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ÓÈ{Ê UÊ Gambling addiction Salem Health

does not specifically endorse GA, it has been publi- Websites of Interest
cizing the signs and symptoms of compulsive gam- Gamblers Anonymous
bling, thus helping to reduce the stigma.
An outcome study of GA conducted in 1988
found that less than 8 percent of people who begin National Council on Problem Gambling
attending GA meetings continue to work the pro-
gram and stay away from gambling for more than
one year. One reason may be that the stress of ac-
cepting responsibility for financial, legal, and em- See also: Behavioral addictions: Treatment; Gambling
ployment problems in spite of abstinence from gam- addiction; Group therapy for behavioral addictions;
bling is overwhelming. Another possible reason is Support groups; Twelve-step programs for addicts
that compulsive gambling also may be compounded
by substance abuse: When the concomitant addic-
tion is not addressed, relapse into gambling is easily
In addition, the recovery rate of GA members is
Gambling addiction
still lower than that of AA members because the med- Category: Psychological issues and behaviors
ical model of compulsive behavior as a progressive Also known as: Compulsive gambling; disordered
illness is less accepted by society for compulsive gam- gambling; pathological gambling; problem gam-
blers than for alcoholics. The medical community has bling
labeled compulsive (pathological) gambling as an im- Definition: Gambling is an activity that involves a de-
pulse control disorder similar to compulsive eating, gree of risk and an expenditure of money or goods
kleptomania, and hypersexuality. The increasing in- with the hope of an increased return but with the
cidence of compulsive gambling in persons with Par- possibility of a total loss. Some people gamble for
kinson’s disease, for example, has prompted research pleasure, in a nonaddictive fashion, and suffer
that has discovered an associated dysfunction in the no ill effects from gaming activities. Others have
frontal lobe of the brain. Rat models of impulsivity a problem with gambling, which is manifested by
are being developed to identify potential pharma- their increasing desire to gamble, even if doing so
cological targets and treatments for impulse control creates hardships. These hardships include money
disorders. and debt problems, difficulties at work, relation-
Bethany Thivierge, MPH ship problems, and legal sanctions.

Further Reading Causes

A Day at a Time: Gamblers Anonymous. Center City, MN: Problem gambling has a familial component because
Hazelden, 1994. Daily affirmations and readings to parents with a gambling addiction tend to socialize
inspire compulsive gamblers to pursue recovery. their children into the gambling world. Many of these
Gamblers Anonymous. GA Red Book: A New Beginning. young people, in turn, develop disordered gambling
3rd ed. Los Angeles: Author, 1998. Inspirational sto- behavior. Research with twins suggests that there may
ries about persons who have successfully worked be a genetic component underlying gambling ad-
GA. diction, which may be reinforced by cultural norms.
- - -. Sharing Recovery through Gamblers Anonymous. Los Cultural components have also been associated with
Angeles: Author, 1984. Handbook for compulsive problem gambling, as have games that can be played
gamblers following the twelve-step recovery pro- without a gambling component, such as mahjongg
gram. and bingo.
Sanders, Elizabeth. Gambling Recovery: Working the
Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program. Tucson, AZ: Risk Factors
Wheatmark, 2010. A guidebook to working the Greater numbers of men typically experience gam-
twelve steps of the GA recovery program. Includes bling addiction, although women are also at risk.
exercises at the end of each step. People with gambling addictions often have other
Addictions and Substance Abuse Gambling addictionÊ UÊ ÓÈx

mental health issues (including personality disorders,

mood disorders, and anxiety ailments) and other ad- South Oaks Gambling Screen
dictive disorders, which increase the challenge in de-
termining what effects were caused by gambling and The most common instrument used to screen for
what were caused by other comorbidities. Problem probable pathological-gambling behavior is the
gamblers often consume alcohol, nonprescription South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), developed at
drugs, and tobacco in unhealthy ways, which also con- South Oaks Hospital in New York. South Oaks Hospi-
tal is located on Long Island and is well known for
tributes to dysfunctional behavior.
work with psychiatric problems and addictions.
Prevalence research in much of the developed
SOGS has become one of the most-cited screening
world suggests that approximately 1 percent of the instruments in psychological research literature
world’s population may experience gambling prob- involving the measurement of pathological gam-
lems. The disordered gambling figures for adoles- bling.
cents, in locations where such research has been com- Henry Lesieur, a psychiatrist and certified gam-
pleted, are much higher, with the implication that bling counselor, and Shelia Blume, medical director
gambling-addiction numbers will rise as adolescents at South Oaks Hospital, developed the twenty-item
age and as increasing means to gamble become avail- SOGS in the late 1980s to produce a scale that would
able. The growth of Internet gambling is particularly be consistent and quantifiable. In use, responses to
challenging for local authorities to license, control, the twenty items are recorded, and agreement with
five or more items is interpreted as evidence of the
or measure. Particular concerns with these web-based
presence of pathological gambling. In the years since
services are that young players are difficult to identify
its development, SOGS has become the most com-
and, thus, cannot be prevented from accessing these monly used scale to measure problem gambling in
sites, even when local laws do not permit children to both clinical and nonclinical settings.

Symptoms disorders, and this cyclical progression is challenging

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of for persons in the gambler’s family and social circles,
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), published in 1994 by the and for the individual gambler.
American Psychiatric Association (APA), pathological
gambling is considered to be an impulse-control dis- Screening and Diagnosis
order. A text revision of this manual, called DSM-IV- Several dozen screening and diagnostic devices
TR, appeared in 2000, but this revision did not fun- have been used to measure problem gambling.
damentally change the definition of pathological Many of these are based on the DSM criteria for
gambling. The DSM volumes do not use the term ad- measuring pathological gambling. Two commonly
diction in connection with gambling, although other used tools are the South Oaks gambling screen and
APA publications highlight the similarities to sub- the modified NORC DSM-IV screen for gambling
stance addictions. problems.
Pathological gambling is defined operationally Depending on the type of gambling screen used,
by the presence of five of ten criteria. The measures a diagnosis typically places the person along a con-
focus on the negative effects of gambling for an in- tinuum of increasingly disordered behavior. At the
dividual (such as preoccupation, desire to gamble, lowest levels are people who have never gambled,
and difficulty stopping) and the results for gam- although few people fit into this category at most
bler’s associates (such as lies, illegal actions, and loss locations, given the ubiquity of gaming activities in
of relationships). It is possible that some of the cur- contemporary society. People who do not gamble
rent criteria may be revised in updated editions of excessively, or who cause no harm to themselves
the DSM. or others, may be described as recreational or so-
A person may manifest a gambling addiction for a cial gamblers. Gamblers who display symptoms
period of time and then gain some control over his or are termed compulsive gamblers, disordered gamblers,
her behavior, only to relapse and begin the cycle yet excessive gamblers, intemperate gamblers, pathological
again. This is a common pattern for other addictive gamblers, or problematic gamblers. The term gambling
ÓÈÈÊ UÊ Gambling addiction Salem Health

addiction is not used typically in the social or the Prevention

health sciences, although the general public uses It can be argued that the best prevention for gambling
it. Some treatment centers use this nomenclature addiction is to avoid gambling, since most people do
as it is readily understood by clients. not realize their propensity for unhealthy and prob-
lematic gambling until they have a problem. Gener-
Treatment and Therapy ally, government dollars have been spent on treat-
Treatment traditionally involves talk therapy, al- ment rather than on prevention, but there are strong
though more recent approaches have focused on public health arguments that support greater efforts
pharmacological interventions, especially antide- in prevention.
pressants. A small number of studies have examined Susan J. Wurtzburg, PhD
the effects of mood stabilizers and opioid antagonists
(specifically naltrexone). Some of these medications Further Reading
had unpleasant side effects for the research volun- Kaminer, Yifrah, and Oscar G. Bukstein, eds. Adoles-
teers, especially the participants in clinical studies cent Substance Abuse: Psychiatric Comorbidity and High-
using naltrexone. Risk Behaviors. New York: Routledge, 2008. A broad
Many people with gambling addictions have ac- consideration of substance abuse among adoles-
cess to psychological and therapeutic treatments, cents.
including psychoanalytic approaches, psychody- Ladouceur, Robert, and Stella Lachance. Overcoming
namic-based treatments, behavioral therapy, cogni- Pathological Gambling: Therapist Guide. New York:
tive approaches, addiction-based interventions, and Oxford UP, 2006. Useful therapeutic information,
self-help. Much of the research on these types of from a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach, for
treatment relies on small sample sizes and no con- the therapist, gambler, and affected family mem-
trol groups, creating challenges in determining what bers.
treatments are most successful. Nathan, Peter E., and Jack M. Gorman, eds. A Guide
An additional problem for gamblers is that most to Treatments That Work. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford
treatments are offered at a cost, which can pose dif- UP, 2007.
ficulties for this group given that, typically, gamblers National Research Council. Pathological Gambling: A
have little money by the time they need treatment. Critical Review. Washington, DC: National Academy,
Free Gamblers Anonymous groups are found in 1999. A clearly written overview of gambling tech-
most urban centers, which is helpful for this client nology, problem gambling, its effects on individ-
group. uals and communities, and treatment.
In addition to methodological problems with Newman, Stephen C., and Angus H. Thompson.
studies that make it difficult to identify the most “The Association between Pathological Gambling
promising treatment options, there are conceptual and Attempted Suicide: Findings from a National
issues. Generally, people with gambling addictions Survey in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
have been considered to be a fairly uniform subject 52.9 (2007): 605–12. Print. Identifies an associa-
group by researchers; however, there are many dif- tion, although causality is unproven, between path-
ferences within the group in terms of comorbidity ological gambling and attempted suicide.
and other factors, which might influence treatment Petry, Nancy M. Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comor-
outcomes. Also, there are many problem gamblers bidity, and Treatment. Washington, DC: American
who manage to recover without treatment; it would Psychological Association, 2005. Examines patho-
be useful to learn more about this group and what logical gambling from a clinical perspective.
factors account for their improvement. Wong, Irene Lai Kuen. “Internet Gambling: A
Treatment efforts also have focused on spouses School-Based Survey among Macau Students.” So-
and other family members of problem gamblers. cial Behavior and Personality 38.3 (2010): 365–72.
Because the addict also negatively affects others Print. Discusses two growing gambling popu-
with his or her addiction, therapists have suggested lations, each of which deserves more study: In-
that family members too could benefit from some ternet gambling and adolescent participation in
intervention. gambling.
Addictions and Substance Abuse Gaming addictionÊ UÊ ÓÈÇ

Websites of Interest entertainment. Video gaming, like gambling, activates

A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia the brain’s reward pathways (and releases dopamine). Another consideration in the cause of video game ad-
PMH0002488 diction is the genre of the game. The massively mul-
tiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have a significant mixture of social interaction and open- ended game play that has drawn considerable atten-
addiction.htm tion for being addictive. The interactive nature of
video games and the increasing potential for realistic
National Council on Problem Gambling depictions of environments that allow for complex social interactions increase the potential that they be-
come salient to the person playing the game.

See also: Behavioral addictions: Overview; Compul- Risk Factors

sions; Gamblers Anonymous; Gaming addiction; Research indicates that adolescent and young adult
Impulse control disorders; Men and behavioral males are predominant users of video games and also
addictions show a greater incidence of dependency. Gaming can
elicit a cognitive and affective state known as flow,
which is characterized by a rewarding, focused sense
of control and a loss of sense of time and place. Data
demonstrate that pathological gaming can persist
Gaming addiction over time and is not a “phase.” Impulsivity, absence
Category: Psychological issues and behaviors of empathy, low social competence, and inability to
Also known as: Pathological video game use; prob- regulate emotion are correlated with pathological
lematic video gaming; video game addiction gaming, although experts differ on the causal rela-
Definition: Gaming addiction broadly refers to tionship of these factors in gaming development.
excessive time playing games, particularly video (The factors also may be in response to problematic
games. The gaming addict displays a pattern of gaming.)
behavioral addiction (similar to gambling addic- Addictive or pathological patterns of gaming also
tion) whereby he or she ignores social, relational, appear to predict mental health issues such as depres-
and occupational responsibilities and becomes sion, anxiety, and social phobias; however, the role of
preoccupied with the game. In general, gaming these effects in developing and maintaining gaming
addiction has a greater connection to video games problems is unclear. Youth who play games more
than to board games, card games, or sports. than thirty hours per week are more likely to develop
gaming addiction than are those who game less than
Causes twenty hours per week. Games such as MMORPGs,
Gaming addiction can have several underlying causes. which involve identifying with a gaming character
In general, gaming addictions are triggered and cul- or avatar, are much more likely to become addictive.
tivated when unmet (or partially met) social and psy- Open-ended games or those that regularly add con-
chological needs are fulfilled by playing games. It is tent to be mastered, also pose a risk of addiction. Per-
believed that one of the primary functions of playing sons with a history of addictions (such as substance
games is to rehearse real-life situations and circum- abuse and gambling) and persons with extended pe-
stances to develop behavioral responses without risk. riods of unstructured time are also considered to be
Reasons for excessive gaming can include stress re- at risk for gaming addiction.
lease, relaxation, anxiety reduction, escapism, au-
tonomy, social interaction, and competence and self- Symptoms
esteem development. Symptoms for gaming addiction, which range from psy-
Gaming addiction is considered to be similar to chological and social to physiological, include excessive
pathological gambling in that it begins as rewarding game-binging (gaming for more than six to eight hours

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