Jeffrey Watson Resume

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nz 2 S CITY COMMISSION VACANCY AFFIDAVIT OF APPOINTMENT 3% = CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA sz Mm Zee Ss 2m 3a STATE OF FLORIDA ) z22 0 COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) 3 g CITY OF MIAMI ) Jeffrey Watson (hereinafter ‘affiant’), being first duly sworn under penalty of perjury, deposes and says: 1. Myname is Jeffrey Watson 2. | am offering myself as an appointee to fill the unexpired term for the vacant office of Commissioner in District Number 5 of the City of Miami, Florida. | fully understand that | must maintain an actual and real residence within the district for the duration of my term of office. 3. | have resided in the Commission District Number 5 for a minimum of one year before qualitying, ang | am a registerea voter and a duly qualified elector in Listrict ©. | am presently registered to vote in Precinct No. 518 | presently reside at the following address (must inclu ip code): 43 NW 39thst_ Miamy FL 3312.7 . which is my legal address, and | have resided continually at said address from the 23__day of April 1997 ‘o the present. 4, Immediately prior to residing at the above-stated address, I have resided at the hereinbelow listed addresses for the cited periods of time (list hereinbelow all addresses at which you have resided for the past five years, as well as the length of time at each address): Prior Addresses: For the Period: via Pago tof ey. 2000 5. In addition to the residence that | have listed as my present address, | also reside at the following listed addresses on a temporary basis as a secondary domicile or domiciles: 44 Man 127 tyr or otal Sm SIN Wagan 2 282018 8. A\fiant's spouse resides at the following address (must include city, state and zip godgl 54 NW 40th St Miami 33127 e Be ze Sn 7. Affiant’s minor children reside at the following address (must include city, Sfpie amp zp code): Bh oS 2m none B= om, ho 8. At the present time, affiant (is) ¢ slered to vote in any city, county or sfate“Sther than as stioulated in subparagrapirS-atiove. 9. Name and business address of affiant’s employer: Self E mel “4 eA} i Arey wed soy sy nw You oe 40. Affiant’s occupation Economic Development Consultant Affiant’s business talaphone number(s); (202)573-4890 11. Affiant has been employed in the above-cited capacity for the following period of time: 5 years (Note: In the event the occupation of affiant has been for a period of less than one year, or the employment period with the same employer has been for a period of less than one year, affiant shall give the name(s) and address(es) of his/her employer(s) and occupation(s) for the period of one year prior to the date of this affidavit). 12. Affiant represents that he/she (is) Cea Bony holding another elective or appointive office — whether city, county or muni the term of which or any part thereof runs concurrently with that of the office he/she seeks, and that he/she has resigned from any office from which he/she is required to resign pursuant to F.S.99.012 and/or the City of Miami Charter. 13. Affiant represents that, if appointed, he/she shall serve in the office so appointed. Page? of Rev. 17020 FORM 1 STATEMENT OF “ 2019 ‘gma inte yur am ag FINANCIAL INTERESTS TAS NRE PRET WE —NOGOLE NE Watson FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Jeffrey WATLING ADDRESS 54.NW 40th St Hea a2 5 ao i TS g2 mi TARE OF REERGY B29 City of Miami #6 = NAVE OF OFFICE OR POSTION HED OR SOUGHT gc District 5 Commissioner CHECK ONLY IF CQ GANODATE OR DISCLOSURE PERIOD: “THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED **** ‘THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS YOUR FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2019. MANNER OF CALCULATING REPORTABLE INTERESTS: FEWER CALCULATIONS, OR USING COMPARATIVE THRESHOLDS, WHICH ARE USUALLY BASED ON PERCENTAGE VALUES. (s0e instructons for further details). CHECK T FILERS HAVE THE OPTION OF USING REPORTING THRESHOLDS THAT ARE ABSOLUTE DOLLAR VALUES, WHICH REQUIRES NE YOU ARE USING (must cheek one): ‘COMPARATIVE (PERCENTAGE) THRESHOLDS on FT pour varie tHarsHains [PARTA=PrimaRY SOURCES OF NCOME [usr seuss olincomw one rosotng parson Sas actos aera) (you Rave nothing 1 report, wrte "none" on") NAME oF SOURCE (OF INCOME souRceS DESCRIPTION OF THE SOURCE'S ADDRESS, PRINGIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY [Consulting [54 NW 40th St Economic Development Consultat | PARTE ~ SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME [Major customers, clans, and cher soureas of coms ta businesses owned byte epoing parson - See istton] (i you have nthing fo report, wri ‘rome ore wat of Ae oF ualon sounces scones rnc usness | bee or avenese noone ores enn source Nene PANTO REAL PROPERTY [Lane bulongs wrod bye rpreng poson” See Parco] {you nave nothing te report, wit “nono” o"na") "You are nat Enited to the space onthe Tinos on tis form. tach aatonal shoots, i necoasary eapuabaiy tower na ara FAC INSTRUCTIONS on who must fle this form end Row to Fil out bogin on page 3. anata (ifyeu have nothing to report, write “ona” oF “ns TVPE OF INTANGIBLE, PART D— INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (Slocs, bonds, colfcales of deposi, ec. - See heute] BUSINESS ENTITY TO WHICH THE PROPERTY RELATES TLD Entertainment [Media The Now Corp cB PART E— LIABILITIES [Mor debts See inatuctions) (ifyou have nothing fo rapor, write “none” or "ria" NAME OF CREDITOR ADDRESS OF CREDITOR PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY NONE a} =. SES [Own is fave noting eper wi shen or ne os fr wer 7 gusivess ENTTY #1 usta entty 9 EO) NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY. Ze 3 = ADDRESS OF BUSINESS ENTITY INIA N/A 25 2 a 33] POSITION HELD WITH ENTITY TOWN MORE THAN A 8% INTERESTIN THE BUSINESG| NATURE OF MY OWNERSHIP INTEREST ‘PART G— TRAINING For elacted municipal officers requed io complot annus etic Waring puruaat to section 12.9142, FS, QI CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPLETED THE REQUIRED TRAINING. ‘SIGNATURE OF FILER: Signature: Jeffrey Watsow Date Signed: November 13th 2020 FILING INSTRUCTIONS: If you were mailed the form by the Commission on Ethic or a County Suporvieor of Eloclons for your annual desiosure fing, return th form to shat locaton, To determine what eategery your poston fas under, so page 3 of instructions. Local officersiemployees flo with the Supervisor of Elections Jf the county In which they permanent reside. If you do rot bermanenty feside in Flonca, Ne with the Supendsor of tre coun liners your agency has ils headquarters) Form Tflers who fle wi the: Supervisor of Elections may fle by maa or email. Contact your [Sperieor ef Elactone for the taiiag adress er amed ates to ise: Bornot email Commission on Ethics. fw elucned. ‘State officers or specified state employees who flo vith the Commission on Ethies may fle by mat or email To fle by mal, send the completed form to P.O. Drawer 18703, Talahassee, FL. 32017-5709. physical address: 25 John Knox RG, Bleg E, Sto 200, alahaesee, FL 32303. To fie ai The Commission by emai, scan Your comes fam and any aacnnts aa a (co not we, Sihor format), send ito CePorm! Glog slate. us ard rctain copy for your eearés, Do al ie by patna and emai. Ch ing mathod. Form és wil not be aczeptod vie email Yale Senn, FAS. ‘See yw IF ANY OF PARTS A THROUGH G ARE CONTINUED ON A SEPARATE SHEET, PLEASE CHECK HEREC) ‘GPA or ATTORNEY SIGNATURE ONLY tact pte acount eaeedurder Chal 472, oeorray in good standing win he Fora x prepared Pu fom fo you, he oF hermit complte he alowngetatamant ff __ prepared he CE Fai aceon wit Socion TESTES, Fla Stato, Tsircor othe frm: Upon my razorati kowledga and ‘Sane han st acre (CPARtorny Signature: Date Signe Candidates fie Wis form togather wit ther fing papers. MULTIPLE FILING UNNECESSARY: A candidate wo flos a Form {with a qualtying offers nat required te fle with tha Commleson or Supentaor of Biectons WHEN TO FILE: Intally, each loca offceremplayea, sate ofcer, nd epeeod stato ompoyes must fle, within 30 daye of Ihe dev aio er spppimant or ome bagi of eplrant ‘pales to mil be enmad by ne Senate mune prt ‘orttmation, even that ess than 80 days fom tho date of elt Sppomensn Candidates must Ne at the same time they fe tha qualifying paper Thoreater, fo by July 1 folowing each calendar yearin which fold ther postions, | OS * bad Finally, fle a fral disclosure form (Form 1F) wihin 60 days of teavingoffee or employment Fling a GE Form 1 (Fal Statement ot Finsncal iverests)doos not relieve the fer of flng a CE Form 7 ifthe for was in is or hor postion on Dacombor 3, 2019. LOYALTY OATH STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE 1, Jeffrey H Watson aie asa Taaifans Osa and a candidate for public office ... do 2 Gien BF tn&Hate of Florida and of the United States of America, the United States and of the State of Florida. hefgby solémifwear or affim that | wil support the Constitution gee ce Signature of Candidate 3 CITY OF MIAMI OATH OF CANDIDATE oFFice or Commissioner distwiet s® Before me, an officer authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Jeffrey Watson (PERSE PANNA) who, being sworn, says he/she is a candidate for the office of Comm Issioner VishictS for the City of Miami, Florida; that he/she is a qualified elector of the City of Miarni, Florida; that he/she Is qualified under the Gonsttution, ine Laws of Fonca, and Gily of Miami Charter to hold the office to which he/she desires to be elected; that he/she has taken the oath required by Section 99.021, Florida Statutes; that he/she has ‘qualified for no other public office in the State, the term of which office or any parl thereof runs concurrent with that of the office he/she seeks; and that he/she has resigned or taken a leave of absence. from any office from which he/she is required to resign or take a leave of absence, pursuant to Section 99.012, Florida Statutes. Signature of Candidate Florida 33127 Sate ZIP Gade Miami oly 54 NW 40th ST ‘Address v physical or The Loyalty Oath and Oath of Candidate are swom to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by| 13 day op November 7 online prosengé, this pcos pact esa ‘Type of iantiicaton Producnd: Forges, Sandra Saar From: Jeffrey watson Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 9:47 AM To: Forges, Sandra Subject: Re: Special City Commission - City Commission District 5 Vacancy - Meeting Guidelines Attachments: JHW-Bio (15) docx CAUTIONS Tsic ah ermal trom ani exterral sur & ba nor eRe ar opera chien UNE OUTRO : sender and know the:content is safe = See fyi, iwas asked to send this to you for commission colleagues From: Forges, Sandra Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 6:56 PM To: jeffrey watson Subject: RE: Special City Commission - City Commission District 5 Vacancy - Meeting Guidelines Great! Thank you for letting me know. We will see you tomorrow. Have a good evening. Sandra Forges, MBA Elections Coordinator City of Miami~ Clerk's Office 8500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33153 ‘BW: 305-250-5369 : 305-858.1610 (' From: jeffrey watson [mailto:watsonjeffrey@hotmailcom] Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 6:55 PM To: Forges, Sandra Subject: Re: Special City Commission - City Commission District 5 Vacancy - Meeting Guidelines CAUTION: Ths 90 eval Fom af exteral source OB not eel nl¥ ox ope attachment nls VOUIEEBBTREG St sender and knowthe contentis safe. 5 ‘Thank you received! Get Outlook for Android From: Forges, Sandra Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 5:09:35 PM To: Subject: FW: Special City Commission - City Commission District 5 Vacancy - Meeting Guidelines Good afternoon Mr. Watson, Attached is the public notice outlining the various methods for public comment for the November 18, 2020 special meeting pertaining to the City Commission District 5 vacancy. Jeffrey Watson 20257-4890 Jeffrey H. Watson is the CEO of Solairgen Energy Corp. a renewable energy developer and operator of solar parks and wind farms with 435 MW's of projects under development, to respond to the need for Innovative renewable energy solutions in markets that are energy deficient and over reliant on fossil fuels. Solairgen is currently developing projects in Aftica, the Caribbean and Central America using three different types of technologies Mr. Watson is a seasoned economic development and finance professional with expertise in nonprofit, public and corporate strategy with a consistent history of working beyond traditional infrastructure strategies to leverage networks, partnerships and cultural assets for optimized outcomes for cities and state Governments. Having over 30 years of experience in economic development consulting and financial and business strategy development in public and private sectors within the U.S. and ‘multinational markets Mr. Watson Founded J. Watson & Company, an economic development consulting and government relation firm in 1996. Additionally, Mr. Watson Altgen Capital Partners, a private equity company that invests in small cap companies Prior to founding J. Watson & Company, Mr. Watson was a Vice President for Government Relations at The Jefferson Group, a Washington, DC based consulting firm, where he formulated legislative strategy for public and non-profit entities seeking to obtain federal financial assistance. Mr. Watson's national public caraar includes serving a¢ an Interim Azzistant and Deputy Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs in the White House under the Clinton Administration. Mr. Watson served as a Director of the Presidential transition team and served in various states as a State Field Director and ultimately the Deputy National Field Director of the Clinton/Gore 1992 Presidential election campaign. At the White House, Mr. Watson coordinated the development of the Administration's policy initiatives and facilitated communications between the White House and state and local government officials. Prior to joining the Clinton White House, Mr. Watson served as a Senior Administrative Assistant for Mayor of Miami Xavier Suarez, and also served as Finance Administrator for the City of Miami's Department of Development and Housing Conservation Agency where he successfully directed the City's efforts to obtain federal funding (i.e. HUD Section 108 loans and Section 312 loans) for retirement of debt and commercial rehabilitation projects. Mr. Watson served as Senior Tax Accountant with Arthur Anderson & Company CPA's and Senior ‘Auditor for Coopers and Lybrand CPA's, Mr. Watson currently serves as a board of director member for the Institute of Caribbean Studies. He hhas served as member of the board of directors for RENEX Corp. (a publicly traded dialysis company) and Vice Chair of the Miami-Dade County Housing and Finance Authority. Mr. Watson was presented with an Honorary Degree by Miami Dade College, received the African- American Achievers Award sponsored by JM Family Enterprises, Inc., and received a National Community Service Award sponsored by Support Network, Inc.

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