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Geo-Ref Information Services-USA, List B of Scientific
Journals, Poland, Directory of Research Journals ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 09, No. 06 December2016,P.P.2677-2682

A Design of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for Prediction of Water

Quality Modeling
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract: Ground water is one of the most important natural resources for drinking water to human being in
modern world, especially in rural area the supply of treated water is not available.Water quality is important
factor in modern times that affects socio-ecnomica development inappropriately and affecting human helath.
Water quality index (WQI) are the method widely for modelling water quality status. How ever make use of
these indexes is limited by some constraints such as crisis in data base and uncertenity of decision making. In
this study, the fuzzy water qaulity index (FWQI) were developed based on mamdani fuzzy infernce system
inorder to made suitable model for assesing the drinking water quality on basics of 6 parameter physico
chemical parameters. The present study thirty ground water samples were collected from the Perambalur district
focus to select the fuzzy aggrgation approach for estimation of the water qulaity index of a smaple to check the
suitablity for drinking purpose. In this study 6 parameter pH, total hardness, total dissolved solids, Calsium and
Manganes were selected for quality assesment. the output results of proposed methodology were compared with
output obtained from determinstic method for the sutablity of the design methodology.
Keywords: Water quality index (WQI), Fuzzy aggregation, WHO standared, Fuzzy water quality index (FWQI)

1. Introduction Also, it is defined as a techniques of rating that

provides the composite influence of individual water
The crisis for water causes exploration of ground
quality parameter on the over all quality of water. The
water for human,agricultural and industrails use thus
standards for drinking purpose have been considered
protection and mangement of water resources is one
for calculation of WQI (Ramakrishnaiah et al 2009) in
of the issue throughout the world.Traditional
this method the weightage for the various water
assesment of groundwater quality consists of
quality parameters is assumed to be inversely
comparing the parameters levels with WHO, BIS and
proportional to recommended standard for the
ISI standards based on allocated water use. This type
corresponding parameters (khwakaram et al 2012).
of assesment is simple and detailed but not capable
The main issues which is encountered while
to provide a whole and interpreted picture of water
determining the water quality using this method
quality (Thivya and Chidambaram 2014).
facing various uncertainities in different
The depedence on groundwater has increased environmental Problems (Saberi Nasr et al 2012).
tremendously in recent year in many part of india
Considering the individual parameters for
therefore physico-chemical anaylsis of water is
classification of water is not sufficient for all the
important to asses the quality of ground water that
samples of the area as it cannot properly exaplain
influence the suitablity of water for domestic,
which parameter is oftenly create confusion to
irrigation and industrial needs (prasanna et al.2011).
address different locations with respect to quality of
There are variety of methods to evaluate water
ground water of an area. Good result can be obtained
quality index available such as Fuzzy synthesis
by considering the chemsitry parametrs come
evaluation,Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy infernce
together rather than individual one (Handa 1964;
mecahnism,Grey relation Method, water Quality
Hem,1985; Karnegam etal 2010).
index,and so on but one of the popular method
During recent years, the mamdani FIS,using fuzzy To monitor the water quality and to make qualitative
set mathematical methodolgy it has been accepted by and quantitative decisious based on real data has
researchers and decision maker due to handling become a challenge for environmental engineers
uncertainities in water resources. over all stages of the process from data collection,
storage and processing up to analyse and
A water quality index (WQI) is a mechanism for
interpretation of the result uncertainites accumlate
presenting a cumulatively derived numerical
along the chain (Andre lermontor et al 2008). Tzung-
expression defining a certain level of water quality.
Pei hong and Lee (1995) evaluated a model which
WQI is defined as a techniques of rating that
gave coherent result based on membership function
provides the composite influence of individual water
along with fuzzy rule derived for their model,Venkat
quality parameter on the over all quality of water.
kumar et al (2009) have conducted a assesement of

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ground water quality for potable purpose in al;1995). The father of fuzzy logic is lofti A.Zadeh(
ariyamangalam zone of Tiruchirappali, where 30 1965) who has been initiated the concept which
samples were analysed for 10 physio chemical comprises of vagueness or imprecision and has been
parameters and designed fuzzy model approach. applying throughout the world for imprecis data
Sahu et al (2011) have studied the impact of mining processing field. According to lafti A.Zadeh The
activity on physio chemical parameter of ground fuzzy set can be described as follows
water quality. Gorai (2014) have predicted water
Let X be a space of points, with a geometric
qulaity on basics of 11 physio-chemical parameters
elements of X denoted by x
and evaluated a model based on fuzyy inference
mecahnism. Nasir etal.(2012) have evaluated the Thus X={x}
Ground water quality in yazd provinces where 60
A fuzzy set A in X is characterized by a membership
samples were collected and assesed for 10 measured
function fA(x) which associates with each point in X a
chemical parameter and reported that 20 samples
real number in the interval [0,1] with values of
were unfit for good water qaulity with some
fA(x) of x representing the grade of membership of
certainity for potable purpose.
x in A.Thus,the nearer the value of fA(x) to unity,the
In this study, this article present a fuzzy based higher the grade of membership of x in A
information for assesment of water quality in
Membership function represents the degree of
perambalur district of Tamilnadu, India by making
variable or weightage that is membership function can
use of fuzzy rule base model for determining WQI
be represented fuzzy index or degree that associated
which give crisp water quality output with some
with linquistic varaiables. the member ship function
certainity value. The second goal is to compare this
of set A as follows
result in to deterministic value followed by
seperation of sample based on range of linguistic
varaibles derived from various regulatory bodies. µA: (1)
2. Study Area and Data analysis
3.3 Fuzzy inference system(FIS)
Perambalur province with an area of 1,752 Km2
Located inland district of Tamilnadu state, India Fuzzy inference system is defined as the process of
which is selected for study, It lies in the southern mapping a complete set linguistic variables or input
plateau and hill zone of agro climate regional data sets into set of output data. A Fuzzy inference
planning with characteristics of semi and climate, The system is normally consist of four basic componets
co- ordinates of Perambalur is lies between 10°54’ which includes fuzzification,fuzzy rule base,fuzzy
and 11°30’ North Latitude and 78°40’ and 79°30’ inference engine and defuzzification. Actually this
East Longitude (Fig 1), it lies at an altitude of 252 m kind of system can be suitable for resolving vagueness
above sea level where normal rain fall of the district is problem since regulatory bodies followed their own
908mm, the ground water resource through tube wells standared for drinking pupose.A graphical
and well contribute nearly 68% of irrigated command representaion of fuzzy inference system is shown in
and current average ground water level ( August Fig 2
2015) of study area is 9.75 m which rise in level
when compared to previous level (August 2014).In
this study, a total of 30 ground water samples were
collected from bore well and dug well from before
and after monsoon seasons. This samples were tested
in laboratory as per IS standard method (IS 10500).
3.1 Expert system
In present scenario, the knowledge base in an expert
system has been growing and can be updated so that
the performance of an expert system will become
more effective since it is growing, this system can
integrate expertise from many field, reduce cost of
query, lower the proabablity of danger occuring and
provide fast response (G.Riley et al;1989).
3.2 Fuzzy set theory
Fuzzy set theory has frequently used in expert
system and controller because of simplicity and Fig 1 GW Sample location map of Perambalur
similarities to human reasoning ( Tzung-pei hong et district

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 06, December, 2016, pp. 2677-2682
A Design of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for Prediction of Water Quality Modeling 2679

model 2 has also three input variables Ca, Mg, k, the

output vales of model 1 and model 2 are aggregated in
subsequent model to get final water quality index.
The second steps is to determine the ranges of the
input and output variables the minimum value for the
all variables is zero except pH, for pH is equal to 7
indicates best water quality, similarly the maximum
value for the each water quality parameters on the
basics of standard water quality standard ( IS 10500)
Fig 2 Common structure of Fuzzy inference system or WHO (2006). The maximum value for each
parameter is four times of permissible limit of water
3.4 Fuzzification quality standard.
Fuzzification is the first step in fuzzy inference 4.Result and discussion
process, this invloves a variable transformation where
crisp inputs were tranformed in to fuzzy inputs.fuzzy After designing the FIS1 Model (FIS1) and FIS2
input are exact inputs measured as per the standared Model, the input value can be given and output of
procedure. Each input crisp varaible has processed by respective model can be obtained. The rule
FIS has its own group of membership function,the representation of the two models are shown in figure
shape of the membership function depends on the (3) the probable value for fuzzy model 1 is 7.5 for
application and it would be trepezoidal,bell respective average concentration values of pH TH,
shaped,traingle or gaussian, etc. A membership TDS are 7, 600, 1000, similarly the probable value for
function has assigned to each input variables in a model 2 is 150 for respective average value of Ca,
universal set a value between 0 and 1. Mg, k, are 150,60,10

A traingular membership function is specified by 4.1 Deterministic of water quality index using
three parameter a,b,c where a<b<c as follow deterministic method
The weighted arithmetic mean function (Horton 1965;
brown et al.1970; Dinius 1972; Dee at al 1973; Prasad
…… (2) and Bose 2001; Kumar and Alappat, 2004 has been
used to determine the water quality index. The
formula used to determine the aggregated water
quality index is given below. The table 1 shows the
3.5 Design of membership function for input and final fuzzy water quality index associated with
output variables deterministic value. Water quality index
The first important steps in modelling are the where Si is the sub index of ith water quality
identification of system variables that is input and parameter Wi is the weighted of the water quality
output variables. The first fuzzy model 1 has three parameters considers.
input variables (pH TH, TDS), similarly second fuzzy

Fig 2 Continued membership function of input and output variable (e) calcium (f) magnesium (g) potassium (h)
Output of FIS2

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 06, December, 2016, pp. 2677-2682

Fig 3 Membership function of input and output variable (a) Potential hydrogen (b) Total hardness (c) total
dissolved solids (d) Output FIS1

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 06, December, 2016, pp. 2677-2682
A Design of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for Prediction of Water Quality Modeling 2681

Fig 3 Representation of rule base

Table 1 shows the final fuzzy water quality index associated with deterministic value
Latitude Longitude DWQI FWQI Condition
1 11°25'30" 78°53'30" 213.8 212 Very poor
2 11°24'00" 78°57'45" 101.28 100.1 Poor
3 11°20'30" 78°47'00" 36.75 38.7 Excellent
4 11°20'30" 79°08'15" 82.69 83.5 Good
5 11°23'40" 79°00'30" 203.16 202.1 Very poor
6 11°21'30" 78°59'00" 186.26 187.3 Very poor
7 11°05'10" 78°43'00" 59.65 60 Good
8 11°24'55" 78°43'20" 85.06 87 Good
9 10°19'10" 78°59'40" 116.23 115 Poor
10 11°21'00" 79°05'00" 348.61 - Unsuitable
11 11°15'30" 78°48'05" 190.2 191 Poor
12 11°16'00" 78°53'00" 174 175 Poor
13 11°09'30" 78°43'30" 160 161 Poor
14 11°11'00" 78°47'30" 95.41 96 Good
15 11°20'20" 78°55'10" 166.1 167 Poor
16 11°18'00" 78°49'50" 177.78 178 Poor
17 11°26'00" 78°43'15" 48.11 49 Excellent
18 11°10'45" 79°03'45" 36.034 37 Excellent
19 11°15'10" 78°58'45" 63.6 64 Good
20 11°10'45" 78°53'15" 182.41 183 Poor
21 11°12'00" 78°48'05" 43.9 44 Excellent
22 11°15'30" 78°48'05" 95.5 96 Good
23 11°11'00" 78°47'30" 71.22 72 Good
24 11°12'00" 78°48'05" 36.48 37 Excellent
25 11°23'40" 79°00'30" 115.9 116 Poor
26 11°24'00" 78°57'45" 67.31 68 Good
27 11°21'30" 78°59'00" 158.25 160 Poor
28 11°09'30" 78°43'30" 148.4 150 Poor
29 11°20'30" 78°47'00" 118.8 119 Poor
30 11°10'45" 79°03'45" 42.08 43 Excellent
5. Conclusion the result in the form of linguistic term like excellent,
good, poor. This present study suggests a robust
Deterministic assessment of the drinking water quality
design for decision making tool drinking water quality
on the basics the measurement result according to the
index water quality management in the form of fuzzy
prescribed limit either BIS,WHO or ICMR will give

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ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 06, December, 2016, pp. 2677-2682

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ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 06, December, 2016, pp. 2677-2682

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