Fadel Ihsan XIPS2 Sasing 21.10.2020

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Latihan Sastra Inggris

Nama : Fadel Ihsan

Kelas : X IPS 2
Tanggal 21/10/2020

Biography Text
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman. He was born on February
11, 1847. His mother taught him at home. Much of his education came from reading R.G.
Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science
and Art. Edison developed hearing problems at an early age. The cause of his deafness has been
attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood and recurring untreated middle-ear
Edison developed many skills when he was young,He also studied qualitative analysis and
conducted chemical experiments on the train until an accident prohibited further work of the
kind. Later, Edison obtained the exclusive right to sell newspapers on the road. This began
Edison's long streak of entrepreneurial ventures, as he discovered his talents as a businessman.
These talents eventually led him to found 14 companies, including General Electric, which is still
one of the largest publicly traded companies in the world.
He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.
Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park", he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of
mass production and large-scale teamwork to the process of invention, and because of that, he
is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.
Edison died of complications of diabetes on October 18, 1931, in his home, "Glenmont" in
Llewellyn Park in West Orange, New Jersey, which he had purchased in 1886 as a wedding gift
for Mina, his second wife. He is buried behind the home.
Paragraph 1
1. Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman.

: (Thomas Alva Edison adalah seorang penemu dan pengusaha Amerika.)

2. He was born on February 11, 1847. His mother taught him at home.

: (Ia lahir pada tanggal 11 Februari 1847. Ibunya mengajarinya di rumah.)

3. Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural

Philosophy and The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. Edison
developed hearing problems at an early age.

: (Sebagian besar pendidikannya berasal dari membaca R.G. Parker's School of Natural

Philosophy and The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (Sekolah Filsafat
Alam Parker dan Serikat Cooper untuk Kemajuan Sains dan Seni) Edison mengembangkan
masalah pendengaran pada usia dini.)

4. The cause of his deafness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during
childhood and recurring untreated middle-ear infections.

: (Penyebab ketuliannya telah dikaitkan dengan serangan demam berdarah selama masa
kanak-kanak dan infeksi telinga tengah yang berulang yang tidak diobati.)

Paragraph 2
1. Edison developed many skills when he was young,He also studied qualitative analysis
and conducted chemical experiments on the train until an accident prohibited further
work of the kind.

: (Edison mengembangkan banyak keterampilan ketika dia masih muda, Dia juga mempelajari
analisis kualitatif dan melakukan eksperimen kimia di kereta sampai sebuah kecelakaan
melarang pekerjaan serupa lebih lanjut.)

2. Later, Edison obtained the exclusive right to sell newspapers on the road. This began
Edison's long streak of entrepreneurial ventures, as he discovered his talents as a
: (Belakangan, Edison memperoleh hak eksklusif untuk menjual koran di jalan. Ini memulai
rentetan panjang usaha kewirausahaan Edison, saat ia menemukan bakatnya sebagai seorang

3. These talents eventually led him to found 14 companies, including General Electric,
which is still one of the largest publicly traded companies in the world.

: (Bakat ini akhirnya membawanya untuk mendirikan 14 perusahaan, termasuk General

Electric, yang masih menjadi salah satu perusahaan publik terbesar di dunia. )

Paragraph 3
1. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including
the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric
light bulb.

: (Dia mengembangkan banyak perangkat yang sangat memengaruhi kehidupan di seluruh

dunia, termasuk fonograf, kamera film, dan bola lampu listrik praktis yang tahan lama .)

2. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park", he was one of the first inventors to apply the
principles of mass production and large-scale teamwork to the process of invention

: (Dijuluki "The Wizard of Menlo Park", dia adalah salah satu penemu pertama yang
menerapkan prinsip produksi massal dan kerja tim skala besar untuk proses penemuan. )

3. He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large-
scale teamwork to the process of invention, and because of that, he is often credited
with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.

: (Dia adalah salah satu penemu pertama yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip produksi massal dan
kerja tim skala besar untuk proses penemuan, dan karena itu, dia sering dikreditkan dengan
penciptaan laboratorium penelitian industri pertama.)
Paragraph 4
1. Edison died of complications of diabetes on October 18, 1931, in his home,
"Glenmont" in Llewellyn Park in West Orange, New Jersey, which he had purchased in
1886 as a wedding gift for Mina, his second wife. He is buried behind the home.

: (Edison meninggal karena komplikasi diabetes pada 18 Oktober 1931, di

rumahnya, "Glenmont" di Taman Llewellyn di West Orange, New Jersey, yang dia
beli pada tahun 1886 sebagai hadiah pernikahan untuk Mina, istri keduanya. Dia
dimakamkan di belakang rumah.

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