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The former clinical data retrieved from his medical record

Nine months ago he went to the Out Patient Department:
Chief complaint:
- red itchy, circumscribed, patches with central blanching on his body
- swollen lips, itchy throat, within an hour after taking Paracetamol orally
Physical examination
Consciousness: compos mentis, Body weight 40 kg, Height 150 cm
Vital signs: Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, Pulse 80 bpm, regular,
Respiratory rate: 24 x/mnt Temperature : 36,50C.
Mouth: Lips: oedematous, tender on palpation
Pharynx: hyperemic
Almost all over his body : pruritic, circumscribed, erythematous, wheals, with central blanching,
variable size (from 0,5 centimeters to a few centimeters) amorphous. These lesions blanched
on pressure.

1. What was the indication of hospitalization for Phillip nine months ago? Why?
2. What is atopy and atopic disease?
3. What are your treatment plan for Phillip?

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