Activity On The Sacrament of Baptism

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Morte, Pamela D. R.E.

107 TTH (2:30PM-4:00PM)

BSMA – 3 November 11, 2020


What are the common things you hear from people about baptism? Write your answers in the

It is a full
surrender on behalf
of our parents for us to
be committed to God
and it deepens our
connection with God,
allowing us to fully
A sacrament depend on Him as we
Receiving the The
wherein we journey in our
graces of the beginning
encounter the Christian Life.
Holy Spirit of a new
mystery of It is a sign of
and having life with
God’s the Kingdom
sins washed Christ and
presence, love, of God and the
First away. God.
grace incorpotion
sacrament a
Christian into the body
especially of Christ which
Catholics is the Church
1. Based from what you commonly hear, how important is baptism in your earthly

Baptism as what we commonly hear marks our personal identification with Christ. As
a Christian, particularly, a Catholic, I believe Baptism is a vital part of our Christian life for it
symbolizes new beginnings. New chapter and new horizon that we as a Christian will be
facing. Being baptized, allows us to be of full surrender to God, allowing Hm to direct and
guide us as we unite and journey with Him. With all the graces, that the Holy Spirit has given
us during our Baptism, we will be able to feel God’s loving presence. These graces will lead us
to a life of a good and faithful Christian and will lead us away from sins and temptations.
Baptism is important for it draw us closer to God, to the Church as well as to our fellow
Christians. Aside from being a foundation of our Christian life, it also stands as our grounding
in living a moral and Christian life.

2. Is baptism a privilege or a right?

In my opinion, as Christian and a follower of Christ, baptism is a privilege. Being able

to receive God and Christ and all the gifts of graces from the Holy Spirit is overwhelming
especially by the fact that you did not ask for it. Being able to unite with God and incorporate
into the body of Christ is really a big deal. It enables us to have that strong connection with
God which we should all be thankful of. Being proclaimed as a child of God for me is a
privilege, for its like God is accepting us wholeheartedly, giving us all the love and making His
presence be felt. It is such a wonderful thing being baptized because it feels like you are
Home, knowing that you have God. I believe that it is also a privilege for us to begin our
Christian life journey with God, guiding us and within us. God having our sins washed during
our baptism is a privilege for it shows how much he loves us and is willing to accept us.

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