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Q1. What KPIs would you consider using to evaluate sales financial performance?

Some KPI’s I would look at to evaluate sales financial performance would be Sales and Profit
located in the Order sheet.

Q2. What KPIs would you consider using to evaluate customer relationships?

I would consider looking at the Customer Satisfaction Index and Customer Complaints.

Q3. What KPIs would you consider using to evaluate process efficiency?

I would look at the waste level in production, the order fulfilment cycle, which is how much
time it takes for a process to be complete.

Q4. What KPIs would you consider using to evaluate employee growth?

I could look at Revenue per Employee and Employee Engagement Level.

Q5. For each KPI, identify a benchmark value or KPI goal that you think management might

I think SuperStore will look at past information in order to determine a benchmark. They may
also look at industry averages to take into account their estimated values. For sales financial
performance, they will want that to increase over the years. For evaluating customer
relationships, they will want to minimize customer complaints and address any remaining ones.
For process efficiency, they will want to minimize waste. To do this, they will have to evaluate
the amount of time it takes for a process to be completed. For employee growth, they will want
to look at employee turnover and find out why employees are leaving.

Q6. Using the available fields, identify some calculations or relationships that would support
your KPIs from Q1 to Q4.

It would be useful to find different relationships between sales and employees, as well as sales
and locations. This could be helpful in determining which region maybe has the most sales and
who is the top salesperson. For Revenue per employee I could do revenues / number of
employees and figure out how to classify which employees are classified to those specific

Q7. Are there any KPIs you selected that don’t have supporting data fields?

When looking at customer relationships, there is no data to calculate the Customer Satisfaction
Index or Customer complaints. When evaluating process efficiency, there is no way to calculate
the amount of waste produced in each production. When looking at employee growth, there is
no way to calculate employee engagement level. The order fulfillment cycle is also difficult to



Note: In this Tableau screenshot, it is highlighting the top performer as “true”.

Balanced Scorecard
Q8. Which product categories have fallen below the profit goal of 13 percent?

Bookcases, Chairs, Tables, and Storage

Q9. Which states are taking significantly more than four days to ship to?

Maine, Wyoming and DC. All of the ones that are the darkest green take up to 5 days to ship to.

Q10. Which region(s) has (have) experienced a higher than 10 percent return rate from


Q11. Which sales representative is leading the rest for the most recent month?

Anna Andreadi

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