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Pre-Assessment for Math Unit

The pre-assessment for math was given on November 11, 2020. The students used

Google Classroom and Teacher made to complete this pre-assessment. The teacher candidate

made this pre-assessment and assigned it on Teacher Made so the students could edit the

document. The students responded by looking at a graph and answering two questions to assess

their knowledge of reading and interpreting data from a graph. This allowed me to see how well

the students can read a graph and interpret data on a bar graph.

The pre-assessment showed most students knew how to read the bar graph and interpret

the data from the graph. They were able to correctly answer the questions provided. Five out of

12 students completed the pre-assessment. Out of these five students, each one correctly

answered the questions except for one who did not answer one part of the question correctly.

They were able to re-tell how many inches of snow fell on January 15th and what the snowfall

was measured in (inches). This showed me that students had some previous knowledge of

reading a bar graph and answering questions related to that data. There is some basic

understanding of interpreting a graph and will be able to move forward in expanding their

knowledge in reading graphs and interpreting data.

Link to Teacher Made:


Name  Correctly Filled out both parts of the  Turned it  Waiting to 
Pre-Assessment  In  Finish  



Lawrence  Did not complete

Laytton  Did not complete




Sebastion  Answered first question correctly :)

Aleris  Did not complete


E’Niya  Did not complete

Joseph  Did not complete

This was taken as a participation grade.

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