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1. Level: Undergraduate - Full time students

2. Credits: 3
3. Time allocation:
- Lecture: 60%
- Practice and Discuss: 40%
4. Prerequisites: Monetary theory
5. Course objective: On completion of the course, the student should be able to
- Understand stock market organization and operation
- Discuss and analyze IPOs and related issues
- Understand the operation & activities on Stock exchange
- Understand the market microstructure and strategies
- Understand and analyze the efficiency of the market and securities values.
6. Course description:
The course provides the knowledge of the organization and operation of securities
markets, including the primary market and secondary market; the knowledge on the
market microstructure and strategies; EMH and valuation of securities.
7. Requirements for students:
- Take 2 exams in the course
- The method of presentation is textbook review, online readings, experience, and
examination. Each student is required to read each chapter, work the assigned problems,
and is prepared to answer questions on the material.
- Students are required to attend classes according to the regulations for the course. In
the event of a planned or unplanned absence due to necessary circumstances, you are
expected to notify the instructor via email as quickly as possible. An unexcused absence
is one in which the student fails to notify the instructor and provide written
documentation (if requested by the instructor)
8. Course resources
Zvi, Bodie, Alex kane, Alan J.Marcus (2014), Investment, 10th edition, Mc-
Grow Hill.
Recommended text
1. Madura, J, (9th Ed.) Financial Markets and Institutions, Thompson Southwestern
2. Viney, Financial Institutions
1. Mishkin,F. S., Financial Markets and Institutions (7th Edition) , Prentice Hall,
2. Kidwell, D.S., Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money , Wiley, 2011
3. Fabozzi, F. J., Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments (4th Edition),
Prentice Hall, 2009
Useful WebPages
9. Course grading
Attendance: 10%
Assignment: 20%
Semi-exam: 10%
Final Exam: 60%
10. Course outline

Topic Main contents Week

- Overview of Security market 1,2,3
Introduction to Securities - The participation of securities market
market - Security market regulation
- Globalization of security market
- Bonds 4,5
Instruments on Securities - Company shares
markets - Derivatives

- Definition, characteristics & roles of Primary 6,7,8,9

Primary market Market1
- Stock offerings
- Private Equity
- Public Equity
- Initial Public Offerings
- Secondary Stock offering2
- Rights Issues
- Placements
- Takeover Issues
- Dividend reinvestment schemes
- Preference shares
- Convertible notes
- Bonds issuing
-Treasury and Federal Agency
-Municipal Bonds
Financial Institutions (Viney) p178
2 Financial Institutions (Viney) p223
- Corporate Bonds
Mid-term test
- Definition, characteristics & roles 11,12,13,
Secondary Market - Organized exchange 14
- Stock Market Transactions
- Microstructure & strategies
- Margin trading
- Short Selling
- Regulation of stock trading
-Over -The - Counter market
- Introduction on OTC
- Trading on OTC
Buying on Margin - Introduction 15,16,17
- Form of EMH
- Test of EMH
- Implication of EMH
Short selling - Bond value 18,19,20
- The value of stock
Discussion & exercise 21
Review of the course 22

11. Group instructors:

No Name Phone Email
1 Tran Thi Xuan Anh 0918420868
2 Tran Thi Thu 0988913831

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