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NAUTeach Lesson Template  

Team Members Working on this Lesson:

Kaylee Dahley
Anais Nevarez
Emily Taylor

Title of Lesson: Grade Level: Length of lesson:

Inheritance of Traits from You to Dragons! 8th 30-35 min
Overview of Lesson ​–​ ​Brief description of the major concept addressed in the lesson and its everyday applicability.
Understand how genetic variation through trait inheritance and mutations
Instructional Model and Strategies ​–​ ​Instructional model (e.g., learning cycle…) and strategies (e.g., cooperative learning…) that will be used during the lesson
and why.
5 E Lesson Plan Model: POE, group work

Materials and Resources​ – ​Include the number of each item needed per student/group. Include the # of students in each group. Consider using online resources as
much as possible.

Standard(s) for the lesson ​–​ ​Identify the standards from AZ Science Goal/s from your Rationale Paper: ​Identify which one or more of the
Standards for your chosen grade level that will be addressed in this lesson. State goals from your rationale paper will be addressed in this lesson and describe how
the actual standard(s), not just the identification number. they will be addressed.
8.L3U1.9 Construct an explanation of how genetic variations occur in offspring 1. Students will be able to connect science to their own world and other
through the inheritance of traits or mutations. concepts.
- poll/discussion about eye color
“Changes (mutations) to genes can result in changes to proteins, which can affect 2. Students will feel comfortable sharing ideas and asking questions in the
the structures and functions of the organism and thereby change traits.” classroom.
- encouraging discussion and questions/answers
“Variations of inherited traits between parent and offspring arise from genetic
differences that result from the subset of chromosomes (and therefore genes)
inherited or (more rarely) from mutations.”

“In addition to variations that arise from sexual reproduction, genetic

information can be altered because of mutations. Though rare, mutations may

NAUTeach Lesson Template  

result in changes to the structure and function of proteins. Some changes are
beneficial, others harmful, and some neutral to the organism.”
Practice(s) for the lesson ​–​ ​Identify the Science and Engineering practices
that students will get to experience in this lesson. State the actual practice(s), not
just the identification number.
Assess before teaching​- engagement about what they know regarding eye color
and inheritance of those traits.
Provide feedback early and often​- make sure students ask questions and the
teacher is prepared with answers and knowledge. Guide students with questions
and feedback
Summative assessment​- exit ticket/worksheet
Formative assessment​- worksheet during instruction/activity
Cross-Cutting Concept(s)​ – ​Identify which cross-cutting concept/s might be
addressed in this lesson
Structure and Function
Stability and Change
Essential Question​ – ​This question guides your lesson plan and establishes a conceptual framework for the days’ learning.
What causes genetic variation in offspring?

Safety Considerations and/or Behavior Expectations

Working in groups over the computer, we expect a lively engaging conversation of discourse within the pair.

NAUTeach Lesson Template  

Lesson Sequence
Lesson Segment
& Time
red​= 55 min lesson Give actions ​(underlined)​ of lesson plan with dialogue (​blue​) with probing/guiding questions (​bolded​) and anticipated
plan correct (​red​)/incorrect responses (​italicized​).
blue​= 30-35 min
lesson plan
Engagement Brief Description of Activity:
( 5- 7 min) Student poll/discussion

Okay class, today we are going to be talking about genetics. To begin…

How many of you share the same eye color as both of your parents?
- students raise hand
- no answers from students
How many of you share the same color as one of your parents?
- students raise hand
- no answer from students
Which parent is it?
- “My mom” or “My dad”
- I don't know
Why do you think you have the same eye color?
- “they passed it down to me”
- “It's a dominant gene in my parent”
- Just because/ Because they're my parents
Okay, now that we found out a little more about ourselves and our classmates, there is a link in your worksheet you should be able to click and
find an activity called Geniverse.
Please click the link and follow instructions from the powerpoint.

Explore Brief Description of Activity:

(10 min) Do Case Two Challenge 1 on Geniverse- “Making Babies”
Will have powerpoint slide to show how the website works and what to click

Now that you are at the website, you should see a box that says sign up. For class today click “Play as a guest” at the bottom of the box.
Once at the main page, click the case log on the desk.
We will be focusing on Case 2, Challenges 1 and 2. Begin with challenge one.
NAUTeach Lesson Template  

Remember to be filling out the worksheet as you go along the challenge with your partner.
Walk around the classroom and enter groups online to make sure that pairs are collaborating and recording answers.

Explain Brief Description of Activity:

(5-7 min) Class discussion about what they experienced in the Explore portion/Challenge 1.

Now that everyone has completed the challenge would someone be willing to walk us through their thought process?
What patterns are you seeing with each parent’s genes?
- Dad’s have a Y gene
- Ex: If a dragon doesn’t have wings they don’t have wing genes
- No one finds patterns
What challenges did you have when trying to make the baby?
- I would miss one trait (i.e wings)
- I didn’t know how to make that neck flap
What distinguishes male vs. female? Are there any traits that suggest something? What about an allele?
- Female doesn’t have that neck flap
- Males have a Y chromosome and can only get them from dad
- There is no difference between them

Explore Brief Description of Activity:

(10 min) Do Case Two Challenge 2 on Geniverse- “Pick the Mommy”

Continue working on the worksheet for challenge 2. Refer to powerpoint for probing questions.

Explain Brief Description of Activity:

(5-7 min) Class discussion about what they experienced in the Explore portion/Challenge 2.

What did you look for throughout both challenges?

What mom did you pick? Why?
-I picked the one I thought would give me the right answer
-​I picked a random one
-I don't know why I picked the one I did
What would happen if you picked the wrong mom?
-You wouldn’t get the answer you wanted/you would get a different baby dragon that does not match.
-I don’t know
How did you differentiate between a male and a female?
-The Y chromosome makes it male
-I don’t know

NAUTeach Lesson Template  

Walk around the classroom and enter groups online to make sure that pairs are collaborating and recording answers.

Brief Description of Activity:

Elaborate Return back to the engagement activity with colored eyes and discuss what other genetic variations that are lead by mutation
(10 min) Going back to our eyes and our parents, can we lead to a discovery of how we got our eye color and from which parent. This method can also be
used to find out how you got other details like nose, and hair. Think about siblings, if they’re from the same parent how is it possible that they
look different? (Ignoring identical twins)​Kaylee will give an example after waiting for responses from students.

Specific Visual Impairment

Considerations - Provide a paper copy of worksheet
- Provide a paper copy of website with modifications
for Students - Work with partners to help guide and describe what’s on the screen
with Special - Provide an audio description of pages and a powerpoint
Evaluate Brief Description of Activity:
(5 min) End of Class with an Exit ticket question provided by the worksheet.
Students will need to answer the essential question in their own complete sentences to show understanding of genetic variation in offspring(s).

Alright so class is coming to end so now go back to the worksheet and look at the last question. It should be very familiar to our essential
question. In your own words and in complete sentences look back at what you had to do with the dragon genes and what we discussed about
how we get genetic variation in offspring. Once you answered the question you may turn in your worksheet.
*Since we allotted the rest of the time to evaluate we will be using it to help the students answer the final question on their worksheet as their
exit ticket and summative assessment.
*For 35 min class only

Assessment Plan
Component of Learning to be assessed: How Assessed: When Assessed:
Explaining genetic variation from parents to offspring Having students answer the exit ticket question that End of instruction- exit ticket
reverberates the essential question.


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