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o Nama : Sindi

o NIM : A2041093
o Kelas : IC

When You Were Seventeen

When you were seventeen, you got the whole world telling you what to do with your
life. When you open up your instagram account, then you want to post your photo with your
friends and ended up not being. Guess what? What you think is “Do I look fat in this photo?
Do i look weird?" When you looked in the mirror, your voice was quite clear. "You're ugly,
you're too thin, your hairline receding, you got a pimple on your chin'" Your mom tell you,
"Change your dress. It's too fat, too short, or too shiny." And the schools tell you, "Cover
your shoulders, cover you legs."
I'm surrended by people who are supposed to guide me while some of them have and
other's haven't. They pressure me, there's so much pressure, "You've got to be nice, you've
got to be cute". You've got to be all these things. I know sometimes with mine, they tell me
about what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how i should be. Until recently, i have
given into that pressure. I lost sight of who I was. I listen to opinions of people, and I need to
chafe who I am because I thought that others would accept me for it. And i dont know how to
be anything but myself.
So girls, you are who you have been looking for, treat yourself like someone you
loved. Love is the answer, love is the key, but if you can’t love yourself, how can you love
the others? So start today, take a good look into the mirror, post your instagram photo. "I'm
who I've been looking for."

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