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Name(s): Cisneros, Julieza and Girado, Princess Kyle

Topic assigned: Globalization and Pluralism

The Ethical Challenges of Globalization and Pluralism

Globalization has renovated the globe from a collection of separate
communities interacting infrequently into a virtually one multi-faceted
community. Politically, economically, and culturally In a globalized era, peoples
and communities across the world have become culturally connected, the
distinction between the global and the local has become progressively blurred
and actions and events in one locality carry with it the potential to breed
transnational and transgenerational impacts. It is precisely for these reasons
that moral reflection about our responsibilities and obligations in a globalized
age has become an imperative.
At the end of this lesson, we will be able to define the ethical challenges
and problems brought about by globalization and another ideology, called
Pluralism, which has arisen in the age of globalization. But first let us define
the word "globalization" and "pluralism"

 may be defined as the world-wide integration of government policies,

cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and
the exchange of ideas
 have begun after World War II but has accelerated since the mid 1980’s.
 Sometimes it is an opportunity and sometimes it is a challenge

Now we are going to discuss the ethical implications and other moral
challenges in “Globalization”
1. Because of globalization, foreign products are more preferred making
capitalist country to become richer.
One criticism against the unfolding neoliberalism globalization is that it
concentrates wealth in the hands of a few leaving the majority in the condition
of poverty. The world became more unequal, when some countries developed
rapidly while others remained poor.
2. On the other example of challenge in globalization is that, states are in
effect increasing losing their sovereignty.
3. Globalization has made the world a global village, And it also came with
various ethical issues and many other business malpractice.

4. Moral issues associated also by globalization are: Cybercrime, child

pornography and sexual harassment workplace.

 a concept used in many diverse ways, but, in general terms, it is

the philosophical theory that there    is more than one basic
substance or principle, whether it be the constitution of the
universe, of the mind and body, the sources of truth, or the basis
of morality.

The Ethical Challenges of “Pluralism”.

The best example in ethical challenges of pluralism are the moral


1. What are you going to do if your mother is in the hospital and

needs operation worth 100,000 pesos. Suddenly while you are
walking, you found a bag with a cash money. Are you going to find
the owner of the bag or use it for your sick mother?

Pluralism more concerned with moral pluralism, although moral pluralism, at

first glance, seems to be flawless and attractive, it is definitely not immune to
valid criticisms when philosophically analyzed. For one thing, moral pluralism
fails to stipulate what to do when two or more of its values or theories indicate
inconsistent practical imperatives.

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