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Edge of Hermes Trismegisto , the

Alquimist Kimbulo -Thalys Eduardo

Barbosa – Billy Ventura

Zee Griston saw a

magic rising lilac
in very clear
cores, he saw the
castle where he
was holding a
golden apple with a lilac background, in a very beautiful
lilac fog, with his name written in gold letters twisted
with flaming fire Zee Griston and the Eyes of
Armageddon, Soon Zee saw a unicorn running in the
forest Zee Mareou with the Elf Flamely, and came to a
kind of snow white cave, Zee had worn a jacket with the
Warner Broz logo on his jeans back.
Zee then climbed on a kind of ice cart from the gold and
diamond mines, and Zee had arrived at a place that
looked like a mine of the seven dwarfs of snow white,
Zee climbed on a huge lilac pumpkin that flew when Zee
and Flamely slipped in a waterfall of sparkling, and Zee
turns his face on a glass picking up a golden beetle that
had the sound of gold tinkling in the snow at Christmas,
when Zee mounted a golden deer and arrived at a place
where Zee started playing a floating flute like God Pam,
and then he had seen the Purple Lime Dragon, Zee had
flown flying over a bluish gray car of the flying Batman,
when he removed batman shoes with flying bat wings,
Zee found another Dragon lost in the snow, when an
expectro appeared, black with teeth and a green fog , Zee
then shouted the spell “Haleluian Forever“, soon Zee had
arrived at the mine cart in a place with many diamonds
stuck to the wall. Zee had a necklace that was a glass
heart, with purple sand inside a gold string, a kind of
hourglass pendant, which went back in time, Zee
approached in an overwhelming rain, and saw the snow
white house, at Christmas. And a baby deer playing in an
ice lake, with his nose frozen, Zee had seen Santa fly in a
Purple balloon, wearing very light blue Magician
clothes. And a Christmas dinner with apple candles
illuminating a snow white cottage near the mine, Zee had
fallen into a forest called a plant called the queen's
crown, and arrived, a place where he found a little blue
and white cottage that looked like castles there.
Zee and flamely, saw the unicorn once again, Zee saw a
plantation of frozen giant red and purple apples, and
remembered when she kissed Marina Capucci on the
snow mist and cobwebs on the willow tree.
Zee woke up by a monet and followed the unicorn,
who had run through a Forest Called “Warlock
Tales Bard” Zee and Flamely arrived in a kind of
forest where the cave was purple and lilac cosmic
stones, and had fairies flying, fairies with straight
hair like of the Egyptians. Zee entered a kind of
mine cart, crossing the gold mines, arriving him and
Flamely close to a black cat, behind the mine that
looked like Snow White's dwarf mine, Zee then
called the Dragon Forever, who flew across the sky
that arrived with Marina Capucci, Zee Flamely and
Nina, flew on the Dragon, arriving where Zee
Griston found a book called “The Philosopher
Kimbulo -Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's
Stone“, Zee finds a legend that said that in the
underground of kimbulândia hid a mystery, Zee
then and Nina with the Book the Eyes of
Armageddon which was the key to get to this place,
arrived in kimbulândia, Zee then faced the Dragon
and Nina who had a book with the face of a Deer,
removed the clothes , by Zee in emerald and
embroidered rubies, in Snow Path, and Zee
dropped a book Dark Fantasy Blood Radiator Tales,
Zee had approached, Zee had another book on the
cover with a book with lilac gold letters around it r of
many mirrors of the Snow White Witch, and a
Knight with a golden sword in the very heavy rain,
in Cedar trees, Zee then facing the Dragon slipped
under the dragon, and marina fitted the book, and
Zee Griston, then was inside a forest that was ruby-
colored crystal mountains, where Zee had seen a
huge golden statue of Tales, near bluish clouds
called Philosopher's Clouds, Zee looked at the red
mountains, and a sea that is the elixir of immortality,
Zee then becomes the kangaroo rabbit, Zee arrived
at Edem da Pedra Filosofal, the place where the
first Stone was originally discovered, as the book

“The Philosopher Kimbulo -Tales of Nicolau Flamel

and Philosopher's Stone- Thalys Eduardo Barbosa
- Billy Ventura” Zee jumped on a rabbit, and a
butterfly and a duck The Tale of the Butterfly of the
Unicorn and the Duck a book with an egg that was
the eye of Zee Griston who controlled all that
magic, alchemical, Zee had seen the lion Ankord,
playing in the sea of immortality, when he looked at
the water, he was golden with the mane of
philosophical stones,.

Tales of Nicolau Flamel and Philosopher's Stone

Nicolau Tales Zedom Flamel kimbulo, who had lived in France around the sec. XVII, with

alchemical powers, in his laboratory he had done many alchemical works, connected to the human

being and gold, in search of transmuting the human being into something he understood to be

immortal, Nicolau had had a son, little one, Nicolau's father carpenter named Zedom, when

Nicholas was a child he had read that a prophecy had revealed that his grandson in the future,

coming from his lineage, would be the King of the kimbulo world, the world of the Magi,

kimbulos ,.Nicholas locked himself in his laboratory, where there was a great image of the Sun God,

he was trying to find a way to make the human adopt Midas' powers in his potential existence.He

had become immersed in the Greek Philosopher Tales of Miletus, He had spent a long period with

Francis Bacon studying the Green Lion, so he had heard that the Buliflau Stone had been

discovered,and to Pedras Phospumbulo, Nicolau ventured into research, and on an arduous journey,

for wisdom and knowledge.When he moved to Italy he discovered, in ancient Latin scribes, the

alchemical powers, and understood a study called Oro del Mago.And the History of the Golden Sun

of Andromeda de Merlin.That he had taken the apprentice magician kimbulo to a closer study of

lapidius and enlightenment with the instructor Magus.When on ancient scrolls about paradise and

Edem, on a Christmas present he had received from Francis Bacon, which was very

successful.Flamel, he decided, to take a trip.He understood. Locked in a chicken coop.The

encounter of power the gold of the magician and the devil and of the mother tales of maximum

powers.Then one day, Flamel had gone to England, by a Spanish Ship, and had arrived at the port,

the Alchemist had a mark on the back on Magic parchment written King, which his father had said

was born with him, and said, you will represent the powers alchemical.On the Sol del Oro, and from

this sun you will know, that the power that you exercise, you are the master in Tale.And he will
have the responsibility, in these medieval lands, to take his transmutation, to the generation he saw

after you, to his great-grandfather Cláudio Hermes Ozimale Brandum.You will keep this

secret.Asked the Father of Nicholas a very influential man in learned circles.For their relatives, left

Portugal, and traveled with the Portuguese Empire, through the seas of the Kingdom of Welsh, to

America, and guided by a Dragon and the star of David prophesied with The God Horus, the look of

Armageddon ...Nicolau, then locked himself in his laboratory, and one of his first discoveries, had

been to create an Omunculo one to be born inside a Glass, a Golden Dragon, with the Financing of

a Man Called Drogo, he then, went out for a winery called Ondas de la Phoenix.And decided to take

a trip.He had gone to a native land, still undeveloped, rich in cocoa, which was born in plants, and

with Wizards and Scribes, who cultivated everything that magic could offer, Warmed by the Eye of

Zedom.While Magnus and Zedom were at war.So Flameu had entered a White and Red Balloon,

and made the most incredible trip of his life, he was very enchanted with balloons.I couldn't

imagine, how something was so perfect.And also trying to find the treasure for alchemists like

Transform, an Apple in the Golden Snitch, Flamel had already heard Ora Bolas, the stories.But I

always wanted to see the elven tongue radiating from the apples.For he had read that one day, a

Child, named Zee Griston, would arrive.That would be his great-grandson, in the world of

magic.And it would be your heir and nest.Flamel flew from Balloon to cornwall to find Merlin's

writings.That had been a kimbulo.When Flamel had met a bar where Flamel, he heard that a person

would have eyes that they would see like the God Horusthat the same man would have the power of

the Vitrovian man, having his existence, power to centralize everything he wanted around him.Who

would be born into a royal familyendowed with magical powersso Flameu had been a place where

they made pasta, an English pizzaiolo. Cristhofer, he told Flamel, to get to a place and talk to

Delphi.A Lady Delphi had given Flamel a lost map at the time of the Malleus Maleficarum.The

Hammer of Witches, who punished and punished, who was not heir to the King's Family, in a

magical land in England, where she lived, a Girl Called Edwine Platin.According to everyone she

was the first Witch, and after she discovered how to be a witch.The people of the Kingdom, of King
Saladin, plundered the peasants, taking the Golderiam coin, the Gold Dream.and Flamel found a

city with red stone walls, and a lion on the shore of a sea, the sea was an elixir of eternal life. Those

who drink would have eternal life would never die.And the mountain stones, when any metal

radiated with the sea of elixir transformed metals into pure gold, he analyzed that place, taking

samples, when he took out a lead cauldron, and noticed that even the ants of that place cultivated

copper that transformed all in gold so the skin of the boar.And that something controlled that native

Kimbulo civilization.When he saw a great light shine, and the rain from that place was temporal in

that place, creating, and the waterfall that flowed into that sea, was from Minas Kimbulos.The

legend of the book The Eyes of Armageddon.He then entered a cave, when he saw an egg species,

with the eye of Zee Gristonin Tales.And that egg, with one eye, raised a red flame of fire, and

illuminated Flameu's eyes that turned red and green.When a Blue Cape Magician approached and

told Nicolau Flamel that he was the God of that civilization, son of the God of Magic Zedom.So

Flameu, removed only a few purple ones and put them in a large leather bag.And away.With a little

bit of the sea on that beach.And plant for study. And when he saw the Green Lion on the Beach, and

when the lion dived, his mane became red stones, and his body gold, and on the lion's back was a

stone called Ankord. He served only one person in his existence, his creator. Flamel had also heard

of a diamond called Diamond of Drawn, it was the source of the Magic of that place. Then he

understood that Francis Bacon had already gone there first.When he returned to France, he went to

his laboratory, and with the elixir he heated the stone with the substance of the sea of immortality,

an amber that was inside the stone called Armageddonium.He had turned everything into gold.Then

Flamel, on a warm night of fireplaces flaming at Christmas and a lot of snow, had shown his

invention discovered, for the first time in Europe, on May 14, the philosopher's stone was born, at a

party called Jarro da Rosa in Paris, in the newspaper La Magic Bordô ...and became very famous,

for producing the elixir of eternal life, and turning metals into gold.And where many scholars and

scribes, heard about, and wrote this Tales.The End.

Zee had finished reading the Book, and Zee and Nina, so
after Zee came up with a blazing fire flame from a
campfire, reminiscent of Flamel gold and Christmas, Zee
turns the Book into the eyes of armageddon, getting as
red as a Christmas book with the picture of Santa Claus
very pompous, the book floated, and then kept that place,
in the oval eye, on the cover of the book, the eyes of
armageddon as a mirage, and that magic of that whole
place, in the diamond of Drawn from the Black Fire, the
Diamond from Drawn the first diamond, which the Snow
White dwarfs named, the creator of the black fire, “Zee
was reading about, Nikin polishing the egg in Zee
Griston's eye, Zee and Nina came home using their
hearts the magic of the beetime, Zee then becomes a
carriage running in the rain and a King passed out in a
stream with his hair in blue and crystalline stones ...

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