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Page 1

Once upon a time, in Lombok island there lived a family. The family had two sons. They were Cupak and
Gerantang. Cupak was the older. He was greedy, lazy, and tricky. Gerantang was the younger. He was
kind, diligent, and honest.

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One day, their parents told cupak and gerantang to take care of their cows. Gerantang dilligently
washed the cows. He also feed them. But cupak only palyed and ate the foods.

Gerantang finished the work. Then gerantang said to cupak

Audio : "brother, go home earlier, i want to clean up my body first"

"Okay" replied cupak.

But before going home, cupak played in the mud. He dirtied his body with mud.

Page 3

Cupak arrived at home, he went to see his parents. Cupak showed them his tired face and dirty body.

Audio : "i took care off the cows all alone. I washed them. I feed them. Gerantang only played and ate
the foods" said cupak while crying.

"Really? Where is gerantang? " Ask his father angrily.

"Now clean your body and take a rest" said his mother.

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Gerantang then arrived at home.

Audio : "i am home" greeted gerantang happily.

"You look so fresh, where have you been ? Why did you let your brother take care of the cows alone ?
I am dissapointed at you. Go away. You are my son animore"
Said his father with anger.

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Gerantang was confused. He did not know what he did wrong. But, he did not want to make his father
got angrier. He walk away and cried.

Page 6

Cupak woke up. He could not find gerantang anywhere.

Audio ; "where is gerantang? Is he not home ?" Asked cupak to his father.

"He does not belong to this family anymore. This family do not have a lazy son" replied his father.

"Oh father, this is too much. I lied. Gerantang did not do anything wrong. He took care of the cows,
but i played and ate. I also dirtied my body with mud" admitted cupak.

Cupak then went away to find gerantang.

Page 7

Cupak walked so far. Finally he found gerantang in the jungle.

Audio : "gerantang, there you are. Lets go home. Our parents are worried" asked cupak.

"I will not go home". said gerantang.

"I will go with you". Said cupak.

Then cupak and gerantang walked together.

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On their way, the arrived in a kingdom. The name of the kingdom was Daha. There, they heard about a
competition. It was about saving the daughter of king Datu Daha, the king of Daha kingdom. Her name
was Dewi Sekar Nitra. She was kidnapped by a giant named Genawa. The winner could marry Dewi
Sekar Nitra.
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Cupak and Gerantang decided to join the competition. They walk so far to find Genawa. Finally they
found Genawa in a cave below them.

Audio : "Gerantang, go and save Dewi Sekar Nitra! I will guard this place". Said Cupak.

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Gerantang went inside the cave. He fought Genawa to save Dewi Sekar Nitra. Gerantang was good at
using knife. He killed Genawa. Gerantang saved Dewi Sekar Nitra. Then, he shouted to Cupak.

"I killed Genawa and saved Dewi Sekar Nitra! Throw the rope so we can go up".

Cupak threw the rope. Gerantang held Dewi Sekar Nitra and went up. Cupak helped Dewi Sekar Nitra
first. Suddenly he cut the rope and Gerantang fell down.

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Cupak thought Gerantang was already dead. He brougth Dewi Sekar Nitra to her father, king Daha.
Cupak and Dewi Sekar Nitra arrived at Daha kingdom. King Datu Daha welcomed them gratefully.

"My brother Gerantang, was killed. He fought with Genawa. But i saved Dewi Sekar Nitra". Explained
Cupak to King Datu Daha.

"Oh poor, Gerantang. Well because you saved my daughter, you could marry her, as i promised". Said
king Datu Daha.

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Gerantang was still alive. He tried to get out of the cave. He uses Genawa's bones. Gerantang
successfully climbed up. Then, he went to Daha Kingdom.

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In Daha kingdom, Gerantang was shocked to see Cupak. Cupak and Dewi Sekar Nitra wewe also shocked
to see Gerantang still alive. Actually, they were ready to gey married.

Dewi Sekar Nitra felt happy to see Gerantang. She said to her father,

"This is Gerantang. He saved me and killed Genawa".

"Really?" Said king Daha in a surprise.

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Then, Dewi Sekar Nitra told eberything. By knowing the truth, king Daha asked Gerantang to maary his
daughter. King Daha then punished Cupak because he lied.

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Finally, Gerantang married Dewi Sekar Nitra. They lived happily in Daha Kingdom.

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