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Statement from the Minnesota Business Partnership Regarding the Fight Against COVID-19

The Minnesota Business Partnership, which represents the CEOs and chief executives from more than
100 of Minnesota’s largest employers, issued the following statement regarding the fight against COVID-

“Since the onset of the pandemic, Minnesota businesses have the led the way in ensuring
that their employees, customers and the public are safe.  We take this responsibility seriously
and continue to encourage our employees to take steps in their own lives to prevent and
slow the spread of the virus – including social distancing, minimizing group size and wearing
masks – to protect the health and safety of our citizens, young and old.

The recent rapid spike in COVID-19 infections throughout Minnesota – and the resulting
strain on the state’s health systems and resources – is alarming and threatens to overwhelm
our health care system. This situation is putting the lives of both COVID and non-COVID
patients at risk.  In the current environment, we support limited, targeted measures intended
to mitigate the strain on our health care system and the resulting risks posed to all

We also recognize the negative impact that additional/targeted measures will have on
businesses and their employees, particularly small businesses, and understand how
devastating further restrictions may be.  Our hope is that these limited measures will be
successful in halting the sharp increase in COVID cases, which will allow those businesses
affected by these measures to reopen soon and their employees able to return to their
jobs. We all have a vested interest in the dual objectives of protecting the health of
Minnesotans and the health of our economy and communities.”

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