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Please EMAIL your answers to (t.lachica@usls.edu.ph)

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Deadline for your answers will be on or before April 23, 2020, 5PM

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Please do not copy your answers from any of the internet
websites. Use your own words in explaining the answers to each of the given question.
Your teacher has her way to know if your answers were only copied from the websites.
Once caught cheating you will be marked 60. Thank you very much.

1. Explain comprehensively your understanding of “DATA PRIVACY ACT of 2012” in

not less than 10 sentences. (10pts)

Nowadays, digital data is part of our daily lives. In this case, organizations or
companies should change the way they handle workflows and datas to secure
the protection of private information. This is where Data Privacy Act works. It
secure and maintains the right of every client’s confidentiality by setting a legal
list of rules for companies to regulate the collection, handling, and disposal of all
personal information.

This act applies to any operation of personal data by anyone in government or

private sectors. All personal data must have legitimate reasons for collection as
well as should be clear to both parties giving and receiving information. With
that being said, all collection must be done with the customers’ proper consent.
All personal information used must also be relevant and only used for its
purpose. Companies must protect customer information from collection to
proper disposal, avoiding access from unauthorized parties.

If companies don’t follow this act and if they don’t properly process, handle or
dispose personal information, they can be penalized by imprisonment up to 6
years and a fine of not less than PHP 500,000.

2. Each of the data subject have rights to exercise as stipulated in the

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Data Privacy Act of 2012 Sections
11-21. Please identify 2 Rights of the Data Subject and give specific case
scenario where these rights can be applied.(10pts)


1. The right to access

Lanz was involved in an incident where his phone was stolen at the foodcourt in
SM. He immediately went to the security guard and requested access to the
foodcourt’s CCTV footage and explained that he wants to see all footage on that
day hoping that he might figure out a way to recover his phone. The security
guard told him that he will relay it to the person-in-charge. Unfortunately, the
mall’s security is strongly strict. After a few days of following up on his request,
he was finally informed that the establishment would not provide him any data.
He got mad and went back to the mall’s security office, he ordered his right to
view the footage or else he would create a scene. He was told that, as per their
security policy, no “outsider” is allowed to enter areas in their establishment
designated only as “for employees only”. As a compromise, the manager said
they will give him a record of the footage using the customer’s handheld gadget.

2. The right to be informed

A student nurse was assigned to do a case study of his patient. He recorded a
conversation with his patient using his phone without the patient’s consent.
Upon realizing what was happening, the patient immediately confronted the
student nurse’ clinical instructor and expressed his concern, pointing out that
the student nurse’ lack of professionalism in recognizing his personal right to
confidentiality. He said that he could have given him consent anyway if only he
asked politely. The student nurse and the clinical instructor apologized and
explained that his action was just meant to aid his recall, especially when he
later examined the case, and so that he could do his case study presentation
correctly. The patient, however, demanded the clinical instructor to demand the
student nurse to delete the recorded conversation and said that he doesn’t want
a student nurse taking care of him. He said if the student nurse does not even
know the ethics of asking for consent, then how can he expect to trust a
patients’ confidence in his capacity as a medical practitioner.

3. Describe thoroughly the major roles of the DPO and PIC to the institution/
company. (10pts)

A Data Protection Officer’s role task is to monitor compliance such as collecting

information to identify and analyze processing activities and conduct audits to
ensure GDPR compliance and address potential issues. Inform, advise and
issue recommendations on data handling, e.g. for performing PIAs. Educate the
company and employees on compliance and train data handling staff.
Cooperate with the supervisory authority and make records available on request.
Proactivity report issues with data processing, such as data breaches. Act as
single point of contact for inquiries by data subjects and provides information on
data subjects’ privacy related rights. 

A PIC allows the DPO or COP to be involved in any possible issues relating to
privacy and data protection. Grant the DPO or COP appropriate access to the
personal data it is processing, including the processing systems. Provides
sufficient time and resources. Ensure that the DPO or COP is made a part of all
relevant working groups that deal with personal data processing activities
conducted inside the organization.

4. Applying the DIKW Model, please answer the following Hospital Cases:

A. Patient Nona was admitted last March 14, 2020 at CLMMRH with chief
complaints of very high fever and rashes all over the body. The initial
diagnosis of her attending physician is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Create 2
individualized DIKW documentation for this patient.

1.a. (10pts)

D: T - 38.9°C

P - 78 bpm

R - 18 bpm

BP - 100/70 mmHg

I: Axillary Temperature (2:00 pm) - T: 38.9°C

Axillary Temperature (3:00 pm) - T: 39.8°C

Axillary Temperature (4:00 pm) - T: 40.2°C

K: Increased temperature

W: - Tepid sponge bath 

- Monitor vital signs at least every 4 hours 

- Encourage fluid intake (suggest Pocari Sweat because it provides a lot
of electrolyte)

- Monitor fluid intake and output 

- Administer antipyretic drug 

- Advise to get enough rest 

- Do a Health Teaching about Tepid Sponge Bath 

1.b (10pts)

D: Rashes are present all over the body

I: March 14, 2020 – rashes are present all over the body

March 15, 2020 - rashes still present with petechiae at upper extremities

March 16, 2020 - nose is bleeding; rashes are still found all over the body
with petechiae spreading from the upper to lower

K: Reduced immune system response

W: - Encourage fluid intake (suggest Pocari Sweat because it provides a lot

of electrolyte) 

- Advise not to eat dark colored food

- Remind not to take aspirin

- Administer medicine as prescribed.

B. Patient Alvin was admitted last March 1, 2020 at TLJPH with chief
complaints of increased BP and left side body weakness. The initial
impression of his attending physician is Cerebrovascular Accident/Stroke.
Create 2 individualized DIKW documentation for this patient.

1.a. (10pts)

D: BP: 130/90mmHg

I: 8:00 pm - BP: 130/90mmHg

8:30 pm - BP: 140/100mmHg

10:00 pm - BP: 150/110mmHg

K: Increased blood pressure

W: - Monitor vital signs at least every 4 hours 

- Advise to get enough rest

- Advise to avoid high-cholesterol foods 

- Administer antihypertensive drug as prescribed

- Advise to manage his stress

1.b (10pts)

D: Right side body weakness

I: March 1, 2020 – Patient has difficulty moving right side of his body

March 2, 2020 – Patient still has difficulty in forming words.

March 3, 2020 – Patient is unable to perform activities of daily living.

K: Decreased motor function

W: - Assist in performing activities 

- Encourage to do motor-skill exercises 

- Encourage mobility training. Use of mobility aids, such as walker, canes,
wheelchair or ankle brace

- Range-of-motion therapy 

C. Patient Lea was admitted last March 11, 2020 at TDHI with chief complaint
of labor pains. At around 5pm of the same day, she delivered her 5th child via
NSVD. Immediately after delivery, her attending midwife noted that her uterus
is becoming boggy and the blood coming out from the patient’s vagina is
significantly increasing. The midwife then referred the case to the doctor on
duty and thus appropriate interventions for postpartum bleeding were made.
Create 2 individualized DIKW documentation for this patient.

1.a. (10pts)

D: labor pains

I: 10:00 am – Progressive, Duration, Frequency and Intensity of the

contracting uterus.

1:30 pm – Still has progressive duration, frequency and intensity of the

contracting uterus

4:30 pm – Increased duration, frequency and intensity with pain during


K: Increased duration, frequency and intensity of the uterine contractions

W: - Advise to lie down tilted towards her left side of the body 

- Advise to avoid lying flat on her back 

- Encourage to drink several glasses of water

- Advise to empty her bladder 

- Encourage to do nipple stimulation

- Advise her to do deep breathing exercise

1.b (10pts)

D: The patient has boggy uterus

I: 5:00 pm – The patient has boggy uterus and loss approximately 100 ml of

5:15 pm - The patient still has boggy uterus and loss approximately 400 ml
of blood

5:30 pm - The patient still has boggy uterus and loss approximately 500 ml
of blood

K: Increased Post-Partum bleeding

W: -Immediately administer oxytocin as prescribed

- Uterine massage

- Assist or advise mother to do nipple stimulation

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going (BN LEVEL 3)”


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