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Name : Elvant Olrando Darlin

NIM : 2019.C.11a.1007

Prodi : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan 2

Doesen Pengajar : Desy Nataliana,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Listening 5

Listening 1

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4

Burning ✓
Throbbing ✓
Occasional ✓ ✓ ✓
Getting Better ✓
Getting Worse ✓
Staying The Same ✓


1. Are you still in pain?

2. Well, Theres pain around my stopwatch.

3. I Have a slight pain,just here in my right side.

4. I’ve got this throbbing pain in my head.

5. I Keep getting this terrible pain down my left arm.

Listening 2


2. Gas and Air

3. Made

4. Relieved

5. Didn’t

6. All Feeling


1. it does relieve the pain a bit..

2. ... the effect wears off very quickly.

3. It made me feel sick too.

4. ... when the pain became unbearable, i had an epidural

5. Did that help you cope with the pain?

6. It took away the pain completely!

7. I decidced to have gas and air if the pain got worse...

8. I didn’t like losing all sensation.

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