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Fill in the following bibliographic information:

a) Title: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Society
b) Author/Organization: Colleen Peace
c) Journal Title: West Texas A&M University
d) Year of Publication: April, 2009
e) Volume Number: Vol 1.
f) Page Numbers: 60-64
Peace, C. (2009). The Impact of Domestic Violence on Society. West Texas A&M University,
Vol 1,60-64. Retrieved from https://www.wtamu.edu/webres/File/Academics/College%20of
In-text Citation:
2. What type of article is this source?
A review article
3. Evaluate the author’s extrinsic and intrinsic ethos
Extrinsic Ethos: Peace is specialized in the nursing field. She received a bachelor’s degree
in Nursing informatics, and two Postmaster’s certificates in Nursing Education and Online
Nursing Education, and currently she is a Ph.D. candidate in a nursing program at Walden
University. The author’s experience and knowledge are mainly in the nursing field, whereas
the article is about domestic violence and its impact on society. This shows that the author’s
field of specialization is different some how far from the topic of the article, and this doesn’t
give the author an authority or credibility to discuss such a topic.
Intrinsic Ethos: The author proved to be skilled in terms of language and terminology. The
word choice used in the article that fall under the presented topic, and the organized language
helped the author to persuade the audience. The topic is about domestic violence, and the
author succeeded to explain properly domestic violence and the terms that fall under it such
as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, economic abuse, and psychological abuse.
4. According to the article, p60, what are the three main characteristics of men who
batter their partners?
Three main characteristics of men who batter their partners are: frustration or stress, gender roles
or learned behavior, and alcohol.
5. According to the article, P61, why do male victims of domestic violence often avoid
coming forward about their abuse?
Male victims of domestic violence often avoid coming forward about their abuse since they
find it embarrassing for them in the first place, and for their partners in the second place. Since, it
is normalized in society that man is the strong side of the relationship. In addition, in some
cultures that normalize this type of violence, the male is considered to be the one who abuses his
partner and this act proves how “manly” the man is, so if the roles were shifted it would be a
shame for the man to be a victim.
6. What are the common reasons for female’s violent behavior toward their spouse or
One of the common reasons for female’s violent behavior toward their spouse or partner is
jealousy and having a lack of anger management skills. As an example, one common scenario
that the author mentioned is that when a man steps in his house late at night, the female partner
steps in and confronts him at the door. The verbal confrontations usually turn to physical
violence, and this goes back to the main reason which is the jealousy that females have and the
lack of their skills to manage their anger.
7. Police/Long-term & Short-term/Agree or Disagree?
The answer in this situation differs depending on the case. The person’s case depends on the
ruling system of the country that the victim lives in. In developed nations, the police could help
the victim on both levels, the short term and the long term. In which, the rules are set to get the
abuser jailed, protect the victim, and even divorce the couple if the victim wants to and the
victim will have full protection from the government and from NGO’s that are involved in cases
of violence. In developing countries, the police in most cases could help the victim for a short-
time period. Many victims after this period get abused again since some are obliged by their
families to stay with their husbands, some do have the right to get divorced in their
countries(females), and others will face the problem that the abuser will not be punished.
Nevertheless, the NGO’s in such countries are working hard to protect the victims, punish the
abuser, raise awareness in societies and upgrade the laws that rule cases of violence. Whereas in
developing countries, the police may not even interfere, since in many nations especially those
that suffer from poverty, violence is normalized within cultures and societies.
8. Define Sexual abuse, and emotional abuse:
Sexual Abuse: When a person takes what is sexually needed from another person by force, such
as rape in marriage, or forcing sex after physical violence. (Peace,2009, P.61)
Emotional Abuse: When a person destroys the self-confidence of other individual. This could
happen when someone keeps on criticizing, embarrassing, and threatening the other. It could
also happen when a woman is isolated from her surrounding due to jealousy. (Peace,2009, P.61)
9. What are some of the cultural factors that make it difficult for Lebanese victims of
domestic violence to report their abuse to the authorities?
Regarding physical abuse, if the victim was a male it would be impossible to report the abuse
case to the authorities because it is considered to be shameful in the Lebanese society for a man
to be beaten up by his female partner. On the other hand, female victims don’t report their abuse
to the authorities due to the cultural, religious and legal pressures that they face. Some of these
pressures could be that it would be shameful for the woman to get divorced, and the society will
call her a divorced woman, second by convincing the woman that her partner is man and the
female partner should handle her man’s actions and by convincing the woman that she should
stay in her house and take care of her children no matter what happens. Other factors could be
that in some religions the females can’t get divorced because the males are the ones to decide on
Regarding emotional abuse, criticizing, embarrassing or isolating a woman from her
surrounding due to jealousy are generally normalized in the Lebanese society. So, it is
considered funny if someone got embarrassed in public, and it is normal for a woman gets
isolated because isolating her shows how much does her male partner loves her. Whereas
criticizing others is considered to be giving a personal opinion. In general, these types of abuses
are not taken into consideration in Lebanon and are described as silly by the Lebanese culture.

Regarding sexual abuse, if a male got sexually abused and confronts it to public, this male
would most probably be a joke in his surroundings. In the Lebanese society, a man can be
proudful of himself if he is sexually active. So, it is fine for a man to do any sexual activity, but it
is a disgrace for a female to do the same. This concept even applies in rape, in which if a male
raped a female, then the man is considered to be so “manly” and the female is described in a
very shameful word. Also, many families don’t accept their rapped daughters and they blame
them for something they didn’t even do. That is why many females do not confront their abuse to
authorities and to the public.
10. What is the correlation between economic status and domestic violence?
The relation between economic status and domestic violence is that is a person is financially
dependent on the partner, then this person can be abused by their partner. This happens a lot
when in marital relationships, whereas one side gets the money, and the other depends on the
money so the partner that is getting the income will dominate and take control over the other
partner, and this will allow abuse to take place. Another example of economic abuse could be
when a person doesn’t accept for their child or partner to be employed in order to remain the
financial sponsor, and thus the victim will remain to be abused since the victim is financially
dependent on the abuser. This mostly happen with families with low incomes and low economic
Families with low incomes are most likely to have violence against women and children, in
which it has been found that poverty is one of the reasons that lead to abuse.
Also, most commonly women of color, or refugees do not confront authorities about their abuse
since they think it will end up by getting themselves and their families shame and dishonor.
11. How are female and male domestic violence offenders different in terms of the reasons
for or triggers of their violence (P.62)?
Male domestic violence offenders are mostly likely found to have problems with substance abuse
such as drugs and alcohol. This makes them show signs of early conduct disorder. Hence, this
trigger male offenders to commit their violence.
Whereas female domestic violence offenders most probably have dealt throughout many years
with psychiatric problems. This then triggers them to be violent.
12. Are there any other factors that the authors have not mentioned or addressed that may
trigger domestic violence?
Domestic violence could also happen in family problems especially when a wife betrays her
husband with another man. Many cases of domestic violence happen when the husband finds out
that his wife is cheating on him.
13. What is the author’s recommendation on how to prevent domestic violence?
The author recommends to educate women in order to break the chain of violence, in which a
woman should notice her husband’s problems and report them no matter what. The author also
recommends to teach the person how to control anger and violence, such as the soldiers in the
military who are the least to perform violence on their children and spouses because they are
taught how to control themselves. Also, the author recommends to educate the abuser on the
negative impact of their actions on themselves and on their families, as well as educating the
victim that violence is not related to them if they have something or not.
14. Think of seed ideas and research Questions related to this topic?
Torture in Prison: Is torturing prisoners considered normal? Is it justified?
Bullying: Does bullying affect the child’s career and future?
Violence against children: Does it turn the children who are victims of violence to violent

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