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Assessment Task Number: 1002

Topic: Let’s Get Connected

Weighting: 25%
Date of Issue: Week 8, Term 2, Wednesday June 10
Dates for Submission: Week 3, Term 3, Monday July 27 (Part B)
Week 4, Term 3, Monday August 3 (Parts A & C)

Areas of Assessment:
1. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using suitable software and hardware
for a range of tasks.
2. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the effects of past, current and emerging information and
software technologies on the individual society.
3. Applies problem solving and decision making processes when designing, producing and evaluating solutions to a
range of situations
4. Demonstrates a responsible and ethical attitude related to the use of information and software technology
5. Uses effective communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software
technology solutions for specific problems.

The three parts of this task will need to be completed in sequence.

In class we have been studying Networking Systems with a focus on Local Area Networks (LANs).

Your task involves you creating an advertisement convincing the average person of why they should have a home
computer network.

During the task you will need to apply the method of problem solving we have been studying during the course. That

• Define
• Design
• Produce
• Evaluate

For the purpose of this task, students have the option of working alone or in groups of two or three.

Your advertisement must be a minimum of 30 seconds long but must run no longer than 1 minute.

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PART A: StoryBoard

Outcomes to be Assessed:

5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software

5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions
5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems
5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks
5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Having formed your groups, you will need to set about defining and designing your solution. Time will need to be spent
planning your overall concept.

■ What is the purpose of your advertisement?

■ What is your target audience?
■ What information needs to be included in your advertisement?
■ How do you envisage your final product will look/sound?
■ How are you going to go about producing the advertisement?

Time should be spent researching advertising and advertising techniques.

Before you begin producing your solution you will need to create a storyboard. (We will spend some time in class
discussing the role of a storyboard in the production process).

PART B: Your Advertisement (Completed as a group where applicable)

Outcomes to be assessed:

5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software

5.1.2 selects, maintains and appropriately uses hardware for a range of tasks
5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions
5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems
5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner
5.4.1 analyses the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and
5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks
5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Using any available tools on your Mac, prepare an television advertisement to convince people that they should have
a home computer network. In doing this you should:

● Acknowledge some of the problems/issues of past technologies used in home networks

● Highlight the advantages of having a home network
● Describe what you would need to setup a home network
● Provide a description of how you would set it up
● Provide a basic cost (based on research)

You may make use of other technologies, such as animation, and incorporate these into your advertisement.

Be careful to ensure all multimedia are of a suitable quality for your product. (Eg: Suitable resolution/clarity of
graphics and video, sound is audible and balanced).

Your final product will be uploaded to your YouTube account and you will post a link to this in Edmodo.

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PART C: Evaluation (completed as individuals)
Outcomes to be Assessed:

5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software

5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions
5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions
5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

As part of this section of your project, you will have published your advertisement and you will have sought feedback
from others.

Using whichever software you deem suitable, you are to critically evaluate your advertisement and the process you
used to create your advertisement.

In this section you should be describing the process you have used to define, design, produce and evaluate your

You are also required to evaluate each stage of completing your project as well as reviewing how effective your
advertisement is in communicating your message and convincing the viewer to set up a home network.

You should be providing evidence of your work at each stage of the development process. Your storyboard must be
presented as part of this report.

Your report (including your storyboard) will be submitted as a PDF file to Edmodo.

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Area of Assessment 1

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using suitable software and
hardware for a range of task.

Grade A student performing at this grade typically:

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using suitable
A software and hardware for a range of tasks

Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of, and skills in,selecting and using suitable
B software and hardware for a range of tasks.

Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using suitable
C software and hardware for a range of tasks.

Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using suitable
D software and hardware for a limited range of tasks.

Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, selecting and using
E suitable software and hardware for a limited range of simple tasks.

Part A:
● Your use of chosen software to create and present your storyboard 5 marks
● Quality of graphics for your storyboard 5 marks

Part B:
● Quality of sound 10 marks
● Quality of images and video 10 marks
● Use of effective editing techniques 10 marks
● Overall production 10 marks

Part C:
● Your use of chosen software to create and present report 10 marks

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Area of Assessment 2

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the effects of past, current and emerging information and
software technologies on the individual society.

Grade A student performing at this grade typically:

A Perceptively analyses the effects on individuals and society of a range of past, present and emerging
information technologies.

B Analyses the effects on individuals and society of a range of past, present and emerging information

C Describes the effects on individuals and society of a range of past, present and emerging information

B Outlines the effects on individuals and society of a limited range of past, present and emerging
information technologies.

E With guidance identifies the effects on individuals and society of some past, present and emerging
information technologies.

Part B:
● Acknowledges past issues 5 marks
● Includes advantages of the home network 10 marks
● Describes what you need 5 marks
● Describes how to set up 5 marks
● Includes reference to potential costs/expenses 10 marks

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Area of Assessment 3
Applies problem solving and decision making processes when designing, producing and evaluating
solutions to a range of situations.

Grade A student performing at this grade typically:

Is a critical thinker who insightfully and creatively applies problem-solving and decision-making
A processes when designing, producing and evaluating solutions for a wide range of challenging

Confidently applies problem-solving and decision-making processes when designing, producing and
B evaluating solutions for a wide range of challenging situations.

Applies problem-solving and decision-making processes when designing, producing and evaluating
C solutions for a range of situations.

Applies basic problem-solving and decision-making processes when designing, producing and
D evaluating solutions for familiar situations.

Applies elementary problem-solving or decision-making processes when designing, producing and

E evaluating solutions for some familiar situations.

Part A:
● Storyboard provides a clear plan for production 10 marks

Part B:
● Final product follows (edited) storyboard 10 marks

Part C:
● Critically analyses the define stage 10 marks
● Critically analyses the design stage 10 marks
● Critically analyses the produce stage 10 marks
● Critically analyses the evaluate stage 10 marks
● Overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the ad 10 marks

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Area of Assessment 4
Demonstrates responsible and ethical attitudes related to the use of information and software technology.

Grade A student performing at this grade typically:

Independently justifies and applies responsible ethical practice in the use of information and software
A technology when acquiring and manipulating data and information.

Justifies and applies responsible ethical practice in the use of information and software technology
B when acquiring and manipulating data and information.

Applies responsible ethical practice in the use of information and software technology when
C acquiring and manipulating data and information.

Recalls responsible ethical practice in the use of information and software technology when acquiring
D and manipulating data and information.

With guidance, recognises responsible ethical practice in the use of information and software
E technology when acquiring and manipulating data and information.

Part B:
● All non-original work appropriately referenced (no bibliography or credits) 10marks

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Area of Assessment 5
Uses effective communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software
technology solutions for specific problems.

Grade A student performing at this grade typically:

Independently and logically communicates, using appropriate documentation, complex ideas and
A solutions to a variety of audiences.

Coherently communicates, using appropriate documentation, complex ideas and solutions to a

B variety of audiences.

Communicates, using appropriate documentation, complex ideas and solutions to a variety of

C audiences.

Communicates, using appropriate documentation, complex ideas and solutions to an audience.


With support, communicates, using limited documentation, ideas and solutions to an audience.

Part A:
● Storyboard communicates the intention of the advertisement 5 marks

Part B:
● Suitably targets your audience 10 marks
● Depth quality of your information 10 marks

Part C:
● Spelling and grammar 10 marks

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