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My friend Ethan's biggest shortcoming is that he is a perfectionist. In most ways, he's a great guy.

He's smart and

funny and kind. He's not oversensitive, making a big issue out of every little criticism. When he's upset, he doesn't take
it out on his friends. But he has to do everything perfectly or not at all. One little mistake and he completely loses his
cool. Whether or not a task is important, Ethan will worry about it and work on it for hours.
Even though Ethan is a very talented musician, he will not perform in public. People are always asking him to, but he
says he's not good enough. What he doesn't understand is that he's better than most musicians you see on television! If
only he realized that his music is beautiful and makes people happy, he might even be a professional musician.
Furthermore, his perfectionism doesn't just hurt him. It hurts everyone around him. He always needs our help to get
things just the way he wants them. And he doesn't seem to realize how much he asks of other people. It's a big job to
be his friend. I think he has to overcome his need to be better than everyone else. Otherwise, he'll never do anything
La mayor deficiencia de mi amigo Ethan es que es un perfeccionista. En la mayoría de los casos, es un gran tipo. Es
inteligente, divertido y amable. No es demasiado sensible, lo que hace un gran problema con cada pequeña crítica.
Cuando está molesto, no se desquicia con sus amigos. Pero tiene que hacer todo perfectamente o no hacer nada. Un
pequeño error y pierde completamente la calma. Si una tarea es importante o no, Ethan se preocupará por ella y
trabajará durante horas.
Aunque Ethan es un músico muy talentoso, no actuará en público. La gente siempre le pide que lo haga, pero él dice
que no es lo suficientemente bueno. ¡Lo que no entiende es que es mejor que la mayoría de los músicos que ves en la
televisión! Si solo se diera cuenta de que su música es hermosa y hace feliz a la gente, incluso podría ser un músico
Además, su perfeccionismo no solo lo lastima. Duele a todos a su alrededor. Él siempre necesita nuestra ayuda para
conseguir las cosas tal como las quiere. Y no parece darse cuenta de cuánto le pide a otras personas. Es un gran trabajo
ser su amigo. Creo que tiene que superar su necesidad de ser mejor que los demás. De lo contrario, nunca hará nada
One of the situations that bothers you most is that a friend speaks badly about you or tells your secrets to another
It all started 4 years ago, I had a friend I thought was good and that I could trust her or that my secrets were safe
which was not so.
Because as time went by she began to talk badly about me, with other people or made me look like I was a bad person
and so, I did not know until a friend in common told me everything she said or did, that was Unacceptable, but I didn't
lose my cool.
So I left it, until on the other hand, a friend told me that he was still doing it and decided to face it. One day I met her
and she was as if nothing, that almost made me lose my temper, but I thought it better and I had to keep calm I took a
deep breath to calm down, I shrugged and said I don't care.
One of the situations that bothers you most is that a friend speaks badly about you or tells your secrets to another
It all started 4 years ago, I had a friend I thought was good and that I could trust her or that my secrets were safe which
not the case was.
Because as time went by she began to speak ill of me, with other people or made me look like I was a bad person and
so, I did not know until a common friend told me everything she said or did, that was Unacceptable, but I didn't lose
my temper.
So I left it, until on the other hand, a friend told me that he was still doing it and decided to face it. One day I met her
and she was as if nothing, that almost made me lose my temper, but I thought better and I had to keep calm I took a
deep breath to calm down, I shrugged and said I don't care.

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