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Martial God Asura

Chapter 5 – Azure Dragon Founder

MGA: Chapter 5 – Azure Dragon Founder
Translated by: Yang Wenli Edited by:
After Su Rou and the other left, the main hall sunk into silence.
GNE, Rebel01, pelicanv, and -
A moment later, rapid stepping sounds could be heard from outside of the MoonKiller-
hall and one disciple quickly ran over.
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That person was Duan Yuxuan. But compared to the him before, it was like
they were two completely di erent people.

Messy hair, full of sweat, panting heavily, and running towards the high
platform as if he was crazy.

“Haha! At the end, I am the rst! You little child Yang Tian Yu, you want to ght

“I secretly endured in the outer court for 6 years. What was it for? I’ll tell you
right now, it’s for these!”

Duan Yuxuan ran and cheered, as though he was possessed by a demon. His
eyes were tightly glued to the tall platform and he didn’t even notice the
corpses of the Fierce Beasts in the hall.

*whoosh* He leaped and stably landed on the tall platform.

But just as he was full of smiles, after looking down, it was like a lightning in a
clear sky, and he was instantly shocked.

It was because on that tall platform, it was completely empty! There wasn’t
even a single strand of hair!

“Damn, what’s this?”

After a long while, he refocused. Only then did he noticed that fresh blood
was everywhere and the corpse of forty Fierce Beasts were scattered in the
hall. Novel Announcements

The death of every Fierce Beast was very soul-shaking and extremely bloody.
MGA Updates Reducing To 1/Day
That scene completely frightened him. With a poof he sat on the tall platform.
Hello guys, I just realized that it's
He turned around and looked, but he discovered that the door to pass the
possible for me to post posts. The
exam wasn’t opened. option is hidden at the bottom of the
sidebar, so I never realized that it was
“What is happening?” Duan Yuxuan didn’t know what to think and his
there hahaha.
thoughts were all scrambled.
I've already dropped several notices on
*tatata…* Just at that time, Yang Tian Yu also ran over, but just as he arrived chapters and in the Discord to inform
at the entrance of the hall, he stopped. people about the...

After looking at the scene in the hall, he looked at the Duan Yuxuan on the Read More...
platform. He stared with a blank face, “This…You did this?”

Duan Yuxuan lightly chuckled, then said bitterly, “If I said no, would you Sponsored Links
believe me?”

“Of course I would believe you. It would be impossible for you to have such
strong strength.” Yang Tian Yu shot him a glance and entered the hall. He
examined the corpses of the Fierce Beasts, “God, there’s even a rank 4 Fierce
Beast here. Who’s work is this?”

After observing for a good while, they couldn’t nd out the answer. They
never would have knew that someone with so much power was within the
outer court.

At the end, they even suspected that it was a situation planned by the elders
and the elders took the reward for being rst.

But when the level 3 Spirit realm disciple army arrived, the dramatic scene Recent Chapters
Rise - Chapter 162 - Cracks in the
Everyone thought that it was Yang Tian Yu and Duan Yuxuan who killed the
Chrysalis, the Narrow Road of War
Fierce Beasts and the two of them divided the reward between them.
Invincible - 🐯Chapter 1804: Master,
But then funny thing was, as they were facing the gazes of admiration from You’re Here🐯
the crowd, Yang Tian Yu and Duan Yuxuan did not deny it. Just like that, they
VRMMO: The Unrivaled - Chapter 510:
magically became rst. Animal Stampede
The huge door opened behind them opened and the cheers also came. Poison Physician Consort - Chapter
Everyone was very happy because when they walked out of that huge door, 489: Heavens’ Blessing
they would become inner court disciples and a new life would come.
Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 268
But just as people were cheering, a youth walked over and he attracted - Crushing The Mountains And Rivers
With One Blow!
everyone's attention.
Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 267
He was completely naked and he was even crying. He cursed while lled with - Stardust Charge, Meteoric Fall
grievance, “Who the hell is so cruel? Not only did they knock me out, they
Nine Star Hegemon Body Art - Chapter
even took my clothes! What is this madness?!”
1621 Eat It For Me
As they looked at that scene, people were astonished. Only Chu Feng smiled
Nine Star Hegemon Body Art - Chapter
and he slowly left the crowd while looking at his perfect, undamaged clothes. 1620 Soul Value O the Charts
The inner court exam had ended. There were over ten thousand people Life, Once Again! - Chapter 226
who participated, but there were only two thousand people who passed the
Star Odyssey - Chapter 240: War
exam. However, that was no small amount. Drummer
You only become a real Azure Dragon disciple after entering the inner court. Immortal Soaring Blade - Book 2,
At the same time, you would also receive a more preferable treatment. Chapter 44 - Head Teacher Jian Wuxin

To welcome the new disciples that entered the inner court, the elders even VRMMO: The Unrivaled - Chapter 509:
specially set up a banquet. Galaxy Storm

Game of Divine Thrones - Book 8

The round moon hung high up in the night sky. There was plenty of singing
Chapter 185 - Dark Veiled Sea (1)
and dancing in the inner court, and that raised the happy mood to the highest
point. Sage Monarch - Chapter 1237: King of
But Chu Feng did not join in the feast. He stayed within his new residence and
Necropolis Immortal - Chapter 431:
he looked at his wound on his bare upper body.
The Owner of the Sword of Chaos
The wound was healing and the healing speed was extremely fast. If it Monarch of Evernight - Chapter 1187:
continued at that speed, it only needed a few days for it to make a full Unrest in Zheng
recovery. The healing power was given by the Divine Lightning.
Moon's Labyrinth - Chapter 262
“What are you? Why did you choose me?” Heaven's Devourer - Chapter 1142:
Immortal Su Sang
It wasn’t the rst time that Chu Feng asked it that question. He asked
countless number of times before, but he never got an answer. Immortal Devil Transformation - Book
11 Chapter 47 - Revenge, Is Always a
He still remembered the night ve years ago. The sky of the Azure Province Happy Thing
was enveloped by the 9-coloured lightning.
Re ning the Mountains and Rivers -
The sky was as bright as the day and the lightning dancing was like a dragon. Chapter 530 - Woes and Blessings
The thunder in the sky roared and the ground trembled. People even thought Re ning the Mountains and Rivers -
that the world was ending and everything was in disarray under the panic. Chapter 529 – Large Red Jujube

But the Chu Feng who was only ten years old couldn’t help but run out the Everlasting - Chapter 832 Making
door and he headed towards a spacious land. Things Hard

Even until now, he did not know why he did that. It was as if there was some Everlasting - Chapter 831 Marquis
Scarlet re
magic attracting him to go over to that place.
The Second Coming of Gluttony - Side
After that, the Divine Lightning attached onto his body. Story 8. Gabriel’s Request
No one saw it, but he knew the 9-coloured lightning that shook the entire Dungeon Predator - Chapter 325. The
world was inside his dantian. Black Hammer Dwarves' Oath

That Divine Lightning gave Chu Feng such a strong body. However, Chu Feng
did not understand why such a powerful thing was attached onto his body.

“Whatever, if you don’t answer, I won’t ask. You and me are one after all.”

Chu Feng smiled with relief. It was luck and not misfortune, and if it was
misfortune than he couldn’t avoid it. If this Divine Lightning really wanted to
do anything bad to him, then with his current power, he had no chance of

But up until now, the Divine Lightning had only brought bene ts so he didn’t
bother thinking about it anymore.

Chu Feng put his clothes back on and cast his gaze at the book on the head of
the bed. On the book, there were three big words. “Three Thunder Styles”.

Chu Feng picked up the book and started to ip through it. It was the rst
time that he got in touch with a martial skill book so he was a bit excited in his

“Rank 4 skill, Three Thunder Styles. Created by the Azure Dragon Founder.”

“After mastering: Lightning speed. Thunderous power. As strong as a rank 5


After looking at the short description, Chu Feng took in a breath of cold air
and said surprisingly, “This is a skill that was created by the ancestor
who founded this school!”

The Azure Dragon Founder was the founder of the Azure Dragon School. A
thousand years ago, he was unrivaled as he travelled around the world. He
had powers to y in the sky, escape in the ground, move mountains, and ll
oceans. He was a real expert in martial cultivation.

In that era, the Azure Dragon School that was lead by the Azure Dragon
Founder could be said to be the #1 school in all of the Nine Provinces.

The only one who could resist against the Azure Dragon School was the
current overlord of the Nine Provinces, the imperial court.

But the good scene did not last for long. After the Azure Dragon Founder
passed away, the Azure Dragon School started to decline and it quickly fell
from the ranks of the top schools of the Nine Provinces.

Today, even within the borders of the Azure Province, they were only a
second class school. However, that really emphasized the personal strength
of the Azure Dragon Founder.

The skill he created would certainly be quite a ne product within skill books.
You could not get it with begging, but rather by chance instead.

As he was being excited, Chu Feng quickly read the training methods and
swore to succeed in practicing the Three Thunder Styles.

Chu Feng did not sleep at all, but at least he understood the ways to train the
Three Thunder Styles.

First style was form. The second style was intention. The third style could
create lightning. All in all, to train in the Three Thunder Styles was extremely
hard, but Chu Feng wanted to give it a try.

After some washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Chu Feng didn’t feel
sleepy so he headed towards the inner court’s Martial Skill Building.

First of all, the Martial Skill Building had the facilities for training martial skills.
Also, because he couldn’t expose that he was training in the Three Thunder
Styles, he needed to train in another martial skill to fool people.

“This is quite lively.” He walked into the Martial Skill Building, and suddenly,
there was a huge opening. It was overcrowded in the vast main hall of the
Martial Skill Building.

But that was reasonable. After all, there were two thousand or so disciples
that joined in the inner court yesterday. Those new disciples probably wanted
to cultivate some martial skills.

The Martial Skill Building was divided into six oors. The 1st oor for choosing
rank 1 skills, the 2nd oor for choosing rank 2 skills, the 3rd oor for choosing
rank 3 skills, and for oor 4, 5, and 6, they were areas for cultivating the
martial skills.

Chu Feng kept on going up. He found out that the 1st oor was packed with
people. The 2nd oor was a lot better, and as for the 3rd oor , there were
very few people.

That was all within expectations. Although it was said that the di erent ranks
of the martial skills had di erent powers, the training di culty was di erent
as well.

That was why a lot of people who entered the inner court would start training
in the rank 1 skills, then after they mastered it they would choose the rank 2s,
then lastly the rank 3s.

But Chu Feng’s goal was very clear. Even if the martial skill was only for
defense, Chu Feng had to choose the strongest.

“Young man, I recommend that you don’t bite o more than you can chew.
The skills in here are not suited for you.” But just as Chu Feng stepped onto
the 3rd oor, an aged voice entered his ears.

MGA Updates Reducing To 1/Day

Hello guys, I just realized that it's possible for me to post posts. The option is
hidden at the bottom of the sidebar, so I never realized that it was there

I've already dropped several notices on chapters and in the Discord to inform
people about the situation, but I'm making this announcement to give
another head up, especially since it's quite easy to overlook information in
the translator thoughts.


Guys some heads up.

The release rate will be reducing to 1/day from November onward. We're



Martial God Asura

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