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Y significa “haber hecho algo”: I have studied → Yo he estudiado

Los participios pasados de los verbos regulares tienen la misma forma que el pasado simple (-ed)

Ejemplo verbo regular “study” / estudiar


I have studied / I've studied I haven't studied Have I studied?
You have studied You haven't studied Have you studied?
He has studied / He's studied He hasn't studied Has he studied?
She has studied She hasn't studied Has she studied?
It has studied It hasn't studied Has it studied?
We have studied We haven't studied Have we studied?
You have studied You haven't studied Have you studied?
They have studied They haven't studied Have they studied?

Ejemplo verbo irregular “come” / venir come – came – come


I have come / I've come I haven't come Have I come?
You have come You haven't come Have you come?
He has come / He's come He hasn't come Has he come?
She has come She hasn't come Has she come?
It has come It hasn't come Has it come?
We have come We haven't come Have we come?
You have come You haven't come Have you come?
They have come They haven't come Have they come?

Se usa para hablar de cosas que han ocurrido sin mencionar el momento
Susan has had an accident.
Susan had an accident last year (al mencionar cuándo ocurrió se usa el pasado simple)

Se usa con acciones que empezaron en el pasado y se mantienen en el presente o tienen una
consecuencia en el presente.

How long …? ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que …?

For | four years Desde hace | cuatro años
three years tres años
eight months ocho años
five minutes cinco minutos

Since | 1990 Desde | 1990

last month el mes pasado
my birthday mi cumpleaños
Christmas Navidad
8th of April el 8 de Abril

¿Cuánto tiempo hace que vives en Plasencia? / How long have you lived in Plasencia?
Vivo en Plasencia desde hace 20 años / I have lived in Plsencia for twenty years
Vivo en Plasencia desde que nací / I have lived in Plasencia since I was born


Se suele usar en preguntas. Y tiene el significado de alguna vez
Have you ever travelled abroad? / ¿Has viajado alguna vez al extranjero?

RESPUESTA CORTA Yes, I have / No, I haven't

RESPUESTA LARGA (Cuando quieres dar más información)

No, I've never travelled abroad
Yes, I went to Portugal last year
Yes, I was in France two years ago

¿Él ha comido alguna vez comida japonesa? No, nunca la ha comido

Has he ever eatten Japanese food? No, he's never eatten it.

¿Has ido alguna vez a Barcelona? (ir y volver se usa to)

Have you ever been to Barcelona? No, I've never been there

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en Plasencia? Llevo en Plasencia desde hace 3 meses / Llevo en Plasencia
desde 1991
How long have you been in Plasencia? I've been in Plasencia for 3 months / I've been in Plasencia
since 1991


Se suele usar en oraciones afirmativas, aunque también se puede ver en oraciones interrogativas.
Significa acabar de hacer algo.

I've just eatten / Yo acabo de comer
What have you just done? / ¿Qué acabas de hacer?
I've just done my homework / Yo acabo de hacer mis deberes

ALREADY = YA. Se usa en oraciones afirmativas

I've already read the newspaper / Yo ya he leído el períodico
*SIEMPRE va entre medias del auxiliar y el verbo en participio

YET = YA o TODAVÍA (AÚN). Se usa en oraciones negativas o interrogativas

Have you finished yet? We haven't finished yet.
¿Habéis acabado ya? Nosotros no hemos acabado todavía.
*SIEMPRE va al final de la oración


Se utiliza para enfatizar o resaltar la acción que ha ocurrido.
“haber estado haciendo algo”
“llevar tiempo haciendo algo”




I have been studying / I've been I haven't been studying Have I been studying?
You have been studying You haven't been studying Have you been studying?
He has been studying / He's He hasn't been studying Has he been studying?
been studying
She has been studying She hasn't been studying Has she been studying?
It has been studying It hasn't been studying Has it been studying?
We have been studying We haven't been studying Have we been studying?
You have been studying You haven't been studying Have you been studying?
They have been studying They haven't been studying Have they been studying?

Yo he estado estudiando Yo no he estado estudiando ¿Has estado tú estudiando?

*Puede utilizarse también para acciones inacabadas, empezó en el pasado y se mantiene en el

presente o justo acaba de terminar.
How long have you been waiting for the bus? / ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas esperando el autobús?
I've been waiting for the bus for 15 minutes / Llevo esperando al autobús durante 15 minutos

El Pasado Perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una acción que tuvo lugar en
un momento anterior a otra acción, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un
orden entre ellas, por ejemplo:
The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema.
La película había terminado cuando ella llegó al cine.
(Primera acción: la película había terminado
Segunda acción: ella llegó al cine)

Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home.

Sarah había preparado la cena cuando su esposo llegó a casa.
(Primera acción: Sarah había preparado la cena
Segunda acción: su esposo llegó a casa)



Los participios pasados de los verbos regulares tienen la misma forma que el pasado simple (-ed)

Ejemplo verbo regular “study” / estudiar


I had studied I hadn't studied Had I studied?
You had studied You hadn't studied Had you studied?
He had studied He hadn't studied Had he studied?
She had studied She hadn't studied Had she studied?
It had studied It hadn't studied Had it studied?
We had studied We hadn't studied Had we studied?
You had studied You hadn't studied Had you studied?
They had studied They hadn't studied Had they studied?

Ejemplo verbo irregular “come” / venir come – came – come


I had come I hadn't come Had I come?
You had come You hadn't come Had you come?
He had come He hadn't come Had he come?
She had come She hadn't come Had she come?
It had come It hadn't come Had it come?
We had come We hadn't come Had we come?
You had come You hadn't come Had you come?
They had come They hadn't come Had they come?

Cuestiones generales sobre la voz pasiva

• La voz pasiva se utiliza mucho más en inglés que en español.
• La voz pasiva se utiliza más en el lenguaje periodístico y científico que en el coloquial.
• También la voz pasiva se utiliza para poner mensajes en lugares públicos. Por ejemplos:
Dogs are not allowed. No se permiten perros. Algunas veces se suprime el verbo "to be".
Por ejemplo: Help wanted. Se necesitan empleados.
• La expresiones con "se" tales como: "se dice, se habla, etc.; se expresan en inglés con la
voz pasiva así: It is said, It is spoken, etc.

Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:
1. El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.
2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar "to be", en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo
principal en participio.
3. El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.
4. Si hacemos mención en la oración del sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), este irá
normalmente precedido por la preposición "by".

Ejemplo transformación
Frase activa:
He built the house / Él construyó la casa.
He (sujeto persona) built (verbo activo) the house (objeto).

Frase pasiva:
The house was built by him / La casa fue construida por él.
The house (Objeto que hace de sujeto) was built (verbo en forma pasiva) by him.

IMPORTANTE: Hay que hacer coincidir los tiempos verbales del verbo "to be". Si el verbo en la
frase activa está en Present Tense diremos, por ejemplo: "is/are + built". Si el verbo está en Past
Tense diremos "was/were + built". Si el verbo está en Present Perfect diremos "have/has been +

En esta tabla de equivalencias veremos cómo cambiar:

Verbo activo Verbo pasivo

Present is/are + verbo en participio
Present Continuous is/are being + verbo en participio
Past Tense was/were + verbo en participio
Past Continuous was/were being + verbo en participio
Present Perfect have/has been + v.en p.
Veamos algunos ejemplos más:

Activa Pasiva
He loves her. She is loved (by him)
Él la ama. Ella es amada (por él).

They make toys. Toys are made (by them)

Ellos hacen juguetes. Los juguetes son hechos.

He killed them. They were killed (by him).

Él los mató. Ellos fueron asesinados (por él).

He has said it. It has been said (by him).

Él lo ha dicho. Se ha dicho (por él).

Las construcciones impersonales (se dice, se comenta, etc.) son muy típicas de la pasiva y difíciles
de traducir para los hispanoparlantes. (SE SUELE UTILIZAR CUANDO SE DESCONOCE EL
Este tipo de construcción pasiva -utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios- se forma
con la estructura sujeto + to be + participle:
It is reported (Se informa)
It is said (Se dice)
It is known (Se sabe)
It is suppose (Se supone)
It is considered (Se considera)
It is expected (Se espera).

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard.

PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...)
PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...)
ACTIVE: They believe Tom is wearing a white pullover.
PASSIVE 1: Tom is believed to be wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)
PASSIVE 2: It is believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)


*De esa página en adelante vienen explicados

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