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Morte, Pamela D. R.E.

107 TTH (2:30PM-4:00PM)

BSMA – 3 November 11, 2020


Recall your own confirmation day. (or Ask someone about his/her Sacrament of Confirmation
experience.) Complete the card with important details.

Pamela D. Morte

2012 12 years old

Reynaldo Millan
Fr. Ivan Obando, O.P.
Salome Dequilla

During the confirmation, I was also

accompanied by my aunt on behalf of my
St. Anthony Parish Church mother. It started around 9:30 am. After that
we had our family lunch at Cinco Niñas
Restaurant, to celebrate my confirmation day.

1. What do you celebrate during this day?

On this day, I celebrate my confirmation day. I can never forget this day because this
is the day that I have officially receive the sacrament of confirmation. For me and as a
Christian, I consider this a milestone of my Christian Life. I believe that this day has marked a
new chapter of my life and opened doors for me to be able to have that strong and deeper
connection with God as I willfully and whole heartedly commit myself and profess my faith in
Him. This, I believe is particularly important especially for us Catholics, because through this,
we became united and closer to God, thus it is worth celebrating.

2. Why is it called Confirmation Day?

I believe, this sacrament is called Confirmation day because it is a day wherein the
faith given to us during our Baptism is being confirmed and strengthened, allowing us to
have a deeper connection and relationship with God. It a day of celebration for in this day,
those grace we receive during our Baptism, were completed, strengthened, and sealed
within us. On this day, our faith is deepened, and this I believe, prepare us for the
challenges and temptations that we might face in our Christian life journey. This is
important day that we celebrate not only with God, but also with people around us being
witness as we profess our faith and whole heartedly commit ourselves to God, completing
the first sacrament we receive which is the sacrament of Baptism.

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