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Morte, Pamela D. R.E.

107 TTH (2:30PM-4:00PM)

BSMA – 3 November 15, 2020


What comes in your mind each time you see the word EUCHARIST? Write your answer in each
circle provided.


the Body
and Blood of Holy
Christ Communion

Avenue to
One of the
Unite with

Reminiscing Centered on
the Lord’s Jesus Christ and
Last Supper is celebrated
during Mass
1. From the words written above, what do you think connects them altogether?

From the words written above, what connects them altogether is the Eucharist
itself. The words written above revolved with what I think is the meaning of the word
Eucharist and how I think it is celebrated. As what I have known, Eucharist is the highest
and most important Sacrament which unites us with God and draw us closer to Him. It
enables us to connect with Him and be reminded to the last supper, thus it is worth

2. What makes the Eucharist a sacrament?

Eucharist, as I believe, is a sacrament for it is a celebration of Gods love and presence.

It is a time where we become one with God by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ
during the Holy Communion. It enables us and reminds us of the Last Supper. The
Eucharist being the highest and most important sacrament, I believe is the center of our
Christian Life and worship. Also, Eucharist is a sacrament for it is an avenue for us to get
closer to God. Through this Christian rite, we can thank God for making us worthy of
receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.

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