'ci.dzen.!'S :moral me'la,don to the Iaw," it :may be best to begin these' ,ooi1:Slidleradons with a 'brief' examinaelon of w'.bat these 'nvo men. actu all y bad. to :S~l)~n the maner. o

As f()r Socrates, the decisive' text is, of course, Plato's

'C'ri,~o1' 3ud the argumerns

the-fie a,f~ much Iess than the' :~ega!and.

uneq.ui:vocal and. ,certaird'y less useful for the de mand 01

cheerful submission to. punislunent

,~, noke ~.r"""'· "if


There is orsl the :fac·t,tbavt ,SOCt,atts,.. durin,@; his t,1[".ilal, 'DtVt!f c·ntdlen.,ged. d~e' l.a.~r,8 themselv'~1l1y this paIdculu' miscarriage 0\1 justWce't wh·;.ch. :be·
!Ij"J\I[ ,";I,t!
IlI.Q ,_.,

ph:u"osoph.ical t~xt'boo'b,te'~ I
the "acrid -~Ar;.;;j.n o~


" - 'I ,T'tIX'lJ

t-·Ii.."~lt· _IUg "

·if-a:.d·.' c...', ·1'1',i!iii'i.' ',uIUll~ : ~.,~ JiJi_. 'be. lhl v,, ..

Jj "-.lUi 'i'It'i .



Copy rig hted m ateri al

His, 'personal 'fil~.s:E:()1tun,e' did, not entide him, W' ~~brea'k. his wntrac:m mdl agreem,ents~~ with the :1:ws,; his quarrel 'was a

not. 'with [the' 1a,\\f,S " but, wb;'h the judg~., Mor-eover~ as Socrates, pointed out to (jim ('\v:ho tried to persuade hiM t(~ ~,ca,pe. and :go in~o exile], at the' thne ol:f th,€ lrma:~, be t
, "- .,."6" - ,- -'~~] aws, 'ul"t!tlltsew;ves

'b"" - "m-" d i '. ' IH,tS ll.·' nac d-I i(jjiUl~re' nun "tIL,'· enoree: ,~,j'~,"_)t :tnat time - A'"'" "oiL, "'", -

you. (,ould, have done, lvitb the state's consent what YOU, are try,in, now to' do w,i.thou'i!. it. But then 'you ,g~o.r.i.ed,in, being
wiUing~to'e" Y,ou, said that 'y'Ou, pref,ern~d death


(5!~)~'liVe' also know, kern the ,IJ:pol'o,'gjP;I d:uat he had, the option (~,f es,rustrif.iJ:g' from his public ,exmm:i'nation OIf thi:ngs'j' d "Wm,dl dou,'btl.ess sp,re'ad urn,vefltainty about establ lshed Ci(lSF
~\ .gJ.1 ~_!!'!l!!'!l.:,,_, . -

be l'~;!'i.c,,!·~n·JI th,~Ill" ~ ~ 'I' 'n· w.w~ h ad oreferred ILY, dea !':it,.. .. 1.,;g, 'Yl ylJj,~' Ut~ul .... JILIJ{J' because "an unexamiaed mae is not worth 1ivillg'.,~~ hat is,;. T
~'\z.~'1 g.'!
~'~l~ [~~ ,",
'~J -'


he had. done ,. ms " .'.... " C,,Ji .' ,..:lI "', d urul.g hi 't'ld;J,~WOU Id_ 'I!.. •. nave "connrmee t h ,·,e' JUugf'S, m the],r op!:in~,on~nd made it seem that their verdict 'W~ a a j:ust one" (,S3).. He' ow'edl it to ,h,i"mse,lfJ' as, W'f'U as to the; ,citizens, he h ad addressed, to sta y and die. "It is, the :pay..,
tried! 'W'

Socrates \"fou'~d'Dot have honored ,t:ds, own words if he had

escape: he

'\I\Tollldd ,blt'.veundone


went of a debt of honor ~the payment {If ,3 ,gentleman who 'LL.. .. a '\i' a".g,erana "' t'i· .. uecause 1:.. ~ _. - - - " h "--- _.."nas. 105.t__ !.}!l~... - ~I '\\1"J~O pays- 'II",· -" - . ne ca;n:nOii.*"' IOL.'en¥~wse' live lv-ith himsel f., There has, indeed been ,3, (Jo:ntr..act ,aud, the nodOlt of a, contract p~r.v,ades, the m,atter Iud f ,of dle (:rlto.,. but .' the con [raCit which ms, ~ ~ '.' the ,com~B,itme~1t';in:v'olved' in tl~e,~r,ia-f"~ (my it:di!C5l.'1~ Thoreau's case, th.ou"gh much less dramatic (he slPenJt one :n:mght!n, jail ,for r,e~fu:sing ro ,pay bis poll tax to ·1 gov;ernment that pet"m~,tted,;sla'Very,~ 'btu: he let ,bis,aunt pay i:t



G r,e~nlbeTS';s, xeellene 3JllaJlysh;, ~i~,'; ~O(~ceh~ me e C Cr,i'iJ,t]i" 'fHa~'td St~:dr'e$ ,j:'H (;',llis&icai PJ~:U{ji~'Qgy'Vrot "'0,. no. ,~'" ~ I9iS')i' 'wIdell, ]?((10i\l'OO, ma~ the C:r.~!til' can !be understood 'D~U!ly:if read :~n(li}:D:l~

.s~' :N,. A.

jUDJuion, whtl the


Copy rig hted m ateri al

Eat him. 'the' next 'morning); seems at :firs't g~an.c_e·more

pe'ldnenf: 'to our current deba;tes, £or,~ion. v.on:l!J:ad~,tinttion. to Socrates", be protes,'£ed a,pinst. 'the injustice of. tbe ~aws themselves, TOle' trOD,hIe' 'w.i.tJn. ,this, ,eumple' is tbalt. in '~:~'On dIe' D,uty 0,£ C;,vil D,W~l!l)bedi,e.nce'/~ dle' m'mouSI essay 'that grlew out ()tf the incid,ent an,d. made t'he, term, IHci.v,il dis~ bd~I" ~~~ --. o-e:~_]je'nce'-;:1' ~I-~~t oJ: ...... :r:..!.II~ ".i!' our .••

''--' ,~,,-~ I:'" ca:se ,1ij.O,,-,

ee ,tb~, law', bot 00, the' gr(~llJrnd o,f: indlvlidu,al'COlil'St_imm' and eo II'" science's 'moral o'bl~ti(Jn;:: ~011t is, not a man's du.'ty~, as! a mauer ,of' course, to devote bl-mSie:~.'f' the e:rad.'ica;don. ,of to an.y, even the' most ,eD.o.rmous~ 'wrong;: he may' SEtH pro:petl y hav~' other oonce:nu t,o e'D,gage';: but lit IS, his duty,~at 'I ,-. ..... W" hi ~,t . a, ' ' 'f , 'z.. -r.n-/I,;( ileu~, to, ".~ 'Ii... ~_~S' ih~l1,.,1,,· 0.f- :1,~," all'd' l:'- hie. g~,Vles, :It no tlJ.dJ.UslI;.E: :,UU mas • ''''''_Ia-~'. 1V,II.II-o,~'J. ~ n.''f\:,", '·'0." ,ail'l1~',.... 'r)r'~;i"~~";r;a'~1v S ~'~-:iIi'l1"ilioin!t.<f;~i,j, Y·. 1-'Ii...~I;~1~g;U d ld 0'"''''''' ,h, r, 1fl·'~ illl iI1IiUit" y.... JLlv.J. .1

....... .~~&~ ~~ ,111 ''liP\lf'i;;i'!a'blli'll]arv ~ ~-~, ,,~ u\.,;~_ -'_:l':i! "~

0-', -i~


,_.~I!I,;., ,~.

~ir,m~ ....tI1 ,h~~:f1 . ~,"'!"Cll, ,~,

.'!;,II! __

on tlll.,-, -u,e

'CF,iIi""~ _,. ., .ef",.uiIJII -d-'




'm uJJ;,ilU ,~'I a !r:-.~.'~Ii~'""'~~:t''-..... . '

~IL~!!,I~ '"

r·\ll;~,g;'U-"·O_ili'li1 i~.w_g._ .. 1:,.





'!! .






noOtpreeend tbs;t; a man's 'washing' his hands of. ~.'t 'w{'Juld, male' the wo:dd. better 0([' that. a 'mao had an.y o'JJili.ptlon t~O< ...1 - - '1I:..:!Ij' th ~~ ~~l~ ;i"':Il..,"'~.n- to m""":11...... j;!i!!' a' d'I not ..1l.. 'u.-O so., .!£l!.'if: ~ 'carne In:w' trns W'V:r~ .. i~,_. "4-u1l,~,m.y~I~. ':i. ~' 'U!1~i;!I':, good place to ljve i'U.~but to, 1ive :ig :it,; be lit :goQd or bad," 1".... ..1.... ..I ~:I!.., ~ .. h 'II '.' - ae 1:,A'~ 1IJ' '''I: maceo, tms IS _,jOW' 'we' ,a~_come mtrO' t-b Wo:riu.="'"J,tC~y ~1. it_hie wo:rld and, the parr of :it we arriv e ill :is a, good, place to
,U ~ - -~~ _ --


--i'N,·ln, at the

rom'witted, ilt,e :n.O'1i~~,of' such. a mature tllJi1Jt. it reo. tliu[~: V:O.','I'I tn, be,' the aeent of 1"'~J~~.fIi,.:;'t·~'I""~'a ilLiIIU'lIi.lliler~ " IF--' ,"~ ~_IT't.., ~.~~ "'1J. .I' ~ 11,1; ,"'~ ""'..II, only if rb'm is dlf' &1se'JI '~then,~:1:sa'y" break, the ~aw,~i~' : And T"horeau wu rilht.: lndi.vidua1, ,oonscienee 'requires, ;nolthln;g'
~UI' --~, ~~,-~,~ !R,!;'!-'!W


our',va.1., or ,at least a 'place' 'wh'efe


more'",1!8 Here. as, e'"IS!ewhil!!re\~onsde nee e

~ -!I' ~ _~ ~_ __ ....

~ """..J~' 't. '~..I L, .. Y lu;ter!cst,cu. in tue w-o:r~.b W.lI.e'r.-et h 'wrong lS rom. .. ',e mirtrted or m ehe consequences dla'~: he: wr.()ng win maive' :fort the w;lt,ure' course of t'be' wor1d~ It does, D{);t. say,; with ~, p'F.[mUl "']


!I!.oV ~_~

_ , , __ "''"'

'tiC', ~!J!

'u:lffip'f\'I'ii,tt~;i"'"!I"I__IC""t', ,~IL~, uil,,,",,,.b .• ,_ .c!I.

:~:~, ,[5



Copy rig hted m ateri al

Jemenon:~ "I tremble

,'G'-'..o:~d·· ~s~ J:'1
.... ..:._ ~_:...J '_ 1~ ~1J!_jl

fOT 'my tQun~ry when :1 'reDec t, '~ha;t, iii·' ~Il.,~,:t, H"~~, Ii4I'LJIj£L~' ...... 'i['liln~ e,lIAQP- £o:-~J:r.~,:i'~l ~ ',",_ J"IU,~iI;~.i"'~ nt· QI,II(;~'I_: J.' .. ,I.~·Il~JJ,,.£l._. ", l~
_,l!; ..:l;I!

I_, __



cause it trem bles for the lndi vidual :se~,fand its :iUle,grit,


II: em tberefofe 'be' m:u~h more radical and ,sa'¥" wi,til 'T,bO(F.,rau., This peop:le must cease to hold slaves, and to! " mske 'war on U'ex:iooj thou;gh.; i~' ,to!J~' ~Jzem {he-ir ,(Jx;ist'encc' as' ,d, fJe'OI!,te~J' (i:uJ wa added) ~whereas for Linooln "the pam .. , 'mount object," even in dle' struggJe' :fOl' th,e emancipation, of. th,le s:]avfs\t remain.ed, as he m--ote in. 1.862J' "to ,save' the' 'UD:i01i~and ~ ... pot either. Ito :S3'V,COf' .destroy ,slar,vef.J'~:~~UJ .-'. " , '. ,'. us ~; not - . ,t ' 'L'~" ···'1 e T'h"'" . ...J......"""" ,. . -', mean . th ~u" UljQQ n was, unaware ". 0_f' t'b"monserous i:nj w;t,:i()e ,of' $'~,av,NYiUe'l,ft t~ as, he :h3J.d ,taU,ed, i:t eigh:t year,s earlier.;; it means that he was also ,a'wa:re ,nE the' ,distinction between. his 'i:~,olLdJa], ,duty"" and, his ~j]penon_am 'w.i'sb, that men, Ie¥'eryw'here could 'be' :free.,~"1;91A'nd, t'h:is ...Ii,~(i,t lD@f'j,n.,'ffi . .":i;: fin ~ :C'ltY''' 'p~,~,,, ,1t'LDi' ;o;Jj1.111;i;~:V.s. v , c·.:0'mp'lie· ''tJl' and .u <i:iiiJI'-U.l_i'u: .. n ... 0.1;;],,,1. !,... ,1,[[; ,iiI,n, '!..!.11 _u .... !!:dnA] I!i!<"t uta] :bmtmi'cal circumstances, ~s' ultimately tile :SH'lOe':M! M!aclh:lav!t'Ui"s Wh,@D he' said, "I love :m'y nsrlve a;ty more than, :my ,own $lO'llJt;:i~O T,he' discr-e,pa;nc, 'bet,w,l!ell, '''offida1, . ..11 w: ..I ~',j: I ~ L.'~' ~ "0 u'U)~,), ,allu ~persona:L 'W1Su: ~ :IU L- - 1- -8 ,atlSe no ,U~VIl~' 1~' . -:~nwn ..



VJ;;I,'!i; ~""I!!..








lack ,of moral cemmirmenr than the discfe,panc.:y' ,city mild :solld, ,[ud:i,catf;s, t'ha,t, M'atbiar,veU.i was a:n, -h '.' an '_d"..11 .. - .... ...11' at_.~,e1Bt, d- '-b), 'D,Ot '1I!,._ .... 1" neueve :I'D eremai1 83._Ivatl vanon an d.,~ ... uamnadieates 'between


'T-__:_;'~If:l' ihifl_~ ible -:-,tll~ 1.. _.J~



''w:' U.

,,;:::;\i:Jlt'iII, ~,"·_.··I!i.r'l!..1I1l

,j,I".. 'I!...i;!; ,Di.....A..!1



_."iii1i'i:I!t Jl~_;l.






U] _'.


'IS ,Eg, his :fafilito'lIS OOU~f 'Ex) 'H'O-fiee

G,~ee:~ey~ q,Il'O'nIed. here ,from :Hwu M:(n~gefJitk3Ju~ 'Thc' ,Di!mm;mM ,(JI' ,Pt),U,tics 'Ch~~~ :1958~ p. 80-..


OlliOJled :£fOm._ llimmd _ _ f:s.ta(h_~r. 'Th;if_.Am_~~-M, "'r,-- _.A~~ _ _ _ _ _ ~__ __ Ho _ ~ ,~~ "" ,;t1L. _"",,., ",a;!,1 P;--:-''"l.~·jl~~,r .,UucJ!o ~ .,r!l;ul ,;I
,!!j;I'_~ •

fioJl1"" N ew VOI'~ ]'9418",p.,

10 A[I;~Uii, 'Gnbef~, ,ed.~ T'h"

i,:1 0.


,~I',Ma,hiuiJeUiJ! :New'

Y;oK" :1'96'[1) ~



Copy rig hted m ateri al

good [citlzen{" (acwrding' to' A'riswt'I,[e~ the good man wul"eI be' a good citizen Q[nly In, ,3, good :stat:e'; aooorc;Ung to :lla:u.'t:t ,eveD "a 'I,nce oif dev'i]s'~ wuld solve l5;uooessf'u~J:y' M,e :p!FObJ!! ~ ~ 'iii L, ~ 'I'll'.. ]=[em oresta b1Ij"' L, ~ •. J!lSu1.'ng a mns,'tjrli.uti,nm;, 'b£ 'OOltY tuey' ,ale ~nte~~I,,.

gent"), between the' individ.ual s-ell~lv,l.tb or 'without beH,ef. .~. ,an ,aftedife~ and tbe member [of' tile' ,oomm1l,ndty~ m't as we w[ou1,") :say 'toda.,'~between :rmonlitt,. and :r~UJ'i:da~,_5, 'very ~i o],d.-oldeT:il even, than she lv'O;rd '[i(XlDsc[ence',~"~'w,h.ich in 'ib

present corul.ota-n:n(~ll ,is ,of' 'r,ela.ti:v,e~,.,. recent origin,. And, aI... most ,equaUy old are the j u.sdfictJJdo'l1I:i for ;~b.lepos,i:dol}, o,f'
either, Thoreau 'w,as (lons,is'tf"ru enough to' recognize and, ,admit that be was ~J;pell :to the' charge i~)fiIT,es,:pllnsibnit,,~, !the ()I.d,est charge against 'lithe' ,gcflod, man, i~' He SHid, ex .. pUcid" that he 'was ~-mot, ' :for' the suroessfu] 'wvtr:kifJ\g' ,of the machinery of' s,oc''",1etY:I'"''W,3S ,j·i\D;(J't the SIDD, of tbe' ,engi.neel\n The a,oJage ,Fi(j~'i~uUci,ae,~ /)>t1t:at' mund'KY.
_=I!.;;. ~ . c ~ ~ "-~~.

[C,LI - _JJI- "'~ - ~ 1],9 d' _ o,n~ even if th~ world perish e<)-, .-,L:·' .... IS~ Jet '~U'i:ldce ~ ..... - ~~ ..... ~ - _n ~ ,.. 'i!..: . ~ v'f_ ,.lIS, 5,.J WIlII,IIl,.111: .. .US'i_'~-,y ,~,V' 'k d '~:_~e;or,lLcauy n-'I~, nl:O ,_e:~~rib 't' :"'~I ,agalns~ :t . e 'U.('!'[:,e.D_(1- ;eES 0':Ill: .a~'O-b~~ ~ f,'- - - -- ~ -''IJ..."" -..:I

lute justice, often ,f-or'the' purpose 0.1 ex£us~:I1g: wro~,es~ neatl Y' expresses the. :g:~~t f' the dimemma., o
"W'" 'rn a0 __if' _,e_'l!' rne "-, -"-h t reason


ar.' "i_,_, "Ie ~ 11, .11 all. In'_lV.l',_.u~"",1 at tll,e liCVCil ,lit .. d' -~, ~d :moraUtY'!i die' problem of disobedience to dille l;aw is, w:hoUy iDtI'acta.b:~,Ie.I,c;,21is of :s~iU.a dillefenl or-dier'" The counsels of' ,

eonscienee ,31I'enot onl, 'UnpoliJ.dca].~: rhey' are alwa",s expr-e&~ed ~n purel y ~;~:b jectlve :Sgrtenlel~,I!.S" 'When, SOcr3ites staj,'~-ed. iu'it ,j,jll ~j better 'to s,u:ltt' wloog than '~Od:o 'WI(lt;ngil~I' d he'lc]_early' meant tha,'t, It "+las better fcy, ,him,,~,just as, it W,D better fOT .him, "to be in disagreemem wlt:'tl mu~ timdes than be',i.D'm- one to be in disaereement .:- ., [,]l'~i~ -m~1 ,~~22 c"th ,J.mse ,.li.JII' ---0 .--, ,oa,,,,,f!, ,en WI .Po),iticaUY,1j on. the con t [3.fJ'", 'what (jO'uo'ts j~ that a wn~mg
-- - -iii ,ij< ,.., -" ~ .,



been done .. ro U"'~~i&

UI.. _ ~,t.

. _.

Ii'L,~ 11 W-' Jj"'. ''ill tr.IW,l~ IHI·.·..: ,,~

!!'i:!' ,l~ rrrelevant _'~ "4~~,II!r.:'If._.:!l:II~ lJ.

'i;i;"1;.....,. .W koli!j;jojf":;'Cii,,:;, U~IIIr.~r 'H'llu

hl-'~' U\

;e ,G,~"",,';'Al'ItIIIi1' ~ltI!.." _'.O"-J'

lA, _,U,

'';;'0-11' AI'D'ii!ii.~ '1i!l:!...,,"


Copy rig hted m ateri al

c,~"]::tt, :Iln:s0 B E !D1:tE N


Copy rig hted m ateri al

'T'hose men~3 ..,dl th,ey are 'the' ~'~mu~~,titudes~~--cau a n :pim

selves, tb,e'y are' net self-evident,,! 'Por can


be p1!ovled_~,d

peeper illter,€S,t in themsel ves onl J,t 3cool}dlng to PI3i'~.g~, by

beH!eving in a :m.ytih.ical hereafter 'w:i'ID 'F,ewards and, pun:isll,Hence, the ru~es,of conscience' hiuge on :interest in the selE~ Th:ey sa,y~n~l\ta:re o,E doing' someth:in8 tbmt 'you 'wiU not be able to lfve with., It [8 1rlu'1~ same' ~u~gume'n!tthat led ' 'to ,jj:,CamUjj,"S ~ ~ ~ stress OIl, the',etisity ,of' 'resistance' to. jiustice' tor tne res,i-:d:in,g ,itl,d:ivid:Ulti"S own he'(J.~u'h nd weI.. a



ta,e/'~ ('my :i'L11:k:s.) ..

The po] ideal and J..egal tr,omb]'f!;'wii'th such jnsd6ca,dnll. is :tw'O,£o~d_. ]first~ it ,cannot be' general .. i2ed.; in order to keep its v,a.lidlt.y"i it IDUs't remaln subjecti,ve',.Wbat ] cannot Uv'e'with rna', 'fiOIt bother another

man's conscience ~The resul t is that conscience win stand · . ~11 Iplns£ conscience, 'ulf b dleClS~,On. to L. _1i.. the 131w' f,eshly "":'te' •.. ~ ~ JU'r'(;,·M ~ turned on :bl,divlchla1, con:~u::ieDfje; i.t is) hard :t{), see in. m,I'W .how :DF.~ ,Ki:ng is. better oft than IGovern.o\r Ross Bmnett~ of. :Mis.sis'sipp(i,w,bo' also believed deeply in, his cause and was, wiJUn,g' to go to jiajtl.j~~ The second, and perhaps evem

more' :ser,i}ol1s) trouble i's tba,t, ooDsc,ience'~ if it is defi:ned :in. :secul~u't'enD;Sj' pmup,poseti; not on]y 1t1l,at m_OOJ, possesses tile' Innare b,cul'ty of' teUing 'righ:t from ·\\!r.Qng~ ul also, tbat D man is interested :io,hjmse1.f~!,fOT the 'o'bligad.o1l. arlses h,tJmIj
,H 'This,

is, mad,e quite, d~~n' i~, ~~ ~f:o(f;l;dJ boo]" of dH~~ B:~'p~;il~;liic~ 'w,b.e-re8Qor,ates," ,()w,n puplb, can, ,plead the cause '0£' :ifljUS't:OCe' m~t.

e~ooue.nd'J and_. stUl- irlot . be. oon.v}'~~ed.m~., e dle·~-i.-elw~;~r~ l't"'·;t)i-,')···. 'Th·-·-: l~ ~ "'-,"], ~ ,; _. ~ - ~ . . ... ~~. .L C . i§ ,~5~' , ,'~ '~f J are ~nd :~mL~dn Wiiltvinoed, of. jusdoo: as a sd~~ev.bJe:nrtttruth, hill;

.socrates ,a;~me~b ,~tre'Hot ,oO-M~Ili~bi8' :they ~1fJW' dil~li,with, a'Rd, t~filjd,,o,~'lie.ammJitil the cause of i.njlust~c:e can just ,as, wen 'be "!~d~~t
! 1-_ !til _.


:H ,nuo~:dl ,-y ''--- ,~""._n .~ =s» ~>!\i('!"V"il ul:5().ll;,,;ul~n~~, ~i' ,~n the ,;;~~ 'I!G ~ ~ .. >,~, b~·'C-hr~~i:~a-''fii!;a'V ~~- 1.1, If)·.,_.:::.'If..;DA'',Q-:-,....:i, I.!.II).:; ,,;,1o'!1";.i'i! J! ~ __ .... Ii.... :""it: lil. j{o ,S·~" ",I~:nl':!.J!!Ir!IH.'~ in""",, ,~, '1_:' i'1I ~ 1.l _ .ll.I~ ~ _ II?n~J"'''.-""" ;JI~' v... I!__ Ai ... " U ~ iIi!'..... i.;. if1!1!~!&~"" . ;;I!~Yj 11" _.I!I AI:i:li ~~w~!liu.i '-!!'r-!Ir.IU U Ylr. "I~'"


,",.:i'_.·~ ",~".",",,-,-,_.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,ulli5, ,'"'.-,'.,-' ,'" '. .,1.-:":-

·' '.,'~,".", ·::..:d·- A'll~:i)....... ,:k , .lor we be tUJ)I,en ,f grallle~.. ,.. IU10Ug)l1l '''',
.c,· ,c_~ ... "
. . -

'1, ..,···. A -~ . ,t'i;.,~,n,··Oil .. 'mf"~ln -:'' ' sst", ,, nJI,ilU t'..~.,.'ws, 'II_"'~' ·;··d···iC se~, int erul ,....~'n 'b<P,'ilr1;~I1I.~ u:' W',l
i[~ L-RU,

. _.

t:L··,t· L"
_ __ .... -IL~

I'll" ·nat, ,u,oman

__ __ ..

'be-, _,,~

'with tile ms el'ves......',we'do not know how' 'man,v :io.dulgle i:o. 'this, rather profi;dess enterprlse; all we can :say is, th~'t the :babi:t of t.hiil.llun.g'~i of 'I,eRecting 00, 'lv'ha,t Ollie is doing, js independent of tbe' ''';ndi.v,[dual 's SlocialJ, educatioo;ru;~, 0[' In.i Cit ,!!k;
~ I

II':'1&. !':u··'kin. -v, 'La, " m'"IS':' are :l"ap'-Ib'~i,oi!i; ~,f-: 'ilI:,;ul ,_ g.'==("i;f·"h'~lving··'·, in.t~N"'~urse


t~~llQ rual 'i:!,iiI}'liln'~'~n'D' In ILII.~ 'r'~~.Ir""-~' ~ ....lu41 ;to:lr~"i:!. ~~·n~t· •. '*I~ltl\J' .. U1 ~v ·nt·,_~:ifiIV oth ,~~, . ~.~ u "the good man" and "the :good! iC'i,l!iz:em are by 0,0 means 'tb' , '.", . id .' n S;""JIS,..;,,. G:'"00' ··d '_~e' isamej< ,an, :no _ only ,In 'iit.'il-,.. A" ," ~He'.IHiIL'''''L~J.JIa.. . .'. " m,e:-~ , _, e ,a, 11. .. .. ,1 ' ~. 'Ii:i" , _ '~ ,0 become m ~n~festonru'vin emerseneles -) 'when thew sud__ , - -~_~ -~-l --, deg~:,'a:pipeM'~,as if from now,her,e in. aU $0(13'[ straea, The gpod cidzen, an, the conttary~, mus:t be conspieaous; he can 'b ,-,t"'-d'11.eJ, WI I t:1i.. ,'. no", so very com :f'or,,t,~··. reSUI,', that 'L.. '. i , ...... i' :" ..: .,', ··· mg ",,'I·t ' nat ne _f:,IS U ~.,d " rlth JLf turns, ou:t 'to lbelo;~g to a small :minority ~ he' tends 'WI he educated and a mem__her or me ~,:pp-P' !ll!u!(.:]Q"L, ...,.,11:' the 11 ell ,_,Q;I.!\,;U, ann ~U~,,;,< ,~~:r csasses, :28. T,llts w:bole' question .of' the' pon:tiJ~, 'Vtreig'h.'c, 'W be at.... dl'..i ; .,'~ d': "~"~"",",,,,, , .~.......' "'-d" ai.' s.; t·,· '.'-" , ... , c:or~.e~ mOJa.!I,•. ec1S1,o.~~-" ~ . ·CiSlOn.S ,3]1'1 Ve·' " ,t ~",~lr-O .. ,con .. , -... . t' ~ ...... .. ~ ~· db' ' .. ~ alI se,16",'" ~u~h b'· g;reat_,)"' compncaeed ,y t:11e ,or.~gln J ,,-~as,,een leUgious and later secularized, associations, that the' notion, 01 cansci1ente' acq,ulud under the lllA:uence o.f~Christian .jL. "I· . ',' .A.. ,... j;'L,. " ..... -~ ...,. ...::1 ,. p.lib,OiOP, h y.. ,n.:!i, ,." we' Die' me wom t'lll'uay; i 'lb th 'mora. '. ,1'11),:d" m no _.~, ... '.. '1 ..,'
l~ . ~b·.




~'ifi, 1~~IJ_~,





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legal :matte.ts; conscience is supposed, to be a.hvat'ys, p:r..e-S.e'n,t 'wltbi'D us" as :tboo,gh, i:t w,ere' identical with consciousness. ' "~~"~. 'IE ," '-I (_t u true t hal t lit. too.k ,ana;ua,ge 3l I'" _ '" lon,g ' ".,'to di '" ..h ,uitl.D;@l.U5. I.r--~t'··, .:"n··' " "~," 14J!!I;,;,:w~eD t,IL...:., r'_ w""'~ aJDu. ,I .., ,some ,!langua.,g'CSi-)f'po.. : : L. ~O1" In~ _1Il.I,~ renCIll.I,,~ .'. ., '11lf separanon 0..f' !COW3£lflUJf an d' consciousness hias ..~ '. . stanee-e '. pl 1 'T'L..·- Vvlli;,.e nil! 'C01lSCU!'·II1,ce 'vas· ~~e "Vo,~,c~ ~,'.. . ~I " !I,lIie
~~ '.-, ".-.:~. ','", ~:-.", ." t











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<'i,~, Id~.,





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d h D~·' L b£ ~ uecame anc announceod me ,1JJllneaW~, netore n b --(" l. ~ , ... ' ~:".. '.-:' .' . thi e,u,men nal Uftl1e 'i' :.' .. : informed men. of a higher.- 'la.w,. As. tba,t h Ijiof '. '_ . 'pc ~ iIi"l"''I:r.'c ",'ll.. va._. t· e vnice 'V" Go d-- '!i' ':'i' 0'-"'''''' ,'~\' ~_...... p' rescrl pt ~,!I.,.~iI!.'V'\!J~~'!I!~U~~ ..... '~. ~, 'I~'d'.. ., .. ...'Ii .. - · .. L ... " . ,JJl'_lty'. 'resteu on, :Uil,e cowmlD)d' ,j~;O"ii-..·' G" d' '[,all..uef' 'waD ,'uey .~o, -' ..'lb.." .. IG 01 "0.'"" d
.' 1 '.~ ..... , :

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

'wen n a command


alIeged to be the' di,v'ine'ly inspired i:nstiw:tion '!l1f' :b ChU,D'! 'T(~ modem ears, this, :lllJUs;ft, sonnd\ ]iitJe 'i'!;sel:E-rerti:6wti,(llil/~'
turned, as in the 'R,eformarti,on~, even aplmt ,,,"!hart
''n'r '!I!'..,11

'tJ1Ult was ,o'bjelUtlvel, bindIng: 'Wi:l\lhOUi£ 'to ,human insli.'i!,lIlJtians, and 'that eould be'

hlch ,i 'horders on 'b. - ."l~,,.-:;· " _t-,:i-.,'iiIiII' ,-'-"-""'-0- m p-- ""Uft1f'i'S-' ,-,- ~ '~".JiIi!'P-- hem '-..11 .Jj~ Jill![;; ~~ tension rth'''liit-', '0,1- ,I'io__ ",'~U!l<i' 'W",:~111 o--,-'f~ "_'~d: ne 'l~n0:'I':l-"'i:l t:Ll".~ l.ll. "'y__ vu ~_ ,G u liS ~-~~~,e b' Jhl! iil!Uil.,~' 0,1,
_-.-Utl,!" g,

y, .. ~ f.


- _ ..,c' .. -_ ~-,

·L ~- !UU' I - - -_.


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'i!'!il't'ii_'i"~ U,IJIIJ!WI.


eventual j ustUi,ca.daD..,~:i

did. not sound t'bat, 'way '1.'0 tbe believer in, a creator God, who- has revealed HimseJf tothe one creature He created ill His own ima;ge',. :Bm't the' an .., archie nature 01 divInely im,:p'imd, consciences, so 'bl3130dy manifes:t in the of Cn;r,isliani:ty, ,wanot be' denj,en., The lti\v; therefore--earher late, and bv' no, :m,eans in aU
I ~.

,(;0011,- , . . . ... 0·· t:'des.=,]"ecoCiH'il.ed rel ~j)lOUS~~'~.n_spC"·~ , .. .. .. "I\ClI1,. .. ., 1 J .,

eonsc ~:e[it"om _ .. _ ..1 ,I[ it.

objectorrs, 'bu,'t; 'recognized them only' w:h~n they appealed to a n,m,vine Law that was also ,!i~ai'm,ed, , ,3, rettl,gn:bed, b r-eu.gious group, '\V,bleb, could not wen he ignored by' ,a Cbrisdao community, The prrestIlt, deep crisis :in, Ihe

churches and the' iner,easing number of ,object,-ofS w.ho claim, no relation 'to- a.nY' rel ~gio'u;s insti:uJltiaD..~wh.ethet, or not they' claim, d:i'vine'~,Y' In (o,r.,med, eonseienees, haive' thus created gn;~a;t, jffh:uldes., These dURculde,s are Dot, BItely d 'W' 'be d:isso~.-ved by substituting the' S'U bmission to punish:m,en.-It ,for the appeal 'to, ,3, pu'h1.icly' 'retOgn:il:ed. and, Ie].i~. .
m~niIJI,~l,v '1il:'1il'n.,...'~n'l!'liiDd L'~'ill!L"..,'Ii"' 'iOiI.~I-~dlrj!' _~,~ir,...~.III,--V'.~;..,.. U,~,ellJ:I-., ....~,'
'lI-:!iill"W ,~'~~'1f'" .

"The '-.0:,1. 'I!l.n. . ,F':':":'J':]"~' tne iIio'l!..,,~J< idea ehat ~v"n« penalty Jiustifies bn=ia,tc.ln~gthe la,w d-er.['ve9" not frmg Galld1li and the tradition of civil disobedience, bu,~Efom Olivet :-1-''-'1-' I.'e,a~lsm~'" en :_,e,W!l, '~I' . ." !J..U€ ,b.. ,- .' W'" 'd"~I'~ n'" :,o~mesan d' ,,,'I!.. . ",Ta:dl"If:!~,O.n. 0.1C "e,ga. ,-.,- ,11,"" : Thl; doetrine ~ ~ '" i$ :pilain~,y ,a01}SuFd. ~ ~ ;;, In dle a.rm ,of'
'0. ...

Copy rig hted m ateri al

cr 1·'m'"':n<'.l;l- '1l~·"fy.~ ~ 1 'It m indless 'to"! uppose ii'h""',t]j:t murder s v.~!I" :~-;~'I'-,* 'rape' or arson wOldd be justified, iif [oll11'one were wJ1l:ing to
_,.. 1 Jlt_~aJ 'oiIl'!i! III;
Ii '., ..

~~ii!' J.aJ!,

. ·,Il~tllUf







" '_

.. _

'pay_ill: vI

~}_J"~~'~ :j''t-

ma'n'\!' a "sel f-sacri,.llJj~III:U: elem ~I', ~ JL~ ~ ;~': en~,~[; ~e ..I.l~~a.·- &.ff'~'''li[1 ~i ~ ."

me' :penal'ty'~~~~8, is m,ost unlornmaae It


thalt; in 'the' f'yes

best proof _..~~ ·.iJr.
.:.I~I.-I ....

'i'L p ~JIJ~

nt' ~l

Umtensi;lty of OOIDcem,,"j'~9' "the (iiSQibedienfjl,s, seriousness of.

,,-:--,~ hisIS JliI !,'!;:;,:llJ~'hJ' ~ ,t::,d~~~ "1 aDu
,iIJa W,

.Ad'I, :[;"'n',3'iic,-ism, ldi_" -- - ---is, usuaU'y' the hallmark of the' erackpot and, 1'0 ,~nJ case,
'Ii "'iI;~


~''!''ii'iI([Jifli[;O''',m-.'' E!<~

lIJjo~'1!;. , }-irnd' ~u.


makes im,possibl,e a rational

d.~scIlJJ5sio.n. ehe issues at o,f

stake .. 'Mor,eove'r'~il:h,e conscience o:f the believer '1~ listens to ho and obe,s the voice, of [God or the com 'man ds ,of 'the "umt!:n nalu,r;-al'e is, a, :far ,cry from the :std.tdy secular conscienre-s mis knowing~, and :s,pe,aking with, m-l$e~,f~w-hi[ch~ in [Ciceronian I,mgua,ge':~,beuer than a 'thousand, witnesses tes-tli"es, to deeds :to;a)l otherwise :rna:y remain -unknown, f()1"'"' ever .. It is ttl is, conscience that l\"f-e :findl in :!uJch 'ma,gnificc'nce' :bll ,R[icha;rtllll:~ It does no more than ,usn a man :mU oE~i'''' is n-"0-' 't, ,.,..lIW" ' with him - 1;..'u'" 'it' +.., h iim ' --w-'h-'' -- [~.Jl~. _ bstacl~W.. U 0-~~u.. he is atone, and loses its, hold wilen midnl,ght :is,over and he has n;jo:~'I1edl he [colllpany of his peers, Then o.nly, t vlhe'D he is no longer by :himself will 111.<1~: "Conscience is u,y~ but a word that lVo\vardls use '/ Devised at first itO' keep the strong in. awe," The fear Io.f belng alone and, having to faee oneself [can be 3), v!ery' effective dissuades from wrongdoing, but this fear, by hs vt!ry nature, is lu;n,penua;s,i,v[€ 0:£ others, N',o doubt even this kind of eonsciemious objl6Ctio:n, can become pol iticall Y' ;significan It when a, number of OOIlSC1-m,ces, happen to coincide, and the conscienrieus objecJLilu decide to, enter tn"e market place and male their 'voices heard ,m,

;Qi.':!,i,!iI .. ;t!







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~'C' '"-1' ''I!.AJ'' en!!, 0lJ".' .. ',·"ar C"t"""b" -- .. 1;

- ,~,', [nil:o.,,;

~ p., v.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

public. :Ol!Jtthen we are no longer ,deaillng 'widJ, iU.d[vid.. .-,'1 '.' L..... 'I!... '.' -~, 'U.5,1' or Wltl- h a pnenomenon ''',",u.'Me' entena can 'L d-l " ee ','_et'tve d.' C .

:lIom Socrates or Thoreau. W.h8liE: been decided :in ,'orto had

"";i!"i~!,r""'~~nl!;'ne ~''''''' ,:vu 1!L;1i;,',r-~~'~_,,',~I4o' nas 'O_'ii:IiI'

beco me par"IL. I_~:;_.,I' .'!;;i' : , •. - .•

Of' '_.[

,allthougb. this, partlcular


Iclairn the ,initial 'valida;non.-'their uonsciemctS--tiley

'L,~ Ulrl.w.l


o.f C],vU disobedients 'may


nubllc v ,ur_ rO_' u.;.: Ap'l"'n]~nt1"li, ano


plaee I_:


no :ICJ~r on themselves alone, In the market At: d'-l~m"",,Fb-,iIt...-'m·;i.:L'\iI!i 1iI~ 'U.l eonseienee sc ]J.l! 'D.Fi;1i- much . ,UtIP. I~II .~' ]D~:I:'~D'~ lLl,IO -, , ,UI~I
I~l ',




becomes, an O_p'iJllon~ i'n~ di.sti'n_guisha~'tefrom other Q;pini.oli15~ And~ the :str-e'D,g;th of '.' '.' ~ b,IL, omnton ·...11·"""....... not. d' ~~ d 0:0 (j(),Ei!.SClence'Ji~ru't.OD, me D.niD,~ uoes ~e~ll" ~ ber of d.1.06e Wl:th 'w'hmm it is assocIat€d-.~'i'U1l311:bnous, ,agee:ment tha't ~x ~is, ,aD, ,ev:H adds c!',ooenr.e :tt:c) me 'Delief mat 'IX.~£5, an ,e.v,U~Oll, M
tru.'tm: :i'&
[I, ~

mite of tb,e ph:ilompb.erl;'s,


Copy rig hted m ateri al


.ro~ ,p. enomennn lJD. recent "' 1,·.1!J.'t a ,p,ea't :many otner :Ii.. Am e1\,lC3, 'b ,...
" -',.\ _._ _. ,"


D ]I ,S0 B:E:O 1: E N C;E,

" I __ "_'1 ,I, ,--:


the law:;. clvU and aimltinw" hu

",:'-', ~ .-:-. ", -:_-._.. ' .~ ,'-",:-'-.--:-.-: I





- ,-:"

'iL." tl~le' ar Id w !.'" The' de,8anGe ,of esta'bUshed, au,d:i(Jr.h:y'~ Ie'] {gi01llS, and seeuw-' 'O'-"'r- -11d'de ·_..,~=I~~.JI.'''~~U~ ..J,o,~rn'm-~v' ~.~·aI ',.' J}..._~.". _." .._ p-.-'b,.orn ..IJI}~li',': l~ gr-~'soei -'~ aJl&U PO"- :,1 ';'·'~ilCweU, 'one' da'.)' be accounted the outstanding evt:J],'t 'of the 'I,-'~;t·.j eeade In ...I......D;..:l1 ~,~,".'~;t]i .IJ{~_" 'W,Il: ~', ..~ .. n h 11'0 "Iii['\"Ii:'" '"iLa ~il:""" ~1'~ ..>~ ~jQo,Qim" IPll!~._·.J!.
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Dt\'tD\f'I-' Ul2 V_~'"I'-_:~

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me W,i1llI-.BO . m(n',e 1e'X,p]ici,t :si,p, (lll dlf inner :imtabiUty and, 'w]ner,abllity ,of',existin__ggovemmenss and legal ,s,y;sre'm~uld, 'be imagin'f)d,. If hlstory teaches anything about the' causes o~'
- .. s-. ..

e' '0'·,1'111iIiol!":..:I;iIIio ...-:II'n,..:rt' " ... N~~ cl earer WEt ung penpectl,vC;~,no I"
_I ,

V::,ii_li'I'.Ili-d: " '£"'0" m ., ~~"'~. u:·.·.-

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lii!""€'i;'l"lil~;..,ILe,..... ._ - h..;',~ . ..1 I~'D PWYA~~UJ .. JilCU,

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'T"bi.,,~'III'li t:i'i~--~'!iiiftdc... "'"' T "",",1[0 IvD a.u_,

f;o\iiil;a"",'b11;iQC1 '~~~_Q_:.~_I,!l4 ~ iii'1"',·,11..-. I~ .~~~

r-: ab ,Iv ,~'.~- 0-... ":li-.a"n- ~ [li:lnr;'!iiIi 1I...1i:1I""1'·' i;!;:r':II r,;iDI ,.. 'L ~1Ae-ll.i'" 'i'..::' _:'I' m:' UJj~,) ~bl .'Il.. " ....:rt ,.. " '.'. .. ,,": .- . .t,·'~ ,'", ~... 'I '. ,',' " . - . -, .... ...3.. . .. .·'1 . ,Uiat a ulSlliltegr:a,u,on 'OJ; PCll,l.ucall :s~l£ems, ,pr.I~tilies, r--eV()1l1lll,,, -~ '" Uon8~1 th- _. t. e ~e__ ~~_,at 'b - ~1'" sympto.m 0:f' tH- IS~ Ul,g •.... Jtnteg:r,1 bon, IS, a, pro-., __

b-~"Ii:!;tt,"""f"t ,. ~.-:(I1Ii.U ,"" ,1


1IVIb:..1!I .11•.1.. _


t,: IL~.'!4r_, t'"~~",,'h-~BII.U",-U"ij;'I1...,

~r.~ ....




,1I!'t:l;"ul U,


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gr-essIv@' erosion of' governmental authori,ty'~, and. 'that this, ,~l"i~'~'''"'''1i'' ~,~I~U i!L'!, 'b.··ly. IL:IJ1~,bV _~.. _. . -.ent's ina h ~l:'iil~I ~ '~'~cn'r:tJ:~ fin] .'. +-i'"-A D:ft,V~mc. 'm-' _ ·I~,~




..~... _.·~)1I1



le;;,timacy,. Thu

pro,'~:ht!jm w,b~ch slpt,ing


tbc' citizens' d'oo:b:bsabout Us wlta;1t ebe Maoosts usedl ro call a, "T"ev"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

eluti .......... ~~~"._. l"'!I''''~.riIiLi'~"'_1I\1i~'h-: i';;jfO'~I_ [0.:' ,~[n~ll'~.t:ii ~,. 'IrV Ii:!'~il: ii<lll' ~IU J' ~i"",~ ,--..·...:.,·d~··--."" nor ._·evew,opmso ,a_ reV()Ii,(!I,U01l"" . .. ",: dI~..·.··.'!I[··,···I':'1 .. ·'1 ".... '.: ..:..'1.· D()t-,_V5
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~[t'iIIW'\D, IU_~U\1. ~

iAL.e11fli UJ.J~-"

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of the' United Smtes, is, a ease' in. pillti_nt. 'T(~mj3:m~n:t "the cancerous gtO!\vt1b. OlE disobed.'~emres~~'~' does, not make 'much tt'~!C'e- 'l'II'nll.lH:'~ one ",~(!Ii1"Ii'~"i',~~ ,..,'Il.. .... ,. ,ii'~r 'U1·e·-'~ili·'!:' 'nttrw.·· 't""If-~' ulL;;j.J;~." Ul_yL ll:v" ,1 "u. .I_I~ "II~i·W'·· oiIJIn·, .. __: ent ~~:." . iU'~,~ . [~,~'iI"'--t'~oIi!i' 19J.·.-."·'-~' " forcem ..__ ":'_:_ '~tto'A'n'''';iQ_~' .IJ1_g,i!l!'~ l!.,g_an U-IU"'- ab 1"~' t_ ·(;,IUt.WLU,~~ :.t~/~ stal'mltes, agalmt drug trafi(:, lrnu,ggi:ng, and 'bllFghlty~ 'Con~g~JJr~QI U' -~


niI"F '!Ir'_.\ ,..•. r,tlO


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-,. [l'FF',Ive tn'_.['-eat to tb'. e ... 0"'.' ..~~- s,w,stem e~ _, .. I' . . '.' UU;:Ia., __ }'.._~..
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'n'ri'\'!ii'll"i,v ~OllLlJl





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;sidering that the' chances that (crimi'nal [(:tEEendef5 in ,these categories win never be' detected ,at all are better 'than nine ~(J[ O1],e and thart onlY' one m ,3, hundred wUI [eVEr go to jaU~
ii." ,. well~ :is eve'Iy I'fMon



m..41 Il., ee S;ilifPF.1Sw,tllllJJJt



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,~f 'U;lU,_uit~l..= _= =_ . ilJ., A-~I'~,···ti.'H:'~:i"'!',__r,a~:ii[~, Ju~'iI:ii[c e - l\w[~'I'~ halfJ!. ef.Ii. :",,1] -~_m,~s-', '0" reoone- .. .. " !I.'IU! th r-..... d. "'lUi~ "",1:;~.:Iii '"lIn.' ul. ,l;.i1itVlill'!i.O "rNh'~'''''h '''lIi'lW''b,.. d Jl"'''''' ~ ,~eW"eF.' than o;ne~quatter a,I'e cleared by' ,a'[I\~,t, 'Nea:d'" hallE'
_IILUU, "'-L _. _~_~!!;,I
.~ ,j __ .... 'lUI' __ ~ 1I!";.~=_'W;,,o.

~h,e President's
. '"' ¥ I!;;;dL

wo:rse' than i'& ]S" (Aooordmg

Comm.wss.iion"'i;1 A


to. the

~,[g6, report ,of ]Errn.rouement, and

'II! _ ~~~!;"

U.lL ""






'~i'[o9Iiilt :'"''lr[Ii"ILC.t:iI

"o"~:,.11 'I arrests . .. "_ Ii. 1~,1I __ 1I~1~~

,11,. t_h OU,B'~1l e w[ele enpgeo- ..ll w

-tI"F!if!'illlli[: ~,~U.~,~

-~'rrn [- L'BI


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d ism ,'"'1·!E.~'JIil ,o~,·1i:iI.."~[I": ~~ ~~\:ai!li'"~~,~ 1II'j, Jl~'1i! ,I. co, ."_"_lIJla I ,. .. id ,. In a, :nat~,QnWl'e [exper.i[m,e~n.'c, to





,lind ,_0., ,. ,. m~nlVrJO:ten'tia.~, crli_'mina]J:~tbat:m; neoele -- out how '-J ll"' .....~. .~--"---~'" rrL. ~~ '. '1 b rae 'W 0 are :pFev1en;[e _ i-It om, ,oomm:u'bll,g' crimes on 7' -;J '11.. h dl ..JI "'" ~ f-' i ..... ~-I '. '.' • " ,~Itm~nt :II:OTU' 0.' tne 1-' a,w:-actuiu.~,y existm a gt,VfO SOCIE!:t""

':-T'h --'resuus ,'L",', ._ .e .......[', '~+."'" ,rna:, noll).''to. "', enOOUI,aS:log ~ ,;i"t,.. ne mose W,nO 'Ii-.,.;'~,.li ·t-'b--·3J!., ,UOIU all criminal impulses are abe~n!'o:n~.tba,t is~are the i:m~
c, .. ·· .. ·,'"
r : ., ...... '. ,[ -._;.,



I, .



pulses of :men.'tally slck :p"o:p~,e acting' under dIe compnlsion oJ: the'ir illness, The sim,p,le and rather frigh,tenin:g truth is t~b3JJt. 1lJJnOe'fcircumsranees o[{ legal and social per...,

"""",,,,'" .1 __

-'m1i;fi~~I'I~'An·.AC!~ eople p , . Jl.~ ... T,.. _ ,.!!GOlI .... ' ,~11 . ,.."iU!g(~~,~ 4I!,

b-ehavior . 'w·,·'ho· UJ -" :",b. under ..•




'~w· e'l·'n .I.1!,II,

Dn~~ -',~,,,,,,;i!jf""

1"0:'[ . c.:..:



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18, '1":0' m'!l;llisb Ju.diiee' .. '. "

,0,'" ,'i~.,~, 8'" p.,

MJ14w ~,'",d' 'O-rd~r',Reco~,d(lcfed~ 'J!tepllirt ~f du~Task, 'Fo...roeen :Laity' :af!id. :La,w ,En£o:r:-remenit to the N'arnonal CGmilii!l:i~~'1l on ;We [Ci'i;uses lind ,P,re¥enti~ul (1,£ Violemoe,. n.d.~p, 166\0

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:~, :Ho:nlbl,e' examples o,:f this ~!If'uth 'w,er.,e':pre,sented duii'DS' dIe ~ ,camled 'U'A.usclTh,witztrial" ~n. C~nn~fiY lor 'W~06~ 'IPro~~:i~,gs, see' 'Be!i",~d Na~m~;n~~,,I._h~-$t"'ln~,i~'z~ York!, ]1966., The deTe~da~Us; 'Wler!e; 'N'ew ~rt: :11-nd £ 1 0'; lW~,LiOrame ,Citi'es~ ~~;"'C~'QU It........·· ~~O'UL 2!~ ~~ ;',~, le ble ~,.,'"",u;~I;u ~~~"..:I ~'k. ~, 'iJlJIi!!,'=-= _' ~~i!lL~~:'.;U e 5-29.. mea :po~:i'~e-d, drue camp between 1'9-1:'0 and 1M!i,. .An iIl)(f: tbem at Wf~' ohar~dl, 'wj.t~, murder, the only' ,oJlira:n5e wbicb j ~ '~9r6i.8~wbe~, the' tr-ial be,pn~ 'was not oo~-'eiredJ,bry ~~,e ,statute' of l~f[litatioms:.. A.usdID,wmtzwas 'Ih,e ca.p' 0;( s,YSJIDema~it 'exu:~rminadon!, but tbe' areoeir.:i,~~ aJm-Q~t aU th,~' accused had eommlrred had D(lJ;tbi:Gg di) w.i~h the: ((mer. :'0'1[ ~fue i"lnarn, solution": 'I~e,if O'~:mlif:S 'were :pu[li~alble' under , ,'. ~~ _WiI'~ an ,d L~ rare c'~i5. nernetratoss . ~ . "1'~r@' actuaU",' l 'N:il!Dl~c _~n. .'~ :r ~. . ses SoU _ ~ p ~Iv.' ~ . ~~. . ~ ~ _ ~. ~ . - .. ,pun__iJbed, by the N azl ,pDlve:tilm~(~t,These dcele-~~dan.t[jhad not be~n, ' :~pe£l~:~~,y selected :~O([" dUI~)fat an ex,te:r-.iil!Jlad!O(I]J GUll,p~; ,they had oome to A~sth-w,il~'Z f@iT Ito, other reason than 'lha~, they ~1ere unit fOT .nita:ry service, lJl'.a;r'~I'~y o[ tb~nl ha(~ a, (f,i:m:i!mal r~oo,r.d of :a:m, ~:ny' :S~irt,~ and :f.Hnl~ o~''~e.m a 'f~oor-d'o~ 5@,,~U5m 3Jlld, '~urd~r,. BdO~ th~y had rome' 'to Ausc:b'w,~b a:llld dlllWr~:ng the 'eigbooe'll, ye~r,s, :~ey lblad li~~dJ :In :pos!lw,ar i(}er.,many ~ ~heJ had been respeetable ,and l-,es,pecood dtUeIi~, 'undJsti mpW:S~ii]l~e:[[rom, '~:be~f'llei,plbor&,
I' ~i'~ iiII'I1i iI' ~~

:58 The

;al~,u$ion :i!S, m.1{Jo the mU~iom·dO:~I~r ,gra~~, mtlJ:))e 'by me 'Fiord :rFiGu:ndati\flln .1:fQ,r ,sJt~dffies '01' Idle ,[pulbUc"s mJ;did~D~G ~n d\~ ~i't:Ui

]ud;idal precess,' in OO,fi1J!tW.:3!5t 1.'0, 'Ii.~ i'SU'rv~' ():i' ]~,W'·~n£Of(:~FJit !l)ffi.., dall'i' 'by f:~ P, G~am~ 0£ me' r-~,~w' Yo[k, 'Tim~~,w:hidli w,ith, 00

Copy rig hted m ateri al

e,B,I:SE:S, (i),F T DE B,EP'UB,LIC:

dal prnooss~lbtlt the s:lmpJ,e ,fact wa,t (7,i;wiDaI acts us uaII" ,hav,e :00 legal, oomeq,ueIlCts, wha;t$(Jever',; they' ,ilIIt·e not '01'~ db" d.~ ,;"L. '1'~ ",owe-'_ I'y JU- ~ .'a] precess;' O' me o .... ,~aH"_;one' must ~ aslii, Kl_~ ...0 h ner h d' ·wbat. would happen iE ~ltCie rnlweF' wer-e 'resb)iled to the ~.r· c~ r're~~b[e ,po,iDJt where' ,frOID 160' to '70 per cent of an, Icrhn~ in.... 111 P-'F..-n.p r1I.1J,,;l cleared 1l..", ~~~.-t ' ,g:lIJLU ,I"p.-\F.v,r-..I"IlJ,. ~~,....,.~'II, c_Jt!taJi, vtJ,~-~;;:I~ "'" U_) !lbS, j udged, Is there an "I' doul~t that :it w(1ilddl me'ln, the collapse of. the' ,alFle,ad.,.d]SiStrorusly 'C)lver'bunlened courts and w!(ru],d have ,qi: ~.. t'e~n:'i'~l,in'"conseq .anences_. £or '_' - a --- - '._....badlv Illite -. - - -~'," -,It!:Il . . \. .. '_ - . - .. tbe, iu~'t: as _'-- .-". - ~~ ~ , ~_. .. .1 ~ £,...'. ,b ~ '.' '-. over I . ..1" :prlsoo, ,s,YSlem.r'~ w·",.:,iUJElt is so. L!I,,~giliLtenlng :II}, the oatil/eo '.~ 1... . present si:ltu3J.tiofi is :no:t iotdy ,the failure of pollee power :pe:r se, bu:tr; also tbait to Jemledy' tllm condi.lj,on, '~adiodly

aQ~·Ii"C''O~: Tj]re'fIA H' _,-,'I!;p


6 V_'"





brr .' ch s of r'b,.'system.. ". neancnes 0 me ~ ~i .'1 ",', ,.'~ The answer ,of the gover.nm,en'l1 'to ,thi5,,~and :ro sjmU3iI'~" obvious. breakdowns of public services, has illi.variably been the cre3,d,on of :Study.' commIssions; 'whose Ean,tasd,c proUferad,on in '[,eGen:t Je,I'fS has ,p'foba'bly made thie 'Unit-ed, S:tates the' most researchedcou n trv earth ~ .._o U.u .' .1. UI~ l-=U 0' ~Q_,UJIP. N··· doubt commissicns after soendi,uUlg m:UCIJ!II,Dlll!~ ,.,'~ 'd', money In n ·t"~ -- an,.-, ~ -~~"-,.-,",--~. , 'r .... ·
~. ~_ _ _ - - V~ __ ~ __ ;_ ~ bU.

, ~ ._ ~... ,~,~d'~--'-c,if.'~~ .t:-~;Ii..,,---, ,- -l...... ~ ... ,.,.'mll "', '. ,," won '~ld speu .'.,1~3]Sllie':r ror t~:~ese otner, equatJ[!t' , lmpo.nan:t


,oi"'iillili YJLI;


yr.. ---


,_'U ''',~

-....-...,1· .... U~,W:"1' t'OI U ..'.

(a, piece' ,of w,i;sdom,that. ev!e'D made the' NiiffW YOl,1t Time:s:!'s '!~Qu.otati-on o.f. the D~I',,;l~)-, often come up ..' w'·iif.h r'D,-;o}i:!'oo' -, '~I'''',ail' able m,ell,dati!ons,. These, however, are, ,acted on, but, 'ill;JthJer", re s'Il,'bjle~ted to ,31 n,e'w panel of researchers, WhaJt. a ... ,111 th ... -,-",-.. ',~ L,.--:c,: ,~-·d:1--. _. -, iiUJJ, -ue comnusssons nave - lLD. common ,IS ,a._f'S',pera,ne an.em,pt to ,fi:lld oue 50meddn.,g' about the' "deeper causes" of 'what ..,
.. . -.. '[11'

you 3;re' :to, :sldl:er from, serious malnutrition


find O'~'iirt' t,l."~lt- J~,t~·L ,poV,lle:r yollJ. ,are,~, r-ibje- ,,mOlie.. ,ill ,e'1 ..., - - ' '~~'k" .. ]-, .._ JJI_a, 1Il,~e ,__ ,








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research te-am eame fPO' the l.,.h'll:i; ... ~""' nd. ,~_y_~ n ~j:~'~"\'!i;il·· oi'T': ,·~~'na;l· I!o!!_ __._ 'i'i,;:i..... U!!!~ ... ith:'i!I! "".~l_mlu_ ;~:II :bl4 of ,oo\ftoer~ albou~ being !Pii;n~wmed WS C3!U~j:~ ,3; majot and. ,hn,~, m.edi.3,U,i! nj)sis.,~" see Tom, W,~clk.erj,!.rCrlwe alilJd, tlle CoUl"il~,~'":in th.t1:, :N'ew' 'VOlt, Tim~'i' AprU, ,~,9'(!l.
__ _ _ ~ _"" 'I!P """'" """~ _
,'Ii1Ij!, ........ I!;"





nAp,.r;J~1 ft ..



'II Iii

tiir....",~ . ::J't.. U';I!

Copy rig hted m ateri al

ever the problem happens to ·be---especiaU',· if' it; .is, the nroblem nf': 'V'Iolen ;t"--'~'iIiIld" t'.ji'i"!il~' !Iii-d" eener" '~'~'iI,[lQS-' l*i 'L,tI" r ·u.:".'-·~.,l&~I'~~~r~~'









,i, , :18, ""'J- too iu

d e6niltioD.; concealed, the ,final'l',tc8uJJt olf :silCh. team resew.


'b -It.. '. ...11 nut h 'Y,pot_uf-SlI an d-' unoemon ... I; u'. ,sttaooa, th,emy~The :olet ,el,ett is tllalt. research bas become a substitute for action " and, the "deeper m'Uses~~ ,Dil,e overF'OW,ins: the' obv:i,oos ones, 'W hleh are frequentl y so s,;e tha!t :00 "serious" and, "leamed" person ,could be asked to give tbern any attention. To be' sure, 'to find. 'remed]es lot' obvious s:h.ortcomlng5 does not guarantee solution 01 'tbe' p,roblem; 'but 'to :l1I,eg~.let:t them means that tbe 'problem w:ill not e'Ven be p'lii(~perI'y defln;ed,,38 Research has 'become' ,3.\ (liE. e'va~ion~,and. this has 5ur:e:~.ynot helped dIe al..
if onen

,,:1:.. .' :O-(h,iiln.g'

read V underm in ""..11 ... tion if'ii.f- 'iIl'C)' ," en ce ~~ -."_.. J.' !~~.:.~~~~~~ .. ~~~, ;S.:ill,(!' disobedience and. defiance' OlE, ,authorit.Y' are s'U.c'ba gen.enl mark. of OU:f :~Jme~ iSi 'tem pming t-o 'v,i,ewrci,vU. dIs,.. it. 'b nenee as a. mere s!,pecia~ case, F'rum, .,.'1:","'it- s 'YlI"fW-' " '~ ~ one d'·' :me pli'n't~ the' law is v iola,ltoo, by the (ivi],~n.o less,' than tbe crim .. , i'na' ~ dl.b()rbedierU:~1 m,d., it Is understands b~.'ethat poopE,'e,~ especjaJly iJ they happen to be' la',wyers", shou1dl $USpeClt. t:ha;'t
,B'p'li11'., ..... ,~!Iir ..y,~I~;[~.~.~
I~._ ,~ •..




[ei'v,n disobedlence, preclsel y because it, is exerted In public, :0 3't the root of the ,criminal 'vilr.:iet.y'ata~an evidence and .,.'IJ,. i" d- '. If argume-ll:~ to me [[onil8!:ry nO',;wlu~,~-m--,_~'n.g:!1 eVTnence- _ :.;'O:r "'d'



Copy rig hted m ateri al

"to demonstrate
totV !II!

"!IiI 'Ill III I~

'n'f"O"]?: J['iIb·.-,_ ..~~~~

ensit.. 'U' [.. t·-·.......,.,..:r~~4 er rim ,/.

IYn·~~li1 '.:

thart acts, of civil disobedi.eIlioe ,"," ~ lead

.i:!I,;:i' :_"_ ~

is~, n-' nt 'U1'!'n-I'':;'fil'iiln:!:'f'!l'',A1i''i,t'-!ilj' .. ~: r_'_'~fu~unl~ ~,I_IV.-

but sim:ply n,onexistJent~~' A),though. it is true that radilca],

movements and, certainl Y revoludons ,atb,a,ct !crimmru, e'],emen'tsJ, :it. would. be nelther oorrecC: nor 'wise to equate 'tile' tw(~; imifiiaIs, are as dangiffous 'to' 'p(:,ti.:tit'a~, m~fvenlen-q, a

as, ,they are' ~o ~ociety- as, a. w.ho·~e~ 'oweover~, w,bUe chril dis.M obedience may be' censldered an, indli,Cldon ().f' a s'~gnjJficaD:t 1'008, of the ~aw~rSau.tJ1or.i!ty (dlougih it can ha,Idly be sew as ,its ca use), criminal dl~obed,rn,ence' .is,n.otb,iog more It'bao 'the

:inev,iltablie' icoDs-equ,ences of a dlsaserous erosion oJ: pOU~e

compeeence and, power" PI'Opnsals :fur.' :pIF.obin,g' the "crim .., ina] mind," either 'wldl Rarswaich. tests, 0["' 'by Intelligence 1'11oe'v be len 07' a'm'..,. -a u:t ~ ~ '"""d' .... ".. w" ;f;.I'Ii,-U-T'i;..Ji sin ·1·'~iI-~1i" b !I!. " i +00'" '!.I--.--J' _, IL.&'b' !!J111li~ 1;,.
~'~j'''C;' iilJIIL!Ic' J..Lli
,![II .,


-_-"n j. : '....

1t< 1,,!lII!.


....,'I!.. " if' '. teWiniqu-,es, ot evaseon,

A= ,n..IJl,

.' mcessant

til ,I.: d ,uO'W O,~ SOp h"" ~~ 'lst~ICatle,-~





:b.,pothleses about the m.lnd-dds most elusive of' man's pF,o,perties~~ the criminal submerges the svHd,,&ct that no
one is a,bIe' to catch his 'bQdly;., jus't

sum,:ptian of poli(lemen~:s ~'l'alent negative a uitm:wdes"" covel,S

the ,b,pothe:tical


up dl,ei'l' overt :o,egad.Vre record in sol V'i'ng tr.~:mes,."l Ci;vi] dis>obed'i,enGe arises, 'when. a :si,gllificant number o,f
ei;tijt!o5, na:v,t become convinced either that the normal ,e'han-ne'ls, of change no longer functlon~ ,3'nd,,p'Jiif-vances wiU not: be bea'f'd. (lrr acted. upon, or dl3.t~om the ICOru,[a;ry:~ ,tile' government. Is aboue 'to change and has embarked upon and penists, ln modes, .of. action whose 1,egaUty and ,oo,DS,dm,-, li.CJrllaU.-ty '~Ulle pen eo grave dou btl' Instances are numerous:: o

:sev;eDyears 'Of an undeclared ,va:f:in Yietturrn;

i.DOUeIIl,ce; ,of secret



Slgen-cies (XU public affairs,; open or - L '.' II :'i ..,...:il .. :Ii-. ~ tllll1l!.;Y ve~U:I;U,Il'F.,earts 'to 'iii lb t jd iernes ll1fuaraJu:ee: d~1UlL _fT t be Flint 'd . Am-endm,ell t;: anempts to deprive the' Senate oE. its cons,t~,tll"
4fi T - 1:".. :r..t' :L ='-~.. 0 ~t;~u' ', ~ . " J~t~e~ "", ~~~ Q'P~~d,,I!'p., 110,9.,

S ,dnd ,Order

aeetln~idere4\!1 ,0'" d't .., Pi, ~g1",

Copy rig hted m ateri al

ti'OD.ll :powersJ 'foUow'ed. by the P'residen;t"s! invasion of ,Qun,bodia, in open disrega:[d for the Consd:ltntioR:I' w:b:ilt'h ,e'xp~ y requires congressional approval fer the be,gin:niDI lcld o.f: a 'W,afj: 110;1.'W mention the Vice :PI,ts,:iden:esl even more . ." [.... ." d usenters as " ,I'ViII_I'tures" ..... ommous reterenee to resisters anood'".' .and 'parasites' 1[,vbomJj",,"f ,can afford. 'to separate ~ ,~
,;; 'i oi'




O-U' .....r soclery.n' ..,w, 11 ,1lI.V .' . ~ "~tl·t..'~in.


more regret than

. Vii . ..,""

_ _ __ __ _

'W,f ._

should, feell
_ _ .

olver' dlsc3:rdin,g rotten apples from a, barrel ~J'~,a. "e'fm'nee' 'that challenges n'ot ord.y the'£ the 'U'niled States, but ,.J. 4i2] L. _A,,. ~ "'~ every' '11f'i"'::ij'1 Q;riuer~:: n. otner 'WO:~~!,~c],vh di b d"If:':Pce ,~Je6g r isobe
can , be. '_ .

necessary and desirable p['e~eTV:aU.on Of '[,es;tor,~'rion ().I'the

m n ,e, U ed

to .

necess a. J' and desi rable . ... arv ._. '. J[ _.

ehanse ---- ~,-,

or 'to ."" -

statw.. ,fJ'U;o......he ,. 'n.r-eserva;fon , of. ':r'!,uhu. ,0..... it,., , under' t .. ,r ..,ID,.. Urlll:ar,-;'I'ruteed, , ,.., ..... ']. . ,loa the ,F'i:rr;st .Amend.m,ent~ 011" -the restoration of the 'p"oper balance o··~ ,Ipower in '"1:'1;.,0;::;; P"RI;!J:wf,m'-:··· ent which ,;~',~ " .. m W!I!illIL.. ~ .. .L .. .. 1 lUI!!;.;. 'O~'I1' , .. ... 11 Ul iI,"l· J'·;e·o·'I,'b:ed .. by the IE"X'ECurI1W,'Y,e branch IS, well as by the enormeus :p,owtb, of fed,aal 'po~wleTat. the expense of ,;"'rights In neither we can ,civil ,disobedieu,c,e be ,eq'lll3l!tro 'with, dis,.. ,
!!;.oJL !!;;,.U~~,. _ e.


There :i's all the dll;'elen.ce in the world between 'Ch,e ct,iminal:~'s, 3rV(lil.din,1 'the pu:bli.,c e'yc' and rhe ,eivi1. disobe...11,: 'ir ;, 'L. t, '" ..:III.,. C"n,"'" ...uent"s titJ""ln,g tw'~e'II ,a'w InW,!litIS.' own. ll...-:J... ~" na:p,w In open ,ut;~JJce~
iii .....

h-' tile ..liol!i ... __ ~+I:O-' ef 'law' 'F\P~ n~ .... it,,~,t4!!!.!!J,'v.,~,1 'u~, i:"'.11,'" T·_ J~'~ d~:I~I~["[tn~n between an A'~ni ''Il~I;·0111~.·ffifiYIIl ·h~ formed In public,i and. a, elandestlne one' Js so !laringly 'lb.. 11 d1L. '" di :lU ,().uV:UlltS ,uUtt :U: can ee 11'~,ILlect~., OIly' LI'y' :pF.elu~Jte 0(1" :U!L,
'''_;'!,..IL' __ ~ "-'i!,.
~!& ~~_



'~i. ,~,






wlU., ,[I; is n,Orw' recognized by aU ~e~dou$ writers on the sub,joct, and elearl Y' :is the :primary condition for aU a t,tempts, 'that, ,argu,e :fo:r the oom.,padbUlltY' of civil dis obe diieiocc' 'wi:th,

la',w' and, the- American


i:n.s'tiltutio[1Ws,!l)£' gov,t:11lm,tnt;; ,1f'0'Tt+.

Tl:!'e ,N,mJl ,rof,ku's maim,)!, b:ttU~'Jltoo:mmenu on the :ad0l1'l'il.istta. t]:On,~salmost op.elli},oo~'I,emp;t ,0£' i!llis ,oolJ:nlry"~, oo:nsdlrUltiQ~aJl and l~.p1!. "'til' ,j"T··' . IIIfi.., . - f' ..lL 'T-. ~~ OOJlOlD" are '~~Q;aLy 11 reeom.I . " 'O:!I!,~r~ .ro us . _:"wlfi. '0;: ene ,. Own' :mf1'LdedJ~ .
- -.,;I""" '..

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~'iv,_ d isobedIenee :;,~nonvio'. , '1"] ].mm ~and. i-t follows that ~i:C[.VU disobedience is not. revol u .. lioo,. ~ ~ .~ The civi1. d:isobedient accepts, 'W hile tbe revolut.ion1ary· rejects, tile' frame' OIf le.sta.b~ish.ledtlu:tbor.i.~ and. the FI1 f.Tid ~e,giti'-wa,cJ· f. the system of ]aws,.·~·';u'This second o disdnctioo between ehe revolutionary and the civil. d.-~ obedient, so p~.a'llSlble' at first glance, tum's out 00 be m.or.·e to· sustain than the distinction bet"I'een civn. ,d:i~ obedient and. criminal The civil dlsobedient :shares \\tilh the revel udonary the wish ~.o ehange the world., u, and the' t cbangles, he. w.iS:h~ to .attamp,1i·sh. can be drastic :indeed-,as.~ 'IM' lmtln'ce'~ in. the case of ·Gaud.hi, WJHl Is .:!I.wa."sq_uoted. ,as tbe''Ot-· - -" example ,- in ithis context, ef no.nv~,f)~,-.,,.. '(D'~d 'm:ea:t " , - -- ,-. _, " " .I., . enee', . "I." Gandb-i 8.OO-'Fl..--'--c· H.L....",," :, fit til u:~me'·o.· If'Sltau,w.lLS;CU ,B;.UtuOI'lty:!... WlllCU "f ,-.' l!..l~-h--""..:l] --, -·L. - ", 'I!..~,'IL..
,Llll~;;''''I!;;,iJ!'' ,'" !LoUiG]i~

H~~C;a."", ,•!.;LI~I~f't'~r!~,+-i:.... .1 ,0.'" ,Ea


.n,f': 'U




__ "" __ 'I!..I!!;,;








c· ,~ " ' . c

•• ~

was BritIsh. 'rule' !of' India? Did he respect the' "general

lfgi.d:maq· of' tb.e s;ystem of law:s:j'~ ·the eo:~.Iom.y?) tn

'~'O't"L"ij'og remains, ~_.I, -I~I:~, __ & 1~.I_U.__ <,

'~~T.hi~p01 this world. are in. so constant. a Dux. that


]Oill'lil""·Ii n the satm' \I:IlO 1.1~1l;




u ..



sta 'PW~'i
~ ~-. ~

"'0' jlj;.;J!-!ll, '_.'_ ,jl.ll.. ':III:! ~-~,., CDn-- ·~~'~~~l' 1t'.'ii'lIIif"B' ~~,~.IJ~I

'written 'bll Locke abour: three hundred '(J:ttered tnday~ .tit wo'U1d.sound Uke: the' u:ru:len;tat,ern.,en:t ,of' the: century, Sdn.~ :~.t. ma.y f€·m·i.nd,us' :that change :15 noe a modern phenomenon, inhie:r;ern j,D ,8. \\Tor~d. inhabited. ,- A ," L. '" ~.J...u ana esta 'b'I·' 1- "",..:I b b .. ~,~]S!t~!tu. ~Iy iL eemgs, wno vo:m,€ mto n, ,v,7
.. ~ - }' . . ~~ . -~ ... ~ -. ... 11'·· -. - ~:. ,II
1 -

I·fvears aao were

b'· til as ~b,an~! a:p:. n,e:"'fco,m,ers';'i,[O~J' t ne new' ones, as d (11 ~(Ij_'r~,_.~. .. '1.1.:' "h e G':' 'b. us eau t b- e ~,-I~: ·.: .) a:nd", _i:pa:rt' ,~om .It Just )-'1 d '&: """ t_ "~reel ~,~'.-<:"::,' y01Ulg~,











·.~L:.~ ..




'r.• !f·.... .o;!!i'fi, ,",U,'!I,;iLil

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",L;Q-V .h'~lI~,iiI; ":Ii'M in L. !L1l1l~:} ¥~ g..,.'"1,] ......

__. __ ~~.~ ~-_._~~~ '~M

ire d

',B . " l!tt!!;..



'e~'p; rien ,~. :c e "'. ....




;nd ,'Iui_.

,iii-~'-m~;11"ire-: ,~:g", ,d i il,g

'l~'t'tl!' I

that 'ma1-:-~ .~n.~tai""l

1F'fII,IP '~liI!'~ !IW ~~-!iil

~D.'JII'~'~:""i' : ~'. _ ~UJ.~

1;'1: ~I_

em .,'.n: ~" 1: ,~11J'lCbe

~'!lIIi&;r;cii:a"[!o ,10_,_, 'Ii,",,~


the w3."s.01 tb.e worl1d.. ~'~W'ise men" have play-ed. various and sometimes signlfiWlt roles in human, the' but point. is tba·t they havle ,allva"s been old men, about 'to dis..
,'" ·C·ald Coh~llJ 0;" c{t"',1 pm 8.~

.cslA:u:b;, The ,Second T:re(J.~~ke' GoveJ'nm'tJ~t~·No.. :il.5·7.,. .~,.

Copy rig hted m ateri al


p\f\oxi"mlt.y o.f depa;rtJlI['~,cannot rule a worldl exposed eo the 'OOIJr15tlnt onslarug'bt. ,of the inexperi,emce and ~ili£oo,!}:ishness~~
If: d It " ·"1[",.... 11 L, w.u;~~Q'ut tQ't,ette.larteu II" 11 _..:!II] or newcomers, ano ,., is 'I,d~Jjy ...I~~ail;, " L t~l:~~ condldon of :111atali ty' and mor:taUty', w'111m guarnnkes change and makes the rule' o,~ wbdom lmpos:slbhl!j,~ the human race would have become e'x,tin,ct. long ago ou:t of


L ... ,-~: JILW,,,," , u\r. IU. t:l..i;iI, 'w~nr--~fii, ,i[II.ll)m,

'T-', h-:-I<;!!r"r' 'W, 1,,_'U' I" accu Ired _ __ ehe I~-m', in, ' _ I!;;J[ " -,'~'!f'd," ,UI,

'bu:t the vle:~,iocitJ of dlanp Is not, It varies ,gread-y from country 'to ICUOlltrY'i!' from century ,t'O cenwry~ 'Oom,:pared
with, the comi:ng' and going' of the genera:tiolls,~, the. :Oux

unbearable boredom, ICha~ lis constant, inherent in, rhe human (loD,d[ti(w~,


'the world's; n:m:in,gs O(!CUD so s,I~Jr'vly 'that the' 'w(Jf~d,offers an almest stable :babita;1t: 'U) th,o&e 'wb,1j) ome' and sitary and :go~ c Or so it. was ,('0([' d:u:Jusands ,()f yea'rs~irn(:'~udjng' the leaII,' centuries OlE. 'ihe' modern age, when :fir;slt;he' :notion of t mange' ,(or change 'I :Sab'~, un,d,er the name' 01 p,T'O~esS~, made its, appearance. Ours is perhaps the' 'fiot century' in, w:b;~c'h s,peeo of ,di,ange in. the things of the' wodd has the outstripped the change of. its mbab:itanb" (An ,alal'1l1-l-og :S,ympt:OIU of this; tuma,boutt is the ~reftdlUysl1rrlnking 5,pa;n o-f itlu!'generaelons, From the' tra.d'iti(iw.na1 standartd of tb'ree 'Of' f'out gen,er,af,oru ,to D, C€n.tu'fJ~,w,lhich corresponded te a, "nartU1raJ,~I~,gtn-etail:iom
_ ,~_, __ _ _ _!Y

gap between
It\fil; 1Ij,.-'V .

fathers and sons,


'Wl~ have

now come to the poillt where :four or five ye,,of d;lil-e:reooo ]D'. :~,~ are :S~'il:~""~,e.··:nt, establish 1'1O"::I'm" berween ~Lle·:a,'le-t"i,~\ .. Ii!IIllt,.,.~.. __ . ;;!Oa _ .1".,., iO'"'"'lf" n' e.m '~n.. ~ t[uus,,) Bu:t even under the ;extuordimary c1JDditi.ons.--of' the

lw~mtiedl ,centlllry~, which


make M,arx"s admonlt;_,on 'to

change the 'wor~d.sound ~.ikean exhortarlon itOi ca.-rry coals to Ne'wtasd,e it can :hardl1y be' said itha:t man's appetite :faT.' 'Ii.. t..., '1;.. '·'Ii ;, ICliang,e t, IC~.UI[,e1- d h is :O@@l) :11.);)1' S:talJ,i,Ia,:~:tY". I' lS w,e1- 'I 1!. has 'e~· n ;'..1 ~:t'.' • snown tha.t. th.e most radica]J, rf'Volutioll:a;ry 'win become a CI)DSe'rva .. d,ve on the' da,y ,aftJer the revolution .. O!bviously" neither 'm3l11"S,Icapacilty' for change' nor bls a,piiliCi:ty' lor :pl:ie1e"l~ltion, is, bO'UDd'~"esSJ' ,the lotme:t.' being milmi~edby tbe' f:'Kte:llsi,(,)ll, of.'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

the' past into the peesent--ne man, 'begins lib [OVD-,md the 11 - iH;.:.;" ~::-':' 'II!-t-.:~ UU., .relJll~.",",a.,~w.,[ 'I ,o:~ u"",. f,~'i1i.:U"f'[a M·•. '''"!Ii'III"I['~e,lc~'T.fQiIi .I.U"" ,f~, ,1L~b:.~r uy UII.~ ::'ii'fj;'P" ,.:::_..:aI''!''i'"t~'bt~I,~:·tv ,Ii, 1 .' t'L.:::;; C'b311,g'C' and,, need (:0([' :Sta,blility have alw,ays, b~da.ncal ,and
,.1."",., ... ~U



....L ' 'II., d .... ..:Il;. .'L d eneexec eaen ()U;ler~ ,an.: our current

,disd.npisn.les[ between

t~~o fa.ctiomJ' the' :P([!{~gr.e-ssives, and the o)nserv,ati_'ves~ :hldicares a StiUe of ,;affairs, in w:b:icb this
balance has been thrown out of' order, ..

11 111 V!ocalJU.~jru:J~ 'h" '11.., w, j]lCu

:N'o [civ.iUg.'d.o'll:=lbe man-made a:~tifact to :b.ou$,e suecfSshre gene:rado;D~"vould [covet barve been possible with;.Durm: a. framework of stab[~.ity" 'to' pro,· 'l'he '\\fher,ei-o lor
,A'· manners, an d'I .......... ,. ~,. ii ~j;:,~:ru.bon5~ ! ule

,. L more en diU.'fi:ng tnan customs, ou I r"A'lIi:IL"~'V[gll.g,·tIJ!I;J A\'''lj irs IIIJI. -", UUI -lit

tbe :8ux of mange',. FOren1,f)st among the stabUilinl' fa(wrs[~

Is t·s the .II '~'lt: '1~!I!' :inev.~'m'b~.e:dUt'n:~a,\~ .in. a time of' rapid change 'wUl a,:ppear ' ~'~ ,. '" toree, tnus a :D.,egaft1e UiI:R fi...l as, '~'. 1'['e;$;eral'Ol'Pg f~ ·3, v ,Uience m ,a, WOf.!i'u.
·'i'lT-'l'·,[·. jJ.~, ~'iIo '!Ir~

me' legal

sys~elms, that

each 0''''.~.t,.· " ttD.. er

~Ulk_ I, -." ,,1

'T.,egu~~ are'


Ufe En the wm'ld and

.'ti,@.~C!\t"iL'ft 1b~u\I_Jj1 ,I.., -,

""r"~ £.• llll.1Il II. .' . JIW,~






v.ari[ety oE such is'' tems is great, bosh in d:me and In space" 'but ,they all. have [one' th:"'~g ,10,eommon-ehe thing that jus,tiies us in 'u;&io, the same \V,om for phenomena as ditIen!nt as the' 'Roman w:b:icl1 admires posieive
,~·{ii:ti()n,.,~~'t~ The

rh ,,I,,,II,erew" [l<t1I[ral,j:,·~a]lt;, ..L;O .' Hi 'Uj' b ii!I' ~·.L . 'd' ,,. ne I.,;!U:IIS wat 'theY' wer,e des:igned to :i-os;lllf7:e ,sta'bUill., (T,he're:is an .. other g~ne·Ea1.cltaracter.~_Stit of the [a:w ~ that i.t :i:s not uJt.ii.. V1ersaU .. valid, 'but. is eirher te·IT.i_t,or,~}~.~:~,'Y , hound uri as in -HIe' iostiUlce <crfJew,iSo :htJ'.w'~ eUlnicall y 'restr.icted.:; but tbu, d,oG
".x' 'ftL,
_.1, J.!V~'~ :

"'t..... G···· . 'UiIIC':reeJ!i;. . ,'1..

concern us here, Wllct[t both. characteristics, [S'mibUirty and, Ilmi.'ted. 'val[:idi:ty'~ are ,a·bseIDlt.=whele lihe' so-eall ed ~laws,~'of: h iscory [0[ nature, f'Or :'nstall1C'e; as, tll.ey a:r;e m~"

by the head of state, :maintain. a ~'!~eg:Edity'·"1i 'th., can change fr-om, d,ay to day and tbat [claims, 'vaJidJi.'t., ~or an mankltlld,....;we are :in :fact confroo.t~d. 'wi,£h 1aw'lessness", thougb not. 'with anarchy, :5iin~eo(F.d,er [cam be malntalned by means of Icom,pulsll.vf' o([pniZ3J.d.Qn~ The net result, ,at.
,"" '~..i' ...-Ai ,,II:,;Y!,W4L1Ul,



'I ....!'


',I.ii.'.:" !or~'€~~i'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Because of toe u:n.p,r.eceden.'~d rate, 01 cham,!ge'ill. our time , and beeause o,f th.e [challenge' t'bat;, c:hange poses, b) the l,ept

ao,y ra'te'j< is, cr,iwina1 il:a:tion 6f' the 'whole governmental ap-' paratus, as, 'Wiet Imo'iW' hom mtaU tar:ian, ;gOrvemm[en:t.)

-~ '.' 'I!." ...:II '~ .' ";;, L ullgU:lsueu £....... th uvm T,eearner 'notIon 'uilat 'nli~'1 aenon I[":r.. ',1I"e5~ ~ i_'lllIiat, ]$" 8u,:pr,em,e iCourt. dee1Si(lns]1 mn. ilLloience wa:",s of: U,v~ ~ o~~ '8'-·':vf~.I:llV :,I.~~: ~l 'r~V~:~4 I~v.: 00 u.~~ ~R "'ri-n m'"D':~ ~'~",~ nli-:L, Inp~'n ~~:~'~_g :ie,~ m' " e '~ 'L.,_ based ~_n -- a ~".errer a,OOlJlil:: what, ~he law can achieve and, 'whut it 'aIFlio;ot" 'Tl'u~' Iar,w(3'0 ,in.deed ;sm.bU.ize ,and, ],e,plize on:ange once :it has 00-' Wtted~but, th,e chanF j]t~elf:is! ail,ways the iJe:su](t of €tKtra .., I~'~ action - T' ,'0." 'L~ su -,~~, r~~ £;!~'n;~iIO.'~t-iii'lii'f'-nl. "'~~1-,f.' n:mers :-[ -.... a~ .IJJ!""' ~ re, IUII.C: '\#'!u. .• n ..b.y,,,,i/V, ., 11Il,i;:lI~,yUJ _ a, qU3si,,.le,pl ',",,31,Y 'l,o,chWJ.lenge the law 'by bfeaii'pg itJ! ''bgt~ 'q,ui:tft ,apart, fr,na, the' question, of' wbletber or 'R(1jt; sillob breaches are acts O'f d:iso'bedi,ence; the; Supreme ICom :bas the 'fig;ht, to, cheese :amOllJ'lthe' cases 'broug;ht, before i"t,~;and, this choice' Is :im'evita'Ib:~,Y' iuloroted, pu,blic: ~pfi:n:i.on,~, 'The "]l 'I' 'n -- -,~ - - I '___:~ie ~:la1isacrJ,us:et:ts; to rorce a ~est 0_( th h'1. l:ierenlh, puseu..J" In M ~e,p1itJ, of the VJie1tna'm waf'~ wh:ic'h dle' Supreme OJ<ll.nt r-efused to. idecid,e upon,t 'is, ,I, ease in, :Pl,inlt'.. 'Is it 'Dot, obvious that 'tIljs lepl"u:ti1on-:very' sipifi,cmJ't; indeed~w[as theresn'~t,uf tile' ,civil dlsobedlenee oli d'ra:&, 'resistet:s,. and 'dla:t, :its aim was to l.e,ga1lmservicemen's l'Iemsal o,f combat du;£y?: 'T't... W, h-,Q-J!e'b - .,.Jy' iUIl. fi 11 - It, iI,a.OO'F 'ii, -,~,slad,l!;,1,iLiL-,";U;";: r~:.. ",'w !';;'Ou,,,-,~,;]j,, nn n;;~t 'il 1 ;0,...,.. 'iif.e '--'ne : -:00':" ,1II[eg15_~,g;1 ..
A'n[!:!, ,iI!'iiI!tO'Ii'ri'Iii .0 IIhi"'l;, ~fi't!'I

,oF,deEi--.-frolD the side' of 'the gov,emmf'Dit, as w,e have seen, as 'weU as from the :side [of disobedient cid21~:lt, is now' wid-e~.Jheld "that, cballFs can 'be ,efIDocted 'by law:~ as, d~


''h.,..._ -,


- - 'i,




'bar,pi1l' tile ti,gllt to ,orpnize ,and. til' strik,e,,_;was, pte:.ceded b,' deca de s ,of 'rrequen:l1ly 'v:iol.ent. disobedience of what 1ilbi"ma~e1:, 'proved, to, 'be obsolete ~a,W5,.
u lJec'·, iLl,' ," .. ",a--..a'm' , ~_:'~ 'I\Pi-l'll~,ps - _to ......- -n""lh-" A"''m ,.enar L,..,,-v,[ IUle' j ... uF" Y ~-"",eL'_lswry _f: ,1Ii,,1l..feD an [es,peda.U:y .i.mttutti],ve exa'Dlpl e 01 'the relation be-h-" ,h-'- '", .---1G'......



,i!sm1s ,11.1: COr:i~tii'utioti'~1Lal(.r" Rebert

J., :D" 'Hyman~


and dl~' :Fcrur1t~e:~m, A;m:~ndme:n~j,lI'i' , D

JJ'95'7~ :p~


G,~ M'[cClo-ste}tI' ed,\, :New Yo~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:kowever_, t!OO 'rigbJl'.EuJclaim. to be eaUed. di:OObedi~ln!ce·~I'tbecause i't 'w:a;s,run pr-a(l.i~d,in, p~BibiUe.~ :Nh;:hQlas W .. '~ner!il d'e.". p" 6i:t~
fi ,I!IO

~9. h~' w,iides:prea.d T di~'Il)(~di~lla' (~,Jthe P:To'h~bido:ll rlllu~ndmelllt, bait a

RJQibert G,. Md=l~y'

i~. 0"0; dJ~~ :~ 8.51~



,s.t~dy Slatre1)l by Swl~ey' ,M~E1ki~~ N'~w 'York...iJ:95Slo

OiD '6'i'i, bopo:r.~n:t point which, ,e1{p.lains why lent:imd,p~!ti(1Jn had 'C',.,,,,,~,,, ..'Ii.. ',' ,1"".:1.:..1 ;S~u._!i, 'd"" "t~rous oo'~q,. H'@: usas ~~ ". :-,~S "~'fiith~ 'IUW ',;11 ;;,"!I~U\'.s,.,~.' JL>,., ~_,::' " ~~_OOu me ;S,p""OCiwu
, ~ ~ ",,'II.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al


T' H E PER S P' E,C;T ] V E of. V'f!ry rapid ,ehattIDse ;sugg~,'ts, ;i,'L ,th ~"j:' - - -- ,__ .._- '" ",v' y '~"d 'Y1M it ere is --,ev'err 'I ~'i~ l'"L, -dl ,flJS..if' .h,W.oo,_, 0,f-' B, pT-O,gF.,e;ssl_e -1 e~_,pan~_-


in" FOm}€: ,fOf civi]_ disobedience in ~,~ ,~'modern demoera .. cies.,~"ll If ~'~(ivU diso'bedw,e'nce'.lis here to stay," as m:my have come to beUeV'e~'the q uestion of j,h, vom"pat.ibU.i:ty' with the bl'W is of prime importance, tbe' altSw!er' to if; maly welJ de~ ~,.:!I..., 1.. :a... :a... "' "'" "n erne W,lIiEt!lie'ror not tne ]Dstltutlons, (llt 11 ;t.... JJ.l IX'rty WI1JJ, :ptfove ftexlb~.eIf'll,oH,g;h iu survive the'ht ;of ,chan~e withou;1l; civil war and, wit.hout revolurion. 'The lieerature 00. the subjiect, is mcl ined to argue dle case for ci'V]_~,disobedience .nin, the il'IL\;O. F'IIl"':."IC"iio ~: __ ent '!'jJj,AI_ Ul,', ,~g!l,;u ", 'n'~¥'II",O'w'ur,"",Ii'n-... li'jIif 1~!t~:1!;;, .!Ir ,~.~ ....... Am endm I..... Il.,; aU, ..... b'" 'V·w~_~ 1I~
,Q,~~" _.

.1_ ~

.', c '

_':tt;'rng" ~I_ Il~:';~',

I'_ iJ..... 'IAi'Q,~,~1 0- 1ft. "~ ~~~IC'Ui. '" ,Il

1lJ".;, "',~


,.:iF.... ·p- - !'jJ,'il'IIA,;.;4!i!~ ~A'~,WJ:U!rcU

~'n-i..::ll _'iIil:t'a.>tI.:!'; ar ,a, U. 1~,It',",,\;""1L 10' .!l:i' I,,11111,",t.i

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bope' ... ·~tbat.furure Supreme' Court decisions, 'win ,R new tll.eoTY as to [ie] pbl£lel';~'~ ut dIe' First A'melldmen,t; B :-:~ll-'~'~·~"""f--",---'- -, UnJJ.y un-",~- ~lllYOCu , ~ en d S ,"'1"'-11.- . 'i:~th--,~ freedom . ,.i'"iI;ii: ;o:i'P-: ...1:-. ~In-'d: it: _ --;aq:,--:"',~-\.:-, . ,u,ef;UIU', u,1L _ 'the press," w,h"et:,eiS, the ex'cen-I: to w.bicb, "the right of' the peep 'II,;:;; neacefn__.u,.! Ji.,n assem b\'"W.:_ e ;oj;,II'1Jj,-d-1 '...... , '-P' 'e' don rhe 0"'"" ¥' ,- "" !1 "t'll" r""..... ~.'~r-'" :._-l 11'II·V ,u~ eovem ,
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'm~nt, for ,3, redress 'of' wiey,anc-es"'~ protects freedom .of' aetion is Ope'D, to interpretation and oontrove:lsy ~ A,ocordin,g' to, Su.preme Court decisions, "conduct under the First
11. Christian.
152: 'rf:'ii' '<'iI'-.- - - --. - .l(')l,iI&ITilJp

1Ia-.y, op';. Cl'f.~:1'10



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A~ ..JI'~ ,. 'h,~e:I1,U!Ulle:nt,_ dQe'5, not: ern.JIO'Y t.·e same '1- . lantude



.. tli"i. ,.-.. lb., d oes, ana eon"d-' ....• as, oppose.' d'~_w speecn, ·ne"" .. .", ...' endemiI.II"!,., ~ ....1.11<' ,W_I. disobedie ""', .... '~'1 cb_ . . ..... ..::._IS .... . I;J.IC ... H!w_W!L~.,
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:H'olw~v,er,~ wha'lt 'is bas,icaU,y at st~dt£, here i.~Jnot wb,e~he:r~, and, to what extent, ci.vil disobed:ieDlce can be j'Usd8ed 'by '.' iment, _ t - ner, -'~ thO '1.;". ht f' ,t'll. - ''E"~-- - t Am'" en d' . - " 'Ibnn, ra t1.. .... W,ll:, ,Wltil3,t· eoneep. 'O~' ae .E' l.n,,'

f- '1-1- - - - 'lh-- iU a,,,' .. -. '1H,W ,11 .itS ,oo'm,pa,u W, at 0 ..·ow,S :t "I" l .L. - 0i'1'1 . L, - -'~ - - . -.. '. - . Ii!:'~ v" a tJu'ou&-,~tu,e'!lIl}om,flllon - O:~L C1, .l1 d ~. 'Ib ..I: - . ~s (iO~y ;_J . .ISO _eU!lJlence -i ...,1,....
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,u'nd'1J' l!, the Un1. .. StaJtes - Jj sitim[ is .. __---- _ _,1 -kme'll"jj,can lted _. . '-' in .. .. ., . "" ,~,It . _ it pi:r.w:m;ar.U'u -- - --", ,i'liir~,lTiIn10-- ,Vi&~ _ ... '_',

'wodd-\vlde :pb,enom,enofl.and ,e",~n tllnugll it has attracted the: interes;t 01 jurisprudence and polirical science only reothJ".. C'- ,'tr- - v ,_·U 0"0'" ~ ,..I o th e:r I,_angu3lge,~!'~]Jas even a WOI_ dl for i an d" ' t· at- t· e ., err orr it, , 'I] '-'1] can republic is, the lonly ,gDv'en:nn,ent having' at ~east a




'-b' stan ....

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chance to cope \'fitb ii~-,n,o't" perhaps, :in accordance wi:tb. the statutes, but, :bl accordance ,'With th,e' SP;i'T;i,~' ,of its Iaws,

'The United, ,sta;tef;owes ib, origin to th,~Anleri'can Revoluti.~)nj'and this revolution carried within it a :n~"vJ'never
111' . '. ~I...I " 11 f UJJI·Y ,artl,CUw,a~£u, 0 f' 1,3W,!,

\'Vn:tui. WiD

'll... .' ....:r..

- L. resu f-' t~.~,e 1 t. 0_-' no,;,:---··-·t

"--_' '.-'-".-,,·.·e ·t'In..,·~ earlv .. ences or ne ear .,


bU:1i; had been formed by the

,,-'[·,·,-·",.-ilfr. coiomsts, ,a, ~

lr,'i' Ji,,,"

sienificance _-~ ·t,o··· ~o'".,..-u~,., ~., ,if:;riilild-I U~k'

'b ~,:. neeaenee-orIt,·no
'i ••

eX1tra,tJrdlnary eX,p-erl .. -_--., uld be an :::_:~:,---,t or !Ilf-ea-. WOU.'· _.e an (!YeD,. ····iE;
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. L signmcance, pernaps, .·'b' - ...1"..-. event.t Jan rne

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:p.' ,094.. 'or the ~~Hrrui:ng' of tb~' First

T· 'k.' tiE .. '


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j~I,i.'~:uti.A1'J: ,an,d Whll"~ l't M,~anr T':""..l!....~-, ______ ""_ _ __ _ __ • __ I;.r " """'YU'JI'

,,":i:i'H!ran~~ b .... -J-'---- _ ::"-,ij

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s;;-,-.--.-....h' ,1]· . LU,wa![u ,0 ••.... fiYWHil, :5,!p,.;owiiL y ''&' ..:1 . - -,-I if' C,- '. .-.-~- -:',-.B--"--",\iCi:tAliIi" & lr,llUW_",,~\II!,

oiliiiili ..... ·,Pll!~

:-lIli'IliI'_""'- AS 19:;;!i1l)~

iit-""I"i"t.,~ ' I' .:,' u_ ~ IIW. ..... -~_ii'lifi:.

fj;,e:edQm of ,action ~8 :'~Q[l£¢i~ed !by _e 'Fi~. Amendment- C:O:Nin 'i:')niilJU, eue _~i1H'~:5t(fc~ca~~lir _ n _It of y ~_L __ , fi@.lf:lion _ __ _ __~ _ _. . ,(," __ . u_ _ __ IL_ , '- the ---~:gl._ ~__ __ _, dQ:n



peaeeably to ,wemb~,e :30 subo:rdil1liiU'e' an,d, :i.nslliIlW.mental :right. T:Od3Jy~ however,. druf! :r,ilh~'o,E :peace,a,ble' a$Isembly' is oogna~ t;'01 tbo~ of free ~peeth, and f~e pl"@g ;and, is,

tsa primary' ri,g!U,.,

~ii ~ ~

me rigll't
a. ~

C(_[l,1aIII,y flu~,~;lam:elntal.~ ~ ,i, The R'o,lding of :meelj~,!5' :£QOC" :~~~aJb],e' nnUtical ,a:cti(jln (.alU10t 'be ,r nro$ui:berl., These ''W,\futo sin iw the' eon .., M ~-~ duet ~r 5lU::h meetings canner be branded as, ,([,i~min~b ~at. on
,smre.J· ~~ "(p" ,. ·iO. tAB ~04') ' 1:. u,·~ .....~ - ___;:'.-)
.. ,':_____.

Copy rig hted m ateri al


Copy rig hted m ateri al

(Io'I-'m rr, .. ' .:0:0 _'~,~.!I;I;i,_. N',j!';o'n, '0 -B B ","'II' H ~.~ ~,T.iI:._


·what. needs [to be cOD:9ddered is, "the ci.dze~D.·"Simoml o'bliga~ tion 'to 'the 'law in €:I s().\c~'et."vI' c;om6n,~n' seems to me crucial. If' M,on'tesquieu. was righo-and .m believe he was-that there :u. suc.b a thlu.g 18, "j:the splrit. ,of' the' laws," which v,ar.i,e! :Irom ,00nntlY to 100un try and is, dlli'ereot In the vMinus. IOftUS· o.f ,gorvemnu~nlt~ then 'Wie:ma.y· say :tJha'tconsem, not in the· veq old. sense of. mere ,acql1iiC5cenCie~ ·with. its dis'Unc~ 'lion between rule over w'iUting subjects and. role' over 'lID~ wining ones, but in the sense oE .aoti,ve su.pport and oontinuina,' IICII [r~' '~J!d,ci"lJation in aU :matteb of ·p-:ru.t~li.: in·teresl~ r . " '." is the spitlt of. American. la,w.. T.heored;mUy.~ tins ,COIlSellrt , has 'beeR construed 00' be the' result of a ~ocial cemraet,

basis fo~ a. and for ehe claim of pubUc :&eed'OID.,i tba't have come' under' attack, SdII" ·tbe' proposition :set forth 'by Eugene Rostow that

~l~u, wh·l"'~1


I'"~, ,1iL.1I.II;O'J


common Jf:.ynn.=-itbe·L'.:ontftlclt_ ",,!U',~~ V!lilll, Ji,'u. _ _ . ""'. __ _ _ __ .

I, . -

I'lpt'Win'llIi:I; UdtlIU, 'illii1l'il,·..:iI r~,~·.t-~I}~


.;i'+'i!!' dill~·",·'~I~,


m··I";'~~_&':-,1 1 ·1'"·H;d· ;i!Ot'riot i!'s ..


between a·· u _.,or ;

_!V~ _.

-ILl; : .I~-IIWU

;B..;i!i .

.2I 1Ii:I;~;tiv ~~!1'

to·' ,,:·~~~UI- O:l"1!> ';'- .6'iI'ii~,- ._. ~.w'

d· ' .


mere fh:tiom;; .How·ev,er.~ die point :6 that lit Wig :0-0 mere ficdon in the .A:meri,cBD. pre'I.evo!utionary ,expe·r.ience., wi.•.

BOWler Compact to the ,esta.bHshment ,of: the 'tllilitetn colonies ·as an entity~ When Locke :fomlulaJtoo, .his social .. eonnaet ·th,oo,ry'" wbtch su.. p'p08edly ex:plaiD,ed the ,aiooi']gi~ OM ·begiu:rJ'in. 01 a·v.i] societ.y·~ hie indicated in. a side FeDlltk w.h~cb.:modei be actuaUy had in mind.: ~~:In bethe ,gi;n'U'i:ng; aU :tbe world. ·w·as Amedca. ,,:~~o' In thieory'" tb,e' :sev'eoJeeP.'th Icento:ry knew and combined unde'I' die aame O!·U1OC.ial vootEactn three aJ.~the·r differ;" ·eDt: kinds ,of sum. a.bor.iginaJ agreements., There was; fiTS,',

J.ts numerous covenanss and agreemen.'ts~i .k~)m. the 'MaJ~

·tb,e exa_:ll[,e' ot the Bi.bHW WIVena:nt which 'was 0011;.clu .loU:. betwee ·0- a .t"-'!u!I'..-. ded ""'.IIl.. "'. - people a .:'I'.i"h, .....1j;i!li. KII,IL ,~ G·J_..:Ij .v· ''IP'~··~t·UJ!li_; ·1'"·!i'!I!',.. UU';!l ~ . ""UIUJi.~ and 1IJ.1 01 which the people consenred to obey 'w.ha·tever laws an
''',iI.!I; .. _.~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

U John

0'1',see my' dise.u!is:i'O·[i;O'f Put.ita~i!m and :its i:~Huen~' lOn. 'the' ~can
In 0:11;R;i!!VO';H~ion~ New' Yo(['l,

9'6." pp., 1'71.:11;.


Adam". ,N:Oih~~8;~u.s, MiJ:, DMto:~. ] 8i 'W

·v01•.rv~ ..~. .. .. :UJ p



Copy rig hted m ateri al

bet eo his Ie:now icitizeos,. Tbis is, the' oill,

of govlem~ hich 'I ;i,,'16. ,~ ment .,"In 'WJIUit peopie a.Fe 'b d 't-O,get~ler not, 'urJ!IiOU'eoi.., ~'('JlIne, historical OlJem.ories or. ,ethniJ£ ,b.omo,geDe~h'yj' as 'm, the mltio,n-;Stab~;and not 'dlJiougb Hob bes's Lev,ianllan,~ which ~:~:ovetilw,es mem, all" and, (bus 'IIlDiireS them, 'bu:t 'thrQus'b ,the strengtb of mutual :p'Fomises .. 1:0 Locke.":s, vi,e:wr,~ meant. 'this, that society remains bltact even if "the govemment is, ~

solved :_-~T~·

'~i' IIf'rt'

'u.i, U,lr!!l!.O·· Q

L.----Jiaill~' I,~ ~ ... ... ~'f,e; ~'OI~e-'m'lfl;ni't" W~· ..L ; ·~UI,~' _"I,wit

-t··_-, A·- -,- -11--- ~"n'O' ~,e'-Yii!' ueVie~op.lli:O


'Ollce' ,esta.b.li6hed.~ soci.ety.~as long as it ,w'sts, ,a'taU~can never be 'th-n::nvn. back into the' :la'w:~;e.ssn€!ssand aruuehy of tbe' state of namre, In Locke's w()r.,ds~, "the :pow,e:rtbat, f,vc:tr, indiv.idual ga',ve- the: ~oc:i,ety,~ wilen he entered mto b:~can never revert ttli the ind.ividuals, aga~~ ,31 long u, the soci,e,t,' lasts, but win aJ,,~3i.'S£twain in -the' com:m,u:ni,ty~:~'!9 his is 11ld eed ,3), new version of me' oJ,d ,;(J'~llsttD T ,i'n, fJottu,lo}i "or t11l:eC'Olns~q,uenre is tb_att. in ('(!iotas'lt; 'tv ear;. lier rUreOti,eSi of' the' rigbt to resistance ~wheF1e'by' me' petlple eeuld act only jl'iwhe:g :the-lr 'Ch~ms, 3JI,e on," tb,ey' 'n,ow had the 'I.',ight, again in Locke's words, "to prevem" the' chain .. 0:1:: the n- - '~'F1Ia·· ration ~,!I". ~£ In.. '-"pe6 ~~' ~ -, • . ~ 'M '1'n...~IIf', :"t'r ~ <!!ign·· ~ .. ~, IllJ;~~ U'C _"_ -'dence '!lmutu,aU,' pledged" their :li.vest. their fGrt~unles}and :tbeir sao,edj, honor, tn"ey were tbink"'ng in 'mhu 'vein ()i: 'spKl6LQli11y ,Am,eri,C311,,ex:ptt~ences as l\fiell as :i'o terms of' 'thc!' FDe,raJj.ia't~,on and. CODtepmalizati(m, 01 these esperienees by:Loc'kci Co:nsen.t-m.'ea-ni'D:i! e· 'that V;(Jil.un.taru me'ntbenhip-=' must be 011;1' assumed. fu,r every citb:en im, the' c,om:wuntity:-'fs ·obv:i,oosl y ,(except in the case- 01 na,tu'rallbadon) at leas'lt as (l'pe'D, 'to the reemach - ,~£, belna a 'fi---'Ir-it'~.fin-' the '---;b-ot'W'!,mn",,:ll "'0' '~r,,,ull:!!,"vJL 1iJ!!'!!r. ""'"\01 .U!!b a, lU, mart., The argument is correct lepU y and hisitiQl".ic..rdly' 'but 'Ilot, ,eulte'JlJ:tiaH.y and 'thoorettcaJly,. ,Ev.'e[} man is, bOl1l, I, imo a
o ~



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1M, .lbi~d.~ o. N


Copy rig hted m ateri al

C 1:1 S,B,S, ;0 F i':U B B,EP

u:a LI'C


member of a, :pa:rtioulrF' Gom.'m'un1ty an.d,'om fUklrviy,e ().Il1,,, if he h; we~"comed and Dade at home 'wi,Ulim, ie, ,A,lun.d, of' ':£ l!'m""'p""~ ~'D~',oIO!'i.'~iI"'U '0" ewbom ',~' ': S-~'''1!l'1~ ~ ,.,J .. iiflid{ '~.Ii.I!kation DiWlely,; a kind, of vOllformity to the 'ru'~'es,'Under 'whi,dn 'the great game of tt~e'w·od.d is, p),ay,cd in the partIcular ,group' 'to 'w'hi,ch he belongs by birth, We' all live ,RO,d. survive by I, 1~,",·~...:!I1 .£: ,;" .~ ~,t' WIII,IH::' :h" -',' ,,'" .Ib" ',' , ild iLUi~' ..A ,'1,," l!i.lnu ~)l):'i)ac~b !Ci"Jcmen 'J! - !b.,,'" h,,,;owe'fer. ,'"'., W()U.lI.'" 'IL., ul "m' . CUI ... to call voluntary,~ ,How' ,can we lV',ill w':bat is, thef'e ,an.',bow'~! We' might an :it. vel unta:ry,!, though, when the ,child happms to 'be born into, a, community in issent is also d ,1 ~;~ dd I' t.. t, ;, ,8 'le,F' ana i~~'~·ac.~·o "b~~]" PO&S[l.:~;,uy once, lite nas ,grown lloto a '" :Dissem:t. i'mpUes consent, ,alllld is the hallmark. ,of' h~
~ ."
II!~' ' oil •.



: "'JI,I,_ ..







.- -


,pvemm.€nt; one '",rho kn,OrW,s, dID.!1: he, 'ma,y dissent kno",,; also thalt he' someh,ow consents '\\In,en, he' does not dment~ a,~nt. as :It :isimpl ied, in the' 'right to. dissent,,-,th.le s, of' Am.leD,c,an. la,w' and tn.le qulntessenee of American gov~ ernDle:nt~5pe'n;S Ij)'u:t ,an,d. arti,culat¢$1 ehe tacit ~OllSeD;t gj,Vml,' for 'the ,eom:muni:t;i':s ,tacit wC'ioom.'c of new arr,i,va]s",,of 'the inner :immigr,adon through wh kh i:1J;; eon .. smull,· renew5 itse,~ Seen En this perspective, 'lacit oonset'il:t f",


H:owe1'er tile ge:nenll 'mcit cilnsen:~t'he' a ,sort of lo.,",~l'en$UStinivnJ';~;d'is~ as TooqueviU,e called iti&~n m i',..,iI"'IiIIl'YiIi n'~t!\a;nl'iI' ,,-V IIl!n;D.ti!,:i,t:::,,;"o Ion m11m'1'!" be earefu "I·.w,,'·v ...i~'[!'f';'iilllm'!I~:ejill.."..:j1EJ.!ub& oo~':, laws or 8pec~:fic policies, w'bicb il does not cover even. if tlu:y are' the 'resul It, oJr ,majority deelslens e~ It is oft'l!n. arJ,
__ ~.ry.-g", .:. ..~'<' .. 'U11IL~!LULllUlje~I".'IHIr_q.1l1.CU
I_- ..

a, ncnon:
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]5; Ill: Itf,en:1 U1



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m "The repw'fuUo'lli lo,vetlLlllen.t exlsts in AHl,et.,~(:a, ·wJ:w.(Jut 00 nten:tton (!ir io:p,p'os1do<~ wItltoQ'Il:t :pm~fs 'i7Ili' aJlll·u~~~mIUi" ,~, 'ta:.clt ,ap'OOl. by' m.e1flJ~~ a ~t 'o.f' €Qn.$e~:s: :~'n; in; Iimer,i'ca". N,~ '-" l'or'~ jJH5~ "¥ot r, ,., 4].19'
!12 F~,'" 'the ,iiminti'lit"ib1n ..... ~ v~ ....:.~ l!!!!---lF~'--~--~ _jIJj' ,....



iii,il~,]ii!1 ,.di~'c,t,i'iIo1ii"'fii':;""'H
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1i:\iIlII]; ~I!.i'


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,.Ll:wlJ.........IJJ~I'!in-.I.J.IJ... _I~RIId..i

'ft,1" .n;.'i'Mi'i'II,jjo'll.


'Truth ,i:ul'd Power,; 1.'9'f~J.~, 'p, 1'9' :II,,~,and, Tl~~' N~ p iUia17 :5!:2b!' :~ t6'Ji pp, 1,"'],8~

Repfddic~ JaD'




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