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A Life in the Day

A Tale from the Sharp End of the Benefit System

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Jim, (1999),"A Tale from the Sharp End of the Benefit System", A Life in the Day, Vol. 3 Iss 3 pp. 30 - 32
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A Life in the Day 1999.3:30-32.

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A Tale from the
Sharp End of the
Benefit System

a service user

Jim describes the chaotic administration of Housing and Council Tax Benefit in wealthy South-East

England today. He doesn’t detail his feelings and the impact on his aspiration to work again. The Welfare

Reform Bill contains absolutely no reform whatsoever on Housing Benefits. How can the Government
A Life in the Day 1999.3:30-32.

believe they are tackling disincentives to work where a change of benefit name (not even a month in

work) takes eight months to resolve?

Judy Scott

I am in my late forties and since June 1997 June 1998

have been receiving treatment for Post I was asked to complete an annual Housing
Traumatic Stress Disorder, Clinical Depression and Council Tax Benefit review. This was duly
and Vertigo. During this period I have relied completed and presented to the local council
on state benefits for my existence. with proof of income, rent and details of all
changes since June 1997. Incapacity Benefit
Prior to the problem arising was now being paid at the full rate.

January 1998 Diary extracts showing how

Incapacity Benefit increased, Income Support the problem developed
ceased. At this time I was attending the local day
hospital four days a week and taking anti- January 1999
depressants which had pronounced side effects. Call from landlord saying they’d received no
Mistakenly, I believed that my two benefits had Housing Benefit since October 1998. Rang
simply been aggregated and paid as one sum. council to find out what was happening. They

30 A LIFE IN THE DAY Volume 3 Issue 3 AUGUST 1999 © Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Limited

said Housing and Council Tax Benefits had been sus- ● State of health at the time was such that I wasn’t
pended since October as no longer receiving Income necessarily aware of the serious impact that a change
Support. Referred them to my visit in June when all in the NAME of benefits could have. Details of all
necessary information was provided. medical appointments were provided to support this.
● As there was no dispute as to the level of income
February 1999 being received, Housing Benefit and Council Tax
Landlords advised by council that a new claim for Benefits should have been payable anyway.
benefit was required with a request for backdating. This
information was passed on and the forms completed. March 1999
Landlords advised by council that Housing Benefit Despite numerous telephone conversations with the
had been re-instated from June 1998 and were paid up council nothing seemed to be happening.
to date.
18 March
8 February Rang council and landlords and advised them that
Received letters from council stating that as a new if a reply to the appeals wasn’t received within a week,
claim for benefits had not been made in January 1998, the help of the Local MP and Local Councillor would
all benefits paid during the period until June 1998 were be sought.
overpayments which would be recovered by reducing
subsequent payments. The amount involved totalled 22 March
A Life in the Day 1999.3:30-32.

£1,860. Landlords rang to say that the council had advised

With the assistance of landlords, appeals were sent them that the matter had been resolved and all the
to the council on the grounds that: amounts had been written off.

© Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Limited A LIFE IN THE DAY Volume 3 Issue 3 AUGUST 1999 31

April 1999 Conclusions

1 April ● I am lucky that my landlords are a charitable housing
organisation. It is unlikely that a private landlord
Visited council offices to advise them of a rent increase. would have been as patient and as helpful.
Was also provided with a handwritten counter sheet
● It is ridiculous that when a benefit changes its name
confirming the write-offs.
it can result in such a complex situation involving so
much time and effort.
22 April
● The benefits system is supposed to help the sick and
disadvantaged, and yet the way it operates seems to
TAX BENEFIT!! Visited council office and advised that
make life as difficult as possible for both the
final notice would be removed and received a handwritten
claimants and the clerical administrators.
counter sheet confirming that none of the write-offs
had yet been entered on the computer system but that ● Could the system be less confrontational? Ill people
this would be expedited. are not always able to cope with the demands this
May 1999 ● Legally, Housing Benefit entitlement is dependent on
9 May income levels, not the title of income. Therefore this
Annual Housing Benefit Review completed and entire matter would seem to be an example of
returned at which time a handwritten counter sheet bureaucratic pedantry rather than law.
A Life in the Day 1999.3:30-32.

was issued confirming all write-offs completed. Although I’ve been eligible to receive Income Support
since June 1998 obtaining a claim form has not been
Notes easy. I’m actively pursuing this matter.
During this period I’d been attending weekly sessions
with the psychologist who noted the increase in stress
and associated depression until the situation was resolved. Good news

The Benefits Agency and Housing Benefits

Departments are linking up. Although this
originates from DSS plans to tackle fraud there
may be an unexpected beneficial side effect.
J. S.

A Pavilion Mental Health Conference in association with Community Health Sheffield

A National Priority – Local Solutions

Developing 24 hour-
accessible Mental Health
Services Focusing on partnership working between
A&E departments, GPs, acute medical services
and psychiatric crisis teams, this important
19 October 1999 conference will look at creative and cost
Shaftesbury Centre, Sheffield effective ways of providing access ‘out of hours’

32 A LIFE IN THE DAY Volume 3 Issue 3 AUGUST 1999 © Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Limited

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