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Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Plate Shear Walls

Jeffrey Berman, M.ASCE,1 and Michel Bruneau, M.ASCE2

Abstract: A revised procedure for the design of steel plate shear walls is proposed. In this procedure the thickness of the infill plate is
found using equations that are derived from the plastic analysis of the strip model, which is an accepted model for the representation of
steel plate shear walls. Comparisons of experimentally obtained ultimate strengths of steel plate shear walls and those predicted by plastic
analysis are given and reasonable agreement is observed. Fundamental plastic collapse mechanisms for several, more complex, wall
configurations are also given. Additionally, an existing codified procedure for the design of steel plate walls is reviewed and a section of
this procedure which could lead to designs with less-than-expected ultimate strength is identified. It is shown that the proposed procedure
eliminates this possibility without changing the other valid sections of the current procedure.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2003兲129:11共1448兲
CE Database subject headings: Plastic analysis; Design; Shear walls; Plates; Steel.

Introduction investigated in some of the aforementioned papers as well as by

Elgaaly et al. 共1993兲 and Driver et al. 共1997兲.
Steel plate shear walls 共SPSW兲 have sometimes been used as the Recent research on the postbuckling strength of plate girder
lateral load resisting system in buildings. Until the 1980s, the webs using finite element analysis 共Marsh et al. 1988; Lee and
design limit state for SPSW in North America was out-of-plane Yoo 1998; Roberts and Shahabian 2001兲 also provided insight
buckling of the infill plates. This led engineers to design heavily into the postbuckling behavior and bending-shear interaction of
stiffened plates that offered little economic advantage over rein- steel plate shear walls having web width-to-thickness ratios com-
forced concrete shear walls. However, as Basler 共1961兲 demon- parable to typical plate girders 共i.e., 350 or less兲. However, for the
strated for plate girder webs, the post-buckling tension field ac- type of SPSWs considered in this paper 共for example, with a bay
width of 4 m, infill thickness of 5 mm, and resulting width-to-
tion of steel plate shear walls can provide substantial strength,
thickness ratio of 800兲, important differences with plate girder
stiffness, and ductility. The idea of utilizing the postbuckling
behavior are known to exist 共Thorburn et al. 1983兲. This is not
strength of steel plate shear walls was first formulated by Thor-
only due to the large width-to-thickness ratios, but also because
burn et al. 共1983兲 and verified experimentally by Timler and
the ‘‘flanges’’ of steel plate shear walls are columns, typically
Kulak 共1983兲. Studies performed to evaluate the strength, ductil-
wide flange shapes, with significantly more bending stiffness than
ity, and hysteretic behavior of such SPSW designed with unstiff- the typical flanges of a plate girder.
ened infill plates demonstrated their significant energy dissipation At the time of this writing, there are no U.S. specifications or
capabilities 共Timler and Kulak 1983兲 and substantial economic codes addressing the design of steel plate shear walls. The 2001
advantages 共Timler 1998兲. Canadian standard, CAN/CSA S16-01 共CSA 2001兲, now incorpo-
Additional research on unstiffened steel plate shear walls has rates mandatory clauses on the design of steel plate shear walls;
investigated the effect of simple versus rigid beam-to-column these are reviewed briefly in the next section. One of the models
connections on the overall behavior 共Caccese et al. 1993兲, the recommended to represent steel plate shear walls, which was de-
dynamic response of steel plate shear walls 共Sabouri-Ghomi and veloped by Thorburn et al. 共1983兲 and named the strip model, is
Roberts 1992; Rezia 1999兲, the behavior of light-gauge steel plate recognized for providing reliable assessments of their ultimate
shear walls 共Berman and Bruneau 2003兲, the effects of holes in strength. In this paper, using this strip model as a basis, the use of
the infill plates 共Roberts and Sabouri-Ghomi 1992兲, and the ef- plastic analysis as an alternative for the design of steel plate shear
fects of bolted versus welded infill connections, as well as other walls is investigated. Fundamental plastic collapse mechanisms
practical considerations, by Elgaaly 共1998兲. Furthermore, finite are described for single story and multistory SPSW with either
element modeling of unstiffened steel plate shear walls has been simple or rigid beam-to-column connections. Ultimate strengths
predicted from these collapse mechanisms are compared with ex-
Research Asst., Dept. of CSEE, Univ. at Buffalo, Amherst, perimental results by others, and used to assess the CAN/CSA
NY 14260. E-mail: S16-01 design procedure.
Deputy Director, MCEER, Professor, Dept. of CSEE, Univ. at
Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14260. E-mail:
Note. Associate Editor: Sherif El-Tawil. Discussion open until April Analysis and Design of Steel Plate
1, 2004. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To Shear Walls—CANÕCSA S16-01
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted
for review and possible publication on March 18, 2002; approved on The CAN/CSA S16-01 seismic design process for steel plate
February 5, 2003. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi- shear walls follows the selection of a lateral load resisting system
neering, Vol. 129, No. 11, November 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/ 共i.e., shear walls with rigid or flexible beam-to-column connec-
2003/11-1448 –1456/$18.00. tions兲, calculation of the appropriate design base shear, and dis-


Fig. 1. Equivalent story brace model Fig. 2. Detailed strip model

excessive deformation leading to premature buckling under the

tribution of that base shear along the building height by the usual pulling action of the plates 共derived from Kuhn et al. 1952兲
methods described in building codes. Preliminary sizing of mem- 0.00307th 4s
bers is done using a model that treats the plate at each story as a I c⭓ (3)
single pin-ended brace 共known as the equivalent story brace
model兲 that runs along the diagonal of the bay 共Fig. 1兲. From the Once the above requirements have been satisfied, a more re-
area of the story brace, A, determined from that analysis, an fined model, known as the strip or multistrip model, that repre-
equivalent plate thickness can be calculated using the following sents the plates as a series of inclined tension members or strips
equation based on an elastic strain energy formulation 共Thorburn 共Fig. 2兲 is required for the analysis of steel plate shear walls 关with
et al. 1983兲: ␣ as calculated by Eq. 共2兲兴. Through comparison with experimen-
tal results, the adequacy of the strip model to predict the ultimate
2A sin ␪ sin 2␪ capacity of SPSW has been verified in several studies. Fig. 3,
t⫽ (1)
L sin2 2␣ adapted from Driver et al. 共1997兲, is one example of this verifi-
where ␪⫽angle between the vertical axis and the equivalent di- cation.
agonal brace; L⫽bay width; and ␣⫽angle of inclination of the A minimum of ten strips is required at each story to adequately
principal tensile stresses in the infill plate measured from vertical, model the wall. Each strip is assigned an area equal to the plate
which is given by thickness times the tributary width of the strip. Drifts obtained
from the elastic analysis of the multistrip model are then ampli-
tL fied by factors prescribed by the applicable building code to ac-
2A c count for inelastic action and then checked against allowable drift

冉 冊
tan4 ␣⫽ (2) limits. For SPSW having rigid beam-to-column connections,
1 h 3s
1⫹th s ⫹ CAN/CSA S16-01 also requires that a capacity design be con-
A b 360I c L
ducted to prevent damage to the bounding columns of the wall.
where t⫽thickness of the plate; A c and I c ⫽respectively, the Due to practical considerations, infill thicknesses may be larger
cross-sectional area and moment of inertia of the bounding col- than necessary to resist the seismic loads, therefore, capacity de-
umn; h s ⫽story height; and A b ⫽beam cross-sectional area 共Tim- sign is required to insure a ductile failure mode 共i.e., infill yield-
ler and Kulak 1983兲. CAN/CSA S16-01 also provides the follow- ing prior to column buckling兲. To achieve this, the moments and
ing equation to ensure that a satisfactory minimum moment of axial forces 共obtained from an elastic analysis兲 in these columns
inertia is used for columns in steel plate shear walls to prevent are magnified by a factor B, defined as the ratio of the probable


Fig. 3. Comparison between experimental results and strip model 共Adapted from Driver et al. 1997兲

shear resistance at the base of the wall for the supplied plate equilibrium method of plastic analysis. Consider Fig. 4, which
thickness, to the factored lateral force at the base of the wall shows a single story SPSW in a frame with pin-ended beams. The
obtained from the calculated seismic load. The probable resis- model is divided into three zones. Zones 1 and 3 contain strips
tance of the wall (V re) is given by which run from a column to a beam while Zone 2 contains any
strips that connect from the top beam to the bottom beam. Note
V re⫽0.5R y F y tL sin 2␣ (4)
that the strip spacing in the direction perpendicular to the strip is
where R y ⫽ratio of the expected 共mean兲 steel yield stress to the s, with the first and last 共upper left and lower right兲 strips located
design yield stress 共specified as 1.1 for A572 Gr. 50 steel兲; F y at s/2 from the closest beam-to-column connections. The distance
⫽design yield stress of the plate; and all other parameters have d i from the beam-to-column connection to each strip is measured
been defined previously. Note that B need not be greater than the 共again, perpendicularly to the strip兲 from the upper-left beam-to-
ratio of the ultimate elastic base shear to the yield base shear, column connection in Zones 1 and 2, and in Zone 3 from the
which is the ductility factor R ␮ specified as 5.0 by CAN/CSA lower right connection.
S16-01. Column axial loads are found from the overturning mo- From Figs. 5共a and b兲 the applied story shear for Zone 1 strips
ment BM f , where M f is the factored overturning moment at the can be found in terms of the strip force F st , the distance d i , and
bottom of the wall. Local column moments from tension field the story height h s , in two steps. First, summation of moments
action of the plates, as determined from the elastic analysis, are about Point C 关bottom of the left column in Fig. 5共a兲兴 gives,
also amplified by B. If a nonlinear pushover analysis is carried V 1 h s ⫽R byL 共where L is the bay width and R by is the vertical
out, these corrections need not be done and more accurate values
for the column axial forces and moments can be obtained. Since
pushover capabilities are becoming more common in structural
analysis software, this is also a viable option.

Plastic Analysis of Steel Plate

Shear Walls—Single Story Frames
In this section, plastic analysis of the strip model is used to de-
velop equations for the ultimate capacity of different types of
steel plate shear walls. In cases where general equations depend
on actual member sizes and strengths, procedures are presented to
determine the necessary equations. In the following section the
results of these analyses are used to develop a simple, consistent
method for determining the preliminary plate sizes for steel plate
shear walls.

Equilibrium Method—Simple Beam-to-Column

Fig. 4. Single story strip model with simple beam-to-column
First the ultimate strength of a single story steel plate shear wall
having simple beam-to-column connections is found using the


Fig. 7. Zone 3 free body diagram

V 2⫽ 兺 F st sin ␣
Fig. 5. Zone 1 free body diagram
where m⫽number of strips in Zone 2.
Finally, taking moments about Point A in Fig. 7 one finds that
the contribution to the story shear from Zone 3 strips can be
support reaction at B兲. Then looking at the free body diagram of written as
the beam alone 关Fig. 5共b兲兴 and taking moments about Point D, n
d k F st
one obtains R byL⫽F std i . Therefore, the story shear due to the V 3⫽ 兺
k⫽1 hs
forces in Zone 1 strips can be written as
l where n⫽number of strips in Zone 3.
F std i
V 1⫽ 兺
i⫽1 hs
(5) Now if it is assumed that there are n strips in each of Zones 1
and 3 共due to equal strip spacing兲 the contributions from each
where l⫽number of strips in Zone 1. zone can be combined to give
For Zone 2, by taking moments about Point C again 关Fig. l
d i F st
m n
d i F st
6共a兲兴, one obtains V 2 h s ⫽R byL⫹F st(sin ␣)hs⫺Fstd j . From the V⫽ 兺 hs
⫹ 兺 F st sin ␣⫹ 兺
i⫽1 h s
free body diagram of the beam 关Fig. 6共b兲兴 and taking moments i⫽1 j⫽1

about Point D, one finds R byL⫽F std j . The story shear due to the From the geometry in Fig. 4 it can be shown that
forces in Zone 2 strips is therefore
h sin ␣ L cos ␣⫺h sin ␣
l⫽n⫽ and m⫽ (9)
s s
Keeping in mind that the upper left and lower right strips are s/2
from the closest beam-to-column connections, the summation
over d i can be written as
n 2s

d i⫽

Substituting Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲 into Eq. 共8兲, recognizing the fact
that the strip force (F st) is equal to the strip area 共st兲 times the
plate yield stress in tension (F y ) and using the trigonometric
identity 关 (1/2)sin 2␣⫽cos ␣ sin ␣兴 the story shear strength can be
expressed as
V⫽ F tL sin 2␣ (11)
2 y
Note that this equation is identical to the one used to calculate the
probable shear resistance of a SPSW in the CAN/CSA S16-01
procedure 关Eq. 共4兲兴, without the material factor R y .

Kinematic Method—Simple Beam-to-Column

The same result can be obtained more directly using the kine-
Fig. 6. Zone 2 free body diagram
matic method of plastic analysis. Consider the same frame with


to insure that a ductile failure mode will be achieved 共i.e., plate
yielding prior to columns or beams developing plastic hinges兲.

Plastic Analysis of Steel Plate

Shear Walls—Multistory Frames
For multistory SPSWs with pin-ended beams, plastic analysis can
also be used to predict the ultimate capacity. The purpose here is
Fig. 8. Single story kinematic collapse mechanism not to present closed-form solutions for all possible failure
mechanisms, but to identify some key plastic mechanisms that
should be considered in estimating the ultimate capacity of a steel
inclined strips shown in Fig. 4. When the shear force V displaces plate shear wall. These could be used to define a desirable failure
the top beam by a value ⌬ sufficient to yield all the strips, the mode in a capacity design perspective, or to prevent an undesir-
external work done is equal to V⌬ 共see Fig. 8兲. If the beams and able failure mode, as well as complement traditional design ap-
columns are assumed to remain elastic, their contribution to the proaches.
internal work may be neglected when compared to the internal In soft-story plastic mechanisms 关Fig. 9共a兲兴, the plastic hinges
work done by the strips, hence, the internal work is that would form in the columns at the mechanism level could be
(n b A st F y sin ␣)⌬, where n b is the number of strips anchored to included in the plastic analysis. Calculating and equating the in-
the top beam. This result can be obtained by the product of the ternal and external work, the following general expression could
yield force times the yield displacement of the strips, but for be used for soft-story i in which all flexural hinges develop in
simplicity it can also be found using the horizontal and vertical columns:
components of these values. Note that the horizontal components ns
1 4M pci
of the yield forces of the strips on the columns cancel 共the forces
on the left column do negative internal work and the forces on the

V j ⫽ F y t i L sin 2␣⫹
2 h si

right column do positive internal work兲 and the vertical compo- where V j ⫽applied lateral forces above the soft-story i; t i ⫽plate
nents of all the yield forces do no internal work because there is thickness at the soft-story; M pci⫽plastic moment capacity of the
no vertical deflection. Therefore, the only internal work done is columns at the soft-story; h si⫽height of the soft-story; and n s
by the horizontal components of the strip yield forces anchored to ⫽total number of stories. Note that only the applied lateral forces
the top beam. Equating the external and internal work gives above the soft-story do external work and they all move the same
V⫽n b F st sin ␣ (12) distance 共⌬兲. The internal work is done only by the strips on the
soft-story itself and by column hinges forming at the top and
Using the geometry shown in Fig. 4, n b ⫽(L cos ␣)/s and the bottom of the soft-story. Using the above equation, the possibility
strip force F st is again F y ts. Substituting these into Eq. 共12兲 and of a soft-story mechanism should be checked at every story in
knowing (1/2)sin 2␣⫽cos ␣ sin ␣, the resulting base shear rela- which there is a significant change in plate thickness or column
tionship is again size. Additionally, the soft-story mechanism is independent of the
1 beam connection type 共simple or rigid兲 because hinges must form
V⫽ F tL sin 2␣ (13) in the columns, not the beams.
2 y
A second 共and more desirable兲 possible collapse mechanism
involves uniform yielding of the plates over every story 关Fig.
Kinematic Method—Rigid Beam-to-Column 9共b兲兴. For this mechanism, each applied lateral force V i moves a
Connections distance ⌬ i ⫽␪h i , and does external work equal to V i ␪h i , where
In single story steel plate shear walls having rigid beam-to- h i is the elevation of the ith story. The internal work is done by
column connections 共as opposed to simple connections兲, plastic the strips of each story yielding. It is important to note that the
hinges also need to form in the boundary frame to produce a strip forces acting on the bottom of a story beam do positive
collapse mechanism. The corresponding additional internal work internal work and the strip forces acting on top of the same beam
is 4M p ␪, where ␪⫽⌬/h s , is the story displacement over the do negative internal work. Therefore, the internal work at any
story height, and M p is the smaller of the plastic moment capacity story i is equal to the work done by strip yield forces along the
of the beams M pb , or columns M pc 共for most single-story frames bottom of the story beam minus the work done by strip yield
that are wider than tall, if the beams have sufficient strength and forces on the top of the same beam. This indicates that in order
stiffness to anchor the tension field, plastic hinges will typically for every plate at every story to contribute to the internal work,
form at the top and bottom of the columns and not in the beams兲. the plate thicknesses would have to vary at each story in direct
The ultimate strength of a single-story steel plate shear wall in a proportion to the demands from the applied lateral forces. Even
moment frame with plastic hinges in the columns becomes with this in mind, this mechanism provides insight into the capac-
ity and failure mechanism of the wall. The general equation for
1 4M pc the ultimate strength of a multistory SPSW with simple beam-to-
V⫽ F tL sin 2␣⫹ (14)
2 y hs column connections and this plastic mechanism 共equating the in-
ternal and external work兲 is
In a design process, failure to account for the additional
ns ns
strength provided by the beams or columns results in a larger 1
plate thicknesses than necessary, this would translate into lower 兺
V ih i⫽ 兺 F y 共 t i ⫺t i⫹1 兲 Lh sin 2␣
i⫽1 2
ductility demands in the walls and frame members, and could
therefore be considered to be a conservative approach. However, where h i ⫽ith story elevation; n s ⫽total number of stories; and
capacity design of the beams and columns must still be performed t i ⫽thickness of the plate on the ith story.


Fig. 9. Examples of collapse mechanisms for multistory steel plate shear walls

The ultimate strength of SPSW having rigid beam-to-column a soft story is likely to develop 共by comparing the ultimate capac-
connections capable of developing the beam’s plastic moment, ity found from the soft story mechanism with that of the uniform
can also be calculated following the same kinematic approach. yielding mechanism兲.
The resulting general equation for the uniform yielding mecha-
nism can be written as Comparison with Experimental Results
ns n s ⫺1
To validate ultimate strengths predicted by Eqs. 共13兲 and/or 共14兲
兺 V i h i ⫽2M pc1 ⫹2M pcn ⫹ i⫽1
兺 M pbi for the plastic analysis of single story frames with either simple or
rigid beam-to-column connections, a comparison is made with
1 results obtained experimentally by others 共Table 1兲. The experi-
⫹ 兺 F y Lh i共 t i ⫺t i⫹1 兲 sin 2␣
i⫽1 2
(17) mental results given for multistory specimens are either those for
the first story shear 共in the case of Driver et al. 1997兲 or they are
where M pc1 ⫽first story column plastic moment; M pcn ⫽top story the total base shear in cases where loading was applied to the top
column plastic moment; M pbi ⫽plastic moment of the ith story story only 共Caccese et al. 1993; Elgaaly 1998兲. Furthermore, no
beam, and the rest of the terms were previously defined. Note that results are given for tests on SPSWs that had openings. As shown
it is assumed that column hinges will form instead of beam hinges in Table 1, on average Eq. 共13兲 predicts an ultimate load capacity
at the roof and base levels. Sizable beams are usually required at for steel plate shear walls with true pin or semirigid beam-to-
these two locations to anchor the tension field forces from the column connections that is 5.9% below the experimentally ob-
wall plate and hence plastic hinges typically develop in columns tained values. Eq. 共14兲 gives predictions for ultimate capacity of
there. However, this may not be the case for certain wall aspect steel plate shear walls with rigid beam-to-column connections
ratios, and the engineer is cautioned to use judgement, as M pc1 that are on average 17% above the experimentally obtained val-
and M pcn may have to be replaced by M pb1 and M pbn in some ues, however, that equation assumes a fully developed frame
instances, where M pb1 and M pbn are the plastic moment capacities mechanism which was not reported in any of the cited tests. Note
of the base and roof beams, respectively. Furthermore, note that that Cases 6 and 10, included in Table 1 for completeness, were
hinges were assumed to develop in beams at all other levels, not included in the averages because their ultimate failure was
which is usually the case as small beams are required there in due to column instability or problems with the test setup. Hence,
well proportioned SPSW. the equations derived from plastic analysis of the strip model are
After examining the results of several different pushover generally conservative for calculating the expected ultimate
analyses for such multistory SPSW 共using a single three-story strength of steel plate shear walls.
frame geometry, with arbitrarily selected beams, columns, and
plate thicknesses兲, it has been observed that the actual failure Impact of Design Procedure on Ultimate Strength
mechanism is typically somewhere between a soft-story mecha- of Steel Plate Shear Walls
nism and uniform yielding of the plates on all stories. Finding the
actual failure mechanism is difficult by hand, therefore, a com-
CAN ÕCSA S16-01 Approach
puterized pushover analysis should be used. However, the mecha-
nisms described above will provide a rough estimate of the ulti- The procedure given for preliminary sizing of plates in CAN/CSA
mate capacity. They will also provide some insight as to whether S16-01 is simple but results in designs that may not be consistent


Table 1. Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Ultimate Strengths
Specimen Number h L t Fy ␣ V uexp V upred 共kN兲 V upred 共kN兲 % Error for
Case Researcher identification of stories 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共Mpa兲 共°兲 共kN兲 Eq. 共13兲 Eq. 共14兲 Eq. 共13兲
共i兲 Simple 共physical pin兲 beam-to-column connections

1 Timler and Kulak 共1983兲 —c 1 2,500 3,750 5 270.8 42.7 2698 2,530.9 —c ⫺6.2
2 Roberts and Sabouri-Ghomi SW2 1 370 370 0.83 219 45.0 35.1 33.6 —c ⫺4.2
3 共1992兲 SW3 1 370 370 1.23 152 45.0 38.2 34.6 —c ⫺9.5
4 SW14 1 370 450 0.83 219 45.0 44.5 40.9 —c ⫺8.1
5 SW15 1 370 450 1.23 152 45.0 45.3 42.1 —c ⫺7.1

共ii兲 Semirigid beam-to-column connections 共web-angle or other兲

6 Elgaaly 共1998兲 SWT11b 2 1,118 1,380 2.28 239 41.5 370 373.1 —c 0.85
7 SWT15 2 1,118 1,380 2.28 239 41.3 426 372.9 —c ⫺12
8 Caccese et al. 共1993兲 S22 3 838 1,244 0.76 256 42.2 142 120.4 —c ⫺15
9 S14 3 838 1,244 1.9 332 40.2 356 386.8 —c 8.64

共iii兲 Rigid beam-to-column connections

10 Lubell et al. 共2000兲 SPSW1a 1 900 900 1.5 320 36.9 210 207.3 261.4 —c
11 SPSW2 1 900 900 1.5 320 36.9 260 207.3 261.4 —c
12 Driver et al. 共1997兲 —c 4 1,927 3,050 4.8 355.4 41.1 3080 2,577.7 3886.4 —c
Testing stopped due to failure of lateral bracing.
Testing stopped due column buckling.
Not applicable.

with the demands implicit in the seismic force modification factor ratios. From these, the plate thicknesses were found as described
R. The transition from the equivalent story brace model 共used for above and the detailed strip models were developed using Eq. 共2兲
preliminary proportioning and to select the amount of steel in the to find the angle of inclination for the strips.
infill plates兲 to the multistrip model 共used for final analysis兲 may Pushover analyses of all resulting SPSW were then conducted
change the ultimate capacity and shape of the pushover curve for and the resulting ultimate strengths of the various walls, designed
the structure being designed, while the R-factor is not revised. to resist the same applied lateral loads, were compared. Fig. 10
In the equivalent story brace model, the ultimate capacity of shows a plot of the base shear 共normalized by dividing out the
the wall is only a function of the brace area, yield stress, and the design base shear used to find the area of the equivalent story
bay geometry 共aspect ratio兲. The story shear can be used to size brace兲 versus percent story drift for several SPSW of different
the equivalent brace for each story by using simple statics 共recall aspect ratios, obtained from pushover analyses of the strip models
Fig. 1兲. Then Eq. 共1兲 can be employed to relate the brace area to and equivalent story brace models. The resulting ultimate capac-
the plate thickness which, along with the strip spacing, yields the ity of the strip model is below the capacity of the equivalent story
strip area for the detailed strip model. However, these two models brace model for all aspect ratios, except 1:1 for which it is the
will not produce the same ultimate capacity unless the aspect ratio same. The difference between the capacity of the strip model and
of the bay is 1:1. To demonstrate this consider a single story equivalent story brace model increases as the aspect ratio further
SPSW 共with simple beam-to-column connections兲 as shown in deviates from 1.0. Fig. 11 shows how the difference between the
Fig. 4. Let the aspect ratio of the bay be equal to the bay width strip model capacity and the equivalent story brace model capac-
over the story height. Using the same design base shear, beam, ity changes with the aspect ratio of the bay. At an aspect ratio of
and column sizes 共selected to remain elastic for all cases兲, the 2:1 共or 1:2 since the results are symmetric in that sense兲 the strip
area of the equivalent story braces were found for several aspect model is only able to carry 80% of the base shear for which it
should have been designed.

Fig. 10. Pushover curves for different aspect ratios Fig. 11. Variation of ultimate capacity with aspect ratio


Using the concepts presented in FEMA 369 共FEMA 2001兲, the
R factor can be expressed as
R⫽R ␮ ⍀ o ⫽R ␮ ⍀ D ⍀ M ⍀ S (19)
where ⍀ D ⫽design overstrength factor; ⍀ M ⫽material factor; and
⍀ S ⫽system overstrength factor. Although the quantification of
⍀ D , ⍀ M , and ⍀ S , are to be determined by panels of experts in
code committees, the following observations are submitted for
consideration. According to FEMA 369 共FEMA 2001兲 these over-
strength factors may be thought of as follows:
• ⍀ D is to account for overstrength resulting from the design
procedure. This would occur in drift controlled designs and
designs in which architectural considerations may result in
overstrength. For most low to medium rise SPSW, this is un-
likely to be an issue and ⍀ D could be considered as low as 1.0.
Fig. 12. Generic pushover curve
• ⍀ M accounts for overstrength due to strength reduction factors
used in load and resistance factor design, strain hardening, and
Plastic Analysis the ratio of mean to specified yield stress. In this particular
Using the results of the plastic analyses described previously, the case R y already accounts for the ratio of mean to specified
infill plates of steel plate shear walls can be sized to consistently yield stress in the capacity design approach and there is no
achieve the desired ultimate strength. The procedure is simple, strength reduction factor involved in the sizing of the infill
even for a multistory SPSW, and neglecting the contribution of plates. Furthermore, simple calculations would show that
plastic hinges in beams and columns will always give a conser- strain hardening would begin to develop at drifts of approxi-
vative design in the case of rigid beam-to-column connections. mately 0.02h, the typical drift limit, assuming a strain of 0.01
The proposed procedure requires the designer to before strain hardening. Therefore, ⍀ M may be taken as low as
1. Calculate the design base shear, and distribute it along the 1.0 as well.
height of the building as described by the applicable building • ⍀ S accounts for the difference between the ultimate lateral
code; load and the load at first significant yielding. Based on push-
2. Use the following equation to calculate the minimum plate over results, the system overstrength ⍀ S appears to vary be-
thicknesses required for each story: tween 1.1 and 1.5 depending on aspect ratio.
2Vs⍀s Using these definitions, it appears that only the system over-
t⫽ (18) strength factor needs to be used to amplify the design base shear
FyL sin 2␣
共or reduce the plastic capacity兲 in order to use Eq. 共13兲 for the
where ⍀ s ⫽system overstrength described below and V s
design of infill plates for steel plate shear walls. Therefore, Eq.
⫽design story shear found using the equivalent lateral force
共18兲 is recommended, with values for the system overstrength
factor taken between 1.1 and 1.5, the actual system overstrength
3. Develop the strip model for computer 共elastic兲 analysis using
factor can be obtained from a pushover analysis, or conserva-
Eq. 共2兲 to calculate the angle of inclination of the strips;
tively used as 1.5.
4. Design beams and columns according to capacity design
principles 共to insure the utmost ductility兲 or other rational Incidentally, on the basis of the work presented above, the
methods using plate thicknesses specified 共in case those ex- CAN/CSA S16-01 procedure should be modified to eliminate the
ceed the minimum required for practical reasons兲; and possibility of designs having less-than-expected ultimate strength.
5. Check story drifts against allowable values from the appli- For this purpose, Eq. 共1兲 could be rewritten as
cable building code. 2A␤ sin ␪ sin 2␪
Note that Eq. 共18兲 is identical to Eq. 共13兲 but modified to account t⫽
L sin2 2␣
for the proper relationship between the equivalent lateral force
procedure and R, the seismic force modification factor. Fig. 12 is where ␤⫽correction factor obtained by calibrating the equivalent
the generic pushover curve used to define R, where R ␮ is the story brace model to the plastic analysis results presented in this
ductility factor, V y is 共for practical purposes兲 the fully yielded paper. Setting Eq. 共20兲 equal to Eq. 共18兲 and solving for ␤ gives
base shear, ⍀ o is the overstrength factor, V s is the design base ⍀ s sin 2␣
shear, ⌬ s is the displacement at the design base shear, ⌬ y is the ␤⫽ (21)
sin 2␪
displacement at the yield base shear, V eu is the ultimate elastic
base shear, ⌬ max is the displacement at the ultimate elastic base
shear, ␮ s is the displacement ductility factor, and C d is the elastic
displacement amplification factor. Note the distinction between Conclusions
V y 共the yield base shear兲 and V s 共the design base shear兲. Because The CAN/CSA S16-01 recommended procedure for the analysis
Eq. 共13兲 was obtained from plastic analysis of the strip model, it and design of steel plate shear walls has been reviewed and in-
gives the maximum strength achieved at the peak of the pushover stances where this procedure can lead to unconservative designs
curve, which is V y . Therefore, to account for this and to use the with lower than expected ultimate capacity have been identified.
calculated design base shear V s from the equivalent lateral force Plastic collapse mechanisms for single and multistory SPSW with
procedure with Eq. 共13兲 to size the infill plates of a steel plate simple and rigid beam-to-column connections have been investi-
shear wall, V s must be amplified by the overstrength factor. In this gated and simple equations that capture the ultimate strength of
particular case the majority of the overstrength factor comes from SPSW have been developed and compared with experimental re-
the system overstrength factor. sults reported by others with reasonable agreement. Using the


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