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Name: Camposo, Francient Grade & Section: 12 H2- Socrates Score:_____________

True or False: Encircle “T” if the statement is true or “F” if the statement is false.

T F 1. Positive situations can cause stress.

T F 2. Stress and anxiety are similar concepts.

T F 3. An adrenaline rush is a stress response.

T F 4. You have to avoid stress.

T F 5. Being aggressive is a sign of behavioral stress.

T F 6. Being alcoholic is a sign of having emotional stress.

T F 7. Stress can be managed.

T F 8. Relaxation can help you manage your stress responses.

T F 9. Exercising can help reduce stress.

T F 10. Learning how to prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable steps
is an important skill to manage stress.

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