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Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

Father Pablo Pastells and Jose Rizal: The debate started when Pastells sent Rizal a book by Sarda along
with an advice that Rizal should desist from his majaderas (foolishness) in viewing religion from the
perspective of individual judgement and self-esteem.

The debate can be read in four (4) letters. Rizal was bitter against the friars because they commit abuses
under the cloak of religion. Father Pastells tried to bring back to Catholicism Rizal by telling him that
human intelligence is limited, thus he needs the guidance of God.

Behind the debate, Pastells and Rizal were friends as evidently pictured when:

1. Pastells gave Rizal a copy of Imitation de Cristo by Fr. Thomas a Kempis

2. Rizal gave Pastells a bust of St. Paul which he had made Rizal continued to hear mass and celebrate
religious events

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